******************* Netlink Core Module ******************* .. py:module:: netlink.core Examples:: import netlink.core as netlink =============== Object =============== .. py:class:: Object Base class for all classes representing a cacheable object Example:: obj = netlink.Object("route/link", "link") .. py:method:: clone Clone the object and return a duplicate (used for COW) .. py:method:: dump([params=None]) Call the libnl internal dump mechanism to dump the object according to the parameters specified. .. py:method:: apply(attr, val) Applies a attribute=value pair and modifies the object accordingly. Example:: obj.apply("mtu", 1200) # Sets attribute mtu to 1200 (link obj) :raises: KeyError if attribute is unknown :raises: ImmutableError if attribute is not mutable .. py:attribute:: mark True if the object is marked, otherwise False. .. py:attribute:: shared True if the object is used by multiple parties, otherwise False. .. py:attribute:: refcnt Number of users sharing a reference to the object :rtype: int .. py:attribute:: attrs List of attributes :rtype: list of strings =============== Cache =============== .. py:class:: Cache Base class for all cache implementations. A cache is a collection of cacheable objects which is typically used by netlink protocols which handle any kind of object, e.g. network links, network addresses, neighbours, ... .. py:method:: subset(filter) Returns a new cache containing the subset which matches the provided filter. :raises: ValueError if no filter is specified :rtype: :py:class:`Cache` .. py:method:: dump([params=None, filter=None]) Calls the libnl internal dump mechanism to dump the cache according to the parameters and filter specified. .. py:method:: clear() Remove and possibly destroy all objects in the cache .. py:method:: refill([socket=None]) -> :py:class:`Cache` Clears and refills the cache with the content which is provided by the kernel, e.g. for a link cache this would mean refilling the cache with all configured network links. .. py:method:: provide() Caches which have been "provided" are made available to other users (of the same application context) which "require" it. F.e. a link cache is generally provided to allow others to translate interface indexes to link names .. py:method:: unprovide() No longer make the cache available to others. If the cache has been handed out already, that reference will still be valid. =============== AbstractAddress =============== .. py:class:: AbstractAddress Abstract representation of an address. This class is not to be mistaken with :py:class:`route.Address` which represents a configured network address. This class represents the actual address in a family independent way:: addr = netlink.AbstractAddress('') print addr # => '' print addr.prefixlen # => '8' print addr.family # => 'inet' print len(addr) # => '4' (32bit ipv4 address) a = netlink.AbstractAddress('') b = netlink.AbstractAddress('') print a == b # => False .. py:attribute:: prefixlen Length of prefix in number of bits. :rtype: int .. py:attribute:: family The family type of the address. Setting the address family can be done with a string or a :py:class:`AddressFamily` object. :rtype: :py:class:`AddressFamily` .. py:attribute:: shared True if address is in use by multiple callers, otherwise False :rtype: bool =============== AddressFamily =============== .. py:class:: AddressFamily Address family representation:: af = netlink.AddressFamily('inet6') # raises: # - ValueError if family name is not known # - TypeError if invalid type is specified for family print af # => 'inet6' (string representation) print int(af) # => 10 (numeric representation) print repr(af) # => AddressFamily('inet6') =============== Exceptions =============== .. py:exception:: NetlinkError Generic exception raised by netlink modules. .. py:exception:: KernelError Raised if an error occured while communicating with the kernel. Contains the error code returning which is automatically included in the error message. .. py:exception:: ImmutableError Raised if an attribute is modified which is marked immutable. =============== Socket =============== .. py:class:: Socket Netlink socket. Note: It is not required to manually create and connect netlink sockets when using caches. The caches will automatically lookup or create a socket as needed. .. py:attribute:: local_port Local port (address) of netlink socket .. py:attribute:: peer_port Peer port (remote address) of netlink socket. If set, all messages will be sent to that peer. .. py:method:: connect(proto) Connect the netlink socket using the specified netlink protocol:: sock.connect(netlink.NETLINK_ROUTE) .. py:method:: disconnect() Disconnect the socket .. py:method:: set_bufsize(rx, tx) Sets the size of the socket buffer