osclconfig_proc_check.h File Reference

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typedef TOsclThreadId __verify__TOsclThreadId__defined__
typedef TOsclThreadFuncRet __verify__TOsclThreadFuncRet__defined__
typedef TOsclThreadFuncArg __verify__TOsclThreadFuncArg__defined__
typedef TOsclThreadObject __verify__TOsclThreadObject__defined__
typedef TOsclMutexObject __verify__TOsclMutexObject__defined__
typedef TOsclSemaphoreObject __verify__TOsclSemaphoreObject__defined__
typedef TOsclConditionObject __verify__TOsclConditionObject__defined__

Typedef Documentation

type TOsclConditionObject should be defined as the type used as a condition variable on the target platform. Example: typedef pthread_cond_t TOsclConditionObject;

Note: Condition variables are only used with certain semaphore implementations. If the semaphore implementation does not require a condition variable, then this type can be defined as 'int' as follows: typedef int TOsclConditionObject; //not used

type TOsclMutexObject should be defined as the type used as a mutex object or handle on the target platform. Example: typedef pthread_mutex_t TOsclMutexObject;

type TOsclSemaphoreObject should be defined as the type used as a mutex object or handle on the target platform. Example: typedef sem_t TOsclSemaphoreObject;

type TOsclThreadFuncArg should be defined as the type used as a thread function argument on the target platform. Example: typedef LPVOID TOsclThreadFuncArg;

type TOsclThreadFuncRet should be defined as the type used as a thread function return value on the target platform. Example: typedef DWORD TOsclThreadFuncRet;

OSCL_HAS_THREAD_SUPPORT macro should be set to 1 if the target platform supports threads. Otherwise it should be set to 0. OSCL_HAS_NON_PREEMPTIVE_THREAD_SUPPORT macro should be set to 1 if the target platform supports non-pre-emptive threads. Otherwise it should be set to 0. OSCL_HAS_SYMBIAN_SCHEDULER macro should be set to 1 if the target platform supports Symbian active object scheduler. Otherwise it should be set to 0. OSCL_HAS_SEM_TIMEDWAIT_SUPPORT macro should be set to 1 if the target platform supports POSIX-compliant semaphores (semaphore.h) with advanced realtime features including sem_timedwait. Otherwise it should be set to 0. OSCL_HAS_PTHREAD_SUPPORT macro should be set to 1 if the target platform supports POSIX-compliand pthreads (pthread.h). Otherwise it should be set to 0. type TOsclThreadId should be defined as the type used as a thread ID on the target platform. Example: typedef DWORD TOsclThreadId;

OSCL_THREAD_DECL macro should be defined to the necessary function declaration modifiers for thread routines, or a null macro if no modifiers are needed. Example: define OSCL_THREAD_DECL WINAPI Example of a declaration of a thread routine called MyThreadMain using the Oscl definitions:

static TOsclThreadFuncRet OSCL_THREAD_DECL MyThreadMain(TOsclThreadFuncArg arg); type TOsclThreadObject should be defined as the type used as a thread object or handle on the target platform. Example: typedef pthread_t TOsclThreadObject;

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