// 7zEncode.cpp #include "StdAfx.h" #include "../../Common/CreateCoder.h" #include "../../Common/FilterCoder.h" #include "../../Common/LimitedStreams.h" #include "../../Common/InOutTempBuffer.h" #include "../../Common/ProgressUtils.h" #include "../../Common/StreamObjects.h" #include "7zEncode.h" #include "7zSpecStream.h" namespace NArchive { namespace N7z { void CEncoder::InitBindConv() { unsigned numIn = _bindInfo.Coders.Size(); _SrcIn_to_DestOut.ClearAndSetSize(numIn); _DestOut_to_SrcIn.ClearAndSetSize(numIn); unsigned numOut = _bindInfo.GetNum_Bonds_and_PackStreams(); _SrcOut_to_DestIn.ClearAndSetSize(numOut); // _DestIn_to_SrcOut.ClearAndSetSize(numOut); UInt32 destIn = 0; UInt32 destOut = 0; for (unsigned i = _bindInfo.Coders.Size(); i != 0;) { i--; const NCoderMixer2::CCoderStreamsInfo &coder = _bindInfo.Coders[i]; numIn--; numOut -= coder.NumStreams; _SrcIn_to_DestOut[numIn] = destOut; _DestOut_to_SrcIn[destOut] = numIn; destOut++; for (UInt32 j = 0; j < coder.NumStreams; j++, destIn++) { UInt32 index = numOut + j; _SrcOut_to_DestIn[index] = destIn; // _DestIn_to_SrcOut[destIn] = index; } } } void CEncoder::SetFolder(CFolder &folder) { folder.Bonds.SetSize(_bindInfo.Bonds.Size()); unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < _bindInfo.Bonds.Size(); i++) { CBond &fb = folder.Bonds[i]; const NCoderMixer2::CBond &mixerBond = _bindInfo.Bonds[_bindInfo.Bonds.Size() - 1 - i]; fb.PackIndex = _SrcOut_to_DestIn[mixerBond.PackIndex]; fb.UnpackIndex = _SrcIn_to_DestOut[mixerBond.UnpackIndex]; } folder.Coders.SetSize(_bindInfo.Coders.Size()); for (i = 0; i < _bindInfo.Coders.Size(); i++) { CCoderInfo &coderInfo = folder.Coders[i]; const NCoderMixer2::CCoderStreamsInfo &coderStreamsInfo = _bindInfo.Coders[_bindInfo.Coders.Size() - 1 - i]; coderInfo.NumStreams = coderStreamsInfo.NumStreams; coderInfo.MethodID = _decompressionMethods[i]; // we don't free coderInfo.Props here. So coderInfo.Props can be non-empty. } folder.PackStreams.SetSize(_bindInfo.PackStreams.Size()); for (i = 0; i < _bindInfo.PackStreams.Size(); i++) folder.PackStreams[i] = _SrcOut_to_DestIn[_bindInfo.PackStreams[i]]; } static HRESULT SetCoderProps2(const CProps &props, const UInt64 *dataSizeReduce, IUnknown *coder) { CMyComPtr setCoderProperties; coder->QueryInterface(IID_ICompressSetCoderProperties, (void **)&setCoderProperties); if (setCoderProperties) return props.SetCoderProps(setCoderProperties, dataSizeReduce); return props.AreThereNonOptionalProps() ? E_INVALIDARG : S_OK; } void CMtEncMultiProgress::Init(ICompressProgressInfo *progress) { _progress = progress; OutSize = 0; } STDMETHODIMP CMtEncMultiProgress::SetRatioInfo(const UInt64 *inSize, const UInt64 * /* outSize */) { UInt64 outSize2; { #ifndef _7ZIP_ST NWindows::NSynchronization::CCriticalSectionLock lock(CriticalSection); #endif outSize2 = OutSize; } if (_progress) return _progress->SetRatioInfo(inSize, &outSize2); return S_OK; } HRESULT CEncoder::CreateMixerCoder( DECL_EXTERNAL_CODECS_LOC_VARS const UInt64 *inSizeForReduce) { #ifdef USE_MIXER_MT #ifdef USE_MIXER_ST if (_options.MultiThreadMixer) #endif { _mixerMT = new NCoderMixer2::CMixerMT(true); _mixerRef = _mixerMT; _mixer = _mixerMT; } #ifdef USE_MIXER_ST else #endif #endif { #ifdef USE_MIXER_ST _mixerST = new NCoderMixer2::CMixerST(true); _mixerRef = _mixerST; _mixer = _mixerST; #endif } RINOK(_mixer->SetBindInfo(_bindInfo)); FOR_VECTOR (m, _options.Methods) { const CMethodFull &methodFull = _options.Methods[m]; CCreatedCoder cod; if (methodFull.CodecIndex >= 0) { RINOK(CreateCoder_Index( EXTERNAL_CODECS_LOC_VARS methodFull.CodecIndex, true, cod)); } else { RINOK(CreateCoder_Id( EXTERNAL_CODECS_LOC_VARS methodFull.Id, true, cod)); } if (cod.NumStreams != methodFull.NumStreams) return E_FAIL; if (!cod.Coder && !cod.Coder2) return E_FAIL; CMyComPtr encoderCommon = cod.Coder ? (IUnknown *)cod.Coder : (IUnknown *)cod.Coder2; #ifndef _7ZIP_ST { CMyComPtr setCoderMt; encoderCommon.QueryInterface(IID_ICompressSetCoderMt, &setCoderMt); if (setCoderMt) { RINOK(setCoderMt->SetNumberOfThreads(_options.NumThreads)); } } #endif RINOK(SetCoderProps2(methodFull, inSizeForReduce, encoderCommon)); /* CMyComPtr resetSalt; encoderCommon.QueryInterface(IID_ICryptoResetSalt, (void **)&resetSalt); if (resetSalt) { resetSalt->ResetSalt(); } */ // now there is no codec that uses another external codec /* #ifdef EXTERNAL_CODECS CMyComPtr setCompressCodecsInfo; encoderCommon.QueryInterface(IID_ISetCompressCodecsInfo, (void **)&setCompressCodecsInfo); if (setCompressCodecsInfo) { // we must use g_ExternalCodecs also RINOK(setCompressCodecsInfo->SetCompressCodecsInfo(__externalCodecs->GetCodecs)); } #endif */ CMyComPtr cryptoSetPassword; encoderCommon.QueryInterface(IID_ICryptoSetPassword, &cryptoSetPassword); if (cryptoSetPassword) { const unsigned sizeInBytes = _options.Password.Len() * 2; CByteBuffer buffer(sizeInBytes); for (unsigned i = 0; i < _options.Password.Len(); i++) { wchar_t c = _options.Password[i]; ((Byte *)buffer)[i * 2] = (Byte)c; ((Byte *)buffer)[i * 2 + 1] = (Byte)(c >> 8); } RINOK(cryptoSetPassword->CryptoSetPassword((const Byte *)buffer, (UInt32)sizeInBytes)); } _mixer->AddCoder(cod); } return S_OK; } class CSequentialOutTempBufferImp2: public ISequentialOutStream, public CMyUnknownImp { CInOutTempBuffer *_buf; public: CMtEncMultiProgress *_mtProgresSpec; CSequentialOutTempBufferImp2(): _buf(0), _mtProgresSpec(NULL) {} void Init(CInOutTempBuffer *buffer) { _buf = buffer; } MY_UNKNOWN_IMP1(ISequentialOutStream) STDMETHOD(Write)(const void *data, UInt32 size, UInt32 *processedSize); }; STDMETHODIMP CSequentialOutTempBufferImp2::Write(const void *data, UInt32 size, UInt32 *processed) { if (!_buf->Write(data, size)) { if (processed) *processed = 0; return E_FAIL; } if (processed) *processed = size; if (_mtProgresSpec) _mtProgresSpec->AddOutSize(size); return S_OK; } class CSequentialOutMtNotify: public ISequentialOutStream, public CMyUnknownImp { public: CMyComPtr _stream; CMtEncMultiProgress *_mtProgresSpec; CSequentialOutMtNotify(): _mtProgresSpec(NULL) {} MY_UNKNOWN_IMP1(ISequentialOutStream) STDMETHOD(Write)(const void *data, UInt32 size, UInt32 *processedSize); }; STDMETHODIMP CSequentialOutMtNotify::Write(const void *data, UInt32 size, UInt32 *processed) { UInt32 realProcessed = 0; HRESULT res = _stream->Write(data, size, &realProcessed); if (processed) *processed = realProcessed; if (_mtProgresSpec) _mtProgresSpec->AddOutSize(size); return res; } HRESULT CEncoder::Encode( DECL_EXTERNAL_CODECS_LOC_VARS ISequentialInStream *inStream, // const UInt64 *inStreamSize, const UInt64 *inSizeForReduce, CFolder &folderItem, CRecordVector &coderUnpackSizes, UInt64 &unpackSize, ISequentialOutStream *outStream, CRecordVector &packSizes, ICompressProgressInfo *compressProgress) { RINOK(EncoderConstr()); if (!_mixerRef) { RINOK(CreateMixerCoder(EXTERNAL_CODECS_LOC_VARS inSizeForReduce)); } _mixer->ReInit(); CMtEncMultiProgress *mtProgressSpec = NULL; CMyComPtr mtProgress; CSequentialOutMtNotify *mtOutStreamNotifySpec = NULL; CMyComPtr mtOutStreamNotify; CObjectVector inOutTempBuffers; CObjectVector tempBufferSpecs; CObjectVector > tempBuffers; unsigned numMethods = _bindInfo.Coders.Size(); unsigned i; for (i = 1; i < _bindInfo.PackStreams.Size(); i++) { CInOutTempBuffer &iotb = inOutTempBuffers.AddNew(); iotb.Create(); iotb.InitWriting(); } for (i = 1; i < _bindInfo.PackStreams.Size(); i++) { CSequentialOutTempBufferImp2 *tempBufferSpec = new CSequentialOutTempBufferImp2; CMyComPtr tempBuffer = tempBufferSpec; tempBufferSpec->Init(&inOutTempBuffers[i - 1]); tempBuffers.Add(tempBuffer); tempBufferSpecs.Add(tempBufferSpec); } for (i = 0; i < numMethods; i++) _mixer->SetCoderInfo(i, NULL, NULL, false); /* inStreamSize can be used by BCJ2 to set optimal range of conversion. But current BCJ2 encoder uses also another way to check exact size of current file. So inStreamSize is not required. */ /* if (inStreamSize) _mixer->SetCoderInfo(_bindInfo.UnpackCoder, inStreamSize, NULL); */ CSequentialInStreamSizeCount2 *inStreamSizeCountSpec = new CSequentialInStreamSizeCount2; CMyComPtr inStreamSizeCount = inStreamSizeCountSpec; CSequentialOutStreamSizeCount *outStreamSizeCountSpec = NULL; CMyComPtr outStreamSizeCount; inStreamSizeCountSpec->Init(inStream); ISequentialInStream *inStreamPointer = inStreamSizeCount; CRecordVector outStreamPointers; SetFolder(folderItem); for (i = 0; i < numMethods; i++) { IUnknown *coder = _mixer->GetCoder(i).GetUnknown(); CMyComPtr resetInitVector; coder->QueryInterface(IID_ICryptoResetInitVector, (void **)&resetInitVector); if (resetInitVector) { resetInitVector->ResetInitVector(); } { CMyComPtr optProps; coder->QueryInterface(IID_ICompressSetCoderPropertiesOpt, (void **)&optProps); if (optProps) { PROPID propID = NCoderPropID::kExpectedDataSize; NWindows::NCOM::CPropVariant prop = (UInt64)unpackSize; RINOK(optProps->SetCoderPropertiesOpt(&propID, &prop, 1)); } } CMyComPtr writeCoderProperties; coder->QueryInterface(IID_ICompressWriteCoderProperties, (void **)&writeCoderProperties); CByteBuffer &props = folderItem.Coders[numMethods - 1 - i].Props; if (writeCoderProperties) { CDynBufSeqOutStream *outStreamSpec = new CDynBufSeqOutStream; CMyComPtr dynOutStream(outStreamSpec); outStreamSpec->Init(); RINOK(writeCoderProperties->WriteCoderProperties(dynOutStream)); outStreamSpec->CopyToBuffer(props); } else props.Free(); } _mixer->SelectMainCoder(false); UInt32 mainCoder = _mixer->MainCoderIndex; bool useMtProgress = false; if (!_mixer->Is_PackSize_Correct_for_Coder(mainCoder)) { #ifdef _7ZIP_ST if (!_mixer->IsThere_ExternalCoder_in_PackTree(mainCoder)) #endif useMtProgress = true; } if (useMtProgress) { mtProgressSpec = new CMtEncMultiProgress; mtProgress = mtProgressSpec; mtProgressSpec->Init(compressProgress); mtOutStreamNotifySpec = new CSequentialOutMtNotify; mtOutStreamNotify = mtOutStreamNotifySpec; mtOutStreamNotifySpec->_stream = outStream; mtOutStreamNotifySpec->_mtProgresSpec = mtProgressSpec; FOR_VECTOR(t, tempBufferSpecs) { tempBufferSpecs[t]->_mtProgresSpec = mtProgressSpec; } } if (_bindInfo.PackStreams.Size() != 0) { outStreamSizeCountSpec = new CSequentialOutStreamSizeCount; outStreamSizeCount = outStreamSizeCountSpec; outStreamSizeCountSpec->SetStream(mtOutStreamNotify ? (ISequentialOutStream *)mtOutStreamNotify : outStream); outStreamSizeCountSpec->Init(); outStreamPointers.Add(outStreamSizeCount); } for (i = 1; i < _bindInfo.PackStreams.Size(); i++) outStreamPointers.Add(tempBuffers[i - 1]); bool dataAfterEnd_Error; RINOK(_mixer->Code( &inStreamPointer, &outStreamPointers.Front(), mtProgress ? (ICompressProgressInfo *)mtProgress : compressProgress, dataAfterEnd_Error)); if (_bindInfo.PackStreams.Size() != 0) packSizes.Add(outStreamSizeCountSpec->GetSize()); for (i = 1; i < _bindInfo.PackStreams.Size(); i++) { CInOutTempBuffer &inOutTempBuffer = inOutTempBuffers[i - 1]; RINOK(inOutTempBuffer.WriteToStream(outStream)); packSizes.Add(inOutTempBuffer.GetDataSize()); } unpackSize = 0; for (i = 0; i < _bindInfo.Coders.Size(); i++) { int bond = _bindInfo.FindBond_for_UnpackStream(_DestOut_to_SrcIn[i]); UInt64 streamSize; if (bond < 0) { streamSize = inStreamSizeCountSpec->GetSize(); unpackSize = streamSize; } else streamSize = _mixer->GetBondStreamSize(bond); coderUnpackSizes.Add(streamSize); } return S_OK; } CEncoder::CEncoder(const CCompressionMethodMode &options): _constructed(false) { if (options.IsEmpty()) throw 1; _options = options; #ifdef USE_MIXER_ST _mixerST = NULL; #endif #ifdef USE_MIXER_MT _mixerMT = NULL; #endif _mixer = NULL; } HRESULT CEncoder::EncoderConstr() { if (_constructed) return S_OK; if (_options.Methods.IsEmpty()) { // it has only password method; if (!_options.PasswordIsDefined) throw 1; if (!_options.Bonds.IsEmpty()) throw 1; CMethodFull method; method.Id = k_AES; method.NumStreams = 1; _options.Methods.Add(method); NCoderMixer2::CCoderStreamsInfo coderStreamsInfo; coderStreamsInfo.NumStreams = 1; _bindInfo.Coders.Add(coderStreamsInfo); _bindInfo.PackStreams.Add(0); _bindInfo.UnpackCoder = 0; } else { UInt32 numOutStreams = 0; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < _options.Methods.Size(); i++) { const CMethodFull &methodFull = _options.Methods[i]; NCoderMixer2::CCoderStreamsInfo cod; cod.NumStreams = methodFull.NumStreams; if (_options.Bonds.IsEmpty()) { // if there are no bonds in options, we create bonds via first streams of coders if (i != _options.Methods.Size() - 1) { NCoderMixer2::CBond bond; bond.PackIndex = numOutStreams; bond.UnpackIndex = i + 1; // it's next coder _bindInfo.Bonds.Add(bond); } else if (cod.NumStreams != 0) _bindInfo.PackStreams.Insert(0, numOutStreams); for (UInt32 j = 1; j < cod.NumStreams; j++) _bindInfo.PackStreams.Add(numOutStreams + j); } numOutStreams += cod.NumStreams; _bindInfo.Coders.Add(cod); } if (!_options.Bonds.IsEmpty()) { for (i = 0; i < _options.Bonds.Size(); i++) { NCoderMixer2::CBond mixerBond; const CBond2 &bond = _options.Bonds[i]; if (bond.InCoder >= _bindInfo.Coders.Size() || bond.OutCoder >= _bindInfo.Coders.Size() || bond.OutStream >= _bindInfo.Coders[bond.OutCoder].NumStreams) return E_INVALIDARG; mixerBond.PackIndex = _bindInfo.GetStream_for_Coder(bond.OutCoder) + bond.OutStream; mixerBond.UnpackIndex = bond.InCoder; _bindInfo.Bonds.Add(mixerBond); } for (i = 0; i < numOutStreams; i++) if (_bindInfo.FindBond_for_PackStream(i) == -1) _bindInfo.PackStreams.Add(i); } if (!_bindInfo.SetUnpackCoder()) return E_INVALIDARG; if (!_bindInfo.CalcMapsAndCheck()) return E_INVALIDARG; if (_bindInfo.PackStreams.Size() != 1) { /* main_PackStream is pack stream of main path of coders tree. We find main_PackStream, and place to start of list of out streams. It allows to use more optimal memory usage for temp buffers, if main_PackStream is largest stream. */ UInt32 ci = _bindInfo.UnpackCoder; for (;;) { if (_bindInfo.Coders[ci].NumStreams == 0) break; UInt32 outIndex = _bindInfo.Coder_to_Stream[ci]; int bond = _bindInfo.FindBond_for_PackStream(outIndex); if (bond >= 0) { ci = _bindInfo.Bonds[bond].UnpackIndex; continue; } int si = _bindInfo.FindStream_in_PackStreams(outIndex); if (si >= 0) _bindInfo.PackStreams.MoveToFront(si); break; } } if (_options.PasswordIsDefined) { unsigned numCryptoStreams = _bindInfo.PackStreams.Size(); unsigned numInStreams = _bindInfo.Coders.Size(); for (i = 0; i < numCryptoStreams; i++) { NCoderMixer2::CBond bond; bond.UnpackIndex = numInStreams + i; bond.PackIndex = _bindInfo.PackStreams[i]; _bindInfo.Bonds.Add(bond); } _bindInfo.PackStreams.Clear(); /* if (numCryptoStreams == 0) numCryptoStreams = 1; */ for (i = 0; i < numCryptoStreams; i++) { CMethodFull method; method.NumStreams = 1; method.Id = k_AES; _options.Methods.Add(method); NCoderMixer2::CCoderStreamsInfo cod; cod.NumStreams = 1; _bindInfo.Coders.Add(cod); _bindInfo.PackStreams.Add(numOutStreams++); } } } for (unsigned i = _options.Methods.Size(); i != 0;) _decompressionMethods.Add(_options.Methods[--i].Id); if (_bindInfo.Coders.Size() > 16) return E_INVALIDARG; if (_bindInfo.GetNum_Bonds_and_PackStreams() > 16) return E_INVALIDARG; if (!_bindInfo.CalcMapsAndCheck()) return E_INVALIDARG; InitBindConv(); _constructed = true; return S_OK; } CEncoder::~CEncoder() {} }}