path: root/formats/json-tests
diff options
authorLeonid Startsev <>2023-01-24 18:07:33 +0100
committerGitHub <>2023-01-24 20:07:33 +0300
commit60c632c970d7da02151fd7c920f40ebc269c0f29 (patch)
tree2ce7ab3b0ac5c71b872730e1c30291ad61e8b63e /formats/json-tests
parent694e2f73f984c31918e8129b35fdf618fb7938ab (diff)
Provide support for JsonNamingStrategy to be used in Json for properties' names. (#2111)
Provide a basic implementation of SnakeCase strategy Fixes #33
Diffstat (limited to 'formats/json-tests')
3 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/formats/json-tests/commonTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/features/JsonNamingStrategyExclusionTest.kt b/formats/json-tests/commonTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/features/JsonNamingStrategyExclusionTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b9974543
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formats/json-tests/commonTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/features/JsonNamingStrategyExclusionTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+package kotlinx.serialization.features
+import kotlinx.serialization.*
+import kotlinx.serialization.json.*
+import kotlin.test.*
+class JsonNamingStrategyExclusionTest : JsonTestBase() {
+ @SerialInfo
+ @Target(AnnotationTarget.CLASS, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY)
+ annotation class OriginalSerialName
+ private fun List<Annotation>.hasOriginal() = filterIsInstance<OriginalSerialName>().isNotEmpty()
+ private val myStrategy = JsonNamingStrategy { descriptor, index, serialName ->
+ if (descriptor.annotations.hasOriginal() || descriptor.getElementAnnotations(index).hasOriginal()) serialName
+ else JsonNamingStrategy.SnakeCase.serialNameForJson(descriptor, index, serialName)
+ }
+ @Serializable
+ @OriginalSerialName
+ data class Foo(val firstArg: String = "a", val secondArg: String = "b")
+ enum class E {
+ @OriginalSerialName
+ }
+ @Serializable
+ data class Bar(
+ val firstBar: String = "a",
+ @OriginalSerialName val secondBar: String = "b",
+ val fooBar: Foo = Foo(),
+ val enumBarOne: E = E.FIRST_E,
+ val enumBarTwo: E = E.SECOND_E
+ )
+ private fun doTest(json: Json) {
+ val j = Json(json) {
+ namingStrategy = myStrategy
+ }
+ val bar = Bar()
+ assertJsonFormAndRestored(
+ Bar.serializer(),
+ bar,
+ """{"first_bar":"a","secondBar":"b","foo_bar":{"firstArg":"a","secondArg":"b"},"enum_bar_one":"FIRST_E","enum_bar_two":"SECOND_E"}""",
+ j
+ )
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testJsonNamingStrategyWithAlternativeNames() = doTest(Json(default) {
+ useAlternativeNames = true
+ })
+ @Test
+ fun testJsonNamingStrategyWithoutAlternativeNames() = doTest(Json(default) {
+ useAlternativeNames = false
+ })
diff --git a/formats/json-tests/commonTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/features/JsonNamingStrategyTest.kt b/formats/json-tests/commonTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/features/JsonNamingStrategyTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..330d5d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formats/json-tests/commonTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/features/JsonNamingStrategyTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+package kotlinx.serialization.features
+import kotlinx.serialization.*
+import kotlinx.serialization.builtins.*
+import kotlinx.serialization.json.*
+import kotlinx.serialization.test.*
+import kotlin.test.*
+class JsonNamingStrategyTest : JsonTestBase() {
+ @Serializable
+ data class Foo(
+ val simple: String = "a",
+ val oneWord: String = "b",
+ val already_in_snake: String = "c",
+ val aLotOfWords: String = "d",
+ val FirstCapitalized: String = "e",
+ val hasAcronymURL: Bar = Bar.BAZ,
+ val hasDigit123AndPostfix: Bar = Bar.QUX,
+ val coercionTest: Bar = Bar.QUX
+ )
+ enum class Bar { BAZ, QUX }
+ val jsonWithNaming = Json(default) {
+ namingStrategy = JsonNamingStrategy.SnakeCase
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testJsonNamingStrategyWithAlternativeNames() = doTest(Json(jsonWithNaming) {
+ useAlternativeNames = true
+ })
+ @Test
+ fun testJsonNamingStrategyWithoutAlternativeNames() = doTest(Json(jsonWithNaming) {
+ useAlternativeNames = false
+ })
+ private fun doTest(json: Json) {
+ val foo = Foo()
+ assertJsonFormAndRestored(
+ Foo.serializer(),
+ foo,
+ """{"simple":"a","one_word":"b","already_in_snake":"c","a_lot_of_words":"d","first_capitalized":"e","has_acronym_url":"BAZ","has_digit123_and_postfix":"QUX","coercion_test":"QUX"}""",
+ json
+ )
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testNamingStrategyWorksWithCoercing() {
+ val j = Json(jsonWithNaming) {
+ coerceInputValues = true
+ useAlternativeNames = false
+ }
+ assertEquals(
+ Foo(),
+ j.decodeFromString("""{"simple":"a","one_word":"b","already_in_snake":"c","a_lot_of_words":"d","first_capitalized":"e","has_acronym_url":"baz","has_digit123_and_postfix":"qux","coercion_test":"invalid"}""")
+ )
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testSnakeCaseStrategy() {
+ fun apply(name: String) =
+ JsonNamingStrategy.SnakeCase.serialNameForJson(String.serializer().descriptor, 0, name)
+ val cases = mapOf<String, String>(
+ "" to "",
+ "_" to "_",
+ "___" to "___",
+ "a" to "a",
+ "A" to "a",
+ "_1" to "_1",
+ "_a" to "_a",
+ "_A" to "_a",
+ "property" to "property",
+ "twoWords" to "two_words",
+ "threeDistinctWords" to "three_distinct_words",
+ "ThreeDistinctWords" to "three_distinct_words",
+ "Oneword" to "oneword",
+ "camel_Case_Underscores" to "camel_case_underscores",
+ "_many____underscores__" to "_many____underscores__",
+ "URLmapping" to "ur_lmapping",
+ "URLMapping" to "url_mapping",
+ "IOStream" to "io_stream",
+ "IOstream" to "i_ostream",
+ "myIo2Stream" to "my_io2_stream",
+ "myIO2Stream" to "my_io2_stream",
+ "myIO2stream" to "my_io2stream",
+ "myIO2streamMax" to "my_io2stream_max",
+ "InURLBetween" to "in_url_between",
+ "myHTTP2APIKey" to "my_http2_api_key",
+ "myHTTP2fastApiKey" to "my_http2fast_api_key",
+ "myHTTP23APIKey" to "my_http23_api_key",
+ "myHttp23ApiKey" to "my_http23_api_key",
+ "theWWW" to "the_www",
+ "theWWW_URL_xxx" to "the_www_url_xxx",
+ "hasDigit123AndPostfix" to "has_digit123_and_postfix"
+ )
+ cases.forEach { (input, expected) ->
+ assertEquals(expected, apply(input))
+ }
+ }
+ @Serializable
+ data class DontUseOriginal(val testCase: String)
+ @Test
+ fun testNamingStrategyOverridesOriginal() {
+ val json = Json(jsonWithNaming) {
+ ignoreUnknownKeys = true
+ }
+ parametrizedTest { mode ->
+ assertEquals(DontUseOriginal("a"), json.decodeFromString("""{"test_case":"a","testCase":"b"}""", mode))
+ }
+ val jsonThrows = Json(jsonWithNaming) {
+ ignoreUnknownKeys = false
+ }
+ parametrizedTest { mode ->
+ assertFailsWithMessage<SerializationException>("Encountered an unknown key 'testCase'") {
+ jsonThrows.decodeFromString<DontUseOriginal>("""{"test_case":"a","testCase":"b"}""", mode)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Serializable
+ data class CollisionCheckPrimary(val testCase: String, val test_case: String)
+ @Serializable
+ data class CollisionCheckAlternate(val testCase: String, @JsonNames("test_case") val testCase2: String)
+ @Test
+ fun testNamingStrategyPrioritizesOverAlternative() = noLegacyJs { // @JsonNames not supported on legacy
+ val json = Json(jsonWithNaming) {
+ ignoreUnknownKeys = true
+ }
+ parametrizedTest { mode ->
+ assertFailsWithMessage<SerializationException>("The suggested name 'test_case' for property test_case is already one of the names for property testCase") {
+ json.decodeFromString<CollisionCheckPrimary>("""{"test_case":"a"}""", mode)
+ }
+ }
+ parametrizedTest { mode ->
+ assertFailsWithMessage<SerializationException>("The suggested name 'test_case' for property testCase2 is already one of the names for property testCase") {
+ json.decodeFromString<CollisionCheckAlternate>("""{"test_case":"a"}""", mode)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Serializable
+ data class OriginalAsFallback(@JsonNames("testCase") val testCase: String)
+ @Test
+ fun testCanUseOriginalNameAsAlternative() = noLegacyJs { // @JsonNames not supported on legacy
+ val json = Json(jsonWithNaming) {
+ ignoreUnknownKeys = true
+ }
+ parametrizedTest { mode ->
+ assertEquals(OriginalAsFallback("b"), json.decodeFromString("""{"testCase":"b"}""", mode))
+ }
+ }
+ @Serializable
+ sealed interface SealedBase {
+ @Serializable
+ @JsonClassDiscriminator("typeSub")
+ sealed class SealedMid : SealedBase {
+ @Serializable
+ @SerialName("SealedSub1")
+ object SealedSub1 : SealedMid()
+ }
+ @Serializable
+ @SerialName("SealedSub2")
+ data class SealedSub2(val testCase: Int = 0) : SealedBase
+ }
+ @Serializable
+ data class Holder(val testBase: SealedBase, val testMid: SealedBase.SealedMid)
+ @Test
+ fun testNamingStrategyDoesNotAffectPolymorphism() = noLegacyJs { // @JsonClassDiscriminator
+ val json = Json(jsonWithNaming) {
+ classDiscriminator = "typeBase"
+ }
+ val holder = Holder(SealedBase.SealedSub2(), SealedBase.SealedMid.SealedSub1)
+ assertJsonFormAndRestored(
+ Holder.serializer(),
+ holder,
+ """{"test_base":{"typeBase":"SealedSub2","test_case":0},"test_mid":{"typeSub":"SealedSub1"}}""",
+ json
+ )
+ }
diff --git a/formats/json-tests/jsTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/json/JsonNamingStrategyDynamicTest.kt b/formats/json-tests/jsTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/json/JsonNamingStrategyDynamicTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1f7b0e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formats/json-tests/jsTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/json/JsonNamingStrategyDynamicTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+package kotlinx.serialization.json
+import kotlinx.serialization.*
+import kotlinx.serialization.features.*
+import kotlin.test.*
+class JsonNamingStrategyDynamicTest: JsonTestBase() {
+ private val jsForm = js("""{"simple":"a","one_word":"b","already_in_snake":"c","a_lot_of_words":"d","first_capitalized":"e","has_acronym_url":"BAZ","has_digit123_and_postfix":"QUX","coercion_test":"QUX"}""")
+ private val jsFormNeedsCoercing = js("""{"simple":"a","one_word":"b","already_in_snake":"c","a_lot_of_words":"d","first_capitalized":"e","has_acronym_url":"BAZ","has_digit123_and_postfix":"QUX","coercion_test":"invalid"}""")
+ private fun doTest(json: Json) {
+ val j = Json(json) {
+ namingStrategy = JsonNamingStrategy.SnakeCase
+ }
+ val foo = JsonNamingStrategyTest.Foo()
+ assertDynamicForm(foo)
+ assertEquals(foo, j.decodeFromDynamic(jsForm))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testNamingStrategyWorksWithCoercing() {
+ val j = Json(default) {
+ coerceInputValues = true
+ useAlternativeNames = false
+ namingStrategy = JsonNamingStrategy.SnakeCase
+ }
+ assertEquals(JsonNamingStrategyTest.Foo(), j.decodeFromDynamic(jsFormNeedsCoercing))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testJsonNamingStrategyWithAlternativeNames() = doTest(Json(default) {
+ useAlternativeNames = true
+ })
+ @Test
+ fun testJsonNamingStrategyWithoutAlternativeNames() = doTest(Json(default) {
+ useAlternativeNames = false
+ })