path: root/cast/standalone_sender/streaming_av1_encoder.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'cast/standalone_sender/streaming_av1_encoder.cc')
1 files changed, 425 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cast/standalone_sender/streaming_av1_encoder.cc b/cast/standalone_sender/streaming_av1_encoder.cc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7552f14f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cast/standalone_sender/streaming_av1_encoder.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "cast/standalone_sender/streaming_av1_encoder.h"
+#include <aom/aomcx.h>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <utility>
+#include "cast/standalone_sender/streaming_encoder_util.h"
+#include "cast/streaming/encoded_frame.h"
+#include "cast/streaming/environment.h"
+#include "cast/streaming/sender.h"
+#include "util/chrono_helpers.h"
+#include "util/osp_logging.h"
+#include "util/saturate_cast.h"
+namespace openscreen {
+namespace cast {
+// TODO(issuetracker.google.com/issues/155336511): Fix the declarations and then
+// remove this:
+using openscreen::operator<<; // For std::chrono::duration pretty-printing.
+namespace {
+constexpr int kBytesPerKilobyte = 1024;
+// Lower and upper bounds to the frame duration passed to aom_codec_encode(), to
+// ensure sanity. Note that the upper-bound is especially important in cases
+// where the video paused for some lengthy amount of time.
+constexpr Clock::duration kMinFrameDuration = milliseconds(1);
+constexpr Clock::duration kMaxFrameDuration = milliseconds(125);
+// Highest/lowest allowed encoding speed set to the encoder.
+constexpr int kHighestEncodingSpeed = 9;
+constexpr int kLowestEncodingSpeed = 0;
+} // namespace
+StreamingAv1Encoder::StreamingAv1Encoder(const Parameters& params,
+ TaskRunner* task_runner,
+ Sender* sender)
+ : StreamingVideoEncoder(params, task_runner, sender) {
+ ideal_speed_setting_ = kHighestEncodingSpeed;
+ encode_thread_ = std::thread([this] { ProcessWorkUnitsUntilTimeToQuit(); });
+ OSP_DCHECK(params_.codec == VideoCodec::kAv1);
+ const auto result =
+ aom_codec_enc_config_default(aom_codec_av1_cx(), &config_, 0);
+ // This is set to non-zero in ConfigureForNewFrameSize() later, to flag that
+ // the encoder has been initialized.
+ config_.g_threads = 0;
+ // Set the timebase to match that of openscreen::Clock::duration.
+ config_.g_timebase.num = Clock::duration::period::num;
+ config_.g_timebase.den = Clock::duration::period::den;
+ // |g_pass| and |g_lag_in_frames| must be "one pass" and zero, respectively,
+ // because of the way the libaom API is used.
+ config_.g_pass = AOM_RC_ONE_PASS;
+ config_.g_lag_in_frames = 0;
+ // Rate control settings.
+ config_.rc_dropframe_thresh = 0; // The encoder may not drop any frames.
+ config_.rc_resize_mode = 0;
+ config_.rc_end_usage = AOM_CBR;
+ config_.rc_target_bitrate = target_bitrate_ / kBytesPerKilobyte;
+ config_.rc_min_quantizer = params_.min_quantizer;
+ config_.rc_max_quantizer = params_.max_quantizer;
+ // The reasons for the values chosen here (rc_*shoot_pct and rc_buf_*_sz) are
+ // lost in history. They were brought-over from the legacy Chrome Cast
+ // Streaming Sender implemenation.
+ config_.rc_undershoot_pct = 100;
+ config_.rc_overshoot_pct = 15;
+ config_.rc_buf_initial_sz = 500;
+ config_.rc_buf_optimal_sz = 600;
+ config_.rc_buf_sz = 1000;
+ config_.kf_mode = AOM_KF_DISABLED;
+StreamingAv1Encoder::~StreamingAv1Encoder() {
+ {
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ target_bitrate_ = 0;
+ cv_.notify_one();
+ }
+ encode_thread_.join();
+int StreamingAv1Encoder::GetTargetBitrate() const {
+ // Note: No need to lock the |mutex_| since this method should be called on
+ // the same thread as SetTargetBitrate().
+ return target_bitrate_;
+void StreamingAv1Encoder::SetTargetBitrate(int new_bitrate) {
+ // Ensure that, when bps is converted to kbps downstream, that the encoder
+ // bitrate will not be zero.
+ new_bitrate = std::max(new_bitrate, kBytesPerKilobyte);
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ // Only assign the new target bitrate if |target_bitrate_| has not yet been
+ // used to signal the |encode_thread_| to end.
+ if (target_bitrate_ > 0) {
+ target_bitrate_ = new_bitrate;
+ }
+void StreamingAv1Encoder::EncodeAndSend(
+ const VideoFrame& frame,
+ Clock::time_point reference_time,
+ std::function<void(Stats)> stats_callback) {
+ WorkUnit work_unit;
+ // TODO(jophba): The |VideoFrame| struct should provide the media timestamp,
+ // instead of this code inferring it from the reference timestamps, since: 1)
+ // the video capturer's clock may tick at a different rate than the system
+ // clock; and 2) to reduce jitter.
+ if (start_time_ == Clock::time_point::min()) {
+ start_time_ = reference_time;
+ work_unit.rtp_timestamp = RtpTimeTicks();
+ } else {
+ work_unit.rtp_timestamp = RtpTimeTicks::FromTimeSinceOrigin(
+ reference_time - start_time_, sender_->rtp_timebase());
+ if (work_unit.rtp_timestamp <= last_enqueued_rtp_timestamp_) {
+ OSP_LOG_WARN << "VIDEO[" << sender_->ssrc()
+ << "] Dropping: RTP timestamp is not monotonically "
+ "increasing from last frame.";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (sender_->GetInFlightMediaDuration(work_unit.rtp_timestamp) >
+ sender_->GetMaxInFlightMediaDuration()) {
+ OSP_LOG_WARN << "VIDEO[" << sender_->ssrc()
+ << "] Dropping: In-flight media duration would be too high.";
+ return;
+ }
+ Clock::duration frame_duration = frame.duration;
+ if (frame_duration <= Clock::duration::zero()) {
+ // The caller did not provide the frame duration in |frame|.
+ if (reference_time == start_time_) {
+ // Use the max for the first frame so libaom will spend extra effort on
+ // its quality.
+ frame_duration = kMaxFrameDuration;
+ } else {
+ // Use the actual amount of time between the current and previous frame as
+ // a prediction for the next frame's duration.
+ frame_duration =
+ (work_unit.rtp_timestamp - last_enqueued_rtp_timestamp_)
+ .ToDuration<Clock::duration>(sender_->rtp_timebase());
+ }
+ }
+ work_unit.duration =
+ std::max(std::min(frame_duration, kMaxFrameDuration), kMinFrameDuration);
+ last_enqueued_rtp_timestamp_ = work_unit.rtp_timestamp;
+ work_unit.image = CloneAsAv1Image(frame);
+ work_unit.reference_time = reference_time;
+ work_unit.stats_callback = std::move(stats_callback);
+ const bool force_key_frame = sender_->NeedsKeyFrame();
+ {
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ needs_key_frame_ |= force_key_frame;
+ encode_queue_.push(std::move(work_unit));
+ cv_.notify_one();
+ }
+void StreamingAv1Encoder::DestroyEncoder() {
+ OSP_DCHECK_EQ(std::this_thread::get_id(), encode_thread_.get_id());
+ if (is_encoder_initialized()) {
+ aom_codec_destroy(&encoder_);
+ // Flag that the encoder is not initialized. See header comments for
+ // is_encoder_initialized().
+ config_.g_threads = 0;
+ }
+void StreamingAv1Encoder::ProcessWorkUnitsUntilTimeToQuit() {
+ OSP_DCHECK_EQ(std::this_thread::get_id(), encode_thread_.get_id());
+ for (;;) {
+ WorkUnitWithResults work_unit{};
+ bool force_key_frame;
+ int target_bitrate;
+ {
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ if (target_bitrate_ <= 0) {
+ break; // Time to end this thread.
+ }
+ if (encode_queue_.empty()) {
+ cv_.wait(lock);
+ if (encode_queue_.empty()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ static_cast<WorkUnit&>(work_unit) = std::move(encode_queue_.front());
+ encode_queue_.pop();
+ force_key_frame = needs_key_frame_;
+ needs_key_frame_ = false;
+ target_bitrate = target_bitrate_;
+ }
+ // Clock::now() is being called directly, instead of using a
+ // dependency-injected "now function," since actual wall time is being
+ // measured.
+ const Clock::time_point encode_start_time = Clock::now();
+ PrepareEncoder(work_unit.image->d_w, work_unit.image->d_h, target_bitrate);
+ EncodeFrame(force_key_frame, work_unit);
+ ComputeFrameEncodeStats(Clock::now() - encode_start_time, target_bitrate,
+ work_unit);
+ UpdateSpeedSettingForNextFrame(work_unit.stats);
+ main_task_runner_->PostTask(
+ [this, results = std::move(work_unit)]() mutable {
+ SendEncodedFrame(std::move(results));
+ });
+ }
+ DestroyEncoder();
+void StreamingAv1Encoder::PrepareEncoder(int width,
+ int height,
+ int target_bitrate) {
+ OSP_DCHECK_EQ(std::this_thread::get_id(), encode_thread_.get_id());
+ const int target_kbps = target_bitrate / kBytesPerKilobyte;
+ // Translate the |ideal_speed_setting_| into the AOME_SET_CPUUSED setting and
+ // the minimum quantizer to use.
+ int speed;
+ int min_quantizer;
+ if (ideal_speed_setting_ > kHighestEncodingSpeed) {
+ speed = kHighestEncodingSpeed;
+ const double remainder = ideal_speed_setting_ - speed;
+ min_quantizer = rounded_saturate_cast<int>(
+ remainder / kEquivalentEncodingSpeedStepPerQuantizerStep +
+ params_.min_quantizer);
+ min_quantizer = std::min(min_quantizer, params_.max_cpu_saver_quantizer);
+ } else {
+ speed = std::max(rounded_saturate_cast<int>(ideal_speed_setting_),
+ kLowestEncodingSpeed);
+ min_quantizer = params_.min_quantizer;
+ }
+ if (static_cast<int>(config_.g_w) != width ||
+ static_cast<int>(config_.g_h) != height) {
+ DestroyEncoder();
+ }
+ if (!is_encoder_initialized()) {
+ config_.g_threads = params_.num_encode_threads;
+ config_.g_w = width;
+ config_.g_h = height;
+ config_.rc_target_bitrate = target_kbps;
+ config_.rc_min_quantizer = min_quantizer;
+ encoder_ = {};
+ const aom_codec_flags_t flags = 0;
+ const auto init_result =
+ aom_codec_enc_init(&encoder_, aom_codec_av1_cx(), &config_, flags);
+ OSP_CHECK_EQ(init_result, AOM_CODEC_OK);
+ // Raise the threshold for considering macroblocks as static. The default is
+ // zero, so this setting makes the encoder less sensitive to motion. This
+ // lowers the probability of needing to utilize more CPU to search for
+ // motion vectors.
+ const auto ctl_result =
+ aom_codec_control(&encoder_, AOME_SET_STATIC_THRESHOLD, 1);
+ OSP_CHECK_EQ(ctl_result, AOM_CODEC_OK);
+ // Ensure the speed will be set (below).
+ current_speed_setting_ = ~speed;
+ } else if (static_cast<int>(config_.rc_target_bitrate) != target_kbps ||
+ static_cast<int>(config_.rc_min_quantizer) != min_quantizer) {
+ config_.rc_target_bitrate = target_kbps;
+ config_.rc_min_quantizer = min_quantizer;
+ const auto update_config_result =
+ aom_codec_enc_config_set(&encoder_, &config_);
+ OSP_CHECK_EQ(update_config_result, AOM_CODEC_OK);
+ }
+ if (current_speed_setting_ != speed) {
+ const auto ctl_result =
+ aom_codec_control(&encoder_, AOME_SET_CPUUSED, speed);
+ OSP_CHECK_EQ(ctl_result, AOM_CODEC_OK);
+ current_speed_setting_ = speed;
+ }
+void StreamingAv1Encoder::EncodeFrame(bool force_key_frame,
+ WorkUnitWithResults& work_unit) {
+ OSP_DCHECK_EQ(std::this_thread::get_id(), encode_thread_.get_id());
+ // The presentation timestamp argument here is fixed to zero to force the
+ // encoder to base its single-frame bandwidth calculations entirely on
+ // |frame_duration| and the target bitrate setting.
+ const aom_codec_pts_t pts = 0;
+ const aom_enc_frame_flags_t flags = force_key_frame ? AOM_EFLAG_FORCE_KF : 0;
+ const auto encode_result = aom_codec_encode(
+ &encoder_, work_unit.image.get(), pts, work_unit.duration.count(), flags);
+ OSP_CHECK_EQ(encode_result, AOM_CODEC_OK);
+ const aom_codec_cx_pkt_t* pkt;
+ for (aom_codec_iter_t iter = nullptr;;) {
+ pkt = aom_codec_get_cx_data(&encoder_, &iter);
+ // aom_codec_get_cx_data() returns null once the "iteration" is complete.
+ // However, that point should never be reached because a
+ // AOM_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT must be encountered before that.
+ OSP_CHECK(pkt);
+ if (pkt->kind == AOM_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // A copy of the payload data is being made here. That's okay since it has to
+ // be copied at some point anyway, to be passed back to the main thread.
+ auto* const begin = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(pkt->data.frame.buf);
+ auto* const end = begin + pkt->data.frame.sz;
+ work_unit.payload.assign(begin, end);
+ work_unit.is_key_frame = !!(pkt->data.frame.flags & AOM_FRAME_IS_KEY);
+void StreamingAv1Encoder::ComputeFrameEncodeStats(
+ Clock::duration encode_wall_time,
+ int target_bitrate,
+ WorkUnitWithResults& work_unit) {
+ OSP_DCHECK_EQ(std::this_thread::get_id(), encode_thread_.get_id());
+ Stats& stats = work_unit.stats;
+ // Note: stats.frame_id is set later, in SendEncodedFrame().
+ stats.rtp_timestamp = work_unit.rtp_timestamp;
+ stats.encode_wall_time = encode_wall_time;
+ stats.frame_duration = work_unit.duration;
+ stats.encoded_size = work_unit.payload.size();
+ constexpr double kBytesPerBit = 1.0 / CHAR_BIT;
+ constexpr double kSecondsPerClockTick =
+ 1.0 / Clock::to_duration(seconds(1)).count();
+ const double target_bytes_per_clock_tick =
+ target_bitrate * (kBytesPerBit * kSecondsPerClockTick);
+ stats.target_size = target_bytes_per_clock_tick * work_unit.duration.count();
+ // The quantizer the encoder used. This is the result of the AV1 encoder
+ // taking a guess at what quantizer value would produce an encoded frame size
+ // as close to the target as possible.
+ const auto get_quantizer_result = aom_codec_control(
+ &encoder_, AOME_GET_LAST_QUANTIZER_64, &stats.quantizer);
+ OSP_CHECK_EQ(get_quantizer_result, AOM_CODEC_OK);
+ // Now that the frame has been encoded and the number of bytes is known, the
+ // perfect quantizer value (i.e., the one that should have been used) can be
+ // determined.
+ stats.perfect_quantizer = stats.quantizer * stats.space_utilization();
+void StreamingAv1Encoder::SendEncodedFrame(WorkUnitWithResults results) {
+ OSP_DCHECK(main_task_runner_->IsRunningOnTaskRunner());
+ EncodedFrame frame;
+ frame.frame_id = sender_->GetNextFrameId();
+ if (results.is_key_frame) {
+ frame.dependency = EncodedFrame::KEY_FRAME;
+ frame.referenced_frame_id = frame.frame_id;
+ } else {
+ frame.dependency = EncodedFrame::DEPENDS_ON_ANOTHER;
+ frame.referenced_frame_id = frame.frame_id - 1;
+ }
+ frame.rtp_timestamp = results.rtp_timestamp;
+ frame.reference_time = results.reference_time;
+ frame.data = absl::Span<uint8_t>(results.payload);
+ if (sender_->EnqueueFrame(frame) != Sender::OK) {
+ // Since the frame will not be sent, the encoder's frame dependency chain
+ // has been broken. Force a key frame for the next frame.
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
+ needs_key_frame_ = true;
+ }
+ if (results.stats_callback) {
+ results.stats.frame_id = frame.frame_id;
+ results.stats_callback(results.stats);
+ }
+// static
+StreamingAv1Encoder::Av1ImageUniquePtr StreamingAv1Encoder::CloneAsAv1Image(
+ const VideoFrame& frame) {
+ OSP_DCHECK_GE(frame.width, 0);
+ OSP_DCHECK_GE(frame.height, 0);
+ OSP_DCHECK_GE(frame.yuv_strides[0], 0);
+ OSP_DCHECK_GE(frame.yuv_strides[1], 0);
+ OSP_DCHECK_GE(frame.yuv_strides[2], 0);
+ constexpr int kAlignment = 32;
+ Av1ImageUniquePtr image(aom_img_alloc(nullptr, AOM_IMG_FMT_I420, frame.width,
+ frame.height, kAlignment));
+ OSP_CHECK(image);
+ CopyPlane(frame.yuv_planes[0], frame.yuv_strides[0], frame.height,
+ image->planes[AOM_PLANE_Y], image->stride[AOM_PLANE_Y]);
+ CopyPlane(frame.yuv_planes[1], frame.yuv_strides[1], (frame.height + 1) / 2,
+ image->planes[AOM_PLANE_U], image->stride[AOM_PLANE_U]);
+ CopyPlane(frame.yuv_planes[2], frame.yuv_strides[2], (frame.height + 1) / 2,
+ image->planes[AOM_PLANE_V], image->stride[AOM_PLANE_V]);
+ return image;
+} // namespace cast
+} // namespace openscreen