path: root/examples/mvcdec/main.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/mvcdec/main.c')
1 files changed, 1544 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/mvcdec/main.c b/examples/mvcdec/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5b700f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/mvcdec/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1544 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************
+ * Originally developed and contributed by Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include "ih264_typedefs.h"
+#include "iv.h"
+#include "ivd.h"
+#include "imvcd.h"
+#include "ih264_debug.h"
+#include "ih264d.h"
+#include "ithread.h"
+/* Constants */
+#define MAX_DISP_BUFFERS 64
+#define STRLENGTH 1000
+#define MAX_ARG_NAME_LENGTH 128
+#define MAX_ARG_DESC_LENGTH 512
+#define MAX_NUM_VIEWS 6
+/* Macro functions */
+#define GETTIME(timer) gettimeofday(timer, NULL);
+#define ELAPSEDTIME(s_start_timer, s_end_timer, s_elapsed_time, frequency) \
+ s_elapsed_time = ((s_end_timer.tv_sec - s_start_timer.tv_sec) * 1000000) + \
+ (s_end_timer.tv_usec - s_start_timer.tv_usec);
+#define GETTIME(timer)
+#define ELAPSEDTIME(s_start_timer, s_end_timer, s_elapsed_time, frequency)
+/* Typedefs */
+typedef enum ARGUMENT_T
+typedef enum COMPONENT_TYPES_T
+ Y = 0,
+ UV = 1,
+ U = 1,
+ V = 2,
+typedef struct timeval TIMER;
+typedef WORD32 TIMER;
+typedef struct mvc_app_files_t
+ UWORD8 au1_ip_fname[STRLENGTH];
+ UWORD8 au1_op_fname[STRLENGTH];
+ UWORD8 au1_op_chksum_fname[STRLENGTH];
+ UWORD32 au4_disp_frm_id_queue[MAX_DISP_BUFFERS];
+} mvc_app_files_t;
+typedef struct mvc_dec_ctx_t
+ mvc_app_files_t s_mvc_app_files;
+ imvcd_get_buf_info_op_t s_disp_buf_props;
+ iv_yuv_buf_t as_view_disp_bufs[MAX_NUM_VIEWS];
+ iv_obj_t *ps_codec_obj;
+ IV_COLOR_FORMAT_T e_output_chroma_format;
+ IVD_ARCH_T e_arch;
+ IVD_SOC_T e_soc;
+ UWORD32 u4_max_frm_ts;
+ UWORD32 u4_disable_dblk_level;
+ WORD32 i4_degrade_type;
+ WORD32 i4_degrade_pics;
+ UWORD32 u4_num_cores;
+ UWORD32 u4_disp_delay;
+ UWORD32 u4_fps;
+ UWORD32 u4_pic_wd;
+ UWORD32 u4_pic_ht;
+ UWORD32 u4_loopback;
+ UWORD32 u4_file_save_flag;
+ UWORD32 u4_chksum_save_flag;
+ UWORD8 u1_quit;
+} mvc_dec_ctx_t;
+typedef struct argument_t
+ UWORD8 au1_argument_shortname[MAX_ARG_SHORTNAME_LENGTH];
+ UWORD8 au1_argument_name[MAX_ARG_NAME_LENGTH];
+ ARGUMENT_T e_argument;
+ UWORD8 au1_description[MAX_ARG_DESC_LENGTH];
+} argument_t;
+/* Function declarations */
+#ifndef MD5_DISABLE
+void calc_md5_cksum(UWORD8 *pu1_inbuf, UWORD32 u4_stride, UWORD32 u4_width, UWORD32 u4_height,
+ UWORD8 *pu1_cksum_p);
+#define calc_md5_cksum(a, b, c, d, e)
+static inline void *mvcd_aligned_malloc(void *pv_ctxt, WORD32 alignment, WORD32 i4_size)
+ void *buf = NULL;
+ (void) pv_ctxt;
+ if(0 != posix_memalign(&buf, alignment, i4_size))
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return buf;
+static inline void mvcd_aligned_free(void *pv_ctxt, void *pv_buf)
+ (void) pv_ctxt;
+ free(pv_buf);
+ return;
+static const argument_t argument_mapping[] = {
+ {"-h", "--help", HELP, "Print this help\n"},
+ {"-c", "--config", CONFIG, "config file (Default: test.cfg)\n"},
+ {"-i", "--input", INPUT_FILE, "Input file\n"},
+ {"-o", "--output", OUTPUT, "Output file\n"},
+ {"--", "--chksum", CHKSUM, "Output MD5 Checksum file\n"},
+ {"-s", "--save_output", SAVE_OUTPUT, "Save Output file\n"},
+ {"--", "--save_chksum", SAVE_CHKSUM, "Save Check sum file\n"},
+ {"-n", "--num_frames", NUM_FRAMES, "Number of frames to be decoded\n"},
+ {"--", "--num_cores", NUM_CORES, "Number of cores to be used\n"},
+ {"--", "--disable_deblock_level", DISABLE_DEBLOCK_LEVEL,
+ "Disable deblocking level : 0 to 4 - 0 Enable deblocking 4 Disable "
+ "deblocking completely\n"},
+ {"--", "--u4_loopback", LOOPBACK, "Enable playback in a loop\n"},
+ {"--", "--degrade_type", DEGRADE_TYPE,
+ "Degrade type : 0: No degrade 0th bit set : Disable SAO 1st bit set : "
+ "Disable deblocking 2nd bit set : Faster inter prediction filters 3rd bit "
+ "set : Fastest inter prediction filters\n"},
+ {"--", "--degrade_pics", DEGRADE_PICS,
+ "Degrade pics : 0 : No degrade 1 : Only on non-reference frames 2 : Do "
+ "not degrade every 4th or key frames 3 : All non-key frames 4 : All "
+ "frames\n"},
+ {"--", "--arch", ARCH,
+ "Set Architecture. Supported values - ARM_A9Q, ARMV8_GENERIC, "
+ "X86_GENERIC, X86_SSE4 \n"},
+/* */
+/* Function Name : raise */
+/* */
+/* Description : Needed as a workaround when the application is built in */
+/* Android NDK. This is an exception to be called for divide*/
+/* by zero error */
+/* */
+/* Inputs : a */
+/* Globals : */
+/* Processing : None */
+/* */
+/* Outputs : */
+/* Returns : */
+/* */
+/* Issues : */
+/* */
+/* Revision History: */
+/* */
+/* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes */
+/* 07 09 2012 100189 Initial Version */
+/* */
+static int raise(int a)
+ printf("Divide by zero\n");
+ return 0;
+static void mvcd_print_usage(void)
+ WORD32 i = 0;
+ WORD32 num_entries = sizeof(argument_mapping) / sizeof(argument_t);
+ printf("\nUsage:\n");
+ while(i < num_entries)
+ {
+ printf("%-32s\t %s", argument_mapping[i].au1_argument_name,
+ argument_mapping[i].au1_description);
+ i++;
+ }
+static ARGUMENT_T mvcd_get_argument(char *name)
+ WORD32 i = 0;
+ WORD32 num_entries = sizeof(argument_mapping) / sizeof(argument_t);
+ while(i < num_entries)
+ {
+ if((0 == strcmp((char *) argument_mapping[i].au1_argument_name, name)) ||
+ ((0 == strcmp((char *) argument_mapping[i].au1_argument_shortname, name)) &&
+ (0 != strcmp((char *) argument_mapping[i].au1_argument_shortname, "--"))))
+ {
+ return argument_mapping[i].e_argument;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ return INVALID;
+static void mvcd_exit(UWORD8 *pu1_err_message)
+ printf("%s\n", pu1_err_message);
+ exit(-1);
+static void mvcd_parse_argument(mvc_dec_ctx_t *ps_app_ctx, char *argument, char *value)
+ arg = mvcd_get_argument((char *) argument);
+ switch(arg)
+ {
+ case HELP:
+ {
+ mvcd_print_usage();
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ case INPUT_FILE:
+ {
+ sscanf(value, "%s", ps_app_ctx->s_mvc_app_files.au1_ip_fname);
+ break;
+ }
+ case OUTPUT:
+ {
+ sscanf(value, "%s", ps_app_ctx->s_mvc_app_files.au1_op_fname);
+ break;
+ }
+ case CHKSUM:
+ {
+ sscanf(value, "%s", ps_app_ctx->s_mvc_app_files.au1_op_chksum_fname);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ sscanf(value, "%u", &ps_app_ctx->u4_file_save_flag);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ sscanf(value, "%u", &ps_app_ctx->u4_chksum_save_flag);
+ break;
+ }
+ case NUM_FRAMES:
+ {
+ sscanf(value, "%u", &ps_app_ctx->u4_max_frm_ts);
+ break;
+ }
+ case NUM_CORES:
+ {
+ sscanf(value, "%u", &ps_app_ctx->u4_num_cores);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ sscanf(value, "%d", &ps_app_ctx->i4_degrade_pics);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ sscanf(value, "%d", &ps_app_ctx->i4_degrade_type);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LOOPBACK:
+ {
+ sscanf(value, "%u", &ps_app_ctx->u4_loopback);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ARCH:
+ {
+ if((strcmp(value, "ARM_A9Q")) == 0)
+ {
+ ps_app_ctx->e_arch = ARCH_ARM_A9Q;
+ }
+ else if((strcmp(value, "X86_GENERIC")) == 0)
+ {
+ ps_app_ctx->e_arch = ARCH_X86_GENERIC;
+ }
+ else if((strcmp(value, "X86_SSSE3")) == 0)
+ {
+ ps_app_ctx->e_arch = ARCH_X86_SSSE3;
+ }
+ else if((strcmp(value, "X86_SSE42")) == 0)
+ {
+ ps_app_ctx->e_arch = ARCH_X86_SSE42;
+ }
+ else if((strcmp(value, "ARMV8_GENERIC")) == 0)
+ {
+ ps_app_ctx->e_arch = ARCH_ARMV8_GENERIC;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("\nInvalid Arch. Setting it to ARCH_ARMV8_GENERIC\n");
+ ps_app_ctx->e_arch = ARCH_ARMV8_GENERIC;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ sscanf(value, "%u", &ps_app_ctx->u4_disable_dblk_level);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ printf("Ignoring argument : %s\n", argument);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+static void mvcd_read_cfg_file(mvc_dec_ctx_t *ps_app_ctx, FILE *ps_cfg_file)
+ char line[STRLENGTH];
+ char description[STRLENGTH];
+ char value[STRLENGTH];
+ char argument[STRLENGTH];
+ void *ret;
+ while(0 == feof(ps_cfg_file))
+ {
+ line[0] = '\0';
+ ret = fgets(line, STRLENGTH, ps_cfg_file);
+ if(NULL == ret) break;
+ argument[0] = '\0';
+ /* Reading Input File Name */
+ sscanf(line, "%s %s %s", argument, value, description);
+ if(argument[0] == '\0') continue;
+ mvcd_parse_argument(ps_app_ctx, argument, value);
+ }
+static void mvcd_get_view_file_name(const UWORD8 *pu1_default_name, UWORD8 *pu1_view_file_name,
+ UWORD16 u2_view_id)
+ CHAR *apc_sub_str[2];
+ CHAR ac_string[STRLENGTH];
+ const CHAR ac_delimiters[] = ".";
+ strcpy(ac_string, (char *) pu1_default_name);
+ apc_sub_str[0] = strtok(ac_string, ac_delimiters);
+ apc_sub_str[1] = strtok(NULL, ac_delimiters);
+ ASSERT(NULL == strtok(NULL, ac_delimiters));
+ ASSERT((strlen(apc_sub_str[0]) + strlen(apc_sub_str[1]) + 3) < STRLENGTH);
+ sprintf((char *) pu1_view_file_name, "%s_%d.%s", apc_sub_str[0], u2_view_id, apc_sub_str[1]);
+static IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T mvcd_in_buf_alloc(mvc_dec_ctx_t *ps_app_ctxt, UWORD8 **ppu1_bs_buf)
+ ppu1_bs_buf[0] =
+ (UWORD8 *) malloc(ps_app_ctxt->s_disp_buf_props.s_ivd_op.u4_min_in_buf_size[0]);
+ if(ppu1_bs_buf[0] == NULL)
+ {
+ return IV_FAIL;
+ }
+ return IV_SUCCESS;
+static IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T mvcd_in_buf_free(UWORD8 *pu1_bs_buf)
+ free(pu1_bs_buf);
+ return IV_SUCCESS;
+static IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T mvcd_out_buf_alloc(mvc_dec_ctx_t *ps_app_ctxt, ivd_out_bufdesc_t *ps_out_buf)
+ UWORD32 i;
+ UWORD16 u2_num_views = ps_app_ctxt->s_disp_buf_props.s_mvc_buf_info.u2_num_views;
+ if(ps_app_ctxt->s_disp_buf_props.s_ivd_op.u4_min_num_out_bufs < (NUM_COMPONENTS * u2_num_views))
+ {
+ return IV_FAIL;
+ }
+ ps_out_buf->u4_num_bufs = ps_app_ctxt->s_disp_buf_props.s_ivd_op.u4_min_num_out_bufs;
+ for(i = 0; i < ps_out_buf->u4_num_bufs; i++)
+ {
+ ps_out_buf->u4_min_out_buf_size[i] =
+ ps_app_ctxt->s_disp_buf_props.s_ivd_op.u4_min_out_buf_size[i];
+ ps_out_buf->pu1_bufs[i] =
+ (UWORD8 *) malloc(ps_app_ctxt->s_disp_buf_props.s_ivd_op.u4_min_out_buf_size[i]);
+ if(ps_out_buf->pu1_bufs[i] == NULL)
+ {
+ return IV_FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ return IV_SUCCESS;
+static IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T mvcd_out_buf_free(ivd_out_bufdesc_t *ps_out_buf)
+ UWORD32 i;
+ for(i = 0; i < ps_out_buf->u4_num_bufs; i++)
+ {
+ free(ps_out_buf->pu1_bufs[i]);
+ }
+ return IV_SUCCESS;
+static void mvcd_output_write_stall(UWORD8 *au1_fname, UWORD32 u4_cur_frm_idx)
+ FILE *fp_fast_file = NULL;
+ const UWORD8 threshold = 64;
+ char past_fname[1000];
+ if(u4_cur_frm_idx >= threshold)
+ {
+ sprintf(past_fname, (char *) au1_fname, u4_cur_frm_idx - threshold);
+ do
+ {
+ fp_fast_file = fopen(past_fname, "rb");
+ if(fp_fast_file != NULL)
+ {
+ fclose(fp_fast_file);
+ /* Wait until the resource is released by a third party app*/
+ ithread_sleep(5000);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ } while(1);
+ }
+static IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T mvcd_create_decoder(mvc_dec_ctx_t *ps_app_ctxt)
+ imvcd_create_ip_t s_create_ip;
+ imvcd_create_op_t s_create_op;
+ s_create_ip.s_ivd_ip.e_cmd = IVD_CMD_CREATE;
+ s_create_ip.s_ivd_ip.e_output_format = ps_app_ctxt->e_output_chroma_format;
+ s_create_ip.s_ivd_ip.pf_aligned_alloc = mvcd_aligned_malloc;
+ s_create_ip.s_ivd_ip.pf_aligned_free = mvcd_aligned_free;
+ s_create_ip.s_ivd_ip.u4_share_disp_buf = 0;
+ s_create_ip.s_ivd_ip.pv_mem_ctxt = NULL;
+ s_create_ip.s_ivd_ip.u4_size = sizeof(s_create_ip.s_ivd_ip);
+ s_create_op.s_ivd_op.u4_size = sizeof(s_create_op.s_ivd_op);
+ ret = imvcd_api_function(NULL, &s_create_ip, &s_create_op);
+ if(ret != IV_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ps_app_ctxt->ps_codec_obj = (iv_obj_t *) s_create_op.s_ivd_op.pv_handle;
+ return IV_SUCCESS;
+static IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T mvcd_set_decode_mode(mvc_dec_ctx_t *ps_app_ctxt,
+ IVD_VIDEO_DECODE_MODE_T e_decode_mode)
+ imvcd_set_config_ip_t s_ctl_ip;
+ imvcd_set_config_op_t s_ctl_op;
+ s_ctl_ip.s_ivd_ip.u4_size = sizeof(s_ctl_ip.s_ivd_ip);
+ s_ctl_op.s_ivd_op.u4_size = sizeof(s_ctl_op.s_ivd_op);
+ s_ctl_ip.s_ivd_ip.e_cmd = IVD_CMD_VIDEO_CTL;
+ s_ctl_ip.s_ivd_ip.e_sub_cmd = (WORD32) IVD_CMD_CTL_SETPARAMS;
+ s_ctl_ip.s_ivd_ip.e_frm_out_mode = IVD_DISPLAY_FRAME_OUT;
+ s_ctl_ip.s_ivd_ip.e_frm_skip_mode = IVD_SKIP_NONE;
+ s_ctl_ip.s_ivd_ip.e_vid_dec_mode = e_decode_mode;
+ return imvcd_api_function(ps_app_ctxt->ps_codec_obj, &s_ctl_ip, &s_ctl_op);
+static IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T mvcd_set_num_cores(mvc_dec_ctx_t *ps_app_ctxt)
+ imvcd_set_num_cores_ip_t s_ctl_ip;
+ imvcd_set_num_cores_op_t s_ctl_op;
+ s_ctl_ip.u4_size = sizeof(s_ctl_ip);
+ s_ctl_op.u4_size = sizeof(s_ctl_op);
+ s_ctl_ip.e_cmd = IVD_CMD_VIDEO_CTL;
+ s_ctl_ip.e_sub_cmd = (WORD32) IMVCD_CTL_SET_NUM_CORES;
+ s_ctl_ip.u4_num_cores = ps_app_ctxt->u4_num_cores;
+ return imvcd_api_function(ps_app_ctxt->ps_codec_obj, &s_ctl_ip, &s_ctl_op);
+static IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T mvcd_set_arch(mvc_dec_ctx_t *ps_app_ctxt)
+ imvcd_set_arch_ip_t s_ctl_ip;
+ imvcd_set_arch_op_t s_ctl_op;
+ s_ctl_ip.u4_size = sizeof(s_ctl_ip);
+ s_ctl_op.u4_size = sizeof(s_ctl_op);
+ s_ctl_ip.e_cmd = IVD_CMD_VIDEO_CTL;
+ s_ctl_ip.e_sub_cmd = (WORD32) IMVCD_CTL_SET_PROCESSOR;
+ s_ctl_ip.e_arch = ps_app_ctxt->e_arch;
+ s_ctl_ip.e_soc = ps_app_ctxt->e_soc;
+ return imvcd_api_function(ps_app_ctxt->ps_codec_obj, &s_ctl_ip, &s_ctl_op);
+static IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T mvcd_dump_output(mvc_dec_ctx_t *ps_app_ctxt,
+ iv_yuv_buf_t *ps_view_disp_bufs, FILE **pps_op_file,
+ FILE **pps_op_chksum_file, UWORD16 u2_num_views)
+ UWORD32 i, j;
+ UWORD32 u4_file_save = ps_app_ctxt->u4_file_save_flag;
+ UWORD32 u4_chksum_save = ps_app_ctxt->u4_chksum_save_flag;
+ if(!u4_file_save && !u4_chksum_save)
+ {
+ return IV_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ if(NULL == ps_view_disp_bufs->pv_y_buf)
+ {
+ return IV_FAIL;
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < u2_num_views; i++)
+ {
+ iv_yuv_buf_t *ps_view_buf = &ps_view_disp_bufs[i];
+ if(ps_app_ctxt->e_output_chroma_format == IV_YUV_420P)
+ {
+ if(u4_file_save)
+ {
+ UWORD8 *pu1_buf = (UWORD8 *) ps_view_buf->pv_y_buf;
+ UWORD16 u2_width = ps_view_buf->u4_y_wd;
+ UWORD16 u2_height = ps_view_buf->u4_y_ht;
+ for(j = 0; j < u2_height; j++)
+ {
+ fwrite(pu1_buf, 1, u2_width, pps_op_file[i]);
+ pu1_buf += ps_view_buf->u4_y_strd;
+ }
+ pu1_buf = (UWORD8 *) ps_view_buf->pv_u_buf;
+ u2_width = ps_view_buf->u4_u_wd;
+ u2_height = ps_view_buf->u4_u_ht;
+ for(j = 0; j < u2_height; j++)
+ {
+ fwrite(pu1_buf, 1, u2_width, pps_op_file[i]);
+ pu1_buf += ps_view_buf->u4_u_strd;
+ }
+ pu1_buf = (UWORD8 *) ps_view_buf->pv_v_buf;
+ u2_width = ps_view_buf->u4_v_wd;
+ u2_height = ps_view_buf->u4_v_ht;
+ for(j = 0; j < u2_height; j++)
+ {
+ fwrite(pu1_buf, 1, u2_width, pps_op_file[i]);
+ pu1_buf += ps_view_buf->u4_v_strd;
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef MD5_DISABLE
+ if(u4_chksum_save)
+ {
+ UWORD8 au1_cksum[16];
+ UWORD8 *pu1_buf = (UWORD8 *) ps_view_buf->pv_y_buf;
+ UWORD16 u2_width = ps_view_buf->u4_y_wd;
+ UWORD16 u2_height = ps_view_buf->u4_y_ht;
+ calc_md5_cksum(pu1_buf, ps_view_buf->u4_y_strd, u2_width, u2_height, au1_cksum);
+ fwrite(au1_cksum, sizeof(UWORD8), 16, pps_op_chksum_file[i]);
+ pu1_buf = (UWORD8 *) ps_view_buf->pv_u_buf;
+ u2_width = ps_view_buf->u4_u_wd;
+ u2_height = ps_view_buf->u4_u_ht;
+ calc_md5_cksum(pu1_buf, ps_view_buf->u4_u_strd, u2_width, u2_height, au1_cksum);
+ fwrite(au1_cksum, sizeof(UWORD8), 16, pps_op_chksum_file[i]);
+ pu1_buf = (UWORD8 *) ps_view_buf->pv_v_buf;
+ u2_width = ps_view_buf->u4_v_wd;
+ u2_height = ps_view_buf->u4_v_ht;
+ calc_md5_cksum(pu1_buf, ps_view_buf->u4_v_strd, u2_width, u2_height, au1_cksum);
+ fwrite(au1_cksum, sizeof(UWORD8), 16, pps_op_chksum_file[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return IV_FAIL;
+ }
+ fflush(pps_op_file[i]);
+ fflush(pps_op_chksum_file[i]);
+ }
+ return IV_SUCCESS;
+static IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T mvcd_flush(mvc_dec_ctx_t *ps_app_ctxt, ivd_out_bufdesc_t *ps_out_buf,
+ FILE **pps_op_file, FILE **pps_op_chksum_file, UWORD8 *pu1_bs_buf,
+ UWORD32 *pu4_op_frm_ts, UWORD32 u4_ip_frm_ts,
+ UWORD32 u4_bytes_remaining, UWORD16 u2_num_views)
+ do
+ {
+ imvcd_flush_dec_ip_t s_ctl_ip;
+ imvcd_flush_dec_op_t s_ctl_op;
+ if(*(pu4_op_frm_ts) >= u4_ip_frm_ts)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ s_ctl_ip.s_ivd_ip.u4_size = sizeof(s_ctl_ip.s_ivd_ip);
+ s_ctl_op.s_ivd_op.u4_size = sizeof(s_ctl_op.s_ivd_op);
+ s_ctl_ip.s_ivd_ip.e_cmd = IVD_CMD_VIDEO_CTL;
+ s_ctl_ip.s_ivd_ip.e_sub_cmd = (WORD32) IVD_CMD_CTL_FLUSH;
+ ret = imvcd_api_function(ps_app_ctxt->ps_codec_obj, &s_ctl_ip, &s_ctl_op);
+ if(IV_SUCCESS == ret)
+ {
+ imvcd_video_decode_ip_t s_video_decode_ip;
+ imvcd_video_decode_op_t s_video_decode_op;
+ s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip.e_cmd = IVD_CMD_VIDEO_DECODE;
+ s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip.u4_ts = u4_ip_frm_ts;
+ s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip.pv_stream_buffer = pu1_bs_buf;
+ s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip.u4_num_Bytes = u4_bytes_remaining;
+ s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip.s_out_buffer = ps_out_buf[0];
+ s_video_decode_op.ps_view_disp_bufs = ps_app_ctxt->as_view_disp_bufs;
+ s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip.u4_size = sizeof(s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip);
+ s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op.u4_size = sizeof(s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op);
+ ret = imvcd_api_function(ps_app_ctxt->ps_codec_obj, &s_video_decode_ip,
+ &s_video_decode_op);
+ if(1 == s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op.u4_output_present)
+ {
+ ret = mvcd_dump_output(ps_app_ctxt, s_video_decode_op.ps_view_disp_bufs,
+ pps_op_file, pps_op_chksum_file, u2_num_views);
+ (*pu4_op_frm_ts)++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } while(IV_SUCCESS == ret);
+ return ret;
+static IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T mvcd_decode_header(mvc_dec_ctx_t *ps_app_ctxt, ivd_out_bufdesc_t *ps_out_buf,
+ FILE *ps_ip_file, IVD_ERROR_CODES_T *pe_error_code,
+ UWORD32 *pu4_num_bytes_dec, UWORD32 u4_ip_frm_ts)
+ UWORD32 u4_ip_buf_len;
+ UWORD8 *pu1_bs_buf;
+ imvcd_video_decode_ip_t s_video_decode_ip = {0};
+ imvcd_video_decode_op_t s_video_decode_op = {0};
+ UWORD32 u4_file_pos = 0;
+ UWORD32 u4_num_bytes_dec = 0;
+ ret = mvcd_set_decode_mode(ps_app_ctxt, IVD_DECODE_HEADER);
+ if(ret != IV_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ pe_error_code[0] = IVD_INIT_DEC_FAILED;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /* Allocate input buffer for header */
+ u4_ip_buf_len = 256 * 1024;
+ pu1_bs_buf = (UWORD8 *) malloc(u4_ip_buf_len);
+ if(pu1_bs_buf == NULL)
+ {
+ pe_error_code[0] = IVD_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED;
+ return IV_FAIL;
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ WORD32 u4_numbytes;
+ UWORD32 u4_bytes_remaining;
+ fseek(ps_ip_file, u4_file_pos, SEEK_SET);
+ u4_numbytes = u4_ip_buf_len;
+ u4_bytes_remaining = fread(pu1_bs_buf, sizeof(UWORD8), u4_numbytes, ps_ip_file);
+ if(0 == u4_bytes_remaining)
+ {
+ pe_error_code[0] = IVD_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_STREAM;
+ return IV_FAIL;
+ }
+ s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip.e_cmd = IVD_CMD_VIDEO_DECODE;
+ s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip.u4_ts = u4_ip_frm_ts;
+ s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip.pv_stream_buffer = pu1_bs_buf;
+ s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip.u4_num_Bytes = u4_bytes_remaining;
+ s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip.s_out_buffer = ps_out_buf[0];
+ s_video_decode_op.ps_view_disp_bufs = ps_app_ctxt->as_view_disp_bufs;
+ s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip.u4_size = sizeof(s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip);
+ s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op.u4_size = sizeof(s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op);
+ ret = imvcd_api_function(ps_app_ctxt->ps_codec_obj, &s_video_decode_ip, &s_video_decode_op);
+ if(ret != IV_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ pe_error_code[0] = s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op.u4_error_code;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ u4_num_bytes_dec += s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op.u4_num_bytes_consumed;
+ printf("%d\n", s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op.u4_num_bytes_consumed);
+ } while(ret != IV_SUCCESS);
+ ps_app_ctxt->u4_pic_wd = s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op.u4_pic_wd;
+ ps_app_ctxt->u4_pic_ht = s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op.u4_pic_ht;
+ pu4_num_bytes_dec[0] = u4_num_bytes_dec;
+ pe_error_code[0] = IVD_ERROR_NONE;
+ free(pu1_bs_buf);
+ return IV_SUCCESS;
+static IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T mvcd_get_buf_info(mvc_dec_ctx_t *ps_app_ctxt)
+ imvcd_get_buf_info_ip_t s_ctl_ip;
+ imvcd_get_buf_info_op_t s_ctl_op;
+ IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T e_retval;
+ s_ctl_ip.s_ivd_ip.u4_size = sizeof(s_ctl_ip.s_ivd_ip);
+ s_ctl_op.s_ivd_op.u4_size = sizeof(s_ctl_op.s_ivd_op);
+ s_ctl_ip.s_ivd_ip.e_cmd = IVD_CMD_VIDEO_CTL;
+ s_ctl_ip.s_ivd_ip.e_sub_cmd = (WORD32) IVD_CMD_CTL_GETBUFINFO;
+ e_retval = imvcd_api_function(ps_app_ctxt->ps_codec_obj, &s_ctl_ip, &s_ctl_op);
+ ps_app_ctxt->s_disp_buf_props = s_ctl_op;
+ return e_retval;
+static IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T mvcd_set_degrade_type(mvc_dec_ctx_t *ps_app_ctxt)
+ imvcd_set_degrade_mode_ip_t s_ctl_ip;
+ imvcd_set_degrade_mode_op_t s_ctl_op;
+ s_ctl_ip.u4_size = sizeof(s_ctl_ip);
+ s_ctl_op.u4_size = sizeof(s_ctl_op);
+ s_ctl_ip.e_cmd = IVD_CMD_VIDEO_CTL;
+ s_ctl_ip.e_sub_cmd = (WORD32) IMVCD_CTL_DEGRADE;
+ s_ctl_ip.i4_degrade_type = ps_app_ctxt->i4_degrade_type;
+ s_ctl_ip.i4_degrade_pics = ps_app_ctxt->i4_degrade_pics;
+ s_ctl_ip.i4_nondegrade_interval = DEFAULT_NON_DEGRADE_INTERVAL;
+ return imvcd_api_function(ps_app_ctxt->ps_codec_obj, &s_ctl_ip, &s_ctl_op);
+static IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T mvcd_decode_frame(mvc_dec_ctx_t *ps_app_ctxt, ivd_out_bufdesc_t *ps_out_buf,
+ FILE *ps_ip_file, FILE **pps_op_file,
+ FILE **pps_op_chksum_file, UWORD8 *pu1_bs_buf,
+ IVD_ERROR_CODES_T *pe_error_code,
+ UWORD32 *pu4_num_bytes_consumed, UWORD32 *pu4_file_pos,
+ UWORD32 *pu4_ip_frm_ts, UWORD32 *pu4_op_frm_ts,
+ UWORD32 u4_ip_buf_len)
+ imvcd_video_decode_ip_t s_video_decode_ip;
+ imvcd_video_decode_op_t s_video_decode_op;
+ TIMER s_start_timer;
+ TIMER s_end_timer;
+ TIMER frequency;
+ UWORD32 au4_peak_window[PEAK_WINDOW_SIZE];
+ UWORD32 s_elapsed_time;
+ UWORD32 u4_max_op_frm_ts;
+ UWORD32 u4_bytes_remaining;
+ UWORD32 u4_numbytes;
+ UWORD32 u4_num_bytes_dec = 0;
+ UWORD16 u2_num_views = ps_app_ctxt->s_disp_buf_props.s_mvc_buf_info.u2_num_views;
+ UWORD32 u4_frm_cnt = 0;
+ UWORD32 u4_tot_cycles = 0;
+ UWORD32 u4_tot_fmt_cycles = 0;
+ UWORD32 u4_peak_window_idx = 0;
+ UWORD32 u4_peak_avg_max = 0;
+ memset(au4_peak_window, 0, sizeof(WORD32) * PEAK_WINDOW_SIZE);
+ QueryPerformanceFrequency(&frequency);
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* Set the decoder in frame decode mode. It was set in header decode */
+ /* mode earlier */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ ret = mvcd_set_decode_mode(ps_app_ctxt, IVD_DECODE_FRAME);
+ if(IV_SUCCESS != ret)
+ {
+ pe_error_code[0] = IVD_INIT_DEC_FAILED;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* If required disable deblocking and sao at given level */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ ret = mvcd_set_degrade_type(ps_app_ctxt);
+ if(IV_SUCCESS != ret)
+ {
+ pe_error_code[0] = IVD_INIT_DEC_FAILED;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ u4_max_op_frm_ts = ps_app_ctxt->u4_max_frm_ts + ps_app_ctxt->u4_disp_delay;
+ if(u4_max_op_frm_ts < ps_app_ctxt->u4_disp_delay)
+ {
+ /* clip as overflow has occured*/
+ u4_max_op_frm_ts = UINT32_MAX;
+ }
+ if(IV_SUCCESS != ret)
+ {
+ pe_error_code[0] = IVD_INIT_DEC_FAILED;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ while(pu4_op_frm_ts[0] < u4_max_op_frm_ts)
+ {
+ fseek(ps_ip_file, pu4_file_pos[0], SEEK_SET);
+ u4_numbytes = u4_ip_buf_len;
+ u4_bytes_remaining = fread(pu1_bs_buf, sizeof(UWORD8), u4_numbytes, ps_ip_file);
+ if(0 == u4_bytes_remaining)
+ {
+ if(ps_app_ctxt->u4_loopback)
+ {
+ pu4_file_pos[0] = 0;
+ fseek(ps_ip_file, pu4_file_pos[0], SEEK_SET);
+ u4_numbytes = u4_ip_buf_len;
+ u4_bytes_remaining = fread(pu1_bs_buf, sizeof(UWORD8), u4_numbytes, ps_ip_file);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip.e_cmd = IVD_CMD_VIDEO_DECODE;
+ s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip.u4_ts = pu4_ip_frm_ts[0];
+ s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip.pv_stream_buffer = pu1_bs_buf;
+ s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip.u4_num_Bytes = u4_bytes_remaining;
+ s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip.s_out_buffer = ps_out_buf[0];
+ s_video_decode_op.ps_view_disp_bufs = ps_app_ctxt->as_view_disp_bufs;
+ s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip.u4_size = sizeof(s_video_decode_ip.s_ivd_ip);
+ s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op.u4_size = sizeof(s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op);
+ /****************/
+ /* Video Decode */
+ /****************/
+ GETTIME(&s_start_timer);
+ ret = imvcd_api_function(ps_app_ctxt->ps_codec_obj, &s_video_decode_ip, &s_video_decode_op);
+ GETTIME(&s_end_timer);
+ ELAPSEDTIME(s_start_timer, s_end_timer, s_elapsed_time, frequency);
+ {
+ UWORD32 peak_avg, id;
+ u4_tot_cycles += s_elapsed_time;
+ au4_peak_window[u4_peak_window_idx++] = s_elapsed_time;
+ if(u4_peak_window_idx == PEAK_WINDOW_SIZE)
+ {
+ u4_peak_window_idx = 0;
+ }
+ peak_avg = 0;
+ for(id = 0; id < PEAK_WINDOW_SIZE; id++)
+ {
+ peak_avg += au4_peak_window[id];
+ }
+ peak_avg /= PEAK_WINDOW_SIZE;
+ if(peak_avg > u4_peak_avg_max) u4_peak_avg_max = peak_avg;
+ u4_frm_cnt++;
+ printf(
+ "FrameNum: %4d TimeTaken(microsec): %6d AvgTime: %6d "
+ "PeakAvgTimeMax: "
+ "%6d Output: %2d NumBytes: %6d \n",
+ u4_frm_cnt, s_elapsed_time, u4_tot_cycles / u4_frm_cnt, u4_peak_avg_max,
+ s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op.u4_output_present,
+ s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op.u4_num_bytes_consumed);
+ }
+ printf("%d\n", s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op.u4_num_bytes_consumed);
+ if(ret != IV_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ pe_error_code[0] = s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op.u4_error_code;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ u4_num_bytes_dec = s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op.u4_num_bytes_consumed;
+ pu4_file_pos[0] += u4_num_bytes_dec;
+ pu4_num_bytes_consumed[0] += u4_num_bytes_dec;
+ pu4_ip_frm_ts[0]++;
+ if(s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op.u4_output_present)
+ {
+ char cur_fname[1000];
+ char *extn = NULL;
+ /* The objective is to dump the decoded frames into separate files
+ * instead of dumping all the frames in one common file. Also, the
+ * number of dumped frames at any given instance of time cannot exceed
+ * 'frame_memory'
+ */
+ if(ps_app_ctxt->u4_file_save_flag)
+ {
+ /* Locate the position of extension yuv */
+ extn = strstr((char *) ps_app_ctxt->s_mvc_app_files.au1_op_fname, "%d");
+ if(extn != NULL)
+ {
+ mvcd_output_write_stall(ps_app_ctxt->s_mvc_app_files.au1_op_fname,
+ pu4_op_frm_ts[0]);
+ sprintf(cur_fname, (char *) ps_app_ctxt->s_mvc_app_files.au1_op_fname,
+ pu4_op_frm_ts[0]);
+ pps_op_file[0] = fopen(cur_fname, "wb");
+ if(NULL == pps_op_file[0])
+ {
+ pe_error_code[0] = IVD_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED;
+ return IV_FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(u2_num_views > 1)
+ {
+ if(s_video_decode_op.ps_view_disp_bufs[0].u4_y_wd !=
+ s_video_decode_op.ps_view_disp_bufs[1].u4_y_wd)
+ {
+ pe_error_code[0] = IVD_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED;
+ return IV_FAIL;
+ }
+ if(s_video_decode_op.ps_view_disp_bufs[0].u4_y_ht !=
+ s_video_decode_op.ps_view_disp_bufs[1].u4_y_ht)
+ {
+ pe_error_code[0] = IVD_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED;
+ return IV_FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ mvcd_dump_output(ps_app_ctxt, s_video_decode_op.ps_view_disp_bufs, pps_op_file,
+ pps_op_chksum_file, u2_num_views);
+ pu4_op_frm_ts[0]++;
+ }
+ else if((s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op.u4_error_code >> IVD_FATALERROR) & 1)
+ {
+ pe_error_code[0] = s_video_decode_op.s_ivd_op.u4_error_code;
+ return IV_FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("Summary\n");
+ printf("Input filename : %s\n", ps_app_ctxt->s_mvc_app_files.au1_ip_fname);
+ printf("Output Width : %-4d\n", ps_app_ctxt->u4_pic_wd);
+ printf("Output Height : %-4d\n", ps_app_ctxt->u4_pic_ht);
+ if(u4_frm_cnt)
+ {
+ double avg = u4_tot_cycles / u4_frm_cnt;
+ double bytes_avg = pu4_num_bytes_consumed[0] / u4_frm_cnt;
+ double bitrate = (bytes_avg * 8 * ps_app_ctxt->u4_fps) / 1000000;
+ printf("Bitrate @ %2d u4_fps(mbps) : %-6.2f\n", ps_app_ctxt->u4_fps, bitrate);
+ printf("Average decode time(micro sec) : %-6d\n", (WORD32) avg);
+ printf("Avg Peak decode time(%2d frames) : %-6d\n", PEAK_WINDOW_SIZE,
+ (WORD32) u4_peak_avg_max);
+ avg = (u4_tot_cycles + u4_tot_fmt_cycles) * 1.0 / u4_frm_cnt;
+ printf("FPS achieved (with format conv) : %-3.2f\n", 1000000 / avg);
+ }
+ return IV_SUCCESS;
+static IV_API_CALL_STATUS_T mvcd_delete_decoder(mvc_dec_ctx_t *ps_app_ctxt)
+ imvcd_delete_ip_t s_delete_ip;
+ imvcd_delete_op_t s_delete_op;
+ s_delete_ip.s_ivd_ip.e_cmd = IVD_CMD_DELETE;
+ s_delete_ip.s_ivd_ip.u4_size = sizeof(s_delete_ip.s_ivd_ip);
+ s_delete_op.s_ivd_op.u4_size = sizeof(s_delete_op.s_ivd_op);
+ return imvcd_api_function(ps_app_ctxt->ps_codec_obj, &s_delete_ip, &s_delete_op);
+int main(WORD32 argc, char *argv[])
+ mvc_dec_ctx_t s_app_ctxt;
+ ivd_out_bufdesc_t s_out_buf;
+ IVD_ERROR_CODES_T e_error_code;
+ UWORD8 au1_cfg_fname[STRLENGTH];
+ UWORD8 au1_error_str[STRLENGTH];
+ UWORD32 i;
+ UWORD32 u4_ip_buf_len;
+ UWORD32 u4_total_bytes_consumed;
+ UWORD8 au1_view_file_names[STRLENGTH];
+ UWORD16 u2_num_views;
+ UWORD32 u4_num_header_bytes;
+ FILE *ps_cfg_file = NULL;
+ FILE *ps_ip_file = NULL;
+ FILE *aps_op_file[MAX_NUM_VIEWS] = {NULL};
+ FILE *aps_op_chksum_file[MAX_NUM_VIEWS] = {NULL};
+ UWORD8 *pu1_bs_buf = NULL;
+ UWORD32 u4_file_pos = 0;
+ UWORD32 u4_ip_frm_ts = 0, u4_op_frm_ts = 0;
+ UWORD32 u4_bytes_remaining = 0;
+ /* Usage */
+ if(argc < 2)
+ {
+ mvcd_print_usage();
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ else if(argc == 2)
+ {
+ strcpy((char *) au1_cfg_fname, argv[1]);
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************/
+ /* Initialize Application parameters */
+ /***********************************************************************/
+ strcpy((char *) s_app_ctxt.s_mvc_app_files.au1_ip_fname, "\0");
+ s_app_ctxt.u4_disp_delay = 0;
+ s_app_ctxt.u4_max_frm_ts = 100;
+ s_app_ctxt.u4_loopback = 0;
+ u4_file_pos = 0;
+ u4_total_bytes_consumed = 0;
+ u4_ip_frm_ts = 0;
+ u4_op_frm_ts = 0;
+ s_app_ctxt.u4_num_cores = DEFAULT_NUM_CORES;
+ s_app_ctxt.i4_degrade_type = 0;
+ s_app_ctxt.i4_degrade_pics = 0;
+ s_app_ctxt.e_arch = ARCH_X86_SSE42;
+ s_app_ctxt.e_soc = SOC_GENERIC;
+ s_app_ctxt.u1_quit = 0;
+ s_app_ctxt.u4_disable_dblk_level = 0;
+ s_app_ctxt.u4_file_save_flag = 0;
+ s_app_ctxt.u4_chksum_save_flag = 0;
+ s_app_ctxt.e_output_chroma_format = DEFAULT_COLOR_FORMAT;
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* Parse arguments */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* Read command line arguments */
+ if(argc > 2)
+ {
+ for(i = 1; i < (UWORD32) argc; i += 2)
+ {
+ if(CONFIG == mvcd_get_argument(argv[i]))
+ {
+ strcpy((char *) au1_cfg_fname, argv[i + 1]);
+ if((ps_cfg_file = fopen((char *) au1_cfg_fname, "r")) == NULL)
+ {
+ sprintf((char *) au1_error_str, "Could not open Configuration file %s",
+ au1_cfg_fname);
+ mvcd_exit(au1_error_str);
+ }
+ mvcd_read_cfg_file(&s_app_ctxt, ps_cfg_file);
+ fclose(ps_cfg_file);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mvcd_parse_argument(&s_app_ctxt, argv[i], argv[i + 1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if((ps_cfg_file = fopen((char *) au1_cfg_fname, "r")) == NULL)
+ {
+ sprintf((char *) au1_error_str, "Could not open Configuration file %s", au1_cfg_fname);
+ mvcd_exit(au1_error_str);
+ }
+ mvcd_read_cfg_file(&s_app_ctxt, ps_cfg_file);
+ fclose(ps_cfg_file);
+ }
+ if(strcmp((char *) s_app_ctxt.s_mvc_app_files.au1_ip_fname, "\0") == 0)
+ {
+ printf("\nNo input file given for decoding\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************/
+ /* create the file object for input file */
+ /***********************************************************************/
+ ps_ip_file = fopen((char *) s_app_ctxt.s_mvc_app_files.au1_ip_fname, "rb");
+ if(NULL == ps_ip_file)
+ {
+ sprintf((char *) au1_error_str, "Could not open input file %s",
+ s_app_ctxt.s_mvc_app_files.au1_ip_fname);
+ mvcd_exit(au1_error_str);
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************/
+ /* create the file object for output file */
+ /***********************************************************************/
+ /* If the filename does not contain %d, then output will be dumped to
+ a single file and it is opened here */
+ if((1 == s_app_ctxt.u4_file_save_flag) &&
+ (strstr((char *) s_app_ctxt.s_mvc_app_files.au1_op_fname, "%d") == NULL))
+ {
+ mvcd_get_view_file_name(s_app_ctxt.s_mvc_app_files.au1_op_fname, au1_view_file_names, 0);
+ aps_op_file[0] = fopen((char *) au1_view_file_names, "wb");
+ if(NULL == aps_op_file[0])
+ {
+ const CHAR au1_explanatory_string[] = "Could not open output file ";
+ UWORD8 au1_error_str[STRLENGTH + sizeof(au1_explanatory_string) + 1];
+ sprintf((char *) au1_error_str, "%s%s", au1_explanatory_string, au1_view_file_names);
+ mvcd_exit(au1_error_str);
+ }
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************/
+ /* create the file object for check sum file */
+ /***********************************************************************/
+ if((1 == s_app_ctxt.u4_chksum_save_flag) &&
+ (strstr((char *) s_app_ctxt.s_mvc_app_files.au1_op_chksum_fname, "%d") == NULL))
+ {
+ mvcd_get_view_file_name(s_app_ctxt.s_mvc_app_files.au1_op_chksum_fname, au1_view_file_names,
+ 0);
+ aps_op_chksum_file[0] = fopen((char *) au1_view_file_names, "wb");
+ if(NULL == aps_op_chksum_file[0])
+ {
+ const CHAR au1_explanatory_string[] = "Could not open check sum file ";
+ UWORD8 au1_error_str[STRLENGTH + sizeof(au1_explanatory_string) + 1];
+ sprintf((char *) au1_error_str, "%s%s", au1_explanatory_string, au1_view_file_names);
+ mvcd_exit(au1_error_str);
+ }
+ }
+ /***************************/
+ /* Create decoder instance */
+ /***************************/
+ ret = mvcd_create_decoder(&s_app_ctxt);
+ if(ret != IV_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ sprintf((char *) au1_error_str, "Error in Create %8x\n", ret);
+ mvcd_exit(au1_error_str);
+ }
+ /**************/
+ /* set params */
+ /**************/
+ ret = mvcd_set_decode_mode(&s_app_ctxt, IVD_DECODE_HEADER);
+ if(ret != IV_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ sprintf((char *) au1_error_str, "\nError in Dec mode");
+ mvcd_exit(au1_error_str);
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* set num of cores */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ ret = mvcd_set_num_cores(&s_app_ctxt);
+ if(ret != IV_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ sprintf((char *) au1_error_str, "\nError in setting number of cores");
+ mvcd_exit(au1_error_str);
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* set processsor */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ ret = mvcd_set_arch(&s_app_ctxt);
+ if(ret != IV_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ sprintf((char *) au1_error_str, "\nError in setting Processor type");
+ mvcd_exit(au1_error_str);
+ }
+ /*****************/
+ /* Header Decode */
+ /*****************/
+ ret = mvcd_decode_header(&s_app_ctxt, &s_out_buf, ps_ip_file, &e_error_code,
+ &u4_num_header_bytes, u4_ip_frm_ts);
+ if(ret != IV_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ sprintf((char *) au1_error_str, "Error in header decode 0x%x\n", e_error_code);
+ mvcd_exit(au1_error_str);
+ }
+ u4_file_pos += u4_num_header_bytes;
+ u4_total_bytes_consumed += u4_num_header_bytes;
+ /****************/
+ /* Get buf info */
+ /****************/
+ ret = mvcd_get_buf_info(&s_app_ctxt);
+ if(ret != IV_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ sprintf((char *) au1_error_str, "Error in Get Buf Info %x",
+ s_app_ctxt.s_disp_buf_props.s_ivd_op.u4_error_code);
+ mvcd_exit(au1_error_str);
+ }
+ u2_num_views = s_app_ctxt.s_disp_buf_props.s_mvc_buf_info.u2_num_views;
+ ASSERT(u2_num_views <= MAX_NUM_VIEWS);
+ ret = mvcd_out_buf_alloc(&s_app_ctxt, &s_out_buf);
+ if(IV_SUCCESS != ret)
+ {
+ sprintf((char *) au1_error_str, "Error in Out buf alloc\n");
+ mvcd_exit(au1_error_str);
+ }
+ /***************************************************************************/
+ /* create the file object for output file for other views(if present) */
+ /***************************************************************************/
+ for(i = 1; i < u2_num_views; i++)
+ {
+ if((1 == s_app_ctxt.u4_file_save_flag) &&
+ (strstr((char *) s_app_ctxt.s_mvc_app_files.au1_op_fname, "%d") == NULL))
+ {
+ mvcd_get_view_file_name(s_app_ctxt.s_mvc_app_files.au1_op_fname, au1_view_file_names,
+ i);
+ aps_op_file[i] = fopen((char *) au1_view_file_names, "wb");
+ if(NULL == aps_op_file[i])
+ {
+ const UWORD8 au1_explanatory_string[] = "Could not open output file ";
+ UWORD8 au1_error_str[STRLENGTH + sizeof(au1_explanatory_string) + 1];
+ sprintf((char *) au1_error_str, "%s%s", au1_explanatory_string,
+ au1_view_file_names);
+ mvcd_exit(au1_error_str);
+ }
+ }
+ if((1 == s_app_ctxt.u4_chksum_save_flag) &&
+ (strstr((char *) s_app_ctxt.s_mvc_app_files.au1_op_chksum_fname, "%d") == NULL))
+ {
+ mvcd_get_view_file_name(s_app_ctxt.s_mvc_app_files.au1_op_chksum_fname,
+ au1_view_file_names, i);
+ aps_op_chksum_file[i] = fopen((char *) au1_view_file_names, "wb");
+ if(NULL == aps_op_chksum_file[i])
+ {
+ const UWORD8 au1_explanatory_string[] = "Could not open check sum file ";
+ UWORD8 au1_error_str[STRLENGTH + sizeof(au1_explanatory_string) + 1];
+ sprintf((char *) au1_error_str, "%s%s", au1_explanatory_string,
+ au1_view_file_names);
+ mvcd_exit(au1_error_str);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ u4_ip_buf_len = s_app_ctxt.s_disp_buf_props.s_ivd_op.u4_min_in_buf_size[0];
+ ret = mvcd_in_buf_alloc(&s_app_ctxt, &pu1_bs_buf);
+ if(IV_SUCCESS != ret)
+ {
+ sprintf((char *) au1_error_str, "Error in In buf alloc\n");
+ mvcd_exit(au1_error_str);
+ }
+ ret = mvcd_decode_frame(&s_app_ctxt, &s_out_buf, ps_ip_file, aps_op_file, aps_op_chksum_file,
+ pu1_bs_buf, &e_error_code, &u4_total_bytes_consumed, &u4_file_pos,
+ &u4_ip_frm_ts, &u4_op_frm_ts, u4_ip_buf_len);
+ if(ret != IV_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ sprintf((char *) au1_error_str, "Error in Frame decode 0x%x\n", e_error_code);
+ mvcd_exit(au1_error_str);
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************/
+ /* To get the last decoded frames, call process with NULL input */
+ /***********************************************************************/
+ ret = mvcd_flush(&s_app_ctxt, &s_out_buf, aps_op_file, aps_op_chksum_file, pu1_bs_buf,
+ &u4_op_frm_ts, u4_ip_frm_ts, u4_bytes_remaining, u2_num_views);
+ if(ret != IV_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ sprintf((char *) au1_error_str, "\nError in Setting the decoder in flush mode");
+ mvcd_exit(au1_error_str);
+ }
+ s_app_ctxt.u1_quit = 1;
+ ret = mvcd_delete_decoder(&s_app_ctxt);
+ if(IV_SUCCESS != ret)
+ {
+ sprintf((char *) au1_error_str, "Error in Codec delete");
+ mvcd_exit(au1_error_str);
+ }
+ /***********************************************************************/
+ /* Close all the files and free all the memory */
+ /***********************************************************************/
+ fclose(ps_ip_file);
+ for(i = 0; i < u2_num_views; i++)
+ {
+ if(aps_op_file[i])
+ {
+ fclose(aps_op_file[i]);
+ }
+ if(aps_op_chksum_file[i])
+ {
+ fclose(aps_op_chksum_file[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ mvcd_in_buf_free(pu1_bs_buf);
+ mvcd_out_buf_free(&s_out_buf);
+ return (0);