AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2013-01-14Initial commit.Dmitry Antipov
2012-12-14Refactor to avoid some duplicated code.Dmitry Antipov
Invert ashmem_pin_unpin() logic assuming the memory is pinned by default.
2012-12-13Add test case for ASHMEM_PURGE_ALL_CACHES ioctl.Dmitry Antipov
2012-12-12Add test cases for ASHMEM_GET_PROT_MASK and ASHMEM_SET_PROT_MASK ioctls.Dmitry Antipov
2012-12-11Fix a lot of things needed to pass the test with current ashmem driver.Dmitry Antipov
Note that it's still unclear why the memory is pinned by default; now we assume that it's correct.
2012-12-10Include Makefile and local copy of ashmem.h for out-of-tree build.Dmitry Antipov
Examine st_dev field of struct stat to check for device major number. Signed-off-by: Dmitry Antipov <>
2012-11-30Improve test status reporting.Dmitry Antipov
2012-11-30Add simple mmap() test.Dmitry Antipov
2012-11-29Fix include path.Dmitry Antipov
Signed-off-by: Zach Pfeffer <> Signed-off-by: Dmitry Antipov <>
2012-11-27Initial commit.Dmitry Antipov