Oscl_Dealloc Class Reference
[OSCL Base]

#include <oscl_defalloc.h>

Inheritance diagram for Oscl_Dealloc:
Oscl_DefAlloc _OsclBasicAllocator OsclAllocDestructDealloc OsclMemAllocator OsclMemBasicAllocator OsclMemPoolFixedChunkAllocator OsclMemPoolResizableAllocator OsclReadyAlloc OsclMemAllocDestructDealloc< T > OsclMemBasicAllocDestructDealloc< T >

Public Member Functions

virtual void deallocate (OsclAny *p)=0
virtual ~Oscl_Dealloc ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual Oscl_Dealloc::~Oscl_Dealloc (  )  [inline, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void Oscl_Dealloc::deallocate ( OsclAny p  )  [pure virtual]

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