#!/usr/bin/env bash # Abort on first error set -e # Directories ROOT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" DIST_DIR="$ROOT_DIR/build/dokka/htmlMultiModule" PAGES_DIR="$ROOT_DIR/build/pages" # Init options GRADLE_OPT= PUSH_OPT= # Set dry run if needed if [ "$2" == "push" ] ; then echo "--- Doing LIVE site deployment, so do clean build" GRADLE_OPT=clean else echo "--- Doing dry-run. To commit do 'update_docs.sh push'" PUSH_OPT=--dry-run fi # Makes sure that site is built "$ROOT_DIR/gradlew" $GRADLE_OPT dokkaHtmlMultiModule # Cleanup dist directory (and ignore errors) rm -rf "$PAGES_DIR" || true # Prune worktrees to avoid errors from previous attempts git --work-tree "$ROOT_DIR" worktree prune # Create git worktree for gh-pages branch git --work-tree "$ROOT_DIR" worktree add -B gh-pages "$PAGES_DIR" origin/gh-pages # Now work in newly created workspace cd "$PAGES_DIR" # Fixup all the old documentation files # Remove non-.html files REMOVE_FILES=$(find . -type f -not -name '.git') if [ "$REMOVE_FILES" != "" ] ; then git rm $REMOVE_FILES > /dev/null fi # Copy manually new documentation and flat out kotlinx-serialization cp -r "$DIST_DIR"/* "$PAGES_DIR" # Add it all to git # git add * for file in $(find $PAGES_DIR -type f -name '*'); do git add $file; done # Commit docs for the new version if [ -z "$1" ] ; then echo "No argument with version supplied -- skipping commit" else git commit -m "Version $1 docs" git push $PUSH_OPT origin gh-pages:gh-pages fi