/* * The authors of this software are Rob Pike and Ken Thompson. * Copyright (c) 2002 by Lucent Technologies. * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice * is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy * or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting * documentation for such software. * THIS SOFTWARE IS BEING PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTY. IN PARTICULAR, NEITHER THE AUTHORS NOR LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES MAKE ANY * REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND CONCERNING THE MERCHANTABILITY * OF THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ #include "utf.h" #include "utfdef.h" static Rune* rbsearch(Rune c, Rune *t, int n, int ne) { Rune *p; int m; while(n > 1) { m = n >> 1; p = t + m*ne; if(c >= p[0]) { t = p; n = n-m; } else n = m; } if(n && c >= t[0]) return t; return 0; } /* * The "ideographic" property is hard to extract from UnicodeData.txt, * so it is hard coded here. * * It is defined in the Unicode PropList.txt file, for example * PropList-3.0.0.txt. Unlike the UnicodeData.txt file, the format of * PropList changes between versions. This property appears relatively static; * it is the same in version 4.0.1, except that version defines some >16 bit * chars as ideographic as well: 20000..2a6d6, and 2f800..2Fa1d. */ static Rune __isideographicr[] = { 0x3006, 0x3007, /* 3006 not in Unicode 2, in 2.1 */ 0x3021, 0x3029, 0x3038, 0x303a, /* not in Unicode 2 or 2.1 */ 0x3400, 0x4db5, /* not in Unicode 2 or 2.1 */ 0x4e00, 0x9fbb, /* 0x9FA6..0x9FBB added for 4.1.0? */ 0xf900, 0xfa2d, 0x20000, 0x2A6D6, 0x2F800, 0x2FA1D, }; int isideographicrune(Rune c) { Rune *p; p = rbsearch(c, __isideographicr, nelem(__isideographicr)/2, 2); if(p && c >= p[0] && c <= p[1]) return 1; return 0; } #include "runetypebody.h"