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+Okio is a library that complements `java.io` and `java.nio` to make it much
+easier to access, store, and process your data. It started as a component of
+[OkHttp][1], the capable HTTP client included in Android. It's well-exercised
+and ready to solve new problems.
+ByteStrings and Buffers
+Okio is built around two types that pack a lot of capability into a
+straightforward API:
+ * [**ByteString**][3] is an immutable sequence of bytes. For character data, `String`
+ is fundamental. `ByteString` is String's long-lost brother, making it easy to
+ treat binary data as a value. This class is ergonomic: it knows how to encode
+ and decode itself as hex, base64, and UTF-8.
+ * [**Buffer**][4] is a mutable sequence of bytes. Like `ArrayList`, you don't need
+ to size your buffer in advance. You read and write buffers as a queue: write
+ data to the end and read it from the front. There's no obligation to manage
+ positions, limits, or capacities.
+Internally, `ByteString` and `Buffer` do some clever things to save CPU and
+memory. If you encode a UTF-8 string as a `ByteString`, it caches a reference to
+that string so that if you decode it later, there's no work to do.
+`Buffer` is implemented as a linked list of segments. When you move data from
+one buffer to another, it _reassigns ownership_ of the segments rather than
+copying the data across. This approach is particularly helpful for multithreaded
+programs: a thread that talks to the network can exchange data with a worker
+thread without any copying or ceremony.
+Sources and Sinks
+An elegant part of the `java.io` design is how streams can be layered for
+transformations like encryption and compression. Okio includes its own stream
+types called [`Source`][5] and [`Sink`][6] that work like `InputStream` and
+`OutputStream`, but with some key differences:
+ * **Timeouts.** The streams provide access to the timeouts of the underlying
+ I/O mechanism. Unlike the `java.io` socket streams, both `read()` and
+ `write()` calls honor timeouts.
+ * **Easy to implement.** `Source` declares three methods: `read()`, `close()`,
+ and `timeout()`. There are no hazards like `available()` or single-byte reads
+ that cause correctness and performance surprises.
+ * **Easy to use.** Although _implementations_ of `Source` and `Sink` have only
+ three methods to write, _callers_ are given a rich API with the
+ [`BufferedSource`][7] and [`BufferedSink`][8] interfaces. These interfaces give you
+ everything you need in one place.
+ * **No artificial distinction between byte streams and char streams.** It's all
+ data. Read and write it as bytes, UTF-8 strings, big-endian 32-bit integers,
+ little-endian shorts; whatever you want. No more `InputStreamReader`!
+ * **Easy to test.** The `Buffer` class implements both `BufferedSource` and
+ `BufferedSink` so your test code is simple and clear.
+Sources and sinks interoperate with `InputStream` and `OutputStream`. You can
+view any `Source` as an `InputStream`, and you can view any `InputStream` as a
+`Source`. Similarly for `Sink` and `OutputStream`.
+[A Few “Ok” Libraries][ok_libraries_talk] ([slides][ok_libraries_slides]): An introduction to Okio
+and three libraries written with it.
+[Decoding the Secrets of Binary Data][encoding_talk] ([slides][encoding_slides]): How data encoding
+works and how Okio does it.
+[Ok Multiplatform!][ok_multiplatform_talk] ([slides][ok_multiplatform_slides]): How we changed
+Okio’s implementation language from Java to Kotlin.
+Okio supports Android 4.0.3+ (API level 15+) and Java 7+.
+Okio depends on the [Kotlin standard library][kotlin]. It is a small library with strong
+We've written some recipes that demonstrate how to solve common problems with
+Okio. Read through them to learn about how everything works together.
+Cut-and-paste these examples freely; that's what they're for.
+### Read a text file line-by-line ([Java][ReadFileLineByLine]/[Kotlin][ReadFileLineByLineKt])
+Use `Okio.source(File)` to open a source stream to read a file. The returned
+`Source` interface is very small and has limited uses. Instead we wrap the
+source with a buffer. This has two benefits:
+ * **It makes the API more powerful.** Instead of the basic methods offered by
+ `Source`, `BufferedSource` has dozens of methods to address most common
+ problems concisely.
+ * **It makes your program run faster.** Buffering allows Okio to get more done
+ with fewer I/O operations.
+Each `Source` that is opened needs to be closed. The code that opens the stream
+is responsible for making sure it is closed.
+=== "Java"
+ Here we use Java's `try` blocks to close our sources automatically.
+ ```java
+ public void readLines(File file) throws IOException {
+ try (Source fileSource = Okio.source(file);
+ BufferedSource bufferedSource = Okio.buffer(fileSource)) {
+ while (true) {
+ String line = bufferedSource.readUtf8Line();
+ if (line == null) break;
+ if (line.contains("square")) {
+ System.out.println(line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+=== "Kotlin"
+ Note that static `Okio` methods become extension functions (`Okio.source(file)` =>
+ `file.source()`), and `use` is used to automatically close the streams:
+ ```kotlin
+ @Throws(IOException::class)
+ fun readLines(file: File) {
+ file.source().use { fileSource ->
+ fileSource.buffer().use { bufferedFileSource ->
+ while (true) {
+ val line = bufferedFileSource.readUtf8Line() ?: break
+ if ("square" in line) {
+ println(line)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+The `readUtf8Line()` API reads all of the data until the next line delimiter –
+either `\n`, `\r\n`, or the end of the file. It returns that data as a string,
+omitting the delimiter at the end. When it encounters empty lines the method
+will return an empty string. If there isn’t any more data to read it will
+return null.
+The above program can be written more compactly by inlining the `fileSource`
+variable and by using a fancy `for` loop instead of a `while`:
+public void readLines(File file) throws IOException {
+ try (BufferedSource source = Okio.buffer(Okio.source(file))) {
+ for (String line; (line = source.readUtf8Line()) != null; ) {
+ if (line.contains("square")) {
+ System.out.println(line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+In Kotlin, we can wrap invocations of `source.readUtf8Line()` into the `generateSequence` builder to
+create a sequence of lines that will end once null is returned. Plus, transforming streams is easy
+thanks to the extension functions:
+fun readLines(file: File) {
+ file.source().buffer().use { source ->
+ generateSequence { source.readUtf8Line() }
+ .filter { line -> "square" in line }
+ .forEach(::println)
+ }
+The `readUtf8Line()` method is suitable for parsing most files. For certain
+use-cases you may also consider `readUtf8LineStrict()`. It is similar but it
+requires that each line is terminated by `\n` or `\r\n`. If it encounters the
+end of the file before that it will throw an `EOFException`. The strict variant
+also permits a byte limit to defend against malformed input.
+public void readLines(File file) throws IOException {
+ try (BufferedSource source = Okio.buffer(Okio.source(file))) {
+ while (!source.exhausted()) {
+ String line = source.readUtf8LineStrict(1024L);
+ if (line.contains("square")) {
+ System.out.println(line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Here's a similar example written in Kotlin:
+fun readLines(file: File) {
+ file.source().buffer().use { source ->
+ while (!source.exhausted()) {
+ val line = source.readUtf8LineStrict(1024)
+ if ("square" in line) {
+ println(line)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Write a text file ([Java][WriteFile]/[Kotlin][WriteFileKt])
+Above we used a `Source` and a `BufferedSource` to read a file. To write, we use
+a `Sink` and a `BufferedSink`. The advantages of buffering are the same: a more
+capable API and better performance.
+public void writeEnv(File file) throws IOException {
+ try (Sink fileSink = Okio.sink(file);
+ BufferedSink bufferedSink = Okio.buffer(fileSink)) {
+ for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : System.getenv().entrySet()) {
+ bufferedSink.writeUtf8(entry.getKey());
+ bufferedSink.writeUtf8("=");
+ bufferedSink.writeUtf8(entry.getValue());
+ bufferedSink.writeUtf8("\n");
+ }
+ }
+There isn’t an API to write a line of input; instead we manually insert our own
+newline character. Most programs should hardcode `"\n"` as the newline
+character. In rare situations you may use `System.lineSeparator()` instead of
+`"\n"`: it returns `"\r\n"` on Windows and `"\n"` everywhere else.
+We can write the above program more compactly by inlining the `fileSink`
+variable and by taking advantage of method chaining:
+=== "Java"
+ ```Java
+ public void writeEnv(File file) throws IOException {
+ try (BufferedSink sink = Okio.buffer(Okio.sink(file))) {
+ for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : System.getenv().entrySet()) {
+ sink.writeUtf8(entry.getKey())
+ .writeUtf8("=")
+ .writeUtf8(entry.getValue())
+ .writeUtf8("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+=== "Kotlin"
+ ```Kotlin
+ @Throws(IOException::class)
+ fun writeEnv(file: File) {
+ file.sink().buffer().use { sink ->
+ for ((key, value) in System.getenv()) {
+ sink.writeUtf8(key)
+ sink.writeUtf8("=")
+ sink.writeUtf8(value)
+ sink.writeUtf8("\n")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+In the above code we make four calls to `writeUtf8()`. Making four calls is
+more efficient than the code below because the VM doesn’t have to create and
+garbage collect a temporary string.
+sink.writeUtf8(entry.getKey() + "=" + entry.getValue() + "\n"); // Slower!
+### UTF-8 ([Java][ExploreCharsets]/[Kotlin][ExploreCharsetsKt])
+In the above APIs you can see that Okio really likes UTF-8. Early computer
+systems suffered many incompatible character encodings: ISO-8859-1, ShiftJIS,
+ASCII, EBCDIC, etc. Writing software to support multiple character sets was
+awful and we didn’t even have emoji! Today we're lucky that the world has
+standardized on UTF-8 everywhere, with some rare uses of other charsets in
+legacy systems.
+If you need another character set, `readString()` and `writeString()` are there
+for you. These methods require that you specify a character set. Otherwise you
+may accidentally create data that is only readable by the local computer. Most
+programs should use the UTF-8 methods only.
+When encoding strings you need to be mindful of the different ways that strings
+are represented and encoded. When a glyph has an accent or another adornment
+it may be represented as a single complex code point (`é`) or as a simple code
+point (`e`) followed by its modifiers (`´`). When the entire glyph is a single
+code point that’s called [NFC][nfc]; when it’s multiple it’s [NFD][nfd].
+Though we use UTF-8 whenever we read or write strings in I/O, when they are in
+memory Java Strings use an obsolete character encoding called UTF-16. It is a
+bad encoding because it uses a 16-bit `char` for most characters, but some don’t
+fit. In particular, most emoji use two Java chars. This is problematic because
+`String.length()` returns a surprising result: the number of UTF-16 chars and
+not the natural number of glyphs.
+| | Café 🍩 | Café 🍩 |
+| --------------------: | :---------------------------| :------------------------------|
+| Form | [NFC][nfc] | [NFD][nfd] |
+| Code Points | `c  a  f  é    ␣   🍩     ` | `c  a  f  e  ´    ␣   🍩     ` |
+| UTF-8 bytes | `43 61 66 c3a9 20 f09f8da9` | `43 61 66 65 cc81 20 f09f8da9` |
+| String.codePointCount | 6 | 7 |
+| String.length | 7 | 8 |
+| Utf8.size | 10 | 11 |
+For the most part Okio lets you ignore these problems and focus on your data.
+But when you need them, there are convenient APIs for dealing with low-level
+UTF-8 strings.
+Use `Utf8.size()` to count the number of bytes required to encode a string as
+UTF-8 without actually encoding it. This is handy in length-prefixed encodings
+like protocol buffers.
+Use `BufferedSource.readUtf8CodePoint()` to read a single variable-length code
+point, and `BufferedSink.writeUtf8CodePoint()` to write one.
+### Golden Values ([Java][GoldenValue]/[Kotlin][GoldenValueKt])
+Okio likes testing. The library itself is heavily tested, and it has features
+that are often helpful when testing application code. One pattern we’ve found to
+be quite useful is “golden value” testing. The goal of such tests is to confirm
+that data encoded with earlier versions of a program can safely be decoded by
+the current program.
+We’ll illustrate this by encoding a value using Java Serialization. Though we
+must disclaim that Java Serialization is an awful encoding system and most
+programs should prefer other formats like JSON or protobuf! In any case, here’s
+a method that takes an object, serializes it, and returns the result as a
+=== "Java"
+ ```Java
+ private ByteString serialize(Object o) throws IOException {
+ Buffer buffer = new Buffer();
+ try (ObjectOutputStream objectOut = new ObjectOutputStream(buffer.outputStream())) {
+ objectOut.writeObject(o);
+ }
+ return buffer.readByteString();
+ }
+ ```
+=== "Kotlin"
+ ```Kotlin
+ @Throws(IOException::class)
+ private fun serialize(o: Any?): ByteString {
+ val buffer = Buffer()
+ ObjectOutputStream(buffer.outputStream()).use { objectOut ->
+ objectOut.writeObject(o)
+ }
+ return buffer.readByteString()
+ }
+ ```
+There’s a lot going on here.
+1. We create a buffer as a holding space for our serialized data. It’s a convenient
+ replacement for `ByteArrayOutputStream`.
+2. We ask the buffer for its output stream. Writes to a buffer or its output stream
+ always append data to the end of the buffer.
+3. We create an `ObjectOutputStream` (the encoding API for Java serialization) and
+ write our object. The try block takes care of closing the stream for us. Note
+ that closing a buffer has no effect.
+4. Finally we read a byte string from the buffer. The `readByteString()` method
+ allows us to specify how many bytes to read; here we don’t specify a count in
+ order to read the entire thing. Reads from a buffer always consume data from
+ the front of the buffer.
+With our `serialize()` method handy we are ready to compute and print a golden
+=== "Java"
+ ```Java
+ Point point = new Point(8.0, 15.0);
+ ByteString pointBytes = serialize(point);
+ System.out.println(pointBytes.base64());
+ ```
+=== "Kotlin"
+ ```Kotlin
+ val point = Point(8.0, 15.0)
+ val pointBytes = serialize(point)
+ println(pointBytes.base64())
+ ```
+We print the `ByteString` as [base64][base64] because it’s a compact format
+that’s suitable for embedding in a test case. The program prints this:
+That’s our golden value! We can embed it in our test case using base64 again
+to convert it back into a `ByteString`:
+=== "Java"
+ ```Java
+ ByteString goldenBytes = ByteString.decodeBase64("rO0ABXNyAB5va2lvLnNhbXBsZ"
+ + "AAAAAAA");
+ ```
+=== "Kotlin"
+ ```Kotlin
+ val goldenBytes = ("rO0ABXNyACRva2lvLnNhbXBsZXMuS290bGluR29sZGVuVmFsdWUkUG9pbnRF9yaY7cJ9EwIAA" +
+ ```
+The next step is to deserialize the `ByteString` back into our value class. This
+method reverses the `serialize()` method above: we append a byte string to a
+buffer then consume it using an `ObjectInputStream`:
+=== "Java"
+ ```Java
+ private Object deserialize(ByteString byteString) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
+ Buffer buffer = new Buffer();
+ buffer.write(byteString);
+ try (ObjectInputStream objectIn = new ObjectInputStream(buffer.inputStream())) {
+ return objectIn.readObject();
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+=== "Kotlin"
+ ```Kotlin
+ @Throws(IOException::class, ClassNotFoundException::class)
+ private fun deserialize(byteString: ByteString): Any? {
+ val buffer = Buffer()
+ buffer.write(byteString)
+ ObjectInputStream(buffer.inputStream()).use { objectIn ->
+ return objectIn.readObject()
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+Now we can test the decoder against the golden value:
+=== "Java"
+ ```Java
+ ByteString goldenBytes = ByteString.decodeBase64("rO0ABXNyAB5va2lvLnNhbXBsZ"
+ + "AAAAAAA");
+ Point decoded = (Point) deserialize(goldenBytes);
+ assertEquals(new Point(8.0, 15.0), decoded);
+ ```
+=== "Kotlin"
+ ```Kotlin
+ val goldenBytes = ("rO0ABXNyACRva2lvLnNhbXBsZXMuS290bGluR29sZGVuVmFsdWUkUG9pbnRF9yaY7cJ9EwIAA" +
+ val decoded = deserialize(goldenBytes) as Point
+ assertEquals(point, decoded)
+ ```
+With this test we can change the serialization of the `Point` class without
+breaking compatibility.
+### Write a binary file ([Java][BitmapEncoder]/[Kotlin][BitmapEncoderKt])
+Encoding a binary file is not unlike encoding a text file. Okio uses the same
+`BufferedSink` and `BufferedSource` bytes for both. This is handy for binary
+formats that include both byte and character data.
+Writing binary data is more hazardous than text because if you make a mistake it
+is often quite difficult to diagnose. Avoid such mistakes by being careful
+around these traps:
+ * **The width of each field.** This is the number of bytes used. Okio doesn't
+ include a mechanism to emit partial bytes. If you need that, you’ll need to
+ do your own bit shifting and masking before writing.
+ * **The endianness of each field.** All fields that have more than one byte
+ have _endianness_: whether the bytes are ordered most-significant to least
+ (big endian) or least-significant to most (little endian). Okio uses the `Le`
+ suffix for little-endian methods; methods without a suffix are big-endian.
+ * **Signed vs. Unsigned.** Java doesn’t have unsigned primitive types (except
+ for `char`!) so coping with this is often something that happens at the
+ application layer. To make this a little easier Okio accepts `int` types for
+ `writeByte()` and `writeShort()`. You can pass an “unsigned” byte like 255
+ and Okio will do the right thing.
+| Method | Width | Endianness | Value | Encoded Value |
+| :----------- | ----: | :--------- | --------------: | :------------------------ |
+| writeByte | 1 | | 3 | `03` |
+| writeShort | 2 | big | 3 | `00 03` |
+| writeInt | 4 | big | 3 | `00 00 00 03` |
+| writeLong | 8 | big | 3 | `00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03` |
+| writeShortLe | 2 | little | 3 | `03 00` |
+| writeIntLe | 4 | little | 3 | `03 00 00 00` |
+| writeLongLe | 8 | little | 3 | `03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00` |
+| writeByte | 1 | | Byte.MAX_VALUE | `7f` |
+| writeShort | 2 | big | Short.MAX_VALUE | `7f ff` |
+| writeInt | 4 | big | Int.MAX_VALUE | `7f ff ff ff` |
+| writeLong | 8 | big | Long.MAX_VALUE | `7f ff ff ff ff ff ff ff` |
+| writeShortLe | 2 | little | Short.MAX_VALUE | `ff 7f` |
+| writeIntLe | 4 | little | Int.MAX_VALUE | `ff ff ff 7f` |
+| writeLongLe | 8 | little | Long.MAX_VALUE | `ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 7f` |
+This code encodes a bitmap following the [BMP file format][bmp].
+=== "Java"
+ ```Java
+ void encode(Bitmap bitmap, BufferedSink sink) throws IOException {
+ int height = bitmap.height();
+ int width = bitmap.width();
+ int bytesPerPixel = 3;
+ int rowByteCountWithoutPadding = (bytesPerPixel * width);
+ int rowByteCount = ((rowByteCountWithoutPadding + 3) / 4) * 4;
+ int pixelDataSize = rowByteCount * height;
+ int bmpHeaderSize = 14;
+ int dibHeaderSize = 40;
+ // BMP Header
+ sink.writeUtf8("BM"); // ID.
+ sink.writeIntLe(bmpHeaderSize + dibHeaderSize + pixelDataSize); // File size.
+ sink.writeShortLe(0); // Unused.
+ sink.writeShortLe(0); // Unused.
+ sink.writeIntLe(bmpHeaderSize + dibHeaderSize); // Offset of pixel data.
+ // DIB Header
+ sink.writeIntLe(dibHeaderSize);
+ sink.writeIntLe(width);
+ sink.writeIntLe(height);
+ sink.writeShortLe(1); // Color plane count.
+ sink.writeShortLe(bytesPerPixel * Byte.SIZE);
+ sink.writeIntLe(0); // No compression.
+ sink.writeIntLe(16); // Size of bitmap data including padding.
+ sink.writeIntLe(2835); // Horizontal print resolution in pixels/meter. (72 dpi).
+ sink.writeIntLe(2835); // Vertical print resolution in pixels/meter. (72 dpi).
+ sink.writeIntLe(0); // Palette color count.
+ sink.writeIntLe(0); // 0 important colors.
+ // Pixel data.
+ for (int y = height - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
+ for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+ sink.writeByte(bitmap.blue(x, y));
+ sink.writeByte(bitmap.green(x, y));
+ sink.writeByte(bitmap.red(x, y));
+ }
+ // Padding for 4-byte alignment.
+ for (int p = rowByteCountWithoutPadding; p < rowByteCount; p++) {
+ sink.writeByte(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+=== "Kotlin"
+ ```Kotlin
+ @Throws(IOException::class)
+ fun encode(bitmap: Bitmap, sink: BufferedSink) {
+ val height = bitmap.height
+ val width = bitmap.width
+ val bytesPerPixel = 3
+ val rowByteCountWithoutPadding = bytesPerPixel * width
+ val rowByteCount = (rowByteCountWithoutPadding + 3) / 4 * 4
+ val pixelDataSize = rowByteCount * height
+ val bmpHeaderSize = 14
+ val dibHeaderSize = 40
+ // BMP Header
+ sink.writeUtf8("BM") // ID.
+ sink.writeIntLe(bmpHeaderSize + dibHeaderSize + pixelDataSize) // File size.
+ sink.writeShortLe(0) // Unused.
+ sink.writeShortLe(0) // Unused.
+ sink.writeIntLe(bmpHeaderSize + dibHeaderSize) // Offset of pixel data.
+ // DIB Header
+ sink.writeIntLe(dibHeaderSize)
+ sink.writeIntLe(width)
+ sink.writeIntLe(height)
+ sink.writeShortLe(1) // Color plane count.
+ sink.writeShortLe(bytesPerPixel * Byte.SIZE_BITS)
+ sink.writeIntLe(0) // No compression.
+ sink.writeIntLe(16) // Size of bitmap data including padding.
+ sink.writeIntLe(2835) // Horizontal print resolution in pixels/meter. (72 dpi).
+ sink.writeIntLe(2835) // Vertical print resolution in pixels/meter. (72 dpi).
+ sink.writeIntLe(0) // Palette color count.
+ sink.writeIntLe(0) // 0 important colors.
+ // Pixel data.
+ for (y in height - 1 downTo 0) {
+ for (x in 0 until width) {
+ sink.writeByte(bitmap.blue(x, y))
+ sink.writeByte(bitmap.green(x, y))
+ sink.writeByte(bitmap.red(x, y))
+ }
+ // Padding for 4-byte alignment.
+ for (p in rowByteCountWithoutPadding until rowByteCount) {
+ sink.writeByte(0)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+The trickiest part of this program is the format’s required padding. The BMP
+format expects each row to begin on a 4-byte boundary so it is necessary to add
+zeros to maintain the alignment.
+Encoding other binary formats is usually quite similar. Some tips:
+ * Write tests with golden values! Confirming that your program emits the
+ expected result can make debugging easier.
+ * Use `Utf8.size()` to compute the number of bytes of an encoded string. This
+ is essential for length-prefixed formats.
+ * Use `Float.floatToIntBits()` and `Double.doubleToLongBits()` to encode
+ floating point values.
+### Communicate on a Socket ([Java][SocksProxyServer]/[Kotlin][SocksProxyServerKt])
+Sending and receiving data over the network is a bit like writing and reading
+files. We use `BufferedSink` to encode output and `BufferedSource` to decode
+input. Like files, network protocols can be text, binary, or a mix of both. But
+there are also some substantial differences between the network and the
+file system.
+With a file you’re either reading or writing but with the network you can do
+both! Some protocols handle this by taking turns: write a request, read a
+response, repeat. You can implement this kind of protocol with a single thread.
+In other protocols you may read and write simultaneously. Typically you’ll want
+one dedicated thread for reading. For writing you can use either a dedicated
+thread or use `synchronized` so that multiple threads can share a sink. Okio’s
+streams are not safe for concurrent use.
+Sinks buffer outbound data to minimize I/O operations. This is efficient but it
+means you must manually call `flush()` to transmit data. Typically
+message-oriented protocols flush after each message. Note that Okio will
+automatically flush when the buffered data exceeds some threshold. This is
+intended to save memory and you shouldn’t rely on it for interactive protocols.
+Okio builds on `java.io.Socket` for connectivity. Create your socket as a server
+or as a client, then use `Okio.source(Socket)` to read and `Okio.sink(Socket)`
+to write. These APIs also work with `SSLSocket`. You should use SSL unless you
+have a very good reason not to!
+Cancel a socket from any thread by calling `Socket.close()`; this will cause its
+sources and sinks to immediately fail with an `IOException`. You can also
+configure timeouts for all socket operations. You don’t need a reference to the
+socket to adjust timeouts: `Source` and `Sink` expose timeouts directly. This
+API works even if the streams are decorated.
+As a complete example of networking with Okio we wrote a [basic SOCKS
+proxy][SocksProxyServer] server. Some highlights:
+=== "Java"
+ ```Java
+ Socket fromSocket = ...
+ BufferedSource fromSource = Okio.buffer(Okio.source(fromSocket));
+ BufferedSink fromSink = Okio.buffer(Okio.sink(fromSocket));
+ ```
+=== "Kotlin"
+ ```Kotlin
+ val fromSocket: Socket = ...
+ val fromSource = fromSocket.source().buffer()
+ val fromSink = fromSocket.sink().buffer()
+ ```
+Creating sources and sinks for sockets is the same as creating them for files.
+Once you create a `Source` or `Sink` for a socket you must not use its
+`InputStream` or `OutputStream`, respectively.
+=== "Java"
+ ```Java
+ Buffer buffer = new Buffer();
+ for (long byteCount; (byteCount = source.read(buffer, 8192L)) != -1; ) {
+ sink.write(buffer, byteCount);
+ sink.flush();
+ }
+ ```
+=== "Kotlin"
+ ```Kotlin
+ val buffer = Buffer()
+ var byteCount: Long
+ while (source.read(buffer, 8192L).also { byteCount = it } != -1L) {
+ sink.write(buffer, byteCount)
+ sink.flush()
+ }
+ ```
+The above loop copies data from the source to the sink, flushing after each
+read. If we didn’t need the flushing we could replace this loop with a single
+call to `BufferedSink.writeAll(Source)`.
+The `8192` argument to `read()` is the maximum number of bytes to read before
+returning. We could have passed any value here, but we like 8 KiB because that’s
+the largest value Okio can do in a single system call. Most of the time
+application code doesn’t need to deal with such limits!
+=== "Java"
+ ```Java
+ int addressType = fromSource.readByte() & 0xff;
+ int port = fromSource.readShort() & 0xffff;
+ ```
+=== "Kotlin"
+ ```Kotlin
+ val addressType = fromSource.readByte().toInt() and 0xff
+ val port = fromSource.readShort().toInt() and 0xffff
+ ```
+Okio uses signed types like `byte` and `short`, but often protocols want
+unsigned values. The bitwise `&` operator is Java’s preferred idiom to convert
+a signed value into an unsigned value. Here’s a cheat sheet for bytes, shorts,
+and ints:
+| Type | Signed Range | Unsigned Range | Signed to Unsigned |
+| :---- | :---------------------------: | :--------------- | :-------------------------- |
+| byte | -128..127 | 0..255 | `int u = s & 0xff;` |
+| short | -32,768..32,767 | 0..65,535 | `int u = s & 0xffff;` |
+| int | -2,147,483,648..2,147,483,647 | 0..4,294,967,295 | `long u = s & 0xffffffffL;` |
+Java has no primitive type that can represent unsigned longs.
+### Hashing ([Java][Hashing]/[Kotlin][HashingKt])
+We’re bombarded by hashing in our lives as Java programmers. Early on we're introduced to the
+`hashCode()` method, something we know we need to override otherwise unforeseen bad things happen.
+Later we’re shown `LinkedHashMap` and its friends. These build on that `hashCode()` method to
+organize data for fast retrieval.
+Elsewhere we have cryptographic hash functions. These get used all over the place. HTTPS
+certificates, Git commits, BitTorrent integrity checking, and Blockchain blocks all use
+cryptographic hashes. Good use of hashes can improve the performance, privacy, security, and
+simplicity of an application.
+Each cryptographic hash function accepts a variable-length stream of input bytes and produces a
+fixed-length byte string value called the “hash”. Hash functions have these important qualities:
+ * Deterministic: each input always produces the same output.
+ * Uniform: each output byte string is equally likely. It is very difficult to find or create pairs
+ of different inputs that yield the same output. This is called a “collision”.
+ * Non-reversible: knowing an output doesn't help you to find the input. Note that if you know some
+ possible inputs you can hash them to see if their hashes match.
+ * Well-known: the hash is implemented everywhere and rigorously understood.
+Good hash functions are very cheap to compute (dozens of microseconds) and expensive to reverse
+(quintillions of millenia). Steady advances in computing and mathematics have caused once-great hash
+functions to become inexpensive to reverse. When choosing a hash function, beware that not all are
+created equal! Okio supports these well-known cryptographic hash functions:
+ * **MD5**: a 128-bit (16 byte) cryptographic hash. It is both insecure and obsolete because it is
+ inexpensive to reverse! This hash is offered because it is popular and convenient for use in
+ legacy systems that are not security-sensitive.
+ * **SHA-1**: a 160-bit (20 byte) cryptographic hash. It was recently demonstrated that it is
+ feasible to create SHA-1 collisions. Consider upgrading from SHA-1 to SHA-256.
+ * **SHA-256**: a 256-bit (32 byte) cryptographic hash. SHA-256 is widely understood and expensive
+ to reverse. This is the hash most systems should use.
+ * **SHA-512**: a 512-bit (64 byte) cryptographic hash. It is expensive to reverse.
+Each hash creates a `ByteString` of the specified length. Use `hex()` to get the conventional
+human-readable form. Or leave it as a `ByteString` because that’s a convenient model type!
+Okio can produce cryptographic hashes from byte strings:
+=== "Java"
+ ```Java
+ ByteString byteString = readByteString(new File("README.md"));
+ System.out.println(" md5: " + byteString.md5().hex());
+ System.out.println(" sha1: " + byteString.sha1().hex());
+ System.out.println("sha256: " + byteString.sha256().hex());
+ System.out.println("sha512: " + byteString.sha512().hex());
+ ```
+=== "Kotlin"
+ ```Kotlin
+ val byteString = readByteString(File("README.md"))
+ println(" md5: " + byteString.md5().hex())
+ println(" sha1: " + byteString.sha1().hex())
+ println(" sha256: " + byteString.sha256().hex())
+ println(" sha512: " + byteString.sha512().hex())
+ ```
+From buffers:
+=== "Java"
+ ```Java
+ Buffer buffer = readBuffer(new File("README.md"));
+ System.out.println(" md5: " + buffer.md5().hex());
+ System.out.println(" sha1: " + buffer.sha1().hex());
+ System.out.println("sha256: " + buffer.sha256().hex());
+ System.out.println("sha512: " + buffer.sha512().hex());
+ ```
+=== "Kotlin"
+ ```Kotlin
+ val buffer = readBuffer(File("README.md"))
+ println(" md5: " + buffer.md5().hex())
+ println(" sha1: " + buffer.sha1().hex())
+ println(" sha256: " + buffer.sha256().hex())
+ println(" sha512: " + buffer.sha512().hex())
+ ```
+While streaming from a source:
+=== "Java"
+ ```Java
+ try (HashingSink hashingSink = HashingSink.sha256(Okio.blackhole());
+ BufferedSource source = Okio.buffer(Okio.source(file))) {
+ source.readAll(hashingSink);
+ System.out.println("sha256: " + hashingSink.hash().hex());
+ }
+ ```
+=== "Kotlin"
+ ```Kotlin
+ sha256(blackholeSink()).use { hashingSink ->
+ file.source().buffer().use { source ->
+ source.readAll(hashingSink)
+ println(" sha256: " + hashingSink.hash.hex())
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+While streaming to a sink:
+=== "Java"
+ ```Java
+ try (HashingSink hashingSink = HashingSink.sha256(Okio.blackhole());
+ BufferedSink sink = Okio.buffer(hashingSink);
+ Source source = Okio.source(file)) {
+ sink.writeAll(source);
+ sink.close(); // Emit anything buffered.
+ System.out.println("sha256: " + hashingSink.hash().hex());
+ }
+ ```
+=== "Kotlin"
+ ```Kotlin
+ sha256(blackholeSink()).use { hashingSink ->
+ hashingSink.buffer().use { sink ->
+ file.source().use { source ->
+ sink.writeAll(source)
+ sink.close() // Emit anything buffered.
+ println(" sha256: " + hashingSink.hash.hex())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+Okio also supports HMAC (Hash Message Authentication Code) which combines a secret and a hash.
+Applications use HMAC for data integrity and authentication.
+=== "Java"
+ ```Java
+ ByteString secret = ByteString.decodeHex("7065616e7574627574746572");
+ System.out.println("hmacSha256: " + byteString.hmacSha256(secret).hex());
+ ```
+=== "Kotlin"
+ ```Kotlin
+ val secret = "7065616e7574627574746572".decodeHex()
+ println("hmacSha256: " + byteString.hmacSha256(secret).hex())
+ ```
+As with hashing, you can generate an HMAC from a `ByteString`, `Buffer`, `HashingSource`, and
+`HashingSink`. Note that Okio doesn’t implement HMAC for MD5. Okio uses Java’s
+`java.security.MessageDigest` for cryptographic hashes and `javax.crypto.Mac` for HMAC.
+### Encryption and Decryption
+Use `Okio.cipherSink(Sink, Cipher)` or `Okio.cipherSource(Source, Cipher)` to encrypt or decrypt a
+stream using a block cipher.
+Callers are responsible for the initialization of the encryption or decryption cipher with the
+chosen algorithm, the key, and algorithm-specific additional parameters like the initialization
+vector. The following example shows a typical usage with AES encryption, in which `key` and `iv`
+parameters should both be 16 bytes long.
+void encryptAes(ByteString bytes, File file, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
+ throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {
+ Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
+ cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES"), new IvParameterSpec(iv));
+ try (BufferedSink sink = Okio.buffer(Okio.cipherSink(Okio.sink(file), cipher))) {
+ sink.write(bytes);
+ }
+ByteString decryptAesToByteString(File file, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
+ throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {
+ Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
+ cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES"), new IvParameterSpec(iv));
+ try (BufferedSource source = Okio.buffer(Okio.cipherSource(Okio.source(file), cipher))) {
+ return source.readByteString();
+ }
+In Kotlin, these encryption and decryption methods are extensions on `Cipher`:
+fun encryptAes(bytes: ByteString, file: File, key: ByteArray, iv: ByteArray) {
+ val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding")
+ cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, SecretKeySpec(key, "AES"), IvParameterSpec(iv))
+ val cipherSink = file.sink().cipherSink(cipher)
+ cipherSink.buffer().use {
+ it.write(bytes)
+ }
+fun decryptAesToByteString(file: File, key: ByteArray, iv: ByteArray): ByteString {
+ val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding")
+ cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, SecretKeySpec(key, "AES"), IvParameterSpec(iv))
+ val cipherSource = file.source().cipherSource(cipher)
+ return cipherSource.buffer().use {
+ it.readByteString()
+ }
+File System Examples
+Okio's recently gained a multiplatform file system API. These examples work on JVM, native, and
+Node.js platforms. In the examples below `fileSystem` is an instance of [FileSystem] such as
+`FileSystem.SYSTEM` or `FakeFileSystem`.
+Read all of `readme.md` as a string:
+val path = "readme.md".toPath()
+val entireFileString = fileSystem.read(path) {
+ readUtf8()
+Read all of `thumbnail.png` as a [ByteString][3]:
+val path = "thumbnail.png".toPath()
+val entireFileByteString = fileSystem.read(path) {
+ readByteString()
+Read all lines of `/etc/hosts` into a `List<String>`:
+val path = "/etc/hosts".toPath()
+val allLines = fileSystem.read(path) {
+ generateSequence { readUtf8Line() }.toList()
+Read the prefix of `index.html` that precedes the first `<html>` substring:
+val path = "index.html".toPath()
+val untilHtmlTag = fileSystem.read(path) {
+ val htmlTag = indexOf("<html>".encodeUtf8())
+ if (htmlTag != -1L) readUtf8(htmlTag) else null
+Write `readme.md` as a string:
+val path = "readme.md".toPath()
+fileSystem.write(path) {
+ writeUtf8(
+ """
+ |Hello, World
+ |------------
+ |
+ |This is a sample file.
+ |""".trimMargin()
+ )
+Write `data.bin` as a [ByteString][3]:
+val path = "data.bin".toPath()
+fileSystem.write(path) {
+ val byteString = "68656c6c6f20776f726c640a".decodeHex()
+ write(byteString)
+Write `readme.md` from a `List<String>`:
+val path = "readme.md".toPath()
+val lines = listOf(
+ "Hello, World",
+ "------------",
+ "",
+ "This is a sample file.",
+ ""
+fileSystem.write(path) {
+ for (line in lines) {
+ writeUtf8(line)
+ writeUtf8("\n")
+ }
+Generate `binary.txt` programmatically:
+val path = "binary.txt".toPath()
+fileSystem.write(path) {
+ for (i in 1 until 100) {
+ writeUtf8("$i ${i.toString(2)}")
+ writeUtf8("\n")
+ }
+Our [change log][changelog] has release history.
+ <summary>Snapshot builds are also available</summary>
+repositories {
+ maven {
+ url = uri("https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/")
+ }
+dependencies {
+ implementation("com.squareup.okio:okio:2.10.0")
+R8 / ProGuard
+If you are using R8 or ProGuard add the options from [this file][proguard].
+ Copyright 2013 Square, Inc.
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ [1]: https://github.com/square/okhttp
+ [3]: https://square.github.io/okio/2.x/okio/okio/-byte-string/index.html
+ [4]: https://square.github.io/okio/2.x/okio/okio/-buffer/index.html
+ [5]: https://square.github.io/okio/2.x/okio/okio/-source/index.html
+ [6]: https://square.github.io/okio/2.x/okio/okio/-sink/index.html
+ [7]: https://square.github.io/okio/2.x/okio/okio/-buffered-source/index.html
+ [8]: https://square.github.io/okio/2.x/okio/okio/-buffered-sink/index.html
+ [changelog]: http://square.github.io/okio/changelog/
+ [javadoc]: https://square.github.io/okio/2.x/okio/okio/index.html
+ [nfd]: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/Normalizer.Form.html#NFD
+ [nfc]: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/Normalizer.Form.html#NFC
+ [base64]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-4
+ [bmp]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMP_file_format
+ [kotlin]: https://kotlinlang.org/
+ [ok_libraries_talk]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvyScM_S88c
+ [ok_libraries_slides]: https://speakerdeck.com/jakewharton/a-few-ok-libraries-droidcon-mtl-2015
+ [encoding_talk]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_p22jMZSrk
+ [encoding_slides]: https://speakerdeck.com/swankjesse/decoding-the-secrets-of-binary-data-droidcon-nyc-2016
+ [ok_multiplatform_talk]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8B4eDirgk0
+ [ok_multiplatform_slides]: https://speakerdeck.com/swankjesse/ok-multiplatform
+ [ReadFileLineByLine]: https://github.com/square/okio/blob/master/samples/src/jvmMain/java/okio/samples/ReadFileLineByLine.java
+ [ReadFileLineByLineKt]: https://github.com/square/okio/blob/master/samples/src/jvmMain/kotlin/okio/samples/ReadFileLineByLine.kt
+ [WriteFile]: https://github.com/square/okio/blob/master/samples/src/jvmMain/java/okio/samples/WriteFile.java
+ [WriteFileKt]: https://github.com/square/okio/blob/master/samples/src/jvmMain/kotlin/okio/samples/WriteFile.kt
+ [ExploreCharsets]: https://github.com/square/okio/blob/master/samples/src/jvmMain/java/okio/samples/ExploreCharsets.java
+ [ExploreCharsetsKt]: https://github.com/square/okio/blob/master/samples/src/jvmMain/kotlin/okio/samples/ExploreCharsets.kt
+ [FileSystem]: https://square.github.io/okio/2.x/okio/okio/-file-system/index.html
+ [GoldenValue]: https://github.com/square/okio/blob/master/samples/src/jvmMain/java/okio/samples/GoldenValue.java
+ [GoldenValueKt]: https://github.com/square/okio/blob/master/samples/src/jvmMain/kotlin/okio/samples/GoldenValue.kt
+ [BitmapEncoder]: https://github.com/square/okio/blob/master/samples/src/jvmMain/java/okio/samples/BitmapEncoder.java
+ [BitmapEncoderKt]: https://github.com/square/okio/blob/master/samples/src/jvmMain/kotlin/okio/samples/BitmapEncoder.kt
+ [SocksProxyServer]: https://github.com/square/okio/blob/master/samples/src/jvmMain/java/okio/samples/SocksProxyServer.java
+ [SocksProxyServerKt]: https://github.com/square/okio/blob/master/samples/src/jvmMain/kotlin/okio/samples/SocksProxyServer.kt
+ [Hashing]: https://github.com/square/okio/blob/master/samples/src/jvmMain/java/okio/samples/Hashing.java
+ [HashingKt]: https://github.com/square/okio/blob/master/samples/src/jvmMain/kotlin/okio/samples/Hashing.kt
+ [proguard]: https://github.com/square/okio/blob/master/okio/src/jvmMain/resources/META-INF/proguard/okio.pro