path: root/mojo/edk/embedder/pending_process_connection.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'mojo/edk/embedder/pending_process_connection.h')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mojo/edk/embedder/pending_process_connection.h b/mojo/edk/embedder/pending_process_connection.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca18227696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mojo/edk/embedder/pending_process_connection.h
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+// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <string>
+#include "base/callback.h"
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
+#include "mojo/edk/embedder/connection_params.h"
+#include "mojo/edk/embedder/scoped_platform_handle.h"
+#include "mojo/edk/system/system_impl_export.h"
+#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/message_pipe.h"
+namespace mojo {
+namespace edk {
+using ProcessErrorCallback = base::Callback<void(const std::string& error)>;
+// Represents a potential connection to an external process. Use this object
+// to make other processes reachable from this one via Mojo IPC. Typical usage
+// might look something like:
+// PendingProcessConnection connection;
+// std::string pipe_token;
+// ScopedMessagePipeHandle pipe = connection.CreateMessagePipe(&pipe_token);
+// // New pipes to the process are fully functional and can be used right
+// // away, even if the process doesn't exist yet.
+// GoDoSomethingInteresting(std::move(pipe));
+// ScopedPlatformChannelPair channel;
+// // Give the pipe token to the child process via command-line.
+// child_command_line.AppendSwitchASCII("yer-pipe", pipe_token);
+// // Magic child process launcher which gives one end of the pipe to the
+// // new process.
+// LaunchProcess(child_command_line, channel.PassClientHandle());
+// // Some time later...
+// connection.Connect(new_process, channel.PassServerHandle());
+// If at any point during the above process, |connection| is destroyed before
+// Connect() can be called, |pipe| will imminently behave as if its peer has
+// been closed.
+// Otherwise, if the remote process in this example eventually calls:
+// mojo::edk::SetParentPipeHandle(std::move(client_channel_handle));
+// std::string token = command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII("yer-pipe");
+// ScopedMessagePipeHandle pipe = mojo::edk::CreateChildMessagePipe(token);
+// it will be connected to this process, and its |pipe| will be connected to
+// this process's |pipe|.
+// If the remote process exits or otherwise closes its client channel handle
+// before calling CreateChildMessagePipe for a given message pipe token,
+// this process's end of the corresponding message pipe will imminently behave
+// as if its peer has been closed.
+class MOJO_SYSTEM_IMPL_EXPORT PendingProcessConnection {
+ public:
+ PendingProcessConnection();
+ ~PendingProcessConnection();
+ // Creates a message pipe associated with a new globally unique string value
+ // which will be placed in |*token|.
+ //
+ // The other end of the new pipe is obtainable in the remote process (or in
+ // this process, to facilitate "single-process mode" in some applications) by
+ // passing the new |*token| value to mojo::edk::CreateChildMessagePipe. It's
+ // the caller's responsibility to communicate the value of |*token| to the
+ // remote process by any means available, e.g. a command-line argument on
+ // process launch, or some other out-of-band communication channel for an
+ // existing process.
+ //
+ // NOTES: This may be called any number of times to create multiple message
+ // pipes to the same remote process. This call ALWAYS succeeds, returning
+ // a valid message pipe handle and populating |*token| with a new unique
+ // string value.
+ ScopedMessagePipeHandle CreateMessagePipe(std::string* token);
+ // Connects to the process. This must be called at most once, with the process
+ // handle in |process|.
+ //
+ // |connection_param| contains the platform handle of an OS pipe which can be
+ // used to communicate with the connected process. The other end of that pipe
+ // must ultimately be passed to mojo::edk::SetParentPipeHandle in the remote
+ // process, and getting that end of the pipe into the other process is the
+ // embedder's responsibility.
+ //
+ // If this method is not called by the time the PendingProcessConnection is
+ // destroyed, it's assumed that the process is unavailable (e.g. process
+ // launch failed or the process has otherwise been terminated early), and
+ // any associated resources, such as remote endpoints of messages pipes
+ // created by CreateMessagePipe above) will be cleaned up at that time.
+ void Connect(
+ base::ProcessHandle process,
+ ConnectionParams connection_params,
+ const ProcessErrorCallback& error_callback = ProcessErrorCallback());
+ private:
+ // A GUID representing a potential new process to be connected to this one.
+ const std::string process_token_;
+ // Indicates whether this object has been used to create new message pipes.
+ bool has_message_pipes_ = false;
+ // Indicates whether Connect() has been called yet.
+ bool connected_ = false;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PendingProcessConnection);
+} // namespace edk
+} // namespace mojo