path: root/doc/GNUmakefile.mk
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/GNUmakefile.mk')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/GNUmakefile.mk b/doc/GNUmakefile.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3af64a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/GNUmakefile.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+## makefile for documentation creation
+## doc/
+## dox/ <-- generated API docs support files
+## doxygen/ <-- generated API docs support files
+## texi/ <-- hand-written project articles
+## doc/
+## doc/
+## api/
+## html/ <-- API in html format
+## xml/ <-- API in xml format
+## articles/
+## html/ <-- articles in html format
+## txt/ <-- articles in txt format
+## wiki/ <-- articles in Google Code Wiki format
+## xml/ <-- articles in xml-texinfo format
+## man/
+## man1/ <-- man-pages for utilities
+# Conventional VPATH directive breaks too many things so we use vpath and its
+# pattern-spec feature. If new files or extensions are introduced they may need
+# to be added here.
+vpath COPYING $(top_srcdir)
+vpath INSTALL $(top_srcdir)
+vpath README $(top_srcdir)
+vpath autoaux/% $(top_srcdir)
+vpath %.1 $(top_srcdir)
+vpath %.cpp $(top_srcdir)
+vpath %.h $(top_srcdir)
+vpath %.m4 $(top_srcdir)
+vpath %.tcc $(top_srcdir)
+SOURCE/ = $(top_srcdir)/
+BUILD/ = $(top_builddir)/
+DOC.in/ = $(SOURCE/)doc/
+DOC.out/ = $(BUILD/)doc/
+DOC.out.api/ = $(DOC.out/)api/
+DOC.out.articles/ = $(DOC.out/)articles/
+DOC.out.site/ = $(DOC.out/)site/
+M4 = m4
+M4.flags = -I$(BUILD/)project
+M4.cmd = $(M4) $(M4.flags) $(1) > $(2)
+M4.deps = $(BUILD/)project/project.m4
+ifeq ($(FOUND_HELP2MAN),yes)
+HELP2MAN = help2man
+HELP2MAN.flags = -m "$(PROJECT_name) Utilities" -N
+HELP2MAN.cmd = $(HELP2MAN) $(HELP2MAN.flags) ./$(1) -o $(2)
+HELP2MAN.cmd = touch $(2)
+MAKEINFO.flags = -I$(DOC.in/)texi -I$(DOC.out/)texi
+MAKEINFO.flags.html = --html --no-headers --no-split
+MAKEINFO.flags.txt = --plaintext --no-headers
+MAKEINFO.flags.xml = --xml --output-indent=4
+MAKEINFO.cmd = makeinfo $(MAKEINFO.flags) $(MAKEINFO.flags.$(1)) $(2) -o $(3)
+HTMLCOMBINE = $(SOURCE/)project/htmlcombine.py
+HTMLCOMBINE.cmd = $(HTMLCOMBINE) --header $(1) --footer $(2) --body $(3) > $(4)
+XML2WIKI = $(SOURCE/)project/xml2wiki.py
+XML2WIKI.flags = --date --toc
+XML2WIKI.cmd = $(XML2WIKI) $(XML2WIKI.flags) $(1) > $(2)
+XML2WIKI.deps = $(XML2WIKI)
+DOXYGEN = doxygen
+DOXYGEN.cmd = $(DOXYGEN) $(1)
+DOC.m4.out = \
+ doc/texi/base/project.texi \
+ doc/doxygen/Doxyfile \
+ doc/doxygen/header.html \
+ doc/doxygen/footer.html \
+ doc/html/header.html \
+ doc/html/footer.html
+DOC.man.utils = mp4art mp4file mp4subtitle mp4track
+DOC.man.out = $(DOC.man.utils:%=$(DOC.out/)man/man1/%.1)
+DOC.texi.articles = $(wildcard $(DOC.in/)texi/*.texi $(DOC.out/)texi/*.texi)
+DOC.texi.includes = \
+ doc/texi/base/project.texi \
+ $(wildcard $(DOC.in/)texi/*/*.texi $(DOC.out/)texi/*/*.texi)
+DOC.texi2html.out = $(DOC.texi.articles:$(DOC.in/)texi/%.texi=$(DOC.out.articles/)html/%.html)
+DOC.texi2txt.out = $(DOC.texi.articles:$(DOC.in/)texi/%.texi=$(DOC.out.articles/)txt/%.txt)
+DOC.texi2xml.out = $(DOC.texi.articles:$(DOC.in/)texi/%.texi=$(DOC.out.articles/)xml/%.xml)
+DOC.xml2wiki.out = $(DOC.texi2xml.out:$(DOC.out.articles/)xml/%.xml=$(DOC.out.articles/)wiki/%.wiki)
+DOC.api.out = $(DOC.out.api/).stamp
+DOC.site.out = $(DOC.out.site/).stamp
+DOC.site.out.copy = $(patsubst $(DOC.in/)html/%,$(DOC.out.site/)%, \
+ $(filter-out %.in,$(wildcard $(DOC.in/)html/*)))
+DOC.site.out.index = $(DOC.out.site/)index.html
+DOC.site.out.html = $(patsubst $(DOC.out.articles/)html/%,$(DOC.out.site/)%, \
+ $(filter-out %/Documentation.html,$(DOC.texi2html.out)))
+MKDIRS += $(dir $(DOC.m4.out))
+MKDIRS += $(DOC.out/)man/man1/
+MKDIRS += $(foreach n,html man texi txt wiki xml,$(DOC.out.articles/)$n)
+MKDIRS += $(DOC.out.api/)
+MKDIRS += $(DOC.out.site/)
+ $(SOURCE/)vstudio9.0/include/mp4v2/project.h \
+ $(SOURCE/)vstudio9.0/mp4v2.sln \
+ $(wildcard $(SOURCE/)vstudio9.0/*/*.vcproj)
+dist-hook: $(DOC.texi2txt.out) $(DOC.man.out)
+ rm -fr $(distdir)/doc
+ $(mkdir_p) $(distdir)/doc
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(DOC.in/)GNUmakefile.mk $(distdir)/doc/.
+ifneq (,$(DOC.texi2txt.out))
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(DOC.texi2txt.out) $(distdir)/doc/.
+ifneq (,$(DOC.man.out))
+ $(mkdir_p) $(distdir)/doc/man/man1
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(DOC.man.out) $(distdir)/doc/man/man1
+distclean-local: docclean
+$(DOC.m4.out): %: %.m4 $(M4.deps) | $(dir $(DOC.m4.out))
+ $(call M4.cmd,$<,$@)
+.PHONY: articles doc
+articles: html txt xml wiki
+doc: man articles api site
+.PHONY: articlesclean apiclean docclean
+articlesclean: htmlclean txtclean xmlclean wikiclean
+docclean: manclean articlesclean apiclean siteclean
+.PHONY: man html txt xml wiki api
+man: $(DOC.man.out)
+html: $(DOC.texi2html.out)
+txt: $(DOC.texi2txt.out)
+xml: $(DOC.texi2xml.out)
+wiki: $(DOC.xml2wiki.out)
+api: $(DOC.api.out)
+site: $(DOC.site.out)
+.PHONY: manclean htmlclean txtclean xmlclean wikiclean apiclean
+ rm -f $(DOC.man.out)
+ rm -f $(DOC.texi2html.out)
+ rm -f $(DOC.texi2txt.out)
+ rm -f $(DOC.texi2xml.out)
+ rm -f $(DOC.xml2wiki.out)
+ rm -f $(DOC.api.out)
+ rm -fr $(DOC.out.api/)html/ $(DOC.out.api/)xml/
+ rm -fr $(DOC.out.site/)
+$(DOC.man.out): | $(dir $(DOC.man.out))
+$(DOC.man.out): $(DOC.out/)man/man1/%.1: $(BUILD/)%
+ $(call HELP2MAN.cmd,$<,$@)
+$(DOC.texi2html.out): $(DOC.texi.includes) | $(dir $(DOC.texi2html.out))
+$(DOC.texi2html.out): $(DOC.out.articles/)html/%.html: $(DOC.in/)texi/%.texi
+ $(call MAKEINFO.cmd,html,$<,$@)
+$(DOC.texi2txt.out): $(DOC.texi.includes) | $(dir $(DOC.texi2txt.out))
+$(DOC.texi2txt.out): $(DOC.out.articles/)txt/%.txt: $(DOC.in/)texi/%.texi
+ $(call MAKEINFO.cmd,txt,$<,$@)
+$(DOC.texi2xml.out): $(DOC.texi.includes) | $(dir $(DOC.texi2xml.out))
+$(DOC.texi2xml.out): $(DOC.out.articles/)xml/%.xml: $(DOC.in/)texi/%.texi
+ $(call MAKEINFO.cmd,xml,$<,$@)
+$(DOC.xml2wiki.out): $(XML2WIKI.deps) | $(dir $(DOC.xml2wiki.out))
+$(DOC.xml2wiki.out): $(DOC.out.articles/)wiki/%.wiki: $(DOC.out.articles/)xml/%.xml
+ $(call XML2WIKI.cmd,$<,$@)
+$(DOC.api.out): | $(dir $(DOC.api.out))
+$(DOC.api.out): $(DOC.in/)doxygen/banner.png
+$(DOC.api.out): $(DOC.in/)doxygen/project.css
+$(DOC.api.out): $(DOC.out/)doxygen/header.html
+$(DOC.api.out): $(DOC.out/)doxygen/footer.html
+$(DOC.api.out): $(DOC.out/)doxygen/Doxyfile
+ $(call DOXYGEN.cmd,$<)
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(DOC.in/)doxygen/banner.png $(DOC.out.api/)html/
+ touch $@
+$(DOC.site.out): | $(DOC.out.site/)articles
+$(DOC.site.out): | $(DOC.out.site/)api
+$(DOC.site.out): $(DOC.site.out.copy)
+$(DOC.site.out): $(DOC.site.out.index)
+$(DOC.site.out): $(DOC.site.out.html)
+$(DOC.out.site/)articles: | html $(DOC.out.site/)
+ rm -f $@
+ ln -s ../articles/html $@
+$(DOC.out.site/)api: | api $(DOC.out.site/)
+ rm -f $@
+ ln -s ../api/html $@
+$(DOC.site.out.copy): $(DOC.out.site/)%: $(DOC.in/)html/%
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $^ $(@D)/.
+$(DOC.site.out.index): $(DOC.out/)html/header.html $(DOC.out/)html/footer.html
+$(DOC.site.out.index): $(HTMLCOMBINE.deps)
+$(DOC.site.out.index): $(DOC.out.articles/)html/Documentation.html
+ $(call HTMLCOMBINE.cmd,$(word 2,$^),$(word 3,$^),$<,$@)
+$(DOC.site.out.html): $(DOC.out/)html/header.html $(DOC.out/)html/footer.html
+$(DOC.site.out.html): $(HTMLCOMBINE.deps)
+$(DOC.site.out.html): $(DOC.out.site/)%: $(DOC.out.articles/)html/%
+ $(call HTMLCOMBINE.cmd,$(word 2,$^),$(word 3,$^),$<,$@)
+GOOGLE.out/ = $(top_builddir)/google/
+GOOGLE.repo.doc = $(if $(filter stable,$(PROJECT_repo_type)),$(PROJECT_version),trunk)
+ rm -fr $(GOOGLE.out/)
+google.post: site wiki
+google.post: | $(GOOGLE.out/)
+google.post: google.rsync google.rm google.add google.propset
+ svn co --depth immediates $(PROJECT_repo_root) $(GOOGLE.out/)
+ svn update --set-depth immediates google/wiki
+ svn update --set-depth infinity google/doc/$(GOOGLE.repo.doc)
+ rsync -vrptPL --delete \
+ --exclude=".svn/*" --exclude=".svn" \
+ --exclude="*/.svn/*" --exclude="*/.svn" \
+ --exclude=".stamp" --exclude="*/.stamp" \
+ --exclude="*.m4" --exclude="*/*.m4" \
+ $(DOC.out.site/). $(GOOGLE.out/)doc/$(GOOGLE.repo.doc)/.
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(DOC.out.articles/)wiki/BuildRepository.wiki $(GOOGLE.out/)wiki/.
+ $(INSTALL_DATA) $(DOC.out.articles/)wiki/BuildSource.wiki $(GOOGLE.out/)wiki/.
+ @files=`svn status $(GOOGLE.out/) | grep '^!' | awk '{ print $$2 }'`; \
+ if [ -n "$$files" ]; then \
+ svn rm $$files; \
+ fi
+ @files=`svn status $(GOOGLE.out/) | grep '^?' | awk '{ print $$2 }'`; \
+ if [ -n "$$files" ]; then \
+ svn add $$files; \
+ fi
+ find $(GOOGLE.out/)doc/$(GOOGLE.repo.doc) -type f -a \( -name "*.html" -o -name "*.css" \) -print0 \
+ | xargs -0 svn propset svn:eol-style native
+ find $(GOOGLE.out/)doc/$(GOOGLE.repo.doc) -type f -a -name "*.html" -print0 \
+ | xargs -0 svn propset svn:mime-type "text/html"
+dist-hb: distdir=lib$(PACKAGE)
+dist-hb: distdir
+ tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | GZIP=$(GZIP_ENV) gzip -c >lib$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz
+ $(am__remove_distdir)
+## Precompiled header support is tricky given libtool's complexity and its
+## historical aversion to supporting it.
+## What we do is add rules to precompile. Unfortunately, we cannot
+## automatically determine what flags libtool adds for compilation variants;
+## ie: PIC or non-PIC compilation. So instead we will hardcode the flags
+## to match. The reason for this is the precompiled-header will not be used if
+## (relevent) compilation flags differ.
+CXX.gch.static.flags = $(X_GCH_STATIC_FLAGS)
+CXX.gch.static.in = libplatform/impl.h src/impl.h libutil/impl.h
+CXX.gch.static.out = $(CXX.gch.static.in:%=$(BUILD/)%.gch/static)
+CXX.gch.shared.flags = $(X_GCH_SHARED_FLAGS)
+CXX.gch.shared.in = libplatform/impl.h src/impl.h libutil/impl.h
+CXX.gch.shared.out = $(CXX.gch.shared.in:%=$(BUILD/)%.gch/shared)
+CXX.gch.exe.flags = $(X_GCH_FLAGS)
+CXX.gch.exe.in = util/impl.h
+CXX.gch.exe.out = $(CXX.gch.exe.in:%=$(BUILD/)%.gch/exe)
+CXX.gch.static.dependents = $(libmp4v2_la_OBJECTS)
+CXX.gch.shared.dependents = $(libmp4v2_la_OBJECTS)
+CXX.gch.exe.dependents = \
+ $(mp4art_OBJECTS) \
+ $(mp4chaps_OBJECTS) \
+ $(mp4extract_OBJECTS) \
+ $(mp4file_OBJECTS) \
+ $(mp4info_OBJECTS) \
+ $(mp4subtitle_OBJECTS) \
+ $(mp4syncfiles_OBJECTS) \
+ $(mp4tags_OBJECTS) \
+ $(mp4track_OBJECTS) \
+ $(mp4trackdump_OBJECTS)
+ifeq ($(X_GCH_STATIC),1)
+$(CXX.gch.static.dependents): $(CXX.gch.static.out)
+ifeq ($(X_GCH_SHARED),1)
+$(CXX.gch.shared.dependents): $(CXX.gch.shared.out)
+ifeq ($(X_GCH),1)
+$(CXX.gch.exe.dependents): $(CXX.gch.exe.out)
+$(CXX.gch.static.out): | $(sort $(dir $(CXX.gch.static.out)))
+$(CXX.gch.static.out): $(BUILD/)%.gch/static: %
+ $(CXXCOMPILE) $(CXX.gch.static.flags) -c $< -o $@
+$(CXX.gch.shared.out): | $(sort $(dir $(CXX.gch.shared.out)))
+$(CXX.gch.shared.out): $(BUILD/)%.gch/shared: %
+ $(CXXCOMPILE) $(CXX.gch.shared.flags) -c $< -o $@
+$(CXX.gch.exe.out): | $(sort $(dir $(CXX.gch.exe.out)))
+$(CXX.gch.exe.out): $(BUILD/)%.gch/exe: %
+ $(CXXCOMPILE) $(CXX.gch.exe.flags) -c $< -o $@
+MKDIRS += $(dir $(CXX.gch.static.out))
+MKDIRS += $(dir $(CXX.gch.shared.out))
+MKDIRS += $(dir $(CXX.gch.exe.out))
+ rm -f $(CXX.gch.static.out)
+ rm -f $(CXX.gch.shared.out)
+ rm -f $(CXX.gch.exe.out)
+$(sort $(MKDIRS)):
+ $(mkdir_p) $@