// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // This is the version of the Android-specific Chromium linker that uses // the crazy linker to load libraries. // This source code *cannot* depend on anything from base/ or the C++ // STL, to keep the final library small, and avoid ugly dependency issues. #include "legacy_linker_jni.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "linker_jni.h" namespace chromium_android_linker { namespace { // Retrieve the SDK build version and pass it into the crazy linker. This // needs to be done early in initialization, before any other crazy linker // code is run. // |env| is the current JNI environment handle. // On success, return true. bool InitSDKVersionInfo(JNIEnv* env) { jint value = 0; if (!InitStaticInt(env, "android/os/Build$VERSION", "SDK_INT", &value)) return false; crazy_set_sdk_build_version(static_cast(value)); LOG_INFO("Set SDK build version to %d", static_cast(value)); return true; } // The linker uses a single crazy_context_t object created on demand. // There is no need to protect this against concurrent access, locking // is already handled on the Java side. crazy_context_t* GetCrazyContext() { static crazy_context_t* s_crazy_context = nullptr; if (!s_crazy_context) { // Create new context. s_crazy_context = crazy_context_create(); // Ensure libraries located in the same directory as the linker // can be loaded before system ones. crazy_context_add_search_path_for_address( s_crazy_context, reinterpret_cast(&s_crazy_context)); } return s_crazy_context; } // A scoped crazy_library_t that automatically closes the handle // on scope exit, unless Release() has been called. class ScopedLibrary { public: ScopedLibrary() : lib_(nullptr) {} ~ScopedLibrary() { if (lib_) crazy_library_close_with_context(lib_, GetCrazyContext()); } crazy_library_t* Get() { return lib_; } crazy_library_t** GetPtr() { return &lib_; } crazy_library_t* Release() { crazy_library_t* ret = lib_; lib_ = nullptr; return ret; } private: crazy_library_t* lib_; }; template bool GenericLoadLibrary(JNIEnv* env, const char* library_name, jlong load_address, jobject lib_info_obj, const LibraryOpener& opener) { LOG_INFO("Called for %s, at address 0x%llx", library_name, load_address); crazy_context_t* context = GetCrazyContext(); if (!IsValidAddress(load_address)) { LOG_ERROR("Invalid address 0x%llx", load_address); return false; } // Set the desired load address (0 means randomize it). crazy_context_set_load_address(context, static_cast(load_address)); ScopedLibrary library; if (!opener.Open(library.GetPtr(), library_name, context)) { return false; } crazy_library_info_t info; if (!crazy_library_get_info(library.Get(), context, &info)) { LOG_ERROR("Could not get library information for %s: %s", library_name, crazy_context_get_error(context)); return false; } // Release library object to keep it alive after the function returns. library.Release(); s_lib_info_fields.SetLoadInfo(env, lib_info_obj, info.load_address, info.load_size); LOG_INFO("Success loading library %s", library_name); return true; } // Used for opening the library in a regular file. class FileLibraryOpener { public: bool Open(crazy_library_t** library, const char* library_name, crazy_context_t* context) const; }; bool FileLibraryOpener::Open(crazy_library_t** library, const char* library_name, crazy_context_t* context) const { if (!crazy_library_open(library, library_name, context)) { LOG_ERROR("Could not open %s: %s", library_name, crazy_context_get_error(context)); return false; } return true; } // Used for opening the library in a zip file. class ZipLibraryOpener { public: explicit ZipLibraryOpener(const char* zip_file) : zip_file_(zip_file) { } bool Open(crazy_library_t** library, const char* library_name, crazy_context_t* context) const; private: const char* zip_file_; }; bool ZipLibraryOpener::Open(crazy_library_t** library, const char* library_name, crazy_context_t* context) const { if (!crazy_library_open_in_zip_file(library, zip_file_, library_name, context)) { LOG_ERROR("Could not open %s in zip file %s: %s", library_name, zip_file_, crazy_context_get_error(context)); return false; } return true; } // Load a library with the chromium linker. This will also call its // JNI_OnLoad() method, which shall register its methods. Note that // lazy native method resolution will _not_ work after this, because // Dalvik uses the system's dlsym() which won't see the new library, // so explicit registration is mandatory. // // |env| is the current JNI environment handle. // |clazz| is the static class handle for org.chromium.base.Linker, // and is ignored here. // |library_name| is the library name (e.g. libfoo.so). // |load_address| is an explicit load address. // |library_info| is a LibInfo handle used to communicate information // with the Java side. // Return true on success. jboolean LoadLibrary(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jstring library_name, jlong load_address, jobject lib_info_obj) { String lib_name(env, library_name); FileLibraryOpener opener; return GenericLoadLibrary(env, lib_name.c_str(), static_cast(load_address), lib_info_obj, opener); } // Load a library from a zipfile with the chromium linker. The // library in the zipfile must be uncompressed and page aligned. // The basename of the library is given. The library is expected // to be lib//crazy.. The used will be the // same as the abi for this linker. The "crazy." prefix is included // so that the Android Package Manager doesn't extract the library into // /data/app-lib. // // Loading the library will also call its JNI_OnLoad() method, which // shall register its methods. Note that lazy native method resolution // will _not_ work after this, because Dalvik uses the system's dlsym() // which won't see the new library, so explicit registration is mandatory. // // |env| is the current JNI environment handle. // |clazz| is the static class handle for org.chromium.base.Linker, // and is ignored here. // |zipfile_name| is the filename of the zipfile containing the library. // |library_name| is the library base name (e.g. libfoo.so). // |load_address| is an explicit load address. // |library_info| is a LibInfo handle used to communicate information // with the Java side. // Returns true on success. jboolean LoadLibraryInZipFile(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jstring zipfile_name, jstring library_name, jlong load_address, jobject lib_info_obj) { String zipfile_name_str(env, zipfile_name); String lib_name(env, library_name); ZipLibraryOpener opener(zipfile_name_str.c_str()); return GenericLoadLibrary(env, lib_name.c_str(), static_cast(load_address), lib_info_obj, opener); } // Class holding the Java class and method ID for the Java side Linker // postCallbackOnMainThread method. struct JavaCallbackBindings_class { jclass clazz; jmethodID method_id; // Initialize an instance. bool Init(JNIEnv* env, jclass linker_class) { clazz = reinterpret_cast(env->NewGlobalRef(linker_class)); return InitStaticMethodId(env, linker_class, "postCallbackOnMainThread", "(J)V", &method_id); } }; static JavaCallbackBindings_class s_java_callback_bindings; // Designated receiver function for callbacks from Java. Its name is known // to the Java side. // |env| is the current JNI environment handle and is ignored here. // |clazz| is the static class handle for org.chromium.base.Linker, // and is ignored here. // |arg| is a pointer to an allocated crazy_callback_t, deleted after use. void RunCallbackOnUiThread(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jlong arg) { crazy_callback_t* callback = reinterpret_cast(arg); LOG_INFO("Called back from java with handler %p, opaque %p", callback->handler, callback->opaque); crazy_callback_run(callback); delete callback; } // Request a callback from Java. The supplied crazy_callback_t is valid only // for the duration of this call, so we copy it to a newly allocated // crazy_callback_t and then call the Java side's postCallbackOnMainThread. // This will call back to to our RunCallbackOnUiThread some time // later on the UI thread. // |callback_request| is a crazy_callback_t. // |poster_opaque| is unused. // Returns true if the callback request succeeds. static bool PostForLaterExecution(crazy_callback_t* callback_request, void* poster_opaque UNUSED) { crazy_context_t* context = GetCrazyContext(); JavaVM* vm; int minimum_jni_version; crazy_context_get_java_vm(context, reinterpret_cast(&vm), &minimum_jni_version); // Do not reuse JNIEnv from JNI_OnLoad, but retrieve our own. JNIEnv* env; if (JNI_OK != vm->GetEnv( reinterpret_cast(&env), minimum_jni_version)) { LOG_ERROR("Could not create JNIEnv"); return false; } // Copy the callback; the one passed as an argument may be temporary. crazy_callback_t* callback = new crazy_callback_t(); *callback = *callback_request; LOG_INFO("Calling back to java with handler %p, opaque %p", callback->handler, callback->opaque); jlong arg = static_cast(reinterpret_cast(callback)); env->CallStaticVoidMethod( s_java_callback_bindings.clazz, s_java_callback_bindings.method_id, arg); // Back out and return false if we encounter a JNI exception. if (env->ExceptionCheck() == JNI_TRUE) { env->ExceptionDescribe(); env->ExceptionClear(); delete callback; return false; } return true; } jboolean CreateSharedRelro(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jstring library_name, jlong load_address, jobject lib_info_obj) { String lib_name(env, library_name); LOG_INFO("Called for %s", lib_name.c_str()); if (!IsValidAddress(load_address)) { LOG_ERROR("Invalid address 0x%llx", load_address); return false; } ScopedLibrary library; if (!crazy_library_find_by_name(lib_name.c_str(), library.GetPtr())) { LOG_ERROR("Could not find %s", lib_name.c_str()); return false; } crazy_context_t* context = GetCrazyContext(); size_t relro_start = 0; size_t relro_size = 0; int relro_fd = -1; if (!crazy_library_create_shared_relro(library.Get(), context, static_cast(load_address), &relro_start, &relro_size, &relro_fd)) { LOG_ERROR("Could not create shared RELRO sharing for %s: %s\n", lib_name.c_str(), crazy_context_get_error(context)); return false; } s_lib_info_fields.SetRelroInfo(env, lib_info_obj, relro_start, relro_size, relro_fd); return true; } jboolean UseSharedRelro(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jstring library_name, jobject lib_info_obj) { String lib_name(env, library_name); LOG_INFO("Called for %s, lib_info_ref=%p", lib_name.c_str(), lib_info_obj); ScopedLibrary library; if (!crazy_library_find_by_name(lib_name.c_str(), library.GetPtr())) { LOG_ERROR("Could not find %s", lib_name.c_str()); return false; } crazy_context_t* context = GetCrazyContext(); size_t relro_start = 0; size_t relro_size = 0; int relro_fd = -1; s_lib_info_fields.GetRelroInfo(env, lib_info_obj, &relro_start, &relro_size, &relro_fd); LOG_INFO("library=%s relro start=%p size=%p fd=%d", lib_name.c_str(), (void*)relro_start, (void*)relro_size, relro_fd); if (!crazy_library_use_shared_relro(library.Get(), context, relro_start, relro_size, relro_fd)) { LOG_ERROR("Could not use shared RELRO for %s: %s", lib_name.c_str(), crazy_context_get_error(context)); return false; } LOG_INFO("Library %s using shared RELRO section!", lib_name.c_str()); return true; } const JNINativeMethod kNativeMethods[] = { {"nativeLoadLibrary", "(" "Ljava/lang/String;" "J" "Lorg/chromium/base/library_loader/Linker$LibInfo;" ")" "Z", reinterpret_cast(&LoadLibrary)}, {"nativeLoadLibraryInZipFile", "(" "Ljava/lang/String;" "Ljava/lang/String;" "J" "Lorg/chromium/base/library_loader/Linker$LibInfo;" ")" "Z", reinterpret_cast(&LoadLibraryInZipFile)}, {"nativeRunCallbackOnUiThread", "(" "J" ")" "V", reinterpret_cast(&RunCallbackOnUiThread)}, {"nativeCreateSharedRelro", "(" "Ljava/lang/String;" "J" "Lorg/chromium/base/library_loader/Linker$LibInfo;" ")" "Z", reinterpret_cast(&CreateSharedRelro)}, {"nativeUseSharedRelro", "(" "Ljava/lang/String;" "Lorg/chromium/base/library_loader/Linker$LibInfo;" ")" "Z", reinterpret_cast(&UseSharedRelro)}, }; const size_t kNumNativeMethods = sizeof(kNativeMethods) / sizeof(kNativeMethods[0]); } // namespace bool LegacyLinkerJNIInit(JavaVM* vm, JNIEnv* env) { LOG_INFO("Entering"); // Initialize SDK version info. LOG_INFO("Retrieving SDK version info"); if (!InitSDKVersionInfo(env)) return false; // Register native methods. jclass linker_class; if (!InitClassReference(env, "org/chromium/base/library_loader/LegacyLinker", &linker_class)) return false; LOG_INFO("Registering native methods"); if (env->RegisterNatives(linker_class, kNativeMethods, kNumNativeMethods) < 0) return false; // Resolve and save the Java side Linker callback class and method. LOG_INFO("Resolving callback bindings"); if (!s_java_callback_bindings.Init(env, linker_class)) { return false; } // Save JavaVM* handle into context. crazy_context_t* context = GetCrazyContext(); crazy_context_set_java_vm(context, vm, JNI_VERSION_1_4); // Register the function that the crazy linker can call to post code // for later execution. crazy_context_set_callback_poster(context, &PostForLaterExecution, nullptr); return true; } } // namespace chromium_android_linker