Changes in libmpg123 libtool interface versions... 18.0.18 - new parameter: MPG123_PREFRAMES is now tunable (the number of frames to decode and skip before a seek point), also default value increased 17.0.17 - introduction optimized stereo synths 16.0.16 - introducing floating point x86-64 SSE synth 15.0.15 - first addition of x86-64 SSE optimizations 14.0.14 - the first libmpg123 with actually working MPG123_UPSPEED - also important regression fix concerning skipping of frames 13.0.13 - The whole set of output formats is generally available (8, 16 and 32 bit integer, signed/unsigned, float) - Many features can be absent from libary as build decision (minimize binary size). 12.0.12 - added mpg123_current_decoder - fixed value of MPG123_ENC_FLOAT - float output now is a real runtime option 11.0.11 - added mpg123_getstate - run-time tunable frame index - officially configured with largefile support where available 10.0.10 - new flag MPG123_FUZZY (along with the fuzzy seek functionality) 9.0.9 - added mpg123_tell_stream 8.0.8 - added mpg123_get_eq 7.0.7 - added mpg123_set_filesize 6.0.6 - added mpg123_icy2utf8 5.0.5 - added mpg123_feed - input buffers now const 4.0.4 - extended mpg123_string api (mpg123_add_substring, mpg123_grow_string) 3.0.3 - Initial floating point support as compile-time option. 2.0.2 - New flag MPG123_SEEKBUFFER. 1.0.1 - Added MPG123_RESYNC_LIMIT parameter. - Added MPG123_OUT_OF_SYNC and MPG123_RESYNC_FAIL error codes. - Fix for uninitialized framesize value in handle.