package { default_applicable_licenses: ["external_llvm_license"], } // Added automatically by a large-scale-change that took the approach of // 'apply every license found to every target'. While this makes sure we respect // every license restriction, it may not be entirely correct. // // e.g. GPL in an MIT project might only apply to the contrib/ directory. // // Please consider splitting the single license below into multiple licenses, // taking care not to lose any license_kind information, and overriding the // default license using the 'licenses: [...]' property on targets as needed. // // For unused files, consider creating a 'fileGroup' with "//visibility:private" // to attach the license to, and including a comment whether the files may be // used in the current project. // // large-scale-change included anything that looked like it might be a license // text as a license_text. e.g. LICENSE, NOTICE, COPYING etc. // // Please consider removing redundant or irrelevant files from 'license_text:'. // // large-scale-change filtered out the below license kinds as false-positives: // SPDX-license-identifier-GPL // SPDX-license-identifier-GPL-3.0 // See: http://go/android-license-faq license { name: "external_llvm_license", visibility: [":__subpackages__"], license_kinds: [ "SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0", "SPDX-license-identifier-BSD", "SPDX-license-identifier-MIT", "SPDX-license-identifier-NCSA", "legacy_permissive", "legacy_unencumbered", ], license_text: [ "LICENSE.TXT", "NOTICE", ], } cc_defaults { name: "llvm-defaults", defaults: ["llvm-defaults-no-generated-headers"], header_libs: ["llvm-headers"], tidy_checks: [ "-google-build-*", "-google-global-*", ], sanitize: { hwaddress: false, // code size b/112437884 }, arch: { riscv64: { enabled: false, }, }, } // This module defines all of the defaults used to compiled llvm, except for // the generated headers. It is necessary to avoid a circular dependency // from the tblgen tool used to generate the headers to the generated headers. llvm_defaults { name: "llvm-defaults-no-generated-headers", host_supported: true, // TODO(b/153609531): remove when no longer needed. native_bridge_supported: true, cflags: [ "-D_GNU_SOURCE", "-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS", "-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS", "-D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS", "-fomit-frame-pointer", "-Wall", "-W", "-Wno-cast-qual", "-Wno-sign-compare", "-Wno-unused-parameter", "-Wno-maybe-uninitialized", "-Wno-missing-field-initializers", "-Wno-implicit-fallthrough", "-Wwrite-strings", "-Werror", "-Dsprintf=sprintf", ], cppflags: [ "-Wno-sign-promo", "-std=c++11", ], tidy_checks: [ "-google-build-*", "-google-global-*", ], header_libs: ["llvm-headers-no-generated-headers"], target: { android: { cflags: [ "-finline-functions", ], }, linux: { cppflags: [ "-Woverloaded-virtual", ], }, host: { cppflags: [ "-fno-rtti", "-fno-exceptions", ], }, windows: { // Disable certain warnings for use with mingw. // We also must undefine WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN, since it is being passed globally // on the command line, and LLVM defines this internally itself. cflags: [ "-Wno-array-bounds", "-Wno-comment", "-UWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN", ], host_ldlibs: ["-luuid"], }, linux_glibc: { host_ldlibs: [ "-lgcc_s", ], }, darwin: { cppflags: [ "-Wno-deprecated-declarations", "-Woverloaded-virtual", ], }, }, } cc_library_headers { name: "llvm-headers-no-generated-headers", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, host_supported: true, // TODO(b/153609531): remove when no longer needed. native_bridge_supported: true, export_include_dirs: ["include"], target: { android: { export_include_dirs: ["device/include"], }, host: { export_include_dirs: ["host/include"], }, linux_bionic: { enabled: true, }, windows: { enabled: true, }, }, } cc_library_headers { name: "llvm-headers", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, host_supported: true, // TODO(b/153609531): remove when no longer needed. native_bridge_supported: true, header_libs: ["llvm-headers-no-generated-headers"], export_header_lib_headers: ["llvm-headers-no-generated-headers"], generated_headers: [ "llvm-gen-attributes", "llvm-gen-intrinsics", ], export_generated_headers: [ "llvm-gen-attributes", "llvm-gen-intrinsics", ], target: { windows: { enabled: true, }, }, } llvm_tblgen { name: "llvm-gen-attributes", in: "include/llvm/IR/", outs: ["llvm/IR/"], } llvm_tblgen { name: "llvm-gen-intrinsics", in: "include/llvm/IR/", outs: ["llvm/IR/Intrinsics.gen"], } force_build_llvm_components_defaults { name: "force_build_llvm_components", // Host build disabled by soong/llvm.go unless FORCE_BUILD_LLVM_COMPONENTS // environment variable is set } // LLVM shared library build llvm_arm_static_libraries = [ "libLLVMARMCodeGen", "libLLVMARMAsmParser", "libLLVMARMAsmPrinter", "libLLVMARMInfo", "libLLVMARMDesc", "libLLVMARMDisassembler", ] llvm_x86_static_libraries = [ "libLLVMX86CodeGen", "libLLVMX86Info", "libLLVMX86Desc", "libLLVMX86AsmParser", "libLLVMX86AsmPrinter", "libLLVMX86Utils", "libLLVMX86Disassembler", ] llvm_mips_static_libraries = [ "libLLVMMipsCodeGen", "libLLVMMipsInfo", "libLLVMMipsDesc", "libLLVMMipsAsmParser", "libLLVMMipsAsmPrinter", "libLLVMMipsDisassembler", ] llvm_aarch64_static_libraries = [ "libLLVMAArch64CodeGen", "libLLVMAArch64Info", "libLLVMAArch64Desc", "libLLVMAArch64AsmParser", "libLLVMAArch64AsmPrinter", "libLLVMAArch64Utils", "libLLVMAArch64Disassembler", ] cc_library { host_supported: true, name: "libLLVM_android", vendor_available: true, product_available: true, defaults: [ "llvm-defaults", "force_build_llvm_components", ], whole_static_libs: [ // pre static libraries "libLLVMLinker", "libLLVMipo", "libLLVMDebugInfoDWARF", "libLLVMDebugInfoPDB", "libLLVMSymbolize", "libLLVMIRReader", "libLLVMBitWriter", "libLLVMBitReader", // post static libraries "libLLVMLTO", "libLLVMAsmPrinter", "libLLVMSelectionDAG", "libLLVMCodeGen", "libLLVMDebugInfoCodeView", "libLLVMObject", "libLLVMScalarOpts", "libLLVMInstCombine", "libLLVMInstrumentation", "libLLVMTransformObjCARC", "libLLVMTransformUtils", "libLLVMAnalysis", "libLLVMTarget", "libLLVMGlobalISel", "libLLVMMCDisassembler", "libLLVMMC", "libLLVMMCParser", "libLLVMCore", "libLLVMAsmParser", "libLLVMOption", "libLLVMSupport", "libLLVMVectorize", "libLLVMProfileData", "libLLVMProfileDataCoverage", "libLLVMLibDriver", "libLLVMExecutionEngine", "libLLVMRuntimeDyld", "libLLVMMCJIT", "libLLVMOrcJIT", ], export_include_dirs: ["include"], target: { host: { // Host build pulls in all ARM, Mips, X86 components. whole_static_libs: llvm_arm_static_libraries + llvm_aarch64_static_libraries + llvm_mips_static_libraries + llvm_x86_static_libraries, export_include_dirs: ["host/include"], }, windows: { enabled: true, host_ldlibs: [ "-limagehlp", "-lpsapi", "-lole32", "-lversion", ], }, android: { export_include_dirs: ["device/include"], }, android_arm: { whole_static_libs: llvm_arm_static_libraries + llvm_aarch64_static_libraries, }, android_x86: { whole_static_libs: llvm_x86_static_libraries + llvm_arm_static_libraries + llvm_aarch64_static_libraries, }, android_x86_64: { whole_static_libs: llvm_x86_static_libraries + llvm_arm_static_libraries + llvm_aarch64_static_libraries, }, android_arm64: { whole_static_libs: llvm_aarch64_static_libraries + llvm_arm_static_libraries, }, }, } subdirs = [ "soong", "lib", "tools/*", "utils/*", ]