path: root/runtime/commonMain/src/kotlinx/serialization/cbor/Cbor.kt
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Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/commonMain/src/kotlinx/serialization/cbor/Cbor.kt')
1 files changed, 402 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/commonMain/src/kotlinx/serialization/cbor/Cbor.kt b/runtime/commonMain/src/kotlinx/serialization/cbor/Cbor.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..243e412b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/commonMain/src/kotlinx/serialization/cbor/Cbor.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+ * Copyright 2017 JetBrains s.r.o.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package kotlinx.serialization.cbor
+import kotlinx.serialization.*
+import kotlinx.serialization.CompositeDecoder.Companion.READ_DONE
+import kotlinx.serialization.modules.EmptyModule
+import kotlinx.serialization.modules.SerialModule
+import kotlinx.serialization.internal.*
+import kotlin.experimental.or
+class Cbor(val updateMode: UpdateMode = UpdateMode.BANNED, val encodeDefaults: Boolean = true, context: SerialModule = EmptyModule): AbstractSerialFormat(context), BinaryFormat {
+ // Writes map entry as plain [key, value] pair, without bounds.
+ private inner class CborEntryWriter(encoder: CborEncoder) : CborWriter(encoder) {
+ override fun writeBeginToken() {
+ // no-op
+ }
+ override fun endStructure(desc: SerialDescriptor) {
+ // no-op
+ }
+ override fun encodeElement(desc: SerialDescriptor, index: Int) = true
+ }
+ // Differs from List only in start byte
+ private inner class CborMapWriter(encoder: CborEncoder) : CborListWriter(encoder) {
+ override fun writeBeginToken() = encoder.startMap()
+ }
+ // Writes all elements consequently, except size - CBOR supports maps and arrays of indefinite length
+ private open inner class CborListWriter(encoder: CborEncoder) : CborWriter(encoder) {
+ override fun writeBeginToken() = encoder.startArray()
+ override fun encodeElement(desc: SerialDescriptor, index: Int): Boolean = true
+ }
+ // Writes class as map [fieldName, fieldValue]
+ private open inner class CborWriter(val encoder: CborEncoder) : ElementValueEncoder() {
+ override val context: SerialModule
+ get() = this@Cbor.context
+ override fun shouldEncodeElementDefault(desc: SerialDescriptor, index: Int): Boolean = encodeDefaults
+ protected open fun writeBeginToken() = encoder.startMap()
+ //todo: Write size of map or array if known
+ override fun beginStructure(desc: SerialDescriptor, vararg typeParams: KSerializer<*>): CompositeEncoder {
+ val writer = when (desc.kind) {
+ StructureKind.LIST -> CborListWriter(encoder)
+ StructureKind.MAP -> CborMapWriter(encoder)
+ else -> CborWriter(encoder)
+ }
+ writer.writeBeginToken()
+ return writer
+ }
+ override fun endStructure(desc: SerialDescriptor) = encoder.end()
+ override fun encodeElement(desc: SerialDescriptor, index: Int): Boolean {
+ val name = desc.getElementName(index)
+ encoder.encodeString(name)
+ return true
+ }
+ override fun encodeString(value: String) = encoder.encodeString(value)
+ override fun encodeFloat(value: Float) = encoder.encodeFloat(value)
+ override fun encodeDouble(value: Double) = encoder.encodeDouble(value)
+ override fun encodeChar(value: Char) = encoder.encodeNumber(value.toLong())
+ override fun encodeByte(value: Byte) = encoder.encodeNumber(value.toLong())
+ override fun encodeShort(value: Short) = encoder.encodeNumber(value.toLong())
+ override fun encodeInt(value: Int) = encoder.encodeNumber(value.toLong())
+ override fun encodeLong(value: Long) = encoder.encodeNumber(value)
+ override fun encodeBoolean(value: Boolean) = encoder.encodeBoolean(value)
+ override fun encodeNull() = encoder.encodeNull()
+ override fun encodeEnum(
+ enumDescription: EnumDescriptor,
+ ordinal: Int
+ ) =
+ encoder.encodeString(enumDescription.getElementName(ordinal))
+ }
+ // For details of representation, see
+ class CborEncoder(val output: OutputStream) {
+ fun startArray() = output.write(BEGIN_ARRAY)
+ fun startMap() = output.write(BEGIN_MAP)
+ fun end() = output.write(BREAK)
+ fun encodeNull() = output.write(NULL)
+ fun encodeBoolean(value: Boolean) = output.write(if (value) TRUE else FALSE)
+ fun encodeNumber(value: Long) = output.write(composeNumber(value))
+ fun encodeString(value: String) {
+ val data = value.toUtf8Bytes()
+ val header = composeNumber(data.size.toLong())
+ header[0] = header[0] or HEADER_STRING
+ output.write(header)
+ output.write(data)
+ }
+ fun encodeFloat(value: Float) {
+ val data = ByteBuffer.allocate(5)
+ .put(NEXT_FLOAT.toByte())
+ .putFloat(value)
+ .array()
+ output.write(data)
+ }
+ fun encodeDouble(value: Double) {
+ val data = ByteBuffer.allocate(9)
+ .put(NEXT_DOUBLE.toByte())
+ .putDouble(value)
+ .array()
+ output.write(data)
+ }
+ private fun composeNumber(value: Long): ByteArray =
+ if (value >= 0) composePositive(value) else composeNegative(value)
+ private fun composePositive(value: Long): ByteArray = when (value) {
+ in 0..23 -> byteArrayOf(value.toByte())
+ in 24..Byte.MAX_VALUE -> byteArrayOf(24, value.toByte())
+ in Byte.MAX_VALUE + 1..Short.MAX_VALUE -> ByteBuffer.allocate(3).put(25.toByte()).putShort(value.toShort()).array()
+ in Short.MAX_VALUE + 1..Int.MAX_VALUE -> ByteBuffer.allocate(5).put(26.toByte()).putInt(value.toInt()).array()
+ in (Int.MAX_VALUE.toLong() + 1..Long.MAX_VALUE) -> ByteBuffer.allocate(9).put(27.toByte()).putLong(value).array()
+ else -> throw AssertionError("$value should be positive")
+ }
+ private fun composeNegative(value: Long): ByteArray {
+ val aVal = if (value == Long.MIN_VALUE) Long.MAX_VALUE else -1 - value
+ val data = composePositive(aVal)
+ data[0] = data[0] or HEADER_NEGATIVE
+ return data
+ }
+ }
+ private inner class CborEntryReader(decoder: CborDecoder) : CborReader(decoder) {
+ private var ind = 0
+ override fun skipBeginToken() {
+ // no-op
+ }
+ override fun endStructure(desc: SerialDescriptor) {
+ // no-op
+ }
+ override fun decodeElementIndex(desc: SerialDescriptor) = when (ind++) {
+ 0 -> 0
+ 1 -> 1
+ else -> READ_DONE
+ }
+ }
+ private inner class CborMapReader(decoder: CborDecoder) : CborListReader(decoder) {
+ override fun skipBeginToken() = decoder.startMap()
+ }
+ private open inner class CborListReader(decoder: CborDecoder) : CborReader(decoder) {
+ private var ind = -1
+ private var size = -1
+ protected var finiteMode = false
+ override fun skipBeginToken() {
+ val len = decoder.startArray()
+ if (len != -1) {
+ finiteMode = true
+ size = len
+ }
+ }
+ override fun decodeElementIndex(desc: SerialDescriptor) = if (!finiteMode && decoder.isEnd() || (finiteMode && ind >= size - 1)) READ_DONE else ++ind
+ override fun endStructure(desc: SerialDescriptor) {
+ if (!finiteMode) decoder.end()
+ }
+ }
+ private open inner class CborReader(val decoder: CborDecoder) : ElementValueDecoder() {
+ override val context: SerialModule
+ get() = this@Cbor.context
+ override val updateMode: UpdateMode
+ get() = this@Cbor.updateMode
+ protected open fun skipBeginToken() = decoder.startMap()
+ override fun beginStructure(desc: SerialDescriptor, vararg typeParams: KSerializer<*>): CompositeDecoder {
+ val re = when (desc.kind) {
+ StructureKind.LIST -> CborListReader(decoder)
+ StructureKind.MAP -> CborMapReader(decoder)
+ else -> CborReader(decoder)
+ }
+ re.skipBeginToken()
+ return re
+ }
+ override fun endStructure(desc: SerialDescriptor) = decoder.end()
+ override fun decodeElementIndex(desc: SerialDescriptor): Int {
+ if (decoder.isEnd()) return READ_DONE
+ val elemName = decoder.nextString()
+ return desc.getElementIndexOrThrow(elemName)
+ }
+ override fun decodeString() = decoder.nextString()
+ override fun decodeNotNullMark(): Boolean = !decoder.isNull()
+ override fun decodeDouble() = decoder.nextDouble()
+ override fun decodeFloat() = decoder.nextFloat()
+ override fun decodeBoolean() = decoder.nextBoolean()
+ override fun decodeByte() = decoder.nextNumber().toByte()
+ override fun decodeShort() = decoder.nextNumber().toShort()
+ override fun decodeChar() = decoder.nextNumber().toChar()
+ override fun decodeInt() = decoder.nextNumber().toInt()
+ override fun decodeLong() = decoder.nextNumber()
+ override fun decodeNull() = decoder.nextNull()
+ override fun decodeEnum(enumDescription: EnumDescriptor): Int =
+ enumDescription.getElementIndexOrThrow(decoder.nextString())
+ }
+ class CborDecoder(val input: InputStream) {
+ private var curByte: Int = -1
+ init {
+ readByte()
+ }
+ private fun readByte(): Int {
+ curByte =
+ return curByte
+ }
+ private fun skipByte(expected: Int) {
+ if (curByte != expected) throw CborDecodingException("byte ${HexConverter.toHexString(expected)}", curByte)
+ readByte()
+ }
+ fun isNull() = curByte == NULL
+ fun nextNull(): Nothing? {
+ skipByte(NULL)
+ return null
+ }
+ fun nextBoolean(): Boolean {
+ val ans = when (curByte) {
+ TRUE -> true
+ FALSE -> false
+ else -> throw CborDecodingException("boolean value", curByte)
+ }
+ readByte()
+ return ans
+ }
+ fun startArray(): Int {
+ if (curByte == BEGIN_ARRAY) {
+ skipByte(BEGIN_ARRAY)
+ return -1
+ }
+ if ((curByte and 0b111_00000) != HEADER_ARRAY)
+ throw CborDecodingException("start of array", curByte)
+ val arrayLen = readNumber().toInt()
+ readByte()
+ return arrayLen
+ }
+ fun startMap() = skipByte(BEGIN_MAP)
+ fun isEnd() = curByte == BREAK
+ fun end() = skipByte(BREAK)
+ fun nextString(): String {
+ if ((curByte and 0b111_00000) != HEADER_STRING.toInt())
+ throw CborDecodingException("start of string", curByte)
+ val strLen = readNumber().toInt()
+ val arr = input.readExactNBytes(strLen)
+ val ans = stringFromUtf8Bytes(arr)
+ readByte()
+ return ans
+ }
+ fun nextNumber(): Long {
+ val res = readNumber()
+ readByte()
+ return res
+ }
+ private fun readNumber(): Long {
+ val value = curByte and 0b000_11111
+ val negative = (curByte and 0b111_00000) == HEADER_NEGATIVE.toInt()
+ val bytesToRead = when (value) {
+ 24 -> 1
+ 25 -> 2
+ 26 -> 4
+ 27 -> 8
+ else -> 0
+ }
+ if (bytesToRead == 0) {
+ if (negative) return -(value + 1).toLong()
+ else return value.toLong()
+ }
+ val buf = input.readToByteBuffer(bytesToRead)
+ val res = when (bytesToRead) {
+ 1 -> buf.getUnsignedByte().toLong()
+ 2 -> buf.getUnsignedShort().toLong()
+ 4 -> buf.getUnsignedInt()
+ 8 -> buf.getLong()
+ else -> throw AssertionError()
+ }
+ return if (negative) -(res + 1)
+ else res
+ }
+ fun nextFloat(): Float {
+ if (curByte != NEXT_FLOAT) throw CborDecodingException("float header", curByte)
+ val res = input.readToByteBuffer(4).getFloat()
+ readByte()
+ return res
+ }
+ fun nextDouble(): Double {
+ if (curByte != NEXT_DOUBLE) throw CborDecodingException("double header", curByte)
+ val res = input.readToByteBuffer(8).getDouble()
+ readByte()
+ return res
+ }
+ }
+ companion object: BinaryFormat {
+ private const val FALSE = 0xf4
+ private const val TRUE = 0xf5
+ private const val NULL = 0xf6
+ private const val NEXT_FLOAT = 0xfa
+ private const val NEXT_DOUBLE = 0xfb
+ private const val BEGIN_ARRAY = 0x9f
+ private const val BEGIN_MAP = 0xbf
+ private const val BREAK = 0xff
+ private const val HEADER_STRING: Byte = 0b011_00000
+ private const val HEADER_NEGATIVE: Byte = 0b001_00000
+ private const val HEADER_ARRAY: Int = 0b100_00000
+ val plain = Cbor()
+ override fun <T> dump(serializer: SerializationStrategy<T>, obj: T): ByteArray = plain.dump(serializer, obj)
+ override fun <T> load(deserializer: DeserializationStrategy<T>, bytes: ByteArray): T = plain.load(deserializer, bytes)
+ override fun install(module: SerialModule) = throw IllegalStateException("You should not install anything to global instance")
+ override val context: SerialModule get() = plain.context
+ }
+ override fun <T> dump(serializer: SerializationStrategy<T>, obj: T): ByteArray {
+ val output = ByteArrayOutputStream()
+ val dumper = CborWriter(CborEncoder(output))
+ dumper.encode(serializer, obj)
+ return output.toByteArray()
+ }
+ override fun <T> load(deserializer: DeserializationStrategy<T>, bytes: ByteArray): T {
+ val stream = ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)
+ val reader = CborReader(CborDecoder(stream))
+ return reader.decode(deserializer)
+ }
+class CborDecodingException(expected: String, foundByte: Int) :
+ SerializationException("Expected $expected, but found ${HexConverter.toHexString(foundByte)}")