package com.googlecode.mp4parser.authoring.tracks; import com.coremedia.iso.boxes.*; import com.coremedia.iso.boxes.sampleentry.AudioSampleEntry; import com.googlecode.mp4parser.authoring.AbstractTrack; import com.googlecode.mp4parser.authoring.TrackMetaData; import com.googlecode.mp4parser.boxes.EC3SpecificBox; import com.googlecode.mp4parser.boxes.mp4.objectdescriptors.BitReaderBuffer; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: magnus * Date: 2012-03-14 * Time: 10:39 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class EC3TrackImpl extends AbstractTrack { TrackMetaData trackMetaData = new TrackMetaData(); SampleDescriptionBox sampleDescriptionBox; int samplerate; int bitrate; int frameSize; List entries = new LinkedList(); private BufferedInputStream inputStream; private List samples; List stts = new LinkedList(); private String lang = "und"; public EC3TrackImpl(InputStream fin, String lang) throws IOException { this.lang = lang; parse(fin); } public EC3TrackImpl(InputStream fin) throws IOException { parse(fin); } private void parse(InputStream fin) throws IOException { inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(fin); boolean done = false; inputStream.mark(10000); while (!done) { BitStreamInfo bsi = readVariables(); if (bsi == null) { throw new IOException(); } for (BitStreamInfo entry : entries) { if (bsi.strmtyp != 1 && entry.substreamid == bsi.substreamid) { done = true; } } if (!done) { entries.add(bsi); long skipped = inputStream.skip(bsi.frameSize); assert skipped == bsi.frameSize; } } inputStream.reset(); if (entries.size() == 0) { throw new IOException(); } samplerate = entries.get(0).samplerate; sampleDescriptionBox = new SampleDescriptionBox(); AudioSampleEntry audioSampleEntry = new AudioSampleEntry("ec-3"); audioSampleEntry.setChannelCount(2); // According to ETSI TS 102 366 Annex F audioSampleEntry.setSampleRate(samplerate); audioSampleEntry.setDataReferenceIndex(1); audioSampleEntry.setSampleSize(16); EC3SpecificBox ec3 = new EC3SpecificBox(); int[] deps = new int[entries.size()]; int[] chan_locs = new int[entries.size()]; for (BitStreamInfo bsi : entries) { if (bsi.strmtyp == 1) { deps[bsi.substreamid]++; chan_locs[bsi.substreamid] = ((bsi.chanmap >> 6) & 0x100) | ((bsi.chanmap >> 5) & 0xff); } } for (BitStreamInfo bsi : entries) { if (bsi.strmtyp != 1) { EC3SpecificBox.Entry e = new EC3SpecificBox.Entry(); e.fscod = bsi.fscod; e.bsid = bsi.bsid; e.bsmod = bsi.bsmod; e.acmod = bsi.acmod; e.lfeon = bsi.lfeon; e.reserved = 0; e.num_dep_sub = deps[bsi.substreamid]; e.chan_loc = chan_locs[bsi.substreamid]; e.reserved2 = 0; ec3.addEntry(e); } bitrate += bsi.bitrate; frameSize += bsi.frameSize; } ec3.setDataRate(bitrate / 1000); audioSampleEntry.addBox(ec3); sampleDescriptionBox.addBox(audioSampleEntry); trackMetaData.setCreationTime(new Date()); trackMetaData.setModificationTime(new Date()); trackMetaData.setLanguage(lang); trackMetaData.setTimescale(samplerate); // Audio tracks always use samplerate as timescale samples = new LinkedList(); if (!readSamples()) { throw new IOException(); } } public List getSamples() { return samples; } public SampleDescriptionBox getSampleDescriptionBox() { return sampleDescriptionBox; } public List getDecodingTimeEntries() { return stts; } public List getCompositionTimeEntries() { return null; } public long[] getSyncSamples() { return null; } public List getSampleDependencies() { return null; } public TrackMetaData getTrackMetaData() { return trackMetaData; } public String getHandler() { return "soun"; } public AbstractMediaHeaderBox getMediaHeaderBox() { return new SoundMediaHeaderBox(); } public SubSampleInformationBox getSubsampleInformationBox() { return null; } private BitStreamInfo readVariables() throws IOException { byte[] data = new byte[200]; inputStream.mark(200); if (200 !=, 0, 200)) { return null; } inputStream.reset(); // Rewind ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(data); BitReaderBuffer brb = new BitReaderBuffer(bb); int syncword = brb.readBits(16); if (syncword != 0xb77) { return null; } BitStreamInfo entry = new BitStreamInfo(); entry.strmtyp = brb.readBits(2); entry.substreamid = brb.readBits(3); int frmsiz = brb.readBits(11); entry.frameSize = 2 * (frmsiz + 1); entry.fscod = brb.readBits(2); int fscod2 = -1; int numblkscod; if (entry.fscod == 3) { fscod2 = brb.readBits(2); numblkscod = 3; } else { numblkscod = brb.readBits(2); } int numberOfBlocksPerSyncFrame = 0; switch (numblkscod) { case 0: numberOfBlocksPerSyncFrame = 1; break; case 1: numberOfBlocksPerSyncFrame = 2; break; case 2: numberOfBlocksPerSyncFrame = 3; break; case 3: numberOfBlocksPerSyncFrame = 6; break; } entry.frameSize *= (6 / numberOfBlocksPerSyncFrame); entry.acmod = brb.readBits(3); entry.lfeon = brb.readBits(1); entry.bsid = brb.readBits(5); brb.readBits(5); if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(8); // compr } if (0 == entry.acmod) { brb.readBits(5); if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(8); } } if (1 == entry.strmtyp) { if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { entry.chanmap = brb.readBits(16); } } if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { // mixing metadata if (entry.acmod > 2) { brb.readBits(2); } if (1 == (entry.acmod & 1) && entry.acmod > 2) { brb.readBits(3); brb.readBits(3); } if (0 < (entry.acmod & 4)) { brb.readBits(3); brb.readBits(3); } if (1 == entry.lfeon) { if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(5); } } if (0 == entry.strmtyp) { if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(6); } if (0 == entry.acmod) { if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(6); } } if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(6); } int mixdef = brb.readBits(2); if (1 == mixdef) { brb.readBits(5); } else if (2 == mixdef) { brb.readBits(12); } else if (3 == mixdef) { int mixdeflen = brb.readBits(5); if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(5); if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(4); } if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(4); } if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(4); } if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(4); } if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(4); } if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(4); } if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(4); } if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(4); } if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(4); } } } if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(5); if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(7); if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(8); } } } for (int i = 0; i < (mixdeflen + 2); i++) { brb.readBits(8); } brb.byteSync(); } if (entry.acmod < 2) { if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(14); } if (0 == entry.acmod) { if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(14); } } if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { if (numblkscod == 0) { brb.readBits(5); } else { for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBlocksPerSyncFrame; i++) { if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { brb.readBits(5); } } } } } } } if (1 == brb.readBits(1)) { // infomdate entry.bsmod = brb.readBits(3); } switch (entry.fscod) { case 0: entry.samplerate = 48000; break; case 1: entry.samplerate = 44100; break; case 2: entry.samplerate = 32000; break; case 3: { switch (fscod2) { case 0: entry.samplerate = 24000; break; case 1: entry.samplerate = 22050; break; case 2: entry.samplerate = 16000; break; case 3: entry.samplerate = 0; break; } break; } } if (entry.samplerate == 0) { return null; } entry.bitrate = (int) (((double) entry.samplerate) / 1536.0 * entry.frameSize * 8); return entry; } private boolean readSamples() throws IOException { int read = frameSize; boolean ret = false; while (frameSize == read) { ret = true; byte[] data = new byte[frameSize]; read =; if (read == frameSize) { samples.add(ByteBuffer.wrap(data)); stts.add(new TimeToSampleBox.Entry(1, 1536)); } } return ret; } public static class BitStreamInfo extends EC3SpecificBox.Entry { public int frameSize; public int substreamid; public int bitrate; public int samplerate; public int strmtyp; public int chanmap; @Override public String toString() { return "BitStreamInfo{" + "frameSize=" + frameSize + ", substreamid=" + substreamid + ", bitrate=" + bitrate + ", samplerate=" + samplerate + ", strmtyp=" + strmtyp + ", chanmap=" + chanmap + '}'; } } @Override public String toString() { return "EC3TrackImpl{" + "bitrate=" + bitrate + ", samplerate=" + samplerate + ", entries=" + entries + '}'; } }