path: root/base/message_loop/
diff options
authorAlex Vakulenko <>2016-01-15 13:02:14 -0800
committerAlex Vakulenko <>2016-01-20 14:42:17 -0800
commit0d205d712abd16eeed2f5d5b1052a367d23a223f (patch)
treeb41d6d907d8b307da68edf5d905d2660d1f3a19c /base/message_loop/
parentb7972fa941a92a43e7ed703ab262afeb7bcc2a5a (diff)
libchrome: Uprev the library to r369476 from Chromium
Pulled the latest and greatest version of libchrome from Chromium. The merge was done against r369476 which corresponds to git commit 0471d0e2e2ef4a544a63481a389e1df33ea7c00a of Jan 14, 2016 Notable changes are: - base::scoped_ptr<T> is now almost identical to std::unique_ptr<T> No Pass() method, now std::move() is used on scoped pointers - basictypes.h is removed and custom int types such as int32 are now replaced with the standard int32_t and similar from <stdint.h> - String utility functions are cleaned up/refactored. Now all are in base:: namespace, many now return values rather than take pointers for results, ambiguous Booleans are replaced with enums, such as: base::StartsWithASCII(current_url, "https://", false); now is: base::StartsWith(current_url, "https://", base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII); - COMPILE_ASSERT() is now replaced with standard static_assert() - Numeric range constants such as kuint64max are removed in favor of standard <limits> constructs such as std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max() - base::Value and derived classes use scoped_ptr<> more and support for raw pointers to base::Value is deprecated and/or removed in many places. - base::MessageLoopProxy is completely removed (was marked deprecated before) - base::MessageLoop::Quit() and QuitClosure are renamed to QuitWhenIdle and QuitWhenIdleClosure for more semantic clarity. Change-Id: I1f5436d253a0a32b2299160a76993752d818736f
Diffstat (limited to 'base/message_loop/')
1 files changed, 355 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/base/message_loop/ b/base/message_loop/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0442e7c2ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/message_loop/
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/message_loop/message_loop_task_runner.h"
+#include "base/atomic_sequence_num.h"
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
+#include "base/message_loop/message_loop_task_runner.h"
+#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
+#include "base/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "testing/platform_test.h"
+namespace base {
+class MessageLoopTaskRunnerTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+ MessageLoopTaskRunnerTest()
+ : current_loop_(new MessageLoop()),
+ task_thread_("task_thread"),
+ thread_sync_(true, false) {}
+ void DeleteCurrentMessageLoop() { current_loop_.reset(); }
+ protected:
+ void SetUp() override {
+ // Use SetUp() instead of the constructor to avoid posting a task to a
+ // partially constructed object.
+ task_thread_.Start();
+ // Allow us to pause the |task_thread_|'s MessageLoop.
+ task_thread_.message_loop()->PostTask(
+ FROM_HERE, Bind(&MessageLoopTaskRunnerTest::BlockTaskThreadHelper,
+ Unretained(this)));
+ }
+ void TearDown() override {
+ // Make sure the |task_thread_| is not blocked, and stop the thread
+ // fully before destruction because its tasks may still depend on the
+ // |thread_sync_| event.
+ thread_sync_.Signal();
+ task_thread_.Stop();
+ DeleteCurrentMessageLoop();
+ }
+ // Make LoopRecorder threadsafe so that there is defined behavior even if a
+ // threading mistake sneaks into the PostTaskAndReplyRelay implementation.
+ class LoopRecorder : public RefCountedThreadSafe<LoopRecorder> {
+ public:
+ LoopRecorder(MessageLoop** run_on,
+ MessageLoop** deleted_on,
+ int* destruct_order)
+ : run_on_(run_on),
+ deleted_on_(deleted_on),
+ destruct_order_(destruct_order) {}
+ void RecordRun() { *run_on_ = MessageLoop::current(); }
+ private:
+ friend class RefCountedThreadSafe<LoopRecorder>;
+ ~LoopRecorder() {
+ *deleted_on_ = MessageLoop::current();
+ *destruct_order_ = g_order.GetNext();
+ }
+ MessageLoop** run_on_;
+ MessageLoop** deleted_on_;
+ int* destruct_order_;
+ };
+ static void RecordLoop(scoped_refptr<LoopRecorder> recorder) {
+ recorder->RecordRun();
+ }
+ static void RecordLoopAndQuit(scoped_refptr<LoopRecorder> recorder) {
+ recorder->RecordRun();
+ MessageLoop::current()->QuitWhenIdle();
+ }
+ void UnblockTaskThread() { thread_sync_.Signal(); }
+ void BlockTaskThreadHelper() { thread_sync_.Wait(); }
+ static StaticAtomicSequenceNumber g_order;
+ scoped_ptr<MessageLoop> current_loop_;
+ Thread task_thread_;
+ private:
+ base::WaitableEvent thread_sync_;
+StaticAtomicSequenceNumber MessageLoopTaskRunnerTest::g_order;
+TEST_F(MessageLoopTaskRunnerTest, PostTaskAndReply_Basic) {
+ MessageLoop* task_run_on = NULL;
+ MessageLoop* task_deleted_on = NULL;
+ int task_delete_order = -1;
+ MessageLoop* reply_run_on = NULL;
+ MessageLoop* reply_deleted_on = NULL;
+ int reply_delete_order = -1;
+ scoped_refptr<LoopRecorder> task_recoder =
+ new LoopRecorder(&task_run_on, &task_deleted_on, &task_delete_order);
+ scoped_refptr<LoopRecorder> reply_recoder =
+ new LoopRecorder(&reply_run_on, &reply_deleted_on, &reply_delete_order);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(task_thread_.task_runner()->PostTaskAndReply(
+ FROM_HERE, Bind(&RecordLoop, task_recoder),
+ Bind(&RecordLoopAndQuit, reply_recoder)));
+ // Die if base::Bind doesn't retain a reference to the recorders.
+ task_recoder = NULL;
+ reply_recoder = NULL;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(task_deleted_on);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(reply_deleted_on);
+ UnblockTaskThread();
+ current_loop_->Run();
+ EXPECT_EQ(task_thread_.message_loop(), task_run_on);
+ EXPECT_EQ(current_loop_.get(), task_deleted_on);
+ EXPECT_EQ(current_loop_.get(), reply_run_on);
+ EXPECT_EQ(current_loop_.get(), reply_deleted_on);
+ EXPECT_LT(task_delete_order, reply_delete_order);
+TEST_F(MessageLoopTaskRunnerTest, PostTaskAndReplyOnDeletedThreadDoesNotLeak) {
+ MessageLoop* task_run_on = NULL;
+ MessageLoop* task_deleted_on = NULL;
+ int task_delete_order = -1;
+ MessageLoop* reply_run_on = NULL;
+ MessageLoop* reply_deleted_on = NULL;
+ int reply_delete_order = -1;
+ scoped_refptr<LoopRecorder> task_recoder =
+ new LoopRecorder(&task_run_on, &task_deleted_on, &task_delete_order);
+ scoped_refptr<LoopRecorder> reply_recoder =
+ new LoopRecorder(&reply_run_on, &reply_deleted_on, &reply_delete_order);
+ // Grab a task runner to a dead MessageLoop.
+ scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner =
+ task_thread_.task_runner();
+ UnblockTaskThread();
+ task_thread_.Stop();
+ task_runner->PostTaskAndReply(FROM_HERE, Bind(&RecordLoop, task_recoder),
+ Bind(&RecordLoopAndQuit, reply_recoder)));
+ // The relay should have properly deleted its resources leaving us as the only
+ // reference.
+ EXPECT_EQ(task_delete_order, reply_delete_order);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(task_recoder->HasOneRef());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(reply_recoder->HasOneRef());
+ // Nothing should have run though.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(task_run_on);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(reply_run_on);
+TEST_F(MessageLoopTaskRunnerTest, PostTaskAndReply_SameLoop) {
+ MessageLoop* task_run_on = NULL;
+ MessageLoop* task_deleted_on = NULL;
+ int task_delete_order = -1;
+ MessageLoop* reply_run_on = NULL;
+ MessageLoop* reply_deleted_on = NULL;
+ int reply_delete_order = -1;
+ scoped_refptr<LoopRecorder> task_recoder =
+ new LoopRecorder(&task_run_on, &task_deleted_on, &task_delete_order);
+ scoped_refptr<LoopRecorder> reply_recoder =
+ new LoopRecorder(&reply_run_on, &reply_deleted_on, &reply_delete_order);
+ // Enqueue the relay.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(current_loop_->task_runner()->PostTaskAndReply(
+ FROM_HERE, Bind(&RecordLoop, task_recoder),
+ Bind(&RecordLoopAndQuit, reply_recoder)));
+ // Die if base::Bind doesn't retain a reference to the recorders.
+ task_recoder = NULL;
+ reply_recoder = NULL;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(task_deleted_on);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(reply_deleted_on);
+ current_loop_->Run();
+ EXPECT_EQ(current_loop_.get(), task_run_on);
+ EXPECT_EQ(current_loop_.get(), task_deleted_on);
+ EXPECT_EQ(current_loop_.get(), reply_run_on);
+ EXPECT_EQ(current_loop_.get(), reply_deleted_on);
+ EXPECT_LT(task_delete_order, reply_delete_order);
+TEST_F(MessageLoopTaskRunnerTest, PostTaskAndReply_DeadReplyLoopDoesNotDelete) {
+ MessageLoop* task_run_on = NULL;
+ MessageLoop* task_deleted_on = NULL;
+ int task_delete_order = -1;
+ MessageLoop* reply_run_on = NULL;
+ MessageLoop* reply_deleted_on = NULL;
+ int reply_delete_order = -1;
+ scoped_refptr<LoopRecorder> task_recoder =
+ new LoopRecorder(&task_run_on, &task_deleted_on, &task_delete_order);
+ scoped_refptr<LoopRecorder> reply_recoder =
+ new LoopRecorder(&reply_run_on, &reply_deleted_on, &reply_delete_order);
+ // Enqueue the relay.
+ task_thread_.task_runner()->PostTaskAndReply(
+ FROM_HERE, Bind(&RecordLoop, task_recoder),
+ Bind(&RecordLoopAndQuit, reply_recoder));
+ // Die if base::Bind doesn't retain a reference to the recorders.
+ task_recoder = NULL;
+ reply_recoder = NULL;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(task_deleted_on);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(reply_deleted_on);
+ UnblockTaskThread();
+ // Mercilessly whack the current loop before |reply| gets to run.
+ current_loop_.reset();
+ // This should ensure the relay has been run. We need to record the
+ // MessageLoop pointer before stopping the thread because Thread::Stop() will
+ // NULL out its own pointer.
+ MessageLoop* task_loop = task_thread_.message_loop();
+ task_thread_.Stop();
+ EXPECT_EQ(task_loop, task_run_on);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(task_deleted_on);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(reply_run_on);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(reply_deleted_on);
+ EXPECT_EQ(task_delete_order, reply_delete_order);
+ // The PostTaskAndReplyRelay is leaked here. Even if we had a reference to
+ // it, we cannot just delete it because PostTaskAndReplyRelay's destructor
+ // checks that MessageLoop::current() is the the same as when the
+ // PostTaskAndReplyRelay object was constructed. However, this loop must have
+ // already been deleted in order to perform this test. See
+ //
+class MessageLoopTaskRunnerThreadingTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+ void Release() const {
+ AssertOnIOThread();
+ Quit();
+ }
+ void Quit() const {
+ loop_.PostTask(FROM_HERE, MessageLoop::QuitWhenIdleClosure());
+ }
+ void AssertOnIOThread() const {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(io_thread_->task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread());
+ ASSERT_EQ(io_thread_->task_runner(), ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get());
+ }
+ void AssertOnFileThread() const {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_thread_->task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread());
+ ASSERT_EQ(file_thread_->task_runner(), ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get());
+ }
+ protected:
+ void SetUp() override {
+ io_thread_.reset(new Thread("MessageLoopTaskRunnerThreadingTest_IO"));
+ file_thread_.reset(new Thread("MessageLoopTaskRunnerThreadingTest_File"));
+ io_thread_->Start();
+ file_thread_->Start();
+ }
+ void TearDown() override {
+ io_thread_->Stop();
+ file_thread_->Stop();
+ }
+ static void BasicFunction(MessageLoopTaskRunnerThreadingTest* test) {
+ test->AssertOnFileThread();
+ test->Quit();
+ }
+ static void AssertNotRun() { FAIL() << "Callback Should not get executed."; }
+ class DeletedOnFile {
+ public:
+ explicit DeletedOnFile(MessageLoopTaskRunnerThreadingTest* test)
+ : test_(test) {}
+ ~DeletedOnFile() {
+ test_->AssertOnFileThread();
+ test_->Quit();
+ }
+ private:
+ MessageLoopTaskRunnerThreadingTest* test_;
+ };
+ scoped_ptr<Thread> io_thread_;
+ scoped_ptr<Thread> file_thread_;
+ private:
+ mutable MessageLoop loop_;
+TEST_F(MessageLoopTaskRunnerThreadingTest, Release) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(io_thread_->task_runner()->ReleaseSoon(FROM_HERE, this));
+ MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+TEST_F(MessageLoopTaskRunnerThreadingTest, Delete) {
+ DeletedOnFile* deleted_on_file = new DeletedOnFile(this);
+ file_thread_->task_runner()->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, deleted_on_file));
+ MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+TEST_F(MessageLoopTaskRunnerThreadingTest, PostTask) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(file_thread_->task_runner()->PostTask(
+ FROM_HERE, Bind(&MessageLoopTaskRunnerThreadingTest::BasicFunction,
+ Unretained(this))));
+ MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+TEST_F(MessageLoopTaskRunnerThreadingTest, PostTaskAfterThreadExits) {
+ scoped_ptr<Thread> test_thread(
+ new Thread("MessageLoopTaskRunnerThreadingTest_Dummy"));
+ test_thread->Start();
+ scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner =
+ test_thread->task_runner();
+ test_thread->Stop();
+ bool ret = task_runner->PostTask(
+ FROM_HERE, Bind(&MessageLoopTaskRunnerThreadingTest::AssertNotRun));
+TEST_F(MessageLoopTaskRunnerThreadingTest, PostTaskAfterThreadIsDeleted) {
+ scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner;
+ {
+ scoped_ptr<Thread> test_thread(
+ new Thread("MessageLoopTaskRunnerThreadingTest_Dummy"));
+ test_thread->Start();
+ task_runner = test_thread->task_runner();
+ }
+ bool ret = task_runner->PostTask(
+ FROM_HERE, Bind(&MessageLoopTaskRunnerThreadingTest::AssertNotRun));
+} // namespace base