diff options
authorAndrew G. Morgan <morgan@kernel.org>2021-01-23 17:26:04 -0800
committerAndrew G. Morgan <morgan@kernel.org>2021-01-23 17:42:09 -0800
commit1377a81281a43369b88248abfdeda33ca0fc442e (patch)
parent4e966462eacbd2256032fcfab9d104a8f2cfc378 (diff)
Capture a standalone example of using psx with PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS.
This also includes some seccomp in-lined code demonstrations. Signed-off-by: Andrew G. Morgan <morgan@kernel.org>
2 files changed, 281 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/seccomp/explore.go b/contrib/seccomp/explore.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8249e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/seccomp/explore.go
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+// Program explore is evolved from the code discussed in more depth
+// here:
+// https://github.com/golang/go/issues/3405
+// The code here demonstrates that while PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS only
+// applies to the calling thread, since
+// https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=103502a35cfce0710909da874f092cb44823ca03
+// the seccomp filter application forces the setting to be mirrored on
+// all the threads of a process.
+// Based on the command line options, we can manipulate the program to
+// behave in various ways. Example command lines:
+// sudo ./explore
+// sudo ./explore --kill=false
+// sudo ./explore --kill=false --errno=0
+// Supported Go toolchains are after go1.10. Those prior to go1.15
+// require this environment variable to be set to build successfully:
+// export CGO_LDFLAGS_ALLOW="-Wl,-?-wrap[=,][^-.@][^,]*"
+// Go toolchains go1.16+ can be compiled CGO_ENABLED=0 too,
+// demonstrating native nocgo support for seccomp features.
+package main
+import (
+ "flag"
+ "fmt"
+ "log"
+ "runtime"
+ "syscall"
+ "time"
+ "unsafe"
+ "kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/security/libcap/psx"
+var (
+ withPSX = flag.Bool("psx", false, "use the psx mechanism to invoke prctl syscall")
+ delays = flag.Bool("delays", false, "use this to pause the program at various places")
+ kill = flag.Bool("kill", true, "kill the process if setuid attempted")
+ errno = flag.Int("errno", int(syscall.ENOTSUP), "if kill is false, block syscall and return this errno")
+const (
+ SYS_SECCOMP = 317 // x86_64 syscall number
+ SECCOMP_SET_MODE_FILTER = 1 // uses user-supplied filter.
+ SECCOMP_FILTER_FLAG_TSYNC = (1 << 0) // mirror filtering on all threads.
+ SECCOMP_RET_ERRNO = 0x00050000 // returns an errno
+ SECCOMP_RET_DATA = 0x0000ffff // mask for RET data payload (ex. errno)
+ SECCOMP_RET_KILL_PROCESS = 0x80000000 // kill the whole process immediately
+ SECCOMP_RET_TRAP = 0x00030000 // disallow and force a SIGSYS
+ SECCOMP_RET_ALLOW = 0x7fff0000
+ BPF_LD = 0x00
+ BPF_JMP = 0x05
+ BPF_RET = 0x06
+ BPF_W = 0x00
+ BPF_ABS = 0x20
+ BPF_JEQ = 0x10
+ BPF_K = 0x00
+ AUDIT_ARCH_X86_64 = 3221225534 // HACK: I don't understand this value
+ syscall_nr = 0
+// SockFilter is a single filter block.
+type SockFilter struct {
+ // Code is the filter code instruction.
+ Code uint16
+ // Jt is the target for a true result from the code execution.
+ Jt uint8
+ // Jf is the target for a false result from the code execution.
+ Jf uint8
+ // K is a generic multiuse field
+ K uint32
+// SockFProg is a
+type SockFProg struct {
+ // Len is the number of contiguous SockFilter blocks that can
+ // be found at *Filter.
+ Len uint16
+ // Filter is the address of the first SockFilter block of a
+ // program sequence.
+ Filter *SockFilter
+type SockFilterSlice []SockFilter
+func BPF_STMT(code uint16, k uint32) SockFilter {
+ return SockFilter{code, 0, 0, k}
+func BPF_JUMP(code uint16, k uint32, jt uint8, jf uint8) SockFilter {
+ return SockFilter{code, jt, jf, k}
+func ValidateArchitecture() []SockFilter {
+ return []SockFilter{
+ BPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_W+BPF_ABS, 4), // HACK: I don't understand this 4.
+ }
+func ExamineSyscall() []SockFilter {
+ return []SockFilter{
+ BPF_STMT(BPF_LD+BPF_W+BPF_ABS, syscall_nr),
+ }
+func AllowSyscall(syscallNum uint32) []SockFilter {
+ return []SockFilter{
+ BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, syscallNum, 0, 1),
+ }
+func DisallowSyscall(syscallNum, errno uint32) []SockFilter {
+ return []SockFilter{
+ BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, syscallNum, 0, 1),
+ }
+func KillProcess() []SockFilter {
+ return []SockFilter{
+ }
+func NotifyProcessAndDie() []SockFilter {
+ return []SockFilter{
+ }
+func TrapOnSyscall(syscallNum uint32) []SockFilter {
+ return []SockFilter{
+ BPF_JUMP(BPF_JMP+BPF_JEQ+BPF_K, syscallNum, 0, 1),
+ }
+func AllGood() []SockFilter {
+ return []SockFilter{
+ }
+// prctl executes the prctl - unless the --psx commandline argument is
+// used, this is on a single thread.
+func prctl(option, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 uintptr) error {
+ var e syscall.Errno
+ if *withPSX {
+ _, _, e = psx.Syscall6(syscall.SYS_PRCTL, option, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
+ } else {
+ _, _, e = syscall.RawSyscall6(syscall.SYS_PRCTL, option, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
+ }
+ if e != 0 {
+ return e
+ }
+ if *delays {
+ fmt.Println("prctl'd - check now")
+ time.Sleep(1 * time.Minute)
+ }
+ return nil
+// seccomp_set_mode_filter is our wrapper for performing our seccomp system call.
+func seccomp_set_mode_filter(prog *SockFProg) error {
+ if _, _, e := syscall.RawSyscall(SYS_SECCOMP, SECCOMP_SET_MODE_FILTER, SECCOMP_FILTER_FLAG_TSYNC, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(prog))); e != 0 {
+ return e
+ }
+ return nil
+var empty func()
+func lockProcessThread(pick bool) {
+ // Make sure we are
+ pid := uintptr(syscall.Getpid())
+ runtime.LockOSThread()
+ for {
+ tid, _, _ := syscall.RawSyscall(syscall.SYS_GETTID, 0, 0, 0)
+ if (tid == pid) == pick {
+ fmt.Println("validated TID:", tid, "== PID:", pid, "is", pick)
+ break
+ }
+ runtime.UnlockOSThread()
+ go func() {
+ time.Sleep(1 * time.Microsecond)
+ }()
+ runtime.Gosched()
+ runtime.LockOSThread()
+ }
+// applyPolicy uploads the program sequence.
+func applyPolicy(prog *SockFProg) {
+ // Without PSX we can't guarantee the thread we execute the
+ // seccomp call on will be the same one that we disabled new
+ // privs on. With PSX, the disabling of new privs is mirrored
+ // on all threads.
+ if !*withPSX {
+ lockProcessThread(false)
+ defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
+ }
+ // This is required to load a filter without privilege.
+ if err := prctl(PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("Prctl(PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS): %v", err)
+ }
+ fmt.Println("Applying syscall policy...")
+ if err := seccomp_set_mode_filter(prog); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("seccomp_set_mode_filter: %v", err)
+ }
+ fmt.Println("...Policy applied")
+func main() {
+ flag.Parse()
+ if *delays {
+ fmt.Println("check first", syscall.Getpid())
+ time.Sleep(60 * time.Second)
+ }
+ var filter []SockFilter
+ filter = append(filter, ValidateArchitecture()...)
+ // Grab the system call number.
+ filter = append(filter, ExamineSyscall()...)
+ // List disallowed syscalls.
+ for _, x := range []uint32{
+ syscall.SYS_SETUID,
+ } {
+ if *kill {
+ filter = append(filter, TrapOnSyscall(x)...)
+ } else {
+ filter = append(filter, DisallowSyscall(x, uint32(*errno))...)
+ }
+ }
+ filter = append(filter, AllGood()...)
+ prog := &SockFProg{
+ Len: uint16(len(filter)),
+ Filter: &filter[0],
+ }
+ applyPolicy(prog)
+ // Ensure we are running on the TID=PID.
+ lockProcessThread(true)
+ log.Print("Now it is time to try to run something privileged...")
+ if _, _, e := syscall.RawSyscall(syscall.SYS_SETUID, 1, 0, 0); e != 0 {
+ log.Fatalf("setuid failed with an error: %v", e)
+ }
+ log.Print("Looked like that worked, but it really didn't: uid == ", syscall.Getuid(), " != 1")
diff --git a/contrib/seccomp/go.mod b/contrib/seccomp/go.mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..182e4e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/seccomp/go.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module explore
+go 1.14
+require kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/security/libcap/psx v0.2.46