path: root/base
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'base')
59 files changed, 0 insertions, 8835 deletions
diff --git a/base/files/ b/base/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index e9a87b0e05..0000000000
--- a/base/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/files/file_path_watcher_fsevents.h"
-#include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
-#include <list>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/files/file_util.h"
-#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "base/threading/sequenced_task_runner_handle.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace {
-// The latency parameter passed to FSEventsStreamCreate().
-const CFAbsoluteTime kEventLatencySeconds = 0.3;
-// Resolve any symlinks in the path.
-FilePath ResolvePath(const FilePath& path) {
- const unsigned kMaxLinksToResolve = 255;
- std::vector<FilePath::StringType> component_vector;
- path.GetComponents(&component_vector);
- std::list<FilePath::StringType>
- components(component_vector.begin(), component_vector.end());
- FilePath result;
- unsigned resolve_count = 0;
- while (resolve_count < kMaxLinksToResolve && !components.empty()) {
- FilePath component(*components.begin());
- components.pop_front();
- FilePath current;
- if (component.IsAbsolute()) {
- current = component;
- } else {
- current = result.Append(component);
- }
- FilePath target;
- if (ReadSymbolicLink(current, &target)) {
- if (target.IsAbsolute())
- result.clear();
- std::vector<FilePath::StringType> target_components;
- target.GetComponents(&target_components);
- components.insert(components.begin(), target_components.begin(),
- target_components.end());
- resolve_count++;
- } else {
- result = current;
- }
- }
- if (resolve_count >= kMaxLinksToResolve)
- result.clear();
- return result;
-} // namespace
- : queue_(dispatch_queue_create(
- base::StringPrintf("org.chromium.base.FilePathWatcher.%p", this)
- .c_str(),
- fsevent_stream_(nullptr),
- weak_factory_(this) {}
-FilePathWatcherFSEvents::~FilePathWatcherFSEvents() {
- DCHECK(!task_runner() || task_runner()->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread());
- DCHECK(callback_.is_null())
- << "Cancel() must be called before FilePathWatcher is destroyed.";
-bool FilePathWatcherFSEvents::Watch(const FilePath& path,
- bool recursive,
- const FilePathWatcher::Callback& callback) {
- DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
- DCHECK(callback_.is_null());
- // This class could support non-recursive watches, but that is currently
- // left to FilePathWatcherKQueue.
- if (!recursive)
- return false;
- set_task_runner(SequencedTaskRunnerHandle::Get());
- callback_ = callback;
- FSEventStreamEventId start_event = FSEventsGetCurrentEventId();
- // The block runtime would implicitly capture the reference, not the object
- // it's referencing. Copy the path into a local, so that the value is
- // captured by the block's scope.
- const FilePath path_copy(path);
- dispatch_async(queue_, ^{
- StartEventStream(start_event, path_copy);
- });
- return true;
-void FilePathWatcherFSEvents::Cancel() {
- set_cancelled();
- callback_.Reset();
- // Switch to the dispatch queue to tear down the event stream. As the queue is
- // owned by |this|, and this method is called from the destructor, execute the
- // block synchronously.
- dispatch_sync(queue_, ^{
- if (fsevent_stream_) {
- DestroyEventStream();
- target_.clear();
- resolved_target_.clear();
- }
- });
-// static
-void FilePathWatcherFSEvents::FSEventsCallback(
- ConstFSEventStreamRef stream,
- void* event_watcher,
- size_t num_events,
- void* event_paths,
- const FSEventStreamEventFlags flags[],
- const FSEventStreamEventId event_ids[]) {
- FilePathWatcherFSEvents* watcher =
- reinterpret_cast<FilePathWatcherFSEvents*>(event_watcher);
- bool root_changed = watcher->ResolveTargetPath();
- std::vector<FilePath> paths;
- FSEventStreamEventId root_change_at = FSEventStreamGetLatestEventId(stream);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < num_events; i++) {
- if (flags[i] & kFSEventStreamEventFlagRootChanged)
- root_changed = true;
- if (event_ids[i])
- root_change_at = std::min(root_change_at, event_ids[i]);
- paths.push_back(FilePath(
- reinterpret_cast<char**>(event_paths)[i]).StripTrailingSeparators());
- }
- // Reinitialize the event stream if we find changes to the root. This is
- // necessary since FSEvents doesn't report any events for the subtree after
- // the directory to be watched gets created.
- if (root_changed) {
- // Resetting the event stream from within the callback fails (FSEvents spews
- // bad file descriptor errors), so do the reset asynchronously.
- //
- // We can't dispatch_async a call to UpdateEventStream() directly because
- // there would be no guarantee that |watcher| still exists when it runs.
- //
- // Instead, bounce on task_runner() and use a WeakPtr to verify that
- // |watcher| still exists. If it does, dispatch_async a call to
- // UpdateEventStream(). Because the destructor of |watcher| runs on
- // task_runner() and calls dispatch_sync, it is guaranteed that |watcher|
- // still exists when UpdateEventStream() runs.
- watcher->task_runner()->PostTask(
- FROM_HERE, Bind(
- [](WeakPtr<FilePathWatcherFSEvents> weak_watcher,
- FSEventStreamEventId root_change_at) {
- if (!weak_watcher)
- return;
- FilePathWatcherFSEvents* watcher = weak_watcher.get();
- dispatch_async(watcher->queue_, ^{
- watcher->UpdateEventStream(root_change_at);
- });
- },
- watcher->weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), root_change_at));
- }
- watcher->OnFilePathsChanged(paths);
-void FilePathWatcherFSEvents::OnFilePathsChanged(
- const std::vector<FilePath>& paths) {
- DCHECK(!resolved_target_.empty());
- task_runner()->PostTask(
- Bind(&FilePathWatcherFSEvents::DispatchEvents, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
- paths, target_, resolved_target_));
-void FilePathWatcherFSEvents::DispatchEvents(const std::vector<FilePath>& paths,
- const FilePath& target,
- const FilePath& resolved_target) {
- DCHECK(task_runner()->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread());
- // Don't issue callbacks after Cancel() has been called.
- if (is_cancelled() || callback_.is_null()) {
- return;
- }
- for (const FilePath& path : paths) {
- if (resolved_target.IsParent(path) || resolved_target == path) {
- callback_.Run(target, false);
- return;
- }
- }
-void FilePathWatcherFSEvents::UpdateEventStream(
- FSEventStreamEventId start_event) {
- // It can happen that the watcher gets canceled while tasks that call this
- // function are still in flight, so abort if this situation is detected.
- if (resolved_target_.empty())
- return;
- if (fsevent_stream_)
- DestroyEventStream();
- ScopedCFTypeRef<CFStringRef> cf_path(CFStringCreateWithCString(
- NULL, resolved_target_.value().c_str(), kCFStringEncodingMacHFS));
- ScopedCFTypeRef<CFStringRef> cf_dir_path(CFStringCreateWithCString(
- NULL, resolved_target_.DirName().value().c_str(),
- kCFStringEncodingMacHFS));
- CFStringRef paths_array[] = { cf_path.get(), cf_dir_path.get() };
- ScopedCFTypeRef<CFArrayRef> watched_paths(CFArrayCreate(
- NULL, reinterpret_cast<const void**>(paths_array), arraysize(paths_array),
- &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks));
- FSEventStreamContext context;
- context.version = 0;
- = this;
- context.retain = NULL;
- context.release = NULL;
- context.copyDescription = NULL;
- fsevent_stream_ = FSEventStreamCreate(NULL, &FSEventsCallback, &context,
- watched_paths,
- start_event,
- kEventLatencySeconds,
- kFSEventStreamCreateFlagWatchRoot);
- FSEventStreamSetDispatchQueue(fsevent_stream_, queue_);
- if (!FSEventStreamStart(fsevent_stream_)) {
- task_runner()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
- Bind(&FilePathWatcherFSEvents::ReportError,
- weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), target_));
- }
-bool FilePathWatcherFSEvents::ResolveTargetPath() {
- FilePath resolved = ResolvePath(target_).StripTrailingSeparators();
- bool changed = resolved != resolved_target_;
- resolved_target_ = resolved;
- if (resolved_target_.empty()) {
- task_runner()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
- Bind(&FilePathWatcherFSEvents::ReportError,
- weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), target_));
- }
- return changed;
-void FilePathWatcherFSEvents::ReportError(const FilePath& target) {
- DCHECK(task_runner()->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread());
- if (!callback_.is_null()) {
- callback_.Run(target, true);
- }
-void FilePathWatcherFSEvents::DestroyEventStream() {
- FSEventStreamStop(fsevent_stream_);
- FSEventStreamInvalidate(fsevent_stream_);
- FSEventStreamRelease(fsevent_stream_);
- fsevent_stream_ = NULL;
-void FilePathWatcherFSEvents::StartEventStream(FSEventStreamEventId start_event,
- const FilePath& path) {
- DCHECK(resolved_target_.empty());
- target_ = path;
- ResolveTargetPath();
- UpdateEventStream(start_event);
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/files/file_path_watcher_fsevents.h b/base/files/file_path_watcher_fsevents.h
deleted file mode 100644
index dcdf2fbf9d..0000000000
--- a/base/files/file_path_watcher_fsevents.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/files/file_path.h"
-#include "base/files/file_path_watcher.h"
-#include "base/mac/scoped_dispatch_object.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
-namespace base {
-// Mac-specific file watcher implementation based on FSEvents.
-// There are trade-offs between the FSEvents implementation and a kqueue
-// implementation. The biggest issues are that FSEvents on 10.6 sometimes drops
-// events and kqueue does not trigger for modifications to a file in a watched
-// directory. See for the code that decides when to
-// use which one.
-class FilePathWatcherFSEvents : public FilePathWatcher::PlatformDelegate {
- public:
- FilePathWatcherFSEvents();
- ~FilePathWatcherFSEvents() override;
- // FilePathWatcher::PlatformDelegate overrides.
- bool Watch(const FilePath& path,
- bool recursive,
- const FilePathWatcher::Callback& callback) override;
- void Cancel() override;
- private:
- static void FSEventsCallback(ConstFSEventStreamRef stream,
- void* event_watcher,
- size_t num_events,
- void* event_paths,
- const FSEventStreamEventFlags flags[],
- const FSEventStreamEventId event_ids[]);
- // Called from FSEventsCallback whenever there is a change to the paths.
- void OnFilePathsChanged(const std::vector<FilePath>& paths);
- // Called on the message_loop() thread to dispatch path events. Can't access
- // target_ and resolved_target_ directly as those are modified on the
- // libdispatch thread.
- void DispatchEvents(const std::vector<FilePath>& paths,
- const FilePath& target,
- const FilePath& resolved_target);
- // (Re-)Initialize the event stream to start reporting events from
- // |start_event|.
- void UpdateEventStream(FSEventStreamEventId start_event);
- // Returns true if resolving the target path got a different result than
- // last time it was done.
- bool ResolveTargetPath();
- // Report an error watching the given target.
- void ReportError(const FilePath& target);
- // Destroy the event stream.
- void DestroyEventStream();
- // Start watching the FSEventStream.
- void StartEventStream(FSEventStreamEventId start_event, const FilePath& path);
- // Callback to notify upon changes.
- // (Only accessed from the message_loop() thread.)
- FilePathWatcher::Callback callback_;
- // The dispatch queue on which the the event stream is scheduled.
- ScopedDispatchObject<dispatch_queue_t> queue_;
- // Target path to watch (passed to callback).
- // (Only accessed from the libdispatch queue.)
- FilePath target_;
- // Target path with all symbolic links resolved.
- // (Only accessed from the libdispatch queue.)
- FilePath resolved_target_;
- // Backend stream we receive event callbacks from (strong reference).
- // (Only accessed from the libdispatch queue.)
- FSEventStreamRef fsevent_stream_;
- WeakPtrFactory<FilePathWatcherFSEvents> weak_factory_;
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/files/ b/base/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index a28726acb0..0000000000
--- a/base/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/files/file_path_watcher_kqueue.h"
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/files/file_util.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "base/threading/sequenced_task_runner_handle.h"
-// On some platforms these are not defined.
-#if !defined(EV_RECEIPT)
-#define EV_RECEIPT 0
-#if !defined(O_EVTONLY)
-namespace base {
-FilePathWatcherKQueue::FilePathWatcherKQueue() : kqueue_(-1) {}
-FilePathWatcherKQueue::~FilePathWatcherKQueue() {
- DCHECK(!task_runner() || task_runner()->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread());
-void FilePathWatcherKQueue::ReleaseEvent(struct kevent& event) {
- CloseFileDescriptor(&event.ident);
- EventData* entry = EventDataForKevent(event);
- delete entry;
- event.udata = NULL;
-int FilePathWatcherKQueue::EventsForPath(FilePath path, EventVector* events) {
- // Make sure that we are working with a clean slate.
- DCHECK(events->empty());
- std::vector<FilePath::StringType> components;
- path.GetComponents(&components);
- if (components.size() < 1) {
- return -1;
- }
- int last_existing_entry = 0;
- FilePath built_path;
- bool path_still_exists = true;
- for (std::vector<FilePath::StringType>::iterator i = components.begin();
- i != components.end(); ++i) {
- if (i == components.begin()) {
- built_path = FilePath(*i);
- } else {
- built_path = built_path.Append(*i);
- }
- uintptr_t fd = kNoFileDescriptor;
- if (path_still_exists) {
- fd = FileDescriptorForPath(built_path);
- if (fd == kNoFileDescriptor) {
- path_still_exists = false;
- } else {
- ++last_existing_entry;
- }
- }
- FilePath::StringType subdir = (i != (components.end() - 1)) ? *(i + 1) : "";
- EventData* data = new EventData(built_path, subdir);
- struct kevent event;
- events->push_back(event);
- }
- return last_existing_entry;
-uintptr_t FilePathWatcherKQueue::FileDescriptorForPath(const FilePath& path) {
- int fd = HANDLE_EINTR(open(path.value().c_str(), O_EVTONLY));
- if (fd == -1)
- return kNoFileDescriptor;
- return fd;
-void FilePathWatcherKQueue::CloseFileDescriptor(uintptr_t* fd) {
- if (*fd == kNoFileDescriptor) {
- return;
- }
- if (IGNORE_EINTR(close(*fd)) != 0) {
- DPLOG(ERROR) << "close";
- }
- *fd = kNoFileDescriptor;
-bool FilePathWatcherKQueue::AreKeventValuesValid(struct kevent* kevents,
- int count) {
- if (count < 0) {
- DPLOG(ERROR) << "kevent";
- return false;
- }
- bool valid = true;
- for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- if (kevents[i].flags & EV_ERROR && kevents[i].data) {
- // Find the kevent in |events_| that matches the kevent with the error.
- EventVector::iterator event = events_.begin();
- for (; event != events_.end(); ++event) {
- if (event->ident == kevents[i].ident) {
- break;
- }
- }
- std::string path_name;
- if (event != events_.end()) {
- EventData* event_data = EventDataForKevent(*event);
- if (event_data != NULL) {
- path_name = event_data->path_.value();
- }
- }
- if (path_name.empty()) {
- path_name = base::StringPrintf(
- "fd %ld", reinterpret_cast<long>(&kevents[i].ident));
- }
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Error: " << kevents[i].data << " for " << path_name;
- valid = false;
- }
- }
- return valid;
-void FilePathWatcherKQueue::HandleAttributesChange(
- const EventVector::iterator& event,
- bool* target_file_affected,
- bool* update_watches) {
- EventVector::iterator next_event = event + 1;
- EventData* next_event_data = EventDataForKevent(*next_event);
- // Check to see if the next item in path is still accessible.
- uintptr_t have_access = FileDescriptorForPath(next_event_data->path_);
- if (have_access == kNoFileDescriptor) {
- *target_file_affected = true;
- *update_watches = true;
- EventVector::iterator local_event(event);
- for (; local_event != events_.end(); ++local_event) {
- // Close all nodes from the event down. This has the side effect of
- // potentially rendering other events in |updates| invalid.
- // There is no need to remove the events from |kqueue_| because this
- // happens as a side effect of closing the file descriptor.
- CloseFileDescriptor(&local_event->ident);
- }
- } else {
- CloseFileDescriptor(&have_access);
- }
-void FilePathWatcherKQueue::HandleDeleteOrMoveChange(
- const EventVector::iterator& event,
- bool* target_file_affected,
- bool* update_watches) {
- *target_file_affected = true;
- *update_watches = true;
- EventVector::iterator local_event(event);
- for (; local_event != events_.end(); ++local_event) {
- // Close all nodes from the event down. This has the side effect of
- // potentially rendering other events in |updates| invalid.
- // There is no need to remove the events from |kqueue_| because this
- // happens as a side effect of closing the file descriptor.
- CloseFileDescriptor(&local_event->ident);
- }
-void FilePathWatcherKQueue::HandleCreateItemChange(
- const EventVector::iterator& event,
- bool* target_file_affected,
- bool* update_watches) {
- // Get the next item in the path.
- EventVector::iterator next_event = event + 1;
- // Check to see if it already has a valid file descriptor.
- if (!IsKeventFileDescriptorOpen(*next_event)) {
- EventData* next_event_data = EventDataForKevent(*next_event);
- // If not, attempt to open a file descriptor for it.
- next_event->ident = FileDescriptorForPath(next_event_data->path_);
- if (IsKeventFileDescriptorOpen(*next_event)) {
- *update_watches = true;
- if (next_event_data->subdir_.empty()) {
- *target_file_affected = true;
- }
- }
- }
-bool FilePathWatcherKQueue::UpdateWatches(bool* target_file_affected) {
- // Iterate over events adding kevents for items that exist to the kqueue.
- // Then check to see if new components in the path have been created.
- // Repeat until no new components in the path are detected.
- // This is to get around races in directory creation in a watched path.
- bool update_watches = true;
- while (update_watches) {
- size_t valid;
- for (valid = 0; valid < events_.size(); ++valid) {
- if (!IsKeventFileDescriptorOpen(events_[valid])) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (valid == 0) {
- // The root of the file path is inaccessible?
- return false;
- }
- EventVector updates(valid);
- int count = HANDLE_EINTR(kevent(kqueue_, &events_[0], valid, &updates[0],
- valid, NULL));
- if (!AreKeventValuesValid(&updates[0], count)) {
- return false;
- }
- update_watches = false;
- for (; valid < events_.size(); ++valid) {
- EventData* event_data = EventDataForKevent(events_[valid]);
- events_[valid].ident = FileDescriptorForPath(event_data->path_);
- if (IsKeventFileDescriptorOpen(events_[valid])) {
- update_watches = true;
- if (event_data->subdir_.empty()) {
- *target_file_affected = true;
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-bool FilePathWatcherKQueue::Watch(const FilePath& path,
- bool recursive,
- const FilePathWatcher::Callback& callback) {
- DCHECK(target_.value().empty()); // Can only watch one path.
- DCHECK(!callback.is_null());
- DCHECK_EQ(kqueue_, -1);
- // Recursive watch is not supported using kqueue.
- DCHECK(!recursive);
- callback_ = callback;
- target_ = path;
- set_task_runner(SequencedTaskRunnerHandle::Get());
- kqueue_ = kqueue();
- if (kqueue_ == -1) {
- DPLOG(ERROR) << "kqueue";
- return false;
- }
- int last_entry = EventsForPath(target_, &events_);
- DCHECK_NE(last_entry, 0);
- EventVector responses(last_entry);
- int count = HANDLE_EINTR(kevent(kqueue_, &events_[0], last_entry,
- &responses[0], last_entry, NULL));
- if (!AreKeventValuesValid(&responses[0], count)) {
- // Calling Cancel() here to close any file descriptors that were opened.
- // This would happen in the destructor anyways, but FilePathWatchers tend to
- // be long lived, and if an error has occurred, there is no reason to waste
- // the file descriptors.
- Cancel();
- return false;
- }
- // It's safe to use Unretained() because the watch is cancelled and the
- // callback cannot be invoked after |kqueue_watch_controller_| (which is a
- // member of |this|) has been deleted.
- kqueue_watch_controller_ = FileDescriptorWatcher::WatchReadable(
- kqueue_,
- Bind(&FilePathWatcherKQueue::OnKQueueReadable, Unretained(this)));
- return true;
-void FilePathWatcherKQueue::Cancel() {
- if (!task_runner()) {
- set_cancelled();
- return;
- }
- DCHECK(task_runner()->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread());
- if (!is_cancelled()) {
- set_cancelled();
- kqueue_watch_controller_.reset();
- if (IGNORE_EINTR(close(kqueue_)) != 0) {
- DPLOG(ERROR) << "close kqueue";
- }
- kqueue_ = -1;
- std::for_each(events_.begin(), events_.end(), ReleaseEvent);
- events_.clear();
- callback_.Reset();
- }
-void FilePathWatcherKQueue::OnKQueueReadable() {
- DCHECK(task_runner()->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread());
- DCHECK(events_.size());
- // Request the file system update notifications that have occurred and return
- // them in |updates|. |count| will contain the number of updates that have
- // occurred.
- EventVector updates(events_.size());
- struct timespec timeout = {0, 0};
- int count = HANDLE_EINTR(kevent(kqueue_, NULL, 0, &updates[0], updates.size(),
- &timeout));
- // Error values are stored within updates, so check to make sure that no
- // errors occurred.
- if (!AreKeventValuesValid(&updates[0], count)) {
- callback_.Run(target_, true /* error */);
- Cancel();
- return;
- }
- bool update_watches = false;
- bool send_notification = false;
- // Iterate through each of the updates and react to them.
- for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- // Find our kevent record that matches the update notification.
- EventVector::iterator event = events_.begin();
- for (; event != events_.end(); ++event) {
- if (!IsKeventFileDescriptorOpen(*event) ||
- event->ident == updates[i].ident) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (event == events_.end() || !IsKeventFileDescriptorOpen(*event)) {
- // The event may no longer exist in |events_| because another event
- // modified |events_| in such a way to make it invalid. For example if
- // the path is /foo/bar/bam and foo is deleted, NOTE_DELETE events for
- // foo, bar and bam will be sent. If foo is processed first, then
- // the file descriptors for bar and bam will already be closed and set
- // to -1 before they get a chance to be processed.
- continue;
- }
- EventData* event_data = EventDataForKevent(*event);
- // If the subdir is empty, this is the last item on the path and is the
- // target file.
- bool target_file_affected = event_data->subdir_.empty();
- if ((updates[i].fflags & NOTE_ATTRIB) && !target_file_affected) {
- HandleAttributesChange(event, &target_file_affected, &update_watches);
- }
- if (updates[i].fflags & (NOTE_DELETE | NOTE_REVOKE | NOTE_RENAME)) {
- HandleDeleteOrMoveChange(event, &target_file_affected, &update_watches);
- }
- if ((updates[i].fflags & NOTE_WRITE) && !target_file_affected) {
- HandleCreateItemChange(event, &target_file_affected, &update_watches);
- }
- send_notification |= target_file_affected;
- }
- if (update_watches) {
- if (!UpdateWatches(&send_notification)) {
- callback_.Run(target_, true /* error */);
- Cancel();
- }
- }
- if (send_notification) {
- callback_.Run(target_, false);
- }
-} // namespace base
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--- a/base/files/file_path_watcher_kqueue.h
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-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <sys/event.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/files/file_descriptor_watcher_posix.h"
-#include "base/files/file_path.h"
-#include "base/files/file_path_watcher.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-namespace base {
-// Mac-specific file watcher implementation based on kqueue.
-// The Linux and Windows versions are able to detect:
-// - file creation/deletion/modification in a watched directory
-// - file creation/deletion/modification for a watched file
-// - modifications to the paths to a watched object that would affect the
-// object such as renaming/attibute changes etc.
-// The kqueue implementation will handle all of the items in the list above
-// except for detecting modifications to files in a watched directory. It will
-// detect the creation and deletion of files, just not the modification of
-// files. It does however detect the attribute changes that the FSEvents impl
-// would miss.
-class FilePathWatcherKQueue : public FilePathWatcher::PlatformDelegate {
- public:
- FilePathWatcherKQueue();
- ~FilePathWatcherKQueue() override;
- // FilePathWatcher::PlatformDelegate overrides.
- bool Watch(const FilePath& path,
- bool recursive,
- const FilePathWatcher::Callback& callback) override;
- void Cancel() override;
- private:
- class EventData {
- public:
- EventData(const FilePath& path, const FilePath::StringType& subdir)
- : path_(path), subdir_(subdir) { }
- FilePath path_; // Full path to this item.
- FilePath::StringType subdir_; // Path to any sub item.
- };
- typedef std::vector<struct kevent> EventVector;
- // Called when data is available in |kqueue_|.
- void OnKQueueReadable();
- // Returns true if the kevent values are error free.
- bool AreKeventValuesValid(struct kevent* kevents, int count);
- // Respond to a change of attributes of the path component represented by
- // |event|. Sets |target_file_affected| to true if |target_| is affected.
- // Sets |update_watches| to true if |events_| need to be updated.
- void HandleAttributesChange(const EventVector::iterator& event,
- bool* target_file_affected,
- bool* update_watches);
- // Respond to a move or deletion of the path component represented by
- // |event|. Sets |target_file_affected| to true if |target_| is affected.
- // Sets |update_watches| to true if |events_| need to be updated.
- void HandleDeleteOrMoveChange(const EventVector::iterator& event,
- bool* target_file_affected,
- bool* update_watches);
- // Respond to a creation of an item in the path component represented by
- // |event|. Sets |target_file_affected| to true if |target_| is affected.
- // Sets |update_watches| to true if |events_| need to be updated.
- void HandleCreateItemChange(const EventVector::iterator& event,
- bool* target_file_affected,
- bool* update_watches);
- // Update |events_| with the current status of the system.
- // Sets |target_file_affected| to true if |target_| is affected.
- // Returns false if an error occurs.
- bool UpdateWatches(bool* target_file_affected);
- // Fills |events| with one kevent per component in |path|.
- // Returns the number of valid events created where a valid event is
- // defined as one that has a ident (file descriptor) field != -1.
- static int EventsForPath(FilePath path, EventVector *events);
- // Release a kevent generated by EventsForPath.
- static void ReleaseEvent(struct kevent& event);
- // Returns a file descriptor that will not block the system from deleting
- // the file it references.
- static uintptr_t FileDescriptorForPath(const FilePath& path);
- static const uintptr_t kNoFileDescriptor = static_cast<uintptr_t>(-1);
- // Closes |*fd| and sets |*fd| to -1.
- static void CloseFileDescriptor(uintptr_t* fd);
- // Returns true if kevent has open file descriptor.
- static bool IsKeventFileDescriptorOpen(const struct kevent& event) {
- return event.ident != kNoFileDescriptor;
- }
- static EventData* EventDataForKevent(const struct kevent& event) {
- return reinterpret_cast<EventData*>(event.udata);
- }
- EventVector events_;
- FilePathWatcher::Callback callback_;
- FilePath target_;
- int kqueue_;
- // Throughout the lifetime of this, OnKQueueReadable() will be called when
- // data is available in |kqueue_|.
- std::unique_ptr<FileDescriptorWatcher::Controller> kqueue_watch_controller_;
-} // namespace base
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+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <memory>
-#include "base/files/file_path_watcher.h"
-#include "base/files/file_path_watcher_kqueue.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-#if !defined(OS_IOS)
-#include "base/files/file_path_watcher_fsevents.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace {
-class FilePathWatcherImpl : public FilePathWatcher::PlatformDelegate {
- public:
- FilePathWatcherImpl() = default;
- ~FilePathWatcherImpl() override = default;
- bool Watch(const FilePath& path,
- bool recursive,
- const FilePathWatcher::Callback& callback) override {
- // Use kqueue for non-recursive watches and FSEvents for recursive ones.
- DCHECK(!impl_.get());
- if (recursive) {
- if (!FilePathWatcher::RecursiveWatchAvailable())
- return false;
-#if !defined(OS_IOS)
- impl_ = MakeUnique<FilePathWatcherFSEvents>();
-#endif // OS_IOS
- } else {
- impl_ = MakeUnique<FilePathWatcherKQueue>();
- }
- DCHECK(impl_.get());
- return impl_->Watch(path, recursive, callback);
- }
- void Cancel() override {
- if (impl_.get())
- impl_->Cancel();
- set_cancelled();
- }
- private:
- std::unique_ptr<PlatformDelegate> impl_;
-} // namespace
-FilePathWatcher::FilePathWatcher() {
- sequence_checker_.DetachFromSequence();
- impl_ = MakeUnique<FilePathWatcherImpl>();
-} // namespace base
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-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/files/file_util.h"
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#include <copyfile.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "base/files/file_path.h"
-#include "base/mac/foundation_util.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
-namespace base {
-bool CopyFile(const FilePath& from_path, const FilePath& to_path) {
- ThreadRestrictions::AssertIOAllowed();
- if (from_path.ReferencesParent() || to_path.ReferencesParent())
- return false;
- return (copyfile(from_path.value().c_str(),
- to_path.value().c_str(), NULL, COPYFILE_DATA) == 0);
-bool GetTempDir(base::FilePath* path) {
- // In order to facilitate hermetic runs on macOS, first check $TMPDIR.
- // NOTE: $TMPDIR is ALMOST ALWAYS set on macOS (unless the user un-set it).
- const char* env_tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR");
- if (env_tmpdir) {
- *path = base::FilePath(env_tmpdir);
- return true;
- }
- // If we didn't find it, fall back to the native function.
- NSString* tmp = NSTemporaryDirectory();
- if (tmp == nil)
- return false;
- *path = base::mac::NSStringToFilePath(tmp);
- return true;
-FilePath GetHomeDir() {
- NSString* tmp = NSHomeDirectory();
- if (tmp != nil) {
- FilePath mac_home_dir = base::mac::NSStringToFilePath(tmp);
- if (!mac_home_dir.empty())
- return mac_home_dir;
- }
- // Fall back on temp dir if no home directory is defined.
- FilePath rv;
- if (GetTempDir(&rv))
- return rv;
- // Last resort.
- return FilePath("/tmp");
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/bind_objc_block.h b/base/mac/bind_objc_block.h
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--- a/base/mac/bind_objc_block.h
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@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <Block.h>
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/callback_forward.h"
-#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
-#include "base/mac/scoped_block.h"
-// BindBlock builds a callback from an Objective-C block. Example usages:
-// Closure closure = BindBlock(^{DoSomething();});
-// Callback<int(void)> callback = BindBlock(^{return 42;});
-// Callback<void(const std::string&, const std::string&)> callback =
-// BindBlock(^(const std::string& arg0, const std::string& arg1) {
-// ...
-// });
-// These variadic templates will accommodate any number of arguments, however
-// the underlying templates in bind_internal.h and callback.h are limited to
-// seven total arguments, and the bound block itself is used as one of these
-// arguments, so functionally the templates are limited to binding blocks with
-// zero through six arguments.
-// For code compiled with ARC (automatic reference counting), use BindBlockArc.
-// This is because the method has a different implementation (to avoid over-
-// retaining the block) and need to have a different name not to break the ODR
-// (one definition rule). Another subtle difference is that the implementation
-// will call a different version of ScopedBlock constructor thus the linker must
-// not merge both functions.
-namespace base {
-namespace internal {
-// Helper function to run the block contained in the parameter.
-template<typename R, typename... Args>
-R RunBlock(base::mac::ScopedBlock<R(^)(Args...)> block, Args... args) {
- R(^extracted_block)(Args...) = block.get();
- return extracted_block(args...);
-} // namespace internal
-#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
-// Construct a callback from an objective-C block with up to six arguments (see
-// note above).
-template<typename R, typename... Args>
-base::Callback<R(Args...)> BindBlock(R(^block)(Args...)) {
- return base::Bind(
- &base::internal::RunBlock<R, Args...>,
- base::mac::ScopedBlock<R (^)(Args...)>(
- base::mac::internal::ScopedBlockTraits<R (^)(Args...)>::Retain(
- block)));
-// Construct a callback from an objective-C block with up to six arguments (see
-// note above).
-template <typename R, typename... Args>
-base::Callback<R(Args...)> BindBlockArc(R (^block)(Args...)) {
- return base::Bind(&base::internal::RunBlock<R, Args...>,
- base::mac::ScopedBlock<R (^)(Args...)>(block));
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/bundle_locations.h b/base/mac/bundle_locations.h
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index 5cc44ba966..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/bundle_locations.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/base_export.h"
-#include "base/files/file_path.h"
-#if defined(__OBJC__)
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#else // __OBJC__
-class NSBundle;
-#endif // __OBJC__
-namespace base {
-class FilePath;
-namespace mac {
-// This file provides several functions to explicitly request the various
-// component bundles of Chrome. Please use these methods rather than calling
-// +[NSBundle mainBundle] or CFBundleGetMainBundle().
-// Terminology
-// - "Outer Bundle" - This is the main bundle for Chrome; it's what
-// +[NSBundle mainBundle] returns when Chrome is launched normally.
-// - "Main Bundle" - This is the bundle from which Chrome was launched.
-// This will be the same as the outer bundle except when Chrome is launched
-// via an app shortcut, in which case this will return the app shortcut's
-// bundle rather than the main Chrome bundle.
-// - "Framework Bundle" - This is the bundle corresponding to the Chrome
-// framework.
-// Guidelines for use:
-// - To access a resource, the Framework bundle should be used.
-// - If the choice is between the Outer or Main bundles then please choose
-// carefully. Most often the Outer bundle will be the right choice, but for
-// cases such as adding an app to the "launch on startup" list, the Main
-// bundle is probably the one to use.
-// Methods for retrieving the various bundles.
-BASE_EXPORT NSBundle* MainBundle();
-BASE_EXPORT FilePath MainBundlePath();
-BASE_EXPORT NSBundle* OuterBundle();
-BASE_EXPORT FilePath OuterBundlePath();
-BASE_EXPORT NSBundle* FrameworkBundle();
-BASE_EXPORT FilePath FrameworkBundlePath();
-// Set the bundle that the preceding functions will return, overriding the
-// default values. Restore the default by passing in |nil|.
-BASE_EXPORT void SetOverrideOuterBundle(NSBundle* bundle);
-BASE_EXPORT void SetOverrideFrameworkBundle(NSBundle* bundle);
-// Same as above but accepting a FilePath argument.
-BASE_EXPORT void SetOverrideOuterBundlePath(const FilePath& file_path);
-BASE_EXPORT void SetOverrideFrameworkBundlePath(const FilePath& file_path);
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/ b/base/mac/
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/mac/bundle_locations.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/mac/foundation_util.h"
-#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace mac {
-// NSBundle isn't threadsafe, all functions in this file must be called on the
-// main thread.
-static NSBundle* g_override_framework_bundle = nil;
-static NSBundle* g_override_outer_bundle = nil;
-NSBundle* MainBundle() {
- return [NSBundle mainBundle];
-FilePath MainBundlePath() {
- NSBundle* bundle = MainBundle();
- return NSStringToFilePath([bundle bundlePath]);
-NSBundle* OuterBundle() {
- if (g_override_outer_bundle)
- return g_override_outer_bundle;
- return [NSBundle mainBundle];
-FilePath OuterBundlePath() {
- NSBundle* bundle = OuterBundle();
- return NSStringToFilePath([bundle bundlePath]);
-NSBundle* FrameworkBundle() {
- if (g_override_framework_bundle)
- return g_override_framework_bundle;
- return [NSBundle mainBundle];
-FilePath FrameworkBundlePath() {
- NSBundle* bundle = FrameworkBundle();
- return NSStringToFilePath([bundle bundlePath]);
-static void AssignOverrideBundle(NSBundle* new_bundle,
- NSBundle** override_bundle) {
- if (new_bundle != *override_bundle) {
- [*override_bundle release];
- *override_bundle = [new_bundle retain];
- }
-static void AssignOverridePath(const FilePath& file_path,
- NSBundle** override_bundle) {
- NSString* path = base::SysUTF8ToNSString(file_path.value());
- NSBundle* new_bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:path];
- DCHECK(new_bundle) << "Failed to load the bundle at " << file_path.value();
- AssignOverrideBundle(new_bundle, override_bundle);
-void SetOverrideOuterBundle(NSBundle* bundle) {
- AssignOverrideBundle(bundle, &g_override_outer_bundle);
-void SetOverrideFrameworkBundle(NSBundle* bundle) {
- AssignOverrideBundle(bundle, &g_override_framework_bundle);
-void SetOverrideOuterBundlePath(const FilePath& file_path) {
- AssignOverridePath(file_path, &g_override_outer_bundle);
-void SetOverrideFrameworkBundlePath(const FilePath& file_path) {
- AssignOverridePath(file_path, &g_override_framework_bundle);
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
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-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/mac/call_with_eh_frame.h"
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <unwind.h>
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace mac {
-// On CrOS we build 32bits (which is not supported on Chrome Mac BTW), so
-// we use the IOS code.
-//#if defined(OS_IOS)
-// No iOS assembly implementation exists, so just call the block directly.
-void CallWithEHFrame(void (^block)(void)) {
- block();
- /*
-#else // OS_MACOSX
-extern "C" _Unwind_Reason_Code __gxx_personality_v0(int,
- _Unwind_Action,
- uint64_t,
- struct _Unwind_Exception*,
- struct _Unwind_Context*);
-_Unwind_Reason_Code CxxPersonalityRoutine(
- int version,
- _Unwind_Action actions,
- uint64_t exception_class,
- struct _Unwind_Exception* exception_object,
- struct _Unwind_Context* context) {
- // Unwinding is a two-phase process: phase one searches for an exception
- // handler, and phase two performs cleanup. For phase one, this custom
- // personality will terminate the search. For phase two, this should delegate
- // back to the standard personality routine.
- if ((actions & _UA_SEARCH_PHASE) != 0) {
- // Tell libunwind that this is the end of the stack. When it encounters the
- // CallWithEHFrame, it will stop searching for an exception handler. The
- // result is that no exception handler has been found higher on the stack,
- // and any that are lower on the stack (e.g. in CFRunLoopRunSpecific), will
- // now be skipped. Since this is reporting the end of the stack, and no
- // exception handler will have been found, std::terminate() will be called.
- return _URC_END_OF_STACK;
- }
- return __gxx_personality_v0(version, actions, exception_class,
- exception_object, context);
-#endif // defined(OS_IOS)
- */
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/call_with_eh_frame.h b/base/mac/call_with_eh_frame.h
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--- a/base/mac/call_with_eh_frame.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/base_export.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace mac {
-// Invokes the specified block in a stack frame with a special exception
-// handler. This function creates an exception handling stack frame that
-// specifies a custom C++ exception personality routine, which terminates the
-// search for an exception handler at this frame.
-// The purpose of this function is to prevent a try/catch statement in system
-// libraries, acting as a global exception handler, from handling exceptions
-// in such a way that disrupts the generation of useful stack traces.
-void BASE_EXPORT CallWithEHFrame(void (^block)(void));
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/cocoa_protocols.h b/base/mac/cocoa_protocols.h
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/base/mac/cocoa_protocols.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
-// New Mac OS X SDKs introduce new protocols used for delegates. These
-// protocol defintions aren't not present in earlier releases of the Mac OS X
-// SDK. In order to support building against the new SDK, which requires
-// delegates to conform to these protocols, and earlier SDKs, which do not
-// define these protocols at all, this file will provide empty protocol
-// definitions when used with earlier SDK versions.
-@protocol p \
-#if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7) || \
-#endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_7
diff --git a/base/mac/foundation_util.h b/base/mac/foundation_util.h
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@@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/base_export.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-#if defined(__OBJC__)
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-@class NSFont;
-@class UIFont;
-#else // __OBJC__
-#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
-class NSBundle;
-class NSFont;
-class NSString;
-class UIFont;
-#endif // __OBJC__
-#if defined(OS_IOS)
-#include <CoreText/CoreText.h>
-#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
-// Adapted from NSObjCRuntime.h NS_ENUM definition (used in Foundation starting
-// with the OS X 10.8 SDK and the iOS 6.0 SDK).
-#if __has_extension(cxx_strong_enums) && \
- (defined(OS_IOS) || (defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_8) && \
-#define CR_FORWARD_ENUM(_type, _name) enum _name : _type _name
-#define CR_FORWARD_ENUM(_type, _name) _type _name
-// Adapted from NSPathUtilities.h and NSObjCRuntime.h.
-#if __LP64__ || NS_BUILD_32_LIKE_64
-typedef CR_FORWARD_ENUM(unsigned long, NSSearchPathDirectory);
-typedef unsigned long NSSearchPathDomainMask;
-typedef CR_FORWARD_ENUM(unsigned int, NSSearchPathDirectory);
-typedef unsigned int NSSearchPathDomainMask;
-typedef struct OpaqueSecTrustRef* SecACLRef;
-typedef struct OpaqueSecTrustedApplicationRef* SecTrustedApplicationRef;
-#if defined(OS_IOS)
-typedef struct CF_BRIDGED_TYPE(id) __SecPolicy* SecPolicyRef;
-typedef struct OpaqueSecPolicyRef* SecPolicyRef;
-namespace base {
-class FilePath;
-namespace mac {
-// Returns true if the application is running from a bundle
-BASE_EXPORT bool AmIBundled();
-BASE_EXPORT void SetOverrideAmIBundled(bool value);
-#if defined(UNIT_TEST)
-// This is required because instantiating some tests requires checking the
-// directory structure, which sets the AmIBundled cache state. Individual tests
-// may or may not be bundled, and this would trip them up if the cache weren't
-// cleared. This should not be called from individual tests, just from test
-// instantiation code that gets a path from PathService.
-BASE_EXPORT void ClearAmIBundledCache();
-// Returns true if this process is marked as a "Background only process".
-BASE_EXPORT bool IsBackgroundOnlyProcess();
-// Returns the path to a resource within the framework bundle.
-BASE_EXPORT FilePath PathForFrameworkBundleResource(CFStringRef resourceName);
-// Returns the creator code associated with the CFBundleRef at bundle.
-OSType CreatorCodeForCFBundleRef(CFBundleRef bundle);
-// Returns the creator code associated with this application, by calling
-// CreatorCodeForCFBundleRef for the application's main bundle. If this
-// information cannot be determined, returns kUnknownType ('????'). This
-// does not respect the override app bundle because it's based on CFBundle
-// instead of NSBundle, and because callers probably don't want the override
-// app bundle's creator code anyway.
-BASE_EXPORT OSType CreatorCodeForApplication();
-// Searches for directories for the given key in only the given |domain_mask|.
-// If found, fills result (which must always be non-NULL) with the
-// first found directory and returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
-BASE_EXPORT bool GetSearchPathDirectory(NSSearchPathDirectory directory,
- NSSearchPathDomainMask domain_mask,
- FilePath* result);
-// Searches for directories for the given key in only the local domain.
-// If found, fills result (which must always be non-NULL) with the
-// first found directory and returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
-BASE_EXPORT bool GetLocalDirectory(NSSearchPathDirectory directory,
- FilePath* result);
-// Searches for directories for the given key in only the user domain.
-// If found, fills result (which must always be non-NULL) with the
-// first found directory and returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
-BASE_EXPORT bool GetUserDirectory(NSSearchPathDirectory directory,
- FilePath* result);
-// Returns the ~/Library directory.
-BASE_EXPORT FilePath GetUserLibraryPath();
-// Takes a path to an (executable) binary and tries to provide the path to an
-// application bundle containing it. It takes the outermost bundle that it can
-// find (so for "/Foo/" it produces "/Foo/").
-// |exec_name| - path to the binary
-// returns - path to the application bundle, or empty on error
-BASE_EXPORT FilePath GetAppBundlePath(const FilePath& exec_name);
-BASE_EXPORT std::string TypeNameForCFType(TypeCF##Ref);
-// Retain/release calls for memory management in C++.
-BASE_EXPORT void NSObjectRetain(void* obj);
-BASE_EXPORT void NSObjectRelease(void* obj);
-// CFTypeRefToNSObjectAutorelease transfers ownership of a Core Foundation
-// object (one derived from CFTypeRef) to the Foundation memory management
-// system. In a traditional managed-memory environment, cf_object is
-// autoreleased and returned as an NSObject. In a garbage-collected
-// environment, cf_object is marked as eligible for garbage collection.
-// This function should only be used to convert a concrete CFTypeRef type to
-// its equivalent "toll-free bridged" NSObject subclass, for example,
-// converting a CFStringRef to NSString.
-// By calling this function, callers relinquish any ownership claim to
-// cf_object. In a managed-memory environment, the object's ownership will be
-// managed by the innermost NSAutoreleasePool, so after this function returns,
-// callers should not assume that cf_object is valid any longer than the
-// returned NSObject.
-// Returns an id, typed here for C++'s sake as a void*.
-BASE_EXPORT void* CFTypeRefToNSObjectAutorelease(CFTypeRef cf_object);
-// Returns the base bundle ID, which can be set by SetBaseBundleID but
-// defaults to a reasonable string. This never returns NULL. BaseBundleID
-// returns a pointer to static storage that must not be freed.
-BASE_EXPORT const char* BaseBundleID();
-// Sets the base bundle ID to override the default. The implementation will
-// make its own copy of new_base_bundle_id.
-BASE_EXPORT void SetBaseBundleID(const char* new_base_bundle_id);
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
-#if !defined(__OBJC__)
-#define OBJC_CPP_CLASS_DECL(x) class x;
-#else // __OBJC__
-#endif // __OBJC__
-// Convert toll-free bridged CFTypes to NSTypes and vice-versa. This does not
-// autorelease |cf_val|. This is useful for the case where there is a CFType in
-// a call that expects an NSType and the compiler is complaining about const
-// casting problems.
-// The calls are used like this:
-// NSString *foo = CFToNSCast(CFSTR("Hello"));
-// CFStringRef foo2 = NSToCFCast(@"Hello");
-// The macro magic below is to enforce safe casting. It could possibly have
-// been done using template function specialization, but template function
-// specialization doesn't always work intuitively,
-// ( so the trusty combination
-// of macros and function overloading is used instead.
-#define CF_TO_NS_CAST_DECL(TypeCF, TypeNS) \
-namespace base { \
-namespace mac { \
-BASE_EXPORT TypeNS* CFToNSCast(TypeCF##Ref cf_val); \
-BASE_EXPORT TypeCF##Ref NSToCFCast(TypeNS* ns_val); \
-} \
-#define CF_TO_NS_MUTABLE_CAST_DECL(name) \
-CF_TO_NS_CAST_DECL(CF##name, NS##name) \
-OBJC_CPP_CLASS_DECL(NSMutable##name) \
-namespace base { \
-namespace mac { \
-BASE_EXPORT NSMutable##name* CFToNSCast(CFMutable##name##Ref cf_val); \
-BASE_EXPORT CFMutable##name##Ref NSToCFCast(NSMutable##name* ns_val); \
-} \
-// List of toll-free bridged types taken from:
-CF_TO_NS_CAST_DECL(CFCalendar, NSCalendar);
-CF_TO_NS_CAST_DECL(CFLocale, NSLocale);
-CF_TO_NS_CAST_DECL(CFNumber, NSNumber);
-CF_TO_NS_CAST_DECL(CFRunLoopTimer, NSTimer);
-CF_TO_NS_CAST_DECL(CFTimeZone, NSTimeZone);
-CF_TO_NS_CAST_DECL(CFReadStream, NSInputStream);
-CF_TO_NS_CAST_DECL(CFWriteStream, NSOutputStream);
-#if defined(OS_IOS)
-namespace base {
-namespace mac {
-// CFCast<>() and CFCastStrict<>() cast a basic CFTypeRef to a more
-// specific CoreFoundation type. The compatibility of the passed
-// object is found by comparing its opaque type against the
-// requested type identifier. If the supplied object is not
-// compatible with the requested return type, CFCast<>() returns
-// NULL and CFCastStrict<>() will DCHECK. Providing a NULL pointer
-// to either variant results in NULL being returned without
-// triggering any DCHECK.
-// Example usage:
-// CFNumberRef some_number = base::mac::CFCast<CFNumberRef>(
-// CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, index));
-// CFTypeRef hello = CFSTR("hello world");
-// CFStringRef some_string = base::mac::CFCastStrict<CFStringRef>(hello);
-template<typename T>
-T CFCast(const CFTypeRef& cf_val);
-template<typename T>
-T CFCastStrict(const CFTypeRef& cf_val);
-#define CF_CAST_DECL(TypeCF) \
-template<> BASE_EXPORT TypeCF##Ref \
-CFCast<TypeCF##Ref>(const CFTypeRef& cf_val);\
-template<> BASE_EXPORT TypeCF##Ref \
-CFCastStrict<TypeCF##Ref>(const CFTypeRef& cf_val);
-#undef CF_CAST_DECL
-#if defined(__OBJC__)
-// ObjCCast<>() and ObjCCastStrict<>() cast a basic id to a more
-// specific (NSObject-derived) type. The compatibility of the passed
-// object is found by checking if it's a kind of the requested type
-// identifier. If the supplied object is not compatible with the
-// requested return type, ObjCCast<>() returns nil and
-// ObjCCastStrict<>() will DCHECK. Providing a nil pointer to either
-// variant results in nil being returned without triggering any DCHECK.
-// The strict variant is useful when retrieving a value from a
-// collection which only has values of a specific type, e.g. an
-// NSArray of NSStrings. The non-strict variant is useful when
-// retrieving values from data that you can't fully control. For
-// example, a plist read from disk may be beyond your exclusive
-// control, so you'd only want to check that the values you retrieve
-// from it are of the expected types, but not crash if they're not.
-// Example usage:
-// NSString* version = base::mac::ObjCCast<NSString>(
-// [bundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"CFBundleShortVersionString"]);
-// NSString* str = base::mac::ObjCCastStrict<NSString>(
-// [ns_arr_of_ns_strs objectAtIndex:0]);
-template<typename T>
-T* ObjCCast(id objc_val) {
- if ([objc_val isKindOfClass:[T class]]) {
- return reinterpret_cast<T*>(objc_val);
- }
- return nil;
-template<typename T>
-T* ObjCCastStrict(id objc_val) {
- T* rv = ObjCCast<T>(objc_val);
- DCHECK(objc_val == nil || rv);
- return rv;
-#endif // defined(__OBJC__)
-// Helper function for GetValueFromDictionary to create the error message
-// that appears when a type mismatch is encountered.
-BASE_EXPORT std::string GetValueFromDictionaryErrorMessage(
- CFStringRef key, const std::string& expected_type, CFTypeRef value);
-// Utility function to pull out a value from a dictionary, check its type, and
-// return it. Returns NULL if the key is not present or of the wrong type.
-template<typename T>
-T GetValueFromDictionary(CFDictionaryRef dict, CFStringRef key) {
- CFTypeRef value = CFDictionaryGetValue(dict, key);
- T value_specific = CFCast<T>(value);
- if (value && !value_specific) {
- std::string expected_type = TypeNameForCFType(value_specific);
- DLOG(WARNING) << GetValueFromDictionaryErrorMessage(key,
- expected_type,
- value);
- }
- return value_specific;
-// Converts |path| to an autoreleased NSString. Returns nil if |path| is empty.
-BASE_EXPORT NSString* FilePathToNSString(const FilePath& path);
-// Converts |str| to a FilePath. Returns an empty path if |str| is nil.
-BASE_EXPORT FilePath NSStringToFilePath(NSString* str);
-#if defined(__OBJC__)
-// Converts |range| to an NSRange, returning the new range in |range_out|.
-// Returns true if conversion was successful, false if the values of |range|
-// could not be converted to NSUIntegers.
-BASE_EXPORT bool CFRangeToNSRange(CFRange range,
- NSRange* range_out) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
-#endif // defined(__OBJC__)
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
-// Stream operations for CFTypes. They can be used with NSTypes as well
-// by using the NSToCFCast methods above.
-// e.g. LOG(INFO) << base::mac::NSToCFCast(@"foo");
-// Operator << can not be overloaded for ObjectiveC types as the compiler
-// can not distinguish between overloads for id with overloads for void*.
-BASE_EXPORT extern std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o,
- const CFErrorRef err);
-BASE_EXPORT extern std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o,
- const CFStringRef str);
diff --git a/base/mac/ b/base/mac/
deleted file mode 100644
index eb8284ee58..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/mac/foundation_util.h"
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "base/files/file_path.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/mac/bundle_locations.h"
-#include "base/mac/mac_logging.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
-#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-#if !defined(OS_IOS)
-#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
-#if !defined(OS_IOS)
-extern "C" {
-CFTypeID SecACLGetTypeID();
-CFTypeID SecTrustedApplicationGetTypeID();
-Boolean _CFIsObjC(CFTypeID typeID, CFTypeRef obj);
-} // extern "C"
-namespace base {
-namespace mac {
-namespace {
-bool g_cached_am_i_bundled_called = false;
-bool g_cached_am_i_bundled_value = false;
-bool g_override_am_i_bundled = false;
-bool g_override_am_i_bundled_value = false;
-bool UncachedAmIBundled() {
-#if defined(OS_IOS)
- // All apps are bundled on iOS.
- return true;
- if (g_override_am_i_bundled)
- return g_override_am_i_bundled_value;
- // Yes, this is cheap.
- return [[base::mac::OuterBundle() bundlePath] hasSuffix:@".app"];
-} // namespace
-bool AmIBundled() {
- // If the return value is not cached, this function will return different
- // values depending on when it's called. This confuses some client code, see
- // .
- if (!g_cached_am_i_bundled_called) {
- g_cached_am_i_bundled_called = true;
- g_cached_am_i_bundled_value = UncachedAmIBundled();
- }
- DCHECK_EQ(g_cached_am_i_bundled_value, UncachedAmIBundled())
- << "The return value of AmIBundled() changed. This will confuse tests. "
- << "Call SetAmIBundled() override manually if your test binary "
- << "delay-loads the framework.";
- return g_cached_am_i_bundled_value;
-void SetOverrideAmIBundled(bool value) {
-#if defined(OS_IOS)
- // It doesn't make sense not to be bundled on iOS.
- if (!value)
- g_override_am_i_bundled = true;
- g_override_am_i_bundled_value = value;
-BASE_EXPORT void ClearAmIBundledCache() {
- g_cached_am_i_bundled_called = false;
-bool IsBackgroundOnlyProcess() {
- // This function really does want to examine NSBundle's idea of the main
- // bundle dictionary. It needs to look at the actual running .app's
- // Info.plist to access its LSUIElement property.
- NSDictionary* info_dictionary = [base::mac::MainBundle() infoDictionary];
- return [[info_dictionary objectForKey:@"LSUIElement"] boolValue] != NO;
-FilePath PathForFrameworkBundleResource(CFStringRef resourceName) {
- NSBundle* bundle = base::mac::FrameworkBundle();
- NSString* resourcePath = [bundle pathForResource:(NSString*)resourceName
- ofType:nil];
- return NSStringToFilePath(resourcePath);
-OSType CreatorCodeForCFBundleRef(CFBundleRef bundle) {
- OSType creator = kUnknownType;
- CFBundleGetPackageInfo(bundle, NULL, &creator);
- return creator;
-OSType CreatorCodeForApplication() {
- CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
- if (!bundle)
- return kUnknownType;
- return CreatorCodeForCFBundleRef(bundle);
-bool GetSearchPathDirectory(NSSearchPathDirectory directory,
- NSSearchPathDomainMask domain_mask,
- FilePath* result) {
- DCHECK(result);
- NSArray* dirs =
- NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(directory, domain_mask, YES);
- if ([dirs count] < 1) {
- return false;
- }
- *result = NSStringToFilePath([dirs objectAtIndex:0]);
- return true;
-bool GetLocalDirectory(NSSearchPathDirectory directory, FilePath* result) {
- return GetSearchPathDirectory(directory, NSLocalDomainMask, result);
-bool GetUserDirectory(NSSearchPathDirectory directory, FilePath* result) {
- return GetSearchPathDirectory(directory, NSUserDomainMask, result);
-FilePath GetUserLibraryPath() {
- FilePath user_library_path;
- if (!GetUserDirectory(NSLibraryDirectory, &user_library_path)) {
- DLOG(WARNING) << "Could not get user library path";
- }
- return user_library_path;
-// Takes a path to an (executable) binary and tries to provide the path to an
-// application bundle containing it. It takes the outermost bundle that it can
-// find (so for "/Foo/" it produces "/Foo/").
-// |exec_name| - path to the binary
-// returns - path to the application bundle, or empty on error
-FilePath GetAppBundlePath(const FilePath& exec_name) {
- const char kExt[] = ".app";
- const size_t kExtLength = arraysize(kExt) - 1;
- // Split the path into components.
- std::vector<std::string> components;
- exec_name.GetComponents(&components);
- // It's an error if we don't get any components.
- if (components.empty())
- return FilePath();
- // Don't prepend '/' to the first component.
- std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = components.begin();
- std::string bundle_name = *it;
- DCHECK_GT(it->length(), 0U);
- // If the first component ends in ".app", we're already done.
- if (it->length() > kExtLength &&
- !it->compare(it->length() - kExtLength, kExtLength, kExt, kExtLength))
- return FilePath(bundle_name);
- // The first component may be "/" or "//", etc. Only append '/' if it doesn't
- // already end in '/'.
- if (bundle_name.back() != '/')
- bundle_name += '/';
- // Go through the remaining components.
- for (++it; it != components.end(); ++it) {
- DCHECK_GT(it->length(), 0U);
- bundle_name += *it;
- // If the current component ends in ".app", we're done.
- if (it->length() > kExtLength &&
- !it->compare(it->length() - kExtLength, kExtLength, kExt, kExtLength))
- return FilePath(bundle_name);
- // Separate this component from the next one.
- bundle_name += '/';
- }
- return FilePath();
-std::string TypeNameForCFType(TypeCF##Ref) { \
- return #TypeCF; \
-#if !defined(OS_IOS)
-void NSObjectRetain(void* obj) {
- id<NSObject> nsobj = static_cast<id<NSObject> >(obj);
- [nsobj retain];
-void NSObjectRelease(void* obj) {
- id<NSObject> nsobj = static_cast<id<NSObject> >(obj);
- [nsobj release];
-void* CFTypeRefToNSObjectAutorelease(CFTypeRef cf_object) {
- // When GC is on, NSMakeCollectable marks cf_object for GC and autorelease
- // is a no-op.
- //
- // In the traditional GC-less environment, NSMakeCollectable is a no-op,
- // and cf_object is autoreleased, balancing out the caller's ownership claim.
- //
- // NSMakeCollectable returns nil when used on a NULL object.
- return [NSMakeCollectable(cf_object) autorelease];
-static const char* base_bundle_id;
-const char* BaseBundleID() {
- if (base_bundle_id) {
- return base_bundle_id;
- }
- return "";
- return "org.chromium.Chromium";
-void SetBaseBundleID(const char* new_base_bundle_id) {
- if (new_base_bundle_id != base_bundle_id) {
- free((void*)base_bundle_id);
- base_bundle_id = new_base_bundle_id ? strdup(new_base_bundle_id) : NULL;
- }
-// Definitions for the corresponding CF_TO_NS_CAST_DECL macros in
-// foundation_util.h.
-#define CF_TO_NS_CAST_DEFN(TypeCF, TypeNS) \
-TypeNS* CFToNSCast(TypeCF##Ref cf_val) { \
- DCHECK(!cf_val || TypeCF##GetTypeID() == CFGetTypeID(cf_val)); \
- TypeNS* ns_val = \
- const_cast<TypeNS*>(reinterpret_cast<const TypeNS*>(cf_val)); \
- return ns_val; \
-} \
-TypeCF##Ref NSToCFCast(TypeNS* ns_val) { \
- TypeCF##Ref cf_val = reinterpret_cast<TypeCF##Ref>(ns_val); \
- DCHECK(!cf_val || TypeCF##GetTypeID() == CFGetTypeID(cf_val)); \
- return cf_val; \
-#define CF_TO_NS_MUTABLE_CAST_DEFN(name) \
-CF_TO_NS_CAST_DEFN(CF##name, NS##name) \
-NSMutable##name* CFToNSCast(CFMutable##name##Ref cf_val) { \
- DCHECK(!cf_val || CF##name##GetTypeID() == CFGetTypeID(cf_val)); \
- NSMutable##name* ns_val = reinterpret_cast<NSMutable##name*>(cf_val); \
- return ns_val; \
-} \
-CFMutable##name##Ref NSToCFCast(NSMutable##name* ns_val) { \
- CFMutable##name##Ref cf_val = \
- reinterpret_cast<CFMutable##name##Ref>(ns_val); \
- DCHECK(!cf_val || CF##name##GetTypeID() == CFGetTypeID(cf_val)); \
- return cf_val; \
-CF_TO_NS_CAST_DEFN(CFCalendar, NSCalendar);
-CF_TO_NS_CAST_DEFN(CFLocale, NSLocale);
-CF_TO_NS_CAST_DEFN(CFNumber, NSNumber);
-CF_TO_NS_CAST_DEFN(CFRunLoopTimer, NSTimer);
-CF_TO_NS_CAST_DEFN(CFTimeZone, NSTimeZone);
-CF_TO_NS_CAST_DEFN(CFReadStream, NSInputStream);
-CF_TO_NS_CAST_DEFN(CFWriteStream, NSOutputStream);
-#if defined(OS_IOS)
-// The NSFont/CTFont toll-free bridging is broken when it comes to type
-// checking, so do some special-casing.
-// rdar://15341349
-NSFont* CFToNSCast(CTFontRef cf_val) {
- NSFont* ns_val =
- const_cast<NSFont*>(reinterpret_cast<const NSFont*>(cf_val));
- DCHECK(!cf_val ||
- CTFontGetTypeID() == CFGetTypeID(cf_val) ||
- (_CFIsObjC(CTFontGetTypeID(), cf_val) &&
- [ns_val isKindOfClass:[NSFont class]]));
- return ns_val;
-CTFontRef NSToCFCast(NSFont* ns_val) {
- CTFontRef cf_val = reinterpret_cast<CTFontRef>(ns_val);
- DCHECK(!cf_val ||
- CTFontGetTypeID() == CFGetTypeID(cf_val) ||
- [ns_val isKindOfClass:[NSFont class]]);
- return cf_val;
-#define CF_CAST_DEFN(TypeCF) \
-template<> TypeCF##Ref \
-CFCast<TypeCF##Ref>(const CFTypeRef& cf_val) { \
- if (cf_val == NULL) { \
- return NULL; \
- } \
- if (CFGetTypeID(cf_val) == TypeCF##GetTypeID()) { \
- return (TypeCF##Ref)(cf_val); \
- } \
- return NULL; \
-} \
-template<> TypeCF##Ref \
-CFCastStrict<TypeCF##Ref>(const CFTypeRef& cf_val) { \
- TypeCF##Ref rv = CFCast<TypeCF##Ref>(cf_val); \
- DCHECK(cf_val == NULL || rv); \
- return rv; \
-#if defined(OS_IOS)
-// The NSFont/CTFont toll-free bridging is broken when it comes to type
-// checking, so do some special-casing.
-// rdar://15341349
-template<> CTFontRef
-CFCast<CTFontRef>(const CFTypeRef& cf_val) {
- if (cf_val == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- if (CFGetTypeID(cf_val) == CTFontGetTypeID()) {
- return (CTFontRef)(cf_val);
- }
- if (!_CFIsObjC(CTFontGetTypeID(), cf_val))
- return NULL;
- id<NSObject> ns_val = reinterpret_cast<id>(const_cast<void*>(cf_val));
- if ([ns_val isKindOfClass:[NSFont class]]) {
- return (CTFontRef)(cf_val);
- }
- return NULL;
-template<> CTFontRef
-CFCastStrict<CTFontRef>(const CFTypeRef& cf_val) {
- CTFontRef rv = CFCast<CTFontRef>(cf_val);
- DCHECK(cf_val == NULL || rv);
- return rv;
-#if !defined(OS_IOS)
-#undef CF_CAST_DEFN
-std::string GetValueFromDictionaryErrorMessage(
- CFStringRef key, const std::string& expected_type, CFTypeRef value) {
- ScopedCFTypeRef<CFStringRef> actual_type_ref(
- CFCopyTypeIDDescription(CFGetTypeID(value)));
- return "Expected value for key " +
- base::SysCFStringRefToUTF8(key) +
- " to be " +
- expected_type +
- " but it was " +
- base::SysCFStringRefToUTF8(actual_type_ref) +
- " instead";
-NSString* FilePathToNSString(const FilePath& path) {
- if (path.empty())
- return nil;
- return [NSString stringWithUTF8String:path.value().c_str()];
-FilePath NSStringToFilePath(NSString* str) {
- if (![str length])
- return FilePath();
- return FilePath([str fileSystemRepresentation]);
-bool CFRangeToNSRange(CFRange range, NSRange* range_out) {
- if (base::IsValueInRangeForNumericType<decltype(range_out->location)>(
- range.location) &&
- base::IsValueInRangeForNumericType<decltype(range_out->length)>(
- range.length) &&
- base::IsValueInRangeForNumericType<decltype(range_out->location)>(
- range.location + range.length)) {
- *range_out = NSMakeRange(range.location, range.length);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const CFStringRef string) {
- return o << base::SysCFStringRefToUTF8(string);
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const CFErrorRef err) {
- base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFStringRef> desc(CFErrorCopyDescription(err));
- base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFDictionaryRef> user_info(CFErrorCopyUserInfo(err));
- CFStringRef errorDesc = NULL;
- if (user_info.get()) {
- errorDesc = reinterpret_cast<CFStringRef>(
- CFDictionaryGetValue(user_info.get(), kCFErrorDescriptionKey));
- }
- o << "Code: " << CFErrorGetCode(err)
- << " Domain: " << CFErrorGetDomain(err)
- << " Desc: " << desc.get();
- if(errorDesc) {
- o << "(" << errorDesc << ")";
- }
- return o;
diff --git a/base/mac/mac_logging.h b/base/mac/mac_logging.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 30e43ead29..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/mac_logging.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/base_export.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-#if defined(OS_IOS)
-#include <MacTypes.h>
-#include <libkern/OSTypes.h>
-// Use the OSSTATUS_LOG family to log messages related to errors in Mac OS X
-// system routines that report status via an OSStatus or OSErr value. It is
-// similar to the PLOG family which operates on errno, but because there is no
-// global (or thread-local) OSStatus or OSErr value, the specific error must
-// be supplied as an argument to the OSSTATUS_LOG macro. The message logged
-// will contain the symbolic constant name corresponding to the status value,
-// along with the value itself.
-// OSErr is just an older 16-bit form of the newer 32-bit OSStatus. Despite
-// the name, OSSTATUS_LOG can be used equally well for OSStatus and OSErr.
-namespace logging {
-// Returns a UTF8 description from an OS X Status error.
-BASE_EXPORT std::string DescriptionFromOSStatus(OSStatus err);
-class BASE_EXPORT OSStatusLogMessage : public logging::LogMessage {
- public:
- OSStatusLogMessage(const char* file_path,
- int line,
- LogSeverity severity,
- OSStatus status);
- ~OSStatusLogMessage();
- private:
- OSStatus status_;
-} // namespace logging
-#if defined(NDEBUG)
-#define MAC_DVLOG_IS_ON(verbose_level) 0
-#define MAC_DVLOG_IS_ON(verbose_level) VLOG_IS_ON(verbose_level)
-#define OSSTATUS_LOG_STREAM(severity, status) \
- COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_EX_ ## severity(OSStatusLogMessage, status).stream()
-#define OSSTATUS_VLOG_STREAM(verbose_level, status) \
- logging::OSStatusLogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
- -verbose_level, status).stream()
-#define OSSTATUS_LOG(severity, status) \
- LAZY_STREAM(OSSTATUS_LOG_STREAM(severity, status), LOG_IS_ON(severity))
-#define OSSTATUS_LOG_IF(severity, condition, status) \
- LAZY_STREAM(OSSTATUS_LOG_STREAM(severity, status), \
- LOG_IS_ON(severity) && (condition))
-#define OSSTATUS_VLOG(verbose_level, status) \
- LAZY_STREAM(OSSTATUS_VLOG_STREAM(verbose_level, status), \
- VLOG_IS_ON(verbose_level))
-#define OSSTATUS_VLOG_IF(verbose_level, condition, status) \
- LAZY_STREAM(OSSTATUS_VLOG_STREAM(verbose_level, status), \
- VLOG_IS_ON(verbose_level) && (condition))
-#define OSSTATUS_CHECK(condition, status) \
- LAZY_STREAM(OSSTATUS_LOG_STREAM(FATAL, status), !(condition)) \
- << "Check failed: " # condition << ". "
-#define OSSTATUS_DLOG(severity, status) \
- LAZY_STREAM(OSSTATUS_LOG_STREAM(severity, status), DLOG_IS_ON(severity))
-#define OSSTATUS_DLOG_IF(severity, condition, status) \
- LAZY_STREAM(OSSTATUS_LOG_STREAM(severity, status), \
- DLOG_IS_ON(severity) && (condition))
-#define OSSTATUS_DVLOG(verbose_level, status) \
- LAZY_STREAM(OSSTATUS_VLOG_STREAM(verbose_level, status), \
- MAC_DVLOG_IS_ON(verbose_level))
-#define OSSTATUS_DVLOG_IF(verbose_level, condition, status) \
- LAZY_STREAM(OSSTATUS_VLOG_STREAM(verbose_level, status), \
- MAC_DVLOG_IS_ON(verbose_level) && (condition))
-#define OSSTATUS_DCHECK(condition, status) \
- DCHECK_IS_ON() && !(condition)) \
- << "Check failed: " #condition << ". "
diff --git a/base/mac/ b/base/mac/
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/base/mac/
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@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/mac/mac_logging.h"
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-#if !defined(OS_IOS)
-#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
-namespace logging {
-std::string DescriptionFromOSStatus(OSStatus err) {
- NSError* error =
- [NSError errorWithDomain:NSOSStatusErrorDomain code:err userInfo:nil];
- return error.description.UTF8String;
-OSStatusLogMessage::OSStatusLogMessage(const char* file_path,
- int line,
- LogSeverity severity,
- OSStatus status)
- : LogMessage(file_path, line, severity),
- status_(status) {
-OSStatusLogMessage::~OSStatusLogMessage() {
-#if defined(OS_IOS)
- // TODO( Consider using NSError with NSOSStatusErrorDomain
- // to try to get a description of the failure.
- stream() << ": " << status_;
- stream() << ": "
- << DescriptionFromOSStatus(status_)
- << " ("
- << status_
- << ")";
-} // namespace logging
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deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string>
-#import <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
-#include "base/base_export.h"
-namespace base {
-class FilePath;
-namespace mac {
-// Full screen modes, in increasing order of priority. More permissive modes
-// take predecence.
-enum FullScreenMode {
- kFullScreenModeHideAll = 0,
- kFullScreenModeHideDock = 1,
- kFullScreenModeAutoHideAll = 2,
- kNumFullScreenModes = 3,
- // kFullScreenModeNormal is not a valid FullScreenMode, but it is useful to
- // other classes, so we include it here.
- kFullScreenModeNormal = 10,
-// Returns an sRGB color space. The return value is a static value; do not
-// release it!
-BASE_EXPORT CGColorSpaceRef GetSRGBColorSpace();
-// Returns the generic RGB color space. The return value is a static value; do
-// not release it!
-BASE_EXPORT CGColorSpaceRef GetGenericRGBColorSpace();
-// Returns the color space being used by the main display. The return value
-// is a static value; do not release it!
-BASE_EXPORT CGColorSpaceRef GetSystemColorSpace();
-// Add a full screen request for the given |mode|. Must be paired with a
-// ReleaseFullScreen() call for the same |mode|. This does not by itself create
-// a fullscreen window; rather, it manages per-application state related to
-// hiding the dock and menubar. Must be called on the main thread.
-BASE_EXPORT void RequestFullScreen(FullScreenMode mode);
-// Release a request for full screen mode. Must be matched with a
-// RequestFullScreen() call for the same |mode|. As with RequestFullScreen(),
-// this does not affect windows directly, but rather manages per-application
-// state. For example, if there are no other outstanding
-// |kFullScreenModeAutoHideAll| requests, this will reshow the menu bar. Must
-// be called on main thread.
-BASE_EXPORT void ReleaseFullScreen(FullScreenMode mode);
-// Convenience method to switch the current fullscreen mode. This has the same
-// net effect as a ReleaseFullScreen(from_mode) call followed immediately by a
-// RequestFullScreen(to_mode). Must be called on the main thread.
-BASE_EXPORT void SwitchFullScreenModes(FullScreenMode from_mode,
- FullScreenMode to_mode);
-// Excludes the file given by |file_path| from being backed up by Time Machine.
-BASE_EXPORT bool SetFileBackupExclusion(const FilePath& file_path);
-// Checks if the current application is set as a Login Item, so it will launch
-// on Login. If a non-NULL pointer to is_hidden is passed, the Login Item also
-// is queried for the 'hide on launch' flag.
-BASE_EXPORT bool CheckLoginItemStatus(bool* is_hidden);
-// Adds current application to the set of Login Items with specified "hide"
-// flag. This has the same effect as adding/removing the application in
-// SystemPreferences->Accounts->LoginItems or marking Application in the Dock
-// as "Options->Open on Login".
-// Does nothing if the application is already set up as Login Item with
-// specified hide flag.
-BASE_EXPORT void AddToLoginItems(bool hide_on_startup);
-// Removes the current application from the list Of Login Items.
-BASE_EXPORT void RemoveFromLoginItems();
-// Returns true if the current process was automatically launched as a
-// 'Login Item' or via Lion's Resume. Used to suppress opening windows.
-BASE_EXPORT bool WasLaunchedAsLoginOrResumeItem();
-// Returns true if the current process was automatically launched as a
-// 'Login Item' or via Resume, and the 'Reopen windows when logging back in'
-// checkbox was selected by the user. This indicates that the previous
-// session should be restored.
-BASE_EXPORT bool WasLaunchedAsLoginItemRestoreState();
-// Returns true if the current process was automatically launched as a
-// 'Login Item' with 'hide on startup' flag. Used to suppress opening windows.
-BASE_EXPORT bool WasLaunchedAsHiddenLoginItem();
-// Remove the quarantine xattr from the given file. Returns false if there was
-// an error, or true otherwise.
-BASE_EXPORT bool RemoveQuarantineAttribute(const FilePath& file_path);
-namespace internal {
-// Returns the system's Mac OS X minor version. This is the |y| value
-// in 10.y or 10.y.z.
-BASE_EXPORT int MacOSXMinorVersion();
-} // namespace internal
-// Run-time OS version checks. Use these instead of
-// base::SysInfo::OperatingSystemVersionNumbers. Prefer the "AtLeast" and
-// "AtMost" variants to those that check for a specific version, unless you
-// know for sure that you need to check for a specific version.
- inline bool IsOS10_##V() { \
- return internal::MacOSXMinorVersion() == V; \
- } \
- inline bool IsAtLeastOS10_##V() { \
- return internal::MacOSXMinorVersion() >= V; \
- } \
- inline bool IsAtMostOS10_##V() { \
- return internal::MacOSXMinorVersion() <= V; \
- }
- return RET;
-#ifdef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_11
-#ifdef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_12
-// This should be infrequently used. It only makes sense to use this to avoid
-// codepaths that are very likely to break on future (unreleased, untested,
-// unborn) OS releases, or to log when the OS is newer than any known version.
-inline bool IsOSLaterThan10_12_DontCallThis() {
- return !IsAtMostOS10_12();
-// Retrieve the system's model identifier string from the IOKit registry:
-// for example, "MacPro4,1", "MacBookPro6,1". Returns empty string upon
-// failure.
-BASE_EXPORT std::string GetModelIdentifier();
-// Parse a model identifier string; for example, into ("MacBookPro", 6, 1).
-// If any error occurs, none of the input pointers are touched.
-BASE_EXPORT bool ParseModelIdentifier(const std::string& ident,
- std::string* type,
- int32_t* major,
- int32_t* minor);
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
-#endif // BASE_MAC_MAC_UTIL_H_
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/mac/mach_logging.h"
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <string>
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-#if !defined(OS_IOS)
-#include <servers/bootstrap.h>
-#endif // !OS_IOS
-namespace {
-std::string FormatMachErrorNumber(mach_error_t mach_err) {
- // For the os/kern subsystem, give the error number in decimal as in
- // <mach/kern_return.h>. Otherwise, give it in hexadecimal to make it easier
- // to visualize the various bits. See <mach/error.h>.
- if (mach_err >= 0 && mach_err < KERN_RETURN_MAX) {
- return base::StringPrintf(" (%d)", mach_err);
- }
- return base::StringPrintf(" (0x%08x)", mach_err);
-} // namespace
-namespace logging {
-MachLogMessage::MachLogMessage(const char* file_path,
- int line,
- LogSeverity severity,
- mach_error_t mach_err)
- : LogMessage(file_path, line, severity),
- mach_err_(mach_err) {
-MachLogMessage::~MachLogMessage() {
- stream() << ": "
- << mach_error_string(mach_err_)
- << FormatMachErrorNumber(mach_err_);
-#if !defined(OS_IOS)
-BootstrapLogMessage::BootstrapLogMessage(const char* file_path,
- int line,
- LogSeverity severity,
- kern_return_t bootstrap_err)
- : LogMessage(file_path, line, severity),
- bootstrap_err_(bootstrap_err) {
-BootstrapLogMessage::~BootstrapLogMessage() {
- stream() << ": "
- << bootstrap_strerror(bootstrap_err_);
- switch (bootstrap_err_) {
- // Show known bootstrap errors in decimal because that's how they're
- // defined in <servers/bootstrap.h>.
- stream() << " (" << bootstrap_err_ << ")";
- break;
- }
- default: {
- // bootstrap_strerror passes unknown errors to mach_error_string, so
- // format them as they would be if they were handled by
- // MachErrorMessage.
- stream() << FormatMachErrorNumber(bootstrap_err_);
- break;
- }
- }
-#endif // !OS_IOS
-} // namespace logging
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index 59ab762c3c..0000000000
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@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <mach/mach.h>
-#include "base/base_export.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-// Use the MACH_LOG family of macros along with a mach_error_t (kern_return_t)
-// containing a Mach error. The error value will be decoded so that logged
-// messages explain the error.
-// Use the BOOTSTRAP_LOG family of macros specifically for errors that occur
-// while interoperating with the bootstrap subsystem. These errors will first
-// be looked up as bootstrap error messages. If no match is found, they will
-// be treated as generic Mach errors, as in MACH_LOG.
-// Examples:
-// kern_return_t kr = mach_timebase_info(&info);
-// if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
-// MACH_LOG(ERROR, kr) << "mach_timebase_info";
-// }
-// kr = vm_deallocate(task, address, size);
-// MACH_DCHECK(kr == KERN_SUCCESS, kr) << "vm_deallocate";
-namespace logging {
-class BASE_EXPORT MachLogMessage : public logging::LogMessage {
- public:
- MachLogMessage(const char* file_path,
- int line,
- LogSeverity severity,
- mach_error_t mach_err);
- ~MachLogMessage();
- private:
- mach_error_t mach_err_;
-} // namespace logging
-#if defined(NDEBUG)
-#define MACH_DVLOG_IS_ON(verbose_level) 0
-#define MACH_DVLOG_IS_ON(verbose_level) VLOG_IS_ON(verbose_level)
-#define MACH_LOG_STREAM(severity, mach_err) \
- COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_EX_ ## severity(MachLogMessage, mach_err).stream()
-#define MACH_VLOG_STREAM(verbose_level, mach_err) \
- logging::MachLogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
- -verbose_level, mach_err).stream()
-#define MACH_LOG(severity, mach_err) \
- LAZY_STREAM(MACH_LOG_STREAM(severity, mach_err), LOG_IS_ON(severity))
-#define MACH_LOG_IF(severity, condition, mach_err) \
- LAZY_STREAM(MACH_LOG_STREAM(severity, mach_err), \
- LOG_IS_ON(severity) && (condition))
-#define MACH_VLOG(verbose_level, mach_err) \
- LAZY_STREAM(MACH_VLOG_STREAM(verbose_level, mach_err), \
- VLOG_IS_ON(verbose_level))
-#define MACH_VLOG_IF(verbose_level, condition, mach_err) \
- LAZY_STREAM(MACH_VLOG_STREAM(verbose_level, mach_err), \
- VLOG_IS_ON(verbose_level) && (condition))
-#define MACH_CHECK(condition, mach_err) \
- LAZY_STREAM(MACH_LOG_STREAM(FATAL, mach_err), !(condition)) \
- << "Check failed: " # condition << ". "
-#define MACH_DLOG(severity, mach_err) \
- LAZY_STREAM(MACH_LOG_STREAM(severity, mach_err), DLOG_IS_ON(severity))
-#define MACH_DLOG_IF(severity, condition, mach_err) \
- LAZY_STREAM(MACH_LOG_STREAM(severity, mach_err), \
- DLOG_IS_ON(severity) && (condition))
-#define MACH_DVLOG(verbose_level, mach_err) \
- LAZY_STREAM(MACH_VLOG_STREAM(verbose_level, mach_err), \
- MACH_DVLOG_IS_ON(verbose_level))
-#define MACH_DVLOG_IF(verbose_level, condition, mach_err) \
- LAZY_STREAM(MACH_VLOG_STREAM(verbose_level, mach_err), \
- MACH_DVLOG_IS_ON(verbose_level) && (condition))
-#define MACH_DCHECK(condition, mach_err) \
- DCHECK_IS_ON() && !(condition)) \
- << "Check failed: " #condition << ". "
-#if !defined(OS_IOS)
-namespace logging {
-class BASE_EXPORT BootstrapLogMessage : public logging::LogMessage {
- public:
- BootstrapLogMessage(const char* file_path,
- int line,
- LogSeverity severity,
- kern_return_t bootstrap_err);
- ~BootstrapLogMessage();
- private:
- kern_return_t bootstrap_err_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BootstrapLogMessage);
-} // namespace logging
-#define BOOTSTRAP_LOG_STREAM(severity, bootstrap_err) \
- COMPACT_GOOGLE_LOG_EX_ ## severity(BootstrapLogMessage, \
- bootstrap_err).stream()
-#define BOOTSTRAP_VLOG_STREAM(verbose_level, bootstrap_err) \
- logging::BootstrapLogMessage(__FILE__, __LINE__, \
- -verbose_level, bootstrap_err).stream()
-#define BOOTSTRAP_LOG(severity, bootstrap_err) \
- bootstrap_err), LOG_IS_ON(severity))
-#define BOOTSTRAP_LOG_IF(severity, condition, bootstrap_err) \
- LAZY_STREAM(BOOTSTRAP_LOG_STREAM(severity, bootstrap_err), \
- LOG_IS_ON(severity) && (condition))
-#define BOOTSTRAP_VLOG(verbose_level, bootstrap_err) \
- LAZY_STREAM(BOOTSTRAP_VLOG_STREAM(verbose_level, bootstrap_err), \
- VLOG_IS_ON(verbose_level))
-#define BOOTSTRAP_VLOG_IF(verbose_level, condition, bootstrap_err) \
- LAZY_STREAM(BOOTSTRAP_VLOG_STREAM(verbose_level, bootstrap_err), \
- VLOG_IS_ON(verbose_level) && (condition))
-#define BOOTSTRAP_CHECK(condition, bootstrap_err) \
- LAZY_STREAM(BOOTSTRAP_LOG_STREAM(FATAL, bootstrap_err), !(condition)) \
- << "Check failed: " # condition << ". "
-#define BOOTSTRAP_DLOG(severity, bootstrap_err) \
- LAZY_STREAM(BOOTSTRAP_LOG_STREAM(severity, bootstrap_err), \
- DLOG_IS_ON(severity))
-#define BOOTSTRAP_DLOG_IF(severity, condition, bootstrap_err) \
- LAZY_STREAM(BOOTSTRAP_LOG_STREAM(severity, bootstrap_err), \
- DLOG_IS_ON(severity) && (condition))
-#define BOOTSTRAP_DVLOG(verbose_level, bootstrap_err) \
- LAZY_STREAM(BOOTSTRAP_VLOG_STREAM(verbose_level, bootstrap_err), \
- BOOTSTRAP_DVLOG_IS_ON(verbose_level))
-#define BOOTSTRAP_DVLOG_IF(verbose_level, condition, bootstrap_err) \
- LAZY_STREAM(BOOTSTRAP_VLOG_STREAM(verbose_level, bootstrap_err), \
- BOOTSTRAP_DVLOG_IS_ON(verbose_level) && (condition))
-#define BOOTSTRAP_DCHECK(condition, bootstrap_err) \
- DCHECK_IS_ON() && !(condition)) \
- << "Check failed: " #condition << ". "
-#endif // !OS_IOS
diff --git a/base/mac/mach_port_broker.h b/base/mac/mach_port_broker.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4554b6aec6..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/mach_port_broker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <mach/mach.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include "base/base_export.h"
-#include "base/mac/dispatch_source_mach.h"
-#include "base/mac/scoped_mach_port.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/process/port_provider_mac.h"
-#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
-#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
-namespace base {
-// On OS X, the task port of a process is required to collect metrics about the
-// process, and to insert Mach ports into the process. Running |task_for_pid()|
-// is only allowed for privileged code. However, a process has port rights to
-// all its subprocesses, so let the child processes send their Mach port to the
-// parent over IPC.
-// Mach ports can only be sent over Mach IPC, not over the |socketpair()| that
-// the regular IPC system uses. Hence, the child processes opens a Mach
-// connection shortly after launching and ipc their mach data to the parent
-// process. A single |MachPortBroker| with a given name is expected to exist in
-// the parent process.
-// Since this data arrives over a separate channel, it is not available
-// immediately after a child process has been started.
-class BASE_EXPORT MachPortBroker : public base::PortProvider {
- public:
- // For use in child processes. This will send the task port of the current
- // process over Mach IPC to the port registered by name (via this class) in
- // the parent process. Returns true if the message was sent successfully
- // and false if otherwise.
- static bool ChildSendTaskPortToParent(const std::string& name);
- // Returns the Mach port name to use when sending or receiving messages.
- // Does the Right Thing in the browser and in child processes.
- static std::string GetMachPortName(const std::string& name, bool is_child);
- MachPortBroker(const std::string& name);
- ~MachPortBroker() override;
- // Performs any initialization work.
- bool Init();
- // Adds a placeholder to the map for the given pid with MACH_PORT_NULL.
- // Callers are expected to later update the port with FinalizePid(). Callers
- // MUST acquire the lock given by GetLock() before calling this method (and
- // release the lock afterwards).
- void AddPlaceholderForPid(base::ProcessHandle pid);
- // Removes |pid| from the task port map. Callers MUST acquire the lock given
- // by GetLock() before calling this method (and release the lock afterwards).
- void InvalidatePid(base::ProcessHandle pid);
- // The lock that protects this MachPortBroker object. Callers MUST acquire
- // and release this lock around calls to AddPlaceholderForPid(),
- // InvalidatePid(), and FinalizePid();
- base::Lock& GetLock() { return lock_; }
- // Implement |base::PortProvider|.
- mach_port_t TaskForPid(base::ProcessHandle process) const override;
- private:
- friend class MachPortBrokerTest;
- // Message handler that is invoked on |dispatch_source_| when an
- // incoming message needs to be received.
- void HandleRequest();
- // Updates the mapping for |pid| to include the given |mach_info|. Does
- // nothing if PlaceholderForPid() has not already been called for the given
- // |pid|. Callers MUST acquire the lock given by GetLock() before calling
- // this method (and release the lock afterwards).
- void FinalizePid(base::ProcessHandle pid, mach_port_t task_port);
- // Name used to identify a particular port broker.
- const std::string name_;
- // The Mach port on which the server listens.
- base::mac::ScopedMachReceiveRight server_port_;
- // The dispatch source and queue on which Mach messages will be received.
- std::unique_ptr<base::DispatchSourceMach> dispatch_source_;
- // Stores mach info for every process in the broker.
- typedef std::map<base::ProcessHandle, mach_port_t> MachMap;
- MachMap mach_map_;
- // Mutex that guards |mach_map_|.
- mutable base::Lock lock_;
-} // namespace base
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deleted file mode 100644
index 6d9fec5ab6..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/mac/mach_port_broker.h"
-#include <bsm/libbsm.h>
-#include <servers/bootstrap.h>
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/mac/foundation_util.h"
-#include "base/mac/mach_logging.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace {
-// Mach message structure used in the child as a sending message.
-struct MachPortBroker_ChildSendMsg {
- mach_msg_header_t header;
- mach_msg_body_t body;
- mach_msg_port_descriptor_t child_task_port;
-// Complement to the ChildSendMsg, this is used in the parent for receiving
-// a message. Contains a message trailer with audit information.
-struct MachPortBroker_ParentRecvMsg : public MachPortBroker_ChildSendMsg {
- mach_msg_audit_trailer_t trailer;
-} // namespace
-// static
-bool MachPortBroker::ChildSendTaskPortToParent(const std::string& name) {
- // Look up the named MachPortBroker port that's been registered with the
- // bootstrap server.
- mach_port_t parent_port;
- kern_return_t kr = bootstrap_look_up(bootstrap_port,
- const_cast<char*>(GetMachPortName(name, true).c_str()), &parent_port);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- BOOTSTRAP_LOG(ERROR, kr) << "bootstrap_look_up";
- return false;
- }
- base::mac::ScopedMachSendRight scoped_right(parent_port);
- // Create the check in message. This will copy a send right on this process'
- // (the child's) task port and send it to the parent.
- MachPortBroker_ChildSendMsg msg;
- bzero(&msg, sizeof(msg));
- msg.header.msgh_remote_port = parent_port;
- msg.header.msgh_size = sizeof(msg);
- msg.body.msgh_descriptor_count = 1;
- = mach_task_self();
- msg.child_task_port.disposition = MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND;
- msg.child_task_port.type = MACH_MSG_PORT_DESCRIPTOR;
- kr = mach_msg(&msg.header, MACH_SEND_MSG | MACH_SEND_TIMEOUT, sizeof(msg),
- 0, MACH_PORT_NULL, 100 /*milliseconds*/, MACH_PORT_NULL);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- MACH_LOG(ERROR, kr) << "mach_msg";
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-// static
-std::string MachPortBroker::GetMachPortName(const std::string& name,
- bool is_child) {
- // In child processes, use the parent's pid.
- const pid_t pid = is_child ? getppid() : getpid();
- return base::StringPrintf(
- "%s.%s.%d", base::mac::BaseBundleID(), name.c_str(), pid);
-mach_port_t MachPortBroker::TaskForPid(base::ProcessHandle pid) const {
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- MachPortBroker::MachMap::const_iterator it = mach_map_.find(pid);
- if (it == mach_map_.end())
- return MACH_PORT_NULL;
- return it->second;
-MachPortBroker::MachPortBroker(const std::string& name) : name_(name) {}
-MachPortBroker::~MachPortBroker() {}
-bool MachPortBroker::Init() {
- DCHECK(server_port_.get() == MACH_PORT_NULL);
- // Check in with launchd and publish the service name.
- mach_port_t port;
- kern_return_t kr = bootstrap_check_in(
- bootstrap_port, GetMachPortName(name_, false).c_str(), &port);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- BOOTSTRAP_LOG(ERROR, kr) << "bootstrap_check_in";
- return false;
- }
- server_port_.reset(port);
- // Start the dispatch source.
- std::string queue_name =
- base::StringPrintf("%s.MachPortBroker", base::mac::BaseBundleID());
- dispatch_source_.reset(new base::DispatchSourceMach(
- queue_name.c_str(), server_port_.get(), ^{ HandleRequest(); }));
- dispatch_source_->Resume();
- return true;
-void MachPortBroker::AddPlaceholderForPid(base::ProcessHandle pid) {
- lock_.AssertAcquired();
- DCHECK_EQ(0u, mach_map_.count(pid));
- mach_map_[pid] = MACH_PORT_NULL;
-void MachPortBroker::InvalidatePid(base::ProcessHandle pid) {
- lock_.AssertAcquired();
- MachMap::iterator mach_it = mach_map_.find(pid);
- if (mach_it != mach_map_.end()) {
- kern_return_t kr = mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), mach_it->second);
- MACH_LOG_IF(WARNING, kr != KERN_SUCCESS, kr) << "mach_port_deallocate";
- mach_map_.erase(mach_it);
- }
-void MachPortBroker::HandleRequest() {
- MachPortBroker_ParentRecvMsg msg;
- bzero(&msg, sizeof(msg));
- msg.header.msgh_size = sizeof(msg);
- msg.header.msgh_local_port = server_port_.get();
- const mach_msg_option_t options = MACH_RCV_MSG |
- kern_return_t kr = mach_msg(&msg.header,
- options,
- 0,
- sizeof(msg),
- server_port_.get(),
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- MACH_LOG(ERROR, kr) << "mach_msg";
- return;
- }
- // Use the kernel audit information to make sure this message is from
- // a task that this process spawned. The kernel audit token contains the
- // unspoofable pid of the task that sent the message.
- pid_t child_pid = audit_token_to_pid(msg.trailer.msgh_audit);
- mach_port_t child_task_port =;
- // Take the lock and update the broker information.
- {
- base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
- FinalizePid(child_pid, child_task_port);
- }
- NotifyObservers(child_pid);
-void MachPortBroker::FinalizePid(base::ProcessHandle pid,
- mach_port_t task_port) {
- lock_.AssertAcquired();
- MachMap::iterator it = mach_map_.find(pid);
- if (it == mach_map_.end()) {
- // Do nothing for unknown pids.
- LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown process " << pid << " is sending Mach IPC messages!";
- return;
- }
- DCHECK(it->second == MACH_PORT_NULL);
- if (it->second == MACH_PORT_NULL)
- it->second = task_port;
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/ b/base/mac/
deleted file mode 100644
index cb4b82ca47..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/mac/mach_port_broker.h"
-#include "base/command_line.h"
-#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
-#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
-#include "base/test/multiprocess_test.h"
-#include "base/test/test_timeouts.h"
-#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "testing/multiprocess_func_list.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace {
-const char kBootstrapPortName[] = "thisisatest";
-class MachPortBrokerTest : public testing::Test,
- public base::PortProvider::Observer {
- public:
- MachPortBrokerTest()
- : broker_(kBootstrapPortName),
- event_(base::WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::MANUAL,
- base::WaitableEvent::InitialState::NOT_SIGNALED),
- received_process_(kNullProcessHandle) {
- broker_.AddObserver(this);
- }
- ~MachPortBrokerTest() override {
- broker_.RemoveObserver(this);
- }
- // Helper function to acquire/release locks and call |PlaceholderForPid()|.
- void AddPlaceholderForPid(base::ProcessHandle pid) {
- base::AutoLock lock(broker_.GetLock());
- broker_.AddPlaceholderForPid(pid);
- }
- // Helper function to acquire/release locks and call |FinalizePid()|.
- void FinalizePid(base::ProcessHandle pid,
- mach_port_t task_port) {
- base::AutoLock lock(broker_.GetLock());
- broker_.FinalizePid(pid, task_port);
- }
- void WaitForTaskPort() {
- event_.Wait();
- }
- // base::PortProvider::Observer:
- void OnReceivedTaskPort(ProcessHandle process) override {
- received_process_ = process;
- event_.Signal();
- }
- protected:
- MachPortBroker broker_;
- WaitableEvent event_;
- ProcessHandle received_process_;
-TEST_F(MachPortBrokerTest, Locks) {
- // Acquire and release the locks. Nothing bad should happen.
- base::AutoLock lock(broker_.GetLock());
-TEST_F(MachPortBrokerTest, AddPlaceholderAndFinalize) {
- // Add a placeholder for PID 1.
- AddPlaceholderForPid(1);
- EXPECT_EQ(0u, broker_.TaskForPid(1));
- // Finalize PID 1.
- FinalizePid(1, 100u);
- EXPECT_EQ(100u, broker_.TaskForPid(1));
- // Should be no entry for PID 2.
- EXPECT_EQ(0u, broker_.TaskForPid(2));
-TEST_F(MachPortBrokerTest, FinalizeUnknownPid) {
- // Finalizing an entry for an unknown pid should not add it to the map.
- FinalizePid(1u, 100u);
- EXPECT_EQ(0u, broker_.TaskForPid(1u));
-MULTIPROCESS_TEST_MAIN(MachPortBrokerTestChild) {
- CHECK(base::MachPortBroker::ChildSendTaskPortToParent(kBootstrapPortName));
- return 0;
-TEST_F(MachPortBrokerTest, ReceivePortFromChild) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(broker_.Init());
- CommandLine command_line(
- base::GetMultiProcessTestChildBaseCommandLine());
- broker_.GetLock().Acquire();
- base::SpawnChildResult spawn_result = base::SpawnMultiProcessTestChild(
- "MachPortBrokerTestChild", command_line, LaunchOptions());
- broker_.AddPlaceholderForPid(spawn_result.process.Handle());
- broker_.GetLock().Release();
- WaitForTaskPort();
- EXPECT_EQ(spawn_result.process.Handle(), received_process_);
- int rv = -1;
- ASSERT_TRUE(spawn_result.process.WaitForExitWithTimeout(
- TestTimeouts::action_timeout(), &rv));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rv);
- EXPECT_NE(static_cast<mach_port_t>(MACH_PORT_NULL),
- broker_.TaskForPid(spawn_result.process.Handle()));
-TEST_F(MachPortBrokerTest, ReceivePortFromChildWithoutAdding) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(broker_.Init());
- CommandLine command_line(
- base::GetMultiProcessTestChildBaseCommandLine());
- broker_.GetLock().Acquire();
- base::SpawnChildResult spawn_result = base::SpawnMultiProcessTestChild(
- "MachPortBrokerTestChild", command_line, LaunchOptions());
- broker_.GetLock().Release();
- int rv = -1;
- ASSERT_TRUE(spawn_result.process.WaitForExitWithTimeout(
- TestTimeouts::action_timeout(), &rv));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rv);
- EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<mach_port_t>(MACH_PORT_NULL),
- broker_.TaskForPid(spawn_result.process.Handle()));
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/ b/base/mac/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eee21085d..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/mac/mach_port_util.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace {
-// Struct for sending a complex Mach message.
-struct MachSendComplexMessage {
- mach_msg_header_t header;
- mach_msg_body_t body;
- mach_msg_port_descriptor_t data;
-// Struct for receiving a complex message.
-struct MachReceiveComplexMessage {
- mach_msg_header_t header;
- mach_msg_body_t body;
- mach_msg_port_descriptor_t data;
- mach_msg_trailer_t trailer;
-} // namespace
-kern_return_t SendMachPort(mach_port_t endpoint,
- mach_port_t port_to_send,
- int disposition) {
- MachSendComplexMessage send_msg;
- send_msg.header.msgh_bits =
- send_msg.header.msgh_size = sizeof(send_msg);
- send_msg.header.msgh_remote_port = endpoint;
- send_msg.header.msgh_local_port = MACH_PORT_NULL;
- send_msg.header.msgh_reserved = 0;
- send_msg.header.msgh_id = 0;
- send_msg.body.msgh_descriptor_count = 1;
- = port_to_send;
- = disposition;
- kern_return_t kr =
- mach_msg(&send_msg.header, MACH_SEND_MSG | MACH_SEND_TIMEOUT,
- send_msg.header.msgh_size,
- 0, // receive limit
- MACH_PORT_NULL, // receive name
- 0, // timeout
- MACH_PORT_NULL); // notification port
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
- mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), endpoint);
- return kr;
-base::mac::ScopedMachSendRight ReceiveMachPort(mach_port_t port_to_listen_on) {
- MachReceiveComplexMessage recv_msg;
- mach_msg_header_t* recv_hdr = &recv_msg.header;
- recv_hdr->msgh_local_port = port_to_listen_on;
- recv_hdr->msgh_size = sizeof(recv_msg);
- kern_return_t kr =
- mach_msg(recv_hdr, MACH_RCV_MSG | MACH_RCV_TIMEOUT, 0,
- recv_hdr->msgh_size, port_to_listen_on, 0, MACH_PORT_NULL);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
- return base::mac::ScopedMachSendRight(MACH_PORT_NULL);
- if (recv_msg.header.msgh_id != 0)
- return base::mac::ScopedMachSendRight(MACH_PORT_NULL);
- return base::mac::ScopedMachSendRight(;
-mach_port_name_t CreateIntermediateMachPort(
- mach_port_t task_port,
- base::mac::ScopedMachSendRight port_to_insert,
- MachCreateError* error_code) {
- DCHECK_NE(mach_task_self(), task_port);
- DCHECK_NE(static_cast<mach_port_name_t>(MACH_PORT_NULL), task_port);
- // Make a port with receive rights in the destination task.
- mach_port_name_t endpoint;
- kern_return_t kr =
- mach_port_allocate(task_port, MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, &endpoint);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- if (error_code)
- *error_code = MachCreateError::ERROR_MAKE_RECEIVE_PORT;
- return MACH_PORT_NULL;
- }
- // Change its message queue limit so that it accepts one message.
- mach_port_limits limits = {};
- limits.mpl_qlimit = 1;
- kr = mach_port_set_attributes(task_port, endpoint, MACH_PORT_LIMITS_INFO,
- reinterpret_cast<mach_port_info_t>(&limits),
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- if (error_code)
- *error_code = MachCreateError::ERROR_SET_ATTRIBUTES;
- mach_port_deallocate(task_port, endpoint);
- return MACH_PORT_NULL;
- }
- // Get a send right.
- mach_port_t send_once_right;
- mach_msg_type_name_t send_right_type;
- kr =
- mach_port_extract_right(task_port, endpoint, MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND_ONCE,
- &send_once_right, &send_right_type);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- if (error_code)
- *error_code = MachCreateError::ERROR_EXTRACT_DEST_RIGHT;
- mach_port_deallocate(task_port, endpoint);
- return MACH_PORT_NULL;
- }
- DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<mach_msg_type_name_t>(MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND_ONCE),
- send_right_type);
- // This call takes ownership of |send_once_right|.
- kr = base::SendMachPort(
- send_once_right, port_to_insert.get(), MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- if (error_code)
- *error_code = MachCreateError::ERROR_SEND_MACH_PORT;
- mach_port_deallocate(task_port, endpoint);
- return MACH_PORT_NULL;
- }
- // Endpoint is intentionally leaked into the destination task. An IPC must be
- // sent to the destination task so that it can clean up this port.
- return endpoint;
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/mach_port_util.h b/base/mac/mach_port_util.h
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@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <mach/mach.h>
-#include "base/base_export.h"
-#include "base/mac/scoped_mach_port.h"
-namespace base {
-enum class MachCreateError {
-// Sends a Mach port to |dest_port|. Assumes that |dest_port| is a send once
-// right. Takes ownership of |dest_port|.
-BASE_EXPORT kern_return_t SendMachPort(mach_port_t dest_port,
- mach_port_t port_to_send,
- int disposition);
-// Receives a Mach port from |port_to_listen_on|, which should have exactly one
-// queued message. Returns |MACH_PORT_NULL| on any error.
-BASE_EXPORT base::mac::ScopedMachSendRight ReceiveMachPort(
- mach_port_t port_to_listen_on);
-// Creates an intermediate Mach port in |task_port| and sends |port_to_insert|
-// as a mach_msg to the intermediate Mach port.
-// |task_port| is the task port of another process.
-// |port_to_insert| must be a send right in the current task's name space.
-// Returns the intermediate port on success, and MACH_PORT_NULL on failure.
-// On failure, |error_code| is set if not null.
-// This method takes ownership of |port_to_insert|. On success, ownership is
-// passed to the intermediate Mach port.
-BASE_EXPORT mach_port_name_t CreateIntermediateMachPort(
- mach_port_t task_port,
- base::mac::ScopedMachSendRight port_to_insert,
- MachCreateError* error_code);
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/scoped_aedesc.h b/base/mac/scoped_aedesc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 73270920dd..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/scoped_aedesc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#import <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
-#include "base/macros.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace mac {
-// The ScopedAEDesc is used to scope AppleEvent descriptors. On creation,
-// it will store a NULL descriptor. On destruction, it will dispose of the
-// descriptor.
-// This class is parameterized for additional type safety checks. You can use
-// the generic AEDesc type by not providing a template parameter:
-// ScopedAEDesc<> desc;
-template <typename AEDescType = AEDesc>
-class ScopedAEDesc {
- public:
- ScopedAEDesc() {
- AECreateDesc(typeNull, NULL, 0, &desc_);
- }
- ~ScopedAEDesc() {
- AEDisposeDesc(&desc_);
- }
- // Used for in parameters.
- operator const AEDescType*() {
- return &desc_;
- }
- // Used for out parameters.
- AEDescType* OutPointer() {
- return &desc_;
- }
- private:
- AEDescType desc_;
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/scoped_authorizationref.h b/base/mac/scoped_authorizationref.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b83f8dfb35..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/scoped_authorizationref.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <Security/Authorization.h>
-#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-// ScopedAuthorizationRef maintains ownership of an AuthorizationRef. It is
-// patterned after the unique_ptr interface.
-namespace base {
-namespace mac {
-class ScopedAuthorizationRef {
- public:
- explicit ScopedAuthorizationRef(AuthorizationRef authorization = NULL)
- : authorization_(authorization) {
- }
- ~ScopedAuthorizationRef() {
- if (authorization_) {
- AuthorizationFree(authorization_, kAuthorizationFlagDestroyRights);
- }
- }
- void reset(AuthorizationRef authorization = NULL) {
- if (authorization_ != authorization) {
- if (authorization_) {
- AuthorizationFree(authorization_, kAuthorizationFlagDestroyRights);
- }
- authorization_ = authorization;
- }
- }
- bool operator==(AuthorizationRef that) const {
- return authorization_ == that;
- }
- bool operator!=(AuthorizationRef that) const {
- return authorization_ != that;
- }
- operator AuthorizationRef() const {
- return authorization_;
- }
- AuthorizationRef* get_pointer() { return &authorization_; }
- AuthorizationRef get() const {
- return authorization_;
- }
- void swap(ScopedAuthorizationRef& that) {
- AuthorizationRef temp = that.authorization_;
- that.authorization_ = authorization_;
- authorization_ = temp;
- }
- // ScopedAuthorizationRef::release() is like std::unique_ptr<>::release. It is
- // NOT a wrapper for AuthorizationFree(). To force a ScopedAuthorizationRef
- // object to call AuthorizationFree(), use ScopedAuthorizationRef::reset().
- AuthorizationRef release() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
- AuthorizationRef temp = authorization_;
- authorization_ = NULL;
- return temp;
- }
- private:
- AuthorizationRef authorization_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedAuthorizationRef);
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/scoped_block.h b/base/mac/scoped_block.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 10ab4b4e88..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/scoped_block.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <Block.h>
-#include "base/mac/scoped_typeref.h"
-#if defined(__has_feature) && __has_feature(objc_arc)
-namespace base {
-namespace mac {
-namespace internal {
-template <typename B>
-struct ScopedBlockTraits {
- static B InvalidValue() { return nullptr; }
- static B Retain(B block) {
- B, Block_copy(BASE_MAC_BRIDGE_CAST(const void*, block)));
- }
- static void Release(B block) {
- Block_release(BASE_MAC_BRIDGE_CAST(const void*, block));
- }
-} // namespace internal
-// ScopedBlock<> is patterned after ScopedCFTypeRef<>, but uses Block_copy() and
-// Block_release() instead of CFRetain() and CFRelease().
-template <typename B>
-class ScopedBlock : public ScopedTypeRef<B, internal::ScopedBlockTraits<B>> {
- public:
- using Traits = internal::ScopedBlockTraits<B>;
-#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
- explicit ScopedBlock(
- B block = Traits::InvalidValue(),
- base::scoped_policy::OwnershipPolicy policy = base::scoped_policy::ASSUME)
- : ScopedTypeRef<B, Traits>(block, policy) {}
- explicit ScopedBlock(B block = Traits::InvalidValue())
- : ScopedTypeRef<B, Traits>(block, base::scoped_policy::RETAIN) {}
-#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
- void reset(B block = Traits::InvalidValue(),
- base::scoped_policy::OwnershipPolicy policy =
- base::scoped_policy::ASSUME) {
- ScopedTypeRef<B, Traits>::reset(block, policy);
- }
- void reset(B block = Traits::InvalidValue()) {
- ScopedTypeRef<B, Traits>::reset(block, base::scoped_policy::RETAIN);
- }
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/scoped_cffiledescriptorref.h b/base/mac/scoped_cffiledescriptorref.h
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/base/mac/scoped_cffiledescriptorref.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
-#include "base/scoped_generic.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace mac {
-namespace internal {
-struct ScopedCFFileDescriptorRefTraits {
- static CFFileDescriptorRef InvalidValue() { return nullptr; }
- static void Free(CFFileDescriptorRef ref) {
- CFFileDescriptorInvalidate(ref);
- CFRelease(ref);
- }
-} // namespace internal
-// ScopedCFFileDescriptorRef is designed after ScopedCFTypeRef<>. On
-// destruction, it will invalidate the file descriptor.
-// ScopedCFFileDescriptorRef (unlike ScopedCFTypeRef<>) does not support RETAIN
-// semantics, copying, or assignment, as doing so would increase the chances
-// that a file descriptor is invalidated while still in use.
-using ScopedCFFileDescriptorRef =
- ScopedGeneric<CFFileDescriptorRef,
- internal::ScopedCFFileDescriptorRefTraits>;
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h b/base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ccbc5cfbe6..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
-#include "base/mac/scoped_typeref.h"
-namespace base {
-// ScopedCFTypeRef<> is patterned after std::unique_ptr<>, but maintains
-// ownership of a CoreFoundation object: any object that can be represented
-// as a CFTypeRef. Style deviations here are solely for compatibility with
-// std::unique_ptr<>'s interface, with which everyone is already familiar.
-// By default, ScopedCFTypeRef<> takes ownership of an object (in the
-// constructor or in reset()) by taking over the caller's existing ownership
-// claim. The caller must own the object it gives to ScopedCFTypeRef<>, and
-// relinquishes an ownership claim to that object. ScopedCFTypeRef<> does not
-// call CFRetain(). This behavior is parameterized by the |OwnershipPolicy|
-// enum. If the value |RETAIN| is passed (in the constructor or in reset()),
-// then ScopedCFTypeRef<> will call CFRetain() on the object, and the initial
-// ownership is not changed.
-namespace internal {
-template<typename CFT>
-struct ScopedCFTypeRefTraits {
- static CFT InvalidValue() { return nullptr; }
- static CFT Retain(CFT object) {
- CFRetain(object);
- return object;
- }
- static void Release(CFT object) {
- CFRelease(object);
- }
-} // namespace internal
-template<typename CFT>
-using ScopedCFTypeRef =
- ScopedTypeRef<CFT, internal::ScopedCFTypeRefTraits<CFT>>;
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/scoped_dispatch_object.h b/base/mac/scoped_dispatch_object.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f5d517d9b..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/scoped_dispatch_object.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
-#include "base/mac/scoped_typeref.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace internal {
-template <typename T>
-struct ScopedDispatchObjectTraits {
- static T InvalidValue() { return nullptr; }
- static T Retain(T object) {
- dispatch_retain(object);
- return object;
- }
- static void Release(T object) {
- dispatch_release(object);
- }
-} // namepsace internal
-template <typename T>
-using ScopedDispatchObject =
- ScopedTypeRef<T, internal::ScopedDispatchObjectTraits<T>>;
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/scoped_ioobject.h b/base/mac/scoped_ioobject.h
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/base/mac/scoped_ioobject.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
-#include "base/mac/scoped_typeref.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace mac {
-namespace internal {
-template <typename IOT>
-struct ScopedIOObjectTraits {
- static IOT InvalidValue() { return IO_OBJECT_NULL; }
- static IOT Retain(IOT iot) {
- IOObjectRetain(iot);
- return iot;
- }
- static void Release(IOT iot) { IOObjectRelease(iot); }
-} // namespce internal
-// Just like ScopedCFTypeRef but for io_object_t and subclasses.
-template <typename IOT>
-using ScopedIOObject = ScopedTypeRef<IOT, internal::ScopedIOObjectTraits<IOT>>;
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/scoped_ioplugininterface.h b/base/mac/scoped_ioplugininterface.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 872da8eaa5..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/scoped_ioplugininterface.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
-#include "base/mac/scoped_typeref.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace mac {
-namespace internal {
-template <typename T>
-struct ScopedIOPluginInterfaceTraits {
- static T InvalidValue() { return nullptr; }
- static T Retain(T t) {
- (*t)->AddRef(t);
- return t;
- }
- static void Release(T t) { (*t)->Release(t); }
-} // namespace internal
-// Just like ScopedCFTypeRef but for IOCFPlugInInterface and friends
-// (IOUSBInterfaceStruct and IOUSBDeviceStruct320 in particular).
-template <typename T>
-using ScopedIOPluginInterface =
- ScopedTypeRef<T**, internal::ScopedIOPluginInterfaceTraits<T**>>;
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/scoped_launch_data.h b/base/mac/scoped_launch_data.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f4db3306d4..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/scoped_launch_data.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <launch.h>
-#include "base/scoped_generic.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace mac {
-namespace internal {
-struct ScopedLaunchDataTraits {
- static launch_data_t InvalidValue() { return nullptr; }
- static void Free(launch_data_t ldt) { launch_data_free(ldt); }
-} // namespace internal
-// Just like std::unique_ptr<> but for launch_data_t.
-using ScopedLaunchData =
- ScopedGeneric<launch_data_t, internal::ScopedLaunchDataTraits>;
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
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-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/mac/scoped_mach_port.h"
-#include "base/mac/mach_logging.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace mac {
-namespace internal {
-// static
-void SendRightTraits::Free(mach_port_t port) {
- kern_return_t kr = mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), port);
- << "ScopedMachSendRight mach_port_deallocate";
-// static
-void ReceiveRightTraits::Free(mach_port_t port) {
- kern_return_t kr =
- mach_port_mod_refs(mach_task_self(), port, MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, -1);
- << "ScopedMachReceiveRight mach_port_mod_refs";
-// static
-void PortSetTraits::Free(mach_port_t port) {
- kern_return_t kr =
- mach_port_mod_refs(mach_task_self(), port, MACH_PORT_RIGHT_PORT_SET, -1);
- << "ScopedMachPortSet mach_port_mod_refs";
-} // namespace internal
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/scoped_mach_port.h b/base/mac/scoped_mach_port.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 67fed6bcfd..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/scoped_mach_port.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <mach/mach.h>
-#include "base/base_export.h"
-#include "base/scoped_generic.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace mac {
-namespace internal {
-struct BASE_EXPORT SendRightTraits {
- static mach_port_t InvalidValue() {
- return MACH_PORT_NULL;
- }
- BASE_EXPORT static void Free(mach_port_t port);
-struct BASE_EXPORT ReceiveRightTraits {
- static mach_port_t InvalidValue() {
- return MACH_PORT_NULL;
- }
- BASE_EXPORT static void Free(mach_port_t port);
-struct PortSetTraits {
- static mach_port_t InvalidValue() {
- return MACH_PORT_NULL;
- }
- BASE_EXPORT static void Free(mach_port_t port);
-} // namespace internal
-// A scoper for handling a Mach port that names a send right. Send rights are
-// reference counted, and this takes ownership of the right on construction
-// and then removes a reference to the right on destruction. If the reference
-// is the last one on the right, the right is deallocated.
-using ScopedMachSendRight =
- ScopedGeneric<mach_port_t, internal::SendRightTraits>;
-// A scoper for handling a Mach port's receive right. There is only one
-// receive right per port. This takes ownership of the receive right on
-// construction and then destroys the right on destruction, turning all
-// outstanding send rights into dead names.
-using ScopedMachReceiveRight =
- ScopedGeneric<mach_port_t, internal::ReceiveRightTraits>;
-// A scoper for handling a Mach port set. A port set can have only one
-// reference. This takes ownership of that single reference on construction and
-// destroys the port set on destruction. Destroying a port set does not destroy
-// the receive rights that are members of the port set.
-using ScopedMachPortSet = ScopedGeneric<mach_port_t, internal::PortSetTraits>;
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
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deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/mac/scoped_mach_vm.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace mac {
-void ScopedMachVM::reset(vm_address_t address, vm_size_t size) {
- DCHECK_EQ(address % PAGE_SIZE, 0u);
- DCHECK_EQ(size % PAGE_SIZE, 0u);
- if (size_) {
- if (address_ < address) {
- vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(),
- address_,
- std::min(size_, address - address_));
- }
- if (address_ + size_ > address + size) {
- vm_address_t deallocate_start = std::max(address_, address + size);
- vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(),
- deallocate_start,
- address_ + size_ - deallocate_start);
- }
- }
- address_ = address;
- size_ = size;
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
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deleted file mode 100644
index 58a13f6649..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/scoped_mach_vm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <mach/mach.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "base/base_export.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-// Use ScopedMachVM to supervise ownership of pages in the current process
-// through the Mach VM subsystem. Pages allocated with vm_allocate can be
-// released when exiting a scope with ScopedMachVM.
-// The Mach VM subsystem operates on a page-by-page basis, and a single VM
-// allocation managed by a ScopedMachVM object may span multiple pages. As far
-// as Mach is concerned, allocated pages may be deallocated individually. This
-// is in contrast to higher-level allocators such as malloc, where the base
-// address of an allocation implies the size of an allocated block.
-// Consequently, it is not sufficient to just pass the base address of an
-// allocation to ScopedMachVM, it also needs to know the size of the
-// allocation. To avoid any confusion, both the base address and size must
-// be page-aligned.
-// When dealing with Mach VM, base addresses will naturally be page-aligned,
-// but user-specified sizes may not be. If there's a concern that a size is
-// not page-aligned, use the mach_vm_round_page macro to correct it.
-// Example:
-// vm_address_t address = 0;
-// vm_size_t size = 12345; // This requested size is not page-aligned.
-// kern_return_t kr =
-// vm_allocate(mach_task_self(), &address, size, VM_FLAGS_ANYWHERE);
-// if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
-// return false;
-// }
-// ScopedMachVM vm_owner(address, mach_vm_round_page(size));
-namespace base {
-namespace mac {
-class BASE_EXPORT ScopedMachVM {
- public:
- explicit ScopedMachVM(vm_address_t address = 0, vm_size_t size = 0)
- : address_(address), size_(size) {
- DCHECK_EQ(address % PAGE_SIZE, 0u);
- DCHECK_EQ(size % PAGE_SIZE, 0u);
- }
- ~ScopedMachVM() {
- if (size_) {
- vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), address_, size_);
- }
- }
- void reset(vm_address_t address = 0, vm_size_t size = 0);
- vm_address_t address() const {
- return address_;
- }
- vm_size_t size() const {
- return size_;
- }
- void swap(ScopedMachVM& that) {
- std::swap(address_, that.address_);
- std::swap(size_, that.size_);
- }
- void release() {
- address_ = 0;
- size_ = 0;
- }
- private:
- vm_address_t address_;
- vm_size_t size_;
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h b/base/mac/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d15e6da4c..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/base_export.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#if defined(__OBJC__)
-@class NSAutoreleasePool;
-#else // __OBJC__
-class NSAutoreleasePool;
-#endif // __OBJC__
-namespace base {
-namespace mac {
-// ScopedNSAutoreleasePool allocates an NSAutoreleasePool when instantiated and
-// sends it a -drain message when destroyed. This allows an autorelease pool to
-// be maintained in ordinary C++ code without bringing in any direct Objective-C
-// dependency.
-class BASE_EXPORT ScopedNSAutoreleasePool {
- public:
- ScopedNSAutoreleasePool();
- ~ScopedNSAutoreleasePool();
- // Clear out the pool in case its position on the stack causes it to be
- // alive for long periods of time (such as the entire length of the app).
- // Only use then when you're certain the items currently in the pool are
- // no longer needed.
- void Recycle();
- private:
- NSAutoreleasePool* autorelease_pool_;
- private:
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedNSAutoreleasePool);
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/ b/base/mac/
deleted file mode 100644
index e542ca86b2..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/mac/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h"
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#include "base/logging.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace mac {
- : autorelease_pool_([[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]) {
- DCHECK(autorelease_pool_);
-ScopedNSAutoreleasePool::~ScopedNSAutoreleasePool() {
- [autorelease_pool_ drain];
-// Cycle the internal pool, allowing everything there to get cleaned up and
-// start anew.
-void ScopedNSAutoreleasePool::Recycle() {
- [autorelease_pool_ drain];
- autorelease_pool_ = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
- DCHECK(autorelease_pool_);
-} // namespace mac
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h b/base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <type_traits>
-// Include NSObject.h directly because Foundation.h pulls in many dependencies.
-// (Approx 100k lines of code versus 1.5k for NSObject.h). scoped_nsobject gets
-// singled out because it is most typically included from other header files.
-#import <Foundation/NSObject.h>
-#include "base/base_export.h"
-#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
-#include "base/mac/scoped_typeref.h"
-#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
-@class NSAutoreleasePool;
-namespace base {
-// scoped_nsobject<> is patterned after std::unique_ptr<>, but maintains
-// ownership of an NSObject subclass object. Style deviations here are solely
-// for compatibility with std::unique_ptr<>'s interface, with which everyone is
-// already familiar.
-// scoped_nsobject<> takes ownership of an object (in the constructor or in
-// reset()) by taking over the caller's existing ownership claim. The caller
-// must own the object it gives to scoped_nsobject<>, and relinquishes an
-// ownership claim to that object. scoped_nsobject<> does not call -retain,
-// callers have to call this manually if appropriate.
-// scoped_nsprotocol<> has the same behavior as scoped_nsobject, but can be used
-// with protocols.
-// scoped_nsobject<> is not to be used for NSAutoreleasePools. For
-// NSAutoreleasePools use ScopedNSAutoreleasePool from
-// scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h instead.
-// We check for bad uses of scoped_nsobject and NSAutoreleasePool at compile
-// time with a template specialization (see below).
-// If Automatic Reference Counting (aka ARC) is enabled then the ownership
-// policy is not controllable by the user as ARC make it really difficult to
-// transfer ownership (the reference passed to scoped_nsobject constructor is
-// sunk by ARC and __attribute((ns_consumed)) appears to not work correctly
-// with Objective-C++ see Due to
-// that, the policy is always to |RETAIN| when using ARC.
-namespace internal {
-BASE_EXPORT id ScopedNSProtocolTraitsRetain(__unsafe_unretained id obj)
- __attribute((ns_returns_not_retained));
-BASE_EXPORT id ScopedNSProtocolTraitsAutoRelease(__unsafe_unretained id obj)
- __attribute((ns_returns_not_retained));
-BASE_EXPORT void ScopedNSProtocolTraitsRelease(__unsafe_unretained id obj);
-// Traits for ScopedTypeRef<>. As this class may be compiled from file with
-// Automatic Reference Counting enable or not all methods have annotation to
-// enforce the same code generation in both case (in particular, the Retain
-// method uses ns_returns_not_retained to prevent ARC to insert a -release
-// call on the returned value and thus defeating the -retain).
-template <typename NST>
-struct ScopedNSProtocolTraits {
- static NST InvalidValue() __attribute((ns_returns_not_retained)) {
- return nil;
- }
- static NST Retain(__unsafe_unretained NST nst)
- __attribute((ns_returns_not_retained)) {
- return ScopedNSProtocolTraitsRetain(nst);
- }
- static void Release(__unsafe_unretained NST nst) {
- ScopedNSProtocolTraitsRelease(nst);
- }
-} // namespace internal
-template <typename NST>
-class scoped_nsprotocol
- : public ScopedTypeRef<NST, internal::ScopedNSProtocolTraits<NST>> {
- public:
- using Traits = internal::ScopedNSProtocolTraits<NST>;
-#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
- explicit scoped_nsprotocol(
- NST object = Traits::InvalidValue(),
- base::scoped_policy::OwnershipPolicy policy = base::scoped_policy::ASSUME)
- : ScopedTypeRef<NST, Traits>(object, policy) {}
- explicit scoped_nsprotocol(NST object = Traits::InvalidValue())
- : ScopedTypeRef<NST, Traits>(object, base::scoped_policy::RETAIN) {}
- scoped_nsprotocol(const scoped_nsprotocol<NST>& that)
- : ScopedTypeRef<NST, Traits>(that) {}
- template <typename NSR>
- explicit scoped_nsprotocol(const scoped_nsprotocol<NSR>& that_as_subclass)
- : ScopedTypeRef<NST, Traits>(that_as_subclass) {}
- scoped_nsprotocol(scoped_nsprotocol<NST>&& that)
- : ScopedTypeRef<NST, Traits>(std::move(that)) {}
- scoped_nsprotocol& operator=(const scoped_nsprotocol<NST>& that) {
- ScopedTypeRef<NST, Traits>::operator=(that);
- return *this;
- }
-#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
- void reset(NST object = Traits::InvalidValue(),
- base::scoped_policy::OwnershipPolicy policy =
- base::scoped_policy::ASSUME) {
- ScopedTypeRef<NST, Traits>::reset(object, policy);
- }
- void reset(NST object = Traits::InvalidValue()) {
- ScopedTypeRef<NST, Traits>::reset(object, base::scoped_policy::RETAIN);
- }
- // Shift reference to the autorelease pool to be released later.
- NST autorelease() __attribute((ns_returns_not_retained)) {
- return internal::ScopedNSProtocolTraitsAutoRelease(this->release());
- }
-// Free functions
-template <class C>
-void swap(scoped_nsprotocol<C>& p1, scoped_nsprotocol<C>& p2) {
- p1.swap(p2);
-template <class C>
-bool operator==(C p1, const scoped_nsprotocol<C>& p2) {
- return p1 == p2.get();
-template <class C>
-bool operator!=(C p1, const scoped_nsprotocol<C>& p2) {
- return p1 != p2.get();
-template <typename NST>
-class scoped_nsobject : public scoped_nsprotocol<NST*> {
- public:
- using Traits = typename scoped_nsprotocol<NST*>::Traits;
-#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
- explicit scoped_nsobject(
- NST* object = Traits::InvalidValue(),
- base::scoped_policy::OwnershipPolicy policy = base::scoped_policy::ASSUME)
- : scoped_nsprotocol<NST*>(object, policy) {}
- explicit scoped_nsobject(NST* object = Traits::InvalidValue())
- : scoped_nsprotocol<NST*>(object) {}
- scoped_nsobject(const scoped_nsobject<NST>& that)
- : scoped_nsprotocol<NST*>(that) {}
- template <typename NSR>
- explicit scoped_nsobject(const scoped_nsobject<NSR>& that_as_subclass)
- : scoped_nsprotocol<NST*>(that_as_subclass) {}
- scoped_nsobject(scoped_nsobject<NST>&& that)
- : scoped_nsprotocol<NST*>(std::move(that)) {}
- scoped_nsobject& operator=(const scoped_nsobject<NST>& that) {
- scoped_nsprotocol<NST*>::operator=(that);
- return *this;
- }
-#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
- void reset(NST* object = Traits::InvalidValue(),
- base::scoped_policy::OwnershipPolicy policy =
- base::scoped_policy::ASSUME) {
- scoped_nsprotocol<NST*>::reset(object, policy);
- }
- void reset(NST* object = Traits::InvalidValue()) {
- scoped_nsprotocol<NST*>::reset(object);
- }
-#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
- static_assert(std::is_same<NST, NSAutoreleasePool>::value == false,
- "Use ScopedNSAutoreleasePool instead");
-// Specialization to make scoped_nsobject<id> work.
-class scoped_nsobject<id> : public scoped_nsprotocol<id> {
- public:
- using Traits = typename scoped_nsprotocol<id>::Traits;
-#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
- explicit scoped_nsobject(
- id object = Traits::InvalidValue(),
- base::scoped_policy::OwnershipPolicy policy = base::scoped_policy::ASSUME)
- : scoped_nsprotocol<id>(object, policy) {}
- explicit scoped_nsobject(id object = Traits::InvalidValue())
- : scoped_nsprotocol<id>(object) {}
- scoped_nsobject(const scoped_nsobject<id>& that)
- : scoped_nsprotocol<id>(that) {}
- template <typename NSR>
- explicit scoped_nsobject(const scoped_nsobject<NSR>& that_as_subclass)
- : scoped_nsprotocol<id>(that_as_subclass) {}
- scoped_nsobject(scoped_nsobject<id>&& that)
- : scoped_nsprotocol<id>(std::move(that)) {}
- scoped_nsobject& operator=(const scoped_nsobject<id>& that) {
- scoped_nsprotocol<id>::operator=(that);
- return *this;
- }
-#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
- void reset(id object = Traits::InvalidValue(),
- base::scoped_policy::OwnershipPolicy policy =
- base::scoped_policy::ASSUME) {
- scoped_nsprotocol<id>::reset(object, policy);
- }
- void reset(id object = Traits::InvalidValue()) {
- scoped_nsprotocol<id>::reset(object);
- }
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/scoped_typeref.h b/base/mac/scoped_typeref.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b8d8a14262..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/scoped_typeref.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_policy.h"
-namespace base {
-// ScopedTypeRef<> is patterned after std::unique_ptr<>, but maintains ownership
-// of a reference to any type that is maintained by Retain and Release methods.
-// The Traits structure must provide the Retain and Release methods for type T.
-// A default ScopedTypeRefTraits is used but not defined, and should be defined
-// for each type to use this interface. For example, an appropriate definition
-// of ScopedTypeRefTraits for CGLContextObj would be:
-// template<>
-// struct ScopedTypeRefTraits<CGLContextObj> {
-// static CGLContextObj InvalidValue() { return nullptr; }
-// static CGLContextObj Retain(CGLContextObj object) {
-// CGLContextRetain(object);
-// return object;
-// }
-// static void Release(CGLContextObj object) { CGLContextRelease(object); }
-// };
-// For the many types that have pass-by-pointer create functions, the function
-// InitializeInto() is provided to allow direct initialization and assumption
-// of ownership of the object. For example, continuing to use the above
-// CGLContextObj specialization:
-// base::ScopedTypeRef<CGLContextObj> context;
-// CGLCreateContext(pixel_format, share_group, context.InitializeInto());
-// For initialization with an existing object, the caller may specify whether
-// the ScopedTypeRef<> being initialized is assuming the caller's existing
-// ownership of the object (and should not call Retain in initialization) or if
-// it should not assume this ownership and must create its own (by calling
-// Retain in initialization). This behavior is based on the |policy| parameter,
-// with |ASSUME| for the former and |RETAIN| for the latter. The default policy
-// is to |ASSUME|.
-template<typename T>
-struct ScopedTypeRefTraits;
-template<typename T, typename Traits = ScopedTypeRefTraits<T>>
-class ScopedTypeRef {
- public:
- typedef T element_type;
- explicit ScopedTypeRef(
- __unsafe_unretained T object = Traits::InvalidValue(),
- base::scoped_policy::OwnershipPolicy policy = base::scoped_policy::ASSUME)
- : object_(object) {
- if (object_ && policy == base::scoped_policy::RETAIN)
- object_ = Traits::Retain(object_);
- }
- ScopedTypeRef(const ScopedTypeRef<T, Traits>& that)
- : object_(that.object_) {
- if (object_)
- object_ = Traits::Retain(object_);
- }
- // This allows passing an object to a function that takes its superclass.
- template <typename R, typename RTraits>
- explicit ScopedTypeRef(const ScopedTypeRef<R, RTraits>& that_as_subclass)
- : object_(that_as_subclass.get()) {
- if (object_)
- object_ = Traits::Retain(object_);
- }
- ScopedTypeRef(ScopedTypeRef<T, Traits>&& that) : object_(that.object_) {
- that.object_ = Traits::InvalidValue();
- }
- ~ScopedTypeRef() {
- if (object_)
- Traits::Release(object_);
- }
- ScopedTypeRef& operator=(const ScopedTypeRef<T, Traits>& that) {
- reset(that.get(), base::scoped_policy::RETAIN);
- return *this;
- }
- // This is to be used only to take ownership of objects that are created
- // by pass-by-pointer create functions. To enforce this, require that the
- // object be reset to NULL before this may be used.
- T* InitializeInto() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
- DCHECK(!object_);
- return &object_;
- }
- void reset(__unsafe_unretained T object = Traits::InvalidValue(),
- base::scoped_policy::OwnershipPolicy policy =
- base::scoped_policy::ASSUME) {
- if (object && policy == base::scoped_policy::RETAIN)
- object = Traits::Retain(object);
- if (object_)
- Traits::Release(object_);
- object_ = object;
- }
- bool operator==(__unsafe_unretained T that) const { return object_ == that; }
- bool operator!=(__unsafe_unretained T that) const { return object_ != that; }
- operator T() const __attribute((ns_returns_not_retained)) { return object_; }
- T get() const __attribute((ns_returns_not_retained)) { return object_; }
- void swap(ScopedTypeRef& that) {
- __unsafe_unretained T temp = that.object_;
- that.object_ = object_;
- object_ = temp;
- }
- // ScopedTypeRef<>::release() is like std::unique_ptr<>::release. It is NOT
- // a wrapper for Release(). To force a ScopedTypeRef<> object to call
- // Release(), use ScopedTypeRef<>::reset().
- T release() __attribute((ns_returns_not_retained)) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
- __unsafe_unretained T temp = object_;
- object_ = Traits::InvalidValue();
- return temp;
- }
- private:
- __unsafe_unretained T object_;
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/mac/sdk_forward_declarations.h b/base/mac/sdk_forward_declarations.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0404d7d8fd..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/sdk_forward_declarations.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// This file contains forward declarations for items in later SDKs than the
-// default one with which Chromium is built (currently 10.10).
-// If you call any function from this header, be sure to check at runtime for
-// respondsToSelector: before calling these functions (else your code will crash
-// on older OS X versions that chrome still supports).
-#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
-#import <CoreBluetooth/CoreBluetooth.h>
-#import <CoreWLAN/CoreWLAN.h>
-#import <IOBluetooth/IOBluetooth.h>
-#import <ImageCaptureCore/ImageCaptureCore.h>
-#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "base/base_export.h"
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Define typedefs, enums, and protocols not available in the version of the
-// OSX SDK being compiled against.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_11) || \
-enum {
- NSPressureBehaviorUnknown = -1,
- NSPressureBehaviorPrimaryDefault = 0,
- NSPressureBehaviorPrimaryClick = 1,
- NSPressureBehaviorPrimaryGeneric = 2,
- NSPressureBehaviorPrimaryAccelerator = 3,
- NSPressureBehaviorPrimaryDeepClick = 5,
- NSPressureBehaviorPrimaryDeepDrag = 6
-typedef NSInteger NSPressureBehavior;
-@interface NSPressureConfiguration : NSObject
-- (instancetype)initWithPressureBehavior:(NSPressureBehavior)pressureBehavior;
-enum {
- NSSpringLoadingHighlightNone = 0,
- NSSpringLoadingHighlightStandard,
- NSSpringLoadingHighlightEmphasized
-typedef NSUInteger NSSpringLoadingHighlight;
-#endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_11
-#if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_12) || \
-// The protocol was formalized by the 10.12 SDK, but it was informally used
-// before.
-@protocol CAAnimationDelegate
-- (void)animationDidStart:(CAAnimation*)animation;
-- (void)animationDidStop:(CAAnimation*)animation finished:(BOOL)finished;
-@protocol CALayerDelegate
-#endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_12
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Define NSStrings only available in newer versions of the OSX SDK to force
-// them to be statically linked.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-extern "C" {
-#if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10) || \
-BASE_EXPORT extern NSString* const CIDetectorTypeQRCode;
-BASE_EXPORT extern NSString* const NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb;
-BASE_EXPORT extern NSString* const NSAppearanceNameVibrantDark;
-BASE_EXPORT extern NSString* const NSAppearanceNameVibrantLight;
-#endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10
-} // extern "C"
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// If compiling against an older version of the OSX SDK, declare classes and
-// functions that are available in newer versions of the OSX SDK. If compiling
-// against a newer version of the OSX SDK, redeclare those same classes and
-// functions to suppress -Wpartial-availability warnings.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Once Chrome no longer supports OSX 10.9, everything within this preprocessor
-// block can be removed.
-#if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10) || \
-@interface NSUserActivity (YosemiteSDK)
-@property(readonly, copy) NSString* activityType;
-@property(copy) NSDictionary* userInfo;
-@property(copy) NSURL* webpageURL;
-- (instancetype)initWithActivityType:(NSString*)activityType;
-- (void)becomeCurrent;
-- (void)invalidate;
-@interface CBUUID (YosemiteSDK)
-- (NSString*)UUIDString;
-@interface NSViewController (YosemiteSDK)
-- (void)viewDidLoad;
-@interface NSWindow (YosemiteSDK)
-- (void)setTitlebarAppearsTransparent:(BOOL)flag;
-@interface NSProcessInfo (YosemiteSDK)
-@property(readonly) NSOperatingSystemVersion operatingSystemVersion;
-@interface NSLayoutConstraint (YosemiteSDK)
-@property(getter=isActive) BOOL active;
-+ (void)activateConstraints:(NSArray*)constraints;
-@interface NSVisualEffectView (YosemiteSDK)
-- (void)setState:(NSVisualEffectState)state;
-@class NSVisualEffectView;
-@interface CIQRCodeFeature (YosemiteSDK)
-@property(readonly) CGRect bounds;
-@property(readonly) CGPoint topLeft;
-@property(readonly) CGPoint topRight;
-@property(readonly) CGPoint bottomLeft;
-@property(readonly) CGPoint bottomRight;
-@property(readonly, copy) NSString* messageString;
-@class CIQRCodeFeature;
-@interface NSView (YosemiteSDK)
-- (BOOL)isAccessibilitySelectorAllowed:(SEL)selector;
-#endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10
-// Once Chrome no longer supports OSX 10.10.2, everything within this
-// preprocessor block can be removed.
-#if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10_3) || \
-@interface NSEvent (Yosemite_3_SDK)
-@property(readonly) NSInteger stage;
-@interface NSView (Yosemite_3_SDK)
-- (void)setPressureConfiguration:(NSPressureConfiguration*)aConfiguration;
-#endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Define NSStrings only available in newer versions of the OSX SDK to force
-// them to be statically linked.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-extern "C" {
-#if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_11) || \
-BASE_EXPORT extern NSString* const CIDetectorTypeText;
-#endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_11
-} // extern "C"
-// Once Chrome no longer supports OSX 10.10, everything within this
-// preprocessor block can be removed.
-#if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_11) || \
-@class NSLayoutDimension;
-@class NSLayoutXAxisAnchor;
-@class NSLayoutYAxisAnchor;
-@interface NSObject (ElCapitanSDK)
-- (NSLayoutConstraint*)constraintEqualToConstant:(CGFloat)c;
-@interface NSView (ElCapitanSDK)
-@property(readonly, strong) NSLayoutXAxisAnchor* leftAnchor;
-@property(readonly, strong) NSLayoutXAxisAnchor* rightAnchor;
-@property(readonly, strong) NSLayoutYAxisAnchor* bottomAnchor;
-@property(readonly, strong) NSLayoutDimension* widthAnchor;
-@interface NSWindow (ElCapitanSDK)
-- (void)performWindowDragWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event;
-@interface CIRectangleFeature (ElCapitanSDK)
-@property(readonly) CGRect bounds;
-@class CIRectangleFeature;
-#endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_11
-// Once Chrome no longer supports OSX 10.11, everything within this
-// preprocessor block can be removed.
-#if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_12) || \
-@interface NSWindow (SierraSDK)
-@property(class) BOOL allowsAutomaticWindowTabbing;
-#endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_12
-// Once Chrome no longer supports OSX 10.12.0, everything within this
-// preprocessor block can be removed.
-#if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_12_1) || \
-@interface NSButton (SierraPointOneSDK)
-@property(copy) NSColor* bezelColor;
-@property BOOL imageHugsTitle;
-+ (instancetype)buttonWithTitle:(NSString*)title
- target:(id)target
- action:(SEL)action;
-+ (instancetype)buttonWithImage:(NSImage*)image
- target:(id)target
- action:(SEL)action;
-+ (instancetype)buttonWithTitle:(NSString*)title
- image:(NSImage*)image
- target:(id)target
- action:(SEL)action;
-@interface NSSegmentedControl (SierraPointOneSDK)
-+ (instancetype)segmentedControlWithImages:(NSArray*)images
- trackingMode:(NSSegmentSwitchTracking)trackingMode
- target:(id)target
- action:(SEL)action;
-#endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_12_1
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// The symbol for kCWSSIDDidChangeNotification is available in the
-// CoreWLAN.framework for OSX versions 10.6 through 10.10. The symbol is not
-// declared in the OSX 10.9+ SDK, so when compiling against an OSX 10.9+ SDK,
-// declare the symbol.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-BASE_EXPORT extern "C" NSString* const kCWSSIDDidChangeNotification;
diff --git a/base/mac/ b/base/mac/
deleted file mode 100644
index c624daedd8..0000000000
--- a/base/mac/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/mac/sdk_forward_declarations.h"
-#if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10) || \
-NSString* const CIDetectorTypeQRCode = @"CIDetectorTypeQRCode";
-NSString* const NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb =
- @"NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb";
-NSString* const NSAppearanceNameVibrantDark = @"NSAppearanceNameVibrantDark";
-#endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_10
-#if !defined(MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_11) || \
-NSString* const CIDetectorTypeText = @"CIDetectorTypeText";
-#endif // MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_11
diff --git a/base/memory/ b/base/memory/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dfd3c1aea..0000000000
--- a/base/memory/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/memory/shared_memory_handle.h"
-#include <mach/mach_vm.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "base/mac/mac_util.h"
-#include "base/mac/mach_logging.h"
-#include "base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h"
-namespace base {
- : type_(MACH), memory_object_(MACH_PORT_NULL) {}
- const base::FileDescriptor& file_descriptor)
- : type_(POSIX), file_descriptor_(file_descriptor) {}
-SharedMemoryHandle::SharedMemoryHandle(mach_vm_size_t size) {
- type_ = MACH;
- mach_port_t named_right;
- kern_return_t kr = mach_make_memory_entry_64(
- mach_task_self(),
- &size,
- 0, // Address.
- &named_right,
- MACH_PORT_NULL); // Parent handle.
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- memory_object_ = MACH_PORT_NULL;
- return;
- }
- memory_object_ = named_right;
- size_ = size;
- pid_ = GetCurrentProcId();
- ownership_passes_to_ipc_ = false;
-SharedMemoryHandle::SharedMemoryHandle(mach_port_t memory_object,
- mach_vm_size_t size,
- base::ProcessId pid)
- : type_(MACH),
- memory_object_(memory_object),
- size_(size),
- pid_(pid),
- ownership_passes_to_ipc_(false) {}
-SharedMemoryHandle::SharedMemoryHandle(const SharedMemoryHandle& handle) {
- CopyRelevantData(handle);
-SharedMemoryHandle& SharedMemoryHandle::operator=(
- const SharedMemoryHandle& handle) {
- if (this == &handle)
- return *this;
- type_ = handle.type_;
- CopyRelevantData(handle);
- return *this;
-SharedMemoryHandle SharedMemoryHandle::Duplicate() const {
- switch (type_) {
- case POSIX: {
- if (!IsValid())
- return SharedMemoryHandle();
- int duped_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(dup(file_descriptor_.fd));
- if (duped_fd < 0)
- return SharedMemoryHandle();
- return SharedMemoryHandle(FileDescriptor(duped_fd, true));
- }
- case MACH: {
- if (!IsValid())
- return SharedMemoryHandle(MACH_PORT_NULL, 0, 0);
- // Increment the ref count.
- kern_return_t kr = mach_port_mod_refs(mach_task_self(), memory_object_,
- SharedMemoryHandle handle(*this);
- handle.SetOwnershipPassesToIPC(true);
- return handle;
- }
- }
-bool SharedMemoryHandle::operator==(const SharedMemoryHandle& handle) const {
- if (!IsValid() && !handle.IsValid())
- return true;
- if (type_ != handle.type_)
- return false;
- switch (type_) {
- case POSIX:
- return file_descriptor_.fd == handle.file_descriptor_.fd;
- case MACH:
- return memory_object_ == handle.memory_object_ && size_ == handle.size_ &&
- pid_ == handle.pid_;
- }
-bool SharedMemoryHandle::operator!=(const SharedMemoryHandle& handle) const {
- return !(*this == handle);
-bool SharedMemoryHandle::IsValid() const {
- switch (type_) {
- case POSIX:
- return file_descriptor_.fd >= 0;
- case MACH:
- return memory_object_ != MACH_PORT_NULL;
- }
-mach_port_t SharedMemoryHandle::GetMemoryObject() const {
- DCHECK_EQ(type_, MACH);
- return memory_object_;
-bool SharedMemoryHandle::GetSize(size_t* size) const {
- if (!IsValid()) {
- *size = 0;
- return true;
- }
- switch (type_) {
- case SharedMemoryHandle::POSIX:
- struct stat st;
- if (fstat(file_descriptor_.fd, &st) != 0)
- return false;
- if (st.st_size < 0)
- return false;
- *size = st.st_size;
- return true;
- case SharedMemoryHandle::MACH:
- *size = size_;
- return true;
- }
-bool SharedMemoryHandle::MapAt(off_t offset,
- size_t bytes,
- void** memory,
- bool read_only) {
- DCHECK(IsValid());
- switch (type_) {
- case SharedMemoryHandle::POSIX:
- *memory = mmap(nullptr, bytes, PROT_READ | (read_only ? 0 : PROT_WRITE),
- MAP_SHARED, file_descriptor_.fd, offset);
- return *memory != MAP_FAILED;
- case SharedMemoryHandle::MACH:
- DCHECK_EQ(pid_, GetCurrentProcId());
- kern_return_t kr = mach_vm_map(
- mach_task_self(),
- reinterpret_cast<mach_vm_address_t*>(memory), // Output parameter
- bytes,
- 0, // Alignment mask
- memory_object_,
- offset,
- FALSE, // Copy
- VM_PROT_READ | (read_only ? 0 : VM_PROT_WRITE), // Current protection
- VM_PROT_WRITE | VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_IS_MASK, // Maximum protection
- return kr == KERN_SUCCESS;
- }
-void SharedMemoryHandle::Close() const {
- if (!IsValid())
- return;
- switch (type_) {
- case POSIX:
- if (IGNORE_EINTR(close(file_descriptor_.fd)) < 0)
- DPLOG(ERROR) << "Error closing fd";
- break;
- case MACH:
- kern_return_t kr = mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), memory_object_);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
- MACH_DLOG(ERROR, kr) << "Error deallocating mach port";
- break;
- }
-void SharedMemoryHandle::SetOwnershipPassesToIPC(bool ownership_passes) {
- DCHECK_EQ(type_, MACH);
- ownership_passes_to_ipc_ = ownership_passes;
-bool SharedMemoryHandle::OwnershipPassesToIPC() const {
- DCHECK_EQ(type_, MACH);
- return ownership_passes_to_ipc_;
-void SharedMemoryHandle::CopyRelevantData(const SharedMemoryHandle& handle) {
- type_ = handle.type_;
- switch (type_) {
- case POSIX:
- file_descriptor_ = handle.file_descriptor_;
- break;
- case MACH:
- memory_object_ = handle.memory_object_;
- size_ = handle.size_;
- pid_ = handle.pid_;
- ownership_passes_to_ipc_ = handle.ownership_passes_to_ipc_;
- break;
- }
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/memory/ b/base/memory/
deleted file mode 100644
index c76d1626d6..0000000000
--- a/base/memory/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/memory/shared_memory.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <mach/mach_vm.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "base/files/file_util.h"
-#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/mac/mac_util.h"
-#include "base/mac/scoped_mach_vm.h"
-#include "base/memory/shared_memory_helper.h"
-#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
-#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
-#include "base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h"
-#include "base/posix/safe_strerror.h"
-#include "base/process/process_metrics.h"
-#include "base/scoped_generic.h"
-#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
-#include "base/mac/foundation_util.h"
-#endif // OS_MACOSX
-namespace base {
-namespace {
-// Returns whether the operation succeeded.
-// |new_handle| is an output variable, populated on success. The caller takes
-// ownership of the underlying memory object.
-// |handle| is the handle to copy.
-// If |handle| is already mapped, |mapped_addr| is its mapped location.
-// Otherwise, |mapped_addr| should be |nullptr|.
-bool MakeMachSharedMemoryHandleReadOnly(SharedMemoryHandle* new_handle,
- SharedMemoryHandle handle,
- void* mapped_addr) {
- if (!handle.IsValid())
- return false;
- size_t size;
- CHECK(handle.GetSize(&size));
- // Map if necessary.
- void* temp_addr = mapped_addr;
- base::mac::ScopedMachVM scoper;
- if (!temp_addr) {
- // Intentionally lower current prot and max prot to |VM_PROT_READ|.
- kern_return_t kr = mach_vm_map(
- mach_task_self(), reinterpret_cast<mach_vm_address_t*>(&temp_addr),
- size, 0, VM_FLAGS_ANYWHERE, handle.GetMemoryObject(), 0, FALSE,
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
- return false;
- scoper.reset(reinterpret_cast<vm_address_t>(temp_addr),
- mach_vm_round_page(size));
- }
- // Make new memory object.
- mach_port_t named_right;
- kern_return_t kr = mach_make_memory_entry_64(
- mach_task_self(), reinterpret_cast<memory_object_size_t*>(&size),
- reinterpret_cast<memory_object_offset_t>(temp_addr), VM_PROT_READ,
- &named_right, MACH_PORT_NULL);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
- return false;
- *new_handle = SharedMemoryHandle(named_right, size, base::GetCurrentProcId());
- return true;
-} // namespace
- : mapped_memory_mechanism_(SharedMemoryHandle::MACH),
- readonly_mapped_file_(-1),
- mapped_size_(0),
- memory_(NULL),
- read_only_(false),
- requested_size_(0) {}
-SharedMemory::SharedMemory(const SharedMemoryHandle& handle, bool read_only)
- : shm_(handle),
- mapped_memory_mechanism_(SharedMemoryHandle::POSIX),
- readonly_mapped_file_(-1),
- mapped_size_(0),
- memory_(NULL),
- read_only_(read_only),
- requested_size_(0) {}
-SharedMemory::~SharedMemory() {
- Unmap();
- Close();
-// static
-bool SharedMemory::IsHandleValid(const SharedMemoryHandle& handle) {
- return handle.IsValid();
-// static
-SharedMemoryHandle SharedMemory::NULLHandle() {
- return SharedMemoryHandle();
-// static
-void SharedMemory::CloseHandle(const SharedMemoryHandle& handle) {
- handle.Close();
-// static
-size_t SharedMemory::GetHandleLimit() {
- return GetMaxFds();
-// static
-SharedMemoryHandle SharedMemory::DuplicateHandle(
- const SharedMemoryHandle& handle) {
- return handle.Duplicate();
-// static
-int SharedMemory::GetFdFromSharedMemoryHandle(
- const SharedMemoryHandle& handle) {
- return handle.file_descriptor_.fd;
-bool SharedMemory::CreateAndMapAnonymous(size_t size) {
- return CreateAnonymous(size) && Map(size);
-// static
-bool SharedMemory::GetSizeFromSharedMemoryHandle(
- const SharedMemoryHandle& handle,
- size_t* size) {
- return handle.GetSize(size);
-// Chromium mostly only uses the unique/private shmem as specified by
-// "name == L"". The exception is in the StatsTable.
-bool SharedMemory::Create(const SharedMemoryCreateOptions& options) {
- DCHECK(!shm_.IsValid());
- if (options.size == 0) return false;
- if (options.size > static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()))
- return false;
- if (options.type == SharedMemoryHandle::MACH) {
- shm_ = SharedMemoryHandle(options.size);
- requested_size_ = options.size;
- return shm_.IsValid();
- }
- // This function theoretically can block on the disk. Both profiling of real
- // users and local instrumentation shows that this is a real problem.
- //
- base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
- ScopedFILE fp;
- ScopedFD readonly_fd;
- FilePath path;
- bool result = CreateAnonymousSharedMemory(options, &fp, &readonly_fd, &path);
- if (!result)
- return false;
- if (!fp) {
- PLOG(ERROR) << "Creating shared memory in " << path.value() << " failed";
- return false;
- }
- // Get current size.
- struct stat stat;
- if (fstat(fileno(fp.get()), &stat) != 0)
- return false;
- const size_t current_size = stat.st_size;
- if (current_size != options.size) {
- if (HANDLE_EINTR(ftruncate(fileno(fp.get()), options.size)) != 0)
- return false;
- }
- requested_size_ = options.size;
- int mapped_file = -1;
- result = PrepareMapFile(std::move(fp), std::move(readonly_fd), &mapped_file,
- &readonly_mapped_file_);
- shm_ = SharedMemoryHandle(FileDescriptor(mapped_file, false));
- return result;
-bool SharedMemory::MapAt(off_t offset, size_t bytes) {
- if (!shm_.IsValid())
- return false;
- if (bytes > static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()))
- return false;
- if (memory_)
- return false;
- bool success = shm_.MapAt(offset, bytes, &memory_, read_only_);
- if (success) {
- mapped_size_ = bytes;
- DCHECK_EQ(0U, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(memory_) &
- (SharedMemory::MAP_MINIMUM_ALIGNMENT - 1));
- mapped_memory_mechanism_ = shm_.type_;
- } else {
- memory_ = NULL;
- }
- return success;
-bool SharedMemory::Unmap() {
- if (memory_ == NULL)
- return false;
- switch (mapped_memory_mechanism_) {
- case SharedMemoryHandle::POSIX:
- munmap(memory_, mapped_size_);
- break;
- case SharedMemoryHandle::MACH:
- mach_vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(),
- reinterpret_cast<mach_vm_address_t>(memory_),
- mapped_size_);
- break;
- }
- memory_ = NULL;
- mapped_size_ = 0;
- return true;
-SharedMemoryHandle SharedMemory::handle() const {
- switch (shm_.type_) {
- case SharedMemoryHandle::POSIX:
- return SharedMemoryHandle(
- FileDescriptor(shm_.file_descriptor_.fd, false));
- case SharedMemoryHandle::MACH:
- return shm_;
- }
-SharedMemoryHandle SharedMemory::TakeHandle() {
- SharedMemoryHandle dup = DuplicateHandle(handle());
- Close();
- return dup;
-void SharedMemory::Close() {
- shm_.Close();
- shm_ = SharedMemoryHandle();
- if (shm_.type_ == SharedMemoryHandle::POSIX) {
- if (readonly_mapped_file_ > 0) {
- if (IGNORE_EINTR(close(readonly_mapped_file_)) < 0)
- PLOG(ERROR) << "close";
- readonly_mapped_file_ = -1;
- }
- }
-bool SharedMemory::Share(SharedMemoryHandle* new_handle, ShareMode share_mode) {
- if (shm_.type_ == SharedMemoryHandle::MACH) {
- DCHECK(shm_.IsValid());
- bool success = false;
- switch (share_mode) {
- *new_handle = shm_.Duplicate();
- success = true;
- break;
- success = MakeMachSharedMemoryHandleReadOnly(new_handle, shm_, memory_);
- break;
- }
- if (success)
- new_handle->SetOwnershipPassesToIPC(true);
- return success;
- }
- int handle_to_dup = -1;
- switch (share_mode) {
- handle_to_dup = shm_.file_descriptor_.fd;
- break;
- // We could imagine re-opening the file from /dev/fd, but that can't make
- // it readonly on Mac:
- CHECK_GE(readonly_mapped_file_, 0);
- handle_to_dup = readonly_mapped_file_;
- break;
- }
- const int new_fd = HANDLE_EINTR(dup(handle_to_dup));
- if (new_fd < 0) {
- DPLOG(ERROR) << "dup() failed.";
- return false;
- }
- new_handle->file_descriptor_.fd = new_fd;
- new_handle->type_ = SharedMemoryHandle::POSIX;
- return true;
-bool SharedMemory::ShareToProcessCommon(ProcessHandle process,
- SharedMemoryHandle* new_handle,
- bool close_self,
- ShareMode share_mode) {
- bool success = Share(new_handle, share_mode);
- if (close_self) {
- Unmap();
- Close();
- }
- return success;
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/memory/ b/base/memory/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ccee89deb..0000000000
--- a/base/memory/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <mach/mach.h>
-#include <mach/mach_vm.h>
-#include <servers/bootstrap.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "base/command_line.h"
-#include "base/mac/mac_util.h"
-#include "base/mac/mach_logging.h"
-#include "base/mac/scoped_mach_port.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/memory/shared_memory.h"
-#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
-#include "base/rand_util.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-#include "base/sys_info.h"
-#include "base/test/multiprocess_test.h"
-#include "base/test/test_timeouts.h"
-#include "testing/multiprocess_func_list.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace {
-// Gets the current and maximum protection levels of the memory region.
-// Returns whether the operation was successful.
-// |current| and |max| are output variables only populated on success.
-bool GetProtections(void* address, size_t size, int* current, int* max) {
- vm_region_info_t region_info;
- mach_vm_address_t mem_address = reinterpret_cast<mach_vm_address_t>(address);
- mach_vm_size_t mem_size = size;
- vm_region_basic_info_64 basic_info;
- region_info = reinterpret_cast<vm_region_recurse_info_t>(&basic_info);
- vm_region_flavor_t flavor = VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO_64;
- memory_object_name_t memory_object;
- mach_msg_type_number_t count = VM_REGION_BASIC_INFO_COUNT_64;
- kern_return_t kr =
- mach_vm_region(mach_task_self(), &mem_address, &mem_size, flavor,
- region_info, &count, &memory_object);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- MACH_LOG(ERROR, kr) << "Failed to get region info.";
- return false;
- }
- *current =;
- *max = basic_info.max_protection;
- return true;
-// Creates a new SharedMemory with the given |size|, filled with 'a'.
-std::unique_ptr<SharedMemory> CreateSharedMemory(int size) {
- SharedMemoryHandle shm(size);
- if (!shm.IsValid()) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to make SharedMemoryHandle";
- return nullptr;
- }
- std::unique_ptr<SharedMemory> shared_memory(new SharedMemory(shm, false));
- shared_memory->Map(size);
- memset(shared_memory->memory(), 'a', size);
- return shared_memory;
-static const std::string g_service_switch_name = "service_name";
-// Structs used to pass a mach port from client to server.
-struct MachSendPortMessage {
- mach_msg_header_t header;
- mach_msg_body_t body;
- mach_msg_port_descriptor_t data;
-struct MachReceivePortMessage {
- mach_msg_header_t header;
- mach_msg_body_t body;
- mach_msg_port_descriptor_t data;
- mach_msg_trailer_t trailer;
-// Makes the current process into a Mach Server with the given |service_name|.
-mach_port_t BecomeMachServer(const char* service_name) {
- mach_port_t port;
- kern_return_t kr = bootstrap_check_in(bootstrap_port, service_name, &port);
- MACH_CHECK(kr == KERN_SUCCESS, kr) << "BecomeMachServer";
- return port;
-// Returns the mach port for the Mach Server with the given |service_name|.
-mach_port_t LookupServer(const char* service_name) {
- mach_port_t server_port;
- kern_return_t kr =
- bootstrap_look_up(bootstrap_port, service_name, &server_port);
- MACH_CHECK(kr == KERN_SUCCESS, kr) << "LookupServer";
- return server_port;
-mach_port_t MakeReceivingPort() {
- mach_port_t client_port;
- kern_return_t kr =
- mach_port_allocate(mach_task_self(), // our task is acquiring
- MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, // a new receive right
- &client_port); // with this name
- MACH_CHECK(kr == KERN_SUCCESS, kr) << "MakeReceivingPort";
- return client_port;
-// Blocks until a mach message is sent to |server_port|. This mach message
-// must contain a mach port. Returns that mach port.
-mach_port_t ReceiveMachPort(mach_port_t port_to_listen_on) {
- MachReceivePortMessage recv_msg;
- mach_msg_header_t* recv_hdr = &(recv_msg.header);
- recv_hdr->msgh_local_port = port_to_listen_on;
- recv_hdr->msgh_size = sizeof(recv_msg);
- kern_return_t kr =
- mach_msg(recv_hdr, // message buffer
- MACH_RCV_MSG, // option indicating service
- 0, // send size
- recv_hdr->msgh_size, // size of header + body
- port_to_listen_on, // receive name
- MACH_MSG_TIMEOUT_NONE, // no timeout, wait forever
- MACH_PORT_NULL); // no notification port
- MACH_CHECK(kr == KERN_SUCCESS, kr) << "ReceiveMachPort";
- mach_port_t other_task_port =;
- return other_task_port;
-// Passes a copy of the send right of |port_to_send| to |receiving_port|.
-void SendMachPort(mach_port_t receiving_port,
- mach_port_t port_to_send,
- int disposition) {
- MachSendPortMessage send_msg;
- mach_msg_header_t* send_hdr;
- send_hdr = &(send_msg.header);
- send_hdr->msgh_bits =
- send_hdr->msgh_size = sizeof(send_msg);
- send_hdr->msgh_remote_port = receiving_port;
- send_hdr->msgh_local_port = MACH_PORT_NULL;
- send_hdr->msgh_reserved = 0;
- send_hdr->msgh_id = 0;
- send_msg.body.msgh_descriptor_count = 1;
- = port_to_send;
- = disposition;
- int kr = mach_msg(send_hdr, // message buffer
- MACH_SEND_MSG, // option indicating send
- send_hdr->msgh_size, // size of header + body
- 0, // receive limit
- MACH_PORT_NULL, // receive name
- MACH_MSG_TIMEOUT_NONE, // no timeout, wait forever
- MACH_PORT_NULL); // no notification port
- MACH_CHECK(kr == KERN_SUCCESS, kr) << "SendMachPort";
-std::string CreateRandomServiceName() {
- return StringPrintf("SharedMemoryMacMultiProcessTest.%llu", RandUint64());
-// Sets up the mach communication ports with the server. Returns a port to which
-// the server will send mach objects.
-mach_port_t CommonChildProcessSetUp() {
- CommandLine cmd_line = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
- std::string service_name =
- cmd_line.GetSwitchValueASCII(g_service_switch_name);
- mac::ScopedMachSendRight server_port(LookupServer(service_name.c_str()));
- mach_port_t client_port = MakeReceivingPort();
- // Send the port that this process is listening on to the server.
- SendMachPort(server_port.get(), client_port, MACH_MSG_TYPE_MAKE_SEND);
- return client_port;
-// The number of active names in the current task's port name space.
-mach_msg_type_number_t GetActiveNameCount() {
- mach_port_name_array_t name_array;
- mach_msg_type_number_t names_count;
- mach_port_type_array_t type_array;
- mach_msg_type_number_t types_count;
- kern_return_t kr = mach_port_names(mach_task_self(), &name_array,
- &names_count, &type_array, &types_count);
- MACH_CHECK(kr == KERN_SUCCESS, kr) << "GetActiveNameCount";
- return names_count;
-} // namespace
-class SharedMemoryMacMultiProcessTest : public MultiProcessTest {
- public:
- SharedMemoryMacMultiProcessTest() {}
- CommandLine MakeCmdLine(const std::string& procname) override {
- CommandLine command_line = MultiProcessTest::MakeCmdLine(procname);
- // Pass the service name to the child process.
- command_line.AppendSwitchASCII(g_service_switch_name, service_name_);
- return command_line;
- }
- void SetUpChild(const std::string& name) {
- // Make a random service name so that this test doesn't conflict with other
- // similar tests.
- service_name_ = CreateRandomServiceName();
- server_port_.reset(BecomeMachServer(service_name_.c_str()));
- spawn_child_ = SpawnChild(name);
- client_port_.reset(ReceiveMachPort(server_port_.get()));
- }
- static const int s_memory_size = 99999;
- protected:
- std::string service_name_;
- // A port on which the main process listens for mach messages from the child
- // process.
- mac::ScopedMachReceiveRight server_port_;
- // A port on which the child process listens for mach messages from the main
- // process.
- mac::ScopedMachSendRight client_port_;
- base::SpawnChildResult spawn_child_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SharedMemoryMacMultiProcessTest);
-// Tests that content written to shared memory in the server process can be read
-// by the child process.
-TEST_F(SharedMemoryMacMultiProcessTest, MachBasedSharedMemory) {
- SetUpChild("MachBasedSharedMemoryClient");
- std::unique_ptr<SharedMemory> shared_memory(
- CreateSharedMemory(s_memory_size));
- // Send the underlying memory object to the client process.
- SendMachPort(client_port_.get(), shared_memory->handle().GetMemoryObject(),
- int rv = -1;
- ASSERT_TRUE(spawn_child_.process.WaitForExitWithTimeout(
- TestTimeouts::action_timeout(), &rv));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rv);
-MULTIPROCESS_TEST_MAIN(MachBasedSharedMemoryClient) {
- mac::ScopedMachReceiveRight client_port(CommonChildProcessSetUp());
- // The next mach port should be for a memory object.
- mach_port_t memory_object = ReceiveMachPort(client_port.get());
- SharedMemoryHandle shm(memory_object,
- SharedMemoryMacMultiProcessTest::s_memory_size,
- GetCurrentProcId());
- SharedMemory shared_memory(shm, false);
- shared_memory.Map(SharedMemoryMacMultiProcessTest::s_memory_size);
- const char* start = static_cast<const char*>(shared_memory.memory());
- for (int i = 0; i < SharedMemoryMacMultiProcessTest::s_memory_size; ++i) {
- DCHECK_EQ(start[i], 'a');
- }
- return 0;
-// Tests that mapping shared memory with an offset works correctly.
-TEST_F(SharedMemoryMacMultiProcessTest, MachBasedSharedMemoryWithOffset) {
- SetUpChild("MachBasedSharedMemoryWithOffsetClient");
- SharedMemoryHandle shm(s_memory_size);
- ASSERT_TRUE(shm.IsValid());
- SharedMemory shared_memory(shm, false);
- shared_memory.Map(s_memory_size);
- size_t page_size = SysInfo::VMAllocationGranularity();
- char* start = static_cast<char*>(shared_memory.memory());
- memset(start, 'a', page_size);
- memset(start + page_size, 'b', page_size);
- memset(start + 2 * page_size, 'c', page_size);
- // Send the underlying memory object to the client process.
- SendMachPort(
- client_port_.get(), shm.GetMemoryObject(), MACH_MSG_TYPE_COPY_SEND);
- int rv = -1;
- ASSERT_TRUE(spawn_child_.process.WaitForExitWithTimeout(
- TestTimeouts::action_timeout(), &rv));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, rv);
-MULTIPROCESS_TEST_MAIN(MachBasedSharedMemoryWithOffsetClient) {
- mac::ScopedMachReceiveRight client_port(CommonChildProcessSetUp());
- // The next mach port should be for a memory object.
- mach_port_t memory_object = ReceiveMachPort(client_port.get());
- SharedMemoryHandle shm(memory_object,
- SharedMemoryMacMultiProcessTest::s_memory_size,
- GetCurrentProcId());
- SharedMemory shared_memory(shm, false);
- size_t page_size = SysInfo::VMAllocationGranularity();
- shared_memory.MapAt(page_size, 2 * page_size);
- const char* start = static_cast<const char*>(shared_memory.memory());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < page_size; ++i) {
- DCHECK_EQ(start[i], 'b');
- }
- for (size_t i = page_size; i < 2 * page_size; ++i) {
- DCHECK_EQ(start[i], 'c');
- }
- return 0;
-// Tests that duplication and closing has the right effect on Mach reference
-// counts.
-TEST_F(SharedMemoryMacMultiProcessTest, MachDuplicateAndClose) {
- mach_msg_type_number_t active_name_count = GetActiveNameCount();
- // Making a new SharedMemoryHandle increments the name count.
- SharedMemoryHandle shm(s_memory_size);
- ASSERT_TRUE(shm.IsValid());
- EXPECT_EQ(active_name_count + 1, GetActiveNameCount());
- // Duplicating the SharedMemoryHandle increments the ref count, but doesn't
- // make a new name.
- shm.Duplicate();
- EXPECT_EQ(active_name_count + 1, GetActiveNameCount());
- // Closing the SharedMemoryHandle decrements the ref count. The first time has
- // no effect.
- shm.Close();
- EXPECT_EQ(active_name_count + 1, GetActiveNameCount());
- // Closing the SharedMemoryHandle decrements the ref count. The second time
- // destroys the port.
- shm.Close();
- EXPECT_EQ(active_name_count, GetActiveNameCount());
-// Tests that Mach shared memory can be mapped and unmapped.
-TEST_F(SharedMemoryMacMultiProcessTest, MachUnmapMap) {
- mach_msg_type_number_t active_name_count = GetActiveNameCount();
- std::unique_ptr<SharedMemory> shared_memory =
- CreateSharedMemory(s_memory_size);
- ASSERT_TRUE(shared_memory->Unmap());
- ASSERT_TRUE(shared_memory->Map(s_memory_size));
- shared_memory.reset();
- EXPECT_EQ(active_name_count, GetActiveNameCount());
-// Tests that passing a SharedMemoryHandle to a SharedMemory object also passes
-// ownership, and that destroying the SharedMemory closes the SharedMemoryHandle
-// as well.
-TEST_F(SharedMemoryMacMultiProcessTest, MachSharedMemoryTakesOwnership) {
- mach_msg_type_number_t active_name_count = GetActiveNameCount();
- // Making a new SharedMemoryHandle increments the name count.
- SharedMemoryHandle shm(s_memory_size);
- ASSERT_TRUE(shm.IsValid());
- EXPECT_EQ(active_name_count + 1, GetActiveNameCount());
- // Name count doesn't change when mapping the memory.
- std::unique_ptr<SharedMemory> shared_memory(new SharedMemory(shm, false));
- shared_memory->Map(s_memory_size);
- EXPECT_EQ(active_name_count + 1, GetActiveNameCount());
- // Destroying the SharedMemory object frees the resource.
- shared_memory.reset();
- EXPECT_EQ(active_name_count, GetActiveNameCount());
-// Tests that the read-only flag works.
-TEST_F(SharedMemoryMacMultiProcessTest, MachReadOnly) {
- std::unique_ptr<SharedMemory> shared_memory(
- CreateSharedMemory(s_memory_size));
- SharedMemoryHandle shm2 = shared_memory->handle().Duplicate();
- ASSERT_TRUE(shm2.IsValid());
- SharedMemory shared_memory2(shm2, true);
- shared_memory2.Map(s_memory_size);
- ASSERT_DEATH(memset(shared_memory2.memory(), 'b', s_memory_size), "");
-// Tests that the method ShareToProcess() works.
-TEST_F(SharedMemoryMacMultiProcessTest, MachShareToProcess) {
- mach_msg_type_number_t active_name_count = GetActiveNameCount();
- {
- std::unique_ptr<SharedMemory> shared_memory(
- CreateSharedMemory(s_memory_size));
- SharedMemoryHandle shm2;
- ASSERT_TRUE(shared_memory->ShareToProcess(GetCurrentProcId(), &shm2));
- ASSERT_TRUE(shm2.IsValid());
- SharedMemory shared_memory2(shm2, true);
- shared_memory2.Map(s_memory_size);
- ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(shared_memory->memory(), shared_memory2.memory(),
- s_memory_size));
- }
- EXPECT_EQ(active_name_count, GetActiveNameCount());
-// Tests that the method ShareReadOnlyToProcess() creates a memory object that
-// is read only.
-TEST_F(SharedMemoryMacMultiProcessTest, MachShareToProcessReadonly) {
- std::unique_ptr<SharedMemory> shared_memory(
- CreateSharedMemory(s_memory_size));
- // Check the protection levels.
- int current_prot, max_prot;
- ASSERT_TRUE(GetProtections(shared_memory->memory(),
- shared_memory->mapped_size(), &current_prot,
- &max_prot));
- // Make a new memory object.
- SharedMemoryHandle shm2;
- ASSERT_TRUE(shared_memory->ShareReadOnlyToProcess(GetCurrentProcId(), &shm2));
- ASSERT_TRUE(shm2.IsValid());
- // Mapping with |readonly| set to |false| should fail.
- SharedMemory shared_memory2(shm2, false);
- shared_memory2.Map(s_memory_size);
- ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, shared_memory2.memory());
- // Now trying mapping with |readonly| set to |true|.
- SharedMemory shared_memory3(shm2.Duplicate(), true);
- shared_memory3.Map(s_memory_size);
- ASSERT_NE(nullptr, shared_memory3.memory());
- // Check the protection levels.
- ASSERT_TRUE(GetProtections(shared_memory3.memory(),
- shared_memory3.mapped_size(), &current_prot,
- &max_prot));
- ASSERT_EQ(VM_PROT_READ, current_prot);
- ASSERT_EQ(VM_PROT_READ, max_prot);
- // The memory should still be readonly, since the underlying memory object
- // is readonly.
- ASSERT_DEATH(memset(shared_memory2.memory(), 'b', s_memory_size), "");
-// Tests that the method ShareReadOnlyToProcess() doesn't leak.
-TEST_F(SharedMemoryMacMultiProcessTest, MachShareToProcessReadonlyLeak) {
- mach_msg_type_number_t active_name_count = GetActiveNameCount();
- {
- std::unique_ptr<SharedMemory> shared_memory(
- CreateSharedMemory(s_memory_size));
- SharedMemoryHandle shm2;
- shared_memory->ShareReadOnlyToProcess(GetCurrentProcId(), &shm2));
- ASSERT_TRUE(shm2.IsValid());
- // Intentionally map with |readonly| set to |false|.
- SharedMemory shared_memory2(shm2, false);
- shared_memory2.Map(s_memory_size);
- }
- EXPECT_EQ(active_name_count, GetActiveNameCount());
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/message_loop/message_pump_mac.h b/base/message_loop/message_pump_mac.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f0766eb860..0000000000
--- a/base/message_loop/message_pump_mac.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// The basis for all native run loops on the Mac is the CFRunLoop. It can be
-// used directly, it can be used as the driving force behind the similar
-// Foundation NSRunLoop, and it can be used to implement higher-level event
-// loops such as the NSApplication event loop.
-// This file introduces a basic CFRunLoop-based implementation of the
-// MessagePump interface called CFRunLoopBase. CFRunLoopBase contains all
-// of the machinery necessary to dispatch events to a delegate, but does not
-// implement the specific run loop. Concrete subclasses must provide their
-// own DoRun and Quit implementations.
-// A concrete subclass that just runs a CFRunLoop loop is provided in
-// MessagePumpCFRunLoop. For an NSRunLoop, the similar MessagePumpNSRunLoop
-// is provided.
-// For the application's event loop, an implementation based on AppKit's
-// NSApplication event system is provided in MessagePumpNSApplication.
-// Typically, MessagePumpNSApplication only makes sense on a Cocoa
-// application's main thread. If a CFRunLoop-based message pump is needed on
-// any other thread, one of the other concrete subclasses is preferable.
-// MessagePumpMac::Create is defined, which returns a new NSApplication-based
-// or NSRunLoop-based MessagePump subclass depending on which thread it is
-// called on.
-#include "base/message_loop/message_pump.h"
-#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
-#include "base/message_loop/timer_slack.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-#if defined(__OBJC__)
-#if defined(OS_IOS)
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
-// Clients must subclass NSApplication and implement this protocol if they use
-// MessagePumpMac.
-@protocol CrAppProtocol
-// Must return true if -[NSApplication sendEvent:] is currently on the stack.
-// See the comment for |CreateAutoreleasePool()| in the cc file for why this is
-// necessary.
-- (BOOL)isHandlingSendEvent;
-#endif // !defined(OS_IOS)
-#endif // defined(__OBJC__)
-namespace base {
-class RunLoop;
-class TimeTicks;
-// AutoreleasePoolType is a proxy type for autorelease pools. Its definition
-// depends on the translation unit (TU) in which this header appears. In pure
-// C++ TUs, it is defined as a forward C++ class declaration (that is never
-// defined), because autorelease pools are an Objective-C concept. In Automatic
-// Reference Counting (ARC) Objective-C TUs, it is similarly defined as a
-// forward C++ class declaration, because clang will not allow the type
-// "NSAutoreleasePool" in such TUs. Finally, in Manual Retain Release (MRR)
-// Objective-C TUs, it is a type alias for NSAutoreleasePool. In all cases, a
-// method that takes or returns an NSAutoreleasePool* can use
-// AutoreleasePoolType* instead.
-#if !defined(__OBJC__) || __has_feature(objc_arc)
-class AutoreleasePoolType;
-#else // !defined(__OBJC__) || __has_feature(objc_arc)
-typedef NSAutoreleasePool AutoreleasePoolType;
-#endif // !defined(__OBJC__) || __has_feature(objc_arc)
-class BASE_EXPORT MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase : public MessagePump {
- // Needs access to CreateAutoreleasePool.
- friend class MessagePumpScopedAutoreleasePool;
- friend class TestMessagePumpCFRunLoopBase;
- public:
- MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase();
- ~MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase() override;
- // Subclasses should implement the work they need to do in MessagePump::Run
- // in the DoRun method. MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::Run calls DoRun directly.
- // This arrangement is used because MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase needs to set
- // up and tear down things before and after the "meat" of DoRun.
- void Run(Delegate* delegate) override;
- virtual void DoRun(Delegate* delegate) = 0;
- void ScheduleWork() override;
- void ScheduleDelayedWork(const TimeTicks& delayed_work_time) override;
- void SetTimerSlack(TimerSlack timer_slack) override;
- protected:
- // Accessors for private data members to be used by subclasses.
- CFRunLoopRef run_loop() const { return run_loop_; }
- int nesting_level() const { return nesting_level_; }
- int run_nesting_level() const { return run_nesting_level_; }
- // Sets this pump's delegate. Signals the appropriate sources if
- // |delegateless_work_| is true. |delegate| can be NULL.
- void SetDelegate(Delegate* delegate);
- // Return an autorelease pool to wrap around any work being performed.
- // In some cases, CreateAutoreleasePool may return nil intentionally to
- // preventing an autorelease pool from being created, allowing any
- // objects autoreleased by work to fall into the current autorelease pool.
- virtual AutoreleasePoolType* CreateAutoreleasePool();
- private:
- // Marking timers as invalid at the right time helps significantly reduce
- // power use (see the comment in RunDelayedWorkTimer()), however there is no
- // public API for doing so. CFRuntime.h states that CFRuntimeBase, upon which
- // the above timer invalidation functions are based, can change from release
- // to release and should not be accessed directly (this struct last changed at
- // least in 2008 in CF-476).
- //
- // This function uses private API to modify a test timer's valid state and
- // uses public API to confirm that the private API changed the right bit.
- static bool CanInvalidateCFRunLoopTimers();
- // Sets a Core Foundation object's "invalid" bit to |valid|. Based on code
- // from CFRunLoop.c.
- static void ChromeCFRunLoopTimerSetValid(CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, bool valid);
- // Timer callback scheduled by ScheduleDelayedWork. This does not do any
- // work, but it signals work_source_ so that delayed work can be performed
- // within the appropriate priority constraints.
- static void RunDelayedWorkTimer(CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, void* info);
- // Perform highest-priority work. This is associated with work_source_
- // signalled by ScheduleWork or RunDelayedWorkTimer. The static method calls
- // the instance method; the instance method returns true if it resignalled
- // work_source_ to be called again from the loop.
- static void RunWorkSource(void* info);
- bool RunWork();
- // Perform idle-priority work. This is normally called by PreWaitObserver,
- // but is also associated with idle_work_source_. When this function
- // actually does perform idle work, it will resignal that source. The
- // static method calls the instance method; the instance method returns
- // true if idle work was done.
- static void RunIdleWorkSource(void* info);
- bool RunIdleWork();
- // Perform work that may have been deferred because it was not runnable
- // within a nested run loop. This is associated with
- // nesting_deferred_work_source_ and is signalled by
- // MaybeScheduleNestingDeferredWork when returning from a nested loop,
- // so that an outer loop will be able to perform the necessary tasks if it
- // permits nestable tasks.
- static void RunNestingDeferredWorkSource(void* info);
- bool RunNestingDeferredWork();
- // Schedules possible nesting-deferred work to be processed before the run
- // loop goes to sleep, exits, or begins processing sources at the top of its
- // loop. If this function detects that a nested loop had run since the
- // previous attempt to schedule nesting-deferred work, it will schedule a
- // call to RunNestingDeferredWorkSource.
- void MaybeScheduleNestingDeferredWork();
- // Observer callback responsible for performing idle-priority work, before
- // the run loop goes to sleep. Associated with idle_work_observer_.
- static void PreWaitObserver(CFRunLoopObserverRef observer,
- CFRunLoopActivity activity, void* info);
- // Observer callback called before the run loop processes any sources.
- // Associated with pre_source_observer_.
- static void PreSourceObserver(CFRunLoopObserverRef observer,
- CFRunLoopActivity activity, void* info);
- // Observer callback called when the run loop starts and stops, at the
- // beginning and end of calls to CFRunLoopRun. This is used to maintain
- // nesting_level_. Associated with enter_exit_observer_.
- static void EnterExitObserver(CFRunLoopObserverRef observer,
- CFRunLoopActivity activity, void* info);
- // Called by EnterExitObserver after performing maintenance on nesting_level_.
- // This allows subclasses an opportunity to perform additional processing on
- // the basis of run loops starting and stopping.
- virtual void EnterExitRunLoop(CFRunLoopActivity activity);
- // The thread's run loop.
- CFRunLoopRef run_loop_;
- // The timer, sources, and observers are described above alongside their
- // callbacks.
- CFRunLoopTimerRef delayed_work_timer_;
- CFRunLoopSourceRef work_source_;
- CFRunLoopSourceRef idle_work_source_;
- CFRunLoopSourceRef nesting_deferred_work_source_;
- CFRunLoopObserverRef pre_wait_observer_;
- CFRunLoopObserverRef pre_source_observer_;
- CFRunLoopObserverRef enter_exit_observer_;
- // (weak) Delegate passed as an argument to the innermost Run call.
- Delegate* delegate_;
- // The time that delayed_work_timer_ is scheduled to fire. This is tracked
- // independently of CFRunLoopTimerGetNextFireDate(delayed_work_timer_)
- // to be able to reset the timer properly after waking from system sleep.
- // See PowerStateNotification.
- CFAbsoluteTime delayed_work_fire_time_;
- base::TimerSlack timer_slack_;
- // The recursion depth of the currently-executing CFRunLoopRun loop on the
- // run loop's thread. 0 if no run loops are running inside of whatever scope
- // the object was created in.
- int nesting_level_;
- // The recursion depth (calculated in the same way as nesting_level_) of the
- // innermost executing CFRunLoopRun loop started by a call to Run.
- int run_nesting_level_;
- // The deepest (numerically highest) recursion depth encountered since the
- // most recent attempt to run nesting-deferred work.
- int deepest_nesting_level_;
- // "Delegateless" work flags are set when work is ready to be performed but
- // must wait until a delegate is available to process it. This can happen
- // when a MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase is instantiated and work arrives without
- // any call to Run on the stack. The Run method will check for delegateless
- // work on entry and redispatch it as needed once a delegate is available.
- bool delegateless_work_;
- bool delegateless_idle_work_;
-class BASE_EXPORT MessagePumpCFRunLoop : public MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase {
- public:
- MessagePumpCFRunLoop();
- ~MessagePumpCFRunLoop() override;
- void DoRun(Delegate* delegate) override;
- void Quit() override;
- private:
- void EnterExitRunLoop(CFRunLoopActivity activity) override;
- // True if Quit is called to stop the innermost MessagePump
- // (innermost_quittable_) but some other CFRunLoopRun loop (nesting_level_)
- // is running inside the MessagePump's innermost Run call.
- bool quit_pending_;
-class BASE_EXPORT MessagePumpNSRunLoop : public MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase {
- public:
- MessagePumpNSRunLoop();
- ~MessagePumpNSRunLoop() override;
- void DoRun(Delegate* delegate) override;
- void Quit() override;
- private:
- // A source that doesn't do anything but provide something signalable
- // attached to the run loop. This source will be signalled when Quit
- // is called, to cause the loop to wake up so that it can stop.
- CFRunLoopSourceRef quit_source_;
- // False after Quit is called.
- bool keep_running_;
-#if defined(OS_IOS)
-// This is a fake message pump. It attaches sources to the main thread's
-// CFRunLoop, so PostTask() will work, but it is unable to drive the loop
-// directly, so calling Run() or Quit() are errors.
-class MessagePumpUIApplication : public MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase {
- public:
- MessagePumpUIApplication();
- ~MessagePumpUIApplication() override;
- void DoRun(Delegate* delegate) override;
- void Quit() override;
- // This message pump can not spin the main message loop directly. Instead,
- // call |Attach()| to set up a delegate. It is an error to call |Run()|.
- virtual void Attach(Delegate* delegate);
- private:
- RunLoop* run_loop_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MessagePumpUIApplication);
-class MessagePumpNSApplication : public MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase {
- public:
- MessagePumpNSApplication();
- ~MessagePumpNSApplication() override;
- void DoRun(Delegate* delegate) override;
- void Quit() override;
- private:
- // False after Quit is called.
- bool keep_running_;
- // True if DoRun is managing its own run loop as opposed to letting
- // -[NSApplication run] handle it. The outermost run loop in the application
- // is managed by -[NSApplication run], inner run loops are handled by a loop
- // in DoRun.
- bool running_own_loop_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MessagePumpNSApplication);
-class MessagePumpCrApplication : public MessagePumpNSApplication {
- public:
- MessagePumpCrApplication();
- ~MessagePumpCrApplication() override;
- protected:
- // Returns nil if NSApp is currently in the middle of calling
- // -sendEvent. Requires NSApp implementing CrAppProtocol.
- AutoreleasePoolType* CreateAutoreleasePool() override;
- private:
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MessagePumpCrApplication);
-#endif // !defined(OS_IOS)
-class BASE_EXPORT MessagePumpMac {
- public:
- // If not on the main thread, returns a new instance of
- // MessagePumpNSRunLoop.
- //
- // On the main thread, if NSApp exists and conforms to
- // CrAppProtocol, creates an instances of MessagePumpCrApplication.
- //
- // Otherwise creates an instance of MessagePumpNSApplication using a
- // default NSApplication.
- static MessagePump* Create();
-#if !defined(OS_IOS)
- // If a pump is created before the required CrAppProtocol is
- // created, the wrong MessagePump subclass could be used.
- // UsingCrApp() returns false if the message pump was created before
- // NSApp was initialized, or if NSApp does not implement
- // CrAppProtocol. NSApp must be initialized before calling.
- static bool UsingCrApp();
- // Wrapper to query -[NSApp isHandlingSendEvent] from C++ code.
- // Requires NSApp to implement CrAppProtocol.
- static bool IsHandlingSendEvent();
-#endif // !defined(OS_IOS)
- private:
-// Tasks posted to the message loop are posted under this mode, as well
-// as kCFRunLoopCommonModes.
-extern const CFStringRef BASE_EXPORT kMessageLoopExclusiveRunLoopMode;
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/message_loop/ b/base/message_loop/
deleted file mode 100644
index a3accee049..0000000000
--- a/base/message_loop/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,877 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#import "base/message_loop/message_pump_mac.h"
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#include <limits>
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/mac/call_with_eh_frame.h"
-#include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/message_loop/timer_slack.h"
-#include "base/run_loop.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-#if !defined(OS_IOS)
-#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
-#endif // !defined(OS_IOS)
-namespace base {
-namespace {
-void CFRunLoopAddSourceToAllModes(CFRunLoopRef rl, CFRunLoopSourceRef source) {
- CFRunLoopAddSource(rl, source, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
- CFRunLoopAddSource(rl, source, kMessageLoopExclusiveRunLoopMode);
-void CFRunLoopRemoveSourceFromAllModes(CFRunLoopRef rl,
- CFRunLoopSourceRef source) {
- CFRunLoopRemoveSource(rl, source, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
- CFRunLoopRemoveSource(rl, source, kMessageLoopExclusiveRunLoopMode);
-void CFRunLoopAddTimerToAllModes(CFRunLoopRef rl, CFRunLoopTimerRef timer) {
- CFRunLoopAddTimer(rl, timer, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
- CFRunLoopAddTimer(rl, timer, kMessageLoopExclusiveRunLoopMode);
-void CFRunLoopRemoveTimerFromAllModes(CFRunLoopRef rl,
- CFRunLoopTimerRef timer) {
- CFRunLoopRemoveTimer(rl, timer, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
- CFRunLoopRemoveTimer(rl, timer, kMessageLoopExclusiveRunLoopMode);
-void CFRunLoopAddObserverToAllModes(CFRunLoopRef rl,
- CFRunLoopObserverRef observer) {
- CFRunLoopAddObserver(rl, observer, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
- CFRunLoopAddObserver(rl, observer, kMessageLoopExclusiveRunLoopMode);
-void CFRunLoopRemoveObserverFromAllModes(CFRunLoopRef rl,
- CFRunLoopObserverRef observer) {
- CFRunLoopRemoveObserver(rl, observer, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
- CFRunLoopRemoveObserver(rl, observer, kMessageLoopExclusiveRunLoopMode);
-void NoOp(void* /* info */) {
-const CFTimeInterval kCFTimeIntervalMax =
- std::numeric_limits<CFTimeInterval>::max();
-#if !defined(OS_IOS)
-// Set to true if MessagePumpMac::Create() is called before NSApp is
-// initialized. Only accessed from the main thread.
-bool g_not_using_cr_app = false;
-// Various CoreFoundation definitions.
-typedef struct __CFRuntimeBase {
- uintptr_t _cfisa;
- uint8_t _cfinfo[4];
-#if __LP64__
- uint32_t _rc;
-} CFRuntimeBase;
-#if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
-#define __CF_BIG_ENDIAN__ 1
-#define __CF_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ 0
-#if defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
-#define __CF_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ 1
-#define __CF_BIG_ENDIAN__ 0
-#define CF_INFO_BITS (!!(__CF_BIG_ENDIAN__)*3)
-#define __CFBitfieldMask(N1, N2) \
- ((((UInt32)~0UL) << (31UL - (N1) + (N2))) >> (31UL - N1))
-#define __CFBitfieldSetValue(V, N1, N2, X) \
- ((V) = ((V) & ~__CFBitfieldMask(N1, N2)) | \
- (((X) << (N2)) & __CFBitfieldMask(N1, N2)))
-// Marking timers as invalid at the right time by flipping their valid bit helps
-// significantly reduce power use (see the explanation in
-// RunDelayedWorkTimer()), however there is no public API for doing so.
-// CFRuntime.h states that CFRuntimeBase can change from release to release
-// and should not be accessed directly. The last known change of this struct
-// occurred in 2008 in CF-476 / 10.5; unfortunately the source for 10.11 and
-// 10.12 is not available for inspection at this time.
-// CanInvalidateCFRunLoopTimers() will at least prevent us from invalidating
-// timers if this function starts flipping the wrong bit on a future OS release.
-void __ChromeCFRunLoopTimerSetValid(CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, bool valid) {
- __CFBitfieldSetValue(((CFRuntimeBase*)timer)->_cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS], 3, 3,
- valid);
-#endif // !defined(OS_IOS)
-} // namespace
-// static
-const CFStringRef kMessageLoopExclusiveRunLoopMode =
- CFSTR("kMessageLoopExclusiveRunLoopMode");
-// A scoper for autorelease pools created from message pump run loops.
-// Avoids dirtying up the ScopedNSAutoreleasePool interface for the rare
-// case where an autorelease pool needs to be passed in.
-class MessagePumpScopedAutoreleasePool {
- public:
- explicit MessagePumpScopedAutoreleasePool(MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase* pump) :
- pool_(pump->CreateAutoreleasePool()) {
- }
- ~MessagePumpScopedAutoreleasePool() {
- [pool_ drain];
- }
- private:
- NSAutoreleasePool* pool_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MessagePumpScopedAutoreleasePool);
-#if !defined(OS_IOS)
-// This function uses private API to modify a test timer's valid state and
-// uses public API to confirm that the private API changed the correct bit.
-// static
-bool MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::CanInvalidateCFRunLoopTimers() {
- CFRunLoopTimerContext timer_context = CFRunLoopTimerContext();
- = nullptr;
- ScopedCFTypeRef<CFRunLoopTimerRef> test_timer(
- CFRunLoopTimerCreate(NULL, // allocator
- kCFTimeIntervalMax, // fire time
- kCFTimeIntervalMax, // interval
- 0, // flags
- 0, // priority
- nullptr, &timer_context));
- // Should be valid from the start.
- if (!CFRunLoopTimerIsValid(test_timer)) {
- return false;
- }
- // Confirm that the private API can mark the timer invalid.
- __ChromeCFRunLoopTimerSetValid(test_timer, false);
- if (CFRunLoopTimerIsValid(test_timer)) {
- return false;
- }
- // Confirm that the private API can mark the timer valid.
- __ChromeCFRunLoopTimerSetValid(test_timer, true);
- return CFRunLoopTimerIsValid(test_timer);
-#endif // !defined(OS_IOS)
-// static
-void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::ChromeCFRunLoopTimerSetValid(
- CFRunLoopTimerRef timer,
- bool valid) {
-#if !defined(OS_IOS)
- static bool can_invalidate_timers = CanInvalidateCFRunLoopTimers();
- if (can_invalidate_timers) {
- __ChromeCFRunLoopTimerSetValid(timer, valid);
- }
-#endif // !defined(OS_IOS)
-// Must be called on the run loop thread.
- : delegate_(NULL),
- delayed_work_fire_time_(kCFTimeIntervalMax),
- timer_slack_(base::TIMER_SLACK_NONE),
- nesting_level_(0),
- run_nesting_level_(0),
- deepest_nesting_level_(0),
- delegateless_work_(false),
- delegateless_idle_work_(false) {
- run_loop_ = CFRunLoopGetCurrent();
- CFRetain(run_loop_);
- // Set a repeating timer with a preposterous firing time and interval. The
- // timer will effectively never fire as-is. The firing time will be adjusted
- // as needed when ScheduleDelayedWork is called.
- CFRunLoopTimerContext timer_context = CFRunLoopTimerContext();
- = this;
- delayed_work_timer_ = CFRunLoopTimerCreate(NULL, // allocator
- kCFTimeIntervalMax, // fire time
- kCFTimeIntervalMax, // interval
- 0, // flags
- 0, // priority
- RunDelayedWorkTimer,
- &timer_context);
- CFRunLoopAddTimerToAllModes(run_loop_, delayed_work_timer_);
- CFRunLoopSourceContext source_context = CFRunLoopSourceContext();
- = this;
- source_context.perform = RunWorkSource;
- work_source_ = CFRunLoopSourceCreate(NULL, // allocator
- 1, // priority
- &source_context);
- CFRunLoopAddSourceToAllModes(run_loop_, work_source_);
- source_context.perform = RunIdleWorkSource;
- idle_work_source_ = CFRunLoopSourceCreate(NULL, // allocator
- 2, // priority
- &source_context);
- CFRunLoopAddSourceToAllModes(run_loop_, idle_work_source_);
- source_context.perform = RunNestingDeferredWorkSource;
- nesting_deferred_work_source_ = CFRunLoopSourceCreate(NULL, // allocator
- 0, // priority
- &source_context);
- CFRunLoopAddSourceToAllModes(run_loop_, nesting_deferred_work_source_);
- CFRunLoopObserverContext observer_context = CFRunLoopObserverContext();
- = this;
- pre_wait_observer_ = CFRunLoopObserverCreate(NULL, // allocator
- kCFRunLoopBeforeWaiting,
- true, // repeat
- 0, // priority
- PreWaitObserver,
- &observer_context);
- CFRunLoopAddObserverToAllModes(run_loop_, pre_wait_observer_);
- pre_source_observer_ = CFRunLoopObserverCreate(NULL, // allocator
- kCFRunLoopBeforeSources,
- true, // repeat
- 0, // priority
- PreSourceObserver,
- &observer_context);
- CFRunLoopAddObserverToAllModes(run_loop_, pre_source_observer_);
- enter_exit_observer_ = CFRunLoopObserverCreate(NULL, // allocator
- kCFRunLoopEntry |
- kCFRunLoopExit,
- true, // repeat
- 0, // priority
- EnterExitObserver,
- &observer_context);
- CFRunLoopAddObserverToAllModes(run_loop_, enter_exit_observer_);
-// Ideally called on the run loop thread. If other run loops were running
-// lower on the run loop thread's stack when this object was created, the
-// same number of run loops must be running when this object is destroyed.
-MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::~MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase() {
- CFRunLoopRemoveObserverFromAllModes(run_loop_, enter_exit_observer_);
- CFRelease(enter_exit_observer_);
- CFRunLoopRemoveObserverFromAllModes(run_loop_, pre_source_observer_);
- CFRelease(pre_source_observer_);
- CFRunLoopRemoveObserverFromAllModes(run_loop_, pre_wait_observer_);
- CFRelease(pre_wait_observer_);
- CFRunLoopRemoveSourceFromAllModes(run_loop_, nesting_deferred_work_source_);
- CFRelease(nesting_deferred_work_source_);
- CFRunLoopRemoveSourceFromAllModes(run_loop_, idle_work_source_);
- CFRelease(idle_work_source_);
- CFRunLoopRemoveSourceFromAllModes(run_loop_, work_source_);
- CFRelease(work_source_);
- CFRunLoopRemoveTimerFromAllModes(run_loop_, delayed_work_timer_);
- CFRelease(delayed_work_timer_);
- CFRelease(run_loop_);
-// Must be called on the run loop thread.
-void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::Run(Delegate* delegate) {
- // nesting_level_ will be incremented in EnterExitRunLoop, so set
- // run_nesting_level_ accordingly.
- int last_run_nesting_level = run_nesting_level_;
- run_nesting_level_ = nesting_level_ + 1;
- Delegate* last_delegate = delegate_;
- SetDelegate(delegate);
- DoRun(delegate);
- // Restore the previous state of the object.
- SetDelegate(last_delegate);
- run_nesting_level_ = last_run_nesting_level;
-void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::SetDelegate(Delegate* delegate) {
- delegate_ = delegate;
- if (delegate) {
- // If any work showed up but could not be dispatched for want of a
- // delegate, set it up for dispatch again now that a delegate is
- // available.
- if (delegateless_work_) {
- CFRunLoopSourceSignal(work_source_);
- delegateless_work_ = false;
- }
- if (delegateless_idle_work_) {
- CFRunLoopSourceSignal(idle_work_source_);
- delegateless_idle_work_ = false;
- }
- }
-// May be called on any thread.
-void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::ScheduleWork() {
- CFRunLoopSourceSignal(work_source_);
- CFRunLoopWakeUp(run_loop_);
-// Must be called on the run loop thread.
-void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::ScheduleDelayedWork(
- const TimeTicks& delayed_work_time) {
- TimeDelta delta = delayed_work_time - TimeTicks::Now();
- delayed_work_fire_time_ = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() + delta.InSecondsF();
- // Flip the timer's validation bit just before setting the new fire time. Do
- // this now because CFRunLoopTimerSetNextFireDate() likely checks the validity
- // of a timer before proceeding to set its fire date. Making the timer valid
- // now won't have any side effects (such as a premature firing of the timer)
- // because we're only flipping a bit.
- //
- // Please see the comment in RunDelayedWorkTimer() for more info on the whys
- // of invalidation.
- ChromeCFRunLoopTimerSetValid(delayed_work_timer_, true);
- CFRunLoopTimerSetNextFireDate(delayed_work_timer_, delayed_work_fire_time_);
- if (timer_slack_ == TIMER_SLACK_MAXIMUM) {
- CFRunLoopTimerSetTolerance(delayed_work_timer_, delta.InSecondsF() * 0.5);
- } else {
- CFRunLoopTimerSetTolerance(delayed_work_timer_, 0);
- }
-void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::SetTimerSlack(TimerSlack timer_slack) {
- timer_slack_ = timer_slack;
-// Called from the run loop.
-// static
-void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunDelayedWorkTimer(
- CFRunLoopTimerRef /* timer */,
- void* info) {
- MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase*>(info);
- // The timer won't fire again until it's reset.
- self->delayed_work_fire_time_ = kCFTimeIntervalMax;
- // The message pump's timer needs to fire at changing and unpredictable
- // intervals. Creating a new timer for each firing time is very expensive, so
- // the message pump instead uses a repeating timer with a very large repeat
- // rate. After each firing of the timer, the run loop sets the timer's next
- // firing time to the distant future, essentially pausing the timer until the
- // pump sets the next firing time. This is the solution recommended by Apple.
- //
- // It turns out, however, that scheduling timers is also quite expensive, and
- // that every one of the message pump's timer firings incurs two
- // reschedulings. The first rescheduling occurs in ScheduleDelayedWork(),
- // which sets the desired next firing time. The second comes after exiting
- // this method (the timer's callback method), when the run loop sets the
- // timer's next firing time to far in the future.
- //
- // The code in __CFRunLoopDoTimer() inside CFRunLoop.c calls the timer's
- // callback, confirms that the timer is valid, and then sets its future
- // firing time based on its repeat frequency. Flipping the valid bit here
- // causes the __CFRunLoopDoTimer() to skip setting the future firing time.
- // Note that there's public API to invalidate a timer but it goes beyond
- // flipping the valid bit, making the timer unusable in the future.
- //
- // ScheduleDelayedWork() flips the valid bit back just before setting the
- // timer's new firing time.
- ChromeCFRunLoopTimerSetValid(self->delayed_work_timer_, false);
- // CFRunLoopTimers fire outside of the priority scheme for CFRunLoopSources.
- // In order to establish the proper priority in which work and delayed work
- // are processed one for one, the timer used to schedule delayed work must
- // signal a CFRunLoopSource used to dispatch both work and delayed work.
- CFRunLoopSourceSignal(self->work_source_);
-// Called from the run loop.
-// static
-void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunWorkSource(void* info) {
- MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase*>(info);
- base::mac::CallWithEHFrame(^{
- self->RunWork();
- });
-// Called by MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunWorkSource.
-bool MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunWork() {
- if (!delegate_) {
- // This point can be reached with a NULL delegate_ if Run is not on the
- // stack but foreign code is spinning the CFRunLoop. Arrange to come back
- // here when a delegate is available.
- delegateless_work_ = true;
- return false;
- }
- // The NSApplication-based run loop only drains the autorelease pool at each
- // UI event (NSEvent). The autorelease pool is not drained for each
- // CFRunLoopSource target that's run. Use a local pool for any autoreleased
- // objects if the app is not currently handling a UI event to ensure they're
- // released promptly even in the absence of UI events.
- MessagePumpScopedAutoreleasePool autorelease_pool(this);
- // Call DoWork and DoDelayedWork once, and if something was done, arrange to
- // come back here again as long as the loop is still running.
- bool did_work = delegate_->DoWork();
- bool resignal_work_source = did_work;
- TimeTicks next_time;
- delegate_->DoDelayedWork(&next_time);
- if (!did_work) {
- // Determine whether there's more delayed work, and if so, if it needs to
- // be done at some point in the future or if it's already time to do it.
- // Only do these checks if did_work is false. If did_work is true, this
- // function, and therefore any additional delayed work, will get another
- // chance to run before the loop goes to sleep.
- bool more_delayed_work = !next_time.is_null();
- if (more_delayed_work) {
- TimeDelta delay = next_time - TimeTicks::Now();
- if (delay > TimeDelta()) {
- // There's more delayed work to be done in the future.
- ScheduleDelayedWork(next_time);
- } else {
- // There's more delayed work to be done, and its time is in the past.
- // Arrange to come back here directly as long as the loop is still
- // running.
- resignal_work_source = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (resignal_work_source) {
- CFRunLoopSourceSignal(work_source_);
- }
- return resignal_work_source;
-// Called from the run loop.
-// static
-void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunIdleWorkSource(void* info) {
- MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase*>(info);
- self->RunIdleWork();
-// Called by MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunIdleWorkSource.
-bool MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunIdleWork() {
- if (!delegate_) {
- // This point can be reached with a NULL delegate_ if Run is not on the
- // stack but foreign code is spinning the CFRunLoop. Arrange to come back
- // here when a delegate is available.
- delegateless_idle_work_ = true;
- return false;
- }
- // The NSApplication-based run loop only drains the autorelease pool at each
- // UI event (NSEvent). The autorelease pool is not drained for each
- // CFRunLoopSource target that's run. Use a local pool for any autoreleased
- // objects if the app is not currently handling a UI event to ensure they're
- // released promptly even in the absence of UI events.
- MessagePumpScopedAutoreleasePool autorelease_pool(this);
- // Call DoIdleWork once, and if something was done, arrange to come back here
- // again as long as the loop is still running.
- bool did_work = delegate_->DoIdleWork();
- if (did_work) {
- CFRunLoopSourceSignal(idle_work_source_);
- }
- return did_work;
-// Called from the run loop.
-// static
-void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunNestingDeferredWorkSource(void* info) {
- MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase*>(info);
- self->RunNestingDeferredWork();
-// Called by MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunNestingDeferredWorkSource.
-bool MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::RunNestingDeferredWork() {
- if (!delegate_) {
- // This point can be reached with a NULL delegate_ if Run is not on the
- // stack but foreign code is spinning the CFRunLoop. There's no sense in
- // attempting to do any work or signalling the work sources because
- // without a delegate, work is not possible.
- return false;
- }
- // Immediately try work in priority order.
- if (!RunWork()) {
- if (!RunIdleWork()) {
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- // Work was done. Arrange for the loop to try non-nestable idle work on
- // a subsequent pass.
- CFRunLoopSourceSignal(idle_work_source_);
- }
- return true;
-// Called before the run loop goes to sleep or exits, or processes sources.
-void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::MaybeScheduleNestingDeferredWork() {
- // deepest_nesting_level_ is set as run loops are entered. If the deepest
- // level encountered is deeper than the current level, a nested loop
- // (relative to the current level) ran since the last time nesting-deferred
- // work was scheduled. When that situation is encountered, schedule
- // nesting-deferred work in case any work was deferred because nested work
- // was disallowed.
- if (deepest_nesting_level_ > nesting_level_) {
- deepest_nesting_level_ = nesting_level_;
- CFRunLoopSourceSignal(nesting_deferred_work_source_);
- }
-// Called from the run loop.
-// static
-void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::PreWaitObserver(
- CFRunLoopObserverRef /* observer */,
- CFRunLoopActivity /* activity */,
- void* info) {
- MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase*>(info);
- // Attempt to do some idle work before going to sleep.
- self->RunIdleWork();
- // The run loop is about to go to sleep. If any of the work done since it
- // started or woke up resulted in a nested run loop running,
- // nesting-deferred work may have accumulated. Schedule it for processing
- // if appropriate.
- self->MaybeScheduleNestingDeferredWork();
-// Called from the run loop.
-// static
-void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::PreSourceObserver(
- CFRunLoopObserverRef /* observer */,
- CFRunLoopActivity /* activity */,
- void* info) {
- MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase*>(info);
- // The run loop has reached the top of the loop and is about to begin
- // processing sources. If the last iteration of the loop at this nesting
- // level did not sleep or exit, nesting-deferred work may have accumulated
- // if a nested loop ran. Schedule nesting-deferred work for processing if
- // appropriate.
- self->MaybeScheduleNestingDeferredWork();
-// Called from the run loop.
-// static
-void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::EnterExitObserver(
- CFRunLoopObserverRef /* observer */,
- CFRunLoopActivity activity,
- void* info) {
- MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase* self = static_cast<MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase*>(info);
- switch (activity) {
- case kCFRunLoopEntry:
- ++self->nesting_level_;
- if (self->nesting_level_ > self->deepest_nesting_level_) {
- self->deepest_nesting_level_ = self->nesting_level_;
- }
- break;
- case kCFRunLoopExit:
- // Not all run loops go to sleep. If a run loop is stopped before it
- // goes to sleep due to a CFRunLoopStop call, or if the timeout passed
- // to CFRunLoopRunInMode expires, the run loop may proceed directly from
- // handling sources to exiting without any sleep. This most commonly
- // occurs when CFRunLoopRunInMode is passed a timeout of 0, causing it
- // to make a single pass through the loop and exit without sleep. Some
- // native loops use CFRunLoop in this way. Because PreWaitObserver will
- // not be called in these case, MaybeScheduleNestingDeferredWork needs
- // to be called here, as the run loop exits.
- //
- // MaybeScheduleNestingDeferredWork consults self->nesting_level_
- // to determine whether to schedule nesting-deferred work. It expects
- // the nesting level to be set to the depth of the loop that is going
- // to sleep or exiting. It must be called before decrementing the
- // value so that the value still corresponds to the level of the exiting
- // loop.
- self->MaybeScheduleNestingDeferredWork();
- --self->nesting_level_;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- self->EnterExitRunLoop(activity);
-// Called by MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::EnterExitRunLoop. The default
-// implementation is a no-op.
-void MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::EnterExitRunLoop(
- CFRunLoopActivity /* activity */) {
-// Base version returns a standard NSAutoreleasePool.
-AutoreleasePoolType* MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::CreateAutoreleasePool() {
- return [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
- : quit_pending_(false) {
-MessagePumpCFRunLoop::~MessagePumpCFRunLoop() {}
-// Called by MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::DoRun. If other CFRunLoopRun loops were
-// running lower on the run loop thread's stack when this object was created,
-// the same number of CFRunLoopRun loops must be running for the outermost call
-// to Run. Run/DoRun are reentrant after that point.
-void MessagePumpCFRunLoop::DoRun(Delegate* /* delegate */) {
- // This is completely identical to calling CFRunLoopRun(), except autorelease
- // pool management is introduced.
- int result;
- do {
- MessagePumpScopedAutoreleasePool autorelease_pool(this);
- result = CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode,
- kCFTimeIntervalMax,
- false);
- } while (result != kCFRunLoopRunStopped && result != kCFRunLoopRunFinished);
-// Must be called on the run loop thread.
-void MessagePumpCFRunLoop::Quit() {
- // Stop the innermost run loop managed by this MessagePumpCFRunLoop object.
- if (nesting_level() == run_nesting_level()) {
- // This object is running the innermost loop, just stop it.
- CFRunLoopStop(run_loop());
- } else {
- // There's another loop running inside the loop managed by this object.
- // In other words, someone else called CFRunLoopRunInMode on the same
- // thread, deeper on the stack than the deepest Run call. Don't preempt
- // other run loops, just mark this object to quit the innermost Run as
- // soon as the other inner loops not managed by Run are done.
- quit_pending_ = true;
- }
-// Called by MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::EnterExitObserver.
-void MessagePumpCFRunLoop::EnterExitRunLoop(CFRunLoopActivity activity) {
- if (activity == kCFRunLoopExit &&
- nesting_level() == run_nesting_level() &&
- quit_pending_) {
- // Quit was called while loops other than those managed by this object
- // were running further inside a run loop managed by this object. Now
- // that all unmanaged inner run loops are gone, stop the loop running
- // just inside Run.
- CFRunLoopStop(run_loop());
- quit_pending_ = false;
- }
- : keep_running_(true) {
- CFRunLoopSourceContext source_context = CFRunLoopSourceContext();
- source_context.perform = NoOp;
- quit_source_ = CFRunLoopSourceCreate(NULL, // allocator
- 0, // priority
- &source_context);
- CFRunLoopAddSourceToAllModes(run_loop(), quit_source_);
-MessagePumpNSRunLoop::~MessagePumpNSRunLoop() {
- CFRunLoopRemoveSourceFromAllModes(run_loop(), quit_source_);
- CFRelease(quit_source_);
-void MessagePumpNSRunLoop::DoRun(Delegate* /* delegate */) {
- while (keep_running_) {
- // NSRunLoop manages autorelease pools itself.
- [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
- beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];
- }
- keep_running_ = true;
-void MessagePumpNSRunLoop::Quit() {
- keep_running_ = false;
- CFRunLoopSourceSignal(quit_source_);
- CFRunLoopWakeUp(run_loop());
-#if defined(OS_IOS)
- : run_loop_(NULL) {
-MessagePumpUIApplication::~MessagePumpUIApplication() {}
-void MessagePumpUIApplication::DoRun(Delegate* delegate) {
-void MessagePumpUIApplication::Quit() {
-void MessagePumpUIApplication::Attach(Delegate* delegate) {
- DCHECK(!run_loop_);
- run_loop_ = new RunLoop();
- CHECK(run_loop_->BeforeRun());
- SetDelegate(delegate);
- : keep_running_(true),
- running_own_loop_(false) {
-MessagePumpNSApplication::~MessagePumpNSApplication() {}
-void MessagePumpNSApplication::DoRun(Delegate* /* delegate */) {
- bool last_running_own_loop_ = running_own_loop_;
- // NSApp must be initialized by calling:
- // [{some class which implements CrAppProtocol} sharedApplication]
- // Most likely candidates are CrApplication or BrowserCrApplication.
- // These can be initialized from C++ code by calling
- // RegisterCrApp() or RegisterBrowserCrApp().
- if (![NSApp isRunning]) {
- running_own_loop_ = false;
- // NSApplication manages autorelease pools itself when run this way.
- [NSApp run];
- } else {
- running_own_loop_ = true;
- NSDate* distant_future = [NSDate distantFuture];
- while (keep_running_) {
- MessagePumpScopedAutoreleasePool autorelease_pool(this);
- NSEvent* event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:NSAnyEventMask
- untilDate:distant_future
- inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
- dequeue:YES];
- if (event) {
- [NSApp sendEvent:event];
- }
- }
- keep_running_ = true;
- }
- running_own_loop_ = last_running_own_loop_;
-void MessagePumpNSApplication::Quit() {
- if (!running_own_loop_) {
- [[NSApplication sharedApplication] stop:nil];
- } else {
- keep_running_ = false;
- }
- // Send a fake event to wake the loop up.
- [NSApp postEvent:[NSEvent otherEventWithType:NSApplicationDefined
- location:NSZeroPoint
- modifierFlags:0
- timestamp:0
- windowNumber:0
- context:NULL
- subtype:0
- data1:0
- data2:0]
- atStart:NO];
-MessagePumpCrApplication::MessagePumpCrApplication() {
-MessagePumpCrApplication::~MessagePumpCrApplication() {
-// Prevents an autorelease pool from being created if the app is in the midst of
-// handling a UI event because various parts of AppKit depend on objects that
-// are created while handling a UI event to be autoreleased in the event loop.
-// An example of this is NSWindowController. When a window with a window
-// controller is closed it goes through a stack like this:
-// (Several stack frames elided for clarity)
-// #0 [NSWindowController autorelease]
-// #1 DoAClose
-// #2 MessagePumpCFRunLoopBase::DoWork()
-// #3 [NSRunLoop run]
-// #4 [NSButton performClick:]
-// #5 [NSWindow sendEvent:]
-// #6 [NSApp sendEvent:]
-// #7 [NSApp run]
-// -performClick: spins a nested run loop. If the pool created in DoWork was a
-// standard NSAutoreleasePool, it would release the objects that were
-// autoreleased into it once DoWork released it. This would cause the window
-// controller, which autoreleased itself in frame #0, to release itself, and
-// possibly free itself. Unfortunately this window controller controls the
-// window in frame #5. When the stack is unwound to frame #5, the window would
-// no longer exists and crashes may occur. Apple gets around this by never
-// releasing the pool it creates in frame #4, and letting frame #7 clean it up
-// when it cleans up the pool that wraps frame #7. When an autorelease pool is
-// released it releases all other pools that were created after it on the
-// autorelease pool stack.
-// CrApplication is responsible for setting handlingSendEvent to true just
-// before it sends the event through the event handling mechanism, and
-// returning it to its previous value once the event has been sent.
-AutoreleasePoolType* MessagePumpCrApplication::CreateAutoreleasePool() {
- if (MessagePumpMac::IsHandlingSendEvent())
- return nil;
- return MessagePumpNSApplication::CreateAutoreleasePool();
-// static
-bool MessagePumpMac::UsingCrApp() {
- DCHECK([NSThread isMainThread]);
- // If NSApp is still not initialized, then the subclass used cannot
- // be determined.
- // The pump was created using MessagePumpNSApplication.
- if (g_not_using_cr_app)
- return false;
- return [NSApp conformsToProtocol:@protocol(CrAppProtocol)];
-// static
-bool MessagePumpMac::IsHandlingSendEvent() {
- DCHECK([NSApp conformsToProtocol:@protocol(CrAppProtocol)]);
- NSObject<CrAppProtocol>* app = static_cast<NSObject<CrAppProtocol>*>(NSApp);
- return [app isHandlingSendEvent];
-#endif // !defined(OS_IOS)
-// static
-MessagePump* MessagePumpMac::Create() {
- if ([NSThread isMainThread]) {
-#if defined(OS_IOS)
- return new MessagePumpUIApplication;
- if ([NSApp conformsToProtocol:@protocol(CrAppProtocol)])
- return new MessagePumpCrApplication;
- // The main-thread MessagePump implementations REQUIRE an NSApp.
- // Executables which have specific requirements for their
- // NSApplication subclass should initialize appropriately before
- // creating an event loop.
- [NSApplication sharedApplication];
- g_not_using_cr_app = true;
- return new MessagePumpNSApplication;
- }
- return new MessagePumpNSRunLoop;
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/process/ b/base/process/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3732bc1ecc..0000000000
--- a/base/process/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/process/launch.h"
-#include <crt_externs.h>
-#include <mach/mach.h>
-#include <spawn.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace {
-// DPSXCHECK is a Debug Posix Spawn Check macro. The posix_spawn* family of
-// functions return an errno value, as opposed to setting errno directly. This
-// macro emulates a DPCHECK().
-#define DPSXCHECK(expr) \
- do { \
- int rv = (expr); \
- DCHECK_EQ(rv, 0) << #expr << ": -" << rv << " " << strerror(rv); \
- } while (0)
-class PosixSpawnAttr {
- public:
- PosixSpawnAttr() { DPSXCHECK(posix_spawnattr_init(&attr_)); }
- ~PosixSpawnAttr() { DPSXCHECK(posix_spawnattr_destroy(&attr_)); }
- posix_spawnattr_t* get() { return &attr_; }
- private:
- posix_spawnattr_t attr_;
-class PosixSpawnFileActions {
- public:
- PosixSpawnFileActions() {
- DPSXCHECK(posix_spawn_file_actions_init(&file_actions_));
- }
- ~PosixSpawnFileActions() {
- DPSXCHECK(posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy(&file_actions_));
- }
- void Open(int filedes, const char* path, int mode) {
- DPSXCHECK(posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen(&file_actions_, filedes, path,
- mode, 0));
- }
- void Dup2(int filedes, int newfiledes) {
- posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&file_actions_, filedes, newfiledes));
- }
- void Inherit(int filedes) {
- DPSXCHECK(posix_spawn_file_actions_addinherit_np(&file_actions_, filedes));
- }
- const posix_spawn_file_actions_t* get() const { return &file_actions_; }
- private:
- posix_spawn_file_actions_t file_actions_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PosixSpawnFileActions);
-} // namespace
-void RestoreDefaultExceptionHandler() {
- // This function is tailored to remove the Breakpad exception handler.
- // exception_mask matches s_exception_mask in
- // breakpad/src/client/mac/handler/
- const exception_mask_t exception_mask = EXC_MASK_BAD_ACCESS |
- // Setting the exception port to MACH_PORT_NULL may not be entirely
- // kosher to restore the default exception handler, but in practice,
- // it results in the exception port being set to Apple Crash Reporter,
- // the desired behavior.
- task_set_exception_ports(mach_task_self(), exception_mask, MACH_PORT_NULL,
-Process LaunchProcessPosixSpawn(const std::vector<std::string>& argv,
- const LaunchOptions& options) {
- DCHECK(!options.pre_exec_delegate)
- << "LaunchProcessPosixSpawn does not support PreExecDelegate";
- DCHECK(options.current_directory.empty())
- << "LaunchProcessPosixSpawn does not support current_directory";
- PosixSpawnAttr attr;
- if (options.new_process_group) {
- DPSXCHECK(posix_spawnattr_setpgroup(attr.get(), 0));
- }
- DPSXCHECK(posix_spawnattr_setflags(attr.get(), flags));
- PosixSpawnFileActions file_actions;
- // Process file descriptors for the child. By default, LaunchProcess will
- // open stdin to /dev/null and inherit stdout and stderr.
- bool inherit_stdout = true, inherit_stderr = true;
- bool null_stdin = true;
- if (options.fds_to_remap) {
- for (const auto& dup2_pair : *options.fds_to_remap) {
- if (dup2_pair.second == STDIN_FILENO) {
- null_stdin = false;
- } else if (dup2_pair.second == STDOUT_FILENO) {
- inherit_stdout = false;
- } else if (dup2_pair.second == STDERR_FILENO) {
- inherit_stderr = false;
- }
- if (dup2_pair.first == dup2_pair.second) {
- file_actions.Inherit(dup2_pair.second);
- } else {
- file_actions.Dup2(dup2_pair.first, dup2_pair.second);
- }
- }
- }
- if (null_stdin) {
- file_actions.Open(STDIN_FILENO, "/dev/null", O_RDONLY);
- }
- if (inherit_stdout) {
- file_actions.Inherit(STDOUT_FILENO);
- }
- if (inherit_stderr) {
- file_actions.Inherit(STDERR_FILENO);
- }
- std::unique_ptr<char* []> argv_cstr(new char*[argv.size() + 1]);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < argv.size(); i++) {
- argv_cstr[i] = const_cast<char*>(argv[i].c_str());
- }
- argv_cstr[argv.size()] = nullptr;
- std::unique_ptr<char* []> owned_environ;
- char** new_environ = options.clear_environ ? nullptr : *_NSGetEnviron();
- if (!options.environ.empty()) {
- owned_environ = AlterEnvironment(new_environ, options.environ);
- new_environ = owned_environ.get();
- }
- const char* executable_path = !options.real_path.empty()
- ? options.real_path.value().c_str()
- : argv_cstr[0];
- // Use posix_spawnp as some callers expect to have PATH consulted.
- pid_t pid;
- int rv = posix_spawnp(&pid, executable_path, file_actions.get(), attr.get(),
- &argv_cstr[0], new_environ);
- if (rv != 0) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "posix_spawnp(" << executable_path << "): -" << rv << " "
- << strerror(rv);
- return Process();
- }
- if (options.wait) {
- // While this isn't strictly disk IO, waiting for another process to
- // finish is the sort of thing ThreadRestrictions is trying to prevent.
- base::ThreadRestrictions::AssertIOAllowed();
- pid_t ret = HANDLE_EINTR(waitpid(pid, nullptr, 0));
- DPCHECK(ret > 0);
- }
- return Process(pid);
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/process/ b/base/process/
deleted file mode 100644
index 23d214c3f3..0000000000
--- a/base/process/
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/process/port_provider_mac.h"
-namespace base {
-PortProvider::PortProvider() : lock_(), observer_list_() {}
-PortProvider::~PortProvider() {}
-void PortProvider::AddObserver(Observer* observer) {
- base::AutoLock l(lock_);
- observer_list_.AddObserver(observer);
-void PortProvider::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) {
- base::AutoLock l(lock_);
- observer_list_.RemoveObserver(observer);
-void PortProvider::NotifyObservers(ProcessHandle process) {
- base::AutoLock l(lock_);
- for (auto& observer : observer_list_)
- observer.OnReceivedTaskPort(process);
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/process/port_provider_mac.h b/base/process/port_provider_mac.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f40297f28..0000000000
--- a/base/process/port_provider_mac.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <mach/mach.h>
-#include "base/base_export.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/observer_list.h"
-#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
-#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
-namespace base {
-// Abstract base class that provides a mapping from ProcessHandle (pid_t) to the
-// Mach task port. This replicates task_for_pid(), which requires root
-// privileges.
-class BASE_EXPORT PortProvider {
- public:
- PortProvider();
- virtual ~PortProvider();
- class Observer {
- public:
- virtual ~Observer() {};
- // Called by the PortProvider to notify observers that the task port was
- // received for a given process.
- // No guarantees are made about the thread on which this notification will
- // be sent.
- // Observers must not call AddObserver() or RemoveObserver() in this
- // callback, as doing so will deadlock.
- virtual void OnReceivedTaskPort(ProcessHandle process) = 0;
- };
- // Returns the mach task port for |process| if possible, or else
- virtual mach_port_t TaskForPid(ProcessHandle process) const = 0;
- // Observer interface.
- void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
- void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
- protected:
- // Called by subclasses to send a notification to observers.
- void NotifyObservers(ProcessHandle process);
- private:
- // ObserverList is not thread-safe, so |lock_| ensures consistency of
- // |observer_list_|.
- base::Lock lock_;
- base::ObserverList<Observer> observer_list_;
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/process/ b/base/process/
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index d9d22f7831..0000000000
--- a/base/process/
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@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
-#include <libproc.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <sys/sysctl.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include "base/logging.h"
-namespace base {
-ProcessId GetParentProcessId(ProcessHandle process) {
- struct kinfo_proc info;
- size_t length = sizeof(struct kinfo_proc);
- int mib[4] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PID, process };
- if (sysctl(mib, 4, &info, &length, NULL, 0) < 0) {
- DPLOG(ERROR) << "sysctl";
- return -1;
- }
- if (length == 0)
- return -1;
- return info.kp_eproc.e_ppid;
-FilePath GetProcessExecutablePath(ProcessHandle process) {
- if (!proc_pidpath(process, pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf)))
- return FilePath();
- return FilePath(pathbuf);
-} // namespace base
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/base/process/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/process/process_info.h"
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <sys/sysctl.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/memory/free_deleter.h"
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-namespace base {
-// static
-const Time CurrentProcessInfo::CreationTime() {
- int mib[] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PID, getpid() };
- size_t len = 0;
- if (sysctl(mib, arraysize(mib), NULL, &len, NULL, 0) < 0)
- return Time();
- std::unique_ptr<struct kinfo_proc, base::FreeDeleter> proc(
- static_cast<struct kinfo_proc*>(malloc(len)));
- if (sysctl(mib, arraysize(mib), proc.get(), &len, NULL, 0) < 0)
- return Time();
- return Time::FromTimeVal(proc->kp_proc.p_un.__p_starttime);
-} // namespace base
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3d616980ab..0000000000
--- a/base/process/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/process/process_iterator.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <sys/sysctl.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
-namespace base {
-ProcessIterator::ProcessIterator(const ProcessFilter* filter)
- : index_of_kinfo_proc_(0),
- filter_(filter) {
- // Get a snapshot of all of my processes (yes, as we loop it can go stale, but
- // but trying to find where we were in a constantly changing list is basically
- // impossible.
- static_cast<int>(geteuid()) };
- // Since more processes could start between when we get the size and when
- // we get the list, we do a loop to keep trying until we get it.
- bool done = false;
- int try_num = 1;
- const int max_tries = 10;
- do {
- // Get the size of the buffer
- size_t len = 0;
- if (sysctl(mib, arraysize(mib), NULL, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "failed to get the size needed for the process list";
- kinfo_procs_.resize(0);
- done = true;
- } else {
- size_t num_of_kinfo_proc = len / sizeof(struct kinfo_proc);
- // Leave some spare room for process table growth (more could show up
- // between when we check and now)
- num_of_kinfo_proc += 16;
- kinfo_procs_.resize(num_of_kinfo_proc);
- len = num_of_kinfo_proc * sizeof(struct kinfo_proc);
- // Load the list of processes
- if (sysctl(mib, arraysize(mib), &kinfo_procs_[0], &len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
- // If we get a mem error, it just means we need a bigger buffer, so
- // loop around again. Anything else is a real error and give up.
- if (errno != ENOMEM) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "failed to get the process list";
- kinfo_procs_.resize(0);
- done = true;
- }
- } else {
- // Got the list, just make sure we're sized exactly right
- size_t num_of_kinfo_proc = len / sizeof(struct kinfo_proc);
- kinfo_procs_.resize(num_of_kinfo_proc);
- done = true;
- }
- }
- } while (!done && (try_num++ < max_tries));
- if (!done) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "failed to collect the process list in a few tries";
- kinfo_procs_.resize(0);
- }
-ProcessIterator::~ProcessIterator() {
-bool ProcessIterator::CheckForNextProcess() {
- std::string data;
- for (; index_of_kinfo_proc_ < kinfo_procs_.size(); ++index_of_kinfo_proc_) {
- kinfo_proc& kinfo = kinfo_procs_[index_of_kinfo_proc_];
- // Skip processes just awaiting collection
- if ((kinfo.kp_proc.p_pid > 0) && (kinfo.kp_proc.p_stat == SZOMB))
- continue;
- int mib[] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_PROCARGS, kinfo.kp_proc.p_pid };
- // Find out what size buffer we need.
- size_t data_len = 0;
- if (sysctl(mib, arraysize(mib), NULL, &data_len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
- DVPLOG(1) << "failed to figure out the buffer size for a commandline";
- continue;
- }
- data.resize(data_len);
- if (sysctl(mib, arraysize(mib), &data[0], &data_len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
- DVPLOG(1) << "failed to fetch a commandline";
- continue;
- }
- // |data| contains all the command line parameters of the process, separated
- // by blocks of one or more null characters. We tokenize |data| into a
- // vector of strings using '\0' as a delimiter and populate
- // |entry_.cmd_line_args_|.
- std::string delimiters;
- delimiters.push_back('\0');
- entry_.cmd_line_args_ = SplitString(data, delimiters,
- // |data| starts with the full executable path followed by a null character.
- // We search for the first instance of '\0' and extract everything before it
- // to populate |entry_.exe_file_|.
- size_t exec_name_end = data.find('\0');
- if (exec_name_end == std::string::npos) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "command line data didn't match expected format";
- continue;
- }
- entry_.pid_ = kinfo.kp_proc.p_pid;
- entry_.ppid_ = kinfo.kp_eproc.e_ppid;
- entry_.gid_ = kinfo.kp_eproc.e_pgid;
- size_t last_slash = data.rfind('/', exec_name_end);
- if (last_slash == std::string::npos)
- entry_.exe_file_.assign(data, 0, exec_name_end);
- else
- entry_.exe_file_.assign(data, last_slash + 1,
- exec_name_end - last_slash - 1);
- // Start w/ the next entry next time through
- ++index_of_kinfo_proc_;
- // Done
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-bool NamedProcessIterator::IncludeEntry() {
- return (executable_name_ == entry().exe_file() &&
- ProcessIterator::IncludeEntry());
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/process/ b/base/process/
deleted file mode 100644
index d94024f0c5..0000000000
--- a/base/process/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/process/process_metrics.h"
-#include <mach/mach.h>
-#include <mach/mach_vm.h>
-#include <mach/shared_region.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/sysctl.h>
-#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/mac/mach_logging.h"
-#include "base/mac/scoped_mach_port.h"
-#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
-#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
-#include "base/sys_info.h"
-#if !defined(TASK_POWER_INFO)
-// Doesn't exist in the 10.6 or 10.7 SDKs.
-#define TASK_POWER_INFO 21
-struct task_power_info {
- uint64_t total_user;
- uint64_t total_system;
- uint64_t task_interrupt_wakeups;
- uint64_t task_platform_idle_wakeups;
- uint64_t task_timer_wakeups_bin_1;
- uint64_t task_timer_wakeups_bin_2;
-typedef struct task_power_info task_power_info_data_t;
-typedef struct task_power_info *task_power_info_t;
-#define TASK_POWER_INFO_COUNT ((mach_msg_type_number_t) \
- (sizeof (task_power_info_data_t) / sizeof (natural_t)))
-namespace base {
-namespace {
-bool GetTaskInfo(mach_port_t task, task_basic_info_64* task_info_data) {
- if (task == MACH_PORT_NULL)
- return false;
- mach_msg_type_number_t count = TASK_BASIC_INFO_64_COUNT;
- kern_return_t kr = task_info(task,
- reinterpret_cast<task_info_t>(task_info_data),
- &count);
- // Most likely cause for failure: |task| is a zombie.
- return kr == KERN_SUCCESS;
-bool GetCPUTypeForProcess(pid_t /* pid */, cpu_type_t* cpu_type) {
- size_t len = sizeof(*cpu_type);
- int result = sysctlbyname("sysctl.proc_cputype",
- cpu_type,
- &len,
- 0);
- if (result != 0) {
- DPLOG(ERROR) << "sysctlbyname(""sysctl.proc_cputype"")";
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-bool IsAddressInSharedRegion(mach_vm_address_t addr, cpu_type_t type) {
- if (type == CPU_TYPE_I386) {
- return addr >= SHARED_REGION_BASE_I386 &&
- } else if (type == CPU_TYPE_X86_64) {
- return addr >= SHARED_REGION_BASE_X86_64 &&
- } else {
- return false;
- }
-} // namespace
-// Getting a mach task from a pid for another process requires permissions in
-// general, so there doesn't really seem to be a way to do these (and spinning
-// up ps to fetch each stats seems dangerous to put in a base api for anyone to
-// call). Child processes ipc their port, so return something if available,
-// otherwise return 0.
-// static
-std::unique_ptr<ProcessMetrics> ProcessMetrics::CreateProcessMetrics(
- ProcessHandle process,
- PortProvider* port_provider) {
- return WrapUnique(new ProcessMetrics(process, port_provider));
-size_t ProcessMetrics::GetPagefileUsage() const {
- task_basic_info_64 task_info_data;
- if (!GetTaskInfo(TaskForPid(process_), &task_info_data))
- return 0;
- return task_info_data.virtual_size;
-size_t ProcessMetrics::GetPeakPagefileUsage() const {
- return 0;
-size_t ProcessMetrics::GetWorkingSetSize() const {
- size_t private_bytes = 0;
- size_t shared_bytes = 0;
- size_t resident_bytes = 0;
- if (!GetMemoryBytes(&private_bytes, &shared_bytes, &resident_bytes))
- return 0;
- return resident_bytes;
-size_t ProcessMetrics::GetPeakWorkingSetSize() const {
- return 0;
-// This is a rough approximation of the algorithm that libtop uses.
-// private_bytes is the size of private resident memory.
-// shared_bytes is the size of shared resident memory.
-bool ProcessMetrics::GetMemoryBytes(size_t* private_bytes,
- size_t* shared_bytes) const {
- size_t private_pages_count = 0;
- size_t shared_pages_count = 0;
- if (!private_bytes && !shared_bytes)
- return true;
- mach_port_t task = TaskForPid(process_);
- if (task == MACH_PORT_NULL) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Invalid process";
- return false;
- }
- cpu_type_t cpu_type;
- if (!GetCPUTypeForProcess(process_, &cpu_type))
- return false;
- // The same region can be referenced multiple times. To avoid double counting
- // we need to keep track of which regions we've already counted.
- hash_set<int> seen_objects;
- // We iterate through each VM region in the task's address map. For shared
- // memory we add up all the pages that are marked as shared. Like libtop we
- // try to avoid counting pages that are also referenced by other tasks. Since
- // we don't have access to the VM regions of other tasks the only hint we have
- // is if the address is in the shared region area.
- //
- // Private memory is much simpler. We simply count the pages that are marked
- // as private or copy on write (COW).
- //
- // See libtop_update_vm_regions in
- //
- mach_vm_size_t size = 0;
- for (mach_vm_address_t address = MACH_VM_MIN_ADDRESS;; address += size) {
- vm_region_top_info_data_t info;
- mach_msg_type_number_t info_count = VM_REGION_TOP_INFO_COUNT;
- mach_port_t object_name;
- kern_return_t kr = mach_vm_region(task,
- &address,
- &size,
- reinterpret_cast<vm_region_info_t>(&info),
- &info_count,
- &object_name);
- // We're at the end of the address space.
- break;
- } else if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- MACH_DLOG(ERROR, kr) << "mach_vm_region";
- return false;
- }
- // The kernel always returns a null object for VM_REGION_TOP_INFO, but
- // balance it with a deallocate in case this ever changes. See 10.9.2
- // xnu-2422.90.20/osfmk/vm/vm_map.c vm_map_region.
- mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), object_name);
- if (IsAddressInSharedRegion(address, cpu_type) &&
- info.share_mode != SM_PRIVATE)
- continue;
- if (info.share_mode == SM_COW && info.ref_count == 1)
- info.share_mode = SM_PRIVATE;
- switch (info.share_mode) {
- case SM_PRIVATE:
- private_pages_count += info.private_pages_resident;
- private_pages_count += info.shared_pages_resident;
- break;
- case SM_COW:
- private_pages_count += info.private_pages_resident;
- // Fall through
- case SM_SHARED:
- if (seen_objects.count(info.obj_id) == 0) {
- // Only count the first reference to this region.
- seen_objects.insert(info.obj_id);
- shared_pages_count += info.shared_pages_resident;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- if (private_bytes)
- *private_bytes = private_pages_count * PAGE_SIZE;
- if (shared_bytes)
- *shared_bytes = shared_pages_count * PAGE_SIZE;
- return true;
-void ProcessMetrics::GetCommittedKBytes(CommittedKBytes* usage) const {
- WorkingSetKBytes unused;
- if (!GetCommittedAndWorkingSetKBytes(usage, &unused)) {
- *usage = CommittedKBytes();
- }
-bool ProcessMetrics::GetWorkingSetKBytes(WorkingSetKBytes* ws_usage) const {
- CommittedKBytes unused;
- return GetCommittedAndWorkingSetKBytes(&unused, ws_usage);
-bool ProcessMetrics::GetCommittedAndWorkingSetKBytes(
- CommittedKBytes* usage,
- WorkingSetKBytes* ws_usage) const {
- task_basic_info_64 task_info_data;
- if (!GetTaskInfo(TaskForPid(process_), &task_info_data))
- return false;
- usage->priv = task_info_data.virtual_size / 1024;
- usage->mapped = 0;
- usage->image = 0;
- ws_usage->priv = task_info_data.resident_size / 1024;
- ws_usage->shareable = 0;
- ws_usage->shared = 0;
- return true;
-bool ProcessMetrics::GetMemoryBytes(size_t* private_bytes,
- size_t* shared_bytes,
- size_t* resident_bytes) const {
- if (!GetMemoryBytes(private_bytes, shared_bytes))
- return false;
- *resident_bytes = *private_bytes + *shared_bytes;
- return true;
-#define TIME_VALUE_TO_TIMEVAL(a, r) do { \
- (r)->tv_sec = (a)->seconds; \
- (r)->tv_usec = (a)->microseconds; \
-} while (0)
-double ProcessMetrics::GetCPUUsage() {
- mach_port_t task = TaskForPid(process_);
- if (task == MACH_PORT_NULL)
- return 0;
- // Libtop explicitly loops over the threads (libtop_pinfo_update_cpu_usage()
- // in libtop.c), but this is more concise and gives the same results:
- task_thread_times_info thread_info_data;
- mach_msg_type_number_t thread_info_count = TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO_COUNT;
- kern_return_t kr = task_info(task,
- reinterpret_cast<task_info_t>(&thread_info_data),
- &thread_info_count);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- // Most likely cause: |task| is a zombie.
- return 0;
- }
- task_basic_info_64 task_info_data;
- if (!GetTaskInfo(task, &task_info_data))
- return 0;
- /* Set total_time. */
- // thread info contains live time...
- struct timeval user_timeval, system_timeval, task_timeval;
- TIME_VALUE_TO_TIMEVAL(&thread_info_data.user_time, &user_timeval);
- TIME_VALUE_TO_TIMEVAL(&thread_info_data.system_time, &system_timeval);
- timeradd(&user_timeval, &system_timeval, &task_timeval);
- // ... task info contains terminated time.
- TIME_VALUE_TO_TIMEVAL(&task_info_data.user_time, &user_timeval);
- TIME_VALUE_TO_TIMEVAL(&task_info_data.system_time, &system_timeval);
- timeradd(&user_timeval, &task_timeval, &task_timeval);
- timeradd(&system_timeval, &task_timeval, &task_timeval);
- TimeTicks time = TimeTicks::Now();
- int64_t task_time = TimeValToMicroseconds(task_timeval);
- if (last_system_time_ == 0) {
- // First call, just set the last values.
- last_cpu_time_ = time;
- last_system_time_ = task_time;
- return 0;
- }
- int64_t system_time_delta = task_time - last_system_time_;
- int64_t time_delta = (time - last_cpu_time_).InMicroseconds();
- DCHECK_NE(0U, time_delta);
- if (time_delta == 0)
- return 0;
- last_cpu_time_ = time;
- last_system_time_ = task_time;
- return static_cast<double>(system_time_delta * 100.0) / time_delta;
-int ProcessMetrics::GetIdleWakeupsPerSecond() {
- mach_port_t task = TaskForPid(process_);
- if (task == MACH_PORT_NULL)
- return 0;
- task_power_info power_info_data;
- mach_msg_type_number_t power_info_count = TASK_POWER_INFO_COUNT;
- kern_return_t kr = task_info(task,
- reinterpret_cast<task_info_t>(&power_info_data),
- &power_info_count);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- // Most likely cause: |task| is a zombie, or this is on a pre-10.8.4 system
- // where TASK_POWER_INFO isn't supported yet.
- return 0;
- }
- // The task_power_info struct contains two wakeup counters:
- // task_interrupt_wakeups and task_platform_idle_wakeups.
- // task_interrupt_wakeups is the total number of wakeups generated by the
- // process, and is the number that Activity Monitor reports.
- // task_platform_idle_wakeups is a subset of task_interrupt_wakeups that
- // tallies the number of times the processor was taken out of its low-power
- // idle state to handle a wakeup. task_platform_idle_wakeups therefore result
- // in a greater power increase than the other interrupts which occur while the
- // CPU is already working, and reducing them has a greater overall impact on
- // power usage. See the powermetrics man page for more info.
- return CalculateIdleWakeupsPerSecond(
- power_info_data.task_platform_idle_wakeups);
-bool ProcessMetrics::GetIOCounters(IoCounters* /* io_counters */) const {
- return false;
-ProcessMetrics::ProcessMetrics(ProcessHandle process,
- PortProvider* port_provider)
- : process_(process),
- last_system_time_(0),
- last_absolute_idle_wakeups_(0),
- port_provider_(port_provider) {
- processor_count_ = SysInfo::NumberOfProcessors();
-mach_port_t ProcessMetrics::TaskForPid(ProcessHandle /* process */) const {
- mach_port_t task = MACH_PORT_NULL;
- if (port_provider_)
- task = port_provider_->TaskForPid(process_);
- if (task == MACH_PORT_NULL && process_ == getpid())
- task = mach_task_self();
- return task;
-// Bytes committed by the system.
-size_t GetSystemCommitCharge() {
- base::mac::ScopedMachSendRight host(mach_host_self());
- mach_msg_type_number_t count = HOST_VM_INFO_COUNT;
- vm_statistics_data_t data;
- kern_return_t kr = host_statistics(host.get(), HOST_VM_INFO,
- reinterpret_cast<host_info_t>(&data),
- &count);
- if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- MACH_DLOG(WARNING, kr) << "host_statistics";
- return 0;
- }
- return (data.active_count * PAGE_SIZE) / 1024;
-bool GetSystemMemoryInfo(SystemMemoryInfoKB* meminfo) {
- struct host_basic_info hostinfo;
- mach_msg_type_number_t count = HOST_BASIC_INFO_COUNT;
- base::mac::ScopedMachSendRight host(mach_host_self());
- int result = host_info(host.get(), HOST_BASIC_INFO,
- reinterpret_cast<host_info_t>(&hostinfo), &count);
- if (result != KERN_SUCCESS)
- return false;
- meminfo->total = static_cast<int>(hostinfo.max_mem / 1024);
- vm_statistics64_data_t vm_info;
- count = HOST_VM_INFO64_COUNT;
- if (host_statistics64(host.get(), HOST_VM_INFO64,
- reinterpret_cast<host_info64_t>(&vm_info),
- &count) != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- return false;
- }
- static_assert(PAGE_SIZE % 1024 == 0, "Invalid page size");
- meminfo->free = saturated_cast<int>(
- PAGE_SIZE / 1024 * (vm_info.free_count - vm_info.speculative_count));
- meminfo->speculative =
- saturated_cast<int>(PAGE_SIZE / 1024 * vm_info.speculative_count);
- meminfo->file_backed =
- saturated_cast<int>(PAGE_SIZE / 1024 * vm_info.external_page_count);
- meminfo->purgeable =
- saturated_cast<int>(PAGE_SIZE / 1024 * vm_info.purgeable_count);
- return true;
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/strings/ b/base/strings/
deleted file mode 100644
index 32fe89cc36..0000000000
--- a/base/strings/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include "base/mac/foundation_util.h"
-#include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h"
-#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace {
-// Convert the supplied CFString into the specified encoding, and return it as
-// an STL string of the template type. Returns an empty string on failure.
-// Do not assert in this function since it is used by the asssertion code!
-template<typename StringType>
-static StringType CFStringToSTLStringWithEncodingT(CFStringRef cfstring,
- CFStringEncoding encoding) {
- CFIndex length = CFStringGetLength(cfstring);
- if (length == 0)
- return StringType();
- CFRange whole_string = CFRangeMake(0, length);
- CFIndex out_size;
- CFIndex converted = CFStringGetBytes(cfstring,
- whole_string,
- encoding,
- 0, // lossByte
- false, // isExternalRepresentation
- NULL, // buffer
- 0, // maxBufLen
- &out_size);
- if (converted == 0 || out_size == 0)
- return StringType();
- // out_size is the number of UInt8-sized units needed in the destination.
- // A buffer allocated as UInt8 units might not be properly aligned to
- // contain elements of StringType::value_type. Use a container for the
- // proper value_type, and convert out_size by figuring the number of
- // value_type elements per UInt8. Leave room for a NUL terminator.
- typename StringType::size_type elements =
- out_size * sizeof(UInt8) / sizeof(typename StringType::value_type) + 1;
- std::vector<typename StringType::value_type> out_buffer(elements);
- converted = CFStringGetBytes(cfstring,
- whole_string,
- encoding,
- 0, // lossByte
- false, // isExternalRepresentation
- reinterpret_cast<UInt8*>(&out_buffer[0]),
- out_size,
- NULL); // usedBufLen
- if (converted == 0)
- return StringType();
- out_buffer[elements - 1] = '\0';
- return StringType(&out_buffer[0], elements - 1);
-// Given an STL string |in| with an encoding specified by |in_encoding|,
-// convert it to |out_encoding| and return it as an STL string of the
-// |OutStringType| template type. Returns an empty string on failure.
-// Do not assert in this function since it is used by the asssertion code!
-template<typename InStringType, typename OutStringType>
-static OutStringType STLStringToSTLStringWithEncodingsT(
- const InStringType& in,
- CFStringEncoding in_encoding,
- CFStringEncoding out_encoding) {
- typename InStringType::size_type in_length = in.length();
- if (in_length == 0)
- return OutStringType();
- base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFStringRef> cfstring(CFStringCreateWithBytesNoCopy(
- reinterpret_cast<const UInt8*>(,
- in_length * sizeof(typename InStringType::value_type),
- in_encoding,
- false,
- kCFAllocatorNull));
- if (!cfstring)
- return OutStringType();
- return CFStringToSTLStringWithEncodingT<OutStringType>(cfstring,
- out_encoding);
-// Given an STL string |in| with an encoding specified by |in_encoding|,
-// return it as a CFStringRef. Returns NULL on failure.
-template<typename StringType>
-static CFStringRef STLStringToCFStringWithEncodingsT(
- const StringType& in,
- CFStringEncoding in_encoding) {
- typename StringType::size_type in_length = in.length();
- if (in_length == 0)
- return CFSTR("");
- return CFStringCreateWithBytes(kCFAllocatorDefault,
- reinterpret_cast<const UInt8*>(,
- in_length *
- sizeof(typename StringType::value_type),
- in_encoding,
- false);
-// Specify the byte ordering explicitly, otherwise CFString will be confused
-// when strings don't carry BOMs, as they typically won't.
-static const CFStringEncoding kNarrowStringEncoding = kCFStringEncodingUTF8;
-#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
-static const CFStringEncoding kMediumStringEncoding = kCFStringEncodingUTF16BE;
-static const CFStringEncoding kWideStringEncoding = kCFStringEncodingUTF32BE;
-#elif defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
-static const CFStringEncoding kMediumStringEncoding = kCFStringEncodingUTF16LE;
-static const CFStringEncoding kWideStringEncoding = kCFStringEncodingUTF32LE;
-#endif // __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
-} // namespace
-// Do not assert in this function since it is used by the asssertion code!
-std::string SysWideToUTF8(const std::wstring& wide) {
- return STLStringToSTLStringWithEncodingsT<std::wstring, std::string>(
- wide, kWideStringEncoding, kNarrowStringEncoding);
-// Do not assert in this function since it is used by the asssertion code!
-std::wstring SysUTF8ToWide(const StringPiece& utf8) {
- return STLStringToSTLStringWithEncodingsT<StringPiece, std::wstring>(
- utf8, kNarrowStringEncoding, kWideStringEncoding);
-std::string SysWideToNativeMB(const std::wstring& wide) {
- return SysWideToUTF8(wide);
-std::wstring SysNativeMBToWide(const StringPiece& native_mb) {
- return SysUTF8ToWide(native_mb);
-CFStringRef SysUTF8ToCFStringRef(const std::string& utf8) {
- return STLStringToCFStringWithEncodingsT(utf8, kNarrowStringEncoding);
-CFStringRef SysUTF16ToCFStringRef(const string16& utf16) {
- return STLStringToCFStringWithEncodingsT(utf16, kMediumStringEncoding);
-NSString* SysUTF8ToNSString(const std::string& utf8) {
- return (NSString*)base::mac::CFTypeRefToNSObjectAutorelease(
- SysUTF8ToCFStringRef(utf8));
-NSString* SysUTF16ToNSString(const string16& utf16) {
- return (NSString*)base::mac::CFTypeRefToNSObjectAutorelease(
- SysUTF16ToCFStringRef(utf16));
-std::string SysCFStringRefToUTF8(CFStringRef ref) {
- return CFStringToSTLStringWithEncodingT<std::string>(ref,
- kNarrowStringEncoding);
-string16 SysCFStringRefToUTF16(CFStringRef ref) {
- return CFStringToSTLStringWithEncodingT<string16>(ref,
- kMediumStringEncoding);
-std::string SysNSStringToUTF8(NSString* nsstring) {
- if (!nsstring)
- return std::string();
- return SysCFStringRefToUTF8(reinterpret_cast<CFStringRef>(nsstring));
-string16 SysNSStringToUTF16(NSString* nsstring) {
- if (!nsstring)
- return string16();
- return SysCFStringRefToUTF16(reinterpret_cast<CFStringRef>(nsstring));
-} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/ b/base/
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-// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/sys_info.h"
-#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
-#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#include <mach/mach_host.h>
-#include <mach/mach_init.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/sysctl.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/mac/mac_util.h"
-#include "base/mac/scoped_mach_port.h"
-#import "base/mac/sdk_forward_declarations.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/process/process_metrics.h"
-#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
-namespace base {
-// static
-std::string SysInfo::OperatingSystemName() {
- return "Mac OS X";
-// static
-std::string SysInfo::OperatingSystemVersion() {
- int32_t major, minor, bugfix;
- OperatingSystemVersionNumbers(&major, &minor, &bugfix);
- return base::StringPrintf("%d.%d.%d", major, minor, bugfix);
-// static
-void SysInfo::OperatingSystemVersionNumbers(int32_t* major_version,
- int32_t* minor_version,
- int32_t* bugfix_version) {
- NSProcessInfo* processInfo = [NSProcessInfo processInfo];
- if ([processInfo respondsToSelector:@selector(operatingSystemVersion)]) {
- NSOperatingSystemVersion version = [processInfo operatingSystemVersion];
- *major_version = version.majorVersion;
- *minor_version = version.minorVersion;
- *bugfix_version = version.patchVersion;
- } else {
- // -[NSProcessInfo operatingSystemVersion] is documented available in 10.10.
- // It's also available via a private API since 10.9.2. For the remaining
- // cases in 10.9, rely on ::Gestalt(..). Since this code is only needed for
- // 10.9.0 and 10.9.1 and uses the recommended replacement thereafter,
- // suppress the warning for this fallback case.
- DCHECK(base::mac::IsOS10_9());
-#pragma clang diagnostic push
-#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
- Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersionMajor,
- reinterpret_cast<SInt32*>(major_version));
- Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersionMinor,
- reinterpret_cast<SInt32*>(minor_version));
- Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersionBugFix,
- reinterpret_cast<SInt32*>(bugfix_version));
-#pragma clang diagnostic pop
- }
-// static
-int64_t SysInfo::AmountOfPhysicalMemory() {
- struct host_basic_info hostinfo;
- mach_msg_type_number_t count = HOST_BASIC_INFO_COUNT;
- base::mac::ScopedMachSendRight host(mach_host_self());
- int result = host_info(host.get(),
- reinterpret_cast<host_info_t>(&hostinfo),
- &count);
- if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- return 0;
- }
- return static_cast<int64_t>(hostinfo.max_mem);
-// static
-int64_t SysInfo::AmountOfAvailablePhysicalMemory() {
- SystemMemoryInfoKB info;
- if (!GetSystemMemoryInfo(&info))
- return 0;
- // We should add inactive file-backed memory also but there is no such
- // information from Mac OS unfortunately.
- return static_cast<int64_t>( + info.speculative) * 1024;
-// static
-std::string SysInfo::CPUModelName() {
- char name[256];
- size_t len = arraysize(name);
- if (sysctlbyname("machdep.cpu.brand_string", &name, &len, NULL, 0) == 0)
- return name;
- return std::string();
-std::string SysInfo::HardwareModelName() {
- char model[256];
- size_t len = sizeof(model);
- if (sysctlbyname("hw.model", model, &len, NULL, 0) == 0)
- return std::string(model, 0, len);
- return std::string();
-} // namespace base
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/base/threading/
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-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
-#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
-#include <mach/mach.h>
-#include <mach/mach_time.h>
-#include <mach/thread_policy.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/mac/foundation_util.h"
-#include "base/mac/mach_logging.h"
-#include "base/threading/thread_id_name_manager.h"
-#include "base/tracked_objects.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-namespace base {
-namespace {
-NSString* const kThreadPriorityKey = @"CrThreadPriorityKey";
-} // namespace
-// If Cocoa is to be used on more than one thread, it must know that the
-// application is multithreaded. Since it's possible to enter Cocoa code
-// from threads created by pthread_thread_create, Cocoa won't necessarily
-// be aware that the application is multithreaded. Spawning an NSThread is
-// enough to get Cocoa to set up for multithreaded operation, so this is done
-// if necessary before pthread_thread_create spawns any threads.
-void InitThreading() {
- static BOOL multithreaded = [NSThread isMultiThreaded];
- if (!multithreaded) {
- // +[NSObject class] is idempotent.
- [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(class)
- toTarget:[NSObject class]
- withObject:nil];
- multithreaded = YES;
- DCHECK([NSThread isMultiThreaded]);
- }
-// static
-void PlatformThread::SetName(const std::string& name) {
- ThreadIdNameManager::GetInstance()->SetName(CurrentId(), name);
- tracked_objects::ThreadData::InitializeThreadContext(name);
- // Mac OS X does not expose the length limit of the name, so
- // hardcode it.
- const int kMaxNameLength = 63;
- std::string shortened_name = name.substr(0, kMaxNameLength);
- // pthread_setname() fails (harmlessly) in the sandbox, ignore when it does.
- // See
- pthread_setname_np(shortened_name.c_str());
-namespace {
-void SetPriorityNormal(mach_port_t mach_thread_id) {
- // Make thread standard policy.
- // Please note that this call could fail in rare cases depending
- // on runtime conditions.
- thread_standard_policy policy;
- kern_return_t result =
- thread_policy_set(mach_thread_id,
- reinterpret_cast<thread_policy_t>(&policy),
- if (result != KERN_SUCCESS)
- MACH_DVLOG(1, result) << "thread_policy_set";
-// Enables time-contraint policy and priority suitable for low-latency,
-// glitch-resistant audio.
-void SetPriorityRealtimeAudio(mach_port_t mach_thread_id) {
- // Increase thread priority to real-time.
- // Please note that the thread_policy_set() calls may fail in
- // rare cases if the kernel decides the system is under heavy load
- // and is unable to handle boosting the thread priority.
- // In these cases we just return early and go on with life.
- // Make thread fixed priority.
- thread_extended_policy_data_t policy;
- policy.timeshare = 0; // Set to 1 for a non-fixed thread.
- kern_return_t result =
- thread_policy_set(mach_thread_id,
- reinterpret_cast<thread_policy_t>(&policy),
- if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- MACH_DVLOG(1, result) << "thread_policy_set";
- return;
- }
- // Set to relatively high priority.
- thread_precedence_policy_data_t precedence;
- precedence.importance = 63;
- result = thread_policy_set(mach_thread_id,
- reinterpret_cast<thread_policy_t>(&precedence),
- if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) {
- MACH_DVLOG(1, result) << "thread_policy_set";
- return;
- }
- // Most important, set real-time constraints.
- // Define the guaranteed and max fraction of time for the audio thread.
- // These "duty cycle" values can range from 0 to 1. A value of 0.5
- // means the scheduler would give half the time to the thread.
- // These values have empirically been found to yield good behavior.
- // Good means that audio performance is high and other threads won't starve.
- const double kGuaranteedAudioDutyCycle = 0.75;
- const double kMaxAudioDutyCycle = 0.85;
- // Define constants determining how much time the audio thread can
- // use in a given time quantum. All times are in milliseconds.
- // About 128 frames @44.1KHz
- const double kTimeQuantum = 2.9;
- // Time guaranteed each quantum.
- const double kAudioTimeNeeded = kGuaranteedAudioDutyCycle * kTimeQuantum;
- // Maximum time each quantum.
- const double kMaxTimeAllowed = kMaxAudioDutyCycle * kTimeQuantum;
- // Get the conversion factor from milliseconds to absolute time
- // which is what the time-constraints call needs.
- mach_timebase_info_data_t tb_info;
- mach_timebase_info(&tb_info);
- double ms_to_abs_time =
- (static_cast<double>(tb_info.denom) / tb_info.numer) * 1000000;
- thread_time_constraint_policy_data_t time_constraints;
- time_constraints.period = kTimeQuantum * ms_to_abs_time;
- time_constraints.computation = kAudioTimeNeeded * ms_to_abs_time;
- time_constraints.constraint = kMaxTimeAllowed * ms_to_abs_time;
- time_constraints.preemptible = 0;
- result =
- thread_policy_set(mach_thread_id,
- reinterpret_cast<thread_policy_t>(&time_constraints),
- MACH_DVLOG_IF(1, result != KERN_SUCCESS, result) << "thread_policy_set";
- return;
-} // anonymous namespace
-// static
-bool PlatformThread::CanIncreaseCurrentThreadPriority() {
- return true;
-// static
-void PlatformThread::SetCurrentThreadPriority(ThreadPriority priority) {
- // Convert from pthread_t to mach thread identifier.
- mach_port_t mach_thread_id =
- pthread_mach_thread_np(PlatformThread::CurrentHandle().platform_handle());
- switch (priority) {
- case ThreadPriority::NORMAL:
- case ThreadPriority::BACKGROUND:
- case ThreadPriority::DISPLAY:
- // Add support for non-NORMAL thread priorities.
- SetPriorityNormal(mach_thread_id);
- break;
- case ThreadPriority::REALTIME_AUDIO:
- SetPriorityRealtimeAudio(mach_thread_id);
- break;
- }
- [[[NSThread currentThread] threadDictionary]
- setObject:@(static_cast<int>(priority))
- forKey:kThreadPriorityKey];
-// static
-ThreadPriority PlatformThread::GetCurrentThreadPriority() {
- NSNumber* priority = base::mac::ObjCCast<NSNumber>([[[NSThread currentThread]
- threadDictionary] objectForKey:kThreadPriorityKey]);
- if (!priority)
- return ThreadPriority::NORMAL;
- ThreadPriority thread_priority =
- static_cast<ThreadPriority>(priority.intValue);
- switch (thread_priority) {
- case ThreadPriority::BACKGROUND:
- case ThreadPriority::NORMAL:
- case ThreadPriority::DISPLAY:
- case ThreadPriority::REALTIME_AUDIO:
- return thread_priority;
- default:
- NOTREACHED() << "Unknown priority.";
- return ThreadPriority::NORMAL;
- }
-size_t GetDefaultThreadStackSize(const pthread_attr_t& attributes) {
-#if defined(OS_IOS)
- return 0;
- // The Mac OS X default for a pthread stack size is 512kB.
- // Libc-594.1.4/pthreads/pthread.c's pthread_attr_init uses
- // DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE for this purpose.
- //
- // 512kB isn't quite generous enough for some deeply recursive threads that
- // otherwise request the default stack size by specifying 0. Here, adopt
- // glibc's behavior as on Linux, which is to use the current stack size
- // limit (ulimit -s) as the default stack size. See
- // glibc-2.11.1/nptl/nptl-init.c's __pthread_initialize_minimal_internal. To
- // avoid setting the limit below the Mac OS X default or the minimum usable
- // stack size, these values are also considered. If any of these values
- // can't be determined, or if stack size is unlimited (ulimit -s unlimited),
- // stack_size is left at 0 to get the system default.
- //
- // Mac OS X normally only applies ulimit -s to the main thread stack. On
- // contemporary OS X and Linux systems alike, this value is generally 8MB
- // or in that neighborhood.
- size_t default_stack_size = 0;
- struct rlimit stack_rlimit;
- if (pthread_attr_getstacksize(&attributes, &default_stack_size) == 0 &&
- getrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, &stack_rlimit) == 0 &&
- stack_rlimit.rlim_cur != RLIM_INFINITY) {
- default_stack_size =
- std::max(std::max(default_stack_size,
- static_cast<size_t>(PTHREAD_STACK_MIN)),
- static_cast<size_t>(stack_rlimit.rlim_cur));
- }
- return default_stack_size;
-void TerminateOnThread() {
-} // namespace base
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-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/time/time.h"
-#include <CoreFoundation/CFDate.h>
-#include <CoreFoundation/CFTimeZone.h>
-#include <mach/mach.h>
-#include <mach/mach_time.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/sysctl.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/mac/mach_logging.h"
-#include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h"
-#include "base/mac/scoped_mach_port.h"
-#include "base/macros.h"
-#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-namespace {
-#if defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
-int64_t MachAbsoluteTimeToTicks(uint64_t mach_absolute_time) {
- static mach_timebase_info_data_t timebase_info;
- if (timebase_info.denom == 0) {
- // Zero-initialization of statics guarantees that denom will be 0 before
- // calling mach_timebase_info. mach_timebase_info will never set denom to
- // 0 as that would be invalid, so the zero-check can be used to determine
- // whether mach_timebase_info has already been called. This is
- // recommended by Apple's QA1398.
- kern_return_t kr = mach_timebase_info(&timebase_info);
- MACH_DCHECK(kr == KERN_SUCCESS, kr) << "mach_timebase_info";
- }
- // timebase_info converts absolute time tick units into nanoseconds. Convert
- // to microseconds up front to stave off overflows.
- base::CheckedNumeric<uint64_t> result(mach_absolute_time /
- base::Time::kNanosecondsPerMicrosecond);
- result *= timebase_info.numer;
- result /= timebase_info.denom;
- // Don't bother with the rollover handling that the Windows version does.
- // With numer and denom = 1 (the expected case), the 64-bit absolute time
- // reported in nanoseconds is enough to last nearly 585 years.
- return base::checked_cast<int64_t>(result.ValueOrDie());
-#endif // defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
-int64_t ComputeCurrentTicks() {
-#if defined(OS_IOS)
- // On iOS mach_absolute_time stops while the device is sleeping. Instead use
- // now - KERN_BOOTTIME to get a time difference that is not impacted by clock
- // changes. KERN_BOOTTIME will be updated by the system whenever the system
- // clock change.
- struct timeval boottime;
- int mib[2] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_BOOTTIME};
- size_t size = sizeof(boottime);
- int kr = sysctl(mib, arraysize(mib), &boottime, &size, nullptr, 0);
- base::TimeDelta time_difference =
- base::Time::Now() - (base::Time::FromTimeT(boottime.tv_sec) +
- base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(boottime.tv_usec));
- return time_difference.InMicroseconds();
- // mach_absolute_time is it when it comes to ticks on the Mac. Other calls
- // with less precision (such as TickCount) just call through to
- // mach_absolute_time.
- return MachAbsoluteTimeToTicks(mach_absolute_time());
-#endif // defined(OS_IOS)
-int64_t ComputeThreadTicks() {
-#if defined(OS_IOS)
- return 0;
- base::mac::ScopedMachSendRight thread(mach_thread_self());
- mach_msg_type_number_t thread_info_count = THREAD_BASIC_INFO_COUNT;
- thread_basic_info_data_t thread_info_data;
- if (thread.get() == MACH_PORT_NULL) {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get mach_thread_self()";
- return 0;
- }
- kern_return_t kr = thread_info(
- thread.get(),
- reinterpret_cast<thread_info_t>(&thread_info_data),
- &thread_info_count);
- MACH_DCHECK(kr == KERN_SUCCESS, kr) << "thread_info";
- base::CheckedNumeric<int64_t> absolute_micros(
- thread_info_data.user_time.seconds +
- thread_info_data.system_time.seconds);
- absolute_micros *= base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond;
- absolute_micros += (thread_info_data.user_time.microseconds +
- thread_info_data.system_time.microseconds);
- return absolute_micros.ValueOrDie();
-#endif // defined(OS_IOS)
-} // namespace
-namespace base {
-// The Time routines in this file use Mach and CoreFoundation APIs, since the
-// POSIX definition of time_t in Mac OS X wraps around after 2038--and
-// there are already cookie expiration dates, etc., past that time out in
-// the field. Using CFDate prevents that problem, and using mach_absolute_time
-// for TimeTicks gives us nice high-resolution interval timing.
-// Time -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Core Foundation uses a double second count since 2001-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
-// The UNIX epoch is 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
-// Windows uses a Gregorian epoch of 1601. We need to match this internally
-// so that our time representations match across all platforms. See bug 14734.
-// irb(main):010:0>
-// => Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1970
-// irb(main):011:0>
-// => Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1601
-static const int64_t kWindowsEpochDeltaSeconds = INT64_C(11644473600);
-// static
-const int64_t Time::kWindowsEpochDeltaMicroseconds =
- kWindowsEpochDeltaSeconds * Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond;
-// Some functions in use time_t directly, so we provide an offset
-// to convert from time_t (Unix epoch) and internal (Windows epoch).
-// static
-const int64_t Time::kTimeTToMicrosecondsOffset = kWindowsEpochDeltaMicroseconds;
-// static
-Time Time::Now() {
- return FromCFAbsoluteTime(CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent());
-// static
-Time Time::FromCFAbsoluteTime(CFAbsoluteTime t) {
- static_assert(std::numeric_limits<CFAbsoluteTime>::has_infinity,
- "CFAbsoluteTime must have an infinity value");
- if (t == 0)
- return Time(); // Consider 0 as a null Time.
- if (t == std::numeric_limits<CFAbsoluteTime>::infinity())
- return Max();
- return Time(static_cast<int64_t>((t + kCFAbsoluteTimeIntervalSince1970) *
- kMicrosecondsPerSecond) +
- kWindowsEpochDeltaMicroseconds);
-CFAbsoluteTime Time::ToCFAbsoluteTime() const {
- static_assert(std::numeric_limits<CFAbsoluteTime>::has_infinity,
- "CFAbsoluteTime must have an infinity value");
- if (is_null())
- return 0; // Consider 0 as a null Time.
- if (is_max())
- return std::numeric_limits<CFAbsoluteTime>::infinity();
- return (static_cast<CFAbsoluteTime>(us_ - kWindowsEpochDeltaMicroseconds) /
- kMicrosecondsPerSecond) - kCFAbsoluteTimeIntervalSince1970;
-// static
-Time Time::NowFromSystemTime() {
- // Just use Now() because Now() returns the system time.
- return Now();
-// static
-bool Time::FromExploded(bool is_local, const Exploded& exploded, Time* time) {
- base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFTimeZoneRef> time_zone(
- is_local
- ? CFTimeZoneCopySystem()
- : CFTimeZoneCreateWithTimeIntervalFromGMT(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0));
- base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFCalendarRef> gregorian(CFCalendarCreateWithIdentifier(
- kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFGregorianCalendar));
- CFCalendarSetTimeZone(gregorian, time_zone);
- CFAbsoluteTime absolute_time;
- // 'S' is not defined in componentDesc in Apple documentation, but can be
- // found at
- CFCalendarComposeAbsoluteTime(
- gregorian, &absolute_time, "yMdHmsS", exploded.year, exploded.month,
- exploded.day_of_month, exploded.hour, exploded.minute, exploded.second,
- exploded.millisecond);
- CFAbsoluteTime seconds = absolute_time + kCFAbsoluteTimeIntervalSince1970;
- // CFAbsolutTime is typedef of double. Convert seconds to
- // microseconds and then cast to int64. If
- // it cannot be suited to int64, then fail to avoid overflows.
- double microseconds =
- (seconds * kMicrosecondsPerSecond) + kWindowsEpochDeltaMicroseconds;
- if (microseconds > std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() ||
- microseconds < std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min()) {
- *time = Time(0);
- return false;
- }
- base::Time converted_time = Time(static_cast<int64_t>(microseconds));
- // If |exploded.day_of_month| is set to 31
- // on a 28-30 day month, it will return the first day of the next month.
- // Thus round-trip the time and compare the initial |exploded| with
- // |utc_to_exploded| time.
- base::Time::Exploded to_exploded;
- if (!is_local)
- converted_time.UTCExplode(&to_exploded);
- else
- converted_time.LocalExplode(&to_exploded);
- if (ExplodedMostlyEquals(to_exploded, exploded)) {
- *time = converted_time;
- return true;
- }
- *time = Time(0);
- return false;
-void Time::Explode(bool is_local, Exploded* exploded) const {
- // Avoid rounding issues, by only putting the integral number of seconds
- // (rounded towards -infinity) into a |CFAbsoluteTime| (which is a |double|).
- int64_t microsecond = us_ % kMicrosecondsPerSecond;
- if (microsecond < 0)
- microsecond += kMicrosecondsPerSecond;
- CFAbsoluteTime seconds = ((us_ - microsecond) / kMicrosecondsPerSecond) -
- kWindowsEpochDeltaSeconds -
- kCFAbsoluteTimeIntervalSince1970;
- base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFTimeZoneRef> time_zone(
- is_local
- ? CFTimeZoneCopySystem()
- : CFTimeZoneCreateWithTimeIntervalFromGMT(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0));
- base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFCalendarRef> gregorian(CFCalendarCreateWithIdentifier(
- kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFGregorianCalendar));
- CFCalendarSetTimeZone(gregorian, time_zone);
- int second, day_of_week;
- // 'E' sets the day of week, but is not defined in componentDesc in Apple
- // documentation. It can be found in open source code here:
- //
- CFCalendarDecomposeAbsoluteTime(gregorian, seconds, "yMdHmsE",
- &exploded->year, &exploded->month,
- &exploded->day_of_month, &exploded->hour,
- &exploded->minute, &second, &day_of_week);
- // Make sure seconds are rounded down towards -infinity.
- exploded->second = floor(second);
- // |Exploded|'s convention for day of week is 0 = Sunday, i.e. different
- // from CF's 1 = Sunday.
- exploded->day_of_week = (day_of_week - 1) % 7;
- // Calculate milliseconds ourselves, since we rounded the |seconds|, making
- // sure to round towards -infinity.
- exploded->millisecond =
- (microsecond >= 0) ? microsecond / kMicrosecondsPerMillisecond :
- (microsecond - kMicrosecondsPerMillisecond + 1) /
- kMicrosecondsPerMillisecond;
-// TimeTicks ------------------------------------------------------------------
-// static
-TimeTicks TimeTicks::Now() {
- return TimeTicks(ComputeCurrentTicks());
-// static
-bool TimeTicks::IsHighResolution() {
- return true;
-// static
-bool TimeTicks::IsConsistentAcrossProcesses() {
- return true;
-#if defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
-// static
-TimeTicks TimeTicks::FromMachAbsoluteTime(uint64_t mach_absolute_time) {
- return TimeTicks(MachAbsoluteTimeToTicks(mach_absolute_time));
-#endif // defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
-// static
-TimeTicks::Clock TimeTicks::GetClock() {
-#if defined(OS_IOS)
-#endif // defined(OS_IOS)
-// static
-ThreadTicks ThreadTicks::Now() {
- return ThreadTicks(ComputeThreadTicks());
-} // namespace base