echo T.errmsg: check some error messages awk=${awk-../a.out} ls >glop awk=$awk awk ' { pat = $0 prog = "" while (getline x > 0 && x != "") prog = prog "\n" x print sprintf("\n%s '"'"'%s'"'"' >devnull 2>foo", ENVIRON["awk"], prog) print sprintf("grep '"'"'%s'"'"' foo >>devnull || echo '"'"'BAD: %s'"'"' failed", pat, pat) } ' > <<\!!!! illegal primary in regular expression /(/ illegal break, continue, next or nextfile from BEGIN BEGIN { nextfile } illegal break, continue, next or nextfile from END END { nextfile } nextfile is illegal inside a function function foo() { nextfile } duplicate argument function f(i,j,i) { return i } nonterminated character class /[[/ nonterminated character class /[]/ nonterminated character class /[\ nonterminated character class BEGIN { s = "[x"; if (1 ~ s) print "foo"} syntax error in regular expression BEGIN { if ("x" ~ /$^/) print "ugh" } syntax error in regular expression /((.)/ division by zero BEGIN { print 1/0 } division by zero in /= BEGIN { x = 1; print x /= 0 } division by zero in %= BEGIN { x = 1; print x %= 0 } division by zero in mod BEGIN { print 1%0 } can.t read value.* array name. BEGIN { x[1] = 0; split("a b c", y, x) } can.t read value.* function function f(){}; {split($0, x, f)} can.t assign.* a function function f(){}; {f = split($0, x)} can.t assign to x; it.s an array name. {x = split($0, x)} is a function, not an array function f(){}; {split($0, f)} function f called with 1 args, uses only 0 BEGIN { f(f) } function f() { print "x" } can.t use function f as argument in f BEGIN { f(f) } function f() { print "x" } x is an array, not a function { split($0, x) }; function x() {} illegal nested function function x() { function g() {} } return not in function { return } break illegal outside { break } continue illegal outside { continue } non-terminated string { print "abc } illegal field $(foo) BEGIN { print $"foo" } next is illegal inside a function BEGIN { f() } function f() { next } not enough args in printf(%s) BEGIN { printf("%s") } weird printf conversion BEGIN { printf("%z", "foo")} function f has .* arguments, limit .* function f(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9,b10, c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7,d8,d9,d10, e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6,e7,e8,e9,e10,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9,f10) {} BEGIN { f(123) } bailing out ])} bailing out { print }} bailing out { print }}} bailing out ] bailing out [ bailing out a & b extra ) { x = 1) } illegal statement { print ))} illegal statement {{ print } illegal statement {{{ print } illegal .*next.* from BEGIN BEGIN { next } illegal .*next.* from END END { next; print NR } can.t open file /etc/passwd BEGIN { print "abc" >"/etc/passwd" } you can.t define function f more than once function f() { print 1 } function f() { print 2 } function mp called with 1 args, uses only 0 function mp(){ cnt++;} BEGIN { mp(xx) } index.*doesn.t permit regular expressions BEGIN { index("abc", /a/) } log argument out of domain BEGIN { print log(-1) } exp result out of range BEGIN {print exp(1000)} null file name in print or getline BEGIN { print >foo } function has too many arguments BEGIN { length("abc", "def") } calling undefined function foo BEGIN { foo() } this should print a BAD message BEGIN { print } !!!! echo ' running tests in' sh test -r core && echo BAD: someone dropped core 1>&2 echo xxx >foo0 $awk '{print x}' x='a b' foo0 >foo1 2>foo2 grep 'newline in string' foo2 >/dev/null || echo 'BAD: T.errmsg newline in string' $awk -safe 'BEGIN{"date" | getline}' >foo 2>foo2 grep 'cmd | getline is unsafe' foo2 >/dev/null || echo 'BAD: T.errmsg cmd|getline unsafe' $awk -safe 'BEGIN{print >"foo"}' >foo 2>foo2 grep 'print > is unsafe' foo2 >/dev/null || echo 'BAD: T.errmsg print > unsafe' $awk -safe 'BEGIN{print >> "foo"}' >foo 2>foo2 grep 'print >> is unsafe' foo2 >/dev/null || echo 'BAD: T.errmsg print >> unsafe' $awk -safe 'BEGIN{print | "foo"}' >foo 2>foo2 grep 'print | is unsafe' foo2 >/dev/null || echo 'BAD: T.errmsg print | unsafe' $awk -safe 'BEGIN {system("date")}' >foo 2>foo2 grep 'system is unsafe' foo2 >/dev/null || echo 'BAD: T.errmsg system unsafe'