oscl_exclusive_ptr.h File Reference

This file defines the OsclExclusivePtr template class. This class is used to avoid any potential memory leaks that may arise while returning from methods in case of error. More...

#include "oscl_defalloc.h"
#include "oscl_base.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

class  OsclExclusivePtr< T >
 The OsclExclusivePtr class is a template class that defines a pointer like object intended to be assigned an address obtanined (directly or or indirectly) by new. When the OsclExclusivePtr expires, its destructor uses delete to free the memory. More...
class  OsclExclusiveArrayPtr< T >
 The OsclExclusiveArrayPtr class is a template class that defines an array pointer like object intended to be assigned an address obtanined (directly or or indirectly) by new. When the OsclExclusiveArrayPtr expires, its destructor uses delete to free the memory. More...
class  OsclExclusivePtrA< T, Alloc >
 The OsclExclusivePtrA class is a template class that defines any pointer like object intended to be assigned an address obtanined (directly or or indirectly) through Alloc. When the OsclExclusivePtrA expires, Alloc is used to free the memory. More...

Detailed Description

This file defines the OsclExclusivePtr template class. This class is used to avoid any potential memory leaks that may arise while returning from methods in case of error.

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