path: root/lib/include/ultrahdr/jpegr.h
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1 files changed, 464 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/include/ultrahdr/jpegr.h b/lib/include/ultrahdr/jpegr.h
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index 0000000..8ac227d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/include/ultrahdr/jpegr.h
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+ * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <cfloat>
+#include "ultrahdr/ultrahdr.h"
+#include "ultrahdr/jpegdecoderhelper.h"
+#include "ultrahdr/jpegencoderhelper.h"
+namespace ultrahdr {
+// The current JPEGR version that we encode to
+static const char* const kJpegrVersion = "1.0";
+// Map is quarter res / sixteenth size
+static const size_t kMapDimensionScaleFactor = 4;
+// Gain Map width is (image_width / kMapDimensionScaleFactor). If we were to
+// compress 420 GainMap in jpeg, then we need at least 2 samples. For Grayscale
+// 1 sample is sufficient. We are using 2 here anyways
+static const int kMinWidth = 2 * kMapDimensionScaleFactor;
+static const int kMinHeight = 2 * kMapDimensionScaleFactor;
+typedef enum {
+} status_t;
+ * Holds information of jpegr image
+ */
+struct jpegr_info_struct {
+ size_t width;
+ size_t height;
+ std::vector<uint8_t>* iccData;
+ std::vector<uint8_t>* exifData;
+ * Holds information for uncompressed image or gain map.
+ */
+struct jpegr_uncompressed_struct {
+ // Pointer to the data location.
+ void* data;
+ // Width of the gain map or the luma plane of the image in pixels.
+ size_t width;
+ // Height of the gain map or the luma plane of the image in pixels.
+ size_t height;
+ // Color gamut.
+ ultrahdr_color_gamut colorGamut;
+ // Values below are optional
+ // Pointer to chroma data, if it's NULL, chroma plane is considered to be immediately
+ // after the luma plane.
+ void* chroma_data = nullptr;
+ // Stride of Y plane in number of pixels. 0 indicates the member is uninitialized. If
+ // non-zero this value must be larger than or equal to luma width. If stride is
+ // uninitialized then it is assumed to be equal to luma width.
+ size_t luma_stride = 0;
+ // Stride of UV plane in number of pixels.
+ // 1. If this handle points to P010 image then this value must be larger than
+ // or equal to luma width.
+ // 2. If this handle points to 420 image then this value must be larger than
+ // or equal to (luma width / 2).
+ // NOTE: if chroma_data is nullptr, chroma_stride is irrelevant. Just as the way,
+ // chroma_data is derived from luma ptr, chroma stride is derived from luma stride.
+ size_t chroma_stride = 0;
+ * Holds information for compressed image or gain map.
+ */
+struct jpegr_compressed_struct {
+ // Pointer to the data location.
+ void* data;
+ // Used data length in bytes.
+ int length;
+ // Maximum available data length in bytes.
+ int maxLength;
+ // Color gamut.
+ ultrahdr_color_gamut colorGamut;
+ * Holds information for EXIF metadata.
+ */
+struct jpegr_exif_struct {
+ // Pointer to the data location.
+ void* data;
+ // Data length;
+ size_t length;
+typedef struct jpegr_uncompressed_struct* jr_uncompressed_ptr;
+typedef struct jpegr_compressed_struct* jr_compressed_ptr;
+typedef struct jpegr_exif_struct* jr_exif_ptr;
+typedef struct jpegr_info_struct* jr_info_ptr;
+class JpegR {
+ public:
+ /*
+ * Experimental only
+ *
+ * Encode API-0
+ * Compress JPEGR image from 10-bit HDR YUV.
+ *
+ * Tonemap the HDR input to a SDR image, generate gain map from the HDR and SDR images,
+ * compress SDR YUV to 8-bit JPEG and append the gain map to the end of the compressed
+ * JPEG.
+ * @param p010_image_ptr uncompressed HDR image in P010 color format
+ * @param hdr_tf transfer function of the HDR image
+ * @param dest destination of the compressed JPEGR image. Please note that {@code maxLength}
+ * represents the maximum available size of the destination buffer, and it must be
+ * set before calling this method. If the encoded JPEGR size exceeds
+ * {@code maxLength}, this method will return {@code ERROR_JPEGR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL}.
+ * @param quality target quality of the JPEG encoding, must be in range of 0-100 where 100 is
+ * the highest quality
+ * @param exif pointer to the exif metadata.
+ * @return NO_ERROR if encoding succeeds, error code if error occurs.
+ */
+ status_t encodeJPEGR(jr_uncompressed_ptr p010_image_ptr, ultrahdr_transfer_function hdr_tf,
+ jr_compressed_ptr dest, int quality, jr_exif_ptr exif);
+ /*
+ * Encode API-1
+ * Compress JPEGR image from 10-bit HDR YUV and 8-bit SDR YUV.
+ *
+ * Generate gain map from the HDR and SDR inputs, compress SDR YUV to 8-bit JPEG and append
+ * the gain map to the end of the compressed JPEG. HDR and SDR inputs must be the same
+ * resolution. SDR input is assumed to use the sRGB transfer function.
+ * @param p010_image_ptr uncompressed HDR image in P010 color format
+ * @param yuv420_image_ptr uncompressed SDR image in YUV_420 color format
+ * @param hdr_tf transfer function of the HDR image
+ * @param dest destination of the compressed JPEGR image. Please note that {@code maxLength}
+ * represents the maximum available size of the desitination buffer, and it must be
+ * set before calling this method. If the encoded JPEGR size exceeds
+ * {@code maxLength}, this method will return {@code ERROR_JPEGR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL}.
+ * @param quality target quality of the JPEG encoding, must be in range of 0-100 where 100 is
+ * the highest quality
+ * @param exif pointer to the exif metadata.
+ * @return NO_ERROR if encoding succeeds, error code if error occurs.
+ */
+ status_t encodeJPEGR(jr_uncompressed_ptr p010_image_ptr, jr_uncompressed_ptr yuv420_image_ptr,
+ ultrahdr_transfer_function hdr_tf, jr_compressed_ptr dest, int quality,
+ jr_exif_ptr exif);
+ /*
+ * Encode API-2
+ * Compress JPEGR image from 10-bit HDR YUV, 8-bit SDR YUV and compressed 8-bit JPEG.
+ *
+ * This method requires HAL Hardware JPEG encoder.
+ *
+ * Generate gain map from the HDR and SDR inputs, append the gain map to the end of the
+ * compressed JPEG. Adds an ICC profile if one isn't present in the input JPEG image. HDR and
+ * SDR inputs must be the same resolution and color space. SDR image is assumed to use the sRGB
+ * transfer function.
+ * @param p010_image_ptr uncompressed HDR image in P010 color format
+ * @param yuv420_image_ptr uncompressed SDR image in YUV_420 color format
+ * @param yuv420jpg_image_ptr SDR image compressed in jpeg format
+ * @param hdr_tf transfer function of the HDR image
+ * @param dest destination of the compressed JPEGR image. Please note that {@code maxLength}
+ * represents the maximum available size of the desitination buffer, and it must be
+ * set before calling this method. If the encoded JPEGR size exceeds
+ * {@code maxLength}, this method will return {@code ERROR_JPEGR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL}.
+ * @return NO_ERROR if encoding succeeds, error code if error occurs.
+ */
+ status_t encodeJPEGR(jr_uncompressed_ptr p010_image_ptr, jr_uncompressed_ptr yuv420_image_ptr,
+ jr_compressed_ptr yuv420jpg_image_ptr, ultrahdr_transfer_function hdr_tf,
+ jr_compressed_ptr dest);
+ /*
+ * Encode API-3
+ * Compress JPEGR image from 10-bit HDR YUV and 8-bit SDR YUV.
+ *
+ * This method requires HAL Hardware JPEG encoder.
+ *
+ * Decode the compressed 8-bit JPEG image to YUV SDR, generate gain map from the HDR input
+ * and the decoded SDR result, append the gain map to the end of the compressed JPEG. Adds an
+ * ICC profile if one isn't present in the input JPEG image. HDR and SDR inputs must be the same
+ * resolution. JPEG image is assumed to use the sRGB transfer function.
+ * @param p010_image_ptr uncompressed HDR image in P010 color format
+ * @param yuv420jpg_image_ptr SDR image compressed in jpeg format
+ * @param hdr_tf transfer function of the HDR image
+ * @param dest destination of the compressed JPEGR image. Please note that {@code maxLength}
+ * represents the maximum available size of the desitination buffer, and it must be
+ * set before calling this method. If the encoded JPEGR size exceeds
+ * {@code maxLength}, this method will return {@code ERROR_JPEGR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL}.
+ * @return NO_ERROR if encoding succeeds, error code if error occurs.
+ */
+ status_t encodeJPEGR(jr_uncompressed_ptr p010_image_ptr, jr_compressed_ptr yuv420jpg_image_ptr,
+ ultrahdr_transfer_function hdr_tf, jr_compressed_ptr dest);
+ /*
+ * Encode API-4
+ * Assemble JPEGR image from SDR JPEG and gainmap JPEG.
+ *
+ * Assemble the primary JPEG image, the gain map and the metadata to JPEG/R format. Adds an ICC
+ * profile if one isn't present in the input JPEG image.
+ * @param yuv420jpg_image_ptr SDR image compressed in jpeg format
+ * @param gainmapjpg_image_ptr gain map image compressed in jpeg format
+ * @param metadata metadata to be written in XMP of the primary jpeg
+ * @param dest destination of the compressed JPEGR image. Please note that {@code maxLength}
+ * represents the maximum available size of the desitination buffer, and it must be
+ * set before calling this method. If the encoded JPEGR size exceeds
+ * {@code maxLength}, this method will return {@code ERROR_JPEGR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL}.
+ * @return NO_ERROR if encoding succeeds, error code if error occurs.
+ */
+ status_t encodeJPEGR(jr_compressed_ptr yuv420jpg_image_ptr,
+ jr_compressed_ptr gainmapjpg_image_ptr, ultrahdr_metadata_ptr metadata,
+ jr_compressed_ptr dest);
+ /*
+ * Decode API
+ * Decompress JPEGR image.
+ *
+ * This method assumes that the JPEGR image contains an ICC profile with primaries that match
+ * those of a color gamut that this library is aware of; Bt.709, Display-P3, or Bt.2100. It also
+ * assumes the base image uses the sRGB transfer function.
+ *
+ * This method only supports single gain map metadata values for fields that allow multi-channel
+ * metadata values.
+ * @param jpegr_image_ptr compressed JPEGR image.
+ * @param dest destination of the uncompressed JPEGR image.
+ * @param max_display_boost (optional) the maximum available boost supported by a display,
+ * the value must be greater than or equal to 1.0.
+ * @param exif destination of the decoded EXIF metadata. The default value is NULL where the
+ decoder will do nothing about it. If configured not NULL the decoder will write
+ EXIF data into this structure. The format is defined in {@code jpegr_exif_struct}
+ * @param output_format flag for setting output color format. Its value configures the output
+ color format. The default value is {@code JPEGR_OUTPUT_HDR_LINEAR}.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ | output_format | decoded color format to be written |
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ | JPEGR_OUTPUT_HDR_LINEAR | (default)RGBA_F16 linear |
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * @param gainmap_image_ptr destination of the decoded gain map. The default value is NULL
+ where the decoder will do nothing about it. If configured not NULL
+ the decoder will write the decoded gain_map data into this
+ structure. The format is defined in
+ {@code jpegr_uncompressed_struct}.
+ * @param metadata destination of the decoded metadata. The default value is NULL where the
+ decoder will do nothing about it. If configured not NULL the decoder will
+ write metadata into this structure. the format of metadata is defined in
+ {@code ultrahdr_metadata_struct}.
+ * @return NO_ERROR if decoding succeeds, error code if error occurs.
+ */
+ status_t decodeJPEGR(jr_compressed_ptr jpegr_image_ptr, jr_uncompressed_ptr dest,
+ float max_display_boost = FLT_MAX, jr_exif_ptr exif = nullptr,
+ ultrahdr_output_format output_format = ULTRAHDR_OUTPUT_HDR_LINEAR,
+ jr_uncompressed_ptr gainmap_image_ptr = nullptr,
+ ultrahdr_metadata_ptr metadata = nullptr);
+ /*
+ * Gets Info from JPEGR file without decoding it.
+ *
+ * This method only supports single gain map metadata values for fields that allow multi-channel
+ * metadata values.
+ *
+ * The output is filled jpegr_info structure
+ * @param jpegr_image_ptr compressed JPEGR image
+ * @param jpeg_image_info_ptr pointer to jpegr info struct. Members of jpegr_info
+ * are owned by the caller
+ * @return NO_ERROR if JPEGR parsing succeeds, error code otherwise
+ */
+ status_t getJPEGRInfo(jr_compressed_ptr jpegr_image_ptr, jr_info_ptr jpeg_image_info_ptr);
+ protected:
+ /*
+ * This method is called in the encoding pipeline. It will take the uncompressed 8-bit and
+ * 10-bit yuv images as input, and calculate the uncompressed gain map. The input images
+ * must be the same resolution. The SDR input is assumed to use the sRGB transfer function.
+ *
+ * @param yuv420_image_ptr uncompressed SDR image in YUV_420 color format
+ * @param p010_image_ptr uncompressed HDR image in P010 color format
+ * @param hdr_tf transfer function of the HDR image
+ * @param metadata everything but "version" is filled in this struct
+ * @param dest location at which gain map image is stored (caller responsible for memory
+ of data).
+ * @param sdr_is_601 if true, then use BT.601 decoding of YUV regardless of SDR image gamut
+ * @return NO_ERROR if calculation succeeds, error code if error occurs.
+ */
+ status_t generateGainMap(jr_uncompressed_ptr yuv420_image_ptr, jr_uncompressed_ptr p010_image_ptr,
+ ultrahdr_transfer_function hdr_tf, ultrahdr_metadata_ptr metadata,
+ jr_uncompressed_ptr dest, bool sdr_is_601 = false);
+ /*
+ * This method is called in the decoding pipeline. It will take the uncompressed (decoded)
+ * 8-bit yuv image, the uncompressed (decoded) gain map, and extracted JPEG/R metadata as
+ * input, and calculate the 10-bit recovered image. The recovered output image is the same
+ * color gamut as the SDR image, with HLG transfer function, and is in RGBA1010102 data format.
+ * The SDR image is assumed to use the sRGB transfer function. The SDR image is also assumed to
+ * be a decoded JPEG for the purpose of YUV interpration.
+ *
+ * @param yuv420_image_ptr uncompressed SDR image in YUV_420 color format
+ * @param gainmap_image_ptr pointer to uncompressed gain map image struct.
+ * @param metadata JPEG/R metadata extracted from XMP.
+ * @param output_format flag for setting output color format. if set to
+ * {@code JPEGR_OUTPUT_SDR}, decoder will only decode the primary image
+ * which is SDR. Default value is JPEGR_OUTPUT_HDR_LINEAR.
+ * @param max_display_boost the maximum available boost supported by a display
+ * @param dest reconstructed HDR image
+ * @return NO_ERROR if calculation succeeds, error code if error occurs.
+ */
+ status_t applyGainMap(jr_uncompressed_ptr yuv420_image_ptr, jr_uncompressed_ptr gainmap_image_ptr,
+ ultrahdr_metadata_ptr metadata, ultrahdr_output_format output_format,
+ float max_display_boost, jr_uncompressed_ptr dest);
+ private:
+ /*
+ * This method is called in the encoding pipeline. It will encode the gain map.
+ *
+ * @param gainmap_image_ptr pointer to uncompressed gain map image struct
+ * @param jpeg_enc_obj_ptr helper resource to compress gain map
+ * @return NO_ERROR if encoding succeeds, error code if error occurs.
+ */
+ status_t compressGainMap(jr_uncompressed_ptr gainmap_image_ptr,
+ JpegEncoderHelper* jpeg_enc_obj_ptr);
+ /*
+ * This method is called to separate primary image and gain map image from JPEGR
+ *
+ * @param jpegr_image_ptr pointer to compressed JPEGR image.
+ * @param primary_jpg_image_ptr destination of primary image
+ * @param gainmap_jpg_image_ptr destination of compressed gain map image
+ * @return NO_ERROR if calculation succeeds, error code if error occurs.
+ */
+ status_t extractPrimaryImageAndGainMap(jr_compressed_ptr jpegr_image_ptr,
+ jr_compressed_ptr primary_jpg_image_ptr,
+ jr_compressed_ptr gainmap_jpg_image_ptr);
+ /*
+ * This method is called in the encoding pipeline. It will take the standard 8-bit JPEG image,
+ * the compressed gain map and optionally the exif package as inputs, and generate the XMP
+ * metadata, and finally append everything in the order of:
+ * SOI, APP2(EXIF) (if EXIF is from outside), APP2(XMP), primary image, gain map
+ *
+ * Note that in the final JPEG/R output, EXIF package will appear if ONLY ONE of the following
+ * conditions is fulfilled:
+ * (1) EXIF package is available from outside input. I.e. pExif != nullptr.
+ * (2) Input JPEG has EXIF.
+ * If both conditions are fulfilled, this method will return ERROR_JPEGR_INVALID_INPUT_TYPE
+ *
+ * @param primary_jpg_image_ptr destination of primary image
+ * @param gainmap_jpg_image_ptr destination of compressed gain map image
+ * @param (nullable) pExif EXIF package
+ * @param (nullable) pIcc ICC package
+ * @param icc_size length in bytes of ICC package
+ * @param metadata JPEG/R metadata to encode in XMP of the jpeg
+ * @param dest compressed JPEGR image
+ * @return NO_ERROR if calculation succeeds, error code if error occurs.
+ */
+ status_t appendGainMap(jr_compressed_ptr primary_jpg_image_ptr,
+ jr_compressed_ptr gainmap_jpg_image_ptr, jr_exif_ptr pExif, void* pIcc,
+ size_t icc_size, ultrahdr_metadata_ptr metadata, jr_compressed_ptr dest);
+ /*
+ * This method will tone map a HDR image to an SDR image.
+ *
+ * @param src pointer to uncompressed HDR image struct. HDR image is expected to be
+ * in p010 color format
+ * @param dest pointer to store tonemapped SDR image
+ */
+ status_t toneMap(jr_uncompressed_ptr src, jr_uncompressed_ptr dest);
+ /*
+ * This method will convert a YUV420 image from one YUV encoding to another in-place (eg.
+ * Bt.709 to Bt.601 YUV encoding).
+ *
+ * src_encoding and dest_encoding indicate the encoding via the YUV conversion defined for that
+ * gamut. P3 indicates Rec.601, since this is how DataSpace encodes Display-P3 YUV data.
+ *
+ * @param image the YUV420 image to convert
+ * @param src_encoding input YUV encoding
+ * @param dest_encoding output YUV encoding
+ * @return NO_ERROR if calculation succeeds, error code if error occurs.
+ */
+ status_t convertYuv(jr_uncompressed_ptr image, ultrahdr_color_gamut src_encoding,
+ ultrahdr_color_gamut dest_encoding);
+ /*
+ * This method will check the validity of the input arguments.
+ *
+ * @param p010_image_ptr uncompressed HDR image in P010 color format
+ * @param yuv420_image_ptr pointer to uncompressed SDR image struct. HDR image is expected to
+ * be in 420p color format
+ * @param hdr_tf transfer function of the HDR image
+ * @param dest destination of the compressed JPEGR image. Please note that {@code maxLength}
+ * represents the maximum available size of the desitination buffer, and it must be
+ * set before calling this method. If the encoded JPEGR size exceeds
+ * {@code maxLength}, this method will return {@code ERROR_JPEGR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL}.
+ * @return NO_ERROR if the input args are valid, error code is not valid.
+ */
+ status_t areInputArgumentsValid(jr_uncompressed_ptr p010_image_ptr,
+ jr_uncompressed_ptr yuv420_image_ptr,
+ ultrahdr_transfer_function hdr_tf, jr_compressed_ptr dest_ptr);
+ /*
+ * This method will check the validity of the input arguments.
+ *
+ * @param p010_image_ptr uncompressed HDR image in P010 color format
+ * @param yuv420_image_ptr pointer to uncompressed SDR image struct. HDR image is expected to
+ * be in 420p color format
+ * @param hdr_tf transfer function of the HDR image
+ * @param dest destination of the compressed JPEGR image. Please note that {@code maxLength}
+ * represents the maximum available size of the destination buffer, and it must be
+ * set before calling this method. If the encoded JPEGR size exceeds
+ * {@code maxLength}, this method will return {@code ERROR_JPEGR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL}.
+ * @param quality target quality of the JPEG encoding, must be in range of 0-100 where 100 is
+ * the highest quality
+ * @return NO_ERROR if the input args are valid, error code is not valid.
+ */
+ status_t areInputArgumentsValid(jr_uncompressed_ptr p010_image_ptr,
+ jr_uncompressed_ptr yuv420_image_ptr,
+ ultrahdr_transfer_function hdr_tf, jr_compressed_ptr dest,
+ int quality);
+} // namespace ultrahdr