path: root/symbol-processing
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-02-06reorganize sources and java doc jar publish taskJiaxiang Chen
2022-02-06pack util module into symbol-processing-cmdline artifactJiaxiang Chen
2022-02-06pack util into symbol-processing jarJiaxiang Chen
2021-08-24Fix javadoc dependency and gradle warningTing-Yuan Huang
2021-08-16Fix ktlint issues and apply ktlint to workflowAlex Beggs
2021-08-12sign for all publications instead of get publication by name.Jiaxiang Chen
2021-08-11add signing plugin to publishing taskJiaxiang Chen
2021-08-07Generate and publish JavadocTing-Yuan Huang
2021-08-04Publish compiler plugin artifact for `kotlin-compiler`Ting-Yuan Huang
Artifact `symbol-processing` is relocated so as to be loadable by `kotlin-compiler-embeddable`. To be able to work with `kotlin-compiler`, e.g., in command line or K/N, an unrelocated `symbol-processing-cmdline` is needed.
2021-01-28Add integration tests for pluginYigit Boyar
This PR adds a testing infra for the gradle plugin and also adds support for android variants.
2021-01-19Framework for integration testsTing-Yuan Huang
2021-01-09Fine tuning contents of symbol-processing.jarTing-Yuan Huang
ShadowJar picks up the `compile` configuration by default and pulls stdlib in (when using `from` without changing `configurations`).
2021-01-06Setup depenedencies in compiler plugin's POMTing-Yuan Huang
To be able to do composite build, KSP depends on kotlin-compiler rather than kotlin-compiler-embeddable and uses ShadowJar to relocate some symbols. Unfortunately, ShadowJar doesn't seem able to relocate the jar only and generate proper dependencies in the POM. As a workaround, this commit hard-coded the dependencies.
2021-01-05Gradle plugin publishing setupYigit Boyar
This CL updates the build to properly publish the gradle plugin with an id to avoid the need to modify settings gradle. After this change, we'll have the following 4 artifacts: symbol-processing-api: same as before symbol-processing: does not include the the gradle-plugin anymore symbol-processing-gradle-plugin: the gradle plugin com.google.devtools.ksp.gradle.plugin: gradle plugin marker artifact After this change, developer can enable KSP by: id("com.google.devtools.ksp") * Still needs to have google as a plugin repository. The gradle plugin publishing model requires publishing a marker artifact so that Gradle can find the main plugin artifact. I've added `java-gradle-plugin` plugin to the gradle-plugin module to enable publishing. Unfortunately, it does have a validation step which fails while traversing kotlin classes in the classpath so I had to disable it. We can enable it once gradle depends on kotlin 1.4. As part of this, I've removed the gradle plugin from the symbol-processing artifact. Instead, it is now published as symbol-processing-gradle-plugin artifact (it is consistent with the project's and androidx's naming scheme but open to changes). For plugin id, I couldn't use symbol-processing because that would require us to publish an artifact with symbol-processing group. Instead, I've picked `com.google.devtools.ksp` which seems close to what AGP does (com.android.application). This way, we can publish the marker artifact in the KSP group. I've made a couple more changes: * Updated gradle to 6.6.1, which is the version kotlin uses * Moved publishing setup to the main gradle file to configure common things (pom, version etc) * Moved the Jar manifest configuration to the main build file so that all artifacts have it (was also a necessary change after unbundling the gradle plugin since it uses that information to find the version). Had to remove `Implementation-Title` as archiveBaseName is depreacted an will be removed in 7. * Added an `outRepo` command line argument to set the repository location for publication. It is handy when testing with a local build. Fixes: #203
2020-09-24Add more information to .pomTing-Yuan Huang
2020-09-23Generate a default kspVersionTing-Yuan Huang
2020-09-18Pack and publish sources jarsTing-Yuan Huang
Change-Id: I06b529a2d5fbc8a3fff8323f6d0ae596589b3d68
2020-09-16Merge kotlin.symbol.processing to kspTing-Yuan Huang
2020-09-15Update group IDTing-Yuan Huang
2020-09-15Support versioningTing-Yuan Huang
2020-09-15Cleanup unnecessary dependencies from shadowJarTing-Yuan Huang
2020-09-15Update artifact namesTing-Yuan Huang