/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.android.mobly.snippet.bundled; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.net.wifi.ScanResult; import android.net.wifi.WifiConfiguration; import android.net.wifi.WifiInfo; import android.net.wifi.WifiManager; import android.os.Build; import android.support.annotation.Nullable; import android.support.test.InstrumentationRegistry; import com.google.android.mobly.snippet.Snippet; import com.google.android.mobly.snippet.bundled.utils.JsonDeserializer; import com.google.android.mobly.snippet.bundled.utils.JsonSerializer; import com.google.android.mobly.snippet.bundled.utils.Utils; import com.google.android.mobly.snippet.rpc.Rpc; import com.google.android.mobly.snippet.rpc.RpcMinSdk; import com.google.android.mobly.snippet.util.Log; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; /** Snippet class exposing Android APIs in WifiManager. */ public class WifiManagerSnippet implements Snippet { private static class WifiManagerSnippetException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; public WifiManagerSnippetException(String msg) { super(msg); } } private final WifiManager mWifiManager; private final Context mContext; private final JsonSerializer mJsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer(); private volatile boolean mIsScanResultAvailable = false; public WifiManagerSnippet() { mContext = InstrumentationRegistry.getContext(); mWifiManager = (WifiManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE); } @Rpc( description = "Clears all configured networks. This will only work if all configured " + "networks were added through this MBS instance" ) public void wifiClearConfiguredNetworks() throws WifiManagerSnippetException { List unremovedConfigs = mWifiManager.getConfiguredNetworks(); List failedConfigs = new ArrayList<>(); if (unremovedConfigs == null) { throw new WifiManagerSnippetException( "Failed to get a list of configured networks. Is wifi disabled?"); } for (WifiConfiguration config : unremovedConfigs) { if (!mWifiManager.removeNetwork(config.networkId)) { failedConfigs.add(config); } } if (!failedConfigs.isEmpty()) { throw new WifiManagerSnippetException("Failed to remove networks: " + failedConfigs); } } @Rpc(description = "Turns on Wi-Fi with a 30s timeout.") public void wifiEnable() throws InterruptedException, WifiManagerSnippetException { if (!mWifiManager.setWifiEnabled(true)) { throw new WifiManagerSnippetException("Failed to initiate enabling Wi-Fi."); } if (!Utils.waitUntil( () -> mWifiManager.getWifiState() == WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_ENABLED, 30)) { throw new WifiManagerSnippetException("Failed to enable Wi-Fi after 30s, timeout!"); } } @Rpc(description = "Turns off Wi-Fi with a 30s timeout.") public void wifiDisable() throws InterruptedException, WifiManagerSnippetException { if (!mWifiManager.setWifiEnabled(false)) { throw new WifiManagerSnippetException("Failed to initiate disabling Wi-Fi."); } if (!Utils.waitUntil( () -> mWifiManager.getWifiState() == WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_DISABLED, 30)) { throw new WifiManagerSnippetException("Failed to disable Wi-Fi after 30s, timeout!"); } } @Rpc(description = "Checks if Wi-Fi is enabled.") public boolean wifiIsEnabled() { return mWifiManager.getWifiState() == WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_ENABLED; } @Rpc(description = "Trigger Wi-Fi scan.") public void wifiStartScan() throws WifiManagerSnippetException { if (!mWifiManager.startScan()) { throw new WifiManagerSnippetException("Failed to initiate Wi-Fi scan."); } } @Rpc( description = "Get Wi-Fi scan results, which is a list of serialized WifiScanResult objects." ) public JSONArray wifiGetCachedScanResults() throws JSONException { JSONArray results = new JSONArray(); for (ScanResult result : mWifiManager.getScanResults()) { results.put(mJsonSerializer.toJson(result)); } return results; } @Rpc( description = "Start scan, wait for scan to complete, and return results, which is a list of " + "serialized WifiScanResult objects." ) public JSONArray wifiScanAndGetResults() throws InterruptedException, JSONException, WifiManagerSnippetException { mContext.registerReceiver( new WifiScanReceiver(), new IntentFilter(WifiManager.SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION)); wifiStartScan(); mIsScanResultAvailable = false; if (!Utils.waitUntil(() -> mIsScanResultAvailable, 2 * 60)) { throw new WifiManagerSnippetException( "Failed to get scan results after 2min, timeout!"); } return wifiGetCachedScanResults(); } @Rpc( description = "Connects to a Wi-Fi network. This covers the common network types like open and " + "WPA2." ) public void wifiConnectSimple(String ssid, @Nullable String password) throws InterruptedException, JSONException, WifiManagerSnippetException { JSONObject config = new JSONObject(); config.put("SSID", ssid); if (password != null) { config.put("password", password); } wifiConnect(config); } /** * Gets the {@link WifiConfiguration} of a Wi-Fi network that has already been configured. * *

If the network has not been configured, returns null. * *

A network is configured if a WifiConfiguration was created for it and added with {@link * WifiManager#addNetwork(WifiConfiguration)}. */ private WifiConfiguration getExistingConfiguredNetwork(String ssid) { for (WifiConfiguration config : mWifiManager.getConfiguredNetworks()) { if (config.SSID.equals(ssid)) { return config; } } return null; } /** * Connect to a Wi-Fi network. * * @param wifiNetworkConfig A JSON object that contains the info required to connect to a Wi-Fi * network. It follows the fields of WifiConfiguration type, e.g. {"SSID": "myWifi", * "password": "12345678"}. * @throws InterruptedException * @throws JSONException * @throws WifiManagerSnippetException */ @Rpc(description = "Connects to a Wi-Fi network.") public void wifiConnect(JSONObject wifiNetworkConfig) throws InterruptedException, JSONException, WifiManagerSnippetException { Log.d("Got network config: " + wifiNetworkConfig); WifiConfiguration wifiConfig = JsonDeserializer.jsonToWifiConfig(wifiNetworkConfig); String SSID = wifiConfig.SSID; // Return directly if network is already connected. WifiInfo connectionInfo = mWifiManager.getConnectionInfo(); if (connectionInfo.getNetworkId() != -1 && connectionInfo.getSSID().equals(wifiConfig.SSID)) { Log.d("Network " + connectionInfo.getSSID() + " is already connected."); return; } int networkId; // If this is a network with a known SSID, connect with the existing config. // We have to do this because in N+, network configs can only be modified by the UID that // created the network. So any attempt to modify a network config that does not belong to us // would result in error. WifiConfiguration existingConfig = getExistingConfiguredNetwork(wifiConfig.SSID); if (existingConfig != null) { Log.w( "Connecting to network \"" + existingConfig.SSID + "\" with its existing configuration: " + existingConfig.toString()); wifiConfig = existingConfig; networkId = wifiConfig.networkId; } else { // If this is a network with a new SSID, add the network. networkId = mWifiManager.addNetwork(wifiConfig); } mWifiManager.disconnect(); if (!mWifiManager.enableNetwork(networkId, true)) { throw new WifiManagerSnippetException( "Failed to enable Wi-Fi network of ID: " + networkId); } if (!mWifiManager.reconnect()) { throw new WifiManagerSnippetException( "Failed to reconnect to Wi-Fi network of ID: " + networkId); } if (!Utils.waitUntil(() -> mWifiManager.getConnectionInfo().getSSID().equals(SSID), 90)) { throw new WifiManagerSnippetException( "Failed to connect to Wi-Fi network " + wifiNetworkConfig.toString() + ", timeout!"); } Log.d( "Connected to network '" + mWifiManager.getConnectionInfo().getSSID() + "' with ID " + mWifiManager.getConnectionInfo().getNetworkId()); } @Rpc( description = "Forget a configured Wi-Fi network by its network ID, which is part of the" + " WifiConfiguration." ) public void wifiRemoveNetwork(Integer networkId) throws WifiManagerSnippetException { if (!mWifiManager.removeNetwork(networkId)) { throw new WifiManagerSnippetException("Failed to remove network of ID: " + networkId); } } @Rpc( description = "Get the list of configured Wi-Fi networks, each is a serialized " + "WifiConfiguration object." ) public List wifiGetConfiguredNetworks() throws JSONException { List networks = new ArrayList<>(); for (WifiConfiguration config : mWifiManager.getConfiguredNetworks()) { networks.add(mJsonSerializer.toJson(config)); } return networks; } @RpcMinSdk(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) @Rpc(description = "Enable or disable wifi verbose logging.") public void wifiSetVerboseLogging(boolean enable) throws Throwable { Utils.invokeByReflection(mWifiManager, "enableVerboseLogging", enable ? 1 : 0); } @Rpc( description = "Get the information about the active Wi-Fi connection, which is a serialized " + "WifiInfo object." ) public JSONObject wifiGetConnectionInfo() throws JSONException { return mJsonSerializer.toJson(mWifiManager.getConnectionInfo()); } @Rpc( description = "Get the info from last successful DHCP request, which is a serialized DhcpInfo " + "object." ) public JSONObject wifiGetDhcpInfo() throws JSONException { return mJsonSerializer.toJson(mWifiManager.getDhcpInfo()); } @Rpc(description = "Check whether Wi-Fi Soft AP (hotspot) is enabled.") public boolean wifiIsApEnabled() throws Throwable { return (boolean) Utils.invokeByReflection(mWifiManager, "isWifiApEnabled"); } /** * Enable Wi-Fi Soft AP (hotspot). * * @param configuration The same format as the param wifiNetworkConfig param for wifiConnect. * @throws Throwable */ @Rpc(description = "Enable Wi-Fi Soft AP (hotspot).") public void wifiEnableSoftAp(@Nullable JSONObject configuration) throws Throwable { // If no configuration is provided, the existing configuration would be used. WifiConfiguration wifiConfiguration = null; if (configuration != null) { wifiConfiguration = JsonDeserializer.jsonToWifiConfig(configuration); // Have to trim off the extra quotation marks since Soft AP logic interprets // WifiConfiguration.SSID literally, unlike the WifiManager connection logic. wifiConfiguration.SSID = JsonSerializer.trimQuotationMarks(wifiConfiguration.SSID); } if (!(boolean) Utils.invokeByReflection( mWifiManager, "setWifiApEnabled", wifiConfiguration, true)) { throw new WifiManagerSnippetException("Failed to initiate turning on Wi-Fi Soft AP."); } if (!Utils.waitUntil(() -> wifiIsApEnabled() == true, 60)) { throw new WifiManagerSnippetException( "Timed out after 60s waiting for Wi-Fi Soft AP state to turn on with configuration: " + configuration); } } /** Disables Wi-Fi Soft AP (hotspot). */ @Rpc(description = "Disable Wi-Fi Soft AP (hotspot).") public void wifiDisableSoftAp() throws Throwable { if (!(boolean) Utils.invokeByReflection( mWifiManager, "setWifiApEnabled", null /* No configuration needed for disabling */, false)) { throw new WifiManagerSnippetException("Failed to initiate turning off Wi-Fi Soft AP."); } if (!Utils.waitUntil(() -> wifiIsApEnabled() == false, 60)) { throw new WifiManagerSnippetException( "Timed out after 60s waiting for Wi-Fi Soft AP state to turn off."); } } @Override public void shutdown() {} private class WifiScanReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override public void onReceive(Context c, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); if (action.equals(WifiManager.SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION)) { mIsScanResultAvailable = true; } } } }