path: root/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/')
1 files changed, 831 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/ b/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..084e080ad3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,831 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <utility>
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/macros.h"
+#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
+#include "base/run_loop.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread.h"
+#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_binding.h"
+#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h"
+#include "mojo/public/interfaces/bindings/tests/test_sync_methods.mojom.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace mojo {
+namespace test {
+namespace {
+template <typename... Args>
+struct LambdaBinder {
+ using CallbackType = base::Callback<void(Args...)>;
+ template <typename Func>
+ static void RunLambda(Func func, Args... args) {
+ func(std::move(args)...);
+ }
+ template <typename Func>
+ static CallbackType BindLambda(Func func) {
+ return base::Bind(&LambdaBinder::RunLambda<Func>, func);
+ }
+class TestSyncCommonImpl {
+ public:
+ TestSyncCommonImpl() {}
+ using PingHandler = base::Callback<void(const base::Callback<void()>&)>;
+ using PingBinder = LambdaBinder<const base::Callback<void()>&>;
+ template <typename Func>
+ void set_ping_handler(Func handler) {
+ ping_handler_ = PingBinder::BindLambda(handler);
+ }
+ using EchoHandler =
+ base::Callback<void(int32_t, const base::Callback<void(int32_t)>&)>;
+ using EchoBinder =
+ LambdaBinder<int32_t, const base::Callback<void(int32_t)>&>;
+ template <typename Func>
+ void set_echo_handler(Func handler) {
+ echo_handler_ = EchoBinder::BindLambda(handler);
+ }
+ using AsyncEchoHandler =
+ base::Callback<void(int32_t, const base::Callback<void(int32_t)>&)>;
+ using AsyncEchoBinder =
+ LambdaBinder<int32_t, const base::Callback<void(int32_t)>&>;
+ template <typename Func>
+ void set_async_echo_handler(Func handler) {
+ async_echo_handler_ = AsyncEchoBinder::BindLambda(handler);
+ }
+ using SendInterfaceHandler = base::Callback<void(TestSyncAssociatedPtrInfo)>;
+ using SendInterfaceBinder = LambdaBinder<TestSyncAssociatedPtrInfo>;
+ template <typename Func>
+ void set_send_interface_handler(Func handler) {
+ send_interface_handler_ = SendInterfaceBinder::BindLambda(handler);
+ }
+ using SendRequestHandler = base::Callback<void(TestSyncAssociatedRequest)>;
+ using SendRequestBinder = LambdaBinder<TestSyncAssociatedRequest>;
+ template <typename Func>
+ void set_send_request_handler(Func handler) {
+ send_request_handler_ = SendRequestBinder::BindLambda(handler);
+ }
+ void PingImpl(const base::Callback<void()>& callback) {
+ if (ping_handler_.is_null()) {
+ callback.Run();
+ return;
+ }
+ ping_handler_.Run(callback);
+ }
+ void EchoImpl(int32_t value, const base::Callback<void(int32_t)>& callback) {
+ if (echo_handler_.is_null()) {
+ callback.Run(value);
+ return;
+ }
+ echo_handler_.Run(value, callback);
+ }
+ void AsyncEchoImpl(int32_t value,
+ const base::Callback<void(int32_t)>& callback) {
+ if (async_echo_handler_.is_null()) {
+ callback.Run(value);
+ return;
+ }
+ async_echo_handler_.Run(value, callback);
+ }
+ void SendInterfaceImpl(TestSyncAssociatedPtrInfo ptr) {
+ send_interface_handler_.Run(std::move(ptr));
+ }
+ void SendRequestImpl(TestSyncAssociatedRequest request) {
+ send_request_handler_.Run(std::move(request));
+ }
+ private:
+ PingHandler ping_handler_;
+ EchoHandler echo_handler_;
+ AsyncEchoHandler async_echo_handler_;
+ SendInterfaceHandler send_interface_handler_;
+ SendRequestHandler send_request_handler_;
+class TestSyncImpl : public TestSync, public TestSyncCommonImpl {
+ public:
+ explicit TestSyncImpl(TestSyncRequest request)
+ : binding_(this, std::move(request)) {}
+ // TestSync implementation:
+ void Ping(const PingCallback& callback) override { PingImpl(callback); }
+ void Echo(int32_t value, const EchoCallback& callback) override {
+ EchoImpl(value, callback);
+ }
+ void AsyncEcho(int32_t value, const AsyncEchoCallback& callback) override {
+ AsyncEchoImpl(value, callback);
+ }
+ Binding<TestSync>* binding() { return &binding_; }
+ private:
+ Binding<TestSync> binding_;
+class TestSyncMasterImpl : public TestSyncMaster, public TestSyncCommonImpl {
+ public:
+ explicit TestSyncMasterImpl(TestSyncMasterRequest request)
+ : binding_(this, std::move(request)) {}
+ // TestSyncMaster implementation:
+ void Ping(const PingCallback& callback) override { PingImpl(callback); }
+ void Echo(int32_t value, const EchoCallback& callback) override {
+ EchoImpl(value, callback);
+ }
+ void AsyncEcho(int32_t value, const AsyncEchoCallback& callback) override {
+ AsyncEchoImpl(value, callback);
+ }
+ void SendInterface(TestSyncAssociatedPtrInfo ptr) override {
+ SendInterfaceImpl(std::move(ptr));
+ }
+ void SendRequest(TestSyncAssociatedRequest request) override {
+ SendRequestImpl(std::move(request));
+ }
+ Binding<TestSyncMaster>* binding() { return &binding_; }
+ private:
+ Binding<TestSyncMaster> binding_;
+class TestSyncAssociatedImpl : public TestSync, public TestSyncCommonImpl {
+ public:
+ explicit TestSyncAssociatedImpl(TestSyncAssociatedRequest request)
+ : binding_(this, std::move(request)) {}
+ // TestSync implementation:
+ void Ping(const PingCallback& callback) override { PingImpl(callback); }
+ void Echo(int32_t value, const EchoCallback& callback) override {
+ EchoImpl(value, callback);
+ }
+ void AsyncEcho(int32_t value, const AsyncEchoCallback& callback) override {
+ AsyncEchoImpl(value, callback);
+ }
+ AssociatedBinding<TestSync>* binding() { return &binding_; }
+ private:
+ AssociatedBinding<TestSync> binding_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestSyncAssociatedImpl);
+template <typename Interface>
+struct ImplTraits;
+template <>
+struct ImplTraits<TestSync> {
+ using Type = TestSyncImpl;
+template <>
+struct ImplTraits<TestSyncMaster> {
+ using Type = TestSyncMasterImpl;
+template <typename Interface>
+using ImplTypeFor = typename ImplTraits<Interface>::Type;
+// A wrapper for either an InterfacePtr or scoped_refptr<ThreadSafeInterfacePtr>
+// that exposes the InterfacePtr interface.
+template <typename Interface>
+class PtrWrapper {
+ public:
+ explicit PtrWrapper(InterfacePtr<Interface> ptr) : ptr_(std::move(ptr)) {}
+ explicit PtrWrapper(
+ scoped_refptr<ThreadSafeInterfacePtr<Interface>> thread_safe_ptr)
+ : thread_safe_ptr_(thread_safe_ptr) {}
+ PtrWrapper(PtrWrapper&& other) = default;
+ Interface* operator->() {
+ return thread_safe_ptr_ ? thread_safe_ptr_->get() : ptr_.get();
+ }
+ void set_connection_error_handler(const base::Closure& error_handler) {
+ DCHECK(!thread_safe_ptr_);
+ ptr_.set_connection_error_handler(error_handler);
+ }
+ void reset() {
+ ptr_ = nullptr;
+ thread_safe_ptr_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ private:
+ InterfacePtr<Interface> ptr_;
+ scoped_refptr<ThreadSafeInterfacePtr<Interface>> thread_safe_ptr_;
+// The type parameter for SyncMethodCommonTests for varying the Interface and
+// whether to use InterfacePtr or ThreadSafeInterfacePtr.
+template <typename InterfaceT, bool use_thread_safe_ptr>
+struct TestParams {
+ using Interface = InterfaceT;
+ static const bool kIsThreadSafeInterfacePtrTest = use_thread_safe_ptr;
+ static PtrWrapper<InterfaceT> Wrap(InterfacePtr<Interface> ptr) {
+ if (kIsThreadSafeInterfacePtrTest) {
+ return PtrWrapper<Interface>(
+ ThreadSafeInterfacePtr<Interface>::Create(std::move(ptr)));
+ } else {
+ return PtrWrapper<Interface>(std::move(ptr));
+ }
+ }
+template <typename Interface>
+class TestSyncServiceThread {
+ public:
+ TestSyncServiceThread()
+ : thread_("TestSyncServiceThread"), ping_called_(false) {
+ thread_.Start();
+ }
+ void SetUp(InterfaceRequest<Interface> request) {
+ CHECK(thread_.task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread());
+ impl_.reset(new ImplTypeFor<Interface>(std::move(request)));
+ impl_->set_ping_handler(
+ [this](const typename Interface::PingCallback& callback) {
+ {
+ base::AutoLock locker(lock_);
+ ping_called_ = true;
+ }
+ callback.Run();
+ });
+ }
+ void TearDown() {
+ CHECK(thread_.task_runner()->BelongsToCurrentThread());
+ impl_.reset();
+ }
+ base::Thread* thread() { return &thread_; }
+ bool ping_called() const {
+ base::AutoLock locker(lock_);
+ return ping_called_;
+ }
+ private:
+ base::Thread thread_;
+ std::unique_ptr<ImplTypeFor<Interface>> impl_;
+ mutable base::Lock lock_;
+ bool ping_called_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestSyncServiceThread);
+class SyncMethodTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+ SyncMethodTest() {}
+ ~SyncMethodTest() override { base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); }
+ protected:
+ base::MessageLoop loop_;
+template <typename T>
+class SyncMethodCommonTest : public SyncMethodTest {
+ public:
+ SyncMethodCommonTest() {}
+ ~SyncMethodCommonTest() override {}
+class SyncMethodAssociatedTest : public SyncMethodTest {
+ public:
+ SyncMethodAssociatedTest() {}
+ ~SyncMethodAssociatedTest() override {}
+ protected:
+ void SetUp() override {
+ master_impl_.reset(new TestSyncMasterImpl(MakeRequest(&master_ptr_)));
+ asso_request_ = MakeRequest(&asso_ptr_info_);
+ opposite_asso_request_ = MakeRequest(&opposite_asso_ptr_info_);
+ master_impl_->set_send_interface_handler(
+ [this](TestSyncAssociatedPtrInfo ptr) {
+ opposite_asso_ptr_info_ = std::move(ptr);
+ });
+ base::RunLoop run_loop;
+ master_impl_->set_send_request_handler(
+ [this, &run_loop](TestSyncAssociatedRequest request) {
+ asso_request_ = std::move(request);
+ run_loop.Quit();
+ });
+ master_ptr_->SendInterface(std::move(opposite_asso_ptr_info_));
+ master_ptr_->SendRequest(std::move(asso_request_));
+ run_loop.Run();
+ }
+ void TearDown() override {
+ asso_ptr_info_ = TestSyncAssociatedPtrInfo();
+ asso_request_ = TestSyncAssociatedRequest();
+ opposite_asso_ptr_info_ = TestSyncAssociatedPtrInfo();
+ opposite_asso_request_ = TestSyncAssociatedRequest();
+ master_ptr_ = nullptr;
+ master_impl_.reset();
+ }
+ InterfacePtr<TestSyncMaster> master_ptr_;
+ std::unique_ptr<TestSyncMasterImpl> master_impl_;
+ // An associated interface whose binding lives at the |master_impl_| side.
+ TestSyncAssociatedPtrInfo asso_ptr_info_;
+ TestSyncAssociatedRequest asso_request_;
+ // An associated interface whose binding lives at the |master_ptr_| side.
+ TestSyncAssociatedPtrInfo opposite_asso_ptr_info_;
+ TestSyncAssociatedRequest opposite_asso_request_;
+void SetFlagAndRunClosure(bool* flag, const base::Closure& closure) {
+ *flag = true;
+ closure.Run();
+void ExpectValueAndRunClosure(int32_t expected_value,
+ const base::Closure& closure,
+ int32_t value) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, value);
+ closure.Run();
+template <typename Func>
+void CallAsyncEchoCallback(Func func, int32_t value) {
+ func(value);
+template <typename Func>
+TestSync::AsyncEchoCallback BindAsyncEchoCallback(Func func) {
+ return base::Bind(&CallAsyncEchoCallback<Func>, func);
+// TestSync (without associated interfaces) and TestSyncMaster (with associated
+// interfaces) exercise MultiplexRouter with different configurations.
+// Each test is run once with an InterfacePtr and once with a
+// ThreadSafeInterfacePtr to ensure that they behave the same with respect to
+// sync calls.
+using InterfaceTypes = testing::Types<TestParams<TestSync, true>,
+ TestParams<TestSync, false>,
+ TestParams<TestSyncMaster, true>,
+ TestParams<TestSyncMaster, false>>;
+TYPED_TEST_CASE(SyncMethodCommonTest, InterfaceTypes);
+TYPED_TEST(SyncMethodCommonTest, CallSyncMethodAsynchronously) {
+ using Interface = typename TypeParam::Interface;
+ InterfacePtr<Interface> interface_ptr;
+ ImplTypeFor<Interface> impl(MakeRequest(&interface_ptr));
+ auto ptr = TypeParam::Wrap(std::move(interface_ptr));
+ base::RunLoop run_loop;
+ ptr->Echo(123, base::Bind(&ExpectValueAndRunClosure, 123,
+ run_loop.QuitClosure()));
+ run_loop.Run();
+TYPED_TEST(SyncMethodCommonTest, BasicSyncCalls) {
+ using Interface = typename TypeParam::Interface;
+ InterfacePtr<Interface> interface_ptr;
+ InterfaceRequest<Interface> request = MakeRequest(&interface_ptr);
+ auto ptr = TypeParam::Wrap(std::move(interface_ptr));
+ TestSyncServiceThread<Interface> service_thread;
+ service_thread.thread()->task_runner()->PostTask(
+ base::Bind(&TestSyncServiceThread<Interface>::SetUp,
+ base::Unretained(&service_thread), base::Passed(&request)));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ptr->Ping());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(service_thread.ping_called());
+ int32_t output_value = -1;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ptr->Echo(42, &output_value));
+ ASSERT_EQ(42, output_value);
+ base::RunLoop run_loop;
+ service_thread.thread()->task_runner()->PostTaskAndReply(
+ base::Bind(&TestSyncServiceThread<Interface>::TearDown,
+ base::Unretained(&service_thread)),
+ run_loop.QuitClosure());
+ run_loop.Run();
+TYPED_TEST(SyncMethodCommonTest, ReenteredBySyncMethodBinding) {
+ // Test that an interface pointer waiting for a sync call response can be
+ // reentered by a binding serving sync methods on the same thread.
+ using Interface = typename TypeParam::Interface;
+ InterfacePtr<Interface> interface_ptr;
+ // The binding lives on the same thread as the interface pointer.
+ ImplTypeFor<Interface> impl(MakeRequest(&interface_ptr));
+ auto ptr = TypeParam::Wrap(std::move(interface_ptr));
+ int32_t output_value = -1;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ptr->Echo(42, &output_value));
+ EXPECT_EQ(42, output_value);
+TYPED_TEST(SyncMethodCommonTest, InterfacePtrDestroyedDuringSyncCall) {
+ // Test that it won't result in crash or hang if an interface pointer is
+ // destroyed while it is waiting for a sync call response.
+ using Interface = typename TypeParam::Interface;
+ InterfacePtr<Interface> interface_ptr;
+ ImplTypeFor<Interface> impl(MakeRequest(&interface_ptr));
+ auto ptr = TypeParam::Wrap(std::move(interface_ptr));
+ impl.set_ping_handler([&ptr](const TestSync::PingCallback& callback) {
+ ptr.reset();
+ callback.Run();
+ });
+ ASSERT_FALSE(ptr->Ping());
+TYPED_TEST(SyncMethodCommonTest, BindingDestroyedDuringSyncCall) {
+ // Test that it won't result in crash or hang if a binding is
+ // closed (and therefore the message pipe handle is closed) while the
+ // corresponding interface pointer is waiting for a sync call response.
+ using Interface = typename TypeParam::Interface;
+ InterfacePtr<Interface> interface_ptr;
+ ImplTypeFor<Interface> impl(MakeRequest(&interface_ptr));
+ auto ptr = TypeParam::Wrap(std::move(interface_ptr));
+ impl.set_ping_handler([&impl](const TestSync::PingCallback& callback) {
+ impl.binding()->Close();
+ callback.Run();
+ });
+ ASSERT_FALSE(ptr->Ping());
+TYPED_TEST(SyncMethodCommonTest, NestedSyncCallsWithInOrderResponses) {
+ // Test that we can call a sync method on an interface ptr, while there is
+ // already a sync call ongoing. The responses arrive in order.
+ using Interface = typename TypeParam::Interface;
+ InterfacePtr<Interface> interface_ptr;
+ ImplTypeFor<Interface> impl(MakeRequest(&interface_ptr));
+ auto ptr = TypeParam::Wrap(std::move(interface_ptr));
+ // The same variable is used to store the output of the two sync calls, in
+ // order to test that responses are handled in the correct order.
+ int32_t result_value = -1;
+ bool first_call = true;
+ impl.set_echo_handler([&first_call, &ptr, &result_value](
+ int32_t value, const TestSync::EchoCallback& callback) {
+ if (first_call) {
+ first_call = false;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ptr->Echo(456, &result_value));
+ EXPECT_EQ(456, result_value);
+ }
+ callback.Run(value);
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ptr->Echo(123, &result_value));
+ EXPECT_EQ(123, result_value);
+TYPED_TEST(SyncMethodCommonTest, NestedSyncCallsWithOutOfOrderResponses) {
+ // Test that we can call a sync method on an interface ptr, while there is
+ // already a sync call ongoing. The responses arrive out of order.
+ using Interface = typename TypeParam::Interface;
+ InterfacePtr<Interface> interface_ptr;
+ ImplTypeFor<Interface> impl(MakeRequest(&interface_ptr));
+ auto ptr = TypeParam::Wrap(std::move(interface_ptr));
+ // The same variable is used to store the output of the two sync calls, in
+ // order to test that responses are handled in the correct order.
+ int32_t result_value = -1;
+ bool first_call = true;
+ impl.set_echo_handler([&first_call, &ptr, &result_value](
+ int32_t value, const TestSync::EchoCallback& callback) {
+ callback.Run(value);
+ if (first_call) {
+ first_call = false;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ptr->Echo(456, &result_value));
+ EXPECT_EQ(456, result_value);
+ }
+ });
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ptr->Echo(123, &result_value));
+ EXPECT_EQ(123, result_value);
+TYPED_TEST(SyncMethodCommonTest, AsyncResponseQueuedDuringSyncCall) {
+ // Test that while an interface pointer is waiting for the response to a sync
+ // call, async responses are queued until the sync call completes.
+ using Interface = typename TypeParam::Interface;
+ InterfacePtr<Interface> interface_ptr;
+ ImplTypeFor<Interface> impl(MakeRequest(&interface_ptr));
+ auto ptr = TypeParam::Wrap(std::move(interface_ptr));
+ int32_t async_echo_request_value = -1;
+ TestSync::AsyncEchoCallback async_echo_request_callback;
+ base::RunLoop run_loop1;
+ impl.set_async_echo_handler(
+ [&async_echo_request_value, &async_echo_request_callback, &run_loop1](
+ int32_t value, const TestSync::AsyncEchoCallback& callback) {
+ async_echo_request_value = value;
+ async_echo_request_callback = callback;
+ run_loop1.Quit();
+ });
+ bool async_echo_response_dispatched = false;
+ base::RunLoop run_loop2;
+ ptr->AsyncEcho(
+ 123,
+ BindAsyncEchoCallback(
+ [&async_echo_response_dispatched, &run_loop2](int32_t result) {
+ async_echo_response_dispatched = true;
+ EXPECT_EQ(123, result);
+ run_loop2.Quit();
+ }));
+ // Run until the AsyncEcho request reaches the service side.
+ run_loop1.Run();
+ impl.set_echo_handler(
+ [&async_echo_request_value, &async_echo_request_callback](
+ int32_t value, const TestSync::EchoCallback& callback) {
+ // Send back the async response first.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(async_echo_request_callback.is_null());
+ async_echo_request_callback.Run(async_echo_request_value);
+ callback.Run(value);
+ });
+ int32_t result_value = -1;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ptr->Echo(456, &result_value));
+ EXPECT_EQ(456, result_value);
+ // Although the AsyncEcho response arrives before the Echo response, it should
+ // be queued and not yet dispatched.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(async_echo_response_dispatched);
+ // Run until the AsyncEcho response is dispatched.
+ run_loop2.Run();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(async_echo_response_dispatched);
+TYPED_TEST(SyncMethodCommonTest, AsyncRequestQueuedDuringSyncCall) {
+ // Test that while an interface pointer is waiting for the response to a sync
+ // call, async requests for a binding running on the same thread are queued
+ // until the sync call completes.
+ using Interface = typename TypeParam::Interface;
+ InterfacePtr<Interface> interface_ptr;
+ ImplTypeFor<Interface> impl(MakeRequest(&interface_ptr));
+ auto ptr = TypeParam::Wrap(std::move(interface_ptr));
+ bool async_echo_request_dispatched = false;
+ impl.set_async_echo_handler([&async_echo_request_dispatched](
+ int32_t value, const TestSync::AsyncEchoCallback& callback) {
+ async_echo_request_dispatched = true;
+ callback.Run(value);
+ });
+ bool async_echo_response_dispatched = false;
+ base::RunLoop run_loop;
+ ptr->AsyncEcho(
+ 123,
+ BindAsyncEchoCallback(
+ [&async_echo_response_dispatched, &run_loop](int32_t result) {
+ async_echo_response_dispatched = true;
+ EXPECT_EQ(123, result);
+ run_loop.Quit();
+ }));
+ impl.set_echo_handler([&async_echo_request_dispatched](
+ int32_t value, const TestSync::EchoCallback& callback) {
+ // Although the AsyncEcho request is sent before the Echo request, it
+ // shouldn't be dispatched yet at this point, because there is an ongoing
+ // sync call on the same thread.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(async_echo_request_dispatched);
+ callback.Run(value);
+ });
+ int32_t result_value = -1;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(ptr->Echo(456, &result_value));
+ EXPECT_EQ(456, result_value);
+ // Although the AsyncEcho request is sent before the Echo request, it
+ // shouldn't be dispatched yet.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(async_echo_request_dispatched);
+ // Run until the AsyncEcho response is dispatched.
+ run_loop.Run();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(async_echo_response_dispatched);
+ QueuedMessagesProcessedBeforeErrorNotification) {
+ // Test that while an interface pointer is waiting for the response to a sync
+ // call, async responses are queued. If the message pipe is disconnected
+ // before the queued messages are processed, the connection error
+ // notification is delayed until all the queued messages are processed.
+ // ThreadSafeInterfacePtr doesn't guarantee that messages are delivered before
+ // error notifications, so skip it for this test.
+ if (TypeParam::kIsThreadSafeInterfacePtrTest)
+ return;
+ using Interface = typename TypeParam::Interface;
+ InterfacePtr<Interface> ptr;
+ ImplTypeFor<Interface> impl(MakeRequest(&ptr));
+ int32_t async_echo_request_value = -1;
+ TestSync::AsyncEchoCallback async_echo_request_callback;
+ base::RunLoop run_loop1;
+ impl.set_async_echo_handler(
+ [&async_echo_request_value, &async_echo_request_callback, &run_loop1](
+ int32_t value, const TestSync::AsyncEchoCallback& callback) {
+ async_echo_request_value = value;
+ async_echo_request_callback = callback;
+ run_loop1.Quit();
+ });
+ bool async_echo_response_dispatched = false;
+ bool connection_error_dispatched = false;
+ base::RunLoop run_loop2;
+ ptr->AsyncEcho(
+ 123,
+ BindAsyncEchoCallback(
+ [&async_echo_response_dispatched, &connection_error_dispatched, &ptr,
+ &run_loop2](int32_t result) {
+ async_echo_response_dispatched = true;
+ // At this point, error notification should not be dispatched
+ // yet.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(connection_error_dispatched);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ptr.encountered_error());
+ EXPECT_EQ(123, result);
+ run_loop2.Quit();
+ }));
+ // Run until the AsyncEcho request reaches the service side.
+ run_loop1.Run();
+ impl.set_echo_handler(
+ [&impl, &async_echo_request_value, &async_echo_request_callback](
+ int32_t value, const TestSync::EchoCallback& callback) {
+ // Send back the async response first.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(async_echo_request_callback.is_null());
+ async_echo_request_callback.Run(async_echo_request_value);
+ impl.binding()->Close();
+ });
+ base::RunLoop run_loop3;
+ ptr.set_connection_error_handler(
+ base::Bind(&SetFlagAndRunClosure, &connection_error_dispatched,
+ run_loop3.QuitClosure()));
+ int32_t result_value = -1;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(ptr->Echo(456, &result_value));
+ EXPECT_EQ(-1, result_value);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(connection_error_dispatched);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ptr.encountered_error());
+ // Although the AsyncEcho response arrives before the Echo response, it should
+ // be queued and not yet dispatched.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(async_echo_response_dispatched);
+ // Run until the AsyncEcho response is dispatched.
+ run_loop2.Run();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(async_echo_response_dispatched);
+ // Run until the error notification is dispatched.
+ run_loop3.Run();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(connection_error_dispatched);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ptr.encountered_error());
+TYPED_TEST(SyncMethodCommonTest, InvalidMessageDuringSyncCall) {
+ // Test that while an interface pointer is waiting for the response to a sync
+ // call, an invalid incoming message will disconnect the message pipe, cause
+ // the sync call to return false, and run the connection error handler
+ // asynchronously.
+ using Interface = typename TypeParam::Interface;
+ MessagePipe pipe;
+ InterfacePtr<Interface> interface_ptr;
+ interface_ptr.Bind(InterfacePtrInfo<Interface>(std::move(pipe.handle0), 0u));
+ auto ptr = TypeParam::Wrap(std::move(interface_ptr));
+ MessagePipeHandle raw_binding_handle = pipe.handle1.get();
+ ImplTypeFor<Interface> impl(MakeRequest<Interface>(std::move(pipe.handle1)));
+ impl.set_echo_handler([&raw_binding_handle](
+ int32_t value, const TestSync::EchoCallback& callback) {
+ // Write a 1-byte message, which is considered invalid.
+ char invalid_message = 0;
+ MojoResult result =
+ WriteMessageRaw(raw_binding_handle, &invalid_message, 1u, nullptr, 0u,
+ callback.Run(value);
+ });
+ bool connection_error_dispatched = false;
+ base::RunLoop run_loop;
+ // ThreadSafeInterfacePtr doesn't support setting connection error handlers.
+ if (!TypeParam::kIsThreadSafeInterfacePtrTest) {
+ ptr.set_connection_error_handler(base::Bind(&SetFlagAndRunClosure,
+ &connection_error_dispatched,
+ run_loop.QuitClosure()));
+ }
+ int32_t result_value = -1;
+ ASSERT_FALSE(ptr->Echo(456, &result_value));
+ EXPECT_EQ(-1, result_value);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(connection_error_dispatched);
+ if (!TypeParam::kIsThreadSafeInterfacePtrTest) {
+ run_loop.Run();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(connection_error_dispatched);
+ }
+TEST_F(SyncMethodAssociatedTest, ReenteredBySyncMethodAssoBindingOfSameRouter) {
+ // Test that an interface pointer waiting for a sync call response can be
+ // reentered by an associated binding serving sync methods on the same thread.
+ // The associated binding belongs to the same MultiplexRouter as the waiting
+ // interface pointer.
+ TestSyncAssociatedImpl opposite_asso_impl(std::move(opposite_asso_request_));
+ TestSyncAssociatedPtr opposite_asso_ptr;
+ opposite_asso_ptr.Bind(std::move(opposite_asso_ptr_info_));
+ master_impl_->set_echo_handler([&opposite_asso_ptr](
+ int32_t value, const TestSyncMaster::EchoCallback& callback) {
+ int32_t result_value = -1;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(opposite_asso_ptr->Echo(123, &result_value));
+ EXPECT_EQ(123, result_value);
+ callback.Run(value);
+ });
+ int32_t result_value = -1;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(master_ptr_->Echo(456, &result_value));
+ EXPECT_EQ(456, result_value);
+ ReenteredBySyncMethodAssoBindingOfDifferentRouter) {
+ // Test that an interface pointer waiting for a sync call response can be
+ // reentered by an associated binding serving sync methods on the same thread.
+ // The associated binding belongs to a different MultiplexRouter as the
+ // waiting interface pointer.
+ TestSyncAssociatedImpl asso_impl(std::move(asso_request_));
+ TestSyncAssociatedPtr asso_ptr;
+ asso_ptr.Bind(std::move(asso_ptr_info_));
+ master_impl_->set_echo_handler(
+ [&asso_ptr](int32_t value, const TestSyncMaster::EchoCallback& callback) {
+ int32_t result_value = -1;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(asso_ptr->Echo(123, &result_value));
+ EXPECT_EQ(123, result_value);
+ callback.Run(value);
+ });
+ int32_t result_value = -1;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(master_ptr_->Echo(456, &result_value));
+ EXPECT_EQ(456, result_value);
+// TODO(yzshen): Add more tests related to associated interfaces.
+} // namespace
+} // namespace test
+} // namespace mojo