/* * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include "ultrahdr/ultrahdrcommon.h" #include "ultrahdr/jpegr.h" #include "ultrahdr/jpegrutils.h" #include "image_io/xml/xml_reader.h" #include "image_io/xml/xml_writer.h" #include "image_io/base/message_handler.h" #include "image_io/xml/xml_element_rules.h" #include "image_io/xml/xml_handler.h" #include "image_io/xml/xml_rule.h" using namespace photos_editing_formats::image_io; using namespace std; namespace ultrahdr { /* * Helper function used for generating XMP metadata. * * @param prefix The prefix part of the name. * @param suffix The suffix part of the name. * @return A name of the form "prefix:suffix". */ static inline string Name(const string& prefix, const string& suffix) { std::stringstream ss; ss << prefix << ":" << suffix; return ss.str(); } DataStruct::DataStruct(int s) { data = malloc(s); length = s; memset(data, 0, s); writePos = 0; } DataStruct::~DataStruct() { if (data != nullptr) { free(data); } } void* DataStruct::getData() { return data; } int DataStruct::getLength() { return length; } int DataStruct::getBytesWritten() { return writePos; } bool DataStruct::write8(uint8_t value) { uint8_t v = value; return write(&v, 1); } bool DataStruct::write16(uint16_t value) { uint16_t v = value; return write(&v, 2); } bool DataStruct::write32(uint32_t value) { uint32_t v = value; return write(&v, 4); } bool DataStruct::write(const void* src, int size) { if (writePos + size > length) { ALOGE("Writing out of boundary: write position: %d, size: %d, capacity: %d", writePos, size, length); return false; } memcpy((uint8_t*)data + writePos, src, size); writePos += size; return true; } /* * Helper function used for writing data to destination. */ status_t Write(jr_compressed_ptr destination, const void* source, size_t length, int& position) { if (position + length > destination->maxLength) { return ERROR_JPEGR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } memcpy((uint8_t*)destination->data + sizeof(uint8_t) * position, source, length); position += length; return JPEGR_NO_ERROR; } // Extremely simple XML Handler - just searches for interesting elements class XMPXmlHandler : public XmlHandler { public: XMPXmlHandler() : XmlHandler() { state = NotStrarted; versionFound = false; minContentBoostFound = false; maxContentBoostFound = false; gammaFound = false; offsetSdrFound = false; offsetHdrFound = false; hdrCapacityMinFound = false; hdrCapacityMaxFound = false; baseRenditionIsHdrFound = false; } enum ParseState { NotStrarted, Started, Done }; virtual DataMatchResult StartElement(const XmlTokenContext& context) { string val; if (context.BuildTokenValue(&val)) { if (!val.compare(containerName)) { state = Started; } else { if (state != Done) { state = NotStrarted; } } } return context.GetResult(); } virtual DataMatchResult FinishElement(const XmlTokenContext& context) { if (state == Started) { state = Done; lastAttributeName = ""; } return context.GetResult(); } virtual DataMatchResult AttributeName(const XmlTokenContext& context) { string val; if (state == Started) { if (context.BuildTokenValue(&val)) { if (!val.compare(versionAttrName)) { lastAttributeName = versionAttrName; } else if (!val.compare(maxContentBoostAttrName)) { lastAttributeName = maxContentBoostAttrName; } else if (!val.compare(minContentBoostAttrName)) { lastAttributeName = minContentBoostAttrName; } else if (!val.compare(gammaAttrName)) { lastAttributeName = gammaAttrName; } else if (!val.compare(offsetSdrAttrName)) { lastAttributeName = offsetSdrAttrName; } else if (!val.compare(offsetHdrAttrName)) { lastAttributeName = offsetHdrAttrName; } else if (!val.compare(hdrCapacityMinAttrName)) { lastAttributeName = hdrCapacityMinAttrName; } else if (!val.compare(hdrCapacityMaxAttrName)) { lastAttributeName = hdrCapacityMaxAttrName; } else if (!val.compare(baseRenditionIsHdrAttrName)) { lastAttributeName = baseRenditionIsHdrAttrName; } else { lastAttributeName = ""; } } } return context.GetResult(); } virtual DataMatchResult AttributeValue(const XmlTokenContext& context) { string val; if (state == Started) { if (context.BuildTokenValue(&val, true)) { if (!lastAttributeName.compare(versionAttrName)) { versionStr = val; versionFound = true; } else if (!lastAttributeName.compare(maxContentBoostAttrName)) { maxContentBoostStr = val; maxContentBoostFound = true; } else if (!lastAttributeName.compare(minContentBoostAttrName)) { minContentBoostStr = val; minContentBoostFound = true; } else if (!lastAttributeName.compare(gammaAttrName)) { gammaStr = val; gammaFound = true; } else if (!lastAttributeName.compare(offsetSdrAttrName)) { offsetSdrStr = val; offsetSdrFound = true; } else if (!lastAttributeName.compare(offsetHdrAttrName)) { offsetHdrStr = val; offsetHdrFound = true; } else if (!lastAttributeName.compare(hdrCapacityMinAttrName)) { hdrCapacityMinStr = val; hdrCapacityMinFound = true; } else if (!lastAttributeName.compare(hdrCapacityMaxAttrName)) { hdrCapacityMaxStr = val; hdrCapacityMaxFound = true; } else if (!lastAttributeName.compare(baseRenditionIsHdrAttrName)) { baseRenditionIsHdrStr = val; baseRenditionIsHdrFound = true; } } } return context.GetResult(); } bool getVersion(string* version, bool* present) { if (state == Done) { *version = versionStr; *present = versionFound; return true; } else { return false; } } bool getMaxContentBoost(float* max_content_boost, bool* present) { if (state == Done) { *present = maxContentBoostFound; stringstream ss(maxContentBoostStr); float val; if (ss >> val) { *max_content_boost = exp2(val); return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } bool getMinContentBoost(float* min_content_boost, bool* present) { if (state == Done) { *present = minContentBoostFound; stringstream ss(minContentBoostStr); float val; if (ss >> val) { *min_content_boost = exp2(val); return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } bool getGamma(float* gamma, bool* present) { if (state == Done) { *present = gammaFound; stringstream ss(gammaStr); float val; if (ss >> val) { *gamma = val; return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } bool getOffsetSdr(float* offset_sdr, bool* present) { if (state == Done) { *present = offsetSdrFound; stringstream ss(offsetSdrStr); float val; if (ss >> val) { *offset_sdr = val; return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } bool getOffsetHdr(float* offset_hdr, bool* present) { if (state == Done) { *present = offsetHdrFound; stringstream ss(offsetHdrStr); float val; if (ss >> val) { *offset_hdr = val; return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } bool getHdrCapacityMin(float* hdr_capacity_min, bool* present) { if (state == Done) { *present = hdrCapacityMinFound; stringstream ss(hdrCapacityMinStr); float val; if (ss >> val) { *hdr_capacity_min = exp2(val); return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } bool getHdrCapacityMax(float* hdr_capacity_max, bool* present) { if (state == Done) { *present = hdrCapacityMaxFound; stringstream ss(hdrCapacityMaxStr); float val; if (ss >> val) { *hdr_capacity_max = exp2(val); return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } bool getBaseRenditionIsHdr(bool* base_rendition_is_hdr, bool* present) { if (state == Done) { *present = baseRenditionIsHdrFound; if (!baseRenditionIsHdrStr.compare("False")) { *base_rendition_is_hdr = false; return true; } else if (!baseRenditionIsHdrStr.compare("True")) { *base_rendition_is_hdr = true; return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } private: static const string containerName; static const string versionAttrName; string versionStr; bool versionFound; static const string maxContentBoostAttrName; string maxContentBoostStr; bool maxContentBoostFound; static const string minContentBoostAttrName; string minContentBoostStr; bool minContentBoostFound; static const string gammaAttrName; string gammaStr; bool gammaFound; static const string offsetSdrAttrName; string offsetSdrStr; bool offsetSdrFound; static const string offsetHdrAttrName; string offsetHdrStr; bool offsetHdrFound; static const string hdrCapacityMinAttrName; string hdrCapacityMinStr; bool hdrCapacityMinFound; static const string hdrCapacityMaxAttrName; string hdrCapacityMaxStr; bool hdrCapacityMaxFound; static const string baseRenditionIsHdrAttrName; string baseRenditionIsHdrStr; bool baseRenditionIsHdrFound; string lastAttributeName; ParseState state; }; // GContainer XMP constants - URI and namespace prefix const string kContainerUri = "http://ns.google.com/photos/1.0/container/"; const string kContainerPrefix = "Container"; // GContainer XMP constants - element and attribute names const string kConDirectory = Name(kContainerPrefix, "Directory"); const string kConItem = Name(kContainerPrefix, "Item"); // GContainer XMP constants - names for XMP handlers const string XMPXmlHandler::containerName = "rdf:Description"; // Item XMP constants - URI and namespace prefix const string kItemUri = "http://ns.google.com/photos/1.0/container/item/"; const string kItemPrefix = "Item"; // Item XMP constants - element and attribute names const string kItemLength = Name(kItemPrefix, "Length"); const string kItemMime = Name(kItemPrefix, "Mime"); const string kItemSemantic = Name(kItemPrefix, "Semantic"); // Item XMP constants - element and attribute values const string kSemanticPrimary = "Primary"; const string kSemanticGainMap = "GainMap"; const string kMimeImageJpeg = "image/jpeg"; // GainMap XMP constants - URI and namespace prefix const string kGainMapUri = "http://ns.adobe.com/hdr-gain-map/1.0/"; const string kGainMapPrefix = "hdrgm"; // GainMap XMP constants - element and attribute names const string kMapVersion = Name(kGainMapPrefix, "Version"); const string kMapGainMapMin = Name(kGainMapPrefix, "GainMapMin"); const string kMapGainMapMax = Name(kGainMapPrefix, "GainMapMax"); const string kMapGamma = Name(kGainMapPrefix, "Gamma"); const string kMapOffsetSdr = Name(kGainMapPrefix, "OffsetSDR"); const string kMapOffsetHdr = Name(kGainMapPrefix, "OffsetHDR"); const string kMapHDRCapacityMin = Name(kGainMapPrefix, "HDRCapacityMin"); const string kMapHDRCapacityMax = Name(kGainMapPrefix, "HDRCapacityMax"); const string kMapBaseRenditionIsHDR = Name(kGainMapPrefix, "BaseRenditionIsHDR"); // GainMap XMP constants - names for XMP handlers const string XMPXmlHandler::versionAttrName = kMapVersion; const string XMPXmlHandler::minContentBoostAttrName = kMapGainMapMin; const string XMPXmlHandler::maxContentBoostAttrName = kMapGainMapMax; const string XMPXmlHandler::gammaAttrName = kMapGamma; const string XMPXmlHandler::offsetSdrAttrName = kMapOffsetSdr; const string XMPXmlHandler::offsetHdrAttrName = kMapOffsetHdr; const string XMPXmlHandler::hdrCapacityMinAttrName = kMapHDRCapacityMin; const string XMPXmlHandler::hdrCapacityMaxAttrName = kMapHDRCapacityMax; const string XMPXmlHandler::baseRenditionIsHdrAttrName = kMapBaseRenditionIsHDR; bool getMetadataFromXMP(uint8_t* xmp_data, size_t xmp_size, ultrahdr_metadata_struct* metadata) { string nameSpace = "http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/\0"; if (xmp_size < nameSpace.size() + 2) { // Data too short return false; } if (strncmp(reinterpret_cast(xmp_data), nameSpace.c_str(), nameSpace.size())) { // Not correct namespace return false; } // Position the pointers to the start of XMP XML portion xmp_data += nameSpace.size() + 1; xmp_size -= nameSpace.size() + 1; XMPXmlHandler handler; // xml parser fails to parse packet header, wrapper. remove them before handing the data to // parser. if there is no packet header, do nothing otherwise go to the position of '<' without // '?' after it. int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < xmp_size; ++i) { if (xmp_data[i] == '<') { if (xmp_data[i + 1] != '?') { offset = i; break; } } } xmp_data += offset; xmp_size -= offset; // If there is no packet wrapper, do nothing other wise go to the position of last '>' without '?' // before it. offset = 0; for (int i = xmp_size - 1; i >= 1; --i) { if (xmp_data[i] == '>') { if (xmp_data[i - 1] != '?') { offset = xmp_size - (i + 1); break; } } } xmp_size -= offset; // remove padding while (xmp_data[xmp_size - 1] != '>' && xmp_size > 1) { xmp_size--; } string str(reinterpret_cast(xmp_data), xmp_size); MessageHandler msg_handler; unique_ptr rule(new XmlElementRule); XmlReader reader(&handler, &msg_handler); reader.StartParse(std::move(rule)); reader.Parse(str); reader.FinishParse(); if (reader.HasErrors()) { // Parse error return false; } // Apply default values to any not-present fields, except for Version, // maxContentBoost, and hdrCapacityMax, which are required. Return false if // we encounter a present field that couldn't be parsed, since this // indicates it is invalid (eg. string where there should be a float). bool present = false; if (!handler.getVersion(&metadata->version, &present) || !present) { return false; } if (!handler.getMaxContentBoost(&metadata->maxContentBoost, &present) || !present) { return false; } if (!handler.getHdrCapacityMax(&metadata->hdrCapacityMax, &present) || !present) { return false; } if (!handler.getMinContentBoost(&metadata->minContentBoost, &present)) { if (present) return false; metadata->minContentBoost = 1.0f; } if (!handler.getGamma(&metadata->gamma, &present)) { if (present) return false; metadata->gamma = 1.0f; } if (!handler.getOffsetSdr(&metadata->offsetSdr, &present)) { if (present) return false; metadata->offsetSdr = 1.0f / 64.0f; } if (!handler.getOffsetHdr(&metadata->offsetHdr, &present)) { if (present) return false; metadata->offsetHdr = 1.0f / 64.0f; } if (!handler.getHdrCapacityMin(&metadata->hdrCapacityMin, &present)) { if (present) return false; metadata->hdrCapacityMin = 1.0f; } bool base_rendition_is_hdr; if (!handler.getBaseRenditionIsHdr(&base_rendition_is_hdr, &present)) { if (present) return false; base_rendition_is_hdr = false; } if (base_rendition_is_hdr) { ALOGE("Base rendition of HDR is not supported!"); return false; } return true; } string generateXmpForPrimaryImage(int secondary_image_length, ultrahdr_metadata_struct& metadata) { const vector kConDirSeq({kConDirectory, string("rdf:Seq")}); const vector kLiItem({string("rdf:li"), kConItem}); std::stringstream ss; photos_editing_formats::image_io::XmlWriter writer(ss); writer.StartWritingElement("x:xmpmeta"); writer.WriteXmlns("x", "adobe:ns:meta/"); writer.WriteAttributeNameAndValue("x:xmptk", "Adobe XMP Core 5.1.2"); writer.StartWritingElement("rdf:RDF"); writer.WriteXmlns("rdf", "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"); writer.StartWritingElement("rdf:Description"); writer.WriteXmlns(kContainerPrefix, kContainerUri); writer.WriteXmlns(kItemPrefix, kItemUri); writer.WriteXmlns(kGainMapPrefix, kGainMapUri); writer.WriteAttributeNameAndValue(kMapVersion, metadata.version); writer.StartWritingElements(kConDirSeq); size_t item_depth = writer.StartWritingElement("rdf:li"); writer.WriteAttributeNameAndValue("rdf:parseType", "Resource"); writer.StartWritingElement(kConItem); writer.WriteAttributeNameAndValue(kItemSemantic, kSemanticPrimary); writer.WriteAttributeNameAndValue(kItemMime, kMimeImageJpeg); writer.FinishWritingElementsToDepth(item_depth); writer.StartWritingElement("rdf:li"); writer.WriteAttributeNameAndValue("rdf:parseType", "Resource"); writer.StartWritingElement(kConItem); writer.WriteAttributeNameAndValue(kItemSemantic, kSemanticGainMap); writer.WriteAttributeNameAndValue(kItemMime, kMimeImageJpeg); writer.WriteAttributeNameAndValue(kItemLength, secondary_image_length); writer.FinishWriting(); return ss.str(); } string generateXmpForSecondaryImage(ultrahdr_metadata_struct& metadata) { const vector kConDirSeq({kConDirectory, string("rdf:Seq")}); std::stringstream ss; photos_editing_formats::image_io::XmlWriter writer(ss); writer.StartWritingElement("x:xmpmeta"); writer.WriteXmlns("x", "adobe:ns:meta/"); writer.WriteAttributeNameAndValue("x:xmptk", "Adobe XMP Core 5.1.2"); writer.StartWritingElement("rdf:RDF"); writer.WriteXmlns("rdf", "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"); writer.StartWritingElement("rdf:Description"); writer.WriteXmlns(kGainMapPrefix, kGainMapUri); writer.WriteAttributeNameAndValue(kMapVersion, metadata.version); writer.WriteAttributeNameAndValue(kMapGainMapMin, log2(metadata.minContentBoost)); writer.WriteAttributeNameAndValue(kMapGainMapMax, log2(metadata.maxContentBoost)); writer.WriteAttributeNameAndValue(kMapGamma, metadata.gamma); writer.WriteAttributeNameAndValue(kMapOffsetSdr, metadata.offsetSdr); writer.WriteAttributeNameAndValue(kMapOffsetHdr, metadata.offsetHdr); writer.WriteAttributeNameAndValue(kMapHDRCapacityMin, log2(metadata.hdrCapacityMin)); writer.WriteAttributeNameAndValue(kMapHDRCapacityMax, log2(metadata.hdrCapacityMax)); writer.WriteAttributeNameAndValue(kMapBaseRenditionIsHDR, "False"); writer.FinishWriting(); return ss.str(); } } // namespace ultrahdr