path: root/turbojpeg.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'turbojpeg.c')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/turbojpeg.c b/turbojpeg.c
index 96a0fa98..ee412c1c 100644
--- a/turbojpeg.c
+++ b/turbojpeg.c
@@ -1232,6 +1232,220 @@ DLLEXPORT int DLLCALL tjDecompress(tjhandle handle, unsigned char *jpegBuf,
+static int setDecodeDefaults(struct jpeg_decompress_struct *dinfo,
+ int pixelFormat, int subsamp, int flags)
+ dinfo->scale_num=dinfo->scale_denom=1;
+ if(subsamp==TJSAMP_GRAY)
+ {
+ dinfo->num_components=1;
+ dinfo->jpeg_color_space=JCS_GRAYSCALE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dinfo->num_components=3;
+ dinfo->jpeg_color_space=JCS_YCbCr;
+ }
+ dinfo->comp_info=(jpeg_component_info *)
+ (*dinfo->mem->alloc_small)((j_common_ptr)dinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE,
+ dinfo->num_components*SIZEOF(jpeg_component_info));
+ dinfo->comp_info[0].h_samp_factor=tjMCUWidth[subsamp]/8;
+ dinfo->comp_info[0].v_samp_factor=tjMCUHeight[subsamp]/8;
+ dinfo->cur_comp_info[0]=&dinfo->comp_info[0];
+ if(dinfo->num_components==3)
+ {
+ dinfo->comp_info[1].h_samp_factor=1;
+ dinfo->comp_info[1].v_samp_factor=1;
+ dinfo->cur_comp_info[1]=&dinfo->comp_info[1];
+ dinfo->comp_info[2].h_samp_factor=1;
+ dinfo->comp_info[2].v_samp_factor=1;
+ dinfo->cur_comp_info[2]=&dinfo->comp_info[2];
+ }
+ return 0;
+int my_read_markers(j_decompress_ptr dinfo)
+void my_reset_marker_reader(j_decompress_ptr dinfo)
+DLLEXPORT int DLLCALL tjDecodeYUV(tjhandle handle, unsigned char *srcBuf,
+ int pad, int subsamp, unsigned char *dstBuf, int width, int pitch,
+ int height, int pixelFormat, int flags)
+ int i, retval=0; JSAMPROW *row_pointer=NULL;
+ int row, pw, ph, cw[MAX_COMPONENTS], ch[MAX_COMPONENTS], useMerged=0;
+ JSAMPLE *ptr=srcBuf;
+ unsigned long yuvsize=0;
+ jpeg_component_info *compptr;
+ unsigned char *rgbBuf=NULL;
+ #endif
+ JMETHOD(int, old_read_markers, (j_decompress_ptr));
+ JMETHOD(void, old_reset_marker_reader, (j_decompress_ptr));
+ getinstance(handle);
+ for(i=0; i<MAX_COMPONENTS; i++)
+ {
+ tmpbuf[i]=NULL; _tmpbuf[i]=NULL; inbuf[i]=NULL;
+ }
+ if((this->init&DECOMPRESS)==0)
+ _throw("tjDecodeYUV(): Instance has not been initialized for compression");
+ if(srcBuf==NULL || pad<0 || !isPow2(pad) || subsamp<0 || subsamp>=NUMSUBOPT
+ || dstBuf==NULL || width<=0 || pitch<0 || height<=0 || pixelFormat<0
+ || pixelFormat>=TJ_NUMPF)
+ _throw("tjDecodeYUV(): Invalid argument");
+ if(setjmp(this->jerr.setjmp_buffer))
+ {
+ /* If we get here, the JPEG code has signaled an error. */
+ retval=-1;
+ goto bailout;
+ }
+ if(pixelFormat==TJPF_CMYK)
+ _throw("tjDecodeYUV(): Cannot decode YUV images into CMYK pixels.");
+ if(pitch==0) pitch=width*tjPixelSize[pixelFormat];
+ if(pixelFormat!=TJPF_GRAY)
+ {
+ rgbBuf=(unsigned char *)malloc(width*height*RGB_PIXELSIZE);
+ if(!rgbBuf) _throw("tjDecodeYUV(): Memory allocation failure");
+ srcBuf=toRGB(srcBuf, width, pitch, height, pixelFormat, rgbBuf);
+ pitch=width*RGB_PIXELSIZE;
+ }
+ #endif
+ dinfo->image_width=width;
+ dinfo->image_height=height;
+ if(flags&TJFLAG_FORCEMMX) putenv("JSIMD_FORCEMMX=1");
+ else if(flags&TJFLAG_FORCESSE) putenv("JSIMD_FORCESSE=1");
+ else if(flags&TJFLAG_FORCESSE2) putenv("JSIMD_FORCESSE2=1");
+ yuvsize=tjBufSizeYUV2(width, pad, height, subsamp);
+ if(setDecodeDefaults(dinfo, pixelFormat, subsamp, flags)==-1)
+ {
+ retval=-1; goto bailout;
+ }
+ old_read_markers=dinfo->marker->read_markers;
+ dinfo->marker->read_markers=my_read_markers;
+ old_reset_marker_reader=dinfo->marker->reset_marker_reader;
+ dinfo->marker->reset_marker_reader=my_reset_marker_reader;
+ jpeg_read_header(dinfo, TRUE);
+ dinfo->marker->read_markers=old_read_markers;
+ dinfo->marker->reset_marker_reader=old_reset_marker_reader;
+ if(setDecompDefaults(dinfo, pixelFormat, flags)==-1)
+ {
+ retval=-1; goto bailout;
+ }
+ jpeg_calc_output_dimensions(dinfo);
+ {
+ dinfo->do_fancy_upsampling=FALSE;
+ if((subsamp==TJSAMP_422 || subsamp==TJSAMP_420) && pixelFormat!=TJPF_GRAY)
+ useMerged=1;
+ }
+ if(useMerged)
+ jinit_merged_upsampler(dinfo);
+ else
+ {
+ jinit_color_deconverter(dinfo);
+ jinit_upsampler(dinfo);
+ (*dinfo->cconvert->start_pass)(dinfo);
+ }
+ (*dinfo->upsample->start_pass)(dinfo);
+ pw=PAD(width, dinfo->max_h_samp_factor);
+ ph=PAD(height, dinfo->max_v_samp_factor);
+ if(pitch==0) pitch=dinfo->output_width*tjPixelSize[pixelFormat];
+ if((row_pointer=(JSAMPROW *)malloc(sizeof(JSAMPROW)*ph))==NULL)
+ _throw("tjDecodeYUV(): Memory allocation failure");
+ for(i=0; i<height; i++)
+ {
+ if(flags&TJFLAG_BOTTOMUP) row_pointer[i]=&dstBuf[(height-i-1)*pitch];
+ else row_pointer[i]=&dstBuf[i*pitch];
+ }
+ if(height<ph)
+ for(i=height; i<ph; i++) row_pointer[i]=row_pointer[height-1];
+ for(i=0; i<dinfo->num_components; i++)
+ {
+ compptr=&dinfo->comp_info[i];
+ _tmpbuf[i]=(JSAMPLE *)malloc(PAD(compptr->width_in_blocks*DCTSIZE, 16)
+ * compptr->v_samp_factor + 16);
+ if(!_tmpbuf[i]) _throw("tjDecodeYUV(): Memory allocation failure");
+ tmpbuf[i]=(JSAMPROW *)malloc(sizeof(JSAMPROW)*compptr->v_samp_factor);
+ if(!tmpbuf[i]) _throw("tjDecodeYUV(): Memory allocation failure");
+ for(row=0; row<compptr->v_samp_factor; row++)
+ {
+ unsigned char *_tmpbuf_aligned=
+ (unsigned char *)PAD((size_t)_tmpbuf[i], 16);
+ tmpbuf[i][row]=&_tmpbuf_aligned[
+ PAD(compptr->width_in_blocks*DCTSIZE, 16) * row];
+ }
+ cw[i]=pw*compptr->h_samp_factor/dinfo->max_h_samp_factor;
+ ch[i]=ph*compptr->v_samp_factor/dinfo->max_v_samp_factor;
+ inbuf[i]=(JSAMPROW *)malloc(sizeof(JSAMPROW)*ch[i]);
+ if(!inbuf[i]) _throw("tjDecodeYUV(): Memory allocation failure");
+ for(row=0; row<ch[i]; row++)
+ {
+ inbuf[i][row]=ptr;
+ ptr+=PAD(cw[i], pad);
+ }
+ }
+ if(yuvsize!=(unsigned long)(ptr-srcBuf))
+ _throw("tjDecodeYUV(): YUV image is not the correct size");
+ for(row=0; row<ph; row+=dinfo->max_v_samp_factor)
+ {
+ JDIMENSION inrow=0, outrow=0;
+ for(i=0, compptr=dinfo->comp_info; i<dinfo->num_components; i++, compptr++)
+ jcopy_sample_rows(inbuf[i],
+ row*compptr->v_samp_factor/dinfo->max_v_samp_factor, tmpbuf[i], 0,
+ compptr->v_samp_factor, cw[i]);
+ (dinfo->upsample->upsample)(dinfo, tmpbuf, &inrow,
+ dinfo->max_v_samp_factor, &row_pointer[row], &outrow,
+ dinfo->max_v_samp_factor);
+ }
+ jpeg_abort_decompress(dinfo);
+ bailout:
+ if(dinfo->global_state>DSTATE_START) jpeg_abort_decompress(dinfo);
+ if(rgbBuf) free(rgbBuf);
+ #endif
+ if(row_pointer) free(row_pointer);
+ for(i=0; i<MAX_COMPONENTS; i++)
+ {
+ if(tmpbuf[i]!=NULL) free(tmpbuf[i]);
+ if(_tmpbuf[i]!=NULL) free(_tmpbuf[i]);
+ if(inbuf[i]!=NULL) free(inbuf[i]);
+ }
+ return retval;
DLLEXPORT int DLLCALL tjDecompressToYUV2(tjhandle handle,
unsigned char *jpegBuf, unsigned long jpegSize, unsigned char *dstBuf,
int width, int pad, int height, int flags)