path: root/okio/src/nonJvmMain/kotlin/okio/ByteString.kt
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Diffstat (limited to 'okio/src/nonJvmMain/kotlin/okio/ByteString.kt')
1 files changed, 180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/okio/src/nonJvmMain/kotlin/okio/ByteString.kt b/okio/src/nonJvmMain/kotlin/okio/ByteString.kt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0f038b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/okio/src/nonJvmMain/kotlin/okio/ByteString.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Square, Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package okio
+import okio.internal.HashFunction
+import okio.internal.Hmac
+import okio.internal.Md5
+import okio.internal.Sha1
+import okio.internal.Sha256
+import okio.internal.Sha512
+import okio.internal.commonBase64
+import okio.internal.commonBase64Url
+import okio.internal.commonCompareTo
+import okio.internal.commonDecodeBase64
+import okio.internal.commonDecodeHex
+import okio.internal.commonEncodeUtf8
+import okio.internal.commonEndsWith
+import okio.internal.commonEquals
+import okio.internal.commonGetByte
+import okio.internal.commonGetSize
+import okio.internal.commonHashCode
+import okio.internal.commonHex
+import okio.internal.commonIndexOf
+import okio.internal.commonInternalArray
+import okio.internal.commonLastIndexOf
+import okio.internal.commonOf
+import okio.internal.commonRangeEquals
+import okio.internal.commonStartsWith
+import okio.internal.commonSubstring
+import okio.internal.commonToAsciiLowercase
+import okio.internal.commonToAsciiUppercase
+import okio.internal.commonToByteArray
+import okio.internal.commonToByteString
+import okio.internal.commonToString
+import okio.internal.commonUtf8
+import okio.internal.commonWrite
+actual open class ByteString
+internal actual constructor(
+ internal actual val data: ByteArray
+) : Comparable<ByteString> {
+ @Suppress("SetterBackingFieldAssignment")
+ internal actual var hashCode: Int = 0 // 0 if unknown.
+ set(value) {
+ // Do nothing to avoid IllegalImmutabilityException.
+ }
+ @Suppress("SetterBackingFieldAssignment")
+ internal actual var utf8: String? = null
+ set(value) {
+ // Do nothing to avoid IllegalImmutabilityException.
+ }
+ actual open fun utf8(): String = commonUtf8()
+ actual open fun base64(): String = commonBase64()
+ actual open fun base64Url(): String = commonBase64Url()
+ actual open fun hex(): String = commonHex()
+ actual fun md5() = digest(Md5())
+ actual fun sha1() = digest(Sha1())
+ actual fun sha256() = digest(Sha256())
+ actual fun sha512() = digest(Sha512())
+ /** Returns the 160-bit SHA-1 HMAC of this byte string. */
+ actual fun hmacSha1(key: ByteString) = digest(Hmac.sha1(key))
+ /** Returns the 256-bit SHA-256 HMAC of this byte string. */
+ actual fun hmacSha256(key: ByteString) = digest(Hmac.sha256(key))
+ /** Returns the 512-bit SHA-512 HMAC of this byte string. */
+ actual fun hmacSha512(key: ByteString) = digest(Hmac.sha512(key))
+ internal open fun digest(hashFunction: HashFunction): ByteString {
+ hashFunction.update(data, 0, size)
+ val digestBytes = hashFunction.digest()
+ return ByteString(digestBytes)
+ }
+ actual open fun toAsciiLowercase(): ByteString = commonToAsciiLowercase()
+ actual open fun toAsciiUppercase(): ByteString = commonToAsciiUppercase()
+ actual open fun substring(beginIndex: Int, endIndex: Int): ByteString =
+ commonSubstring(beginIndex, endIndex)
+ internal actual open fun internalGet(pos: Int): Byte {
+ if (pos >= size || pos < 0) throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("size=$size pos=$pos")
+ return commonGetByte(pos)
+ }
+ actual operator fun get(index: Int): Byte = internalGet(index)
+ actual val size
+ get() = getSize()
+ internal actual open fun getSize() = commonGetSize()
+ actual open fun toByteArray() = commonToByteArray()
+ internal actual open fun internalArray() = commonInternalArray()
+ internal actual open fun write(buffer: Buffer, offset: Int, byteCount: Int) =
+ commonWrite(buffer, offset, byteCount)
+ actual open fun rangeEquals(
+ offset: Int,
+ other: ByteString,
+ otherOffset: Int,
+ byteCount: Int
+ ): Boolean = commonRangeEquals(offset, other, otherOffset, byteCount)
+ actual open fun rangeEquals(
+ offset: Int,
+ other: ByteArray,
+ otherOffset: Int,
+ byteCount: Int
+ ): Boolean = commonRangeEquals(offset, other, otherOffset, byteCount)
+ actual fun startsWith(prefix: ByteString) = commonStartsWith(prefix)
+ actual fun startsWith(prefix: ByteArray) = commonStartsWith(prefix)
+ actual fun endsWith(suffix: ByteString) = commonEndsWith(suffix)
+ actual fun endsWith(suffix: ByteArray) = commonEndsWith(suffix)
+ actual fun indexOf(other: ByteString, fromIndex: Int) = indexOf(other.internalArray(), fromIndex)
+ actual open fun indexOf(other: ByteArray, fromIndex: Int) = commonIndexOf(other, fromIndex)
+ actual fun lastIndexOf(other: ByteString, fromIndex: Int) = commonLastIndexOf(other, fromIndex)
+ actual open fun lastIndexOf(other: ByteArray, fromIndex: Int) = commonLastIndexOf(other, fromIndex)
+ actual override fun equals(other: Any?) = commonEquals(other)
+ actual override fun hashCode() = commonHashCode()
+ actual override fun compareTo(other: ByteString) = commonCompareTo(other)
+ /**
+ * Returns a human-readable string that describes the contents of this byte string. Typically this
+ * is a string like `[text=Hello]` or `[hex=0000ffff]`.
+ */
+ actual override fun toString() = commonToString()
+ actual companion object {
+ actual val EMPTY: ByteString = ByteString(byteArrayOf())
+ actual fun of(vararg data: Byte) = commonOf(data)
+ actual fun ByteArray.toByteString(offset: Int, byteCount: Int): ByteString =
+ commonToByteString(offset, byteCount)
+ actual fun String.encodeUtf8(): ByteString = commonEncodeUtf8()
+ actual fun String.decodeBase64(): ByteString? = commonDecodeBase64()
+ actual fun String.decodeHex() = commonDecodeHex()
+ }