path: root/impl_core/src/main/java/io/opencensus/implcore/trace/export/InProcessSampledSpanStoreImpl.java
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1 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/impl_core/src/main/java/io/opencensus/implcore/trace/export/InProcessSampledSpanStoreImpl.java b/impl_core/src/main/java/io/opencensus/implcore/trace/export/InProcessSampledSpanStoreImpl.java
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+++ b/impl_core/src/main/java/io/opencensus/implcore/trace/export/InProcessSampledSpanStoreImpl.java
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+ * Copyright 2018, OpenCensus Authors
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package io.opencensus.implcore.trace.export;
+import com.google.common.collect.EvictingQueue;
+import io.opencensus.implcore.internal.EventQueue;
+import io.opencensus.implcore.trace.SpanImpl;
+import io.opencensus.trace.Status;
+import io.opencensus.trace.Status.CanonicalCode;
+import io.opencensus.trace.export.SampledSpanStore;
+import io.opencensus.trace.export.SpanData;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.EnumMap;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+import javax.annotation.Nullable;
+import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;
+import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;
+/** In-process implementation of the {@link SampledSpanStore}. */
+public final class InProcessSampledSpanStoreImpl extends SampledSpanStoreImpl {
+ private static final int NUM_SAMPLES_PER_LATENCY_BUCKET = 10;
+ private static final int NUM_SAMPLES_PER_ERROR_BUCKET = 5;
+ private static final long TIME_BETWEEN_SAMPLES = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(1);
+ private static final int NUM_LATENCY_BUCKETS = LatencyBucketBoundaries.values().length;
+ // The total number of canonical codes - 1 (the OK code).
+ private static final int NUM_ERROR_BUCKETS = CanonicalCode.values().length - 1;
+ private static final int MAX_PER_SPAN_NAME_SAMPLES =
+ // Used to stream the register/unregister events to the implementation to avoid lock contention
+ // between the main threads and the worker thread.
+ private final EventQueue eventQueue;
+ @GuardedBy("samples")
+ private final Map<String, PerSpanNameSamples> samples;
+ private static final class Bucket {
+ private final EvictingQueue<SpanImpl> sampledSpansQueue;
+ private final EvictingQueue<SpanImpl> notSampledSpansQueue;
+ private long lastSampledNanoTime;
+ private long lastNotSampledNanoTime;
+ private Bucket(int numSamples) {
+ sampledSpansQueue = EvictingQueue.create(numSamples);
+ notSampledSpansQueue = EvictingQueue.create(numSamples);
+ }
+ private void considerForSampling(SpanImpl span) {
+ long spanEndNanoTime = span.getEndNanoTime();
+ if (span.getContext().getTraceOptions().isSampled()) {
+ // Need to compare by doing the subtraction all the time because in case of an overflow,
+ // this may never sample again (at least for the next ~200 years). No real chance to
+ // overflow two times because that means the process runs for ~200 years.
+ if (spanEndNanoTime - lastSampledNanoTime > TIME_BETWEEN_SAMPLES) {
+ sampledSpansQueue.add(span);
+ lastSampledNanoTime = spanEndNanoTime;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Need to compare by doing the subtraction all the time because in case of an overflow,
+ // this may never sample again (at least for the next ~200 years). No real chance to
+ // overflow two times because that means the process runs for ~200 years.
+ if (spanEndNanoTime - lastNotSampledNanoTime > TIME_BETWEEN_SAMPLES) {
+ notSampledSpansQueue.add(span);
+ lastNotSampledNanoTime = spanEndNanoTime;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void getSamples(int maxSpansToReturn, List<SpanImpl> output) {
+ getSamples(maxSpansToReturn, output, sampledSpansQueue);
+ getSamples(maxSpansToReturn, output, notSampledSpansQueue);
+ }
+ private static void getSamples(
+ int maxSpansToReturn, List<SpanImpl> output, EvictingQueue<SpanImpl> queue) {
+ for (SpanImpl span : queue) {
+ if (output.size() >= maxSpansToReturn) {
+ break;
+ }
+ output.add(span);
+ }
+ }
+ private void getSamplesFilteredByLatency(
+ long latencyLowerNs, long latencyUpperNs, int maxSpansToReturn, List<SpanImpl> output) {
+ getSamplesFilteredByLatency(
+ latencyLowerNs, latencyUpperNs, maxSpansToReturn, output, sampledSpansQueue);
+ getSamplesFilteredByLatency(
+ latencyLowerNs, latencyUpperNs, maxSpansToReturn, output, notSampledSpansQueue);
+ }
+ private static void getSamplesFilteredByLatency(
+ long latencyLowerNs,
+ long latencyUpperNs,
+ int maxSpansToReturn,
+ List<SpanImpl> output,
+ EvictingQueue<SpanImpl> queue) {
+ for (SpanImpl span : queue) {
+ if (output.size() >= maxSpansToReturn) {
+ break;
+ }
+ long spanLatencyNs = span.getLatencyNs();
+ if (spanLatencyNs >= latencyLowerNs && spanLatencyNs < latencyUpperNs) {
+ output.add(span);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private int getNumSamples() {
+ return sampledSpansQueue.size() + notSampledSpansQueue.size();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Keeps samples for a given span name. Samples for all the latency buckets and for all canonical
+ * codes other than OK.
+ */
+ private static final class PerSpanNameSamples {
+ private final Bucket[] latencyBuckets;
+ private final Bucket[] errorBuckets;
+ private PerSpanNameSamples() {
+ latencyBuckets = new Bucket[NUM_LATENCY_BUCKETS];
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LATENCY_BUCKETS; i++) {
+ latencyBuckets[i] = new Bucket(NUM_SAMPLES_PER_LATENCY_BUCKET);
+ }
+ errorBuckets = new Bucket[NUM_ERROR_BUCKETS];
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ERROR_BUCKETS; i++) {
+ errorBuckets[i] = new Bucket(NUM_SAMPLES_PER_ERROR_BUCKET);
+ }
+ }
+ @Nullable
+ private Bucket getLatencyBucket(long latencyNs) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LATENCY_BUCKETS; i++) {
+ LatencyBucketBoundaries boundaries = LatencyBucketBoundaries.values()[i];
+ if (latencyNs >= boundaries.getLatencyLowerNs()
+ && latencyNs < boundaries.getLatencyUpperNs()) {
+ return latencyBuckets[i];
+ }
+ }
+ // latencyNs is negative or Long.MAX_VALUE, so this Span can be ignored. This cannot happen
+ // in real production because System#nanoTime is monotonic.
+ return null;
+ }
+ private Bucket getErrorBucket(CanonicalCode code) {
+ return errorBuckets[code.value() - 1];
+ }
+ private void considerForSampling(SpanImpl span) {
+ Status status = span.getStatus();
+ // Null status means running Span, this should not happen in production, but the library
+ // should not crash because of this.
+ if (status != null) {
+ Bucket bucket =
+ status.isOk()
+ ? getLatencyBucket(span.getLatencyNs())
+ : getErrorBucket(status.getCanonicalCode());
+ // If unable to find the bucket, ignore this Span.
+ if (bucket != null) {
+ bucket.considerForSampling(span);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private Map<LatencyBucketBoundaries, Integer> getNumbersOfLatencySampledSpans() {
+ Map<LatencyBucketBoundaries, Integer> latencyBucketSummaries =
+ new EnumMap<LatencyBucketBoundaries, Integer>(LatencyBucketBoundaries.class);
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LATENCY_BUCKETS; i++) {
+ latencyBucketSummaries.put(
+ LatencyBucketBoundaries.values()[i], latencyBuckets[i].getNumSamples());
+ }
+ return latencyBucketSummaries;
+ }
+ private Map<CanonicalCode, Integer> getNumbersOfErrorSampledSpans() {
+ Map<CanonicalCode, Integer> errorBucketSummaries =
+ new EnumMap<CanonicalCode, Integer>(CanonicalCode.class);
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ERROR_BUCKETS; i++) {
+ errorBucketSummaries.put(CanonicalCode.values()[i + 1], errorBuckets[i].getNumSamples());
+ }
+ return errorBucketSummaries;
+ }
+ private List<SpanImpl> getErrorSamples(@Nullable CanonicalCode code, int maxSpansToReturn) {
+ ArrayList<SpanImpl> output = new ArrayList<SpanImpl>(maxSpansToReturn);
+ if (code != null) {
+ getErrorBucket(code).getSamples(maxSpansToReturn, output);
+ } else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ERROR_BUCKETS; i++) {
+ errorBuckets[i].getSamples(maxSpansToReturn, output);
+ }
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ private List<SpanImpl> getLatencySamples(
+ long latencyLowerNs, long latencyUpperNs, int maxSpansToReturn) {
+ ArrayList<SpanImpl> output = new ArrayList<SpanImpl>(maxSpansToReturn);
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_LATENCY_BUCKETS; i++) {
+ LatencyBucketBoundaries boundaries = LatencyBucketBoundaries.values()[i];
+ if (latencyUpperNs >= boundaries.getLatencyLowerNs()
+ && latencyLowerNs < boundaries.getLatencyUpperNs()) {
+ latencyBuckets[i].getSamplesFilteredByLatency(
+ latencyLowerNs, latencyUpperNs, maxSpansToReturn, output);
+ }
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Constructs a new {@code InProcessSampledSpanStoreImpl}. */
+ InProcessSampledSpanStoreImpl(EventQueue eventQueue) {
+ samples = new HashMap<String, PerSpanNameSamples>();
+ this.eventQueue = eventQueue;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Summary getSummary() {
+ Map<String, PerSpanNameSummary> ret = new HashMap<String, PerSpanNameSummary>();
+ synchronized (samples) {
+ for (Map.Entry<String, PerSpanNameSamples> it : samples.entrySet()) {
+ ret.put(
+ it.getKey(),
+ PerSpanNameSummary.create(
+ it.getValue().getNumbersOfLatencySampledSpans(),
+ it.getValue().getNumbersOfErrorSampledSpans()));
+ }
+ }
+ return Summary.create(ret);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void considerForSampling(SpanImpl span) {
+ synchronized (samples) {
+ String spanName = span.getName();
+ if (span.getSampleToLocalSpanStore() && !samples.containsKey(spanName)) {
+ samples.put(spanName, new PerSpanNameSamples());
+ }
+ PerSpanNameSamples perSpanNameSamples = samples.get(spanName);
+ if (perSpanNameSamples != null) {
+ perSpanNameSamples.considerForSampling(span);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void registerSpanNamesForCollection(Collection<String> spanNames) {
+ eventQueue.enqueue(new RegisterSpanNameEvent(this, spanNames));
+ }
+ private void internaltRegisterSpanNamesForCollection(Collection<String> spanNames) {
+ synchronized (samples) {
+ for (String spanName : spanNames) {
+ if (!samples.containsKey(spanName)) {
+ samples.put(spanName, new PerSpanNameSamples());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static final class RegisterSpanNameEvent implements EventQueue.Entry {
+ private final InProcessSampledSpanStoreImpl sampledSpanStore;
+ private final Collection<String> spanNames;
+ private RegisterSpanNameEvent(
+ InProcessSampledSpanStoreImpl sampledSpanStore, Collection<String> spanNames) {
+ this.sampledSpanStore = sampledSpanStore;
+ this.spanNames = new ArrayList<String>(spanNames);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void process() {
+ sampledSpanStore.internaltRegisterSpanNamesForCollection(spanNames);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void unregisterSpanNamesForCollection(Collection<String> spanNames) {
+ eventQueue.enqueue(new UnregisterSpanNameEvent(this, spanNames));
+ }
+ private void internalUnregisterSpanNamesForCollection(Collection<String> spanNames) {
+ synchronized (samples) {
+ samples.keySet().removeAll(spanNames);
+ }
+ }
+ private static final class UnregisterSpanNameEvent implements EventQueue.Entry {
+ private final InProcessSampledSpanStoreImpl sampledSpanStore;
+ private final Collection<String> spanNames;
+ private UnregisterSpanNameEvent(
+ InProcessSampledSpanStoreImpl sampledSpanStore, Collection<String> spanNames) {
+ this.sampledSpanStore = sampledSpanStore;
+ this.spanNames = new ArrayList<String>(spanNames);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void process() {
+ sampledSpanStore.internalUnregisterSpanNamesForCollection(spanNames);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Set<String> getRegisteredSpanNamesForCollection() {
+ synchronized (samples) {
+ return Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<String>(samples.keySet()));
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Collection<SpanData> getErrorSampledSpans(ErrorFilter filter) {
+ int numSpansToReturn =
+ filter.getMaxSpansToReturn() == 0
+ : filter.getMaxSpansToReturn();
+ List<SpanImpl> spans = Collections.emptyList();
+ // Try to not keep the lock to much, do the SpanImpl -> SpanData conversion outside the lock.
+ synchronized (samples) {
+ PerSpanNameSamples perSpanNameSamples = samples.get(filter.getSpanName());
+ if (perSpanNameSamples != null) {
+ spans = perSpanNameSamples.getErrorSamples(filter.getCanonicalCode(), numSpansToReturn);
+ }
+ }
+ List<SpanData> ret = new ArrayList<SpanData>(spans.size());
+ for (SpanImpl span : spans) {
+ ret.add(span.toSpanData());
+ }
+ return Collections.unmodifiableList(ret);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Collection<SpanData> getLatencySampledSpans(LatencyFilter filter) {
+ int numSpansToReturn =
+ filter.getMaxSpansToReturn() == 0
+ : filter.getMaxSpansToReturn();
+ List<SpanImpl> spans = Collections.emptyList();
+ // Try to not keep the lock to much, do the SpanImpl -> SpanData conversion outside the lock.
+ synchronized (samples) {
+ PerSpanNameSamples perSpanNameSamples = samples.get(filter.getSpanName());
+ if (perSpanNameSamples != null) {
+ spans =
+ perSpanNameSamples.getLatencySamples(
+ filter.getLatencyLowerNs(), filter.getLatencyUpperNs(), numSpansToReturn);
+ }
+ }
+ List<SpanData> ret = new ArrayList<SpanData>(spans.size());
+ for (SpanImpl span : spans) {
+ ret.add(span.toSpanData());
+ }
+ return Collections.unmodifiableList(ret);
+ }