/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.testing.littlemock; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.anyBoolean; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.anyByte; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.anyChar; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.anyDouble; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.anyFloat; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.anyInt; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.anyLong; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.anyObject; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.anyShort; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.anyString; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.anyTimes; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.atLeast; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.atLeastOnce; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.atMost; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.between; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.checkForProgrammingErrorsDuringTearDown; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.doAnswer; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.doNothing; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.doReturn; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.doThrow; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.eq; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.initMocks; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.isA; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.mock; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.never; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.reset; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.times; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.verify; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.verifyNoMoreInteractions; import static com.google.testing.littlemock.LittleMock.verifyZeroInteractions; import junit.framework.TestCase; import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; /** * Unit tests for the LittleMock class. * * @author hugohudson@gmail.com (Hugo Hudson) */ public class LittleMockTest extends TestCase { /** * Used in these unit tests to indicate that the method should throw a given type of exception. */ @Target({ ElementType.METHOD }) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface ShouldThrow { public Class value(); public String[] messages() default {}; } @Mock private Foo mFoo; @Mock private Bar mBar; @Mock private BarSubtype mBarSubtype; @Captor private ArgumentCaptor mCaptureString; @Captor private ArgumentCaptor mCaptureAnotherString; @Captor private ArgumentCaptor mCaptureInteger; @Captor private ArgumentCaptor mCaptureCallback; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); LittleMock.initMocks(this); } @Override protected void runTest() throws Throwable { Method method = getClass().getMethod(getName(), (Class[]) null); ShouldThrow shouldThrowAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(ShouldThrow.class); if (shouldThrowAnnotation != null) { try { super.runTest(); fail("Should have thrown " + shouldThrowAnnotation.value()); } catch (Throwable e) { if (!e.getClass().equals(shouldThrowAnnotation.value())) { fail("Should have thrown " + shouldThrowAnnotation.value() + " but threw " + e); } for (String requiredSubstring : shouldThrowAnnotation.messages()) { if (!e.getMessage().contains(requiredSubstring)) { fail("Error message didn't contain " + requiredSubstring + ", was " + e.getMessage()); } } // Good, test passes. } } else { super.runTest(); } } /** Simple interface for testing against. */ public interface Callback { public void callMeNow(); } /** Simple interface for testing against. */ public interface Foo { public int anInt(); public boolean aBoolean(); public byte aByte(); public short aShort(); public long aLong(); public float aFloat(); public double aDouble(); public char aChar(); public String aString(); public Object anObject(); public Foo anInterface(); public void add(String input); public void clear(); public String get(int index); public String lookup(String string); public void getResultLater(Callback callback); public String findByInt(int input); public String findByBoolean(boolean input); public String findByByte(byte input); public String findByShort(short input); public String findByLong(long input); public String findByFloat(float input); public String findByDouble(double input); public String findByChar(char input); public void takesObject(Object input); public void takesList(List input); public void takesBar(Bar bar); public void exceptionThrower() throws Exception; public Bar aBar(); public BarSubtype aBarSubtype(); } /** Simple interface for testing against. */ public interface Bar { public void doSomething(); public String twoStrings(String first, String second); public void mixedArguments(int first, String second); public void getResultLater(Callback callback); } /** Subtype of Bar. */ public interface BarSubtype extends Bar { public void doSomethingElse(); } /** Another interface for testing with. */ public interface OnClickListener { void onClick(Bar bar); } public void testDefaultReturnTypesForNewMocks() { assertEquals(0, mFoo.anInt()); assertEquals(false, mFoo.aBoolean()); assertEquals(0, mFoo.aByte()); assertEquals(0, mFoo.aShort()); assertEquals(0L, mFoo.aLong()); assertEquals(0.0f, mFoo.aFloat()); assertEquals(0.0d, mFoo.aDouble()); assertEquals('\u0000', mFoo.aChar()); assertEquals(null, mFoo.aString()); assertEquals(null, mFoo.anObject()); assertEquals(null, mFoo.anInterface()); } @ShouldThrow(IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testVerify_FailsIfNotDoneOnAProxy() { verify("hello").contains("something"); } @ShouldThrow(IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testVerify_FailsIfNotCreatedByOurMockMethod() { verify(createNotARealMock()).add("something"); } public void testVerify_SuccessfulVerification() { mFoo.add("something"); verify(mFoo).add("something"); } public void testVerify_SuccessfulVerification_NormalOrder() { mFoo.add("something"); mFoo.add("something else"); verify(mFoo).add("something"); verify(mFoo).add("something else"); } public void testVerify_SuccessfulVerification_ReverseOrder() { mFoo.add("something"); mFoo.add("something else"); verify(mFoo).add("something else"); verify(mFoo).add("something"); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerify_MeansOnlyOnceSoShouldFailIfCalledTwice() { mFoo.add("something"); mFoo.add("something"); verify(mFoo).add("something"); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerify_FailedVerification_CalledWithWrongArgument() { mFoo.add("something else"); verify(mFoo).add("something"); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerify_FailedVerification_WasNeverCalled() { verify(mFoo).add("something"); } public void testVerify_TimesTwice_Succeeds() { mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); verify(mFoo, LittleMock.times(2)).add("jim"); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerify_TimesTwice_ButThreeTimesFails() { mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); verify(mFoo, LittleMock.times(2)).add("jim"); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerify_TimesTwice_ButOnceFails() { mFoo.add("jim"); verify(mFoo, LittleMock.times(2)).add("jim"); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerify_TimesTwice_DifferentStringsFails() { mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("bob"); verify(mFoo, LittleMock.times(2)).add("jim"); } public void testVerify_TimesTwice_WorksWithAnyString() { mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("bob"); verify(mFoo, LittleMock.times(2)).add(anyString()); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerify_TimesTwice_FailsIfJustOnceWithAnyString() { mFoo.add("bob"); verify(mFoo, LittleMock.times(2)).add(anyString()); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerify_TimesTwice_FailsIfThreeTimesWithAnyString() { mFoo.add("bob"); mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("james"); verify(mFoo, LittleMock.times(2)).add(anyString()); } public void testVerify_Never_Succeeds() { verify(mFoo, never()).add("jim"); verify(mFoo, never()).anInt(); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerify_Never_FailsIfWasCalled() { mFoo.add("jim"); verify(mFoo, never()).add("jim"); } public void testVerify_Never_PassesIfArgumentsDontMatch() { mFoo.add("bobby"); verify(mFoo, never()).add("jim"); } public void testVerify_AtLeastOnce_SuceedsForOneCall() { mFoo.add("jim"); verify(mFoo, atLeastOnce()).add("jim"); } public void testVerify_AtLeastOnce_SuceedsForThreeCalls() { mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); verify(mFoo, atLeastOnce()).add("jim"); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerify_AtLeastOnce_FailsForNoCalls() { verify(mFoo, atLeastOnce()).add("jim"); } public void testVerify_AtLeastThreeTimes_SuceedsForThreeCalls() { mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); verify(mFoo, atLeast(3)).add("jim"); } public void testVerify_AtLeastThreeTimes_SuceedsForFiveCalls() { mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); verify(mFoo, atLeast(3)).add("jim"); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerify_AtLeastThreeTimes_FailsForTwoCalls() { mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); verify(mFoo, atLeast(3)).add("jim"); } public void testVerify_AtMostThreeTimes_SuceedsForThreeCalls() { mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); verify(mFoo, atMost(3)).add("jim"); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerify_AtMostThreeTimes_FailsForFiveCalls() { mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); verify(mFoo, atMost(3)).add("jim"); } public void testVerify_AtMostThreeTimes_SucceedsForTwoCalls() { mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); verify(mFoo, atMost(3)).add("jim"); } public void testVerify_AtMostThreeTimes_SucceedsForNoCalls() { verify(mFoo, atMost(3)).add("jim"); } public void testVerify_BetweenTwoAndFour_SucceedsForTwoCalls() { mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); verify(mFoo, between(2, 4)).add("jim"); } public void testVerify_BetweenTwoAndFour_SucceedsForFourCalls() { mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); verify(mFoo, between(2, 4)).add("jim"); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerify_BetweenTwoAndFour_FailsForOneCall() { mFoo.add("jim"); verify(mFoo, between(2, 4)).add("jim"); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerify_BetweenTwoAndFour_FailsForFiveCalls() { mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); mFoo.add("jim"); verify(mFoo, LittleMock.between(2, 4)).add("jim"); } public void testDoReturnWhen_SimpleReturn() { doReturn("first").when(mFoo).get(0); assertEquals("first", mFoo.get(0)); } public void testDoReturnWhen_LastStubCallWins() { doReturn("first").when(mFoo).get(0); doReturn("second").when(mFoo).get(0); assertEquals("second", mFoo.get(0)); } public void testDoReturnWhen_CorrectStubMethodIsChosen() { doReturn("one").when(mFoo).get(1); doReturn("two").when(mFoo).get(2); assertEquals("one", mFoo.get(1)); assertEquals("two", mFoo.get(2)); } public void testDoReturnWhen_UnstubbedMethodStillReturnsDefault() { doReturn("one").when(mFoo).get(1); assertEquals(null, mFoo.get(2)); } @ShouldThrow(IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testDoReturnWhen_CalledOnString() { doReturn("first").when("hello").contains("something"); } @ShouldThrow(IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testDoReturnWhen_CalledOnNonMock() { doReturn("first").when(createNotARealMock()).get(0); } public void testDoReturnWhen_CanAlsoBeVerified() { // Mockito home page suggests that you don't verify stubbed calls. // I agree. They support it anyway. So will I. doReturn("one").when(mFoo).get(8); mFoo.get(8); verify(mFoo).get(8); } public void testDoReturn_CanPassIntForIntMethod() { doReturn(90).when(mFoo).anInt(); assertEquals(90, mFoo.anInt()); } // Interesting, you have to explicity convert the Integer class back into an int before it // is happy to accept this. public void testDoReturn_CanPassIntegerClassForIntMethod() { doReturn((int) Integer.valueOf(10)).when(mFoo).anInt(); assertEquals(10, mFoo.anInt()); } public void testDoReturn_PrimitiveLong() { doReturn((long) Long.valueOf(10L)).when(mFoo).aLong(); assertEquals(10L, mFoo.aLong()); } public void testDoReturn_PrimitiveTypes() { doReturn(5).when(mFoo).anInt(); assertEquals(5, mFoo.anInt()); doReturn((short) 5).when(mFoo).aShort(); assertEquals(5, mFoo.aShort()); doReturn(true).when(mFoo).aBoolean(); assertEquals(true, mFoo.aBoolean()); doReturn((byte) 3).when(mFoo).aByte(); assertEquals(3, mFoo.aByte()); doReturn(0.6f).when(mFoo).aFloat(); assertEquals(0.6f, mFoo.aFloat()); doReturn(0.7).when(mFoo).aDouble(); assertEquals(0.7, mFoo.aDouble()); doReturn('c').when(mFoo).aChar(); assertEquals('c', mFoo.aChar()); assertEquals(null, mFoo.anInterface()); } @ShouldThrow(RuntimeException.class) public void testDoThrow_SimpleException() { doThrow(new RuntimeException()).when(mFoo).aDouble(); mFoo.aDouble(); } public void testDoThrow_IfItDoesntMatchItIsntThrown() { doThrow(new RuntimeException()).when(mFoo).aDouble(); mFoo.aChar(); } @ShouldThrow(RuntimeException.class) public void testDoThrow_KeepsThrowingForever() { doThrow(new RuntimeException()).when(mFoo).aDouble(); try { mFoo.aDouble(); fail("Should have thrown a RuntimeException"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // Expected. } // This second call should also throw a RuntimeException. mFoo.aDouble(); } public void testDoNothing() { doNothing().when(mFoo).add("first"); mFoo.add("first"); } public void testVerifyZeroInteractions_PassesWhenNothingHasHappened() { verifyZeroInteractions(mFoo); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerifyZeroInteractions_FailsIfSomethingHasHappened() { mFoo.aBoolean(); verifyZeroInteractions(mFoo); } public void testVerifyZeroInteractions_HappyWithMultipleArguments() { verifyZeroInteractions(mFoo, mBar); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerifyZeroInteractions_ShouldFailEvenIfOtherInteractionsWereFirstVerified() { mFoo.add("test"); verify(mFoo).add("test"); verifyZeroInteractions(mFoo); } public void testVerifyEq_Method() { mFoo.add("test"); verify(mFoo).add(eq("test")); } public void testVerifyEq_MethodWithTwoSameTypeParameters() { mBar.twoStrings("first", "test"); verify(mBar).twoStrings(eq("first"), eq("test")); } public void testVerifyEq_MethodWithTwoDifferentTypeParameters() { mBar.mixedArguments(8, "test"); verify(mBar).mixedArguments(eq(8), eq("test")); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerifyEq_MethodFailsIfNotEqual() { mFoo.add("bob"); verify(mFoo).add(eq("jim")); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerifyEq_MethodFailsIfJustOneIsNotEqual() { mBar.twoStrings("first", "second"); verify(mBar).twoStrings(eq("first"), eq("third")); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerifyEq_MethodFailsIfSameParamsButInWrongOrder() { mBar.twoStrings("first", "second"); verify(mBar).twoStrings(eq("second"), eq("first")); } public void testCapture_SimpleCapture() { // We verify that there are zero matchers by using the check for programming errors method. checkForProgrammingErrorsDuringTearDown(); mFoo.add("test"); verify(mFoo).add(mCaptureString.capture()); assertEquals("test", mCaptureString.getValue()); checkForProgrammingErrorsDuringTearDown(); } public void testCapture_DuringStubbing() { checkForProgrammingErrorsDuringTearDown(); doReturn("hello").when(mFoo).lookup(mCaptureString.capture()); assertEquals("hello", mFoo.lookup("what")); assertEquals("what", mCaptureString.getValue()); } public void testCapture_TwoCallbacksDuringStubbing() { checkForProgrammingErrorsDuringTearDown(); doNothing().when(mFoo).add(mCaptureString.capture()); doNothing().when(mFoo).getResultLater(mCaptureCallback.capture()); mFoo.add("hi"); assertEquals("hi", mCaptureString.getValue()); Callback callback = createNoOpCallback(); mFoo.getResultLater(callback); assertEquals(callback, mCaptureCallback.getValue()); } // TODO(hugohudson): 6. Is this impossible to fix? You can't pass a // createCapture().capture() into a method expecting an int, because the capture // method returns null, and that gets auto-boxed to Integer on the way out of the // capture method, then auto-unboxed into an int when being passed to the underlying // method, which gives the NPE. How best can we fix this? // It's not like you need to anyway - there's no point / need to capture a primitive, // just use eq(5) for example. public void testCapture_NPEWhenUnboxing() { try { mBar.mixedArguments(5, "ten"); verify(mBar).mixedArguments(mCaptureInteger.capture(), mCaptureString.capture()); // These lines are never reached, the previous line throws an NPE. fail("You shouldn't be able to reach here"); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(5), mCaptureInteger.getValue()); assertEquals("ten", mCaptureString.getValue()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // Expected, unfortunately. // Now also we're in the situation where we have some captures hanging about in the static // variable, which will cause the tear down of this method to fail - we can clear them // as follows: try { checkForProgrammingErrorsDuringTearDown(); fail("Expected an IllegalStateException"); } catch (IllegalStateException e2) { // Expected. } } } public void testCapture_MultiCapture() { mFoo.lookup("james"); mFoo.add("whinny"); mFoo.add("jessica"); verify(mFoo).lookup(mCaptureString.capture()); verify(mFoo, atLeastOnce()).add(mCaptureAnotherString.capture()); assertEquals("james", mCaptureString.getValue()); assertEquals("jessica", mCaptureAnotherString.getValue()); assertEquals(newList("whinny", "jessica"), mCaptureAnotherString.getAllValues()); } public static List newList(T... things) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); for (T thing : things) { list.add(thing); } return list; } public void testAnyString() { doReturn("jim").when(mFoo).lookup(anyString()); assertEquals("jim", mFoo.lookup("barney")); } public void testAnyString_ObjectArgument() { // It can also be passed to a method that takes object. mFoo.takesObject("barney"); verify(mFoo).takesObject(anyString()); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testAnyString_ObjectValue() { mFoo.takesObject(new Object()); verify(mFoo).takesObject(anyString()); } public void testAnyObject() { doReturn("jim").when(mFoo).lookup((String) anyObject()); assertEquals("jim", mFoo.lookup("barney")); } public void testAnyPrimitives() { mFoo.findByBoolean(true); mFoo.findByInt(10000); mFoo.findByByte((byte) 250); mFoo.findByShort((short) 6666); mFoo.findByLong(13L); mFoo.findByFloat(8f); mFoo.findByDouble(1.1); mFoo.findByChar('h'); verify(mFoo).findByBoolean(anyBoolean()); verify(mFoo).findByInt(anyInt()); verify(mFoo).findByByte(anyByte()); verify(mFoo).findByShort(anyShort()); verify(mFoo).findByLong(anyLong()); verify(mFoo).findByFloat(anyFloat()); verify(mFoo).findByDouble(anyDouble()); verify(mFoo).findByChar(anyChar()); } public void testAnyPrimitivesWhenMatching() { doReturn("a").when(mFoo).findByBoolean(anyBoolean()); doReturn("b").when(mFoo).findByInt(anyInt()); doReturn("c").when(mFoo).findByByte(anyByte()); doReturn("d").when(mFoo).findByShort(anyShort()); doReturn("e").when(mFoo).findByLong(anyLong()); doReturn("f").when(mFoo).findByFloat(anyFloat()); doReturn("g").when(mFoo).findByDouble(anyDouble()); doReturn("h").when(mFoo).findByChar(anyChar()); assertEquals("a", mFoo.findByBoolean(true)); assertEquals("b", mFoo.findByInt(388)); assertEquals("c", mFoo.findByByte((byte) 38)); assertEquals("d", mFoo.findByShort((short) 16)); assertEquals("e", mFoo.findByLong(1000000L)); assertEquals("f", mFoo.findByFloat(15.3f)); assertEquals("g", mFoo.findByDouble(13.3)); assertEquals("h", mFoo.findByChar('i')); } public void testReset_NoInteractionsAfterReset() { mFoo.aByte(); reset(mFoo); verifyZeroInteractions(mFoo); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testReset_VerifyFailsAfterReset() { mFoo.aByte(); reset(mFoo); verify(mFoo).aByte(); } public void testCapture_BothBeforeAndAfter() { doNothing().when(mFoo).add(mCaptureString.capture()); mFoo.add("first"); verify(mFoo).add(mCaptureAnotherString.capture()); assertEquals("first", mCaptureString.getValue()); assertEquals("first", mCaptureAnotherString.getValue()); } public void testDoAction_NormalOperation() { doAnswer(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() throws Exception { return Boolean.TRUE; } }).when(mFoo).aBoolean(); assertEquals(true, mFoo.aBoolean()); } public void testComplexSituationWithCallback() { // I want to specify that when hasCallback(Callback) method is called, the framework // should immediately call on the captured callback. doAnswer(new CallCapturedCallbackCallable()) .when(mBar).getResultLater(mCaptureCallback.capture()); // The test. mBar.getResultLater(new Callback() { @Override public void callMeNow() { mFoo.add("yes"); } }); verify(mFoo).add("yes"); } @ShouldThrow(IOException.class) public void testDoAction_CanThrowDeclaredException() throws Exception { doAnswer(new Callable() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { throw new IOException("Problem"); } }).when(mFoo).exceptionThrower(); mFoo.exceptionThrower(); } @ShouldThrow(RuntimeException.class) public void testDoAction_CanThrowUndelcaredException() { doAnswer(new Callable() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { throw new RuntimeException("Problem"); } }).when(mFoo).aBoolean(); mFoo.aBoolean(); } public void testRunThisIsAnAliasForDoAction() { doAnswer(new Callable() { @Override public Boolean call() throws Exception { return Boolean.TRUE; } }).when(mFoo).aBoolean(); assertEquals(true, mFoo.aBoolean()); } public void testVerifyingTwice() { // Behaviour from Mockito docs online seems to be undefined for what should happen if you // try to verify the same behaviour twice. // I'm going to make a call on this one until I have more concrete information, and my // call is that it is okay to verify the same thing twice - a verify doesn't "consume" // the other verifications. // Thus this will pass: mFoo.aByte(); verify(mFoo).aByte(); verify(mFoo).aByte(); } public void testVerifyNoMoreInteractions_SuccessWhenNoInteractions() { // Not absolutely certain how this is supposed to behave. // My guess is that every verify "tags" all the methods it verifies against. // Then verifyNoMoreInteractions() will pass only if there are no "untagged" method calls. // Thus, for a start, no interactions will pass. verifyNoMoreInteractions(mFoo, mBar); } public void testVerifyNoMoreInteractions_SuccessWhenOneActionWasVerified() { mFoo.aBoolean(); verify(mFoo).aBoolean(); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mFoo, mBar); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerifyNoMoreInteractions_FailsWhenOneActionWasNotVerified() { mFoo.aBoolean(); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mFoo, mBar); } public void testVerifyNoMoreInteractions_SucceedsWhenAllActionsWereVerified() { mFoo.get(3); mFoo.get(20); verify(mFoo, atLeastOnce()).get(anyInt()); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mFoo); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testVerifyNoMoreInteractions_FailsWhenMostButNotAllActionsWereVerified() { mFoo.get(3); mFoo.get(20); mFoo.aByte(); verify(mFoo, atLeastOnce()).get(anyInt()); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mFoo); } public void testVerifyNoMoreInteractions_ShouldIngoreStubbedCalls() { doReturn("hi").when(mFoo).get(8); mFoo.get(8); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mFoo); } @ShouldThrow(IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testMatchers_WrongNumberOfMatchersOnStubbingCausesError() { doReturn("hi").when(mBar).twoStrings("jim", eq("bob")); } @ShouldThrow(IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testMatchers_WrongNumberOfMatchersOnVerifyCausesError() { verify(mBar).twoStrings("jim", eq("bob")); } @ShouldThrow(IllegalStateException.class) public void testCreateACaptureButDontUseItShouldFailAtNextVerify() { // If we create a capture illegally, outside of a method call, like so: mCaptureString.capture(); // Then we will have illegally created an extra matcher object that we shouldn't have // created that is now sitting on the stack, and that will confuse the next true method // call on the mock object. // Thus we should check in the verify() method that there are *no matchers* on the static // list, as this would indicate a programming error such as the above. verify(mFoo, anyTimes()).aBoolean(); } @ShouldThrow(IllegalStateException.class) public void testCreateACaptureButDontUseItShouldFailAtNextVerify_AlsoNoMoreInteractions() { // Same result desired as in previous test. mCaptureString.capture(); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mFoo); } @ShouldThrow(IllegalStateException.class) public void testCreateACaptureButDontUseItShouldFailAtNextVerify_AlsoZeroInteraction() { mCaptureString.capture(); verifyZeroInteractions(mFoo); } @ShouldThrow(IllegalStateException.class) public void testCheckStaticVariablesMethod() { // To help us avoid programming errors, I'm adding a method that you can call from tear down, // which will explode if there is anything still left in your static variables at the end // of the test (so that you know you did something wrong) and that also clears that static // variable (so that the next test won't fail). It should fail if we create a matcher // be it a capture or anything else that is then not consumed. anyInt(); checkForProgrammingErrorsDuringTearDown(); } @ShouldThrow(IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testCantPassNullToVerifyCount() { verify(mFoo, null).aBoolean(); } public void testInjectionInNestedClasses() throws Exception { class Outer { @Mock protected Foo outerMock; } class Inner extends Outer { @Mock protected Foo innerMock; } Inner inner = new Inner(); assertNull(inner.innerMock); assertNull(inner.outerMock); initMocks(inner); assertNotNull(inner.innerMock); assertNotNull(inner.outerMock); } public void testIsA_Succeeds() { mFoo.takesObject(new Object()); verify(mFoo).takesObject(isA(Object.class)); } public void testIsA_WithSubclass() { mFoo.takesObject("hello"); verify(mFoo).takesObject(isA(Object.class)); verify(mFoo).takesObject(isA(String.class)); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testIsA_FailsWithSuperclass() { mFoo.takesObject(new Object()); verify(mFoo).takesObject(isA(String.class)); } public void testIsA_WillAcceptNull() { mFoo.takesObject(null); verify(mFoo).takesObject(isA(Object.class)); verify(mFoo).takesObject(isA(String.class)); } public void testIsA_MatchSubtype() { mFoo.takesBar(mBarSubtype); verify(mFoo).takesBar(isA(BarSubtype.class)); } @ShouldThrow(AssertionError.class) public void testIsA_MatchSubtypeFailed() { mFoo.takesBar(mBar); verify(mFoo).takesBar(isA(BarSubtype.class)); } @ShouldThrow(value = AssertionError.class, messages = {"cannot verify call to", "boolean java.lang.Object.equals(java.lang.Object)"}) public void testVerifyEquals_ShouldFail() { mFoo.equals(null); verify(mFoo).equals(null); } @ShouldThrow(value = AssertionError.class, messages = {"cannot verify call to", "int java.lang.Object.hashCode()"}) public void testVerifyHashCode_ShouldFail() { mFoo.hashCode(); verify(mFoo).hashCode(); } @ShouldThrow(value = AssertionError.class, messages = {"cannot verify call to", "java.lang.String java.lang.Object.toString()"}) public void testVerifyToString_ShouldFail() { mFoo.toString(); verify(mFoo).toString(); } @ShouldThrow(value = AssertionError.class, messages = {"cannot stub call to", "boolean java.lang.Object.equals(java.lang.Object)"}) public void testStubEquals_ShouldFail() { doReturn(false).when(mFoo).equals(null); } @ShouldThrow(value = AssertionError.class, messages = {"cannot stub call to", "int java.lang.Object.hashCode()"}) public void testStubHashCode_ShouldFail() { doReturn(0).when(mFoo).hashCode(); } @ShouldThrow(value = AssertionError.class, messages = {"cannot stub call to", "java.lang.String java.lang.Object.toString()"}) public void testStubToString_ShouldFail() { doReturn("party").when(mFoo).toString(); } public void testEqualsMethod_DoesntCountAsInteraction() { mFoo.takesBar(mBar); verify(mFoo).takesBar(mBar); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mBar); } public void testHashCodeMethod_DoesntCountAsInteraction() { mFoo.hashCode(); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mFoo); } public void testToStringMethod_DoesntCountAsInteraction() { mFoo.toString(); verifyNoMoreInteractions(mFoo); } public void testEquals_OnMock() { assertTrue(mFoo.equals(mFoo)); } public void testHashCode_OnMock() { // The hashCode() is checked against zero, the default int value, to make sure it is actually // being treated differently. // It is possible for a hashCode() to be zero, but very unlikely. assertNotSame(0, mFoo.hashCode()); } public void testToString_OnMock() { assertTrue(mFoo.toString().contains(Foo.class.getName())); } public void testErrorMessages_NoArgMethodAndNoInteractions() { /* I would like the error message to look like this: * Expected exactly 2 calls to: * mFoo.aBoolean() * at the.line.where.the.verify.happened:xxx * * No method calls happened to this mock */ int verifyLineNumber = 0; try { verifyLineNumber = getNextLineNumber(); verify(mFoo, times(2)).aBoolean(); fail("Should have thrown an assertion error"); } catch (AssertionError e) { // Good, verify that the message is exactly as expected. String expectedMessage = "\nExpected exactly 2 calls to:\n" + " mFoo.aBoolean()\n" + " at " + singleLineStackTrace(verifyLineNumber) + "\n" + "\n" + "No method calls happened to this mock\n"; assertEquals(expectedMessage, e.getMessage()); } } public void testErrorMessages_SomeArgsMethodAndSomeInteractions() { /* I would like the error message to look like this: * Expected exactly 1 call to: * mFoo.add(String) * at the.line.where.the.verify.happened:xxx * * Method calls that did happen: * mFoo.aByte() * at the.line.where.the.byte.happened:xxx * mFoo.findByBoolean(boolean) * at the line.where.the.boolean.happened:xxx */ int aByteLineNumber = 0; int findByBooleanLineNumber = 0; int verifyLineNumber = 0; try { aByteLineNumber = getNextLineNumber(); mFoo.aByte(); findByBooleanLineNumber = getNextLineNumber(); mFoo.findByBoolean(true); verifyLineNumber = getNextLineNumber(); verify(mFoo).add("jim"); fail("Should have thrown an assertion error"); } catch (AssertionError e) { // Good, verify that the message is exactly as expected. String expectedMessage = "\nExpected exactly 1 call to:\n" + " mFoo.add(String)\n" + " at " + singleLineStackTrace(verifyLineNumber) + "\n" + "\n" + "Method calls that did happen:\n" + " mFoo.aByte()\n" + " at " + singleLineStackTrace(aByteLineNumber) + "\n" + " mFoo.findByBoolean(boolean)\n" + " at " + singleLineStackTrace(findByBooleanLineNumber) + "\n"; assertEquals(expectedMessage, e.getMessage()); } } public void testErrorMessage_DoReturnExplainsWhatWentWrong() { /* I would like the error message to look like this: * Can't return Long from stub for: * (int) mFoo.anInt() * at the.line.where.the.assignment.happened:xxx */ int lineNumber = 0; try { lineNumber = getNextLineNumber(); doReturn(10L).when(mFoo).anInt(); fail("Should have thrown an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // Good, expected, verify the message. String expectedMessage = "\nCan't return Long from stub for:\n" + " (int) mFoo.anInt()\n" + " at " + singleLineStackTrace(lineNumber) + "\n"; assertEquals(expectedMessage, e.getMessage()); } } public void testErrorMessage_DoReturnAlsoHasGoodErrorMessageForVoidMethods() { /* I would like the error message to look like this: * Can't return String from stub for: * (void) mFoo.add(String) * at the.line.where.the.assignment.happened:xxx */ int lineNumber = 0; try { lineNumber = getNextLineNumber(); doReturn("hello").when(mFoo).add("jim"); fail("Should have thrown an IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // Good, expected, verify the message. String expectedMessage = "\nCan't return String from stub for:\n" + " (void) mFoo.add(String)\n" + " at " + singleLineStackTrace(lineNumber) + "\n"; assertEquals(expectedMessage, e.getMessage()); } } @ShouldThrow(IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testDoReturn_ThisShouldFailSinceDoubleIsNotAString() { doReturn("hello").when(mFoo).aDouble(); } public void testDoReturn_ThisShouldPassSinceStringCanBeReturnedFromObjectMethod() { doReturn("hello").when(mFoo).anObject(); } @ShouldThrow(IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testDoReturn_ThisShouldFailSinceObjectCantBeReturnedFromString() { doReturn(new Object()).when(mFoo).aString(); } @ShouldThrow(IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testDoReturn_ThisShouldFailSinceBarIsNotSubtypeOfBarSubtype() { doReturn(mBar).when(mFoo).aBarSubtype(); } public void testDoReturn_ThisShouldPassSinceBarSubTypeIsABar() { doReturn(mBarSubtype).when(mFoo).aBar(); } // TODO(hugohudson): 7. Should fix this. // @ShouldThrow(IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testDoReturn_ThisShouldFailBecauseNullIsNotAByte() { doReturn(null).when(mFoo).aByte(); } // TODO(hugohudson): 7. Should fix this. // Once we fix the previous test we won't need this one. // I'm just demonstrating that currently this fails with NPE at use-time not at stub-time. @ShouldThrow(NullPointerException.class) public void testDoReturn_ThisShouldFailBecauseNullIsNotAByte2() { doReturn(null).when(mFoo).aByte(); mFoo.aByte(); } public void testDoReturn_ThisShouldPassSinceNullIsAnObject() { doReturn(null).when(mFoo).anObject(); } // TODO(hugohudson): 7. Should fix this. // At present we aren't catching this, and would have difficulty doing so since we don't know // the type of the callable. // @ShouldThrow(IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testDoAnswer_ThisShouldFailSinceStringIsNotAByte() { doAnswer(new Callable() { @Override public String call() throws Exception { return "hi"; } }).when(mFoo).aByte(); } // TODO(hugohudson): 7. Should fix this to give proper message. // We could at least give a good message saying why you get failure - saying that your string // is not a byte, and pointing to where you stubbed it. @ShouldThrow(ClassCastException.class) public void testDoAnswer_ThisShouldFailSinceStringIsNotAByte2() { doAnswer(new Callable() { @Override public String call() throws Exception { return "hi"; } }).when(mFoo).aByte(); mFoo.aByte(); } @ShouldThrow(value = IllegalArgumentException.class, messages = { " (Bar) mFoo.aBar()" }) public void testDoAnswer_ShouldHaveSimpleNameOnReturnValue() { doReturn("hi").when(mFoo).aBar(); } @ShouldThrow(IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testCantCreateMockOfNullType() { mock(null); } @ShouldThrow(value = AssertionError.class, messages = { "Expected exactly 1 call to:", "onClickListener.onClick(Bar)" }) public void testCreateMockWithNullFieldName() { OnClickListener mockClickListener = mock(OnClickListener.class); verify(mockClickListener).onClick(null); } public void testDoubleVerifyNoProblems() { // Reusing a mock after a verify should be fine. // There was a bug with this, let's check it doesn't regress. mFoo.aBar(); verify(mFoo).aBar(); mFoo.aByte(); verify(mFoo).aByte(); } // TODO(hugohudson): 5. Every @ShouldThrow method should be improved by adding test for the // content of the error message. First augment the annotation to take a String which must // form a substring of the getMessage() for the Exception, then check that the exceptions // thrown are as informative as possible. // TODO(hugohudson): 5. Add InOrder class, so that we can check that the given methods on // the given mocks happen in the right order. It will be pretty easy to do. The syntax // looks like this: // InOrder inOrder = inOrder(firstMock, secondMock); // inOrder.verify(firstMock).firstMethod(); // inOrder.verify(secondMock).secondMethod(); // This allows us to verify that the calls happened in the desired order. // By far the simplest way to do this is have a static AtomicInteger on the class which // indicates exactly when every method call happened, and then just compare order based on // that. // TODO(hugohudson): 5. Make the doReturn() method take variable arguments. // The syntax is: // doReturn(1, 2, 3).when(mFoo).anInt(); // And of course means that the method returns 1 the first time, 2, the second and 3 the third. // Note that this doesn't imply verification, and I presume that the 3 is always returned for // the 4th and subsequent times. // TODO(hugohudson): 6. Could also offer a nicer syntax for multiple returns like this: // How about doReturn().thenThrow().thenReturn().when(mFoo).aDouble(); // TODO(hugohudson): 5. Get around to implementing Mockito's when() syntax. // I don't really like it, because it means a lot more static nonsense, with yet more // opportunities to shoot oneself in the foot. // Plus, where's the upside in more than one way to do the same thing - it just gets confusing. // But, I imagine that plenty of people who are familiar with Mockito will want this, so I // probably should do it, plus there's a good argument that it allows typechecking of the // method calls, so I guess we probably should. Looks like this: // when(mock.foo(0)).thenReturn(1); // when(mock.foo(1)).thenThrow(new RuntimeException) // when(mock.foo(anyInt())).thenReturn("bar") // when(mock.foo(argThat(isValid()))).thenReturn("element") // when(mock.someMethod("some arg")).thenThrow(new RuntimeException()).thenReturn("foo"); // when(mock.someMethod("some arg")).thenReturn("one", "two", "three"); // when(mock.someMethod(anyString())).thenAnswer(new Answer() { // @Override // Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) { // Object[] args = invocation.getArguments(); // Object mock = invocation.getMock(); // return "called with arguments: " + args; // } // } // TODO(hugohudson): 6. Again we can chain things like doNothing() then doThrow() I suppose. // doNothing().doThrow(new RuntimeException()).when(mock).someVoidMethod(); // TODO(hugohudson): 6. I really like the idea of implementing the Spy, which is a wrapper on // a real object and delegates all calls to that real object, but allows you to intercept // the ones that you want to. // Sounds like it will be particularly good for testing legacy code. // But also wouldn't be so much use without us being able to mock concrete classes, which I // imagine is not on the cards for a while yet. // TODO(hugohudson): 6. Could possibly look into more aliases for the common methods, so that // you can do the 'given... when... assertThat...' pattern as follows: // //given // given(seller.askForBread()).willReturn(new Bread()); // //when // Goods goods = shop.buyBread(); // //then // assertThat(goods, containBread()); // TODO(hugohudson): 6. How about timeouts that are mentioned in Mockito docs? // Sounds like a good idea. Would look like this: // verify(mFoo, within(50).milliseconds()).get(0); // TODO(hugohudson): 6. Consider bringing back in the async code I wrote for the AndroidMock // framework so that you can expect to wait for the method call. // Although obviously we're more keen on encouraging people to write unit tests that don't // require async behaviour in the first place. /** Returns the line number of the line following the method call. */ private int getNextLineNumber() { return new Exception().getStackTrace()[1].getLineNumber() + 1; } /** Returns a string like: "com.google.foo.TestFoo.testMethod(TestFoo:50)" */ private String singleLineStackTrace(int lineNumber) { return getClass().getName() + "." + getName() + "(" + getClass().getSimpleName() + ".java:" + lineNumber + ")"; } /** Simple callable that invokes the callback captured in the callback member variable. */ private class CallCapturedCallbackCallable implements Callable { @Override public Object call() { mCaptureCallback.getValue().callMeNow(); return null; } } private Foo createNotARealMock() { InvocationHandler handler = new InvocationHandler() { @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { return null; } }; Foo notARealMock = (Foo) Proxy.newProxyInstance( getClass().getClassLoader(), new Class[]{ Foo.class }, handler); assertNotNull(notARealMock); return notARealMock; } private static Callback createNoOpCallback() { return new Callback() { @Override public void callMeNow() { } }; } }