OsclTLSEx< T, ID, Registry > Class Template Reference
[OSCL Error]

#include <oscl_error.h>

Public Member Functions

 OsclTLSEx ()
 ~OsclTLSEx ()
T & operator* () const
 The indirection operator (*) accesses a value indirectly, through a pointer.
T * operator-> () const
 The indirection operator (->) accesses a value indirectly, through a pointer.
bool set ()
 set() method sets ownership to the pointer, passed. This method is needed when the class is created with a default constructor. Returns false in case the class is non-empty.

Protected Attributes

T * _Ptr

template<class T, uint32 ID, class Registry = OsclTLSRegistryEx>
class OsclTLSEx< T, ID, Registry >

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T , uint32 ID, class Registry = OsclTLSRegistryEx>
OsclTLSEx< T, ID, Registry >::OsclTLSEx (  )  [inline]
template<class T , uint32 ID, class Registry = OsclTLSRegistryEx>
OsclTLSEx< T, ID, Registry >::~OsclTLSEx (  )  [inline]

Member Function Documentation

template<class T , uint32 ID, class Registry = OsclTLSRegistryEx>
T& OsclTLSEx< T, ID, Registry >::operator* (  )  const [inline]

The indirection operator (*) accesses a value indirectly, through a pointer.

This operator ensures that the OsclTLS can be used like the regular pointer that it was initialized with.

References OsclTLSEx< T, ID, Registry >::_Ptr.

template<class T , uint32 ID, class Registry = OsclTLSRegistryEx>
T* OsclTLSEx< T, ID, Registry >::operator-> (  )  const [inline]

The indirection operator (->) accesses a value indirectly, through a pointer.

This operator ensures that the OsclTLS can be used like the regular pointer that it was initialized with.

References OsclTLSEx< T, ID, Registry >::_Ptr.

template<class T , uint32 ID, class Registry = OsclTLSRegistryEx>
bool OsclTLSEx< T, ID, Registry >::set (  )  [inline]

set() method sets ownership to the pointer, passed. This method is needed when the class is created with a default constructor. Returns false in case the class is non-empty.

References OsclTLSEx< T, ID, Registry >::_Ptr, and OSCL_STATIC_CAST.

Field Documentation

template<class T , uint32 ID, class Registry = OsclTLSRegistryEx>
T* OsclTLSEx< T, ID, Registry >::_Ptr [protected]

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