path: root/cast/cast_core/api/runtime/runtime_service.proto
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cast/cast_core/api/runtime/runtime_service.proto')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/cast/cast_core/api/runtime/runtime_service.proto b/cast/cast_core/api/runtime/runtime_service.proto
index 084852eb..0ea47daa 100644
--- a/cast/cast_core/api/runtime/runtime_service.proto
+++ b/cast/cast_core/api/runtime/runtime_service.proto
@@ -2,14 +2,15 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
-// **** DO NOT EDIT - this .proto was automatically generated. ****
+// **** DO NOT EDIT - this file was automatically generated. ****
syntax = "proto3";
package cast.runtime;
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
-import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
+import "cast/cast_core/api/common/application_config.proto";
import "cast/cast_core/api/common/service_info.proto";
+import "cast/cast_core/api/v2/url_rewrite.proto";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
@@ -17,9 +18,12 @@ option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// This service is called by CastCore after Runtime starts up.
service RuntimeService {
+ // Loads a Cast application. The runtime must start its
+ // RuntimeApplicationService on runtime_application_service_info.
+ rpc LoadApplication(LoadApplicationRequest) returns (LoadApplicationResponse);
// Launches a Cast application. The application must connect to the
- // CoreApplicationService based on cast_protocol and
- // core_application_endpoint, and provide its endpoint.
+ // CoreApplicationService via core_application_service_info.
rpc LaunchApplication(LaunchApplicationRequest)
returns (LaunchApplicationResponse);
@@ -38,24 +42,57 @@ service RuntimeService {
// Provides information need by the runtime to start recording metrics via
// the core.
rpc StartMetricsRecorder(StartMetricsRecorderRequest)
- returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
+ returns (StartMetricsRecorderResponse);
// Stops the metrics recorder, which may also attempt to flush.
- rpc StopMetricsRecorder(google.protobuf.Empty)
- returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
+ rpc StopMetricsRecorder(StopMetricsRecorderRequest)
+ returns (StopMetricsRecorderResponse);
-message StartMetricsRecorderRequest {
- // Metrics service info.
- cast.common.ServiceInfo metrics_recorder_service_info = 1;
+message LoadApplicationRequest {
+ // Cast application config.
+ cast.common.ApplicationConfig application_config = 1;
+ // Initial rules to rewrite URLs and headers.
+ cast.v2.UrlRequestRewriteRules url_rewrite_rules = 2;
+ // Cast session id used to setup a connection and pull the config from core
+ // application service.
+ string cast_session_id = 3;
+ // RuntimeApplication service info. The endpoint is generated by Cast Core and
+ // must be used by the Runtime to bind the RuntimeApplication service.
+ cast.common.ServiceInfo runtime_application_service_info = 4;
+// Info relevant to a V2 channel between the runtime and cast core.
+message V2ChannelInfo {
+ // If set, only messages within these namespaces will be sent to the runtime.
+ // If empty, all V2 messages will be sent to the runtime regardless of
+ // namespace.
+ repeated string requested_namespaces = 1;
+// Info relevant to a MessagePort channel between the runtime and cast core.
+message MessagePortInfo {}
+message LoadApplicationResponse {
+ // One of these fields must be set. This specifies what type of communication
+ // channel should be used to communicate between the runtime and cast core for
+ // the given application.
+ oneof channel_type {
+ V2ChannelInfo v2_info = 1;
+ MessagePortInfo message_port_info = 2;
+ }
message LaunchApplicationRequest {
// CoreApplication service info.
cast.common.ServiceInfo core_application_service_info = 1;
- // Cast session id used to setup a connection and pull the config from core
- // application service.
- string cast_session_id = 2;
+ string cast_session_id = 2 [deprecated = true];
+ cast.common.ServiceInfo runtime_application_service_info = 3
+ [deprecated = true];
+ // CastMedia service info for this application in CastCore.
+ cast.common.ServiceInfo cast_media_service_info = 4;
// Returned by the runtime in response to a launch application request.
@@ -82,3 +119,14 @@ message HeartbeatRequest {
message HeartbeatResponse {}
+message StartMetricsRecorderRequest {
+ // Metrics service info.
+ cast.common.ServiceInfo metrics_recorder_service_info = 1;
+message StartMetricsRecorderResponse {}
+message StopMetricsRecorderRequest {}
+message StopMetricsRecorderResponse {}