/****************************************************************************** * * * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ***************************************************************************** * Originally developed and contributed by Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore */ #include #include "ixheaacd_sbr_common.h" #include #include "ixheaacd_constants.h" #include #include #include #include "ixheaacd_basic_ops_arr.h" #include "ixheaacd_basic_ops.h" #include "ixheaacd_defines.h" #include #include "ixheaacd_intrinsics.h" #include "ixheaacd_common_rom.h" #include "ixheaacd_basic_funcs.h" #include "ixheaacd_bitbuffer.h" #include "ixheaacd_sbrdecsettings.h" #include "ixheaacd_defines.h" #include "ixheaacd_pns.h" #include #include "ixheaacd_pulsedata.h" #include "ixheaacd_drc_data_struct.h" #include "ixheaacd_lt_predict.h" #include "ixheaacd_channelinfo.h" #include "ixheaacd_drc_dec.h" #include "ixheaacd_sbrdecoder.h" #include "ixheaacd_sbr_scale.h" #include "ixheaacd_lpp_tran.h" #include "ixheaacd_env_extr_part.h" #include #include "ixheaacd_hybrid.h" #include "ixheaacd_ps_dec.h" #include "ixheaacd_env_extr.h" #include #include "ixheaacd_ps_dec.h" #include "ixheaacd_qmf_dec.h" #include "ixheaacd_env_calc.h" #include "ixheaacd_sbr_const.h" #include "ixheaacd_pvc_dec.h" #include "ixheaacd_sbr_dec.h" #include "ixheaacd_function_selector.h" VOID ixheaacd_apply_ps(ia_ps_dec_struct *ptr_ps_dec, WORD32 **p_buf_left_real, WORD32 **p_buf_left_imag, WORD32 *p_buf_right_real, WORD32 *p_buf_right_imag, ia_sbr_scale_fact_struct *sbr_scale_factor, WORD16 slot, ia_sbr_tables_struct *sbr_tables_ptr) { WORD16 shiftdelay = (WORD16)((slot < (32 - MAX_OV_COLS)) ? 0 : (sbr_scale_factor->lb_scale - sbr_scale_factor->ps_scale)); ixheaacd_hybrid_analysis(p_buf_left_real[HYBRID_FILTER_DELAY], ptr_ps_dec->ptr_hyb_left_re, ptr_ps_dec->ptr_hyb_left_im, &ptr_ps_dec->str_hybrid, shiftdelay, sbr_tables_ptr); (*ixheaacd_decorrelation)(ptr_ps_dec, p_buf_left_real[0], p_buf_left_imag[0], p_buf_right_real, p_buf_right_imag, sbr_tables_ptr->ps_tables_ptr); (*ixheaacd_apply_rot)(ptr_ps_dec, p_buf_left_real[0], p_buf_left_imag[0], p_buf_right_real, p_buf_right_imag, sbr_tables_ptr, ptr_ps_dec->str_hybrid.ptr_resol); } VOID ixheaacd_scale_ps_states(ia_ps_dec_struct *ptr_ps_dec, WORD16 scale) { WORD i, m; WORD32 delay; if (scale > 0) { WORD16 scale1 = scale; if (scale > 15) scale1 = 15; for (m = 0; m < 2; m++) ixheaacd_scale_short_vec_left( (WORD16 *)&ptr_ps_dec->delay_buf_qmf_ap_re_im[m][3 * 2], 2 * NUM_OF_QUAD_MIRROR_FILTER_ALL_PASS_CHNLS, scale1); delay = 2 * HIGH_DEL * SMALL_DEL_STRT + 2 * SMALL_DEL * (NUM_OF_QUAD_MIRROR_FILTER_ICC_CHNLS - (NUM_OF_QUAD_MIRROR_FILTER_ALL_PASS_CHNLS + SMALL_DEL_STRT)); ixheaacd_scale_short_vec_left((WORD16 *)ptr_ps_dec->delay_buf_qmf_ld_re_im, delay, scale1); delay = 2 * 16 * DEL_ALL_PASS + 2 * NUM_SER_AP_LINKS * 5 * 16; ixheaacd_scale_short_vec_left((WORD16 *)ptr_ps_dec->delay_buf_qmf_sub_re_im, delay, scale1); for (i = 0; i < NUM_SER_AP_LINKS; i++) { for (m = 0; m < ptr_ps_dec->delay_sample_ser[i]; m++) { ixheaacd_scale_short_vec_left( (WORD16 *)&ptr_ps_dec->delay_buf_qmf_ser_re_im[m][i][2 * 3], 2 * NUM_OF_QUAD_MIRROR_FILTER_ALL_PASS_CHNLS, scale1); } } ixheaacd_scale_int_vec_left( ptr_ps_dec->str_hybrid.ptr_qmf_buf_re[0], 2 * NO_QMF_CHANNELS_IN_HYBRID * ptr_ps_dec->str_hybrid.ptr_qmf_buf, scale); scale = (scale + scale); ixheaacd_scale_int_vec_left(ptr_ps_dec->peak_decay_diff, 3 * NUM_OF_BINS, scale); } else { if (scale != 0) { scale = -scale; for (m = 0; m < 2; m++) ixheaacd_scale_short_vec_right( (WORD16 *)&ptr_ps_dec->delay_buf_qmf_ap_re_im[m][3 * 2], 2 * NUM_OF_QUAD_MIRROR_FILTER_ALL_PASS_CHNLS, scale); delay = 2 * HIGH_DEL * SMALL_DEL_STRT + 2 * SMALL_DEL * (NUM_OF_QUAD_MIRROR_FILTER_ICC_CHNLS - (NUM_OF_QUAD_MIRROR_FILTER_ALL_PASS_CHNLS + SMALL_DEL_STRT)); ixheaacd_scale_short_vec_right( (WORD16 *)ptr_ps_dec->delay_buf_qmf_ld_re_im, delay, scale); delay = 2 * 16 * DEL_ALL_PASS + 2 * NUM_SER_AP_LINKS * 5 * 16; ixheaacd_scale_short_vec_right( (WORD16 *)ptr_ps_dec->delay_buf_qmf_sub_re_im, delay, scale); for (i = 0; i < NUM_SER_AP_LINKS; i++) { for (m = 0; m < ptr_ps_dec->delay_sample_ser[i]; m++) { ixheaacd_scale_short_vec_right( (WORD16 *)&ptr_ps_dec->delay_buf_qmf_ser_re_im[m][i][3 * 2], 2 * NUM_OF_QUAD_MIRROR_FILTER_ALL_PASS_CHNLS, scale); } } ixheaacd_scale_int_vec_right( ptr_ps_dec->str_hybrid.ptr_qmf_buf_re[0], 2 * NO_QMF_CHANNELS_IN_HYBRID * ptr_ps_dec->str_hybrid.ptr_qmf_buf, scale); scale = (scale + scale); ixheaacd_scale_int_vec_right(ptr_ps_dec->peak_decay_diff, 3 * NUM_OF_BINS, scale); } } }