CPVUserInputDtmf Class Reference

#include <pv_2way_h324m_types.h>

Inheritance diagram for CPVUserInputDtmf:

Public Member Functions

OSCL_IMPORT_REF CPVUserInputDtmf (uint8 aInput, bool aUpdate, uint16 aDuration=0)
OSCL_IMPORT_REF PV2WayUserInputType GetType ()
OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint8 GetInput ()
OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool IsUpdate ()
OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint16 GetDuration ()

Detailed Description

CPVUserInputDtmf Class

CPVUserInputDtmf class contains DTMF signal information from an H.245 UserInputIndication message.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OSCL_IMPORT_REF CPVUserInputDtmf::CPVUserInputDtmf ( uint8  aInput,
bool  aUpdate,
uint16  aDuration = 0 

Constructor of CPVUserInputDtmf class.

aInput The input DTMF tone.
aUpdate Indicates if this is an update to a continuing DTMF tone.
aDuration The duration of the update in milli-seconds. This method can leave with one of the following error codes KErrNoMemory if the SDK failed to allocate memory during this operation.
OSCL_IMPORT_REF CPVUserInputDtmf::~CPVUserInputDtmf (  ) 


Member Function Documentation

OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint16 CPVUserInputDtmf::GetDuration (  ) 

Return the duration of the update.

Returns the duration of the update.
OSCL_IMPORT_REF uint8 CPVUserInputDtmf::GetInput (  ) 

Return the user input DTMF tone

Returns the input DTMF tone.
OSCL_IMPORT_REF PV2WayUserInputType CPVUserInputDtmf::GetType (  )  [virtual]

Virtual function to return the user input type

Implements CPVUserInput.

OSCL_IMPORT_REF bool CPVUserInputDtmf::IsUpdate (  ) 

Return if the DTMF tone is an update

Returns if the input DTMF tone is an update.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

PV2Way Engine
Posting Version: CORE_9.004.1.1