#!/usr/bin/env python3 if __name__ == '__main__': import pytest import sys sys.exit(pytest.main([__file__] + sys.argv[1:])) import subprocess import os import sys import py import pytest import stat import shutil import filecmp import tempfile import time import errno import sys from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from contextlib import contextmanager from util import (wait_for_mount, umount, cleanup, base_cmdline, safe_sleep, basename, fuse_test_marker, test_printcap, fuse_proto, powerset) from os.path import join as pjoin pytestmark = fuse_test_marker() TEST_FILE = __file__ with open(TEST_FILE, 'rb') as fh: TEST_DATA = fh.read() def name_generator(__ctr=[0]): __ctr[0] += 1 return 'testfile_%d' % __ctr[0] options = [] if sys.platform == 'linux': options.append('clone_fd') def invoke_directly(mnt_dir, name, options): cmdline = base_cmdline + [ pjoin(basename, 'example', name), '-f', mnt_dir, '-o', ','.join(options) ] if name == 'hello_ll': # supports single-threading only cmdline.append('-s') return cmdline def invoke_mount_fuse(mnt_dir, name, options): return base_cmdline + [ pjoin(basename, 'util', 'mount.fuse3'), name, mnt_dir, '-o', ','.join(options) ] def invoke_mount_fuse_drop_privileges(mnt_dir, name, options): if os.getuid() != 0: pytest.skip('drop_privileges requires root, skipping.') return invoke_mount_fuse(mnt_dir, name, options + ('drop_privileges',)) class raii_tmpdir: def __init__(self): self.d = tempfile.mkdtemp() def __str__(self): return str(self.d) def mkdir(self, path): return py.path.local(str(self.d)).mkdir(path) @pytest.fixture def short_tmpdir(): return raii_tmpdir() def readdir_inode(dir): cmd = base_cmdline + [ pjoin(basename, 'test', 'readdir_inode'), dir ] with subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) as proc: lines = proc.communicate()[0].splitlines() lines.sort() return lines @pytest.mark.parametrize("cmdline_builder", (invoke_directly, invoke_mount_fuse, invoke_mount_fuse_drop_privileges)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("options", powerset(options)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", ('hello', 'hello_ll')) def test_hello(tmpdir, name, options, cmdline_builder, output_checker): mnt_dir = str(tmpdir) mount_process = subprocess.Popen( cmdline_builder(mnt_dir, name, options), stdout=output_checker.fd, stderr=output_checker.fd) try: wait_for_mount(mount_process, mnt_dir) assert os.listdir(mnt_dir) == [ 'hello' ] filename = pjoin(mnt_dir, 'hello') with open(filename, 'r') as fh: assert fh.read() == 'Hello World!\n' with pytest.raises(IOError) as exc_info: open(filename, 'r+') assert exc_info.value.errno == errno.EACCES with pytest.raises(IOError) as exc_info: open(filename + 'does-not-exist', 'r+') assert exc_info.value.errno == errno.ENOENT except: cleanup(mount_process, mnt_dir) raise else: umount(mount_process, mnt_dir) @pytest.mark.parametrize("writeback", (False, True)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", ('passthrough', 'passthrough_plus', 'passthrough_fh', 'passthrough_ll')) @pytest.mark.parametrize("debug", (False, True)) def test_passthrough(short_tmpdir, name, debug, output_checker, writeback): # Avoid false positives from libfuse debug messages if debug: output_checker.register_output(r'^ unique: [0-9]+, error: -[0-9]+ .+$', count=0) # test_syscalls prints "No error" under FreeBSD output_checker.register_output(r"^ \d\d \[[^\]]+ message: 'No error: 0'\]", count=0) mnt_dir = str(short_tmpdir.mkdir('mnt')) src_dir = str(short_tmpdir.mkdir('src')) if name == 'passthrough_plus': cmdline = base_cmdline + \ [ pjoin(basename, 'example', 'passthrough'), '--plus', '-f', mnt_dir ] else: cmdline = base_cmdline + \ [ pjoin(basename, 'example', name), '-f', mnt_dir ] if debug: cmdline.append('-d') if writeback: if name != 'passthrough_ll': pytest.skip('example does not support writeback caching') cmdline.append('-o') cmdline.append('writeback') mount_process = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=output_checker.fd, stderr=output_checker.fd) try: wait_for_mount(mount_process, mnt_dir) work_dir = mnt_dir + src_dir tst_statvfs(work_dir) tst_readdir(src_dir, work_dir) tst_readdir_big(src_dir, work_dir) tst_open_read(src_dir, work_dir) tst_open_write(src_dir, work_dir) tst_create(work_dir) tst_passthrough(src_dir, work_dir) tst_append(src_dir, work_dir) tst_seek(src_dir, work_dir) tst_mkdir(work_dir) tst_rmdir(work_dir, src_dir) tst_unlink(work_dir, src_dir) tst_symlink(work_dir) if os.getuid() == 0: tst_chown(work_dir) # Underlying fs may not have full nanosecond resolution tst_utimens(work_dir, ns_tol=1000) tst_link(work_dir) tst_truncate_path(work_dir) tst_truncate_fd(work_dir) tst_open_unlink(work_dir) syscall_test_cmd = [ os.path.join(basename, 'test', 'test_syscalls'), work_dir, ':' + src_dir ] if writeback: # When writeback caching is enabled, kernel has to open files for # reading even when userspace opens with O_WDONLY. This fails if the # filesystem process doesn't have special permission. syscall_test_cmd.append('-53') subprocess.check_call(syscall_test_cmd) except: cleanup(mount_process, mnt_dir) raise else: umount(mount_process, mnt_dir) @pytest.mark.parametrize("cache", (False, True)) def test_passthrough_hp(short_tmpdir, cache, output_checker): mnt_dir = str(short_tmpdir.mkdir('mnt')) src_dir = str(short_tmpdir.mkdir('src')) cmdline = base_cmdline + \ [ pjoin(basename, 'example', 'passthrough_hp'), src_dir, mnt_dir ] if not cache: cmdline.append('--nocache') mount_process = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=output_checker.fd, stderr=output_checker.fd) try: wait_for_mount(mount_process, mnt_dir) tst_statvfs(mnt_dir) tst_readdir(src_dir, mnt_dir) tst_readdir_big(src_dir, mnt_dir) tst_open_read(src_dir, mnt_dir) tst_open_write(src_dir, mnt_dir) tst_create(mnt_dir) if not cache: tst_passthrough(src_dir, mnt_dir) tst_append(src_dir, mnt_dir) tst_seek(src_dir, mnt_dir) tst_mkdir(mnt_dir) if cache: # if cache is enabled, no operations should go through # src_dir as the cache will become stale. tst_rmdir(mnt_dir) tst_unlink(mnt_dir) else: tst_rmdir(mnt_dir, src_dir) tst_unlink(mnt_dir, src_dir) tst_symlink(mnt_dir) if os.getuid() == 0: tst_chown(mnt_dir) # Underlying fs may not have full nanosecond resolution tst_utimens(mnt_dir, ns_tol=1000) tst_link(mnt_dir) tst_truncate_path(mnt_dir) tst_truncate_fd(mnt_dir) tst_open_unlink(mnt_dir) # test_syscalls assumes that changes in source directory # will be reflected immediately in mountpoint, so we # can't use it. if not cache: syscall_test_cmd = [ os.path.join(basename, 'test', 'test_syscalls'), mnt_dir, ':' + src_dir ] subprocess.check_call(syscall_test_cmd) except: cleanup(mount_process, mnt_dir) raise else: umount(mount_process, mnt_dir) @pytest.mark.skipif(fuse_proto < (7,11), reason='not supported by running kernel') def test_ioctl(tmpdir, output_checker): progname = pjoin(basename, 'example', 'ioctl') if not os.path.exists(progname): pytest.skip('%s not built' % os.path.basename(progname)) mnt_dir = str(tmpdir) testfile = pjoin(mnt_dir, 'fioc') cmdline = base_cmdline + [progname, '-f', mnt_dir ] mount_process = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=output_checker.fd, stderr=output_checker.fd) try: wait_for_mount(mount_process, mnt_dir) cmdline = base_cmdline + \ [ pjoin(basename, 'example', 'ioctl_client'), testfile ] assert subprocess.check_output(cmdline) == b'0\n' with open(testfile, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(b'foobar') assert subprocess.check_output(cmdline) == b'6\n' subprocess.check_call(cmdline + [ '3' ]) with open(testfile, 'rb') as fh: assert fh.read()== b'foo' except: cleanup(mount_process, mnt_dir) raise else: umount(mount_process, mnt_dir) def test_poll(tmpdir, output_checker): mnt_dir = str(tmpdir) cmdline = base_cmdline + [pjoin(basename, 'example', 'poll'), '-f', mnt_dir ] mount_process = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=output_checker.fd, stderr=output_checker.fd) try: wait_for_mount(mount_process, mnt_dir) cmdline = base_cmdline + \ [ pjoin(basename, 'example', 'poll_client') ] subprocess.check_call(cmdline, cwd=mnt_dir) except: cleanup(mount_process, mnt_dir) raise else: umount(mount_process, mnt_dir) def test_null(tmpdir, output_checker): progname = pjoin(basename, 'example', 'null') if not os.path.exists(progname): pytest.skip('%s not built' % os.path.basename(progname)) mnt_file = str(tmpdir) + '/file' with open(mnt_file, 'w') as fh: fh.write('dummy') cmdline = base_cmdline + [ progname, '-f', mnt_file ] mount_process = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=output_checker.fd, stderr=output_checker.fd) def test_fn(name): return os.stat(name).st_size > 4000 try: wait_for_mount(mount_process, mnt_file, test_fn) with open(mnt_file, 'rb') as fh: assert fh.read(382) == b'\0' * 382 with open(mnt_file, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(b'whatever') except: cleanup(mount_process, mnt_file) raise else: umount(mount_process, mnt_file) @pytest.mark.skipif(fuse_proto < (7,12), reason='not supported by running kernel') @pytest.mark.parametrize("notify", (True, False)) def test_notify_inval_entry(tmpdir, notify, output_checker): mnt_dir = str(tmpdir) cmdline = base_cmdline + \ [ pjoin(basename, 'example', 'notify_inval_entry'), '-f', '--update-interval=1', '--timeout=5', mnt_dir ] if not notify: cmdline.append('--no-notify') mount_process = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=output_checker.fd, stderr=output_checker.fd) try: wait_for_mount(mount_process, mnt_dir) fname = pjoin(mnt_dir, os.listdir(mnt_dir)[0]) try: os.stat(fname) except FileNotFoundError: # We may have hit a race condition and issued # readdir just before the name changed fname = pjoin(mnt_dir, os.listdir(mnt_dir)[0]) os.stat(fname) safe_sleep(2) if not notify: os.stat(fname) safe_sleep(5) with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): os.stat(fname) except: cleanup(mount_process, mnt_dir) raise else: umount(mount_process, mnt_dir) @pytest.mark.skipif(os.getuid() != 0, reason='needs to run as root') def test_cuse(output_checker): # Valgrind warns about unknown ioctls, that's ok output_checker.register_output(r'^==([0-9]+).+unhandled ioctl.+\n' r'==\1== \s{3}.+\n' r'==\1== \s{3}.+$', count=0) devname = 'cuse-test-%d' % os.getpid() devpath = '/dev/%s' % devname cmdline = base_cmdline + \ [ pjoin(basename, 'example', 'cuse'), '-f', '--name=%s' % devname ] mount_process = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=output_checker.fd, stderr=output_checker.fd) cmdline = base_cmdline + \ [ pjoin(basename, 'example', 'cuse_client'), devpath ] try: wait_for_mount(mount_process, devpath, test_fn=os.path.exists) assert subprocess.check_output(cmdline + ['s']) == b'0\n' data = b'some test data' off = 5 proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdline + [ 'w', str(len(data)), str(off) ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) proc.stdin.write(data) proc.stdin.close() assert proc.wait(timeout=10) == 0 size = str(off + len(data)).encode() + b'\n' assert subprocess.check_output(cmdline + ['s']) == size out = subprocess.check_output( cmdline + [ 'r', str(off + len(data) + 2), '0' ]) assert out == (b'\0' * off) + data finally: mount_process.terminate() @contextmanager def os_open(name, flags): fd = os.open(name, flags) try: yield fd finally: os.close(fd) def os_create(name): os.close(os.open(name, os.O_CREAT | os.O_RDWR)) def tst_unlink(mnt_dir, src_dir=None): name = name_generator() fullname = mnt_dir + "/" + name srcname = fullname if src_dir is not None: srcname = pjoin(src_dir, name) with open(srcname, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(b'hello') assert name in os.listdir(mnt_dir) os.unlink(fullname) with pytest.raises(OSError) as exc_info: os.stat(fullname) assert exc_info.value.errno == errno.ENOENT assert name not in os.listdir(mnt_dir) def tst_mkdir(mnt_dir): dirname = name_generator() fullname = mnt_dir + "/" + dirname os.mkdir(fullname) fstat = os.stat(fullname) assert stat.S_ISDIR(fstat.st_mode) assert os.listdir(fullname) == [] # Some filesystem (e.g. BTRFS) don't track st_nlink for directories assert fstat.st_nlink in (1,2) assert dirname in os.listdir(mnt_dir) def tst_rmdir(mnt_dir, src_dir=None): name = name_generator() fullname = mnt_dir + "/" + name srcname = fullname if src_dir is not None: srcname = pjoin(src_dir, name) os.mkdir(srcname) assert name in os.listdir(mnt_dir) os.rmdir(fullname) with pytest.raises(OSError) as exc_info: os.stat(fullname) assert exc_info.value.errno == errno.ENOENT assert name not in os.listdir(mnt_dir) def tst_symlink(mnt_dir): linkname = name_generator() fullname = mnt_dir + "/" + linkname os.symlink("/imaginary/dest", fullname) fstat = os.lstat(fullname) assert stat.S_ISLNK(fstat.st_mode) assert os.readlink(fullname) == "/imaginary/dest" assert fstat.st_nlink == 1 assert linkname in os.listdir(mnt_dir) def tst_create(mnt_dir): name = name_generator() fullname = pjoin(mnt_dir, name) with pytest.raises(OSError) as exc_info: os.stat(fullname) assert exc_info.value.errno == errno.ENOENT assert name not in os.listdir(mnt_dir) fd = os.open(fullname, os.O_CREAT | os.O_RDWR) os.close(fd) assert name in os.listdir(mnt_dir) fstat = os.lstat(fullname) assert stat.S_ISREG(fstat.st_mode) assert fstat.st_nlink == 1 assert fstat.st_size == 0 def tst_chown(mnt_dir): filename = pjoin(mnt_dir, name_generator()) os.mkdir(filename) fstat = os.lstat(filename) uid = fstat.st_uid gid = fstat.st_gid uid_new = uid + 1 os.chown(filename, uid_new, -1) fstat = os.lstat(filename) assert fstat.st_uid == uid_new assert fstat.st_gid == gid gid_new = gid + 1 os.chown(filename, -1, gid_new) fstat = os.lstat(filename) assert fstat.st_uid == uid_new assert fstat.st_gid == gid_new def tst_open_read(src_dir, mnt_dir): name = name_generator() with open(pjoin(src_dir, name), 'wb') as fh_out, \ open(TEST_FILE, 'rb') as fh_in: shutil.copyfileobj(fh_in, fh_out) assert filecmp.cmp(pjoin(mnt_dir, name), TEST_FILE, False) def tst_open_write(src_dir, mnt_dir): name = name_generator() os_create(pjoin(src_dir, name)) fullname = pjoin(mnt_dir, name) with open(fullname, 'wb') as fh_out, \ open(TEST_FILE, 'rb') as fh_in: shutil.copyfileobj(fh_in, fh_out) assert filecmp.cmp(fullname, TEST_FILE, False) def tst_append(src_dir, mnt_dir): name = name_generator() os_create(pjoin(src_dir, name)) fullname = pjoin(mnt_dir, name) with os_open(fullname, os.O_WRONLY) as fd: os.write(fd, b'foo\n') with os_open(fullname, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND) as fd: os.write(fd, b'bar\n') with open(fullname, 'rb') as fh: assert fh.read() == b'foo\nbar\n' def tst_seek(src_dir, mnt_dir): name = name_generator() os_create(pjoin(src_dir, name)) fullname = pjoin(mnt_dir, name) with os_open(fullname, os.O_WRONLY) as fd: os.lseek(fd, 1, os.SEEK_SET) os.write(fd, b'foobar\n') with os_open(fullname, os.O_WRONLY) as fd: os.lseek(fd, 4, os.SEEK_SET) os.write(fd, b'com') with open(fullname, 'rb') as fh: assert fh.read() == b'\0foocom\n' def tst_open_unlink(mnt_dir): name = pjoin(mnt_dir, name_generator()) data1 = b'foo' data2 = b'bar' fullname = pjoin(mnt_dir, name) with open(fullname, 'wb+', buffering=0) as fh: fh.write(data1) os.unlink(fullname) with pytest.raises(OSError) as exc_info: os.stat(fullname) assert exc_info.value.errno == errno.ENOENT assert name not in os.listdir(mnt_dir) fh.write(data2) fh.seek(0) assert fh.read() == data1+data2 def tst_statvfs(mnt_dir): os.statvfs(mnt_dir) def tst_link(mnt_dir): name1 = pjoin(mnt_dir, name_generator()) name2 = pjoin(mnt_dir, name_generator()) shutil.copyfile(TEST_FILE, name1) assert filecmp.cmp(name1, TEST_FILE, False) fstat1 = os.lstat(name1) assert fstat1.st_nlink == 1 os.link(name1, name2) fstat1 = os.lstat(name1) fstat2 = os.lstat(name2) assert fstat1 == fstat2 assert fstat1.st_nlink == 2 assert os.path.basename(name2) in os.listdir(mnt_dir) assert filecmp.cmp(name1, name2, False) # Since RELEASE requests are asynchronous, it is possible that # libfuse still considers the file to be open at this point # and (since -o hard_remove is not used) renames it instead of # deleting it. In that case, the following lstat() call will # still report an st_nlink value of 2 (cf. issue #157). os.unlink(name2) assert os.path.basename(name2) not in os.listdir(mnt_dir) with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): os.lstat(name2) # See above, we may have to wait until RELEASE has been # received before the st_nlink value is correct. maxwait = time.time() + 2 fstat1 = os.lstat(name1) while fstat1.st_nlink == 2 and time.time() < maxwait: fstat1 = os.lstat(name1) time.sleep(0.1) assert fstat1.st_nlink == 1 os.unlink(name1) def tst_readdir(src_dir, mnt_dir): newdir = name_generator() src_newdir = pjoin(src_dir, newdir) mnt_newdir = pjoin(mnt_dir, newdir) file_ = src_newdir + "/" + name_generator() subdir = src_newdir + "/" + name_generator() subfile = subdir + "/" + name_generator() os.mkdir(src_newdir) shutil.copyfile(TEST_FILE, file_) os.mkdir(subdir) shutil.copyfile(TEST_FILE, subfile) listdir_is = os.listdir(mnt_newdir) listdir_is.sort() listdir_should = [ os.path.basename(file_), os.path.basename(subdir) ] listdir_should.sort() assert listdir_is == listdir_should inodes_is = readdir_inode(mnt_newdir) inodes_should = readdir_inode(src_newdir) assert inodes_is == inodes_should os.unlink(file_) os.unlink(subfile) os.rmdir(subdir) os.rmdir(src_newdir) def tst_readdir_big(src_dir, mnt_dir): # Add enough entries so that readdir needs to be called # multiple times. fnames = [] for i in range(500): fname = ('A rather long filename to make sure that we ' 'fill up the buffer - ' * 3) + str(i) with open(pjoin(src_dir, fname), 'w') as fh: fh.write('File %d' % i) fnames.append(fname) listdir_is = sorted(os.listdir(mnt_dir)) listdir_should = sorted(os.listdir(src_dir)) assert listdir_is == listdir_should inodes_is = readdir_inode(mnt_dir) inodes_should = readdir_inode(src_dir) assert inodes_is == inodes_should for fname in fnames: stat_src = os.stat(pjoin(src_dir, fname)) stat_mnt = os.stat(pjoin(mnt_dir, fname)) assert stat_src.st_ino == stat_mnt.st_ino assert stat_src.st_mtime == stat_mnt.st_mtime assert stat_src.st_ctime == stat_mnt.st_ctime assert stat_src.st_size == stat_mnt.st_size os.unlink(pjoin(src_dir, fname)) def tst_truncate_path(mnt_dir): assert len(TEST_DATA) > 1024 filename = pjoin(mnt_dir, name_generator()) with open(filename, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(TEST_DATA) fstat = os.stat(filename) size = fstat.st_size assert size == len(TEST_DATA) # Add zeros at the end os.truncate(filename, size + 1024) assert os.stat(filename).st_size == size + 1024 with open(filename, 'rb') as fh: assert fh.read(size) == TEST_DATA assert fh.read(1025) == b'\0' * 1024 # Truncate data os.truncate(filename, size - 1024) assert os.stat(filename).st_size == size - 1024 with open(filename, 'rb') as fh: assert fh.read(size) == TEST_DATA[:size-1024] os.unlink(filename) def tst_truncate_fd(mnt_dir): assert len(TEST_DATA) > 1024 with NamedTemporaryFile('w+b', 0, dir=mnt_dir) as fh: fd = fh.fileno() fh.write(TEST_DATA) fstat = os.fstat(fd) size = fstat.st_size assert size == len(TEST_DATA) # Add zeros at the end os.ftruncate(fd, size + 1024) assert os.fstat(fd).st_size == size + 1024 fh.seek(0) assert fh.read(size) == TEST_DATA assert fh.read(1025) == b'\0' * 1024 # Truncate data os.ftruncate(fd, size - 1024) assert os.fstat(fd).st_size == size - 1024 fh.seek(0) assert fh.read(size) == TEST_DATA[:size-1024] def tst_utimens(mnt_dir, ns_tol=0): filename = pjoin(mnt_dir, name_generator()) os.mkdir(filename) fstat = os.lstat(filename) atime = fstat.st_atime + 42.28 mtime = fstat.st_mtime - 42.23 if sys.version_info < (3,3): os.utime(filename, (atime, mtime)) else: atime_ns = fstat.st_atime_ns + int(42.28*1e9) mtime_ns = fstat.st_mtime_ns - int(42.23*1e9) os.utime(filename, None, ns=(atime_ns, mtime_ns)) fstat = os.lstat(filename) assert abs(fstat.st_atime - atime) < 1 assert abs(fstat.st_mtime - mtime) < 1 if sys.version_info >= (3,3): assert abs(fstat.st_atime_ns - atime_ns) <= ns_tol assert abs(fstat.st_mtime_ns - mtime_ns) <= ns_tol def tst_passthrough(src_dir, mnt_dir): name = name_generator() src_name = pjoin(src_dir, name) mnt_name = pjoin(src_dir, name) assert name not in os.listdir(src_dir) assert name not in os.listdir(mnt_dir) with open(src_name, 'w') as fh: fh.write('Hello, world') assert name in os.listdir(src_dir) assert name in os.listdir(mnt_dir) assert os.stat(src_name) == os.stat(mnt_name) name = name_generator() src_name = pjoin(src_dir, name) mnt_name = pjoin(src_dir, name) assert name not in os.listdir(src_dir) assert name not in os.listdir(mnt_dir) with open(mnt_name, 'w') as fh: fh.write('Hello, world') assert name in os.listdir(src_dir) assert name in os.listdir(mnt_dir) assert os.stat(src_name) == os.stat(mnt_name) # avoid warning about unused import test_printcap