path: root/sandbox/win/sandbox_poc/main_ui_window.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'sandbox/win/sandbox_poc/main_ui_window.h')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sandbox/win/sandbox_poc/main_ui_window.h b/sandbox/win/sandbox_poc/main_ui_window.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84fb9861c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sandbox/win/sandbox_poc/main_ui_window.h
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <string>
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/strings/string16.h"
+namespace sandbox {
+class BrokerServices;
+enum ResultCode;
+// Header file for the MainUIWindow, a simple window with a menu bar that
+// can pop up a dialog (accessible through the menu bar), to specify a path and
+// filename of any DLL to load and choose an entry point of his/her choice
+// (note: only entry points with no parameters are expected to work).
+// The purpose of this is to be able to spawn an EXE inside a SandBox, have it
+// load a DLL and call the entry point on it to test how it behaves inside the
+// sandbox. This is useful for developer debugging and for security testing.
+// The MainUIWindow also has a listview that displays debugging information to
+// the user.
+// Sample usage:
+// MainUIWindow window;
+// unsigned int ret = window.CreateMainWindowAndLoop(
+// handle_to_current_instance,
+// ::GetCommandLineW(),
+// show_command,
+// broker);
+// The CreateMainWindowAndLoop() contains a message loop that ends when the
+// user closes the MainUIWindow.
+// This class encapsulates the Main UI window for the broker application.
+// It simply shows a menu that gives the user the ability (through a dialog) to
+// specify a DLL and what entry point to call in the DLL.
+class MainUIWindow {
+ public:
+ MainUIWindow();
+ ~MainUIWindow();
+ // Creates the main window, displays it and starts the message pump. This
+ // call will not return until user closes the main UI window that appears
+ // as a result. Arguments 'instance', 'command_line' and 'show_cmd' can be
+ // passed in directly from winmain. The 'broker' argument is a pointer to a
+ // BrokerService that will launch a new EXE inside the sandbox and load the
+ // DLL of the user's choice.
+ unsigned int CreateMainWindowAndLoop(HINSTANCE instance,
+ wchar_t* command_line,
+ int show_command,
+ sandbox::BrokerServices* broker);
+ private:
+ // The default value DLL name to add to the edit box.
+ static const wchar_t kDefaultDll_[];
+ // The default value to show in the entry point.
+ static const wchar_t kDefaultEntryPoint_[];
+ // The default value to show in the log file.
+ static const wchar_t kDefaultLogFile_[];
+ // Handles the messages sent to the main UI window. The return value is the
+ // result of the message processing and depends on the message.
+ static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND window,
+ UINT message_id,
+ WPARAM wparam,
+ LPARAM lparam);
+ // Handles the messages sent to the SpawnTarget dialog. The return value is
+ // the result of the message processing and depends on the message.
+ static INT_PTR CALLBACK SpawnTargetWndProc(HWND dialog,
+ UINT message_id,
+ WPARAM wparam,
+ LPARAM lparam);
+ // Retrieves a pointer to the MainWindow from a value stored along with the
+ // window handle (passed in as hwnd). Return value is a pointer to the
+ // MainUIWindow previously stored with SetWindowLong() during WM_CREATE.
+ static MainUIWindow* FromWindow(HWND main_window);
+ // Handles the WM_CREATE message for the main UI window. Returns TRUE on
+ // success.
+ static BOOL OnCreate(HWND parent_window, LPCREATESTRUCT);
+ // Handles the WM_DESTROY message for the main UI window.
+ void OnDestroy(HWND window);
+ // Handles the WM_SIZE message for the main UI window.
+ void OnSize(HWND window, UINT state, int cx, int cy);
+ // Handles the WM_PAINT message for the main UI window.
+ void OnPaint(HWND window);
+ // Handles the menu command File \ Exit for the main UI window.
+ void OnFileExit();
+ // Handles the menu command Commands \ Launch for the main UI window.
+ void OnCommandsLaunch(HWND window);
+ // Handles the Launch button in the SpawnTarget dialog (normally clicked
+ // after selecting DLL and entry point). OnLaunchDll will retrieve the
+ // values entered by the user and store it in the members of the class.
+ // Returns true if user selected a non-zero values for DLL filename
+ // (possibly including path also) and entry point.
+ bool OnLaunchDll(HWND dialog);
+ // Spawns a target EXE inside the sandbox (with the help of the
+ // BrokerServices passed in to CreateMainWindowAndLoop), and passes to it
+ // (as command line arguments) the DLL path and the entry point function
+ // name. The EXE is expected to parse the command line and load the DLL.
+ // NOTE: The broker does not know if the target EXE successfully loaded the
+ // DLL, for that you have to rely on the EXE providing a log.
+ // Returns true if the broker reports that it was successful in creating
+ // the target and false if not.
+ bool SpawnTarget();
+ // Shows a standard File Open dialog and returns the DLL filename selected or
+ // blank string if the user cancelled (or an error occurred).
+ base::string16 OnShowBrowseForDllDlg(HWND owner);
+ // Shows a standard Save As dialog and returns the log filename selected or
+ // blank string if the user cancelled (or an error occurred).
+ base::string16 OnShowBrowseForLogFileDlg(HWND owner);
+ // Formats a message using the supplied format string and prints it in the
+ // listview in the main UI window. Passing a NULL param in 'fmt' results in
+ // no action being performed. Maximum message length is 1K.
+ void AddDebugMessage(const wchar_t* format, ...);
+ // Assists AddDebugMessage in displaying a message in the ListView. It
+ // simply wraps ListView_InsertItem to insert a debugging message to the
+ // top of the list view. Passing a NULL param in 'fmt' results in no action
+ // being performed.
+ void InsertLineInListView(wchar_t* debug_message);
+ // Calls ListenPipe using the class instance received in parameter. This is
+ // used to create new threads executing ListenPipe
+ static DWORD WINAPI ListenPipeThunk(void *param);
+ // Calls WaitForTargetThunk using the class instance received in parameter
+ // This is used to create new threads executing WaitForTarget.
+ static DWORD WINAPI WaitForTargetThunk(void *param);
+ // Listens on a pipe and output the data received to a file and to the UI.
+ DWORD ListenPipe();
+ // Waits for the target to dies and display a message in the UI.
+ DWORD WaitForTarget();
+ // The BrokerServices will be used to spawn an EXE in a sandbox and ask
+ // it to load a DLL.
+ sandbox::BrokerServices* broker_;
+ // Contains the information about the running target.
+ // This is essentially a command line to a target executable that the
+ // broker will spawn and ask to load the DLL.
+ base::string16 spawn_target_;
+ // A handle to the current instance of the app. Passed in to this class
+ // through CreateMainWindowAndLoop.
+ HINSTANCE instance_handle_;
+ // A path to the DLL that the target should load once it executes.
+ base::string16 dll_path_;
+ // The name of the entry point the target should call after it loads the DLL.
+ base::string16 entry_point_;
+ // The name of the log file to use.
+ base::string16 log_file_;
+ // This is a static handle to the list view that fills up the entire main
+ // UI window. The list view is used to display debugging information to the
+ // user.
+ static HWND list_view_;
+ // Pipe used to communicate the logs between the target and the broker.
+ HANDLE pipe_handle_;