path: root/sandbox/linux/services/
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Diffstat (limited to 'sandbox/linux/services/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 246 deletions
diff --git a/sandbox/linux/services/ b/sandbox/linux/services/
deleted file mode 100644
index b6e87655a3..0000000000
--- a/sandbox/linux/services/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "sandbox/linux/services/syscall_wrappers.h"
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#include <sys/syscall.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <cstring>
-#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "build/build_config.h"
-#include "sandbox/linux/system_headers/capability.h"
-#include "sandbox/linux/system_headers/linux_signal.h"
-#include "sandbox/linux/system_headers/linux_syscalls.h"
-#include "third_party/valgrind/valgrind.h"
-namespace sandbox {
-pid_t sys_getpid(void) {
- return syscall(__NR_getpid);
-pid_t sys_gettid(void) {
- return syscall(__NR_gettid);
-long sys_clone(unsigned long flags,
- decltype(nullptr) child_stack,
- pid_t* ptid,
- pid_t* ctid,
- decltype(nullptr) tls) {
- const bool clone_tls_used = flags & CLONE_SETTLS;
- const bool invalid_ctid =
- const bool invalid_ptid = (flags & CLONE_PARENT_SETTID) && !ptid;
- // We do not support CLONE_VM.
- const bool clone_vm_used = flags & CLONE_VM;
- if (clone_tls_used || invalid_ctid || invalid_ptid || clone_vm_used) {
- RAW_LOG(FATAL, "Invalid usage of sys_clone");
- }
- if (ptid) MSAN_UNPOISON(ptid, sizeof(*ptid));
- if (ctid) MSAN_UNPOISON(ctid, sizeof(*ctid));
- // See kernel/fork.c in Linux. There is different ordering of sys_clone
- // parameters depending on CONFIG_CLONE_BACKWARDS* configuration options.
-#if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_64)
- return syscall(__NR_clone, flags, child_stack, ptid, ctid, tls);
-#elif defined(ARCH_CPU_X86) || defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY) || \
- return syscall(__NR_clone, flags, child_stack, ptid, tls, ctid);
-long sys_clone(unsigned long flags) {
- return sys_clone(flags, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
-void sys_exit_group(int status) {
- syscall(__NR_exit_group, status);
-int sys_seccomp(unsigned int operation,
- unsigned int flags,
- const struct sock_fprog* args) {
- return syscall(__NR_seccomp, operation, flags, args);
-int sys_prlimit64(pid_t pid,
- int resource,
- const struct rlimit64* new_limit,
- struct rlimit64* old_limit) {
- int res = syscall(__NR_prlimit64, pid, resource, new_limit, old_limit);
- if (res == 0 && old_limit) MSAN_UNPOISON(old_limit, sizeof(*old_limit));
- return res;
-int sys_capget(cap_hdr* hdrp, cap_data* datap) {
- int res = syscall(__NR_capget, hdrp, datap);
- if (res == 0) {
- if (hdrp) MSAN_UNPOISON(hdrp, sizeof(*hdrp));
- if (datap) MSAN_UNPOISON(datap, sizeof(*datap));
- }
- return res;
-int sys_capset(cap_hdr* hdrp, const cap_data* datap) {
- return syscall(__NR_capset, hdrp, datap);
-int sys_getresuid(uid_t* ruid, uid_t* euid, uid_t* suid) {
- int res;
-#if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86) || defined(ARCH_CPU_ARMEL)
- // On 32-bit x86 or 32-bit arm, getresuid supports 16bit values only.
- // Use getresuid32 instead.
- res = syscall(__NR_getresuid32, ruid, euid, suid);
- res = syscall(__NR_getresuid, ruid, euid, suid);
- if (res == 0) {
- if (ruid) MSAN_UNPOISON(ruid, sizeof(*ruid));
- if (euid) MSAN_UNPOISON(euid, sizeof(*euid));
- if (suid) MSAN_UNPOISON(suid, sizeof(*suid));
- }
- return res;
-int sys_getresgid(gid_t* rgid, gid_t* egid, gid_t* sgid) {
- int res;
-#if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86) || defined(ARCH_CPU_ARMEL)
- // On 32-bit x86 or 32-bit arm, getresgid supports 16bit values only.
- // Use getresgid32 instead.
- res = syscall(__NR_getresgid32, rgid, egid, sgid);
- res = syscall(__NR_getresgid, rgid, egid, sgid);
- if (res == 0) {
- if (rgid) MSAN_UNPOISON(rgid, sizeof(*rgid));
- if (egid) MSAN_UNPOISON(egid, sizeof(*egid));
- if (sgid) MSAN_UNPOISON(sgid, sizeof(*sgid));
- }
- return res;
-int sys_chroot(const char* path) {
- return syscall(__NR_chroot, path);
-int sys_unshare(int flags) {
- return syscall(__NR_unshare, flags);
-int sys_sigprocmask(int how, const sigset_t* set, decltype(nullptr) oldset) {
- // In some toolchain (in particular Android and PNaCl toolchain),
- // sigset_t is 32 bits, but Linux ABI requires 64 bits.
- uint64_t linux_value = 0;
- std::memcpy(&linux_value, set, std::min(sizeof(sigset_t), sizeof(uint64_t)));
- return syscall(__NR_rt_sigprocmask, how, &linux_value, nullptr,
- sizeof(linux_value));
-#if (defined(MEMORY_SANITIZER) || defined(THREAD_SANITIZER) || \
- (defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_64) && !defined(__clang__))) && \
- !defined(OS_NACL_NONSFI)
-// If MEMORY_SANITIZER or THREAD_SANITIZER is enabled, it is necessary to call
-// sigaction() here, rather than the direct syscall (sys_sigaction() defined
-// by ourselves).
-// It is because, if MEMORY_SANITIZER or THREAD_SANITIZER is enabled, sigaction
-// is wrapped, and |act->sa_handler| is injected in order to unpoisonize the
-// memory passed via callback's arguments for MEMORY_SANITIZER, or handle
-// signals to check thread consistency for THREAD_SANITIZER. Please see
-// and for more details.
-// So, specifically, if MEMORY_SANITIZER is enabled while the direct syscall is
-// used, as MEMORY_SANITIZER does not know about it, sigaction() invocation in
-// other places would be broken (in more precise, returned |oldact| would have
-// a broken |sa_handler| callback).
-// Practically, it would break NaCl's signal handler installation.
-// cf) native_client/src/trusted/service_runtime/linux/nacl_signal.c.
-// As for THREAD_SANITIZER, the intercepted signal handlers are processed more
-// in other libc functions' interceptors (such as for raise()), so that it
-// would not work properly.
-// Also on x86_64 architecture, we need naked function for rt_sigreturn.
-// However, there is no simple way to define it with GCC. Note that the body
-// of function is actually very small (only two instructions), but we need to
-// define much debug information in addition, otherwise backtrace() used by
-// base::StackTrace would not work so that some tests would fail.
-// When this is built with PNaCl toolchain, we should always use sys_sigaction
-// below, because sigaction() provided by the toolchain is incompatible with
-// Linux's ABI. So, otherwise, it would just fail. Note that it is not
-// necessary to think about sigaction() invocation in other places even with
-// MEMORY_SANITIZER or THREAD_SANITIZER, because it would just fail there.
-int sys_sigaction(int signum,
- const struct sigaction* act,
- struct sigaction* oldact) {
- return sigaction(signum, act, oldact);
-// struct sigaction is different ABI from the Linux's.
-struct KernelSigAction {
- void (*kernel_handler)(int);
- uint32_t sa_flags;
- void (*sa_restorer)(void);
- uint64_t sa_mask;
-// On X86_64 arch, it is necessary to set sa_restorer always.
-#if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_64)
-#if !defined(SA_RESTORER)
-#define SA_RESTORER 0x04000000
-// rt_sigreturn is a special system call that interacts with the user land
-// stack. Thus, here prologue must not be created, which implies syscall()
-// does not work properly, too. Note that rt_sigreturn will never return.
-static __attribute__((naked)) void sys_rt_sigreturn() {
- // Just invoke rt_sigreturn system call.
- asm volatile ("syscall\n"
- :: "a"(__NR_rt_sigreturn));
-int sys_sigaction(int signum,
- const struct sigaction* act,
- struct sigaction* oldact) {
- KernelSigAction kernel_act = {};
- if (act) {
- kernel_act.kernel_handler = act->sa_handler;
- std::memcpy(&kernel_act.sa_mask, &act->sa_mask,
- std::min(sizeof(kernel_act.sa_mask), sizeof(act->sa_mask)));
- kernel_act.sa_flags = act->sa_flags;
-#if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_64)
- if (!(kernel_act.sa_flags & SA_RESTORER)) {
- kernel_act.sa_flags |= SA_RESTORER;
- kernel_act.sa_restorer = sys_rt_sigreturn;
- }
- }
- KernelSigAction kernel_oldact = {};
- int result = syscall(__NR_rt_sigaction, signum, act ? &kernel_act : nullptr,
- oldact ? &kernel_oldact : nullptr, sizeof(uint64_t));
- if (result == 0 && oldact) {
- oldact->sa_handler = kernel_oldact.kernel_handler;
- sigemptyset(&oldact->sa_mask);
- std::memcpy(&oldact->sa_mask, &kernel_oldact.sa_mask,
- std::min(sizeof(kernel_act.sa_mask), sizeof(act->sa_mask)));
- oldact->sa_flags = kernel_oldact.sa_flags;
- }
- return result;
-#endif // defined(MEMORY_SANITIZER)
-} // namespace sandbox