/* * Copyright (C) 2003 - 2016 Sony Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ldac.h" #define LDAC_Q_LOWENERGY 11 #define LDAC_Q_ADD_LOWENERGY 4 #define LDAC_TH_LOWENERGY_L (0x070bc28f>>LDAC_Q_ADD_LOWENERGY) /* Q15, _scalar(225.47)(Q19)>>4 */ #define LDAC_TH_LOWENERGY_M (0x1c0ce148>>LDAC_Q_ADD_LOWENERGY) /* Q15, _scalar(897.61)(Q19)>>4 */ #define LDAC_TH_LOWENERGY_H (0x6fab851f>>LDAC_Q_ADD_LOWENERGY) /* Q15, _scalar(3573.44)(Q19)>>4 */ #define LDAC_TH_CENTROID 0x00168000 /* Q15, _scalar(45.0) */ /*************************************************************************************************** Lookup Table for Calculating Square Root Value ***************************************************************************************************/ static INT16 sa_sqrt_ldac[97] = { /* Q14 */ 0x2d41, 0x2df4, 0x2ea5, 0x2f54, 0x3000, 0x30a9, 0x3150, 0x31f5, 0x3298, 0x3339, 0x33d8, 0x3475, 0x3510, 0x35aa, 0x3642, 0x36d8, 0x376c, 0x3800, 0x3891, 0x3921, 0x39b0, 0x3a3d, 0x3ac9, 0x3b54, 0x3bdd, 0x3c66, 0x3ced, 0x3d72, 0x3df7, 0x3e7b, 0x3efd, 0x3f7f, 0x4000, 0x407f, 0x40fe, 0x417b, 0x41f8, 0x4273, 0x42ee, 0x4368, 0x43e1, 0x445a, 0x44d1, 0x4548, 0x45be, 0x4633, 0x46a7, 0x471b, 0x478d, 0x4800, 0x4871, 0x48e2, 0x4952, 0x49c1, 0x4a30, 0x4a9e, 0x4b0b, 0x4b78, 0x4be5, 0x4c50, 0x4cbb, 0x4d26, 0x4d90, 0x4df9, 0x4e62, 0x4eca, 0x4f32, 0x4f99, 0x5000, 0x5066, 0x50cb, 0x5130, 0x5195, 0x51f9, 0x525d, 0x52c0, 0x5323, 0x5385, 0x53e7, 0x5449, 0x54a9, 0x550a, 0x556a, 0x55ca, 0x5629, 0x5688, 0x56e6, 0x5745, 0x57a2, 0x5800, 0x585c, 0x58b9, 0x5915, 0x5971, 0x59cc, 0x5a27, 0x5a82, }; /*************************************************************************************************** Subfunction: Multiply ***************************************************************************************************/ __inline static INT32 mul_ldac( INT32 in1, INT32 in2) { INT32 out; INT64 acc; /* Q30 <- Q30 * Q30 */ acc = (INT64)in1 * in2; acc >>= 30; if (acc > LDAC_MAX_32BIT) { out = LDAC_MAX_32BIT; } else if (acc < LDAC_MIN_32BIT) { out = LDAC_MIN_32BIT; } else { out = (INT32)acc; } return out; } /*************************************************************************************************** Subfunction: Subtract ***************************************************************************************************/ __inline static INT32 sub_ldac( INT32 in1, INT32 in2) { INT32 out; out = in1 - in2; return out; } /*************************************************************************************************** Subfunction: Add ***************************************************************************************************/ __inline static INT32 add_ldac( INT32 in1, INT32 in2) { INT32 out; out = in1 + in2; return out; } /*************************************************************************************************** Subfunction: Multiply and Add ***************************************************************************************************/ __inline static INT32 mad_ldac( INT32 in1, INT32 in2, INT32 in3) { INT32 out; out = mul_ldac(in2, in3); out = add_ldac(in1, out); return out; } /*************************************************************************************************** Subfunction: Normalize ***************************************************************************************************/ __inline static INT16 norm_ldac( UINT32 val) { INT16 len; len = 0; while (val > 0) { val >>= 1; len++; } return len; } /*************************************************************************************************** Subfunction: Calculate Exponential ***************************************************************************************************/ __inline static INT16 calc_exp_ldac( INT32 in_h, UINT32 in_l) { INT16 e; if (in_h) { e = norm_ldac((UINT32)in_h) + 32; } else { e = norm_ldac(in_l); } e = (63 - e) & 0xfffe; return e; } /*************************************************************************************************** Subfunction: Calculate Square Root ***************************************************************************************************/ __inline static INT32 calc_sqrt_ldac( INT32 in, INT16 e) { INT16 i; INT32 val, dif, a; if (in <= 0) { return 0; } i = (INT16)(in >> 24); a = in & 0x00ffffffL; i = i - 32; val = sa_sqrt_ldac[i] << 16; /* Q30 <- Q14 << 16 */ dif = sub_ldac(sa_sqrt_ldac[i+1]<<16, val); /* Q30 */ a = (INT32)(((INT64)a << 30) >> 24); /* Q30 a = a / 0x1000000 */ val = mad_ldac(val, dif, a); val = val >> (e >> 1); return val; } /*************************************************************************************************** Calculate Pseudo Spectrum and Low Band Energy ***************************************************************************************************/ static INT32 calc_mdct_pseudo_spectrum_ldac( INT32 *p_spec, INT32 *p_psd, UINT32 nsp) { UINT32 isp; INT16 e; INT32 y0, y1, y2; INT32 tmp; INT64 low_energy; INT64 acc1, acc2; { y1 = p_spec[0]; y2 = p_spec[1]; acc1 = (INT64)y1 * (INT64)y1; acc2 = (INT64)y2 * (INT64)y2; acc1 = acc1 + acc2; low_energy = acc1 >> LDAC_Q_ADD_LOWENERGY; /* Q26 <- (Q15 * Q15) >> 4 */ e = calc_exp_ldac((INT32)(acc1>>32), (UINT32)(acc1&0xffffffff)); tmp = (INT32)((acc1 << e) >> 32); *p_psd++ = calc_sqrt_ldac(tmp, e); } for (isp = 1; isp < LDAC_NSP_LOWENERGY; isp++) { y0 = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = p_spec[isp+1]; acc1 = (INT64)y1 * (INT64)y1; acc2 = (INT64)(y0-y2) * (INT64)(y0-y2); acc1 = acc1 + acc2; low_energy += acc1 >> LDAC_Q_ADD_LOWENERGY; /* Q26 <- (Q15 * Q15) >> 4 */ e = calc_exp_ldac((INT32)(acc1>>32), (UINT32)(acc1&0xffffffff)); tmp = (INT32)((acc1 << e) >> 32); *p_psd++ = calc_sqrt_ldac(tmp, e); } for (isp = LDAC_NSP_LOWENERGY; isp < nsp-1; isp++) { y0 = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = p_spec[isp+1]; acc1 = (INT64)y1 * (INT64)y1; acc2 = (INT64)(y0-y2) * (INT64)(y0-y2); acc1 = acc1 + acc2; e = calc_exp_ldac((INT32)(acc1 >> 32), (UINT32)(acc1&0xffffffff)); tmp = (INT32) ((acc1 << e) >> 32); *p_psd++ = calc_sqrt_ldac(tmp, e); } { acc1 = (INT64)y1 * (INT64)y1; acc2 = (INT64)y2 * (INT64)y2; acc1 = acc1 + acc2; e = calc_exp_ldac((INT32)(acc1 >> 32), (UINT32)(acc1&0xffffffff)); tmp = (INT32)((acc1 << e) >> 32); *p_psd++ = calc_sqrt_ldac(tmp, e); } low_energy >>= LDAC_Q_LOWENERGY; /* Q15 <- Q26 >> 11 */ if (low_energy > LDAC_MAX_32BIT) { low_energy = LDAC_MAX_32BIT; } return (INT32)low_energy; } /*************************************************************************************************** Calculate Pseudo Spectrum Centroid ***************************************************************************************************/ static INT32 calc_spectral_centroid_ldac( INT32 *p_spec, UINT32 nsp) { UINT32 isp; INT32 centroid = 0; INT64 s1, s2; s1 = s2 = 0; for (isp = 0; isp < nsp; isp++) { s1 += ((INT64)isp * (INT64)*p_spec); /* Q15 <- Q00 * Q15 */ s2 += (INT64)*p_spec++; /* Q15 */ } if (s2 != 0) { centroid = (INT32)((s1<<15) / s2); /* Q15 <- (Q15<<15) / Q15 */ } return centroid; } /*************************************************************************************************** Calculate Number of Zero Cross ***************************************************************************************************/ static UINT32 calc_zero_cross_number_ldac( INT32 *p_time, UINT32 n) { UINT32 i; UINT32 zero_cross = 0; INT32 prev, tmp; prev = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if ((prev == 0) || (*p_time == 0)) { tmp = 0; } else { tmp = prev ^ (*p_time); } if (tmp < 0) { zero_cross++; } prev = *p_time++; } return zero_cross; } /*************************************************************************************************** Analyze Frame Status ***************************************************************************************************/ DECLSPEC int ana_frame_status_ldac( SFINFO *p_sfinfo, int nlnn) { AC *p_ac; int ich; int nchs = p_sfinfo->cfg.ch; int nsmpl = npow2_ldac(nlnn+1); int cnt; int a_status[LDAC_PRCNCH]; UINT32 zero_cross; INT32 low_energy, centroid; INT32 a_psd_spec[LDAC_NSP_PSEUDOANA]; for (ich = 0; ich < nchs; ich++) { p_ac = p_sfinfo->ap_ac[ich]; low_energy = calc_mdct_pseudo_spectrum_ldac(p_ac->p_acsub->a_spec, a_psd_spec, LDAC_NSP_PSEUDOANA); centroid = calc_spectral_centroid_ldac(a_psd_spec, LDAC_NSP_PSEUDOANA); zero_cross = calc_zero_cross_number_ldac(p_ac->p_acsub->a_time, nsmpl); a_status[ich] = LDAC_FRMSTAT_LEV_0; if (low_energy < LDAC_TH_LOWENERGY_L) { a_status[ich] = LDAC_FRMSTAT_LEV_3; } else { if (low_energy < LDAC_TH_LOWENERGY_M) { a_status[ich] = LDAC_FRMSTAT_LEV_2; } else if (low_energy < LDAC_TH_LOWENERGY_H) { a_status[ich] = LDAC_FRMSTAT_LEV_1; } cnt = p_ac->frmana_cnt; if ((centroid > LDAC_TH_CENTROID) && (zero_cross >= LDAC_TH_ZCROSNUM)) { cnt++; if (cnt >= LDAC_MAXCNT_FRMANA) { cnt = LDAC_MAXCNT_FRMANA; a_status[ich] = LDAC_FRMSTAT_LEV_2; } else if (a_status[ich] <= LDAC_FRMSTAT_LEV_1) { a_status[ich]++; } } else { cnt = 0; } p_ac->frmana_cnt = cnt; } } if (nchs == LDAC_CHANNEL_1CH) { return a_status[0]; } else { return min_ldac(a_status[0], a_status[1]); } }