path: root/mojo/edk/embedder/embedder.h
diff options
authorHidehiko Abe <>2018-04-24 01:37:19 +0900
committerHidehiko Abe <>2018-04-24 03:09:01 +0900
commitb268b43ac6fdbc4f3a2ed1429b99ace424906090 (patch)
treebd2d04362f66c36d4279f7a9735ba21ea3a2a021 /mojo/edk/embedder/embedder.h
parent4a54b98aa445f521c6945e4f4a1e0ea788fa7da8 (diff)
Migrate libmojo repository into libchrome, part 2.
This CL moves following files. - .gitignore - Android.bp is merged into libchrome's Android.bp. - base/android/* - build/* except build_config.h which is exactly same with libchrome's. - ipc/* - mojo/* except mojo/public/tools/bindings/generators/ which is unused and not in chrome repository. - soong/* into libchrome_tools/ - third_party/{catapult,jinja2,markupsafe,ply}/* - ui/gfx/{geometry,range}/mojo/* Then, update several paths/build rules to be adapted. Bug: 73606903 Test: Built locally. Ran on DUT. Change-Id: I2a532a42aa68dcb215dbd71d8673192311509726
Diffstat (limited to 'mojo/edk/embedder/embedder.h')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mojo/edk/embedder/embedder.h b/mojo/edk/embedder/embedder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97258e52f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mojo/edk/embedder/embedder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include "base/callback.h"
+#include "base/command_line.h"
+#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
+#include "base/memory/shared_memory_handle.h"
+#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
+#include "base/task_runner.h"
+#include "mojo/edk/embedder/pending_process_connection.h"
+#include "mojo/edk/embedder/scoped_platform_handle.h"
+#include "mojo/edk/system/system_impl_export.h"
+#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/message_pipe.h"
+namespace base {
+class PortProvider;
+namespace mojo {
+namespace edk {
+// Basic configuration/initialization ------------------------------------------
+// |Init()| sets up the basic Mojo system environment, making the |Mojo...()|
+// functions available and functional. This is never shut down (except in tests
+// -- see test_embedder.h).
+// Allows changing the default max message size. Must be called before Init.
+MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT void SetMaxMessageSize(size_t bytes);
+// Should be called as early as possible in a child process with a handle to the
+// other end of a pipe provided in the parent to
+// PendingProcessConnection::Connect.
+MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT void SetParentPipeHandle(ScopedPlatformHandle pipe);
+// Same as above but extracts the pipe handle from the command line. See
+// PlatformChannelPair for details.
+MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT void SetParentPipeHandleFromCommandLine();
+// Called to connect to a peer process. This should be called only if there
+// is no common ancestor for the processes involved within this mojo system.
+// Both processes must call this function, each passing one end of a platform
+// channel. This returns one end of a message pipe to each process.
+MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT ScopedMessagePipeHandle
+ConnectToPeerProcess(ScopedPlatformHandle pipe);
+// Called to connect to a peer process. This should be called only if there
+// is no common ancestor for the processes involved within this mojo system.
+// Both processes must call this function, each passing one end of a platform
+// channel. This returns one end of a message pipe to each process. |peer_token|
+// may be passed to ClosePeerConnection() to close the connection.
+MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT ScopedMessagePipeHandle
+ConnectToPeerProcess(ScopedPlatformHandle pipe, const std::string& peer_token);
+// Closes a connection to a peer process created by ConnectToPeerProcess()
+// where the same |peer_token| was used.
+MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT void ClosePeerConnection(const std::string& peer_token);
+// Must be called first, or just after setting configuration parameters, to
+// initialize the (global, singleton) system.
+// Sets a default callback to invoke when an internal error is reported but
+// cannot be associated with a specific child process.
+MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT void SetDefaultProcessErrorCallback(
+ const ProcessErrorCallback& callback);
+// Basic functions -------------------------------------------------------------
+// The functions in this section are available once |Init()| has been called.
+// Creates a |MojoHandle| that wraps the given |PlatformHandle| (taking
+// ownership of it). This |MojoHandle| can then, e.g., be passed through message
+// pipes. Note: This takes ownership (and thus closes) |platform_handle| even on
+// failure, which is different from what you'd expect from a Mojo API, but it
+// makes for a more convenient embedder API.
+CreatePlatformHandleWrapper(ScopedPlatformHandle platform_handle,
+ MojoHandle* platform_handle_wrapper_handle);
+// Retrieves the |PlatformHandle| that was wrapped into a |MojoHandle| (using
+// |CreatePlatformHandleWrapper()| above). Note that the |MojoHandle| is closed
+// on success.
+PassWrappedPlatformHandle(MojoHandle platform_handle_wrapper_handle,
+ ScopedPlatformHandle* platform_handle);
+// Creates a |MojoHandle| that wraps the given |SharedMemoryHandle| (taking
+// ownership of it). |num_bytes| is the size of the shared memory object, and
+// |read_only| is whether the handle is a read-only handle to shared memory.
+// This |MojoHandle| is a Mojo shared buffer and can be manipulated using the
+// shared buffer functions and transferred over a message pipe.
+CreateSharedBufferWrapper(base::SharedMemoryHandle shared_memory_handle,
+ size_t num_bytes,
+ bool read_only,
+ MojoHandle* mojo_wrapper_handle);
+// Retrieves the underlying |SharedMemoryHandle| from a shared buffer
+// |MojoHandle| and closes the handle. If successful, |num_bytes| will contain
+// the size of the shared memory buffer and |read_only| will contain whether the
+// buffer handle is read-only. Both |num_bytes| and |read_only| may be null.
+// Note: The value of |shared_memory_handle| may be
+// base::SharedMemory::NULLHandle(), even if this function returns success.
+// Callers should perform appropriate checks.
+PassSharedMemoryHandle(MojoHandle mojo_handle,
+ base::SharedMemoryHandle* shared_memory_handle,
+ size_t* num_bytes,
+ bool* read_only);
+// Initialialization/shutdown for interprocess communication (IPC) -------------
+// |InitIPCSupport()| sets up the subsystem for interprocess communication,
+// making the IPC functions (in the following section) available and functional.
+// (This may only be done after |Init()|.)
+// This subsystem may be shut down using |ShutdownIPCSupport()|. None of the IPC
+// functions may be called after this is called.
+// |io_thread_task_runner| should live at least until |ShutdownIPCSupport()|'s
+// callback has been run.
+ scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> io_thread_task_runner);
+// Retrieves the TaskRunner used for IPC I/O, as set by InitIPCSupport.
+MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT scoped_refptr<base::TaskRunner> GetIOTaskRunner();
+// Shuts down the subsystem initialized by |InitIPCSupport()|. It be called from
+// any thread and will attempt to complete shutdown on the I/O thread with which
+// the system was initialized. Upon completion, |callback| is invoked on an
+// arbitrary thread.
+MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT void ShutdownIPCSupport(const base::Closure& callback);
+#if defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
+// Set the |base::PortProvider| for this process. Can be called on any thread,
+// but must be set in the root process before any Mach ports can be transferred.
+MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT void SetMachPortProvider(
+ base::PortProvider* port_provider);
+// Creates a message pipe from a token in a child process. This token must have
+// been acquired by a corresponding call to
+// PendingProcessConnection::CreateMessagePipe.
+MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT ScopedMessagePipeHandle
+CreateChildMessagePipe(const std::string& token);
+// Generates a random ASCII token string for use with various APIs that expect
+// a globally unique token string.
+MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT std::string GenerateRandomToken();
+// Sets system properties that can be read by the MojoGetProperty() API. See the
+// documentation for MojoPropertyType for supported property types and their
+// corresponding value type.
+// Default property values:
+MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT MojoResult SetProperty(MojoPropertyType type,
+ const void* value);
+} // namespace edk
+} // namespace mojo