#!/usr/bin/env python3 import subprocess import pytest import os import stat import time from os.path import join as pjoin import sys import re import itertools basename = pjoin(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..') def test_printcap(): cmdline = base_cmdline + [ pjoin(basename, 'example', 'printcap') ] proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) (stdout, _) = proc.communicate(30) assert proc.returncode == 0 proto = None caps = set() for line in stdout.split('\n'): if line.startswith('\t'): caps.add(line.strip()) continue hit = re.match(r'Protocol version: (\d+)\.(\d+)$', line) if hit: proto = (int(hit.group(1)), int(hit.group(2))) return (proto, caps) def wait_for_mount(mount_process, mnt_dir, test_fn=os.path.ismount): elapsed = 0 while elapsed < 30: if test_fn(mnt_dir): return True if mount_process.poll() is not None: pytest.fail('file system process terminated prematurely') time.sleep(0.1) elapsed += 0.1 pytest.fail("mountpoint failed to come up") def cleanup(mount_process, mnt_dir): # Don't bother trying Valgrind if things already went wrong if 'bsd' in sys.platform or 'dragonfly' in sys.platform: cmd = [ 'umount', '-f', mnt_dir ] else: cmd = [pjoin(basename, 'util', 'fusermount3'), '-z', '-u', mnt_dir] subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) mount_process.terminate() try: mount_process.wait(1) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: mount_process.kill() def umount(mount_process, mnt_dir): if 'bsd' in sys.platform or 'dragonfly' in sys.platform: cmdline = [ 'umount', mnt_dir ] else: # fusermount3 will be setuid root, so we can only trace it with # valgrind if we're root if os.getuid() == 0: cmdline = base_cmdline else: cmdline = [] cmdline = cmdline + [ pjoin(basename, 'util', 'fusermount3'), '-z', '-u', mnt_dir ] subprocess.check_call(cmdline) assert not os.path.ismount(mnt_dir) # Give mount process a little while to terminate. Popen.wait(timeout) # was only added in 3.3... elapsed = 0 while elapsed < 30: code = mount_process.poll() if code is not None: if code == 0: return pytest.fail('file system process terminated with code %s' % (code,)) time.sleep(0.1) elapsed += 0.1 pytest.fail('mount process did not terminate') def safe_sleep(secs): '''Like time.sleep(), but sleep for at least *secs* `time.sleep` may sleep less than the given period if a signal is received. This function ensures that we sleep for at least the desired time. ''' now = time.time() end = now + secs while now < end: time.sleep(end - now) now = time.time() def fuse_test_marker(): '''Return a pytest.marker that indicates FUSE availability If system/user/environment does not support FUSE, return a `pytest.mark.skip` object with more details. If FUSE is supported, return `pytest.mark.uses_fuse()`. ''' skip = lambda x: pytest.mark.skip(reason=x) if 'bsd' in sys.platform or 'dragonfly' in sys.platform: return pytest.mark.uses_fuse() with subprocess.Popen(['which', 'fusermount3'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) as which: fusermount_path = which.communicate()[0].strip() if not fusermount_path or which.returncode != 0: return skip("Can't find fusermount executable") if not os.path.exists('/dev/fuse'): return skip("FUSE kernel module does not seem to be loaded") if os.getuid() == 0: return pytest.mark.uses_fuse() mode = os.stat(fusermount_path).st_mode if mode & stat.S_ISUID == 0: return skip('fusermount executable not setuid, and we are not root.') try: fd = os.open('/dev/fuse', os.O_RDWR) except OSError as exc: return skip('Unable to open /dev/fuse: %s' % exc.strerror) else: os.close(fd) return pytest.mark.uses_fuse() def powerset(iterable): s = list(iterable) return itertools.chain.from_iterable( itertools.combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s)+1)) # Use valgrind if requested if os.environ.get('TEST_WITH_VALGRIND', 'no').lower().strip() \ not in ('no', 'false', '0'): base_cmdline = [ 'valgrind', '-q', '--' ] else: base_cmdline = [] # Try to use local fusermount3 os.environ['PATH'] = '%s:%s' % (pjoin(basename, 'util'), os.environ['PATH']) # Put example binaries on PATH os.environ['PATH'] = '%s:%s' % (pjoin(basename, 'example'), os.environ['PATH']) try: (fuse_proto, fuse_caps) = test_printcap() except: # Rely on test to raise error fuse_proto = (0,0) fuse_caps = set()