/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ***************************************************************************** * Originally developed and contributed by Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* File Name : osal_errno.h */ /* */ /* Description : This file error codes supported by OSAL */ /* */ /* List of Functions : None */ /* */ /* Issues / Problems : None */ /* */ /* Revision History : */ /* */ /* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */ /* 30 03 2006 Ittiam Draft */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ #ifndef OSAL_ERRNO_H #define OSAL_ERRNO_H #define OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE 0x1000 #define OSAL_NOERROR (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 0) #define OSAL_INTR (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 1) #define OSAL_BADF (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 2) #define OSAL_ACCES (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 3) #define OSAL_FAULT (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 4) #define OSAL_INVAL (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 5) #define OSAL_MFILE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 6) #define OSAL_WOULDBLOCK (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 7) #define OSAL_INPROGRESS (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 8) #define OSAL_ALREADY (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 9) #define OSAL_NOTSOCK (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 10) #define OSAL_DESTADDRREQ (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 11) #define OSAL_MSGSIZE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 12) #define OSAL_PROTOTYPE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 13) #define OSAL_NOPROTOOPT (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 14) #define OSAL_PROTONOSUPPORT (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 15) #define OSAL_SOCKTNOSUPPORT (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 16) #define OSAL_OPNOTSUPP (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 17) #define OSAL_PFNOSUPPORT (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 18) #define OSAL_AFNOSUPPORT (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 19) #define OSAL_ADDRINUSE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 20) #define OSAL_ADDRNOTAVAIL (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 21) #define OSAL_NETDOWN (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 22) #define OSAL_NETUNREACH (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 23) #define OSAL_NETRESET (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 24) #define OSAL_CONNABORTED (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 25) #define OSAL_CONNRESET (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 26) #define OSAL_NOBUFS (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 27) #define OSAL_ISCONN (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 28) #define OSAL_NOTCONN (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 29) #define OSAL_SHUTDOWN (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 30) #define OSAL_TOOMANYREFS (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 31) #define OSAL_TIMEDOUT (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 32) #define OSAL_CONNREFUSED (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 33) #define OSAL_LOOP (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 34) #define OSAL_NAMETOOLONG (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 35) #define OSAL_HOSTDOWN (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 36) #define OSAL_HOSTUNREACH (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 37) #define OSAL_NOTEMPTY (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 38) #define OSAL_PROCLIM (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 39) #define OSAL_USERS (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 40) #define OSAL_DQUOT (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 41) #define OSAL_STALE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 42) #define OSAL_REMOTE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 43) #define OSAL_SYSNOTREADY (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 44) #define OSAL_VERNOTSUPPORTED (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 45) #define OSAL_NOTINITIALISED (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 46) #define OSAL_DISCON (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 47) #define OSAL_NOMORE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 48) #define OSAL_CANCELLED (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 49) #define OSAL_INVALIDPROCTABLE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 50) #define OSAL_INVALIDPROVIDER (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 51) #define OSAL_PROVIDERFAILEDINIT (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 52) #define OSAL_SYSCALLFAILURE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 53) #define OSAL_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 54) #define OSAL_TYPE_NOT_FOUND (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 55) #define OSAL_E_NO_MORE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 56) #define OSAL_E_CANCELLED (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 57) #define OSAL_REFUSED (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 58) #define OSAL_HOST_NOT_FOUND (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 59) #define OSAL_TRY_AGAIN (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 60) #define OSAL_NO_RECOVERY (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 61) #define OSAL_NO_DATA (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 62) #define OSAL_NO_ADDRESS (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 63) #define OSAL_QOS_RECEIVERS (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 64) #define OSAL_QOS_SENDERS (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 65) #define OSAL_QOS_NO_SENDERS (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 66) #define OSAL_QOS_NO_RECEIVERS (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 67) #define OSAL_QOS_REQUEST_CONFIRMED (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 68) #define OSAL_QOS_ADMISSION_FAILURE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 69) #define OSAL_QOS_POLICY_FAILURE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 70) #define OSAL_QOS_BAD_STYLE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 71) #define OSAL_QOS_BAD_OBJECT (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 72) #define OSAL_QOS_TRAFFIC_CTRL_ERROR (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 73) #define OSAL_QOS_GENERIC_ERROR (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 74) /* POSIX Error codes */ #define OSAL_PERM (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 75) #define OSAL_NOENT (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 76) #define OSAL_SRCH (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 77) #define OSAL_IO (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 78) #define OSAL_NXIO (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 79) #define OSAL_2BIG (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 80) #define OSAL_NOEXEC (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 81) #define OSAL_CHILD (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 82) #define OSAL_AGAIN (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 83) #define OSAL_NOMEM (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 84) #define OSAL_NOTBLK (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 85) #define OSAL_BUSY (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 86) #define OSAL_EXIST (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 87) #define OSAL_XDEV (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 88) #define OSAL_NODEV (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 89) #define OSAL_NOTDIR (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 90) #define OSAL_ISDIR (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 91) #define OSAL_NFILE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 92) #define OSAL_NOTTY (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 93) #define OSAL_TXTBSY (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 94) #define OSAL_FBIG (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 95) #define OSAL_NOSPC (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 96) #define OSAL_SPIPE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 97) #define OSAL_ROFS (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 98) #define OSAL_MLINK (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 99) #define OSAL_PIPE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 100) #define OSAL_DOM (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 101) #define OSAL_RANGE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 102) #define OSAL_DEADLK (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 103) #define OSAL_NOLCK (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 104) #define OSAL_NOSYS (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 105) #define OSAL_NOMSG (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 106) #define OSAL_IDRM (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 107) #define OSAL_CHRNG (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 108) #define OSAL_L2NSYNC (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 109) #define OSAL_L3HLT (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 110) #define OSAL_L3RST (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 111) #define OSAL_LNRNG (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 112) #define OSAL_UNATCH (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 113) #define OSAL_NOCSI (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 114) #define OSAL_L2HLT (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 115) #define OSAL_BADE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 116) #define OSAL_BADR (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 117) #define OSAL_XFULL (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 118) #define OSAL_NOANO (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 119) #define OSAL_BADRQC (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 120) #define OSAL_BADSLT (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 121) #define OSAL_BFONT (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 122) #define OSAL_NOSTR (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 123) #define OSAL_NODATA (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 124) #define OSAL_TIME (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 125) #define OSAL_NOSR (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 126) #define OSAL_NONET (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 127) #define OSAL_NOPKG (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 128) #define OSAL_NOLINK (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 129) #define OSAL_ADV (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 130) #define OSAL_SRMNT (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 131) #define OSAL_COMM (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 132) #define OSAL_PROTO (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 133) #define OSAL_MULTIHOP (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 134) #define OSAL_DOTDOT (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 135) #define OSAL_BADMSG (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 136) #define OSAL_OVERFLOW (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 137) #define OSAL_NOTUNIQ (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 138) #define OSAL_BADFD (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 139) #define OSAL_REMCHG (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 140) #define OSAL_LIBACC (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 141) #define OSAL_LIBBAD (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 142) #define OSAL_LIBSCN (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 143) #define OSAL_LIBMAX (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 144) #define OSAL_LIBEXEC (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 145) #define OSAL_ILSEQ (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 146) #define OSAL_RESTART (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 147) #define OSAL_STRPIPE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 148) #define OSAL_UCLEAN (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 149) #define OSAL_NOTNAM (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 150) #define OSAL_NAVAIL (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 151) #define OSAL_ISNAM (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 152) #define OSAL_REMOTEIO (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 153) #define OSAL_NOMEDIUM (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 154) #define OSAL_MEDIUMTYPE (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 155) #define OSAL_CANCELED (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 156) #define OSAL_NOKEY (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 157) #define OSAL_KEYEXPIRED (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 158) #define OSAL_KEYREVOKED (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 159) #define OSAL_KEYREJECTED (OSAL_SOCKERR_BASE + 160) #endif /* OSAL_ERRNO_H */