path: root/netcpu_pstatnew.c
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 398 deletions
diff --git a/netcpu_pstatnew.c b/netcpu_pstatnew.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fd2d036..0000000
--- a/netcpu_pstatnew.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-char netcpu_pstatnew_id[]="\
-@(#)netcpu_pstatnew.c (c) Copyright 2005, Hewlett-Packard Company, Version 2.4.1";
-/* since we "know" that this interface is available only on 11.23 and
- later, and that 11.23 and later are strictly 64-bit kernels, we can
- arbitrarily set _PSTAT64 here and not have to worry about it up in
- the configure script and makefiles. raj 2005/09/06 */
-# include <config.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-# include <inttypes.h>
-# include <stdint.h>
-# endif
-#include <unistd.h>
-# include <limits.h>
-#include <sys/dk.h>
-#include <sys/pstat.h>
-/* HP-UX 11.23 seems to have added three other cycle counters to the
- original psp_idlecycles - one for user, one for kernel and one for
- interrupt. so, we can now use those to calculate CPU utilization
- without requiring any calibration phase. raj 2005-02-16 */
-# error Sorry, pstat() CPU utilization on 10.0 and later only
-typedef struct cpu_time_counters {
- uint64_t idle;
- uint64_t user;
- uint64_t kernel;
- uint64_t interrupt;
-} cpu_time_counters_t;
-uint64_t lib_iticksperclktick;
-#include "netsh.h"
-#include "netlib.h"
-/* the lib_start_count and lib_end_count arrays hold the starting
- and ending values of whatever is counting when the system is
- idle. The rate at which this increments during a test is compared
- with a previous calibrarion to arrive at a CPU utilization
- percentage. raj 2005-01-26 */
-static cpu_time_counters_t starting_cpu_counters[MAXCPUS];
-static cpu_time_counters_t ending_cpu_counters[MAXCPUS];
-static cpu_time_counters_t delta_cpu_counters[MAXCPUS];
- return;
- return;
-get_cpu_counters(cpu_time_counters_t *res)
- /* get the idle sycle counter for each processor. now while on a
- 64-bit kernel the ".psc_hi" and ".psc_lo" fields are 64 bits,
- only the bottom 32-bits are actually valid. don't ask me
- why, that is just the way it is. soo, we shift the psc_hi
- value by 32 bits and then just sum-in the psc_lo value. raj
- 2005/09/06 */
- struct pst_processor *psp;
- psp = (struct pst_processor *)malloc(lib_num_loc_cpus * sizeof(*psp));
- if (psp == NULL) {
- printf("malloc(%d) failed!\n", lib_num_loc_cpus * sizeof(*psp));
- exit(1);
- }
- if (pstat_getprocessor(psp, sizeof(*psp), lib_num_loc_cpus, 0) != -1) {
- int i;
- /* we use lib_iticksperclktick in our sanity checking. we
- ass-u-me it is the same value for each CPU - famous last
- words no doubt. raj 2005/09/06 */
- lib_iticksperclktick = psp[0].psp_iticksperclktick;
- for (i = 0; i < lib_num_loc_cpus; i++) {
- res[i].idle = (((uint64_t)psp[i].psp_idlecycles.psc_hi << 32) +
- psp[i].psp_idlecycles.psc_lo);
- if(debug) {
- fprintf(where,
- "\tidle[%d] = 0x%"PRIx64" ",
- i,
- res[i].idle);
- fflush(where);
- }
- res[i].user = (((uint64_t)psp[i].psp_usercycles.psc_hi << 32) +
- psp[i].psp_usercycles.psc_lo);
- if(debug) {
- fprintf(where,
- "user[%d] = 0x%"PRIx64" ",
- i,
- res[i].user);
- fflush(where);
- }
- res[i].kernel = (((uint64_t)psp[i].psp_systemcycles.psc_hi << 32) +
- psp[i].psp_systemcycles.psc_lo);
- if(debug) {
- fprintf(where,
- "kern[%d] = 0x%"PRIx64" ",
- i,
- res[i].kernel);
- fflush(where);
- }
- res[i].interrupt = (((uint64_t)psp[i].psp_interruptcycles.psc_hi << 32) +
- psp[i].psp_interruptcycles.psc_lo);
- if(debug) {
- fprintf(where,
- "intr[%d] = 0x%"PRIx64"\n",
- i,
- res[i].interrupt);
- fflush(where);
- }
- }
- free(psp);
- }
-/* calibrate_pstatnew
- there really isn't anything much to do here since we have all the
- counters and use their ratios for CPU util measurement. raj
- 2005-02-16 */
-calibrate_idle_rate(int iterations, int interval)
- return 0.0;
-static void
-print_cpu_time_counters(char *name, int instance, cpu_time_counters_t *counters)
- fprintf(where,"%s[%d]:\n",name,instance);
- fprintf(where,
- "\t idle %llu\n",counters[instance].idle);
- fprintf(where,
- "\t user %llu\n",counters[instance].user);
- fprintf(where,
- "\t kernel %llu\n",counters[instance].kernel);
- fprintf(where,
- "\t interrupt %llu\n",counters[instance].interrupt);
-calc_cpu_util_internal(float elapsed_time)
- int i;
- uint64_t total_cpu_cycles;
- uint64_t sanity_cpu_cycles;
- double fraction_idle;
- double fraction_user;
- double fraction_kernel;
- double fraction_interrupt;
- double estimated_fraction_interrupt;
- uint64_t fraction_idle;
- uint64_t fraction_user;
- uint64_t fraction_kernel;
- uint64_t fraction_interrupt;
- uint64_t estimated_fraction_interrupt;
-#define CALC_PERCENT 100
-#define CALC_TENTH_PERCENT 1000
-#endif /* USE_INTEGER_MATH */
- float actual_rate;
- float correction_factor;
- lib_local_cpu_util = (float)0.0;
- /* It is possible that the library measured a time other than */
- /* the one that the user want for the cpu utilization */
- /* calculations - for example, tests that were ended by */
- /* watchdog timers such as the udp stream test. We let these */
- /* tests tell up what the elapsed time should be. */
- if (elapsed_time != 0.0) {
- correction_factor = (float) 1.0 +
- ((lib_elapsed - elapsed_time) / elapsed_time);
- }
- else {
- correction_factor = (float) 1.0;
- }
- /* calculate our sanity check on cycles */
- if (debug) {
- fprintf(where,
- "lib_elapsed %g _SC_CLK_TCK %d lib_iticksperclktick %"PRIu64"\n",
- lib_elapsed,
- sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK),
- lib_iticksperclktick);
- }
- /* Ok, elsewhere I may have said that HP-UX 11.23 does the "right"
- thing in measuring user, kernel, interrupt and idle all together
- instead of overlapping interrupt with the others like an OS that
- shall not be named. However.... it seems there is a bug in the
- accounting for interrupt cycles, whereby the cycles do not get
- properly accounted. The sum of user, kernel, interrupt and idle
- does not equal the clock rate multiplied by the elapsed time.
- Some cycles go missing.
- Since we see agreement between netperf and glance/vsar with the
- old "pstat" mechanism, we can presume that the accounting for
- idle cycles is sufficiently accurate. So, while we will still do
- math with user, kernel and interrupt cycles, we will only
- caculate CPU utilization based on the ratio of idle to _real_
- total cycles. I am told that a "future release" of HP-UX will
- fix the interupt cycle accounting. raj 2005/09/14 */
- /* calculate what the sum of CPU cycles _SHOULD_ be */
- sanity_cpu_cycles = (uint64_t) ((double)lib_elapsed *
- (double) sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) * (double)lib_iticksperclktick);
- /* this looks just like the looper case. at least I think it */
- /* should :) raj 4/95 */
- for (i = 0; i < lib_num_loc_cpus; i++) {
- /* we ass-u-me that these counters will never wrap during a
- netperf run. this may not be a particularly safe thing to
- do. raj 2005-01-28 */
- delta_cpu_counters[i].idle = ending_cpu_counters[i].idle -
- starting_cpu_counters[i].idle;
- delta_cpu_counters[i].user = ending_cpu_counters[i].user -
- starting_cpu_counters[i].user;
- delta_cpu_counters[i].kernel = ending_cpu_counters[i].kernel -
- starting_cpu_counters[i].kernel;
- delta_cpu_counters[i].interrupt = ending_cpu_counters[i].interrupt -
- starting_cpu_counters[i].interrupt;
- if (debug) {
- print_cpu_time_counters("delta_cpu_counters",i,delta_cpu_counters);
- }
- /* now get the sum, which we ass-u-me does not overflow a 64-bit
- counter. raj 2005-02-16 */
- total_cpu_cycles =
- delta_cpu_counters[i].idle +
- delta_cpu_counters[i].user +
- delta_cpu_counters[i].kernel +
- delta_cpu_counters[i].interrupt;
- if (debug) {
- fprintf(where,
- "total_cpu_cycles %"PRIu64" sanity_cpu_cycles %"PRIu64" missing %"PRIu64"\n",
- total_cpu_cycles,
- sanity_cpu_cycles,
- sanity_cpu_cycles - total_cpu_cycles);
- }
- /* since HP-UX 11.23 does the _RIGHT_ thing and idle/user/kernel
- does _NOT_ overlap with interrupt, we do not have to apply any
- correction kludge. raj 2005-02-16 */
- /* when the accounting for interrupt time gets its act together,
- we can use total_cpu_cycles rather than sanity_cpu_cycles, but
- until then, use sanity_cpu_ccles. raj 2005/09/14 */
- fraction_idle = (double)delta_cpu_counters[i].idle /
- (double)sanity_cpu_cycles;
- fraction_user = (double)delta_cpu_counters[i].user /
- (double)sanity_cpu_cycles;
- fraction_kernel = (double) delta_cpu_counters[i].kernel /
- (double)sanity_cpu_cycles;
- fraction_interrupt = (double)delta_cpu_counters[i].interrupt /
- (double)sanity_cpu_cycles;
- /* ass-u-me that it is only interrupt that is bogus, and assign
- all the "missing" cycles to it. raj 2005/09/14 */
- estimated_fraction_interrupt = ((double)delta_cpu_counters[i].interrupt +
- (sanity_cpu_cycles - total_cpu_cycles)) /
- (double)sanity_cpu_cycles;
- if (debug) {
- fprintf(where,"\tfraction_idle %g\n",fraction_idle);
- fprintf(where,"\tfraction_user %g\n",fraction_user);
- fprintf(where,"\tfraction_kernel %g\n",fraction_kernel);
- fprintf(where,"\tfraction_interrupt %g WARNING, possibly under-counted!\n",fraction_interrupt);
- fprintf(where,"\testimated_fraction_interrupt %g\n",
- estimated_fraction_interrupt);
- }
- /* and finally, what is our CPU utilization? */
- lib_local_per_cpu_util[i] = 100.0 - (fraction_idle * 100.0);
- /* and now some fun with integer math. i initially tried to
- promote things to long doubled but that didn't seem to result
- in happiness and joy. raj 2005-01-28 */
- /* multiply by 100 and divide by total and you get whole
- percentages. multiply by 1000 and divide by total and you get
- tenths of percentages. multiply by 10000 and divide by total
- and you get hundredths of percentages. etc etc etc raj
- 2005-01-28 */
- /* when the accounting for interrupt time gets its act together,
- we can use total_cpu_cycles rather than sanity_cpu_cycles, but
- until then, use sanity_cpu_ccles. raj 2005/09/14 */
- fraction_idle =
- (delta_cpu_counters[i].idle * CALC_ACCURACY) / sanity_cpu_cycles;
- fraction_user =
- (delta_cpu_counters[i].user * CALC_ACCURACY) / sanity_cpu_cycles;
- fraction_kernel =
- (delta_cpu_counters[i].kernel * CALC_ACCURACY) / sanity_cpu_cycles;
- fraction_interrupt =
- (delta_cpu_counters[i].interrupt * CALC_ACCURACY) / sanity_cpu_cycles;
- estimated_fraction_interrupt =
- ((delta_cpu_counters[i].interrupt +
- (sanity_cpu_cycles - total_cpu_cycles)) *
- CALC_ACCURACY) / sanity_cpu_cycles;
- if (debug) {
- fprintf(where,"\tfraction_idle %"PRIu64"\n",fraction_idle);
- fprintf(where,"\tfraction_user %"PRIu64"\n",fraction_user);
- fprintf(where,"\tfraction_kernel %"PRIu64"\n",fraction_kernel);
- fprintf(where,"\tfraction_interrupt %"PRIu64"WARNING, possibly under-counted!\n",fraction_interrupt);
- fprintf(where,"\testimated_fraction_interrupt %"PRIu64"\n",
- estimated_fraction_interrupt);
- }
- /* and finally, what is our CPU utilization? */
- lib_local_per_cpu_util[i] = 100.0 - (((float)fraction_idle /
- (float)CALC_ACCURACY) * 100.0);
- if (debug) {
- fprintf(where,
- "lib_local_per_cpu_util[%d] %g\n",
- i,
- lib_local_per_cpu_util[i]);
- }
- lib_local_cpu_util += lib_local_per_cpu_util[i];
- }
- /* we want the average across all n processors */
- lib_local_cpu_util /= (float)lib_num_loc_cpus;
- lib_local_cpu_util *= correction_factor;
- if (debug) {
- fprintf(where,
- "calc_cpu_util: returning %g\n",lib_local_cpu_util);
- }
- return lib_local_cpu_util;
- get_cpu_counters(starting_cpu_counters);
- get_cpu_counters(ending_cpu_counters);