// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. [JavaPackage="org.chromium.mojo.bindings.test.mojom.test_constants"] module mojo.test; // Integral types. const bool kBoolValue = true; const int8 kInt8Value = -2; // In the range of (MAX_INT8, MAX_UINT8]. const uint8 kUint8Value = 128; // In the range of [MIN_INT16, MIN_INT8). const int16 kInt16Value = -233; // In the range of (MAX_INT16, MAX_UINT16]. const uint16 kUint16Value = 44204; // In the range of [MIN_INT32, MIN_INT16). const int32 kInt32Value = -44204; // In the range of (MAX_INT32, MAX_UINT32]. const uint32 kUint32Value = 4294967295; // In the range of [MIN_INT64, MIN_INT32). const int64 kInt64Value = -9223372036854775807; // In the range of (MAX_INT64, MAX_UINT64]. const uint64 kUint64Value = 9999999999999999999; // Floating point types. const double kDoubleValue = 3.14159; const double kDoubleInfinity = double.INFINITY; const double kDoubleNegativeInfinity = double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; const double kDoubleNaN = double.NAN; const float kFloatValue = 2.71828; const float kFloatInfinity = float.INFINITY; const float kFloatNegativeInfinity = float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; const float kFloatNaN = float.NAN; const string kStringValue = "test string contents"; struct StructWithConstants { const int8 kInt8Value = 5; const float kFloatValue = 765.432; const string kStringValue = "struct test string contents"; }; interface InterfaceWithConstants { const uint32 kUint32Value = 20100722; const double kDoubleValue = 12.34567; const string kStringValue = "interface test string contents"; };