path: root/netcat.c
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1 files changed, 1668 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/netcat.c b/netcat.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ceb4f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netcat.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1668 @@
+/* Netcat 1.10 RELEASE 960320
+ A damn useful little "backend" utility begun 950915 or thereabouts,
+ as *Hobbit*'s first real stab at some sockets programming. Something that
+ should have and indeed may have existed ten years ago, but never became a
+ standard Unix utility. IMHO, "nc" could take its place right next to cat,
+ cp, rm, mv, dd, ls, and all those other cryptic and Unix-like things.
+ Read the README for the whole story, doc, applications, etc.
+ Layout:
+ conditional includes:
+ includes:
+ handy defines:
+ globals:
+ malloced globals:
+ cmd-flag globals:
+ support routines:
+ readwrite select loop:
+ main:
+ bluesky:
+ parse ranges of IP address as well as ports, perhaps
+ RAW mode!
+ backend progs to grab a pty and look like a real telnetd?!
+ backend progs to do various encryption modes??!?!
+#include "generic.h" /* same as with L5, skey, etc */
+/* conditional includes -- a very messy section which you may have to dink
+ for your own architecture [and please send diffs...]: */
+/* #undef _POSIX_SOURCE /* might need this for something? */
+#define HAVE_BIND /* ASSUMPTION -- seems to work everywhere! */
+#define HAVE_HELP /* undefine if you dont want the help text */
+/* #define ANAL /* if you want case-sensitive DNS matching */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#ifdef HAVE_SELECT_H /* random SV variants need this */
+#include <sys/select.h>
+/* have to do this *before* including types.h. xxx: Linux still has it wrong */
+#ifdef FD_SETSIZE /* should be in types.h, butcha never know. */
+#undef FD_SETSIZE /* if we ever need more than 16 active */
+#endif /* fd's, something is horribly wrong! */
+#define FD_SETSIZE 16 /* <-- this'll give us a long anyways, wtf */
+#include <sys/types.h> /* *now* do it. Sigh, this is broken */
+#ifdef HAVE_RANDOM /* aficionados of ?rand48() should realize */
+#define SRAND srandom /* that this doesn't need *strong* random */
+#define RAND random /* numbers just to mix up port numbers!! */
+#define SRAND srand
+#define RAND rand
+#endif /* HAVE_RANDOM */
+/* includes: */
+#include <sys/time.h> /* timeval, time_t */
+#include <setjmp.h> /* jmp_buf et al */
+#include <sys/socket.h> /* basics, SO_ and AF_ defs, sockaddr, ... */
+#include <netinet/in.h> /* sockaddr_in, htons, in_addr */
+#include <netinet/in_systm.h> /* misc crud that netinet/ip.h references */
+#include <netinet/ip.h> /* IPOPT_LSRR, header stuff */
+#include <netdb.h> /* hostent, gethostby*, getservby* */
+#include <arpa/inet.h> /* inet_ntoa */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h> /* strcpy, strchr, yadda yadda */
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <fcntl.h> /* O_WRONLY et al */
+/* handy stuff: */
+#define SA struct sockaddr /* socket overgeneralization braindeath */
+#define SAI struct sockaddr_in /* ... whoever came up with this model */
+#define IA struct in_addr /* ... should be taken out and shot, */
+ /* ... not that TLI is any better. sigh.. */
+#define SLEAZE_PORT 31337 /* for UDP-scan RTT trick, change if ya want */
+#define USHORT unsigned short /* use these for options an' stuff */
+#define BIGSIZ 8192 /* big buffers */
+#ifndef INADDR_NONE
+#define INADDR_NONE 0xffffffff
+#undef MAXHOSTNAMELEN /* might be too small on aix, so fix it */
+struct host_poop {
+ char name[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; /* dns name */
+ char addrs[8][24]; /* ascii-format IP addresses */
+ struct in_addr iaddrs[8]; /* real addresses: in_addr.s_addr: ulong */
+#define HINF struct host_poop
+struct port_poop {
+ char name [64]; /* name in /etc/services */
+ char anum [8]; /* ascii-format number */
+ USHORT num; /* real host-order number */
+#define PINF struct port_poop
+/* globals: */
+jmp_buf jbuf; /* timer crud */
+int jval = 0; /* timer crud */
+int netfd = -1;
+int ofd = 0; /* hexdump output fd */
+static char unknown[] = "(UNKNOWN)";
+static char p_tcp[] = "tcp"; /* for getservby* */
+static char p_udp[] = "udp";
+#ifdef HAVE_BIND
+extern int h_errno;
+/* stolen almost wholesale from bsd herror.c */
+static char * h_errs[] = {
+ "Error 0", /* but we *don't* use this */
+ "Unknown host", /* 1 HOST_NOT_FOUND */
+ "Host name lookup failure", /* 2 TRY_AGAIN */
+ "Unknown server error", /* 3 NO_RECOVERY */
+ "No address associated with name", /* 4 NO_ADDRESS */
+int h_errno; /* just so we *do* have it available */
+#endif /* HAVE_BIND */
+int gatesidx = 0; /* LSRR hop count */
+int gatesptr = 4; /* initial LSRR pointer, settable */
+USHORT Single = 1; /* zero if scanning */
+unsigned int insaved = 0; /* stdin-buffer size for multi-mode */
+unsigned int wrote_out = 0; /* total stdout bytes */
+unsigned int wrote_net = 0; /* total net bytes */
+static char wrote_txt[] = " sent %d, rcvd %d";
+static char hexnibs[20] = "0123456789abcdef ";
+/* will malloc up the following globals: */
+struct timeval * timer1 = NULL;
+struct timeval * timer2 = NULL;
+SAI * lclend = NULL; /* sockaddr_in structs */
+SAI * remend = NULL;
+HINF ** gates = NULL; /* LSRR hop hostpoop */
+char * optbuf = NULL; /* LSRR or sockopts */
+char * bigbuf_in; /* data buffers */
+char * bigbuf_net;
+fd_set * ding1; /* for select loop */
+fd_set * ding2;
+PINF * portpoop = NULL; /* for getportpoop / getservby* */
+unsigned char * stage = NULL; /* hexdump line buffer */
+/* global cmd flags: */
+USHORT o_alla = 0;
+unsigned int o_interval = 0;
+USHORT o_listen = 0;
+USHORT o_nflag = 0;
+USHORT o_wfile = 0;
+USHORT o_random = 0;
+USHORT o_udpmode = 0;
+USHORT o_verbose = 0;
+unsigned int o_wait = 0;
+USHORT o_zero = 0;
+/* o_tn in optional section */
+/* Debug macro: squirt whatever message and sleep a bit so we can see it go
+ by. need to call like Debug ((stuff)) [with no ; ] so macro args match!
+ Beware: writes to stdOUT... */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define Debug(x) printf x; printf ("\n"); fflush (stdout); sleep (1);
+#define Debug(x) /* nil... */
+/* support routines -- the bulk of this thing. Placed in such an order that
+ we don't have to forward-declare anything: */
+/* holler :
+ fake varargs -- need to do this way because we wind up calling through
+ more levels of indirection than vanilla varargs can handle, and not all
+ machines have vfprintf/vsyslog/whatever! 6 params oughta be enough. */
+void holler (str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6)
+ char * str;
+ char * p1, * p2, * p3, * p4, * p5, * p6;
+ if (o_verbose) {
+ fprintf (stderr, str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6);
+#ifdef HAVE_BIND
+ if (h_errno) { /* if host-lookup variety of error ... */
+ if (h_errno > 4) /* oh no you don't, either */
+ fprintf (stderr, "preposterous h_errno: %d", h_errno);
+ else
+ fprintf (stderr, h_errs[h_errno]); /* handle it here */
+ h_errno = 0; /* and reset for next call */
+ }
+ if (errno) { /* this gives funny-looking messages, but */
+ perror (" "); /* it's more portable than sys_errlist[]... */
+ } else /* xxx: do something better? */
+ fprintf (stderr, "\n");
+ fflush (stderr);
+ }
+} /* holler */
+/* bail :
+ error-exit handler, callable from anywhere */
+void bail (str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6)
+ char * str;
+ char * p1, * p2, * p3, * p4, * p5, * p6;
+ o_verbose = 1;
+ holler (str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6);
+ close (netfd);
+ sleep (1);
+ exit (1);
+} /* bail */
+/* catch :
+ no-brainer interrupt handler */
+void catch ()
+ errno = 0;
+ if (o_verbose > 1) /* normally we don't care */
+ bail (wrote_txt, wrote_net, wrote_out);
+ bail (" punt!");
+/* timeout and other signal handling cruft */
+void tmtravel ()
+ signal (SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);
+ alarm (0);
+ if (jval == 0)
+ bail ("spurious timer interrupt!");
+ longjmp (jbuf, jval);
+/* arm :
+ set the timer. Zero secs arg means unarm */
+void arm (num, secs)
+ unsigned int num;
+ unsigned int secs;
+ if (secs == 0) { /* reset */
+ signal (SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);
+ alarm (0);
+ jval = 0;
+ } else { /* set */
+ signal (SIGALRM, tmtravel);
+ alarm (secs);
+ jval = num;
+ } /* if secs */
+} /* arm */
+/* Hmalloc :
+ malloc up what I want, rounded up to *4, and pre-zeroed. Either succeeds
+ or bails out on its own, so that callers don't have to worry about it. */
+char * Hmalloc (size)
+ unsigned int size;
+ unsigned int s = (size + 4) & 0xfffffffc; /* 4GB?! */
+ char * p = malloc (s);
+ if (p != NULL)
+ memset (p, 0, s);
+ else
+ bail ("Hmalloc %d failed", s);
+ return (p);
+} /* Hmalloc */
+/* findline :
+ find the next newline in a buffer; return inclusive size of that "line",
+ or the entire buffer size, so the caller knows how much to then write().
+ Not distinguishing \n vs \r\n for the nonce; it just works as is... */
+unsigned int findline (buf, siz)
+ char * buf;
+ unsigned int siz;
+ register char * p;
+ register int x;
+ if (! buf) /* various sanity checks... */
+ return (0);
+ if (siz > BIGSIZ)
+ return (0);
+ x = siz;
+ for (p = buf; x > 0; x--) {
+ if (*p == '\n') {
+ x = (int) (p - buf);
+ x++; /* 'sokay if it points just past the end! */
+Debug (("findline returning %d", x))
+ return (x);
+ }
+ p++;
+ } /* for */
+Debug (("findline returning whole thing: %d", siz))
+ return (siz);
+} /* findline */
+/* comparehosts :
+ cross-check the host_poop we have so far against new gethostby*() info,
+ and holler about mismatches. Perhaps gratuitous, but it can't hurt to
+ point out when someone's DNS is fukt. Returns 1 if mismatch, in case
+ someone else wants to do something about it. */
+int comparehosts (poop, hp)
+ HINF * poop;
+ struct hostent * hp;
+ errno = 0;
+ h_errno = 0;
+/* The DNS spec is officially case-insensitive, but for those times when you
+ *really* wanna see any and all discrepancies, by all means define this. */
+#ifdef ANAL
+ if (strcmp (poop->name, hp->h_name) != 0) { /* case-sensitive */
+ if (strcasecmp (poop->name, hp->h_name) != 0) { /* normal */
+ holler ("DNS fwd/rev mismatch: %s != %s", poop->name, hp->h_name);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ return (0);
+/* ... do we need to do anything over and above that?? */
+} /* comparehosts */
+/* gethostpoop :
+ resolve a host 8 ways from sunday; return a new host_poop struct with its
+ info. The argument can be a name or [ascii] IP address; it will try its
+ damndest to deal with it. "numeric" governs whether we do any DNS at all,
+ and we also check o_verbose for what's appropriate work to do. */
+HINF * gethostpoop (name, numeric)
+ char * name;
+ USHORT numeric;
+ struct hostent * hostent;
+ struct in_addr iaddr;
+ register HINF * poop = NULL;
+ register int x;
+/* I really want to strangle the twit who dreamed up all these sockaddr and
+ hostent abstractions, and then forced them all to be incompatible with
+ each other so you *HAVE* to do all this ridiculous casting back and forth.
+ If that wasn't bad enough, all the doc insists on referring to local ports
+ and addresses as "names", which makes NO sense down at the bare metal.
+ What an absolutely horrid paradigm, and to think of all the people who
+ have been wasting significant amounts of time fighting with this stupid
+ deliberate obfuscation over the last 10 years... then again, I like
+ languages wherein a pointer is a pointer, what you put there is your own
+ business, the compiler stays out of your face, and sheep are nervous.
+ Maybe that's why my C code reads like assembler half the time... */
+/* If we want to see all the DNS stuff, do the following hair --
+ if inet_addr, do reverse and forward with any warnings; otherwise try
+ to do forward and reverse with any warnings. In other words, as long
+ as we're here, do a complete DNS check on these clowns. Yes, it slows
+ things down a bit for a first run, but once it's cached, who cares? */
+ errno = 0;
+ h_errno = 0;
+ if (name)
+ poop = (HINF *) Hmalloc (sizeof (HINF));
+ if (! poop)
+ bail ("gethostpoop fuxored");
+ strcpy (poop->name, unknown); /* preload it */
+/* see wzv:workarounds.c for dg/ux return-a-struct inet_addr lossage */
+ iaddr.s_addr = inet_addr (name);
+ if (iaddr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) { /* here's the great split: names... */
+ if (numeric)
+ bail ("Can't parse %s as an IP address", name);
+ hostent = gethostbyname (name);
+ if (! hostent)
+/* failure to look up a name is fatal, since we can't do anything with it */
+ bail ("%s: forward host lookup failed: ", name);
+ strncpy (poop->name, hostent->h_name, MAXHOSTNAMELEN - 2);
+ for (x = 0; hostent->h_addr_list[x] && (x < 8); x++) {
+ memcpy (&poop->iaddrs[x], hostent->h_addr_list[x], sizeof (IA));
+ strncpy (poop->addrs[x], inet_ntoa (poop->iaddrs[x]),
+ sizeof (poop->addrs[0]));
+ } /* for x -> addrs, part A */
+ if (! o_verbose) /* if we didn't want to see the */
+ return (poop); /* inverse stuff, we're done. */
+/* do inverse lookups in separate loop based on our collected forward addrs,
+ since gethostby* tends to crap into the same buffer over and over */
+ for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
+ hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
+ sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
+ if ((! hostent) || (! hostent-> h_name))
+ holler ("Warning: inverse host lookup failed for %s: ",
+ poop->addrs[x]);
+ else
+ (void) comparehosts (poop, hostent);
+ } /* for x -> addrs, part B */
+ } else { /* not INADDR_NONE: numeric addresses... */
+ memcpy (poop->iaddrs, &iaddr, sizeof (IA));
+ strncpy (poop->addrs[0], inet_ntoa (iaddr), sizeof (poop->addrs));
+ if (numeric) /* if numeric-only, we're done */
+ return (poop);
+ if (! o_verbose) /* likewise if we don't want */
+ return (poop); /* the full DNS hair */
+ hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
+/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
+ if (! hostent)
+ holler ("%s: inverse host lookup failed: ", name);
+ else {
+ strncpy (poop->name, hostent->h_name, MAXHOSTNAMELEN - 2);
+ hostent = gethostbyname (poop->name);
+ if ((! hostent) || (! hostent->h_addr_list[0]))
+ holler ("Warning: forward host lookup failed for %s: ",
+ poop->name);
+ else
+ (void) comparehosts (poop, hostent);
+ } /* if hostent */
+ } /* INADDR_NONE Great Split */
+/* whatever-all went down previously, we should now have a host_poop struct
+ with at least one IP address in it. */
+ h_errno = 0;
+ return (poop);
+} /* gethostpoop */
+/* getportpoop :
+ Same general idea as gethostpoop -- look up a port in /etc/services, fill
+ in global port_poop, but return the actual port *number*. Pass ONE of:
+ pstring to resolve stuff like "23" or "exec";
+ pnum to reverse-resolve something that's already a number.
+ If o_nflag is on, fill in what we can but skip the getservby??? stuff.
+ Might as well have consistent behavior here, and it *is* faster. */
+USHORT getportpoop (pstring, pnum)
+ char * pstring;
+ unsigned int pnum;
+ struct servent * servent;
+ register int x;
+ register int y;
+ char * whichp = p_tcp;
+ if (o_udpmode)
+ whichp = p_udp;
+ portpoop->name[0] = '?'; /* fast preload */
+ portpoop->name[1] = '\0';
+/* case 1: reverse-lookup of a number; placed first since this case is much
+ more frequent if we're scanning */
+ if (pnum) {
+ if (pstring) /* one or the other, pleeze */
+ return (0);
+ x = pnum;
+ if (o_nflag) /* go faster, skip getservbyblah */
+ goto gp_finish;
+ y = htons (x); /* gotta do this -- see Fig.1 below */
+ servent = getservbyport (y, whichp);
+ if (servent) {
+ y = ntohs (servent->s_port);
+ if (x != y) /* "never happen" */
+ holler ("Warning: port-bynum mismatch, %d != %d", x, y);
+ strncpy (portpoop->name, servent->s_name, sizeof (portpoop->name));
+ } /* if servent */
+ goto gp_finish;
+ } /* if pnum */
+/* case 2: resolve a string, but we still give preference to numbers instead
+ of trying to resolve conflicts. None of the entries in *my* extensive
+ /etc/services begins with a digit, so this should "always work" unless
+ you're at 3com and have some company-internal services defined... */
+ if (pstring) {
+ if (pnum) /* one or the other, pleeze */
+ return (0);
+ x = atoi (pstring);
+ if (x)
+ return (getportpoop (NULL, x)); /* recurse for numeric-string-arg */
+ if (o_nflag) /* can't use names! */
+ return (0);
+ servent = getservbyname (pstring, whichp);
+ if (servent) {
+ strncpy (portpoop->name, servent->s_name, sizeof (portpoop->name));
+ x = ntohs (servent->s_port);
+ goto gp_finish;
+ } /* if servent */
+ } /* if pstring */
+ return (0); /* catches any problems so far */
+/* Obligatory netdb.h-inspired rant: servent.s_port is supposed to be an int.
+ Despite this, we still have to treat it as a short when copying it around.
+ Not only that, but we have to convert it *back* into net order for
+ getservbyport to work. Manpages generally aren't clear on all this, but
+ there are plenty of examples in which it is just quietly done. More BSD
+ lossage... since everything getserv* ever deals with is local to our own
+ host, why bother with all this network-order/host-order crap at all?!
+ That should be saved for when we want to actually plug the port[s] into
+ some real network calls -- and guess what, we have to *re*-convert at that
+ point as well. Fuckheads. */
+/* Fall here whether or not we have a valid servent at this point, with
+ x containing our [host-order and therefore useful, dammit] port number */
+ sprintf (portpoop->anum, "%d", x); /* always load any numeric specs! */
+ portpoop->num = (x & 0xffff); /* ushort, remember... */
+ return (portpoop->num);
+} /* getportpoop */
+/* nextport :
+ Come up with the next port to try, be it random or whatever. "block" is
+ a ptr to randports array, whose bytes [so far] carry these meanings:
+ 0 ignore
+ 1 to be tested
+ 2 tested [which is set as we find them here]
+ returns a USHORT random port, or 0 if all the t-b-t ones are used up. */
+USHORT nextport (block)
+ char * block;
+ register unsigned int x;
+ register unsigned int y;
+ y = 70000; /* high safety count for rnd-tries */
+ while (y > 0) {
+ x = (RAND() & 0xffff);
+ if (block[x] == 1) { /* try to find a not-done one... */
+ block[x] = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ x = 0; /* bummer. */
+ y--;
+ } /* while y */
+ if (x)
+ return (x);
+ y = 65535; /* no random one, try linear downsearch */
+ while (y > 0) { /* if they're all used, we *must* be sure! */
+ if (block[y] == 1) {
+ block[y] = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ y--;
+ } /* while y */
+ if (y)
+ return (y); /* at least one left */
+ return (0); /* no more left! */
+} /* nextport */
+/* loadports :
+ set "to be tested" indications in BLOCK, from LO to HI. Almost too small
+ to be a separate routine, but makes main() a little cleaner... */
+void loadports (block, lo, hi)
+ char * block;
+ USHORT lo;
+ USHORT hi;
+ if (! block)
+ bail ("loadports: no block?!");
+ if ((! lo) || (! hi))
+ bail ("loadports: bogus values %d, %d", lo, hi);
+ x = hi;
+ while (lo <= x) {
+ block[x] = 1;
+ x--;
+ }
+} /* loadports */
+char * pr00gie = NULL; /* global ptr to -e arg */
+/* doexec :
+ fiddle all the file descriptors around, and hand off to another prog. Sort
+ of like a one-off "poor man's inetd". This is the only section of code
+ that would be security-critical, which is why it's ifdefed out by default.
+ Use at your own hairy risk; if you leave shells lying around behind open
+ listening ports you deserve to lose!! */
+doexec (fd)
+ int fd;
+ register char * p;
+ dup2 (fd, 0); /* the precise order of fiddlage */
+ close (fd); /* is apparently crucial; this is */
+ dup2 (0, 1); /* swiped directly out of "inetd". */
+ dup2 (0, 2);
+ p = strrchr (pr00gie, '/'); /* shorter argv[0] */
+ if (p)
+ p++;
+ else
+ p = pr00gie;
+Debug (("gonna exec %s as %s...", pr00gie, p))
+ execl (pr00gie, p, NULL);
+ bail ("exec %s failed", pr00gie); /* this gets sent out. Hmm... */
+} /* doexec */
+/* doconnect :
+ do all the socket stuff, and return an fd for one of
+ an open outbound TCP connection
+ a UDP stub-socket thingie
+ with appropriate socket options set up if we wanted source-routing, or
+ an unconnected TCP or UDP socket to listen on.
+ Examines various global o_blah flags to figure out what-all to do. */
+int doconnect (rad, rp, lad, lp)
+ IA * rad;
+ USHORT rp;
+ IA * lad;
+ USHORT lp;
+ register int nnetfd;
+ register int rr;
+ int x, y;
+ errno = 0;
+/* grab a socket; set opts */
+ if (o_udpmode)
+ nnetfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
+ else
+ nnetfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
+ if (nnetfd < 0)
+ bail ("Can't get socket");
+ if (nnetfd == 0) /* if stdin was closed this might *be* 0, */
+ goto newskt; /* so grab another. See text for why... */
+ x = 1;
+ rr = setsockopt (nnetfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &x, sizeof (x));
+ if (rr == -1)
+ holler ("nnetfd reuseaddr failed"); /* ??? */
+#ifdef SO_REUSEPORT /* doesnt exist everywhere... */
+ rr = setsockopt (nnetfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, &x, sizeof (x));
+ if (rr == -1)
+ holler ("nnetfd reuseport failed"); /* ??? */
+#if 0
+/* If you want to screw with RCVBUF/SNDBUF, do it here. Liudvikas Bukys at
+ Rochester sent this example, which would involve YET MORE options and is
+ just archived here in case you want to mess with it. o_xxxbuf are global
+ integers set in main() getopt loop, and check for rr == 0 afterward. */
+ rr = setsockopt(nnetfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &o_rcvbuf, sizeof o_rcvbuf);
+ rr = setsockopt(nnetfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &o_sndbuf, sizeof o_sndbuf);
+ /* fill in all the right sockaddr crud */
+ lclend->sin_family = AF_INET;
+/* fill in all the right sockaddr crud */
+ lclend->sin_family = AF_INET;
+ remend->sin_family = AF_INET;
+/* if lad/lp, do appropriate binding */
+ if (lad)
+ memcpy (&lclend->sin_addr.s_addr, lad, sizeof (IA));
+ if (lp)
+ lclend->sin_port = htons (lp);
+ rr = 0;
+ if (lad || lp) {
+ x = (int) lp;
+/* try a few times for the local bind, a la ftp-data-port... */
+ for (y = 4; y > 0; y--) {
+ rr = bind (nnetfd, (SA *)lclend, sizeof (SA));
+ if (rr == 0)
+ break;
+ if (errno != EADDRINUSE)
+ break;
+ else {
+ holler ("retrying local %s:%d", inet_ntoa (lclend->sin_addr), lp);
+ sleep (2);
+ errno = 0; /* clear from sleep */
+ } /* if EADDRINUSE */
+ } /* for y counter */
+ } /* if lad or lp */
+ if (rr)
+ bail ("Can't grab %s:%d with bind",
+ inet_ntoa(lclend->sin_addr), lp);
+ if (o_listen)
+ return (nnetfd); /* thanks, that's all for today */
+ memcpy (&remend->sin_addr.s_addr, rad, sizeof (IA));
+ remend->sin_port = htons (rp);
+/* rough format of LSRR option and explanation of weirdness.
+Option comes after IP-hdr dest addr in packet, padded to *4, and ihl > 5.
+IHL is multiples of 4, i.e. real len = ip_hl << 2.
+ type 131 1 ; 0x83: copied, option class 0, number 3
+ len 1 ; of *whole* option!
+ pointer 1 ; nxt-hop-addr; 1-relative, not 0-relative
+ addrlist... var ; 4 bytes per hop-addr
+ pad-to-32 var ; ones, i.e. "NOP"
+If we want to route A -> B via hops C and D, we must add C, D, *and* B to the
+options list. Why? Because when we hand the kernel A -> B with list C, D, B
+the "send shuffle" inside the kernel changes it into A -> C with list D, B and
+the outbound packet gets sent to C. If B wasn't also in the hops list, the
+final destination would have been lost at this point.
+When C gets the packet, it changes it to A -> D with list C', B where C' is
+the interface address that C used to forward the packet. This "records" the
+route hop from B's point of view, i.e. which address points "toward" B. This
+is to make B better able to return the packets. The pointer gets bumped by 4,
+so that D does the right thing instead of trying to forward back to C.
+When B finally gets the packet, it sees that the pointer is at the end of the
+LSRR list and is thus "completed". B will then try to use the packet instead
+of forwarding it, i.e. deliver it up to some application.
+Note that by moving the pointer yourself, you could send the traffic directly
+to B but have it return via your preconstructed source-route. Playing with
+this and watching "tcpdump -v" is the best way to understand what's going on.
+Only works for TCP in BSD-flavor kernels. UDP is a loss; udp_input calls
+stripoptions() early on, and the code to save the srcrt is notdef'ed.
+Linux is also still a loss at 1.3.x it looks like; the lsrr code is { }...
+/* if any -g arguments were given, set up source-routing. We hit this after
+ the gates are all looked up and ready to rock, any -G pointer is set,
+ and gatesidx is now the *number* of hops */
+ if (gatesidx) { /* if we wanted any srcrt hops ... */
+/* don't even bother compiling if we can't do IP options here! */
+#ifdef IP_OPTIONS
+ if (! optbuf) { /* and don't already *have* a srcrt set */
+ char * opp; /* then do all this setup hair */
+ optbuf = Hmalloc (48);
+ opp = optbuf;
+ *opp++ = IPOPT_LSRR; /* option */
+ *opp++ = (char)
+ (((gatesidx + 1) * sizeof (IA)) + 3) & 0xff; /* length */
+ *opp++ = gatesptr; /* pointer */
+/* opp now points at first hop addr -- insert the intermediate gateways */
+ for ( x = 0; x < gatesidx; x++) {
+ memcpy (opp, gates[x]->iaddrs, sizeof (IA));
+ opp += sizeof (IA);
+ }
+/* and tack the final destination on the end [needed!] */
+ memcpy (opp, rad, sizeof (IA));
+ opp += sizeof (IA);
+ *opp = IPOPT_NOP; /* alignment filler */
+ } /* if empty optbuf */
+/* calculate length of whole option mess, which is (3 + [hops] + [final] + 1),
+ and apply it [have to do this every time through, of course] */
+ x = ((gatesidx + 1) * sizeof (IA)) + 4;
+ rr = setsockopt (nnetfd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_OPTIONS, optbuf, x);
+ if (rr == -1)
+ bail ("srcrt setsockopt fuxored");
+#else /* IP_OPTIONS */
+ holler ("Warning: source routing unavailable on this machine, ignoring");
+#endif /* IP_OPTIONS*/
+ } /* if gatesidx */
+/* wrap connect inside a timer, and hit it */
+ arm (1, o_wait);
+ if (setjmp (jbuf) == 0) {
+ rr = connect (nnetfd, (SA *)remend, sizeof (SA));
+ } else { /* setjmp: connect failed... */
+ rr = -1;
+ errno = ETIMEDOUT; /* fake it */
+ }
+ arm (0, 0);
+ if (rr == 0)
+ return (nnetfd);
+ close (nnetfd); /* clean up junked socket FD!! */
+ return (-1);
+} /* doconnect */
+/* dolisten :
+ just like doconnect, and in fact calls a hunk of doconnect, but listens for
+ incoming and returns an open connection *from* someplace. If we were
+ given host/port args, any connections from elsewhere are rejected. This
+ in conjunction with local-address binding should limit things nicely... */
+int dolisten (rad, rp, lad, lp)
+ IA * rad;
+ USHORT rp;
+ IA * lad;
+ USHORT lp;
+ register int nnetfd;
+ register int rr;
+ HINF * whozis = NULL;
+ int x;
+ char * cp;
+ errno = 0;
+/* Pass everything off to doconnect, who in o_listen mode just gets a socket */
+ nnetfd = doconnect (rad, rp, lad, lp);
+ if (nnetfd <= 0)
+ return (-1);
+ if (o_udpmode) { /* apparently UDP can listen ON */
+ if (! lp) /* "port 0", but that's not useful */
+ bail ("UDP listen needs -p arg");
+ } else {
+ rr = listen (nnetfd, 1); /* gotta listen() before we can get */
+ if (rr < 0) /* our local random port. sheesh. */
+ bail ("local listen fuxored");
+ }
+/* Various things that follow temporarily trash bigbuf_net, which might contain
+ a copy of any recvfrom()ed packet, but we'll read() another copy later. */
+/* I can't believe I have to do all this to get my own goddamn bound address
+ and port number. It should just get filled in during bind() or something.
+ All this is only useful if we didn't say -p for listening, since if we
+ said -p we *know* what port we're listening on. At any rate we won't bother
+ with it all unless we wanted to see it, although listening quietly on a
+ random unknown port is probably not very useful without "netstat". */
+ if (o_verbose) {
+ x = sizeof (SA); /* how 'bout getsockNUM instead, pinheads?! */
+ rr = getsockname (nnetfd, (SA *) lclend, &x);
+ if (rr < 0)
+ holler ("local getsockname failed");
+ strcpy (bigbuf_net, "listening on ["); /* buffer reuse... */
+ if (lclend->sin_addr.s_addr)
+ strcat (bigbuf_net, inet_ntoa (lclend->sin_addr));
+ else
+ strcat (bigbuf_net, "any");
+ strcat (bigbuf_net, "] %d ...");
+ z = ntohs (lclend->sin_port);
+ holler (bigbuf_net, z);
+ } /* verbose -- whew!! */
+/* UDP is a speeeeecial case -- we have to do I/O *and* get the calling
+ party's particulars all at once, listen() and accept() don't apply.
+ At least in the BSD universe, however, recvfrom/PEEK is enough to tell
+ us something came in, and we can set things up so straight read/write
+ actually does work after all. Yow. YMMV on strange platforms! */
+ if (o_udpmode) {
+ x = sizeof (SA); /* retval for recvfrom */
+ arm (2, o_wait); /* might as well timeout this, too */
+ if (setjmp (jbuf) == 0) { /* do timeout for initial connect */
+ rr = recvfrom /* and here we block... */
+ (nnetfd, bigbuf_net, BIGSIZ, MSG_PEEK, (SA *) remend, &x);
+Debug (("dolisten/recvfrom ding, rr = %d, netbuf %s ", rr, bigbuf_net))
+ } else
+ goto dol_tmo; /* timeout */
+ arm (0, 0);
+/* I'm not completely clear on how this works -- BSD seems to make UDP
+ just magically work in a connect()ed context, but we'll undoubtedly run
+ into systems this deal doesn't work on. For now, we apparently have to
+ issue a connect() on our just-tickled socket so we can write() back.
+ Again, why the fuck doesn't it just get filled in and taken care of?!
+ This hack is anything but optimal. Basically, if you want your listener
+ to also be able to send data back, you need this connect() line, which
+ also has the side effect that now anything from a different source or even a
+ different port on the other end won't show up and will cause ICMP errors.
+ I guess that's what they meant by "connect".
+ Let's try to remember what the "U" is *really* for, eh? */
+ rr = connect (nnetfd, (SA *)remend, sizeof (SA));
+ goto whoisit;
+ } /* o_udpmode */
+/* fall here for TCP */
+ x = sizeof (SA); /* retval for accept */
+ arm (2, o_wait); /* wrap this in a timer, too; 0 = forever */
+ if (setjmp (jbuf) == 0) {
+ rr = accept (nnetfd, (SA *)remend, &x);
+ } else
+ goto dol_tmo; /* timeout */
+ arm (0, 0);
+ close (nnetfd); /* dump the old socket */
+ nnetfd = rr; /* here's our new one */
+ if (rr < 0)
+ goto dol_err; /* bail out if any errors so far */
+/* If we can, look for any IP options. Useful for testing the receiving end of
+ such things, and is a good exercise in dealing with it. We do this before
+ the connect message, to ensure that the connect msg is uniformly the LAST
+ thing to emerge after all the intervening crud. Doesn't work for UDP on
+ any machines I've tested, but feel free to surprise me. */
+#ifdef IP_OPTIONS
+ if (! o_verbose) /* if we wont see it, we dont care */
+ goto dol_noop;
+ optbuf = Hmalloc (40);
+ x = 40;
+ rr = getsockopt (nnetfd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_OPTIONS, optbuf, &x);
+ if (rr < 0)
+ holler ("getsockopt failed");
+Debug (("ipoptions ret len %d", x))
+ if (x) { /* we've got options, lessee em... */
+ unsigned char * q = (unsigned char *) optbuf;
+ char * p = bigbuf_net; /* local variables, yuk! */
+ char * pp = &bigbuf_net[128]; /* get random space farther out... */
+ memset (bigbuf_net, 0, 256); /* clear it all first */
+ while (x > 0) {
+ sprintf (pp, "%2.2x ", *q); /* clumsy, but works: turn into hex */
+ strcat (p, pp); /* and build the final string */
+ q++; p++;
+ x--;
+ }
+ holler ("IP options: %s", bigbuf_net);
+ } /* if x, i.e. any options */
+#endif /* IP_OPTIONS */
+/* find out what address the connection was *to* on our end, in case we're
+ doing a listen-on-any on a multihomed machine. This allows one to
+ offer different services via different alias addresses, such as the
+ "virtual web site" hack. */
+ memset (bigbuf_net, 0, 64);
+ cp = &bigbuf_net[32];
+ x = sizeof (SA);
+ rr = getsockname (nnetfd, (SA *) lclend, &x);
+ if (rr < 0)
+ holler ("post-rcv getsockname failed");
+ strcpy (cp, inet_ntoa (lclend->sin_addr));
+/* now check out who it is. We don't care about mismatched DNS names here,
+ but any ADDR and PORT we specified had better fucking well match the caller.
+ Converting from addr to inet_ntoa and back again is a bit of a kludge, but
+ gethostpoop wants a string and there's much gnarlier code out there already,
+ so I don't feel bad.
+ The *real* question is why BFD sockets wasn't designed to allow listens for
+ connections *from* specific hosts/ports, instead of requiring the caller to
+ accept the connection and then reject undesireable ones by closing. In
+ other words, we need a TCP MSG_PEEK. */
+ z = ntohs (remend->sin_port);
+ strcpy (bigbuf_net, inet_ntoa (remend->sin_addr));
+ whozis = gethostpoop (bigbuf_net, o_nflag);
+ errno = 0;
+ x = 0; /* use as a flag... */
+ if (rad) /* xxx: fix to go down the *list* if we have one? */
+ if (memcmp (rad, whozis->iaddrs, sizeof (SA)))
+ x = 1;
+ if (rp)
+ if (z != rp)
+ x = 1;
+ if (x) /* guilty! */
+ bail ("invalid connection to [%s] from %s [%s] %d",
+ cp, whozis->name, whozis->addrs[0], z);
+ holler ("connect to [%s] from %s [%s] %d", /* oh, you're okay.. */
+ cp, whozis->name, whozis->addrs[0], z);
+ return (nnetfd); /* open! */
+ errno = ETIMEDOUT; /* fake it */
+ close (nnetfd);
+ return (-1);
+} /* dolisten */
+/* udptest :
+ fire a couple of packets at a UDP target port, just to see if it's really
+ there. On BSD kernels, ICMP host/port-unreachable errors get delivered to
+ our socket as ECONNREFUSED write errors. On SV kernels, we lose; we'll have
+ to collect and analyze raw ICMP ourselves a la satan's probe_udp_ports
+ backend. Guess where one could swipe the appropriate code from...
+ Use the time delay between writes if given, otherwise use the "tcp ping"
+ trick for getting the RTT. [I got that idea from pluvius, and warped it.]
+ Return either the original fd, or clean up and return -1. */
+udptest (fd, where)
+ int fd;
+ IA * where;
+ register int rr;
+ rr = write (fd, bigbuf_in, 1);
+ if (rr != 1)
+ holler ("udptest first write failed?! errno %d", errno);
+ if (o_wait)
+ sleep (o_wait);
+ else {
+/* use the tcp-ping trick: try connecting to a normally refused port, which
+ causes us to block for the time that SYN gets there and RST gets back.
+ Not completely reliable, but it *does* mostly work. */
+ o_udpmode = 0; /* so doconnect does TCP this time */
+/* Set a temporary connect timeout, so packet filtration doesnt cause
+ us to hang forever, and hit it */
+ o_wait = 5; /* enough that we'll notice?? */
+ rr = doconnect (where, SLEAZE_PORT, 0, 0);
+ if (rr > 0)
+ close (rr); /* in case it *did* open */
+ o_wait = 0; /* reset it */
+ o_udpmode++; /* we *are* still doing UDP, right? */
+ } /* if o_wait */
+ errno = 0; /* clear from sleep */
+ rr = write (fd, bigbuf_in, 1);
+ if (rr == 1) /* if write error, no UDP listener */
+ return (fd);
+ close (fd); /* use it or lose it! */
+ return (-1);
+} /* udptest */
+/* oprint :
+ Hexdump bytes shoveled either way to a running logfile, in the format:
+D offset - - - - --- 16 bytes --- - - - - # .... ascii .....
+ where "which" sets the direction indicator, D:
+ 0 -- sent to network, or ">"
+ 1 -- rcvd and printed to stdout, or "<"
+ and "buf" and "n" are data-block and length. If the current block generates
+ a partial line, so be it; we *want* that lockstep indication of who sent
+ what when. Adapted from dgaudet's original example -- but must be ripping
+ *fast*, since we don't want to be too disk-bound... */
+void oprint (which, buf, n)
+ int which;
+ char * buf;
+ int n;
+ int bc; /* in buffer count */
+ int obc; /* current "global" offset */
+ int soc; /* stage write count */
+ register unsigned char * p; /* main buf ptr; m.b. unsigned here */
+ register unsigned char * op; /* out hexdump ptr */
+ register unsigned char * a; /* out asc-dump ptr */
+ register int x;
+ register unsigned int y;
+ if (! ofd)
+ bail ("oprint called with no open fd?!");
+ if (n == 0)
+ return;
+ op = stage;
+ if (which) {
+ *op = '<';
+ obc = wrote_out; /* use the globals! */
+ } else {
+ *op = '>';
+ obc = wrote_net;
+ }
+ op++; /* preload "direction" */
+ *op = ' ';
+ p = (unsigned char *) buf;
+ bc = n;
+ stage[59] = '#'; /* preload separator */
+ stage[60] = ' ';
+ while (bc) { /* for chunk-o-data ... */
+ x = 16;
+ soc = 78; /* len of whole formatted line */
+ if (bc < x) {
+ soc = soc - 16 + bc; /* fiddle for however much is left */
+ x = (bc * 3) + 11; /* 2 digits + space per, after D & offset */
+ op = &stage[x];
+ x = 16 - bc;
+ while (x) {
+ *op++ = ' '; /* preload filler spaces */
+ *op++ = ' ';
+ *op++ = ' ';
+ x--;
+ }
+ x = bc; /* re-fix current linecount */
+ } /* if bc < x */
+ bc -= x; /* fix wrt current line size */
+ sprintf (&stage[2], "%8.8x ", obc); /* xxx: still slow? */
+ obc += x; /* fix current offset */
+ op = &stage[11]; /* where hex starts */
+ a = &stage[61]; /* where ascii starts */
+ while (x) { /* for line of dump, however long ... */
+ y = (int)(*p >> 4); /* hi half */
+ *op = hexnibs[y];
+ op++;
+ y = (int)(*p & 0x0f); /* lo half */
+ *op = hexnibs[y];
+ op++;
+ *op = ' ';
+ op++;
+ if ((*p > 31) && (*p < 127))
+ *a = *p; /* printing */
+ else
+ *a = '.'; /* nonprinting, loose def */
+ a++;
+ p++;
+ x--;
+ } /* while x */
+ *a = '\n'; /* finish the line */
+ x = write (ofd, stage, soc);
+ if (x < 0)
+ bail ("ofd write err");
+ } /* while bc */
+} /* oprint */
+#ifdef TELNET
+USHORT o_tn = 0; /* global -t option */
+/* atelnet :
+ Answer anything that looks like telnet negotiation with don't/won't.
+ This doesn't modify any data buffers, update the global output count,
+ or show up in a hexdump -- it just shits into the outgoing stream.
+ Idea and codebase from */
+void atelnet (buf, size)
+ unsigned char * buf; /* has to be unsigned here! */
+ unsigned int size;
+ static unsigned char obuf [4]; /* tiny thing to build responses into */
+ register int x;
+ register unsigned char y;
+ register unsigned char * p;
+ y = 0;
+ p = buf;
+ x = size;
+ while (x > 0) {
+ if (*p != 255) /* IAC? */
+ goto notiac;
+ obuf[0] = 255;
+ p++; x--;
+ if ((*p == 251) || (*p == 252)) /* WILL or WONT */
+ y = 254; /* -> DONT */
+ if ((*p == 253) || (*p == 254)) /* DO or DONT */
+ y = 252; /* -> WONT */
+ if (y) {
+ obuf[1] = y;
+ p++; x--;
+ obuf[2] = *p; /* copy actual option byte */
+ (void) write (netfd, obuf, 3);
+/* if one wanted to bump wrote_net or do a hexdump line, here's the place */
+ y = 0;
+ } /* if y */
+ p++; x--;
+ } /* while x */
+} /* atelnet */
+#endif /* TELNET */
+/* readwrite :
+ handle stdin/stdout/network I/O. Bwahaha!! -- the select loop from hell.
+ In this instance, return what might become our exit status. */
+int readwrite (fd)
+ int fd;
+ register int rr;
+ register char * zp; /* stdin buf ptr */
+ register char * np; /* net-in buf ptr */
+ unsigned int rzleft;
+ unsigned int rnleft;
+ USHORT netretry; /* net-read retry counter */
+ USHORT wretry; /* net-write sanity counter */
+ USHORT wfirst; /* one-shot flag to skip first net read */
+/* if you don't have all this FD_* macro hair in sys/types.h, you'll have to
+ either find it or do your own bit-bashing: *ding1 |= (1 << fd), etc... */
+ if (fd > FD_SETSIZE) {
+ holler ("Preposterous fd value %d", fd);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ FD_SET (fd, ding1); /* global: the net is open */
+ netretry = 2;
+ wfirst = 0;
+ rzleft = rnleft = 0;
+ if (insaved) {
+ rzleft = insaved; /* preload multi-mode fakeouts */
+ zp = bigbuf_in;
+ wfirst = 1;
+ if (Single) /* if not scanning, this is a one-off first */
+ insaved = 0; /* buffer left over from argv construction, */
+ else {
+ FD_CLR (0, ding1); /* OR we've already got our repeat chunk, */
+ close (0); /* so we won't need any more stdin */
+ } /* Single */
+ } /* insaved */
+ if (o_interval)
+ sleep (o_interval); /* pause *before* sending stuff, too */
+ errno = 0; /* clear from sleep, close, whatever */
+/* and now the big ol' select shoveling loop ... */
+ while (FD_ISSET (fd, ding1)) { /* i.e. till the *net* closes! */
+ wretry = 8200; /* more than we'll ever hafta write */
+ if (wfirst) { /* any saved stdin buffer? */
+ wfirst = 0; /* clear flag for the duration */
+ goto shovel; /* and go handle it first */
+ }
+ *ding2 = *ding1; /* FD_COPY ain't portable... */
+/* some systems, notably linux, crap into their select timers on return, so
+ we create a expendable copy and give *that* to select. *Fuck* me ... */
+ if (timer1)
+ memcpy (timer2, timer1, sizeof (struct timeval));
+ rr = select (16, ding2, 0, 0, timer2); /* here it is, kiddies */
+ if (rr < 0) {
+ if (errno != EINTR) { /* might have gotten ^Zed, etc ?*/
+ holler ("select fuxored");
+ close (fd);
+ return (1);
+ }
+ } /* select fuckup */
+/* if we have a timeout AND stdin is closed AND we haven't heard anything
+ from the net during that time, assume it's dead and close it too. */
+ if (rr == 0) {
+ if (! FD_ISSET (0, ding1))
+ netretry--; /* we actually try a coupla times. */
+ if (! netretry) {
+ if (o_verbose > 1) /* normally we don't care */
+ holler ("net timeout");
+ close (fd);
+ return (0); /* not an error! */
+ }
+ } /* select timeout */
+/* xxx: should we check the exception fds too? The read fds seem to give
+ us the right info, and none of the examples I found bothered. */
+/* Ding!! Something arrived, go check all the incoming hoppers, net first */
+ if (FD_ISSET (fd, ding2)) { /* net: ding! */
+ rr = read (fd, bigbuf_net, BIGSIZ);
+ if (rr <= 0) {
+ FD_CLR (fd, ding1); /* net closed, we'll finish up... */
+ rzleft = 0; /* can't write anymore: broken pipe */
+ } else {
+ rnleft = rr;
+ np = bigbuf_net;
+#ifdef TELNET
+ if (o_tn)
+ atelnet (np, rr); /* fake out telnet stuff */
+#endif /* TELNET */
+ } /* if rr */
+Debug (("got %d from the net, errno %d", rr, errno))
+ } /* net:ding */
+/* if we're in "slowly" mode there's probably still stuff in the stdin
+ buffer, so don't read unless we really need MORE INPUT! MORE INPUT! */
+ if (rzleft)
+ goto shovel;
+/* okay, suck more stdin */
+ if (FD_ISSET (0, ding2)) { /* stdin: ding! */
+ rr = read (0, bigbuf_in, BIGSIZ);
+/* Considered making reads here smaller for UDP mode, but 8192-byte
+ mobygrams are kinda fun and exercise the reassembler. */
+ if (rr <= 0) { /* at end, or fukt, or ... */
+ FD_CLR (0, ding1); /* disable and close stdin */
+ close (0);
+ } else {
+ rzleft = rr;
+ zp = bigbuf_in;
+/* special case for multi-mode -- we'll want to send this one buffer to every
+ open TCP port or every UDP attempt, so save its size and clean up stdin */
+ if (! Single) { /* we might be scanning... */
+ insaved = rr; /* save len */
+ FD_CLR (0, ding1); /* disable further junk from stdin */
+ close (0); /* really, I mean it */
+ } /* Single */
+ } /* if rr/read */
+ } /* stdin:ding */
+/* now that we've dingdonged all our thingdings, send off the results.
+ Geez, why does this look an awful lot like the big loop in "rsh"? ...
+ not sure if the order of this matters, but write net -> stdout first. */
+/* sanity check. Works because they're both unsigned... */
+ if ((rzleft > 8200) || (rnleft > 8200)) {
+ holler ("Bogus buffers: %d, %d", rzleft, rnleft);
+ rzleft = rnleft = 0;
+ }
+/* net write retries sometimes happen on UDP connections */
+ if (! wretry) { /* is something hung? */
+ holler ("too many output retries");
+ return (1);
+ }
+ if (rnleft) {
+ rr = write (1, np, rnleft);
+ if (rr > 0) {
+ if (o_wfile)
+ oprint (1, np, rr); /* log the stdout */
+ np += rr; /* fix up ptrs and whatnot */
+ rnleft -= rr; /* will get sanity-checked above */
+ wrote_out += rr; /* global count */
+ }
+Debug (("wrote %d to stdout, errno %d", rr, errno))
+ } /* rnleft */
+ if (rzleft) {
+ if (o_interval) /* in "slowly" mode ?? */
+ rr = findline (zp, rzleft);
+ else
+ rr = rzleft;
+ rr = write (fd, zp, rr); /* one line, or the whole buffer */
+ if (rr > 0) {
+ if (o_wfile)
+ oprint (0, zp, rr); /* log what got sent */
+ zp += rr;
+ rzleft -= rr;
+ wrote_net += rr; /* global count */
+ }
+Debug (("wrote %d to net, errno %d", rr, errno))
+ } /* rzleft */
+ if (o_interval) { /* cycle between slow lines, or ... */
+ sleep (o_interval);
+ errno = 0; /* clear from sleep */
+ continue; /* ...with hairy select loop... */
+ }
+ if ((rzleft) || (rnleft)) { /* shovel that shit till they ain't */
+ wretry--; /* none left, and get another load */
+ goto shovel;
+ }
+ } /* while ding1:netfd is open */
+/* XXX: maybe want a more graceful shutdown() here, or screw around with
+ linger times?? I suspect that I don't need to since I'm always doing
+ blocking reads and writes and my own manual "last ditch" efforts to read
+ the net again after a timeout. I haven't seen any screwups yet, but it's
+ not like my test network is particularly busy... */
+ close (fd);
+ return (0);
+} /* readwrite */
+/* main :
+ now we pull it all together... */
+main (argc, argv)
+ int argc;
+ char ** argv;
+#ifndef HAVE_GETOPT
+ extern char * optarg;
+ extern int optind, optopt;
+ register int x;
+ register char *cp;
+ HINF * gp;
+ HINF * whereto = NULL;
+ HINF * wherefrom = NULL;
+ IA * ouraddr = NULL;
+ IA * themaddr = NULL;
+ USHORT o_lport = 0;
+ USHORT ourport = 0;
+ USHORT loport = 0; /* for scanning stuff */
+ USHORT hiport = 0;
+ USHORT curport = 0;
+ char * randports = NULL;
+#ifdef HAVE_BIND
+/* can *you* say "cc -yaddayadda netcat.c -lresolv -l44bsd" on SunLOSs? */
+ res_init();
+/* I was in this barbershop quartet in Skokie IL ... */
+/* round up the usual suspects, i.e. malloc up all the stuff we need */
+ lclend = (SAI *) Hmalloc (sizeof (SA));
+ remend = (SAI *) Hmalloc (sizeof (SA));
+ bigbuf_in = Hmalloc (BIGSIZ);
+ bigbuf_net = Hmalloc (BIGSIZ);
+ ding1 = (fd_set *) Hmalloc (sizeof (fd_set));
+ ding2 = (fd_set *) Hmalloc (sizeof (fd_set));
+ portpoop = (PINF *) Hmalloc (sizeof (PINF));
+ errno = 0;
+ gatesptr = 4;
+ h_errno = 0;
+/* catch a signal or two for cleanup */
+ signal (SIGINT, catch);
+ signal (SIGQUIT, catch);
+ signal (SIGTERM, catch);
+/* and suppress others... */
+#ifdef SIGURG
+ signal (SIGURG, SIG_IGN);
+#ifdef SIGPIPE
+ signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* important! */
+/* if no args given at all, get 'em from stdin, construct an argv, and hand
+ anything left over to readwrite(). */
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ cp = argv[0];
+ argv = (char **) Hmalloc (128 * sizeof (char *)); /* XXX: 128? */
+ argv[0] = cp; /* leave old prog name intact */
+ cp = Hmalloc (BIGSIZ);
+ argv[1] = cp; /* head of new arg block */
+ fprintf (stderr, "Cmd line: ");
+ fflush (stderr); /* I dont care if it's unbuffered or not! */
+ insaved = read (0, cp, BIGSIZ); /* we're gonna fake fgets() here */
+ if (insaved <= 0)
+ bail ("wrong");
+ x = findline (cp, insaved);
+ if (x)
+ insaved -= x; /* remaining chunk size to be sent */
+ if (insaved) /* which might be zero... */
+ memcpy (bigbuf_in, &cp[x], insaved);
+ cp = strchr (argv[1], '\n');
+ if (cp)
+ *cp = '\0';
+ cp = strchr (argv[1], '\r'); /* look for ^M too */
+ if (cp)
+ *cp = '\0';
+/* find and stash pointers to remaining new "args" */
+ cp = argv[1];
+ cp++; /* skip past first char */
+ x = 2; /* we know argv 0 and 1 already */
+ for (; *cp != '\0'; cp++) {
+ if (*cp == ' ') {
+ *cp = '\0'; /* smash all spaces */
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ if (*(cp-1) == '\0') {
+ argv[x] = cp;
+ x++;
+ }
+ } /* if space */
+ } /* for cp */
+ argc = x;
+ } /* if no args given */
+/* If your shitbox doesn't have getopt, step into the nineties already. */
+/* optarg, optind = next-argv-component [i.e. flag arg]; optopt = last-char */
+ while ((x = getopt (argc, argv, "ae:g:G:hi:lno:p:rs:tuvw:z")) != EOF) {
+/* Debug (("in go: x now %c, optarg %x optind %d", x, optarg, optind)) */
+ switch (x) {
+ case 'a':
+ bail ("all-A-records NIY");
+ o_alla++; break;
+ case 'e': /* prog to exec */
+ pr00gie = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 'G': /* srcrt gateways pointer val */
+ x = atoi (optarg);
+ if ((x) && (x == (x & 0x1c))) /* mask off bits of fukt values */
+ gatesptr = x;
+ else
+ bail ("invalid hop pointer %d, must be multiple of 4 <= 28", x);
+ break;
+ case 'g': /* srcroute hop[s] */
+ if (gatesidx > 8)
+ bail ("too many -g hops");
+ if (gates == NULL) /* eat this, Billy-boy */
+ gates = (HINF **) Hmalloc (sizeof (HINF *) * 10);
+ gp = gethostpoop (optarg, o_nflag);
+ if (gp)
+ gates[gatesidx] = gp;
+ gatesidx++;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ errno = 0;
+#ifdef HAVE_HELP
+ helpme(); /* exits by itself */
+ bail ("no help available, dork -- RTFS");
+ case 'i': /* line-interval time */
+ o_interval = atoi (optarg) & 0xffff;
+ if (! o_interval)
+ bail ("invalid interval time %s", optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'l': /* listen mode */
+ o_listen++; break;
+ case 'n': /* numeric-only, no DNS lookups */
+ o_nflag++; break;
+ case 'o': /* hexdump log */
+ stage = (unsigned char *) optarg;
+ o_wfile++; break;
+ case 'p': /* local source port */
+ o_lport = getportpoop (optarg, 0);
+ if (o_lport == 0)
+ bail ("invalid local port %s", optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'r': /* randomize various things */
+ o_random++; break;
+ case 's': /* local source address */
+/* do a full lookup [since everything else goes through the same mill],
+ unless -n was previously specified. In fact, careful placement of -n can
+ be useful, so we'll still pass o_nflag here instead of forcing numeric. */
+ wherefrom = gethostpoop (optarg, o_nflag);
+ ouraddr = &wherefrom->iaddrs[0];
+ break;
+#ifdef TELNET
+ case 't': /* do telnet fakeout */
+ o_tn++; break;
+#endif /* TELNET */
+ case 'u': /* use UDP */
+ o_udpmode++; break;
+ case 'v': /* verbose */
+ o_verbose++; break;
+ case 'w': /* wait time */
+ o_wait = atoi (optarg);
+ if (o_wait <= 0)
+ bail ("invalid wait-time %s", optarg);
+ timer1 = (struct timeval *) Hmalloc (sizeof (struct timeval));
+ timer2 = (struct timeval *) Hmalloc (sizeof (struct timeval));
+ timer1->tv_sec = o_wait; /* we need two. see readwrite()... */
+ break;
+ case 'z': /* little or no data xfer */
+ o_zero++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ errno = 0;
+ bail ("nc -h for help");
+ } /* switch x */
+ } /* while getopt */
+/* other misc initialization */
+Debug (("fd_set size %d", sizeof (*ding1))) /* how big *is* it? */
+ FD_SET (0, ding1); /* stdin *is* initially open */
+ if (o_random) {
+ SRAND (time (0));
+ randports = Hmalloc (65536); /* big flag array for ports */
+ }
+ if (pr00gie) {
+ close (0); /* won't need stdin */
+ o_wfile = 0; /* -o with -e is meaningless! */
+ ofd = 0;
+ }
+#endif /* G_S_H */
+ if (o_wfile) {
+ ofd = open (stage, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0664);
+ if (ofd <= 0) /* must be > extant 0/1/2 */
+ bail ("can't open %s", stage);
+ stage = (unsigned char *) Hmalloc (100);
+ }
+/* optind is now index of first non -x arg */
+Debug (("after go: x now %c, optarg %x optind %d", x, optarg, optind))
+/* Debug (("optind up to %d at host-arg %s", optind, argv[optind])) */
+/* gonna only use first addr of host-list, like our IQ was normal; if you wanna
+ get fancy with addresses, look up the list yourself and plug 'em in for now.
+ unless we finally implement -a, that is. */
+ if (argv[optind])
+ whereto = gethostpoop (argv[optind], o_nflag);
+ if (whereto && whereto->iaddrs)
+ themaddr = &whereto->iaddrs[0];
+ if (themaddr)
+ optind++; /* skip past valid host lookup */
+ errno = 0;
+ h_errno = 0;
+/* Handle listen mode here, and exit afterward. Only does one connect;
+ this is arguably the right thing to do. A "persistent listen-and-fork"
+ mode a la inetd has been thought about, but not implemented. A tiny
+ wrapper script can handle such things... */
+ if (o_listen) {
+ curport = 0; /* rem port *can* be zero here... */
+ if (argv[optind]) { /* any rem-port-arg? */
+ curport = getportpoop (argv[optind], 0);
+ if (curport == 0) /* if given, demand correctness */
+ bail ("invalid port %s", argv[optind]);
+ } /* if port-arg */
+ netfd = dolisten (themaddr, curport, ouraddr, o_lport);
+/* dolisten does its own connect reporting, so we don't holler anything here */
+ if (netfd > 0) {
+ if (pr00gie) /* -e given? */
+ doexec (netfd);
+ x = readwrite (netfd); /* it even works with UDP! */
+ if (o_verbose > 1) /* normally we don't care */
+ holler (wrote_txt, wrote_net, wrote_out);
+ exit (x); /* "pack out yer trash" */
+ } else /* if no netfd */
+ bail ("no connection");
+ } /* o_listen */
+/* fall thru to outbound connects. Now we're more picky about args... */
+ if (! themaddr)
+ bail ("no destination");
+ if (argv[optind] == NULL)
+ bail ("no port[s] to connect to");
+ if (argv[optind + 1]) /* look ahead: any more port args given? */
+ Single = 0; /* multi-mode, case A */
+ ourport = o_lport; /* which can be 0 */
+/* everything from here down is treated as as ports and/or ranges thereof, so
+ it's all enclosed in this big ol' argv-parsin' loop. Any randomization is
+ done within each given *range*, but in separate chunks per each succeeding
+ argument, so we can control the pattern somewhat. */
+ while (argv[optind]) {
+ hiport = loport = 0;
+ cp = strchr (argv[optind], '-'); /* nn-mm range? */
+ if (cp) {
+ *cp = '\0';
+ cp++;
+ hiport = getportpoop (cp, 0);
+ if (hiport == 0)
+ bail ("invalid port %s", cp);
+ } /* if found a dash */
+ loport = getportpoop (argv[optind], 0);
+ if (loport == 0)
+ bail ("invalid port %s", argv[optind]);
+ if (hiport > loport) { /* was it genuinely a range? */
+ Single = 0; /* multi-mode, case B */
+ curport = hiport; /* start high by default */
+ if (o_random) { /* maybe populate the random array */
+ loadports (randports, loport, hiport);
+ curport = nextport (randports);
+ }
+ } else /* not a range, including args like "25-25" */
+ curport = loport;
+Debug (("Single %d, curport %d", Single, curport))
+/* Now start connecting to these things. curport is already preloaded. */
+ while (loport <= curport) {
+ if ((! o_lport) && (o_random)) { /* -p overrides random local-port */
+ ourport = (RAND() & 0xffff); /* random local-bind -- well above */
+ if (ourport < 8192) /* resv and any likely listeners??? */
+ ourport += 8192; /* if it *still* conflicts, use -s. */
+ }
+ curport = getportpoop (NULL, curport);
+ netfd = doconnect (themaddr, curport, ouraddr, ourport);
+Debug (("netfd %d from port %d to port %d", netfd, ourport, curport))
+ if (netfd > 0)
+ if (o_zero && o_udpmode) /* if UDP scanning... */
+ netfd = udptest (netfd, themaddr);
+ if (netfd > 0) { /* Yow, are we OPEN YET?! */
+ x = 0; /* pre-exit status */
+ holler ("%s [%s] %d (%s) open",
+ whereto->name, whereto->addrs[0], curport, portpoop->name);
+ if (pr00gie) /* exec is valid for outbound, too */
+ doexec (netfd);
+ if (! o_zero)
+ x = readwrite (netfd); /* go shovel shit */
+ } else { /* no netfd... */
+ x = 1; /* preload exit status for later */
+/* if we're scanning at a "one -v" verbosity level, don't print refusals.
+ Give it another -v if you want to see everything. */
+ if ((Single || (o_verbose > 1)) || (errno != ECONNREFUSED))
+ holler ("%s [%s] %d (%s)",
+ whereto->name, whereto->addrs[0], curport, portpoop->name);
+ } /* if netfd */
+ close (netfd); /* just in case we didn't already */
+ if (o_interval)
+ sleep (o_interval); /* if -i, delay between ports too */
+ if (o_random)
+ curport = nextport (randports);
+ else
+ curport--; /* just decrement... */
+ } /* while curport within current range */
+ optind++;
+ } /* while remaining port-args -- end of big argv-ports loop*/
+ errno = 0;
+ if (o_verbose > 1) /* normally we don't care */
+ holler (wrote_txt, wrote_net, wrote_out);
+ if (Single)
+ exit (x); /* give us status on one connection */
+ exit (0); /* otherwise, we're just done */
+} /* main */
+#ifdef HAVE_HELP /* unless we wanna be *really* cryptic */
+/* helpme :
+ the obvious */
+ o_verbose = 1;
+ holler ("[v1.10]\n\
+connect to somewhere: nc [-options] hostname port[s] [ports] ... \n\
+listen for inbound: nc -l -p port [-options] [hostname] [port]\n\
+/* sigh, this necessarily gets messy. And the trailing \ characters may be
+ interpreted oddly by some compilers, generating or not generating extra
+ newlines as they bloody please. u-fix... */
+#ifdef GAPING_SECURITY_HOLE /* needs to be separate holler() */
+ holler ("\
+ -e prog program to exec after connect [dangerous!!]");
+ holler ("\
+ -g gateway source-routing hop point[s], up to 8\n\
+ -G num source-routing pointer: 4, 8, 12, ...\n\
+ -h this cruft\n\
+ -i secs delay interval for lines sent, ports scanned\n\
+ -l listen mode, for inbound connects\n\
+ -n numeric-only IP addresses, no DNS\n\
+ -o file hex dump of traffic\n\
+ -p port local port number\n\
+ -r randomize local and remote ports\n\
+ -s addr local source address");
+#ifdef TELNET
+ holler ("\
+ -t answer TELNET negotiation");
+ holler ("\
+ -u UDP mode\n\
+ -v verbose [use twice to be more verbose]\n\
+ -w secs timeout for connects and final net reads\n\
+ -z zero-I/O mode [used for scanning]");
+ bail ("port numbers can be individual or ranges: lo-hi [inclusive]");
+} /* helpme */
+#endif /* HAVE_HELP */
+/* None genuine without this seal! _H*/