path: root/runtime/commonTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/features/PolymorphismWithAnyTest.kt
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diff --git a/runtime/commonTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/features/PolymorphismWithAnyTest.kt b/runtime/commonTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/features/PolymorphismWithAnyTest.kt
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+++ b/runtime/commonTest/src/kotlinx/serialization/features/PolymorphismWithAnyTest.kt
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+ * Copyright 2017-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
+ */
+package kotlinx.serialization.features
+import kotlinx.serialization.*
+import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
+import kotlinx.serialization.modules.SerializersModule
+import kotlinx.serialization.test.assertStringFormAndRestored
+import kotlinx.serialization.test.isJs
+import kotlin.test.*
+class PolymorphismWithAnyTest {
+ @Serializable
+ data class MyPolyData(val data: Map<String, @Polymorphic Any>)
+ @Serializable
+ data class MyPolyDataWithPolyBase(
+ val data: Map<String, @Polymorphic Any>,
+ @Polymorphic val polyBase: PolyBase
+ )
+ @Test
+ fun testWithoutModules() = assertStringFormAndRestored(
+ expected = """{"data":{"stringKey":["kotlin.String","string1"],"mapKey":["kotlin.collections.HashMap",[["kotlin.String","nestedKey"],["kotlin.String","nestedValue"]]],"listKey":["kotlin.collections.ArrayList",[["kotlin.String","foo"]]]}}""",
+ original = MyPolyData(
+ linkedMapOf(
+ "stringKey" to "string1",
+ "mapKey" to hashMapOf("nestedKey" to "nestedValue"),
+ "listKey" to listOf("foo")
+ )
+ ),
+ serializer = MyPolyData.serializer(),
+ format = Json { useArrayPolymorphism = true }
+ )
+ // KClass.toString() on JS prints simple name, not FQ one
+ @Suppress("NAME_SHADOWING")
+ private fun checkNotRegisteredMessage(className: String, scopeName: String, exception: SerializationException) {
+ val className = if (isJs()) className.split('.').last() else className
+ val scopeName = if (isJs()) scopeName.split('.').last() else scopeName
+ val expectedText =
+ "class $className is not registered for polymorphic serialization in the scope of class $scopeName"
+ assertEquals(expectedText, exception.message)
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testFailWithoutModulesWithCustomClass() {
+ checkNotRegisteredMessage(
+ "kotlinx.serialization.IntData", "kotlin.Any",
+ assertFailsWith<SerializationException>("not registered") {
+ Json.stringify(
+ MyPolyData.serializer(),
+ MyPolyData(mapOf("a" to IntData(42)))
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testWithModules() {
+ val json = Json(context = SerializersModule { polymorphic(Any::class) { IntData::class with IntData.serializer() } })
+ assertStringFormAndRestored(
+ expected = """{"data":{"a":{"type":"kotlinx.serialization.IntData","intV":42}}}""",
+ original = MyPolyData(mapOf("a" to IntData(42))),
+ serializer = MyPolyData.serializer(),
+ format = json
+ )
+ }
+ /**
+ * This test should fail because PolyDerived registered in the scope of PolyBase, not kotlin.Any
+ */
+ @Test
+ fun testFailWithModulesNotInAnyScope() {
+ val json = Json(context = BaseAndDerivedModule)
+ checkNotRegisteredMessage(
+ "kotlinx.serialization.features.PolyDerived", "kotlin.Any",
+ assertFailsWith<SerializationException> {
+ json.stringify(
+ MyPolyData.serializer(),
+ MyPolyData(mapOf("a" to PolyDerived("foo")))
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ private val baseAndDerivedModuleAtAny = SerializersModule {
+ polymorphic(Any::class) {
+ PolyDerived::class with PolyDerived.serializer()
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testRebindModules() {
+ val json = Json(context = baseAndDerivedModuleAtAny)
+ assertStringFormAndRestored(
+ expected = """{"data":{"a":{"type":"kotlinx.serialization.features.PolyDerived","id":1,"s":"foo"}}}""",
+ original = MyPolyData(mapOf("a" to PolyDerived("foo"))),
+ serializer = MyPolyData.serializer(),
+ format = json
+ )
+ }
+ /**
+ * This test should fail because PolyDerived registered in the scope of kotlin.Any, not PolyBase
+ */
+ @Test
+ fun testFailWithModulesNotInParticularScope() {
+ val json = Json(context = baseAndDerivedModuleAtAny)
+ checkNotRegisteredMessage(
+ "kotlinx.serialization.features.PolyDerived", "kotlinx.serialization.features.PolyBase",
+ assertFailsWith {
+ json.stringify(
+ MyPolyDataWithPolyBase.serializer(),
+ MyPolyDataWithPolyBase(mapOf("a" to PolyDerived("foo")), PolyDerived("foo"))
+ )
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ @Test
+ fun testBindModules() {
+ val json = Json(context = (baseAndDerivedModuleAtAny + BaseAndDerivedModule))
+ assertStringFormAndRestored(
+ expected = """{"data":{"a":{"type":"kotlinx.serialization.features.PolyDerived","id":1,"s":"foo"}},
+ |"polyBase":{"type":"kotlinx.serialization.features.PolyDerived","id":1,"s":"foo"}}""".trimMargin().lines().joinToString(""),
+ original = MyPolyDataWithPolyBase(mapOf("a" to PolyDerived("foo")), PolyDerived("foo")),
+ serializer = MyPolyDataWithPolyBase.serializer(),
+ format = json
+ )
+ }