path: root/formats/json-tests/commonTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/features/JsonEnumsCaseInsensitiveTest.kt
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1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/formats/json-tests/commonTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/features/JsonEnumsCaseInsensitiveTest.kt b/formats/json-tests/commonTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/features/JsonEnumsCaseInsensitiveTest.kt
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+++ b/formats/json-tests/commonTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/features/JsonEnumsCaseInsensitiveTest.kt
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+package kotlinx.serialization.features
+import kotlinx.serialization.*
+import kotlinx.serialization.json.*
+import kotlinx.serialization.test.*
+import kotlin.test.*
+class JsonEnumsCaseInsensitiveTest: JsonTestBase() {
+ @Serializable
+ data class Foo(
+ val one: Bar = Bar.BAZ,
+ val two: Bar = Bar.QUX,
+ val three: Bar = Bar.QUX
+ )
+ enum class Bar { BAZ, QUX }
+ // It seems that we no longer report a warning that @Serializable is required for enums with @SerialName.
+ // It is still required for them to work at top-level.
+ @Serializable
+ enum class Cases {
+ MiXed,
+ all_lower,
+ @JsonNames("AltName")
+ hasAltNames,
+ @SerialName("SERIAL_NAME")
+ hasSerialName
+ }
+ @Serializable
+ data class EnumCases(val cases: List<Cases>)
+ val json = Json(default) { decodeEnumsCaseInsensitive = true }
+ @Test
+ fun testCases() = parametrizedTest { mode ->
+ val input =
+ """{"cases":["ALL_CAPS","all_caps","mixed","MIXED","miXed","all_lower","ALL_LOWER","all_Lower","hasAltNames","HASALTNAMES","altname","ALTNAME","AltName","SERIAL_NAME","serial_name"]}"""
+ val target = listOf(
+ Cases.ALL_CAPS,
+ Cases.ALL_CAPS,
+ Cases.MiXed,
+ Cases.MiXed,
+ Cases.MiXed,
+ Cases.all_lower,
+ Cases.all_lower,
+ Cases.all_lower,
+ Cases.hasAltNames,
+ Cases.hasAltNames,
+ Cases.hasAltNames,
+ Cases.hasAltNames,
+ Cases.hasAltNames,
+ Cases.hasSerialName,
+ Cases.hasSerialName
+ )
+ val decoded = json.decodeFromString<EnumCases>(input, mode)
+ assertEquals(EnumCases(target), decoded)
+ val encoded = json.encodeToString(decoded, mode)
+ assertEquals(
+ """{"cases":["ALL_CAPS","ALL_CAPS","MiXed","MiXed","MiXed","all_lower","all_lower","all_lower","hasAltNames","hasAltNames","hasAltNames","hasAltNames","hasAltNames","SERIAL_NAME","SERIAL_NAME"]}""",
+ encoded
+ )
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testTopLevelList() = parametrizedTest { mode ->
+ val input = """["all_caps","serial_name"]"""
+ val decoded = json.decodeFromString<List<Cases>>(input, mode)
+ assertEquals(listOf(Cases.ALL_CAPS, Cases.hasSerialName), decoded)
+ assertEquals("""["ALL_CAPS","SERIAL_NAME"]""", json.encodeToString(decoded, mode))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testTopLevelEnum() = parametrizedTest { mode ->
+ val input = """"altName""""
+ val decoded = json.decodeFromString<Cases>(input, mode)
+ assertEquals(Cases.hasAltNames, decoded)
+ assertEquals(""""hasAltNames"""", json.encodeToString(decoded, mode))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testSimpleCase() = parametrizedTest { mode ->
+ val input = """{"one":"baz","two":"Qux","three":"QUX"}"""
+ val decoded = json.decodeFromString<Foo>(input, mode)
+ assertEquals(Foo(), decoded)
+ assertEquals("""{"one":"BAZ","two":"QUX","three":"QUX"}""", json.encodeToString(decoded, mode))
+ }
+ enum class E { VALUE_A, @JsonNames("ALTERNATIVE") VALUE_B }
+ @Test
+ fun testDocSample() {
+ val j = Json { decodeEnumsCaseInsensitive = true }
+ @Serializable
+ data class Outer(val enums: List<E>)
+ println(j.decodeFromString<Outer>("""{"enums":["value_A", "alternative"]}""").enums)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testCoercingStillWorks() = parametrizedTest { mode ->
+ val withCoercing = Json(json) { coerceInputValues = true }
+ val input = """{"one":"baz","two":"unknown","three":"Que"}"""
+ assertEquals(Foo(), withCoercing.decodeFromString<Foo>(input, mode))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testCaseInsensitivePriorityOverCoercing() = parametrizedTest { mode ->
+ val withCoercing = Json(json) { coerceInputValues = true }
+ val input = """{"one":"QuX","two":"Baz","three":"Que"}"""
+ assertEquals(Foo(Bar.QUX, Bar.BAZ, Bar.QUX), withCoercing.decodeFromString<Foo>(input, mode))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testCoercingStillWorksWithNulls() = parametrizedTest { mode ->
+ val withCoercing = Json(json) { coerceInputValues = true }
+ val input = """{"one":"baz","two":"null","three":null}"""
+ assertEquals(Foo(), withCoercing.decodeFromString<Foo>(input, mode))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testFeatureDisablesProperly() = parametrizedTest { mode ->
+ val disabled = Json(json) {
+ coerceInputValues = true
+ decodeEnumsCaseInsensitive = false
+ }
+ val input = """{"one":"BAZ","two":"BAz","three":"baz"}""" // two and three should be coerced to QUX
+ assertEquals(Foo(), disabled.decodeFromString<Foo>(input, mode))
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testFeatureDisabledThrowsWithoutCoercing() = parametrizedTest { mode ->
+ val disabled = Json(json) {
+ coerceInputValues = false
+ decodeEnumsCaseInsensitive = false
+ }
+ val input = """{"one":"BAZ","two":"BAz","three":"baz"}"""
+ assertFailsWithMessage<SerializationException>("does not contain element with name 'BAz'") {
+ disabled.decodeFromString<Foo>(input, mode)
+ }
+ }
+ @Serializable enum class BadEnum { Bad, BAD }
+ @Serializable data class ListBadEnum(val l: List<BadEnum>)
+ @Test
+ fun testLowercaseClashThrowsException() = parametrizedTest { mode ->
+ assertFailsWithMessage<SerializationException>("""The suggested name 'bad' for enum value BAD is already one of the names for enum value Bad""") {
+ json.decodeFromString<Box<BadEnum>>("""{"boxed":"bad"}""", mode)
+ }
+ assertFailsWithMessage<SerializationException>("""The suggested name 'bad' for enum value BAD is already one of the names for enum value Bad""") {
+ json.decodeFromString<Box<BadEnum>>("""{"boxed":"unrelated"}""", mode)
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testLowercaseClashHandledWithoutFeature() = parametrizedTest { mode ->
+ val disabled = Json(json) {
+ coerceInputValues = false
+ decodeEnumsCaseInsensitive = false
+ }
+ assertEquals(ListBadEnum(listOf(BadEnum.Bad, BadEnum.BAD)), disabled.decodeFromString("""{"l":["Bad","BAD"]}""", mode))
+ }