// Copyright 2016 The Weave Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include #include #include #include "examples/daemon/common/daemon.h" #include "tests_schema/daemon/testdevice/custom_traits.h" #include "tests_schema/daemon/testdevice/standard_traits.h" #include #include #include #include namespace weave { namespace lockstate { enum class LockState { kUnlocked, kLocked, kPartiallyLocked }; const weave::EnumToStringMap::Map kLockMapMethod[] = { {LockState::kLocked, "locked"}, {LockState::kUnlocked, "unlocked"}, {LockState::kPartiallyLocked, "partiallyLocked"}}; } // namespace lockstate template <> EnumToStringMap::EnumToStringMap() : EnumToStringMap(lockstate::kLockMapMethod) {} } // namespace weave // TestDeviceHandler is a command handler example that shows // how to handle commands for a Weave testdevice. class TestDeviceHandler { public: TestDeviceHandler() = default; void Register(weave::Device* device) { device_ = device; device->AddTraitDefinitionsFromJson(standard_traits::kTraits); device->AddTraitDefinitionsFromJson(custom_traits::kCustomTraits); CHECK(device->AddComponent( standard_traits::kComponent, {"lock", "onOff", "brightness", "colorTemp", "colorXy"}, nullptr)); CHECK(device->AddComponent(custom_traits::ledflasher, {"_ledflasher"}, nullptr)); CHECK(device->SetStatePropertiesFromJson( standard_traits::kComponent, standard_traits::kDefaultState, nullptr)); CHECK(device->SetStatePropertiesFromJson( custom_traits::ledflasher, custom_traits::kLedflasherState, nullptr)); for (size_t led_index = 0; led_index < led_states_.size(); led_index++) { std::string component_name = custom_traits::kLedComponentPrefix + std::to_string(led_index + 1); CHECK(device->AddComponent(component_name, {"onOff"}, nullptr)); device->AddCommandHandler( component_name, "onOff.setConfig", base::Bind(&TestDeviceHandler::LedOnOffSetConfig, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), led_index)); device->SetStateProperty( component_name, "onOff.state", base::StringValue{led_states_[led_index] ? "on" : "off"}, nullptr); } UpdateTestDeviceState(); device->AddCommandHandler(standard_traits::kComponent, "onOff.setConfig", base::Bind(&TestDeviceHandler::OnOnOffSetConfig, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); device->AddCommandHandler(standard_traits::kComponent, "lock.setConfig", base::Bind(&TestDeviceHandler::OnLockSetConfig, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); device->AddCommandHandler( standard_traits::kComponent, "brightness.setConfig", base::Bind(&TestDeviceHandler::OnBrightnessSetConfig, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); device->AddCommandHandler( standard_traits::kComponent, "colorTemp.setConfig", base::Bind(&TestDeviceHandler::OnColorTempSetConfig, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); device->AddCommandHandler(standard_traits::kComponent, "colorXy.setConfig", base::Bind(&TestDeviceHandler::OnColorXySetConfig, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); device->AddCommandHandler(custom_traits::ledflasher, "_ledflasher.animate", base::Bind(&TestDeviceHandler::OnAnimate, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); } private: void OnLockSetConfig(const std::weak_ptr& command) { auto cmd = command.lock(); if (!cmd) return; LOG(INFO) << "received command: " << cmd->GetName(); const auto& params = cmd->GetParameters(); std::string requested_state; if (params.GetString("lockedState", &requested_state)) { LOG(INFO) << cmd->GetName() << " state: " << requested_state; weave::lockstate::LockState new_lock_status; if (!weave::StringToEnum(requested_state, &new_lock_status)) { // Invalid lock state was specified. AbortCommand(cmd); return; } if (new_lock_status != lock_state_) { lock_state_ = new_lock_status; LOG(INFO) << "Lock is now: " << requested_state; UpdateTestDeviceState(); } cmd->Complete({}, nullptr); return; } AbortCommand(cmd); } void OnBrightnessSetConfig(const std::weak_ptr& command) { auto cmd = command.lock(); if (!cmd) return; LOG(INFO) << "received command: " << cmd->GetName(); const auto& params = cmd->GetParameters(); double brightness_value = 0.0; if (params.GetDouble("brightness", &brightness_value)) { LOG(INFO) << cmd->GetName() << " brightness: " << brightness_value; if (brightness_value < 0.0 || brightness_value > 1.0) { // Invalid brightness range value is specified. AbortCommand(cmd); return; } if (brightness_state_ != brightness_value) { brightness_state_ = brightness_value; UpdateTestDeviceState(); } cmd->Complete({}, nullptr); return; } AbortCommand(cmd); } void OnOnOffSetConfig(const std::weak_ptr& command) { auto cmd = command.lock(); if (!cmd) return; LOG(INFO) << "received command: " << cmd->GetName(); const auto& params = cmd->GetParameters(); std::string requested_state; if (params.GetString("state", &requested_state)) { LOG(INFO) << cmd->GetName() << " state: " << requested_state; std::string temp_state = requested_state; std::transform(temp_state.begin(), temp_state.end(), temp_state.begin(), ::toupper); if (temp_state != "ON" && temp_state != "OFF") { // Invalid OnOff state is specified. AbortCommand(cmd); return; } bool new_light_status = requested_state == "on"; if (new_light_status != light_status_) { light_status_ = new_light_status; LOG(INFO) << "Light is now: " << (light_status_ ? "ON" : "OFF"); UpdateTestDeviceState(); } cmd->Complete({}, nullptr); return; } AbortCommand(cmd); } void OnColorTempSetConfig(const std::weak_ptr& command) { auto cmd = command.lock(); if (!cmd) return; LOG(INFO) << "received command: " << cmd->GetName(); const auto& params = cmd->GetParameters(); int32_t color_temp = 0; if (params.GetInteger("colorTemp", &color_temp)) { LOG(INFO) << cmd->GetName() << " colorTemp: " << color_temp; if (color_temp < 0.0 || color_temp > 1.0) { // Invalid color_temp value is specified. AbortCommand(cmd); return; } if (color_temp != color_temp_) { color_temp_ = color_temp; LOG(INFO) << "color_Temp is now: " << color_temp_; UpdateTestDeviceState(); } cmd->Complete({}, nullptr); return; } AbortCommand(cmd); } void OnColorXySetConfig(const std::weak_ptr& command) { auto cmd = command.lock(); if (!cmd) return; LOG(INFO) << "received command: " << cmd->GetName(); const auto& params = cmd->GetParameters(); const base::DictionaryValue* colorXy = nullptr; if (params.GetDictionary("colorSetting", &colorXy)) { bool updateState = false; double X = 0.0; double Y = 0.0; if (colorXy->GetDouble("colorX", &X)) { color_X_ = X; updateState = true; } if (colorXy->GetDouble("colorY", &Y)) { color_Y_ = Y; updateState = true; } if ((color_X_ < 0.0 || color_Y_ > 1.0) || (color_Y_ < 0.0 || color_Y_ > 1.0)) { // Invalid color range value is specified. AbortCommand(cmd); return; } if (updateState) UpdateTestDeviceState(); cmd->Complete({}, nullptr); return; } AbortCommand(cmd); } void OnAnimate(const std::weak_ptr& command) { auto cmd = command.lock(); if (!cmd) return; const auto& params = cmd->GetParameters(); double duration = 0.0; std::string type; if (params.GetDouble("duration", &duration)) { LOG(INFO) << cmd->GetName() << " animate duration : " << duration; if (duration <= 0.0 || duration > 100.0) { // Invalid animate duration value is specified. AbortCommand(cmd); return; } if (params.GetString("type", &type)) { LOG(INFO) << " Animation type value is : " << type; if (type != "marquee_left" && type != "marquee_right" && type != "blink" && type != "none") { // Invalid animation state is specified. AbortCommand(cmd); return; } } cmd->Complete({}, nullptr); return; } AbortCommand(cmd); } void LedOnOffSetConfig(size_t led_index, const std::weak_ptr& command) { auto cmd = command.lock(); if (!cmd) return; LOG(INFO) << "received command: " << cmd->GetName(); const auto& params = cmd->GetParameters(); std::string state; if (params.GetString("state", &state)) { LOG(INFO) << cmd->GetName() << " led: " << led_index << " state: " << state; std::string temp_state = state; if (temp_state != "on" && temp_state != "off") { // Invalid OnOff state is specified. AbortCommand(cmd); return; } int current_state = led_states_[led_index]; int new_state = (state == "on") ? 1 : 0; led_states_[led_index] = new_state; if (new_state != current_state) { device_->SetStateProperty(cmd->GetComponent(), "onOff.state", base::StringValue{state}, nullptr); } cmd->Complete({}, nullptr); return; } AbortCommand(cmd); } void UpdateTestDeviceState() { std::string updated_state = weave::EnumToString(lock_state_); device_->SetStateProperty(standard_traits::kComponent, "lock.lockedState", base::StringValue{updated_state}, nullptr); base::DictionaryValue state; state.SetString("onOff.state", light_status_ ? "on" : "off"); state.SetDouble("brightness.brightness", brightness_state_); state.SetInteger("colorTemp.minColorTemp", color_temp_min_value_); state.SetInteger("colorTemp.maxColorTemp", color_temp_max_value_); state.SetInteger("colorTemp.colorTemp", color_temp_); std::unique_ptr colorXy(new base::DictionaryValue()); colorXy->SetDouble("colorX", color_X_); colorXy->SetDouble("colorY", color_Y_); state.Set("colorXy.colorSetting", std::move(colorXy)); device_->SetStateProperties(standard_traits::kComponent, state, nullptr); } void AbortCommand(std::shared_ptr& cmd) { weave::ErrorPtr error; weave::Error::AddTo(&error, FROM_HERE, "invalidParameterValue", "Invalid parameters"); cmd->Abort(error.get(), nullptr); } weave::Device* device_{nullptr}; // Simulate the state of the testdevice. weave::lockstate::LockState lock_state_{weave::lockstate::LockState::kLocked}; bool light_status_{false}; double brightness_state_{0.0}; int32_t color_temp_{0}; int32_t color_temp_min_value_{0}; int32_t color_temp_max_value_{1}; double color_X_{0.0}; double color_Y_{0.0}; double duration{0.1}; std::bitset led_states_{0}; base::WeakPtrFactory weak_ptr_factory_{this}; }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { Daemon::Options opts; opts.model_id = "AOAAA"; if (!opts.Parse(argc, argv)) { Daemon::Options::ShowUsage(argv[0]); return 1; } Daemon daemon{opts}; TestDeviceHandler handler; handler.Register(daemon.GetDevice()); daemon.Run(); return 0; }