path: root/base/trace_event/heap_profiler_allocation_register.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'base/trace_event/heap_profiler_allocation_register.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 385 deletions
diff --git a/base/trace_event/heap_profiler_allocation_register.h b/base/trace_event/heap_profiler_allocation_register.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ac9872f001..0000000000
--- a/base/trace_event/heap_profiler_allocation_register.h
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <utility>
-#include "base/bits.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/process/process_metrics.h"
-#include "base/template_util.h"
-#include "base/trace_event/heap_profiler_allocation_context.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace trace_event {
-class AllocationRegisterTest;
-namespace internal {
-// Allocates a region of virtual address space of |size| rounded up to the
-// system page size. The memory is zeroed by the system. A guard page is
-// added after the end.
-void* AllocateGuardedVirtualMemory(size_t size);
-// Frees a region of virtual address space allocated by a call to
-// |AllocateVirtualMemory|.
-void FreeGuardedVirtualMemory(void* address, size_t allocated_size);
-// Hash map that mmaps memory only once in the constructor. Its API is
-// similar to std::unordered_map, only index (KVIndex) is used to address
-template <size_t NumBuckets, class Key, class Value, class KeyHasher>
-class FixedHashMap {
- // To keep things simple we don't call destructors.
- static_assert(is_trivially_destructible<Key>::value &&
- is_trivially_destructible<Value>::value,
- "Key and Value shouldn't have destructors");
- public:
- using KVPair = std::pair<const Key, Value>;
- // For implementation simplicity API uses integer index instead
- // of iterators. Most operations (except Find) on KVIndex are O(1).
- using KVIndex = size_t;
- enum : KVIndex { kInvalidKVIndex = static_cast<KVIndex>(-1) };
- // Capacity controls how many items this hash map can hold, and largely
- // affects memory footprint.
- explicit FixedHashMap(size_t capacity)
- : num_cells_(capacity),
- num_inserts_dropped_(0),
- cells_(static_cast<Cell*>(
- AllocateGuardedVirtualMemory(num_cells_ * sizeof(Cell)))),
- buckets_(static_cast<Bucket*>(
- AllocateGuardedVirtualMemory(NumBuckets * sizeof(Bucket)))),
- free_list_(nullptr),
- next_unused_cell_(0) {}
- ~FixedHashMap() {
- FreeGuardedVirtualMemory(cells_, num_cells_ * sizeof(Cell));
- FreeGuardedVirtualMemory(buckets_, NumBuckets * sizeof(Bucket));
- }
- // Returns {kInvalidKVIndex, false} if the table is full.
- std::pair<KVIndex, bool> Insert(const Key& key, const Value& value) {
- Cell** p_cell = Lookup(key);
- Cell* cell = *p_cell;
- if (cell) {
- return {static_cast<KVIndex>(cell - cells_), false}; // not inserted
- }
- // Get a free cell and link it.
- cell = GetFreeCell();
- if (!cell) {
- if (num_inserts_dropped_ <
- std::numeric_limits<decltype(num_inserts_dropped_)>::max()) {
- ++num_inserts_dropped_;
- }
- return {kInvalidKVIndex, false};
- }
- *p_cell = cell;
- cell->p_prev = p_cell;
- cell->next = nullptr;
- // Initialize key/value pair. Since key is 'const Key' this is the
- // only way to initialize it.
- new (&cell->kv) KVPair(key, value);
- return {static_cast<KVIndex>(cell - cells_), true}; // inserted
- }
- void Remove(KVIndex index) {
- DCHECK_LT(index, next_unused_cell_);
- Cell* cell = &cells_[index];
- // Unlink the cell.
- *cell->p_prev = cell->next;
- if (cell->next) {
- cell->next->p_prev = cell->p_prev;
- }
- cell->p_prev = nullptr; // mark as free
- // Add it to the free list.
- cell->next = free_list_;
- free_list_ = cell;
- }
- KVIndex Find(const Key& key) const {
- Cell* cell = *Lookup(key);
- return cell ? static_cast<KVIndex>(cell - cells_) : kInvalidKVIndex;
- }
- KVPair& Get(KVIndex index) {
- return cells_[index].kv;
- }
- const KVPair& Get(KVIndex index) const {
- return cells_[index].kv;
- }
- // Finds next index that has a KVPair associated with it. Search starts
- // with the specified index. Returns kInvalidKVIndex if nothing was found.
- // To find the first valid index, call this function with 0. Continue
- // calling with the last_index + 1 until kInvalidKVIndex is returned.
- KVIndex Next(KVIndex index) const {
- for (;index < next_unused_cell_; ++index) {
- if (cells_[index].p_prev) {
- return index;
- }
- }
- return kInvalidKVIndex;
- }
- // Estimates number of bytes used in allocated memory regions.
- size_t EstimateUsedMemory() const {
- size_t page_size = base::GetPageSize();
- // |next_unused_cell_| is the first cell that wasn't touched, i.e.
- // it's the number of touched cells.
- return bits::Align(sizeof(Cell) * next_unused_cell_, page_size) +
- bits::Align(sizeof(Bucket) * NumBuckets, page_size);
- }
- size_t num_inserts_dropped() const { return num_inserts_dropped_; }
- private:
- friend base::trace_event::AllocationRegisterTest;
- struct Cell {
- KVPair kv;
- Cell* next;
- // Conceptually this is |prev| in a doubly linked list. However, buckets
- // also participate in the bucket's cell list - they point to the list's
- // head and also need to be linked / unlinked properly. To treat these two
- // cases uniformly, instead of |prev| we're storing "pointer to a Cell*
- // that points to this Cell" kind of thing. So |p_prev| points to a bucket
- // for the first cell in a list, and points to |next| of the previous cell
- // for any other cell. With that Lookup() is the only function that handles
- // buckets / cells differently.
- // If |p_prev| is nullptr, the cell is in the free list.
- Cell** p_prev;
- };
- using Bucket = Cell*;
- // Returns a pointer to the cell that contains or should contain the entry
- // for |key|. The pointer may point at an element of |buckets_| or at the
- // |next| member of an element of |cells_|.
- Cell** Lookup(const Key& key) const {
- // The list head is in |buckets_| at the hash offset.
- Cell** p_cell = &buckets_[Hash(key)];
- // Chase down the list until the cell that holds |key| is found,
- // or until the list ends.
- while (*p_cell && (*p_cell)->kv.first != key) {
- p_cell = &(*p_cell)->next;
- }
- return p_cell;
- }
- // Returns a cell that is not being used to store an entry (either by
- // recycling from the free list or by taking a fresh cell). May return
- // nullptr if the hash table has run out of memory.
- Cell* GetFreeCell() {
- // First try to re-use a cell from the free list.
- if (free_list_) {
- Cell* cell = free_list_;
- free_list_ = cell->next;
- return cell;
- }
- // If the hash table has too little capacity (when too little address space
- // was reserved for |cells_|), return nullptr.
- if (next_unused_cell_ >= num_cells_) {
- return nullptr;
- }
- // Otherwise pick the next cell that has not been touched before.
- return &cells_[next_unused_cell_++];
- }
- // Returns a value in the range [0, NumBuckets - 1] (inclusive).
- size_t Hash(const Key& key) const {
- if (NumBuckets == (NumBuckets & ~(NumBuckets - 1))) {
- // NumBuckets is a power of 2.
- return KeyHasher()(key) & (NumBuckets - 1);
- } else {
- return KeyHasher()(key) % NumBuckets;
- }
- }
- // Number of cells.
- size_t const num_cells_;
- // Number of calls to Insert() that were lost because the hashtable was full.
- size_t num_inserts_dropped_;
- // The array of cells. This array is backed by mmapped memory. Lower indices
- // are accessed first, higher indices are accessed only when the |free_list_|
- // is empty. This is to minimize the amount of resident memory used.
- Cell* const cells_;
- // The array of buckets (pointers into |cells_|). |buckets_[Hash(key)]| will
- // contain the pointer to the linked list of cells for |Hash(key)|.
- // This array is backed by mmapped memory.
- mutable Bucket* buckets_;
- // The head of the free list.
- Cell* free_list_;
- // The index of the first element of |cells_| that has not been used before.
- // If the free list is empty and a new cell is needed, the cell at this index
- // is used. This is the high water mark for the number of entries stored.
- size_t next_unused_cell_;
-} // namespace internal
-class TraceEventMemoryOverhead;
-// The allocation register keeps track of all allocations that have not been
-// freed. Internally it has two hashtables: one for Backtraces and one for
-// actual allocations. Sizes of both hashtables are fixed, and this class
-// allocates (mmaps) only in its constructor.
-// When either hash table hits max size, new inserts are dropped.
-class BASE_EXPORT AllocationRegister {
- public:
- // Details about an allocation.
- struct Allocation {
- const void* address;
- size_t size;
- AllocationContext context;
- };
- // An iterator that iterates entries in no particular order.
- class BASE_EXPORT ConstIterator {
- public:
- void operator++();
- bool operator!=(const ConstIterator& other) const;
- Allocation operator*() const;
- private:
- friend class AllocationRegister;
- using AllocationIndex = size_t;
- ConstIterator(const AllocationRegister& alloc_register,
- AllocationIndex index);
- const AllocationRegister& register_;
- AllocationIndex index_;
- };
- AllocationRegister();
- AllocationRegister(size_t allocation_capacity, size_t backtrace_capacity);
- ~AllocationRegister();
- // Inserts allocation details into the table. If the address was present
- // already, its details are updated. |address| must not be null.
- //
- // Returns true if an insert occurred. Inserts may fail because the table
- // is full.
- bool Insert(const void* address,
- size_t size,
- const AllocationContext& context);
- // Removes the address from the table if it is present. It is ok to call this
- // with a null pointer.
- void Remove(const void* address);
- // Finds allocation for the address and fills |out_allocation|.
- bool Get(const void* address, Allocation* out_allocation) const;
- ConstIterator begin() const;
- ConstIterator end() const;
- // Estimates memory overhead including |sizeof(AllocationRegister)|.
- void EstimateTraceMemoryOverhead(TraceEventMemoryOverhead* overhead) const;
- private:
- friend AllocationRegisterTest;
-// Expect lower number of allocations from mobile platforms. Load factor
-// (capacity / bucket count) is kept less than 10 for optimal hashing. The
-// number of buckets should be changed together with AddressHasher.
-#if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS)
- static const size_t kAllocationBuckets = 1 << 18;
- static const size_t kAllocationCapacity = 1500000;
- static const size_t kAllocationBuckets = 1 << 19;
- static const size_t kAllocationCapacity = 5000000;
- // 2^16 works well with BacktraceHasher. When increasing this number make
- // sure BacktraceHasher still produces low number of collisions.
- static const size_t kBacktraceBuckets = 1 << 16;
-#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
- static const size_t kBacktraceCapacity = 32000; // 22K was observed
- static const size_t kBacktraceCapacity = 55000; // 45K was observed on Linux
- struct BacktraceHasher {
- size_t operator () (const Backtrace& backtrace) const;
- };
- using BacktraceMap = internal::FixedHashMap<
- kBacktraceBuckets,
- Backtrace,
- size_t, // Number of references to the backtrace (the key). Incremented
- // when an allocation that references the backtrace is inserted,
- // and decremented when the allocation is removed. When the
- // number drops to zero, the backtrace is removed from the map.
- BacktraceHasher>;
- struct AllocationInfo {
- size_t size;
- const char* type_name;
- BacktraceMap::KVIndex backtrace_index;
- };
- struct AddressHasher {
- size_t operator () (const void* address) const;
- };
- using AllocationMap = internal::FixedHashMap<
- kAllocationBuckets,
- const void*,
- AllocationInfo,
- AddressHasher>;
- BacktraceMap::KVIndex InsertBacktrace(const Backtrace& backtrace);
- void RemoveBacktrace(BacktraceMap::KVIndex index);
- Allocation GetAllocation(AllocationMap::KVIndex) const;
- AllocationMap allocations_;
- BacktraceMap backtraces_;
- // Sentinel used when the |backtraces_| table is full.
- //
- // This is a slightly abstraction to allow for constant propagation. It
- // knows that the sentinel will be the first item inserted into the table
- // and that the first index retuned will be 0. The constructor DCHECKs
- // this assumption.
- enum : BacktraceMap::KVIndex { kOutOfStorageBacktraceIndex = 0 };
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AllocationRegister);
-} // namespace trace_event
-} // namespace base